eye carcinoma in situ

carcinoma in situ that is characterized by the spread of cancer in the eye and the lack of invasion of surrounding tissues

eye carcinoma in situ is …
instance of (P31):
head and neck diseaseQ55789477
class of diseaseQ112193867

sublass of (P279):
in situ carcinomaQ1035645
eye diseaseQ3041498
eye tumorQ56013680

External links are
P699Disease Ontology IDDOID:8792
P2888exact matchhttp://identifiers.org/doid/DOID:8792
P5270Mondo IDMONDO_0004659
P2892UMLS CUIC0154094

P1995health specialtyoncologyQ162555
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject MedicineQ4099686

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