data type

Wikidata metaclass of data, including classification type of data in computer science

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: In computer science and computer programming, a data type (or simply type) is a set of possible values and a set of allowed operations on it. A data type tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. Most programming languages support basic data types of integer numbers (of varying sizes), floating-point numbers (which approximate real numbers), characters and Booleans. A data type constrains the possible values that an expression, such as a variable or a function, might take. This data type defines the operations that can be done on the data, the meaning of the data, and the way values of that type can be stored.

Wikimedia Commons category is Data types

data type is …
instance of (P31):
type of propertyQ96253971
variable-order classQ23958852

sublass of (P279):

External links are
P7033Australian Educational Vocabulary IDscot/11897
P11567Dictionary of Archives Terminology IDdata-type
P2888exact match
P3381File Format Wiki page IDData_type
P12946FOLDOC IDtype
P646Freebase ID/m/0n8kz
P227GND ID4011149-0
P2263ISOCAT ID1662
P8189J9U ID987007412495605171
P3827JSTOR topic ID (archived)data-types
P244Library of Congress authority IDsh2015001723
P8834MetaSat IDdataType
P6366Microsoft Academic ID138958017
P1368National Library of Latvia ID000296699
P691NL CR AUT IDph317222
P10283OpenAlex IDC138958017
P3417Quora topic IDData-Type
P1482Stack Exchange tag
P4342Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian Encyclopedia) IDdatatype_-_IT
P2347YSO ID29535

P1889different fromdata structureQ175263
P2738disjoint union oflist of values as qualifiersQ23766486
P1269facet ofdata classification (data management)Q5227257
P366has usecomputer scienceQ21198
P8225is metaclass fordataQ42848
assignable variableQ877977
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Data typesQ7029162
P1424topic's main templateTemplate:Data typesQ11009956

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
Q124840022Authorative geospatial data
Q845796C string handling
Q1062900Character large object
Q30673951Labeled data
Q116870366OpenHistoricalMap element
Q116870384OpenHistoricalMap relation
Q114733246OpenStreetMap element
Q42375175OpenStreetMap node
Q100320716OpenStreetMap relation
Q100320715OpenStreetMap way
Q121493528Overture Maps Data
Q2623007Partial class
Q31208391RDF property
Q7300787Real-time data
Q1049908Wide character
Q121306412Wikifunctions object
Q123471651Wikifunctions persistent object
Q4692253aggregate data
Q3615217ancillary data
Q858810big data
Q4913888binary data
Q863518binary large object
Q28946370biodiversity data
Q59280731biological data
Q47333333climate data
Q173285digital data
Q5281130dirty data
Q17083572economic data
Q5381206environmental data
Q2568869formatted text
Q18745135health data
Q92615993historical data
Q60475670image data
Q61151961individual data
Q10314988list of Value
Q6723621machine-readable data
Q9357437null-terminated string
Q42649975public data
Q15841341qualitative data
Q7295757rational data type
Q2110223raw data
Q15809982research data
Q20081319scientific data
Q2267348secondary data
Q2336004semi-structured data
Q45940104sensor data
Q838211short int
Q34311702signed char
Q35308049statistical data
Q26813700structured data
Q7662746synthetic data
Q7705759test data
Q1141900unstructured data
Q2891489variant type
Q513000void type

facet of (P1269)
Q123472450attribute of a class
Q4218445type qualifier

has characteristic (P1552)
Q877977assignable variable
Q126090902fictional data

has part(s) of the class (P2670)
Q24451526data serialization format

subclass of (P279)
Q19366708C array
Q838047C data type
Q1057678C++ class
Q4438875C++ reference
Q5227269Data cube
Q5249172Decimal data type
Q55141305JavaScript data type
Q115693506Python 3 built-in data type
Q25345885Result type
Q285300SGML entity
Q3991683SQL data type
Q34290865Structured Query Language data type
Q19798645Wikibase datatype
Q827335abstract data type
Q1781552abstract type
Q1322511algebraic data type
Q121079array data type
Q3546108bottom type
Q184759character encoding
Q1413465composite data type
Q3244670computer numbering format
Q2385774data domain
Q997433dependent type
Q115801140empty type
Q760170enumerated type
Q12580837floating-point type in C
Q110592254iTunes genre type
Q7068979nullable type
Q7095588opaque data type
Q7099015option type
Q7100787ordinal data type (computer programming)
Q1188648primitive data type
Q3098441recursive data type
Q17134501reference type
Q16706151return type
Q18652028rvalue reference
Q5359789signed number representation
Q7604387statistical data type
Q1164699structure in C
Q96359153synchronization primitive
Q108855315tabular data
Q4129836top type
Q1307872unit type
Q29465264unsigned char
Q7912781value type
Q59627259value type and reference type
Q7915686variable-length quantity
Q1797012video compression picture type

main subject (P921)
Q57641615A comparison of abstract data type and constraint database approaches to GIS query languages
Q33280356A method of microarray data storage using array data type
Q94553085A systematic machine learning and data type comparison yields metagenomic predictors of infant age, sex, breastfeeding, antibiotic usage, country of origin, and delivery type
Q34104359A user-defined data type for the storage of time series data allowing efficient similarity screening
Q121363291Algorithmics, Programming, Robotics, and Computational Problems
Q60244853Automated dynamic memory data type implementation exploration and optimization
Q57570710Data Type Classification: Hierarchical Class-to-Type Modeling
Q98805525Data type and Its Influence on the Computational Precision of Navigation Algorithm in SINS
Q60601077Discussion of “Opportunities and Issues in Multiple Data Type Meta-Analyses”
Q91199419Effects of missing data and data type on phylotranscriptomic analysis of stony corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia)
Q58717524Importance of sample size, data type and prediction method for remote sensing-based estimations of aboveground forest biomass
Q94046056Incorporation of a PDF Data Type into a Clinical Data Repository to Support Access to Low-volume Reports with Complex Formatting
Q57895445Managing CAD Data as a Multimedia Data Type Using Digital Watermarking
Q88981588Programming Languages / Jerome A. Feldman. - (12.1979)
Q104450805RDA cartographic data type
Q90698318Recurrent Neural Networks for Early Detection of Heart Failure From Longitudinal Electronic Health Record Data: Implications for Temporal Modeling With Respect to Time Before Diagnosis, Data Density, Data Quantity, and Data Type
Q57570735Sceadan: Using Concatenated N-Gram Vectors for Improved File and Data Type Classification
Q33481697Solutions for complex, multi data type and multi tool analysis: principles and applications of using workflow and pipelining methods
Q51927611Some thoughts about data type, distribution, and statistical significance
Q60244843Systematic methodology for exploration of performance – Energy trade-offs in network applications using Dynamic Data Type refinement
Q64086148The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations
Q64073040The Role of Data Type and Recipient in Individuals' Perspectives on Sharing Passively Collected Smartphone Data for Mental Health: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study
Q61697447The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations
Q99971257Use of Data Type Discriminator in Realizing General Query Database for CORBA Distributed Heterogeneous System
Q36332268Why do phylogenomic data sets yield conflicting trees? Data type influences the avian tree of life more than taxon sampling
Q57664053XDTM: The XML Data Type and Mapping for Specifying Datasets

Q73072308type ascriptiondepictsP180
Q11009956Template:Data typestemplate has topicP1423
Q7860899type constructorcodomainP1571
Q175263data structuredifferent fromP1889
Q865760type systemusesP2283
Q1056428type theoryis the study ofP2578
Q7029162Category:Data typescategory's main topicP301
Q124168363typesaid to be the same asP460
uri / for this senseP5137
Q1375130type classis metaclass forP8225

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Arabic (ar / Q13955)نوع بياناتwikipedia
astTipu de datuwikipedia
azVerilənlər tipiwikipedia
be-taraskТып зьвестакwikipedia
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bnডেটা টাইপwikipedia
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Catalan (ca / Q7026)Tipus de dadawikipedia
ckbجۆری دراوەwikipedia
      Datový typwikipedia
      Τύπος δεδομένωνwikipedia
      Data typewikipedia
en-simpleData typewikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Datumtipowikipedia
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Basque language (eu / Q8752)Datu-motawikipedia
Persian (fa / Q9168)نوع دادهwikipedia
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hiडाटा प्रकारwikipedia
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ioTipo di datumiwikipedia
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mnӨгөгдлийн төрөлwikipedia
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taதரவு இனம்wikipedia
teడేటా రకంwikipedia
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Urdu (ur / Q1617)نوع ڈیٹاwikipedia
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