Abstract is: In computer science and computer programming, a data type (or simply type) is a set of possible values and a set of allowed operations on it. A data type tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. Most programming languages support basic data types of integer numbers (of varying sizes), floating-point numbers (which approximate real numbers), characters and Booleans. A data type constrains the possible values that an expression, such as a variable or a function, might take. This data type defines the operations that can be done on the data, the meaning of the data, and the way values of that type can be stored.
P7033 | Australian Educational Vocabulary ID | scot/11897 |
P11567 | Dictionary of Archives Terminology ID | data-type |
P2888 | exact match | https://www.w3.org/2003/12/exif/ns#datatype |
P3381 | File Format Wiki page ID | Data_type |
P12946 | FOLDOC ID | type |
P646 | Freebase ID | /m/0n8kz |
P227 | GND ID | 4011149-0 |
P2263 | ISOCAT ID | 1662 |
P8189 | J9U ID | 987007412495605171 |
P3827 | JSTOR topic ID (archived) | data-types |
P244 | Library of Congress authority ID | sh2015001723 |
P8834 | MetaSat ID | dataType |
P6366 | Microsoft Academic ID | 138958017 |
P1368 | National Library of Latvia ID | 000296699 |
P691 | NL CR AUT ID | ph317222 |
P10283 | OpenAlex ID | C138958017 |
P3417 | Quora topic ID | Data-Type |
Data-Types | ||
P1482 | Stack Exchange tag | https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/tags/data-types |
https://stackoverflow.com/tags/types | ||
P4342 | Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian Encyclopedia) ID | datatype_-_IT |
P2347 | YSO ID | 29535 |
P1889 | different from | data structure | Q175263 |
P2738 | disjoint union of | list of values as qualifiers | Q23766486 |
P1269 | facet of | data classification (data management) | Q5227257 |
P366 | has use | computer science | Q21198 |
P8225 | is metaclass for | data | Q42848 |
assignable variable | Q877977 | ||
P910 | topic's main category | Category:Data types | Q7029162 |
P1424 | topic's main template | Template:Data types | Q11009956 |
Q124840022 | Authorative geospatial data |
Q9360473 | BSTR |
Q845796 | C string handling |
Q1062900 | Character large object |
Q116880167 | DateTime |
Q5696532 | FIN |
Q5532424 | GeneralizedTime |
Q5635793 | HRESULT |
Q4042480 | LOB |
Q30673951 | Labeled data |
Q116870366 | OpenHistoricalMap element |
Q116870384 | OpenHistoricalMap relation |
Q114733246 | OpenStreetMap element |
Q42375175 | OpenStreetMap node |
Q100320716 | OpenStreetMap relation |
Q100320715 | OpenStreetMap way |
Q121493528 | Overture Maps Data |
Q2623007 | Partial class |
Q31208391 | RDF property |
Q7300787 | Real-time data |
Q1049908 | Wide character |
Q121306412 | Wikifunctions object |
Q123471651 | Wikifunctions persistent object |
Q4692253 | aggregate data |
Q3615217 | ancillary data |
Q858810 | big data |
Q4913888 | binary data |
Q863518 | binary large object |
Q28946370 | biodiversity data |
Q59280731 | biological data |
Q47333333 | climate data |
Q173285 | digital data |
Q5281130 | dirty data |
Q17083572 | economic data |
Q5381206 | environmental data |
Q1374036 | flag |
Q2568869 | formatted text |
Q18745135 | health data |
Q92615993 | historical data |
Q102014 | hyperlink |
Q60475670 | image data |
Q61151961 | individual data |
Q10314988 | list of Value |
Q6723621 | machine-readable data |
Q180160 | metadata |
Q11342745 | mutex |
Q1777473 | node |
Q9357437 | null-terminated string |
Q42649975 | public data |
Q15841341 | qualitative data |
Q220543 | queue |
Q7295757 | rational data type |
Q2110223 | raw data |
Q15809982 | research data |
Q20081319 | scientific data |
Q2267348 | secondary data |
Q2336004 | semi-structured data |
Q45940104 | sensor data |
Q838211 | short int |
Q34311702 | signed char |
Q35308049 | statistical data |
Q184754 | string |
Q26813700 | structured data |
Q7662746 | synthetic data |
Q7705759 | test data |
Q2879072 | tuple |
Q1141900 | unstructured data |
Q2891489 | variant type |
Q513000 | void type |
Q111489082 | Q111489082 |
Q111507101 | Q111507101 |
Q111507283 | Q111507283 |
Q111507308 | Q111507308 |
Q111522731 | Q111522731 |
Q111524095 | Q111524095 |
Q111524110 | Q111524110 |
Q111524282 | Q111524282 |
Q111524290 | Q111524290 |
Q111524327 | Q111524327 |
Q111524824 | Q111524824 |
Q111524850 | Q111524850 |
Q1828023 | Lispatom |
Q19366708 | C array |
Q838047 | C data type |
Q1057678 | C++ class |
Q4438875 | C++ reference |
Q5227269 | Data cube |
Q5249172 | Decimal data type |
Q55141305 | JavaScript data type |
Q115693506 | Python 3 built-in data type |
Q25345885 | Result type |
Q285300 | SGML entity |
Q3991683 | SQL data type |
Q34290865 | Structured Query Language data type |
Q19798645 | Wikibase datatype |
Q827335 | abstract data type |
Q1781552 | abstract type |
Q1322511 | algebraic data type |
Q121079 | array data type |
Q3546108 | bottom type |
Q184759 | character encoding |
Q4479242 | class |
Q1413465 | composite data type |
Q3244670 | computer numbering format |
Q111522907 | creator |
Q2385774 | data domain |
Q997433 | dependent type |
Q115801140 | empty type |
Q760170 | enumerated type |
Q12580837 | floating-point type in C |
Q97359222 | functor |
Q1575058 | handle |
Q110592254 | iTunes genre type |
Q113983600 | key |
Q7068979 | nullable type |
Q7095588 | opaque data type |
Q7099015 | option type |
Q7100787 | ordinal data type (computer programming) |
Q118155 | pointer |
Q1188648 | primitive data type |
Q3098441 | recursive data type |
Q17134501 | reference type |
Q16706151 | return type |
Q18652028 | rvalue reference |
Q5359789 | signed number representation |
Q7604387 | statistical data type |
Q1164699 | structure in C |
Q96359153 | synchronization primitive |
Q108855315 | tabular data |
Q4129836 | top type |
Q1307872 | unit type |
Q29465264 | unsigned char |
Q7912781 | value type |
Q59627259 | value type and reference type |
Q7915686 | variable-length quantity |
Q1797012 | video compression picture type |
Q57641615 | A comparison of abstract data type and constraint database approaches to GIS query languages |
Q33280356 | A method of microarray data storage using array data type |
Q94553085 | A systematic machine learning and data type comparison yields metagenomic predictors of infant age, sex, breastfeeding, antibiotic usage, country of origin, and delivery type |
Q34104359 | A user-defined data type for the storage of time series data allowing efficient similarity screening |
Q121363291 | Algorithmics, Programming, Robotics, and Computational Problems |
Q60244853 | Automated dynamic memory data type implementation exploration and optimization |
Q57570710 | Data Type Classification: Hierarchical Class-to-Type Modeling |
Q98805525 | Data type and Its Influence on the Computational Precision of Navigation Algorithm in SINS |
Q60601077 | Discussion of “Opportunities and Issues in Multiple Data Type Meta-Analyses” |
Q91199419 | Effects of missing data and data type on phylotranscriptomic analysis of stony corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) |
Q58717524 | Importance of sample size, data type and prediction method for remote sensing-based estimations of aboveground forest biomass |
Q94046056 | Incorporation of a PDF Data Type into a Clinical Data Repository to Support Access to Low-volume Reports with Complex Formatting |
Q57895445 | Managing CAD Data as a Multimedia Data Type Using Digital Watermarking |
Q88981588 | Programming Languages / Jerome A. Feldman. - (12.1979) |
Q104450805 | RDA cartographic data type |
Q90698318 | Recurrent Neural Networks for Early Detection of Heart Failure From Longitudinal Electronic Health Record Data: Implications for Temporal Modeling With Respect to Time Before Diagnosis, Data Density, Data Quantity, and Data Type |
Q57570735 | Sceadan: Using Concatenated N-Gram Vectors for Improved File and Data Type Classification |
Q33481697 | Solutions for complex, multi data type and multi tool analysis: principles and applications of using workflow and pipelining methods |
Q51927611 | Some thoughts about data type, distribution, and statistical significance |
Q60244843 | Systematic methodology for exploration of performance – Energy trade-offs in network applications using Dynamic Data Type refinement |
Q64086148 | The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations |
Q64073040 | The Role of Data Type and Recipient in Individuals' Perspectives on Sharing Passively Collected Smartphone Data for Mental Health: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study |
Q61697447 | The eyes have it: a task by data type taxonomy for information visualizations |
Q99971257 | Use of Data Type Discriminator in Realizing General Query Database for CORBA Distributed Heterogeneous System |
Q36332268 | Why do phylogenomic data sets yield conflicting trees? Data type influences the avian tree of life more than taxon sampling |
Q57664053 | XDTM: The XML Data Type and Mapping for Specifying Datasets |
Q73072308 | type ascription | depicts | P180 |
Q11009956 | Template:Data types | template has topic | P1423 |
Q7860899 | type constructor | codomain | P1571 |
Q175263 | data structure | different from | P1889 |
Q865760 | type system | uses | P2283 |
Q111524110 | Q111524110 | class | P2308 |
Q1056428 | type theory | is the study of | P2578 |
Q7029162 | Category:Data types | category's main topic | P301 |
Q124168363 | type | said to be the same as | P460 |
uri / http://www.wikidata.org/entity/L5348-S4 | L5348-S4 | item for this sense | P5137 |
Q1375130 | type class | is metaclass for | P8225 |
Z4 | wikifunctions | |
Arabic (ar / Q13955) | نوع بيانات | wikipedia |
ast | Tipu de datu | wikipedia |
az | Verilənlər tipi | wikipedia |
be-tarask | Тып зьвестак | wikipedia |
Тип данни | wikipedia | |
bn | ডেটা টাইপ | wikipedia |
Tip podatka (računarstvo) | wikipedia | |
Catalan (ca / Q7026) | Tipus de dada | wikipedia |
ckb | جۆری دراوە | wikipedia |
Datový typ | wikipedia | |
Datatype | wikipedia | |
Datentyp | wikipedia | |
Τύπος δεδομένων | wikipedia | |
Data type | wikipedia | |
en-simple | Data type | wikipedia |
Esperanto (eo / Q143) | Datumtipo | wikipedia |
Tipo de dato | wikipedia | |
Andmetüüp | wikipedia | |
Basque language (eu / Q8752) | Datu-mota | wikipedia |
Persian (fa / Q9168) | نوع داده | wikipedia |
Type (informatique) | wikipedia | |
טיפוס נתונים | wikipedia | |
hi | डाटा प्रकार | wikipedia |
Tip podatka (računarstvo) | wikipedia | |
Adattípus | wikipedia | |
Jenis data | wikipedia | |
io | Tipo di datumi | wikipedia |
Gagnagerð | wikipedia | |
Tipo di dato | wikipedia | |
データ型 | wikipedia | |
Мәліметтер типі | wikipedia | |
자료형 | wikipedia | |
Duomenų struktūra | wikipedia | |
Datu tips | wikipedia | |
mn | Өгөгдлийн төрөл | wikipedia |
Jenis data | wikipedia | |
nan | Chu-liāu-hêng | wikipedia |
nb | Datatype | wikipedia |
Datatype | wikipedia | |
Typ danych | wikipedia | |
Tipo de dado | wikipedia | |
Tipuri de date | wikipedia | |
Тип данных | wikipedia | |
Dátový typ | wikipedia | |
Podatkovni tip | wikipedia | |
Datatyp | wikipedia | |
ta | தரவு இனம் | wikipedia |
te | డేటా రకం | wikipedia |
Veri türü | wikipedia | |
Тип даних | wikipedia | |
Urdu (ur / Q1617) | نوع ڈیٹا | wikipedia |
Kiểu dữ liệu | wikipedia | |
yue | 資料類型 | wikipedia |
資料類型 | wikipedia |
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