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Abstract is: Bioelectromagnetics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Wiley-Liss that specializes in articles about the biological effects from and applications of electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine. It is the official journal of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, the European Bioelectromagnetics Association, and the Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine.

Bioelectromagnetics is …
instance of (P31):
academic journalQ737498
scientific journalQ5633421
medical journalQ16024164
society journalQ73364223

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P6981ACNP journal ID53784
P8375Crossref journal ID258
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO11248
P1058ERA Journal ID2051
P646Freebase ID/m/02vlsj7
P1277JUFO ID52342
P1055NLM Unique ID8008281
P243OCLC control number06152871
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDS78518477
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID67436
P3417Quora topic IDBioelectromagnetics
P10376ScienceDirect topic IDagricultural-and-biological-sciences/bioelectromagnetics
P7662Scilit journal ID58995
P1156Scopus source ID14839
P4616UniProt journal ID4433
P12897Wiley Online Library journal ID1521186

P495country of originUnited States of AmericaQ30
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level2
P101field of workBioelectromagneticsQ4119288
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectmedicineQ11190

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
Q95803183"A quarter century of in vitro research: A new look at exposure methods"
Q79262198"It's déjà vu all over again"
Q73311175"Power frequency fields promote cell differentiation coincident with an increase in transforming growth factor-b(1) expression"
Q74267384"Reply: some considerations about the method of intracellular microelectrophoresis" by Y.G. shckorbatov
Q424631410.2 T magnetic field inhibits angiogenesis in chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane
Q5008035614.6 mT ELF magnetic field exposure yields no DNA breaks in model system Salmonella, but provides evidence of heat stress protection
Q483351721439 MHz pulsed TDMA fields affect performance of rats in a T‐maze task only when body temperature is elevated
Q484958631950 MHz IMT-2000 field does not activate microglial cells in vitro
Q374129281950 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields do not aggravate memory deficits in 5xFAD mice
Q983050052019 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper Award
Q5025476525 years of dosimetry: what now?
Q524043032D plasmon excitation and nonthermal effects of microwaves on biological membranes.
Q831739853D Stationary electric current density in a spherical tumor treated with low direct current: an analytical solution
Q931802443D magnetopneumography magnetic dipole model and its application using fluxgate gradiometers
Q926283603D space-dependent models for stochastic dosimetry applied to exposure to low frequency magnetic fields
Q428314923T3 cell motility and morphology before, during, and after exposure to extremely‐low‐frequency magnetic fields
Q449370414 Hz EMF treated physiological solution depresses Ach-induced neuromembrane current
Q5203626350 Hz magnetic field effects on the performance of a spatial learning task by mice.
Q7301454050 Hz magnetic field exposure alters onset of S-phase in normal human fibroblasts
Q5108466750 Hz magnetic field exposure influence on human performance and psychophysiological parameters: two double-blind experimental studies.
Q5764967650 Hz magnetic fields of constant or fluctuating intensity: Effects on immunocytehsp70 in the musselMytilus galloprovincialis
Q4395622650 Hz magnetic fields of varying flux intensity affect cell shape changes in invertebrate immunocytes: the role of potassium ion channels
Q9040549650-Hz MF does not affect global DNA methylation of SH-SY5Y cells treated with the neurotoxin MPP
Q3930846650-Hz electromagnetic environment and the incidence of childhood tumors in Stockholm County
Q7071876550-Hz magnetic field exposure system for small animals
Q4788747560 Hz electric field upregulates cytosolic Ca2+ level in mouse splenocytes stimulated by lectin.
Q5218800760 Hz electric fields and incandescent light as aversive stimuli controlling the behavior of rats responding under concurrent schedules of reinforcement.
Q4848352760 Hz magnetic field exposure and urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin levels in the rat.
Q4816057760 Hz magnetic fields and central cholinergic activity: effects of exposure intensity and duration
Q5261042860-Hz electric and magnetic fields generated by a distribution network.
Q5227003160-Hz electric fields: detection by female rats.
Q4839883760-Hz electric-field effects on pineal melatonin rhythms: time course for onset and recovery
Q46203550900 MHz modulated electromagnetic fields accelerate the clathrin-mediated endocytosis pathway
Q52088217902 MHz mobile phone does not affect short term memory in humans.
Q64388785915 MHz microwaves and 50 Hz magnetic field affect chromatin conformation and 53BP1 foci in human lymphocytes from hypersensitive and healthy persons
Q48517440A 0.5 G, 60 Hz magnetic field suppresses melatonin production in pinealocytes
Q40348328A 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field does not damage MG-63 three-dimensional tumor spheroids but induces changes in their invasive properties
Q60687791A 50-Hz magnetic field induces structural and biophysical changes in membranes
Q36817421A 60 Hz electric and magnetic field exposure facility for nonhuman primates: design and operational data during experiments
Q44276191A 60 Hz magnetic field does not affect the incidence of squamous cell carcinomas in SENCAR mice
Q96350066A High-Power Dielectric Biconical Antenna for Treatment of Subcutaneous Targets
Q47814649A Lorentz model for weak magnetic field bioeffects: part I--thermal noise is an essential component of AC/DC effects on bound ion trajectory
Q47814663A Lorentz model for weak magnetic field bioeffects: part II--secondary transduction mechanisms and measures of reactivity
Q95836786A Resonant System for In Vitro Studies Emulating Wireless Power Transfer Exposure at 13.56 MHz
Q96219513A Theoretical Analysis of the Effects of Tumor-Treating Electric Fields on Single Cells
Q93007565A Vascular Thrombus Therapy Method Based on Magnetic-Induced Vibration
Q52289911A behavioral response of swine to a 60-Hz electric field.
Q84287705A biofilm growth protocol and the design of a magnetic field exposure setup to be used in the study of magnetic fields as a means of controlling bacterial biofilms
Q53079019A case-case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan.
Q39557146A case-control pilot study of traffic exposures and early childhood leukemia using a geographic information system
Q70337444A circular waveguide irradiation system for nonhuman primates: Design and dosimetry
Q48778291A compact shielded exposure system for the simultaneous long-term UHF irradiation of forty small mammals: I. Electromagnetic and environmental design
Q70365083A comparative study of human sensory thresholds: 2450-MHz microwaves vs far-infrared radiation
Q31064306A comparison of self-reported cellular telephone use with subscriber data: agreement between the two methods and implications for risk estimation
Q52768497A computer model of temperature distribution inside a lossy sphere after microwave radiation
Q52074541A cooperative model for Ca(++) efflux windowing from cell membranes exposed to electromagnetic radiation.
Q69798270A cytohistological analysis of roots whose growth is affected by a 60-Hz electric field
Q68028217A dosimeter for assessment of exposures to ELF fields
Q50901980A doubly resonant cavity for detection of RF demodulation by living cells.
Q51917626A few remarks on 'combined action of DC and AC magnetic fields on ion motion in a macromolecule'.
Q52259109A finite-difference electromagnetic deposition/thermoregulatory model: comparison between theory and measurements.
Q57004449A four coil exposure system (tetracoil) producing a highly uniform magnetic field
Q52422168A frequency-dependent finite-difference time-domain formulation for induced current calculations in human beings
Q84153598A large-scale study on subjective perception of discomfort during 7 and 1.5 T MRI examinations
Q36605103A literature review: the effects of magnetic field exposure on blood flow and blood vessels in the microvasculature
Q35105488A localized ELF magnetic field exposure system for microscope cover-slips
Q74267372A magnetic field exposure facility for evaluation of animal carcinogenicity
Q31147289A measurement and modeling study of temperature in living and fixed tissue during and after radiofrequency exposure.
Q73422159A meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies of electric and magnetic fields and breast cancer in women and men
Q36694870A method for assessing alternative effects functions that uses simulation with EMDEX data
Q43821811A method for detecting the effect of magnetic field on activity changes of neuronal populations of Morimus funereus (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Q40839359A microwave-hyperthermia model of febrile convulsions
Q72356388A model for characterizing residential ground current and magnetic field fluctuations
Q39904172A model for radiofrequency electromagnetic field predictions at outdoor and indoor locations in the context of epidemiological research
Q43935494A model to assess personal exposure to ELF magnetic fields from common household sources
Q39016341A moderate static magnetic field enhances TRAIL-induced apoptosis by the inhibition of Cdc2 and subsequent downregulation of survivin in human breast carcinoma cells
Q73747630A new in vitro exposure device for the mobile frequency of 900 MHz
Q50607132A new theoretical model for transmembrane potential and ion currents induced in a spherical cell under low frequency electromagnetic field.
Q81727116A newly designed and constructed 20 kHz magnetic field exposure facility for in vivo study
Q40291555A novel method to assess human population exposure induced by a wireless cellular network
Q51548785A numerical and experimental comparison of human head phantoms for compliance testing of mobile telephone equipment.
Q39944769A numerical coefficient for evaluation of the environmental impact of electromagnetic fields radiated by base stations for mobile communications
Q51450248A numerical evaluation of SAR distribution and temperature changes around a metallic plate in the head of a RF exposed worker.
Q52244699A physical analysis of the ion parametric resonance model.
Q51061656A physical mechanism of magnetoreception: Extension and analysis.
Q51130497A pilot investigation of the effect of extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields on humans' heart rate variability.
Q46547214A portable meter for measuring low frequency currents in the human body
Q51223528A possible involvement of beta-endorphin, substance P, and serotonin in rat analgesia induced by extremely low frequency magnetic field.
Q79184966A preliminary study of oscillating electromagnetic field effects on human spermatozoon motility
Q50126368A quarter century of in vitro research: a new look at exposure methods
Q71384992A reference curve for axial bioelectric potentials in rabbit tibia
Q44132274A replication study of human exposure to 60-Hz fields: effects on neurobehavioral measures
Q45970252A richer conceptualization of "exposure" for epidemiological studies of the "EMF mixture".
Q41404456A role for the magnetic field in the radiation-induced efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue in vitro
Q48377579A scheme for incorporating DC magnetic fields into epidemiological studies of EMF exposure
Q37456266A short-term extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure increases circulating leukocyte numbers and affects HPA-axis signaling in mice
Q77669621A simple experiment to study electromagnetic field effects: protection induced by short-term exposures to 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q68674295A simple model for calculating residential 60-Hz magnetic fields
Q33196258A single magnetic field exposure system for sequential investigation of real time and downstream cellular responses
Q31720804A single nocturnal exposure to 2-7 millitesla static magnetic fields does not inhibit the excretion of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin in healthy young men.
Q81602977A small temperature rise may contribute towards the apparent induction by microwaves of heat-shock gene expression in the nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans
Q73310652A strong constant magnetic field affects muscle tension development in bullfrog neuromuscular preparations
Q52253216A strong static-magnetic field alters operant responding by rats.
Q70167238A system for simultaneous exposure of small animals to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields
Q51548783A theoretical study of the effects of RF fields in the vicinity of membranes.
Q52281736A thermal model for human thresholds of microwave-evoked warmth sensations.
Q52768499A thermal model of the human body exposed to an electromagnetic field
Q68800333A three-dimensional method for calculating currents induced in bodies by extremely low-frequency electric fields
Q49988342ATP sensitive K+ channel subunits (Kir6.1, Kir6.2) are the candidate mediators regulating ameliorating effects of pulsed magnetic field on aortic contractility in diabetic rats
Q67800024Absence of a synergistic effect between moderate-power radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation and adriamycin on cell-cycle progression and sister-chromatid exchange
Q69586058Absence of chromosomal damage in human lymphocytes exposed to microwave radiation with hyperthermia
Q33527456Absence of corneal endothelium injury in non-human primates treated with and without ophthalmologic drugs and exposed to 2.8 GHz pulsed microwaves
Q48967434Absence of daytime 50 Hz, 100 microT(rms) magnetic field or bright light exposure effect on human performance and psychophysiological parameters
Q80849350Absence of effect of power-frequency magnetic fields exposure on mouse embryonic lens development
Q60596996Absence of genotoxicity in human blood cells exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields as assessed by comet assay, chromosome aberration, micronucleus, and sister chromatid exchange analyses
Q39683510Absence of nonlinear responses in cells and tissues exposed to RF energy at mobile phone frequencies using a doubly resonant cavity
Q50757099Absence of ocular effects after either single or repeated exposure to 10 mW/cm(2) from a 60 GHz CW source.
Q46160292Absence of radiofrequency heating from auditory implants during magnetic resonance imaging
Q50614834Absence of relation between sick leave caused by musculoskeletal disorders and exposure to magnetic fields in an aluminum plant.
Q45082905Absorbed energy distribution from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation in a mammalian cell model: Effect of membrane‐bound water
Q48244359Absorption of microwave radiation by the anesthetized rat: electromagnetic and thermal hotspots in body and tail
Q70472203Accelerated development of spontaneous and benzopyrene-induced skin cancer in mice exposed to 2450-MHz microwave radiation
Q43291997Acceleration of germination and early growth of wheat and bean seedlings grown under various magnetic field and osmotic conditions.
Q48395105Acceptance speech on the occasion of receiving the d'Arsonval Medal
Q46272360Acceptance speech on the occasion of receiving the d'Arsonval medal
Q73177424Accuracy of industry and occupation on death certificates of electric utility workers: implications for epidemiologic studies of magnetic fields and cancer
Q71138070Acoustical imaging of a model of a human hand using pulsed microwave irradiation
Q42830981Action of 50 Hz magnetic fields on cyclic AMP and intercellular communication in monolayers and spheroids of mammalian cells
Q41584094Action of 50 Hz magnetic fields on neurite outgrowth in pheochromocytoma cells.
Q42805469Action of a 50 Hz magnetic field on proliferation of cells in culture
Q74134262Action of extremely low frequency electric fields on the cytosolic calcium concentration of differentiated HL-60 cells: nonactivated cells
Q46005592Activation-dependent and biphasic electromagnetic field effects: model based on cooperative enzyme kinetics in cellular signaling.
Q52729383Active electric properties of cardiac muscle.
Q54652600Active microwave tomographic imaging of isolated, perfused animal organs.
Q40957400Acute effects of 50 Hz magnetic field exposure on human visual task and cardiovascular performance
Q74788292Acute effects of 50 Hz, 100 microT magnetic field exposure on visual duration discrimination at two different times of the day
Q31143687Acute effects of pulsed microwaves and 3-nitropropionic acid on neuronal ultrastructure in the rat caudate-putamen
Q39251996Acute effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phone on brain function.
Q41250269Acute exposure of rats to air ions: effects on the regional concentration and utilization of serotonin in brain
Q71773127Acute exposure to 50 Hz magnetic field does not affect hematologic or immunologic functions in healthy young men: a circadian study
Q44250333Acute exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields with harmonics and transient components: lack of effects on nighttime hormonal secretion in men.
Q44937030Acute exposure to 930 MHz CW electromagnetic radiation in vitro affects reactive oxygen species level in rat lymphocytes treated by iron ions.
Q58476262Acute exposure to a 2 mT static magnetic field affects ionic homeostasis of in vitro grown porcine granulosa cells
Q52040356Acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field affects rats' water-maze performance.
Q64389303Acute exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field increases DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells
Q48111010Acute exposure to low-level CW and GSM-modulated 900 MHz radiofrequency does not affect Ba 2+ currents through voltage-gated calcium channels in rat cortical neurons.
Q52203674Acute exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields has no effect on the acquisition of a spatial learning task by adult male mice.
Q52030153Acute exposure to pulsed 2450-MHz microwaves affects water-maze performance of rats.
Q48147868Acute low-level microwave exposure and central cholinergic activity: studies on irradiation parameters
Q34305574Acute low‐intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single‐strand breaks in rat brain cells
Q42812347Acute radio frequency irradiation does not affect cell cycle, cellular migration, and invasion
Q52493780Acute, whole-body microwave exposure and testicular function of rats.
Q69596011Addition of magnetic field capability to existing extremely-low-frequency electric field exposure systems
Q46931579Adult onset acute myelogenous leukemia and electromagnetic fields in Los Angeles County: bed-heating and occupational exposures
Q38722119Adverse and beneficial effects in Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cells following radiofrequency exposure
Q34136396Adverse human reproductive outcomes and electromagnetic fields: a brief summary of the epidemiologic literature
Q36214334Aetiology of childhood leukemia
Q48412335Affective response to 5 microT ELF magnetic field-induced physiological changes.
Q83265355Age-dependent magnetosensitivity of heart muscle hydration
Q85590776Age-dependent magnetosensitivity of heart muscle ouabain receptors
Q30887165Aggregated data from two double-blind base station provocation studies comparing individuals with idiopathic environmental intolerance with attribution to electromagnetic fields and controls
Q50857553Aggregation process of paramagnetic particles in fluid in the magnetic field.
Q50958917Alimentary hyperlipemia of rabbits is affected by exposure to low-intensity pulsed magnetic fields.
Q70935224Alteration of circulating antibody response of mice exposed to 9‐GHz pulsed microwaves
Q72159650Alteration of life span of mice chronically exposed to 2.45 GHz CW microwaves
Q78145376Alterations in ornithine decarboxylase activity in the rat mammary gland after different periods of 50 Hz magnetic field exposure
Q72396220Alterations in protein kinase activity following exposure of cultured human lymphocytes to modulated microwave fields
Q71061639Alterations in the rat electrocardiogram induced by stationary magnetic fields
Q53002472Alterations of intracellular calcium concentration in mice neuroblastoma cells by electrical field and UVA.
Q46214508Altered development of Xenopus embryos in a hypogeomagnetic field.
Q43688143Altered operant behavior of adult rats after perinatal exposure to a 60-Hz electromagnetic field
Q44385864Alternate indices of electric and magnetic field exposures among Ontario electrical utility workers
Q45011022Alternating extremely low frequency magnetic field increases turnover of dopamine and serotonin in rat frontal cortex.
Q35535336Alternative functional relationships between ELF field exposure and possible health effects: report on an expert workshop
Q39588000Alternative magnetic field exposure metrics: relationship to TWA, appliance use, and demographic characteristics of children in a leukemia survival study
Q39280049Ambient 60-Hz magnetic flux density in an urban neighborhood
Q96643437Ameliorative Effects of a Static Magnetic Field on Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) Growth and Phytochemical Traits Under Water Stress
Q73209412Amino acid concentrations in hypothalamic and caudate nuclei during microwave-induced thermal stress: analysis by microdialysis
Q80582114Amplification of evoked potentials recorded from mouse hippocampal slices by very low repetition rate pulsed magnetic fields
Q73311166Amplitude and frequency dissociation spectra of ion-protein complexes rotating in magnetic fields
Q68674296Amplitude windows and transiently augmented transcription from exposure to electromagnetic fields
Q46267035Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields
Q91906913An Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field and Global Cerebral Ischemia Affect Pituitary ACTH and TSH Cells in Gerbils
Q89106239An HF exposure system for mice with improved efficiency
Q98720185An Investigation Into the Effects of Long-Term 50-Hz Power-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Hematogram, Blood Chemistry, Fibrosis, and Oxidant Stress Status in the Liver and the Kidney From Sprague-Dawley Rats
Q39239946An analysis of associations between social class and ambient magnetic fields in metropolitan Melbourne
Q80011298An analytical model for the calculation of the change in transmembrane potential produced by an ultrawideband electromagnetic pulse
Q52434775An approach to inverse scattering problems.
Q83479961An electronic device for accelerating bone formation in tissues surrounding a dental implant
Q93372022An empirical formula for temperature adjustment of complex permittivity of human skin in the terahertz frequencies
Q82690920An evaluation of exposure metrics in an epidemiologic study on radio and television broadcast transmitters and the risk of childhood leukemia
Q46207710An evaluation of self‐reported mobile phone use compared to billing records among a group of engineers and scientists
Q28565919An extremely low frequency magnetic field attenuates insulin secretion from the insulinoma cell line, RIN-m
Q41703881An increase in the negative surface charge of U937 cells exposed to a pulsed magnetic field
Q46428266An integrated ELF magnetic-field generator and incubator for long-term in vitro studies
Q49118524An interlaboratory comparison program on ELF electric and magnetic fields measurements performed in Greece: Second round of the scheme.
Q43926278An international project to confirm Soviet-era results on immunological and teratological effects of RF field exposure in Wistar rats and comments on Grigoriev et al. [2010].
Q36599684An optical method for investigating the microwave absorption characteristics of DNA and other biomolecules in solution
Q92476305An optimized block forward-elimination and backward-substitution algorithm for GPU accelerated ILU preconditioner in evaluating the induced electric field during transcranial magnetic stimulation
Q39168366Analgesic effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in patients with chronic low back pain
Q73559765Analysis of anisotropic diamagnetic susceptibility of a bull sperm
Q47318168Analysis of ear side of mobile phone use in the general population of Japan.
Q36437969Analysis of electric and magnetic fields leaking from induction heaters.
Q44354867Analysis of human brain exposure to low-frequency magnetic fields: a numerical assessment of spatially averaged electric fields and exposure limits.
Q40082653Analysis of individual- and school-level clustering of power frequency magnetic fields.
Q74015771Analysis of induced currents in a rat exposed to 50 Hz linearly and circularly polarized magnetic fields
Q49053548Analysis of inphase interaction pattern in EEG.
Q43821455Analysis of mobile phone design features affecting radiofrequency power absorbed in a human head phantom
Q38876995Analysis of mobile phone use among young patients with brain tumors in Japan
Q74469344Analysis of the effect of a 60 Hz AC field on histamine release by rat peritoneal mast cells
Q84291054Analysis of the effect of mobile phone base station antenna loading on localized SAR and its consequences for measurements
Q48508979Analysis of the influence of handset phone position on RF exposure of brain tissue
Q81273918Analysis of the structure of magnetic fields that induced inhibition of stimulated neurite outgrowth
Q39988126Analysis of three-dimensional SAR distributions emitted by mobile phones in an epidemiological perspective
Q51646216Analytic SAR computation in a multilayer elliptic cylinder for bioelectromagnetic applications.
Q40749672Analytical SAR computation in a multilayer elliptic cylinder: the near-field line-current radiation case
Q23915411Analyzing digital vector waveforms of 0-3000 Hz magnetic fields for health studies
Q92516035Anatomical Model Uncertainty for RF Safety Evaluation of Metallic Implants Under MRI Exposure
Q46525584Antenna modeling considerations for accurate SAR calculations in human phantoms in close proximity to GSM cellular base station antennas
Q46877669Anti-inflammatory effects of low-intensity extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation: frequency and power dependence.
Q34170106Anti-pressor effects of whole body exposure to static magnetic field on pharmacologically induced hypertension in conscious rabbits
Q70134649Antibody responses of mice exposed to low-power microwaves under combined, pulse-and-amplitude modulation
Q51528927Apartment electrical wiring: a cause of extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure in residential areas.
Q75306758Apoptosis induced by ultraviolet radiation is enhanced by amplitude modulated radiofrequency radiation in mutant yeast cells
Q44158746Apparent biological effect of strong magnetic field on mosquito egg hatching
Q92491416Application of Bio-Impedance Analysis to Estimate the Condition of Yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) Muscle at Different Storage Temperatures
Q33464425Application of a temperature-dependent fluorescent dye (Rhodamine B) to the measurement of radiofrequency radiation-induced temperature changes in biological samples
Q53136550Application of an induced field sensor for assessment of electromagnetic exposure from compact fluorescent lamps.
Q41491448Application of the planar-scanning technique to the near-field dosimetry of millimeter-wave radiators
Q36718508Application of the radical pair mechanism to free radicals in organized systems: can the effects of 60 Hz be predicted from studies under static fields?
Q71561189Applied AC and DC magnetic fields cause alterations in the mitotic cycle of early sea urchin embryos
Q52197469Applied DC magnetic fields cause alterations in the time of cell divisions and developmental abnormalities in early sea urchin embryos.
Q52406459Arsène Jacques d'Arsonval: a brief history.
Q44059730Artificial static and geomagnetic field interrelated impact on cardiovascular regulation
Q51915503Assessing the numerical accuracy of the impedance method.
Q89645844Assessment of Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields Emitted by DC Fast Charging Columns
Q50455509Assessment of SAR and thermal changes near a cochlear implant system for mobile phone type exposures
Q35176108Assessment of conduction properties and thermal noise in cell membranes by admittance spectroscopy
Q49102993Assessment of contribution of other users to own total whole-body RF absorption in train environment
Q48934563Assessment of electric field distribution in anisotropic cortical and subcortical regions under the influence of tDCS.
Q53154268Assessment of exposure to intermediate frequency electric fields and contact currents from a plasma ball.
Q47343666Assessment of exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields from smart utility meters in GB; part II) numerical assessment of induced SAR within the human body
Q44390563Assessment of extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure from GSM mobile phones
Q39940742Assessment of general public exposure to LTE and RF sources present in an urban environment
Q47587975Assessment of human body influence on exposure measurements of electric field in indoor enclosures
Q49140623Assessment of intermittent UMTS electromagnetic field effects on blood circulation in the human auditory region using a near-infrared system.
Q33297051Assessment of magnetic fields surrounding electronic article surveillance systems in Sweden
Q39793884Assessment of non-response bias in a survey of residential magnetic field exposure in Taiwan
Q83337223Assessment of occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields in hospital personnel
Q51065905Assessment of polarization dependence of body shadow effect on dosimetry measurements in 2.4 GHz band.
Q47234943Assessment of the efficacy and safety of low frequency, low intensity magnetic fields in patients after knee endoprosthesis plasty. Part 1: in vitro safety.
Q83003083Assessment of the efficacy and safety of low frequency, low intensity magnetic fields in patients after knee endoprosthesis plasty. Part 2: a clinical study
Q61927482Assessment of the exposure to WLAN frequencies of a head model with a cochlear implant
Q70801298Assessment of the immune responsiveness of mice exposed to a 1.5-Tesla stationary magnetic field
Q70625945Assessment of the immune responsiveness of mice irradiated with continuous wave or pulse-modulated 425-MHz radio frequency radiation
Q102385376Association Between Mobile Phone Radiation Exposure and the Secretion of Melatonin and Cortisol, Two Markers of the Circadian System: A Review
Q51919193Association between high voltage overhead transmission lines and mental health: a cross-sectional study.
Q46104135Association of residential magnetic fields with contact voltage
Q42117196Astrocytoma risk related to job exposure to electric and magnetic fields
Q90851214Ataxia telangiectasia mutated deficiency does not result in genetic susceptibility to 50 Hz magnetic fields exposure in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
Q49023960Attempts to alter 45Ca2+ binding to brain tissue with pulse-modulated microwave energy
Q52278176Attempts to produce taste-aversion learning in rats exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q69798283Auditory response in rats exposed to 2,450 MHz electromagnetic fields in a circularly polarized waveguide
Q22252924Auditory response to pulsed radiofrequency energy
Q60609666Augmentation of antibiotic activity by low-frequency electric and electromagnetic fields examining Staphylococcus aureus in broth media
Q57323238Authors' reply to Kundi's comments on de Vocht et al. “time trends (1998-2007) in brain cancer incidence rates in relation to mobile phone use in England”
Q48313512Awarding of 2008 most influential bioelectromagnetics journal paper by citation awards
Q68273019B16 melanoma development in black mice exposed to low-level microwave radiation
Q80307855BEMS, WHO, and the precautionary principle
Q53507290Bacterial response to the exposure of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields.
Q77364914Basis for optimization of in vitro exposure apparatus for health hazard evaluations of mobile communications
Q48137783Bat head contains soft magnetic particles: evidence from magnetism
Q92671978Becoming electro-hypersensitive: A replication study
Q35589147Behavioral and cognitive effects of microwave exposure
Q52263395Behavioral and physiological effects of chronic 2,450-MHz microwave irradiation of the rat at 0.5 mW/cm2.
Q57113567Behavioral change related to Wenchuan devastating earthquake in mice
Q71061146Behavioral detection of 60-Hz electric fields by rats
Q52258373Behavioral effects of chronic exposure to 0.5 mW/cm2 of 2,450-MHz microwaves.
Q48823506Behavioral effects of long-term exposure to magnetic fields in rats.
Q33639266Behavioral evaluation of microwave irradiation
Q69609352Behavioral monitoring of rats during exposure to air ions and DC electric fields
Q52059810Behavioral sensitivity of rats to extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields.
Q49025588Behavioral studies with mice exposed to DC and 60-Hz magnetic fields
Q71661280Behavioural evidence that magnetic field effects in the land snail, Cepaea nemoralis, might not depend on magnetite or induced electric currents
Q34295059Between-country comparison of whole-body SAR from personal exposure data in Urban areas
Q52568477Biochemical effects of high intensity constant magnetic fields on worker honey bees.
Q39451229Bioeffects induced by exposure to microwaves are mitigated by superposition of ELF noise
Q67469857Bioelectric background fields and their implications for ELF dosimetry
Q41519426Bioelectric potential gradients may initiate cell cycling: ELF and zeta potential gradients may mimic this effect
Q74719911Bioelectrical parameters of the whole human body obtained through bioelectrical impedance analysis
Q35159963Bioelectromagnetics in morphogenesis
Q48400584Bioelectromagnetics in the service of medicine: acceptance speech on the occasion of receiving the d'Arsonval Medal
Q50254772Bioelectromagnetics, Carl Durney, and dosimetry: some historical remarks
Q53787184Bioelectromagnetics, supplement 4, 1999
Q95810332Bioelectromagnetics, supplement 4, 1999
Q72095596Biologic effects of microwave exposure. II. Studies on the mechanisms controlling susceptibility to microwave-induced increases in complement receptor-positive spleen cells
Q72718763Biologic effects of prolonged exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields in rats. I. 50 Hz electric fields
Q71491256Biologic effects of prolonged exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields in rats: II. 50 Hz magnetic fields
Q33910004Biological and morphological effects on the brain after exposure of rats to a 1439 MHz TDMA field
Q40275445Biological effects of 6 mT static magnetic fields: a comparative study in different cell types
Q52521647Biological effects of a 765-kV, 60-Hz transmission line on honey bees (Apis mellifera L.): hemolymph as a possible stress indicator.
Q52533984Biological effects of a 765‐kV transmission line: Exposures and thresholds in honeybee colonies
Q54376282Biological effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to electromagnetic fields emitted by video display units.
Q50206495Biological effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on Salmonella typhimurium and Drosophila melanogaster
Q70996623Biological effects of long‐term exposure of rats to 970‐MHz radiofrequency radiation
Q52532111Biological effects of low-temporal, average-intensity, pulsed ultrasound.
Q72907991Biological effects of oscillating electric fields: role of voltage-sensitive ion channels
Q48546637Biological effects of prolonged exposure to ELF electromagnetic fields in rats: III. 50 Hz electromagnetic fields
Q90614941Biological effects of static magnetic fields and zinc isotopes on E. coli bacteria
Q38715528Biological effects related to geomagnetic activity and possible mechanisms
Q38756956Biological responses of human solid tumor cells to X-ray irradiation within a 1.5-Tesla magnetic field generated by a magnetic resonance imaging-linear accelerator
Q40838263Biological, physical, and electrical parameters for in vitro studies with ELF magnetic and electric fields: a primer
Q35026534Biophysical limits on athermal effects of RF and microwave radiation
Q33857999Biphasic effects of static magnetic fields on cutaneous microcirculation in rabbits
Q54186471Blockade of sensory neuron action potentials by a static magnetic field in the 10 mT range.
Q39997709Blood laboratory findings in patients suffering from self-perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
Q45064780Blood melatonin and prolactin concentrations in dairy cows exposed to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields during 8 h photoperiods
Q48551470Blood-brain barrier permeation in the rat during exposure to low-power 1.7-GHz microwave radiation
Q51552335Body heating induced by sub-resonant (350 MHz) microwave irradiation: cardiovascular and respiratory responses in anesthetized rats.
Q47887462Bone morphogenetic protein expression in newborn rat kidneys after prenatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation
Q48397903Brain temperature measurements in rats: a comparison of microwave and ambient temperature exposures
Q71661289Brief communication: coaxial lines for multiphase power distribution
Q52013950Brief exposure to a 50 Hz, 100 microT magnetic field: effects on reaction time, accuracy, and recognition memory.
Q68644652Brown-colored deposits on hair of female rats chronically exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q68132482Bursting responses of Lymnea neurons to microwave radiation
Q72231828Ca2+ ion transport through patch-clamped cells exposed to magnetic fields
Q28201337Calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland of the human brain: first physical and chemical studies
Q68132485Calcium binding to metallochromic dyes and calmodulin in the presence of combined, AC-DC magnetic fields
Q41464166Calcium cyclotron resonance and diatom mobility
Q83841432Calcium efflux of plasma membrane vesicles exposed to ELF magnetic fields--test of a nuclear magnetic resonance interaction model
Q39432751Calcium homeostasis of isolated heart muscle cells exposed to pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields
Q38864161Calcium signalling in human neutrophil cell lines is not affected by low-frequency electromagnetic fields
Q67918840Calcium uptake by leukemic and normal T-lymphocytes exposed to low frequency magnetic fields
Q70935198Calcium-ion efflux from brain tissue: power-density versus internal field-intensity dependencies at 50-MHz RF radiation
Q72748163Calcium-ion movement and contractility in atrial strips of frog heart are not affected by low-frequency-modulated, 1 GHz electromagnetic radiation
Q51662170Calculated spinal cord electric fields and current densities for possible neurite regrowth from quasi-DC electrical stimulation.
Q52239563Calculation of electric fields and currents induced in a millimeter-resolution human model at 60 Hz using the FDTD method.
Q52065942Calculation of electric fields induced in the human knee by a coil applicator.
Q48513883Calibration and non-orthogonality correction of three-axis Hall sensors for the monitoring of MRI workers' exposure to static magnetic fields
Q42599725Calibration and uncertainties in personal exposure measurements of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
Q70730954Calibration of flat 60-Hz electric field probes
Q46699651California Department of Health Services Workshop on EMF epidemiology
Q52946548Calmodulin-dependent cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity is altered by 20 microT magnetostatic fields.
Q70730946Calorimetric measurements of the effect of 330-MHz radiofrequency radiation on human erythrocyte ghosts
Q49122824Can body-worn devices be used for measuring personal exposure to mm waves?
Q67800013Cancer promotion in a mouse-skin model by a 60-Hz magnetic field: I. Experimental design and exposure system
Q67800018Cancer promotion in a mouse-skin model by a 60-Hz magnetic field: II. Tumor development and immune response
Q92387083Carcinogenicity of intermediate frequency magnetic field in Tg.rasH2 mice
Q39770626Carcinogenicity study of GSM and DCS wireless communication signals in B6C3F1 mice
Q77759433Carcinogenicity test in B6C3F1 mice after parental and prenatal exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields
Q50921573Carcinogenicity test of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields in rats.
Q71701958Cardiovascular alterations in Macaca monkeys exposed to stationary magnetic fields: experimental observations and theoretical analysis
Q51411279Cardiovascular and thermal effects of microwave irradiation at 1 and/or 10 GHz in anesthetized rats.
Q77408334Cardiovascular and thermal responses in rats during 94 GHz irradiation
Q70935166Cardiovascular response of rats exposed to 60‐Hz electric fields
Q44976453Cardiovascular, hematologic, and biochemical effects of acute ventral exposure of conscious rats to 2450-MHz (CW) microwave radiation
Q77767017Catheter microwave ablation therapy for cardiac arrhythmias
Q71351802Cell culture dosimetry for low-frequency magnetic fields
Q52239560Cell density dependent response of E. coli cells to weak ELF magnetic fields.
Q74278723Cell membrane lipid molecular dynamics in a solenoid versus a magnetically shielded room
Q52432662Cell membrane temperature rate sensitivity predicted from the Nernst equation.
Q35911454Cell permeabilization and inhibition of voltage-gated Ca(2+) and Na(+) channel currents by nanosecond pulsed electric field
Q73284187Cell-cycle kinetics of Friend erythroleukemia cells in a magnetically shielded room and in a low-frequency/low-intensity magnetic field
Q51770010Cellular ATP content was decreased by a homogeneous 8.5 T static magnetic field exposure: role of reactive oxygen species.
Q88513309Cellular ATP levels are affected by moderate and strong static magnetic fields
Q56793663Cellular damage and altered carbohydrate expression in P815 tumor cells induced by direct electric current: An in vitro analysis
Q47852877Cellular effects of acute exposure to high peak power microwave systems: Morphology and toxicology
Q48028779Cellular phone use does not acutely affect blood pressure or heart rate of humans
Q36249135Central nervous system tumours in children: epidemiology and risk factors
Q39703502Cerebral radiofrequency exposures during adolescence: Impact on astrocytes and brain functions in healthy and pathologic rat models
Q70639329Cerebrovascular permeability to 86Rb in the rat after exposure to pulsed microwaves
Q79323941Change of nitric oxide concentration in men exposed to a 1.5 T constant magnetic field
Q60687105Changes in heart rate variability among RF plastic sealer operators
Q49029628Changes in human EEG alpha activity following exposure to two different pulsed magnetic field sequences
Q51634190Changes in human EEG caused by low level modulated microwave stimulation.
Q41751167Changes in levels of c-myc and histone H2B following exposure of cells to low-frequency sinusoidal electromagnetic fields: evidence for a window effect
Q33888352Changes in paroxysmal brainwave patterns of epileptics by weak-field magnetic stimulation.
Q40446572Changes in polyamines, c-myc and c-fos gene expression in osteoblast-like cells exposed to pulsed electromagnetic fields
Q48541415Changes in synaptic efficacy and seizure susceptibility in rat brain slices following extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure.
Q53257594Changes in the electrical properties at an early stage of mouse liver carcinogenesis.
Q48277096Changes of hydration of rats' tissues after in vivo exposure to 0.2 Tesla steady magnetic field
Q72605650Character of the effect of microwave on conduction velocity of frog ventricular muscle
Q48215533Characteristics of microwave evoked body movements in mice
Q68531352Characteristics of transverse electric and magnetic field transmission cells at extremely low frequencies
Q92363462Characterization of Levels of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Emitted From Portable Hand-Held Fans
Q51976150Characterization of exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields using multidimensional analysis techniques.
Q90851218Characterization of the suppressive effects of extremely-low-frequency electric fields on a stress-induced increase in the plasma glucocorticoid level in mice
Q52315413Characterizing cellular systems by means of dielectric spectroscopy.
Q48400591Charles Andrew Loockerman Bassett. 1991 recipient of the d'Arsonval Medal
Q52220625Chick embryo development can be irreversibly altered by early exposure to weak extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields.
Q53484198Chicken embryo fibroblasts exposed to weak, time-varying magnetic fields share cell proliferation, adenosine deaminase activity, and membrane characteristics of transformed cells.
Q43326205Childhood cancer in relation to indicators of magnetic fields from ground current sources
Q36214344Childhood leukemia and EMF: review of the epidemiologic evidence
Q44426759Childhood leukemia and residential magnetic fields: are pooled analyses more valid than the original studies?
Q46155557Childhood leukemia, electric and magnetic fields, and temporal trends
Q38459696Children's exposure to magnetic fields produced by U.S. television sets used for viewing programs and playing video games
Q59650785Chondroprotective effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on human cartilage explants
Q72857197Chromosomal aberrations in human amniotic cells after intermittent exposure to fifty hertz magnetic fields
Q43545767Chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes of employees in transformer and generator production exposed to electromagnetic fields and mineral oil.
Q74089753Chromosomal aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes of train engine drivers
Q34455137Chronic exposure of cancer-prone mice to low-level 2450 MHz radiofrequency radiation
Q56874508Chronic exposure of cancer-prone mice to low-level 2450 MHz radiofrequency radiation
Q45089608Chronic exposure of primates to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields: I. Exposure system and measurements of general health and performance
Q69086579Chronic exposure of primates to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields: II. Neurochemical effects
Q44268300Chronic exposure of primates to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields: III. Neurophysiologic effects
Q71701970Chronic exposure of rabbits to 0.5 and 5 mW/cm2 2450-MHz CW microwave radiation
Q71061642Chronic exposure to 60‐Hz electric fields: Effects on pineal function in the rat
Q39644619Chronic exposure to ELF fields may induce depression
Q31948026Chronic exposure to ELF magnetic fields during night sleep with electric sheet: effects on diurnal melatonin rhythms in men.
Q39703210Chronic exposure to a 1.439 GHz electromagnetic field used for cellular phones does not promote N-ethylnitrosourea induced central nervous system tumors in F344 rats
Q72907987Chronic exposure to a 60-Hz electric field: effects on synaptic transmission and peripheral nerve function in the rat
Q70996607Chronic exposure to a 60‐Hz electric field: Effects on neuromuscular function in the rat
Q45876277Chronic exposure to an extremely low-frequency magnetic field induces depression-like behavior and corticosterone secretion without enhancement of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in mice
Q71487623Chronically indwelling venous cannula and automatic blood sampling system for use with nonhuman primates exposed to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields
Q38895228Circadian gene expression and extremely low-frequency magnetic fields: an in vitro study.
Q52553032Circadian locomotor activity of Musca flies: recording method and effects of 10 Hz square-wave electric fields.
Q44276197Circularly polarised MF (500 micro T 50 Hz) does not acutely suppress melatonin secretion from cultured Wistar rat pineal glands
Q72605642Circularly polarized, sinusoidal, 50 Hz magnetic field exposure does not influence plasma testosterone levels of rats
Q69564218Circulating antibody response of mice exposed to 9-GHz pulsed microwave radiation
Q46274710Clarification and application of an ion parametric resonance model for magnetic field interactions with biological systems
Q51241861Cleavage and survival of Xenopus embryos exposed to 8 T static magnetic fields in a rotating clinostat.
Q77896209Clinical progression of transplanted large granular lymphocytic leukemia in Fischer 344 rats exposed to 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q74278696Clinical report on long-term bone density after short-term EMF application
Q91579962Clinical results of pulsed signal therapy on patellofemoral syndrome with patellar chondropathy
Q38826387Closed-form equation to estimate the dielectric properties of biological tissues as a function of age.
Q96821176Co-Designed Exposure Protocol in the Study of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance Attributed to Electromagnetic Fields
Q46430819Cognitive and physiological responses in humans exposed to a TETRA base station signal in relation to perceived electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Q51012939Cognitive effects of cellular phones: a possible role of non-radiofrequency radiation factors.
Q40243652Cognitive effects of head-movements in stray fields generated by a 7 Tesla whole-body MRI magnet
Q51941160Cognitive effects of radiation emitted by cellular phones: the influence of exposure side and time.
Q57070768Cognitive function and symptoms in adults and adolescents in relation to rf radiation from UMTS base stations
Q51969311Cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation.
Q68800324Combined DC and ELF magnetic fields can alter cell proliferation
Q38502003Combined action of static and alternating magnetic fields on ion motion in a macromolecule: theoretical aspects
Q74134268Combined action of static and alternating magnetic fields on ionic current in aqueous glutamic acid solution
Q46142527Combined effect of X-ray radiation and static magnetic fields on reactive oxygen species in rat lymphocytes in vitro
Q42805974Combined effects of 60 Hz electromagnetic field exposure with various stress factors on cellular transformation in NIH3T3 cells
Q39690574Combined effects of 872 MHz radiofrequency radiation and ferrous chloride on reactive oxygen species production and DNA damage in human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
Q51614061Combined millimeter wave and cyclophosphamide therapy of an experimental murine melanoma.
Q48159283Combining near- and far-field exposure for an organ-specific and whole-body RF-EMF proxy for epidemiological research: a reference case
Q46222770Comment concerning "Childhood leukemia and residential magnetic fields: are pooled analyses more valid than the original studies?" (Bioelectromagnetics 27:1-7 [2006]).
Q83821589Comment concerning "Do electromagnetic fields interact with electrons in Na,K-ATPase?" (Bioelectromagnetics 26:677-683 [2005])
Q73316281Comment on "Acute low-intensity microwave exposure increases DNA single-strand breaks in rat brain cells" by Henry Lai and Narendra P. Singh
Q96689251Comment on "Discussion on Spatial and Time Averaging Restrictions Within the Electromagnetic Exposure Safety Framework in the Frequency Range Above 6 GHz for Pulsed and Localized Exposures" Bioelectromagnetics, 41:164-168 by Neufeld, Samaras, and Ku
Q45239453Comment on "Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure".
Q46639164Comment on "Reviews of the effects of RF fields on various aspects of human health" [Bioelectromagnetics Supplement 6 (2003)].
Q81522036Comment on "Scaling the thermophysiological effects of radiofrequency radiation--revisited"
Q51780401Comment on "Spindle disturbances in human hamster hybrid (A L) cells ..." by T. Schrader et al.
Q57133844Comment on "Theoretical evaluation of dielectric absorption of microwave energy at the scale of nucleic acids"
Q73829318Comment on "Thermal noise limit on the sensitivity of cellular membranes to power frequency electric and magnetic fields"
Q71491274Comment on "designing EMF experiments: what is required to characterize 'exposure'?"
Q93885120Comment on "designing EMF experiments: what is required to characterize 'exposure'?"
Q83846250Comment on "in vitro effect of pulsed 900 MHz GSM radiation on mitochondrial membrane potential and motility of human spermatozoa" by Falzone et al. (Bioelectromagnetics 29: 268-276, 2008)
Q78667202Comment on "proposed test for detection of nonlinear responses in biological preparations exposed to RF energy"
Q60704360Comment on ?extremely low frequency magnetic fields can either increase or decrease analgesia in the land snail depending on field and light conditions? by Frank S. Prato, M. Kavaliers, and A.W. Thomas
Q90683350Comment on Letter: "Post-Normal Science and the Management of Uncertainty in Bioelectromagnetic Controversies" by A.W. Wood
Q84231518Comment on Valic et al., 2009
Q52010639Comment on the comment by Dr. Marino and Dr. Frilot on "Proposed test for detection of nonlinear response in biological preparations exposed to RF energy".
Q67218994Comment on “Effects of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on early growth in three plant species and a replication of previous results” by Mark S. Davies
Q79262220Comment on “Exposure of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to electromagnetic fields associated with cellular phones leads to chromosomal instability,” by Mashevich et al. Bioelectromagnetics 2003;24(2):82–90
Q90451261Comment on: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy in the Treatment of Pain and Other Symptoms in Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Study
Q74015782Comment: "Accuracy of industry and occupation on death certificates of electric utility workers: implications for epidemiologic studies of magnetic fields and cancer" by Kurtis W. Andrews and David Savitz, Bioelectromagnetics 20:512-518 (1999)
Q43545774Comment: "Dantrolene modulates the influence of steady magnetic fields on hippocampal evoked potentials in vitro".
Q73747649Comment: "Microwave irradiation influences on the state of human cell nuclei" [Y.G. Shckorbatov Et al., 19:414-419 (1998)]
Q52032918Comment: "Project NEMESIS: Perception of a 50 Hz electric and magnetic field at low intensities".
Q83003088Comment: Did undetected AC components affect a DC magnetic field experiment? (Vashisth A, Nagarajan S. 2008. Bioelectromagnetics 29:571-578)
Q74771254Comment: Influence of stationary magnetic fields on water relations in lettuce seeds
Q80932303Comment: a biological guide for electromagnetic safety: the stress response
Q82377273Comment: analyses of models of ion actions under the combined action of AC and DC magnetic fields
Q43926275Comments from the Russian group on Repacholi et al. "An international project to confirm Soviet era results on immunological and teratological effects of RF field exposure in Wistar rats and comments on Grigoriev et al. [2010]".
Q75208985Comments on "Bioelectrical parameters of the whole human body obtained through bioelectrical impedance analysis"
Q52362429Comments on "Clarification and application of ion parametric resonance model for magnetic field interactions with biological systems" by Blanchard and Blackman.
Q86911970Comments on "Dosimetric study of fetal exposure to uniform magnetic fields at 50 Hz" by Liorni et al
Q71701425Comments on "Effects of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the development of the rat cerebellum," by Gona et al
Q40001225Comments on "Effects of a 2450 MHz high-frequency electromagnetic field with a wide range of SARs on the induction of heat-shock proteins in A172 cells" by Wang et al. (Bioelectromagnetics 27: 479-486, 2006).
Q85059826Comments on "Extremely low frequency electric fields and cancer: assessing the evidence" by Kheifets et al
Q84830466Comments on "In vivo measurements of electrical conductivity of porcine organs at low frequency: new method of measurement" by J. Spottorno, M. Multigner, G. Rivero, L. Álvarez, J. de la Venta, and M. Santos
Q54573129Comments on "Resonance effect of millimeter waves in the power range from 10(-19) to 3 X 10(-3) W/cm2 on Escherichia coli cells at different concentrations," Belyaev et al., Bioelectromagnetics, 17:312-321 (1996)
Q48826831Comments on "Sleep-inducing effect of low energy emission therapy" by Reite et al.
Q46256168Comments on "absorbed energy distribution from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation in a mammalian cell model: effect of membrane-bound water," by Liu and Cleary
Q51935457Comments on "cognitive impairment in rats after long-term exposure to GSM-900 mobile phone radiation" by Nittby et al. (Bioelectromagnetics 29:219-232, 2008).
Q44911772Comments on "exposure assessment of mobile phone base station radiation in an outdoor environment using sequential surrogate modeling" by Aerts et al.
Q57201729Comments on Kheifets et al. “Extremely low frequency electric fields and cancer: Assessing the evidence”
Q37046676Comments on Neurophysiological effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on humans: a comprehensive review
Q46823611Comments on SCENIHR: Opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields, bioelectromagnetics 36:480-484 (2015).
Q50996353Comments on Vladimir Binhi and Frank Prato's A physical mechanism of magnetoreception: Extension and analysis.
Q48033214Comments on analysis of mobile phone use among young patients with brain tumors in Japan
Q49065010Comments on assessment of polarization dependence of body shadow effect on dosimetry measurements in 2.4GHz band
Q84193393Comments on de Vocht et al. "Time trends (1998-2007) in brain cancer incidence rates in relation to mobile phone use in England"
Q83866049Comments on the article entitled "review of possible modulation-dependent biological effects of radiofrequency fields" by Juutilainen et al
Q82247938Comments on the brief communication "Security considerations in blinded exposure experiments using electromagnetic waves" by Christian Wolf
Q48277110Compact shielded exposure system for the simultaneous long-term UHF irradiation of forty small mammals. II. Dosimetry
Q39768674Comparative dosimetry for children and rodents exposed to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields
Q73747625Comparative effects of extremely high power microwave pulses and a brief CW irradiation on pacemaker function in isolated frog heart slices
Q52290278Comparative effects of pulsed and continuous-wave 2.8-GHz microwaves on temporally defined behavior.
Q38535342Comparative study of shortwave heating patterns in phantoms with polyethylene and silk partitions
Q43273247Comparing performances of logistic regression and neural networks for predicting melatonin excretion patterns in the rat exposed to ELF magnetic fields
Q78145373Comparison between personal exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields and stationary home measurements for people living near and away from a 735 kV power line
Q69596014Comparison of 60-Hz electric fields and incandescent light as aversive stimuli controlling the behavior of rats
Q71061652Comparison of RF‐induced calcium efflux from chick brain tissue at different frequencies: Do the scaled power density windows align?
Q39626346Comparison of average global exposure of population induced by a macro 3G network in different geographical areas in France and Serbia.
Q71468669Comparison of bacterial growth to high-intensity microwave exposure and conventional heating
Q51552339Comparison of cardiac and 60 Hz magnetically induced electric fields measured in anesthetized rats.
Q84572049Comparison of complex permittivities of isotonic colloids containing single-wall carbon nanotubes of varying chirality
Q73284191Comparison of coupling of humans to electric and magnetic fields with frequencies between 100 Hz and 100 kHz
Q40661567Comparison of dose dependences for bioeffects of continuous-wave and high-peak power microwave emissions using gel-suspended cell cultures
Q44225617Comparison of indices of ambient exposure to 60-hertz electric and magnetic fields
Q85901816Comparison of membrane electroporation and protein denature in response to pulsed electric field with different durations
Q52033841Comparison of numerical and experimental methods for determination of SAR and radiation patterns of handheld wireless telephones.
Q33609539Comparison of residential power-frequency magnetic fields away from appliances in different countries
Q104583020Comparison of the Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in a Rabbit Model of Experimentally Induced Achilles Tendon Injury
Q70935177Comparison of the coupling of grounded humans, swine and rats to vertical, 60‐Hz electric fields
Q69014600Comparison of the dielectric properties of normal and wounded human skin material
Q77925739Comparison of three different ways of measuring distances between residences and high voltage power lines
Q81653338Comparison perception of singular transcranial magnetic stimuli by subjectively electrosensitive subjects and general population controls
Q74531037Complex effects of long-term 50 Hz magnetic field exposure in vivo on immune functions in female Sprague-Dawley rats depend on duration of exposure
Q44310004Complex magnetic field exposure system for in vitro experiments at intermediate frequencies
Q42621205Complex permittivity of representative biological solutions in the 2-67 GHz range.
Q51925742Complex permittivity of sodium chloride solutions at microwave frequencies.
Q45893190Compliance boundaries for multiple-frequency base station antennas in three directions
Q51609242Computational exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields generated by an RFID system for mother--newborn identity reconfirmation.
Q91279049Computational phantom study of frozen melanoma imaging at 0.45 terahertz
Q48694934Computational verification of anesthesia effect on temperature variations in rabbit eyes exposed to 2.45 GHz microwave energy
Q38666449Conditioning analysis of magnetoreception in honeybees
Q52315421Conductivities of pig dermis and subcutaneous fat measured with rectangular pulse electrical current.
Q72362999Conductivity differences distort probe measurements of magnetically induced electric fields
Q52315429Conductivity of a chronic wound model.
Q52652391Conductivity values of tissue culture medium from 20 degrees C to 40 degrees C.
Q50990485Configuration-dependent variability of the effect of an electric field on the plasma glucocorticoid level in immobilized mice.
Q43926329Confirmation studies of Soviet research on immunological effects of microwaves: Russian immunology results.
Q50262821Consideration of different heating lengths of needles with induction heating and resistance system: A novel design of needle module for thermal ablation
Q36204241Contact current hypothesis: summary of results to date
Q43355867Contact voltage measured in residences: implications to the association between magnetic fields and childhood leukemia
Q48287071Contactless passive diagnosis for brain intracranial applications: A study using dielectric matching materials
Q43437052Continuous exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields induces duration- and dose-dependent apoptosis of testicular germ cells
Q46340502Continuous exposure to low amplitude extremely low frequency electrical fields characterizing the vascular streaming potential alters elastin accumulation in vascular smooth muscle cells
Q53561269Continuous wave and simulated GSM exposure at 1.8 W/kg and 1.8 GHz do not induce hsp16-1 heat-shock gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Q87432903Contribution of a 300 kHz alternating magnetic field on magnetic hyperthermia treatment of HepG2 cells
Q69198604Control of energy absorption rate in transmission line radiofrequency exposure systems
Q50280579Controllable spectrum artificial sunlight source system using LEDs with 32 different peak wavelengths of 385-910 nm
Q61734528Controlled release from magnetoliposomes aqueous suspensions exposed to a low intensity magnetic field
Q36123852Controversial cytogenetic observations in mammalian somatic cells exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation: a review and future research recommendations
Q75306735Corona discharge influences ozone concentrations near rats
Q39438398Coronary heart diseases: assessment of risk associated with work exposure to ultralow-frequency magnetic fields
Q84830352Corrections to "spatial gradient effects of 120 mT static magnetic field on endothelial tubular formation in vitro"
Q77294464Correlation between pulsed electromagnetic fields exposure time and cell proliferation increase in human osteosarcoma cell lines and human normal osteoblast cells in vitro
Q83987047Correlation of magnetic AC field on cardiac myocyte Ca(2+) transients at different magnetic DC levels
Q43467734Correlations among indices of electric and magnetic field exposure in electric utility workers
Q73310642Cows, ground surface potentials and earth resistivity
Q44019630Criticism of Lednev's mechanism for the influence of weak magnetic fields on biological systems
Q53105846Current densities and total contact currents associated with 400 kV power line tasks.
Q42378729Current densities and total contact currents during forest clearing tasks under 400 kV power lines
Q53085908Current densities and total contact currents for 110 and 220 kV power line tasks.
Q68273014Current densities induced in swine and rat models by power-frequency electric fields
Q70069432Current densities measured in human models exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q83775945Current density in a model of a human body with a conductive implant exposed to ELF electric and magnetic fields
Q48494328Current density threshold for the stimulation of neurons in the motor cortex area
Q40839931Current state and implications of research on biological effects of millimeter waves: a review of the literature
Q67588566Currents induced in a model of a rat exposed to EMP in a parallel-plate line: calculations and experimental results
Q49025457Currents induced in anatomic models of the human for uniform and nonuniform power frequency magnetic fields
Q56978733Custom edge-element FEM solver and its application to eddy-current simulation of realistic 2M-element human brain phantom
Q78414287Cylindrical waveguide applicator for in vitro exposure of cell culture samples to 1.9-GHz radiofrequency fields
Q77495075Cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes following GMSK phase modulated microwave exposure
Q73259985Cytogenetic effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields of different magnetic flux densities
Q73444259Cytogenetic effects of 900 MHz (GSM) microwaves on human lymphocytes
Q73631486Cytological effects of 60 Hz magnetic fields on human lymphocytes in vitro: sister-chromatid exchanges, cell kinetics and mitotic rate
Q52209297Cytoplasmic Ca2+ oscillations in human leukemia T-cells are reduced by 50 Hz magnetic fields.
Q45931759Cytoskeletal forces produced by extremely low-frequency electric fields acting on extracellular glycoproteins.
Q39600446Cytostatic response of NB69 cells to weak pulse-modulated 2.2 GHz radar-like signals.
Q73399117DC-ELF characterization of random mixtures of piecewise nonlinear media
Q33250024DEXA analysis on the bones of rats exposed in utero and neonatally to static and 50 Hz electric fields
Q40352083DNA strand breaks are not induced in human cells exposed to 2.1425 GHz band CW and W-CDMA modulated radiofrequency fields allocated to mobile radio base stations
Q39442813DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in C6 glioma and primary glial cells exposed to a 836.55 MHz modulated radiofrequency field
Q45239449Daily repeated magnetic field shielding induces analgesia in CD-1 mice
Q33895008Dantrolene modulates the influence of steady magnetic fields on hippocampal evoked potentials in vitro
Q58588983Dealing with crosstalk in electromagnetic field measurements of portable devices
Q46575557Decline of cell viability and mitochondrial activity in mouse skeletal muscle cell in a hypomagnetic field
Q40752115Decreased DNA repair rates and protection from heat induced apoptosis mediated by electromagnetic field exposure
Q87514934Decreased P-glycoprotein is associated with the inhibitory effects of static magnetic fields and cisplatin on K562 cells
Q34403092Decreased plasma levels of nitric oxide metabolites, angiotensin II, and aldosterone in spontaneously hypertensive rats exposed to 5 mT static magnetic field
Q52040360Deficits in spatial learning after exposure of mice to a 50 Hz magnetic field.
Q82705451Deprotonation of glutamic acid induced by weak magnetic field: an FTIR-ATR study
Q74015766Description of a new computer wire coding method and its application to evaluate potential control selection bias in the Savitz et al. childhood cancer study
Q89913166Design and Dosimetric Analysis of an Exposure Facility for Investigating Possible Effects of 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi Signals on Human Sleep
Q70718774Design and characterization of a system for exposure of cultured cells to extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields over a wide range of field strengths
Q48247677Design and dosimetric analysis of a 385 MHz TETRA head exposure system for use in human provocation studies
Q52385953Design and fabrication of well confined uniform magnetic field exposure systems.
Q99589680Design of Site-Specific Microwave Phased Array Hyperthermia Applicators Using 434 MHz Reduced Cavity-Backed Patch Antenna
Q70730944Design of a magnetic field generator for experiments on magnetic effects in cell cultures
Q77896194Design, construction, and validation of a large capacity rodent magnetic field exposure laboratory
Q84444824Design, implementation, and dosimetry analysis of an S-band waveguide in vitro system for the exposure of cell culture samples to pulsed fields
Q39542112Design, optimization, realization, and analysis of an in vitro system for the exposure of embryonic stem cells at 1.71 GHz.
Q71491270Designing EMF experiments: what is required to characterize "exposure"?
Q40106431Desktop exposure system and dosimetry for small scale in vivo radiofrequency exposure experiments
Q51399756Detailed modeling of palpebral fissure and its influence on SAR and temperature rise in human eye under GHz exposures.
Q52258235Detection of 60-hertz vertical electric fields by rats.
Q51801472Detection of intracellular macromolecule behavior under strong magnetic fields by linearly polarized light
Q34431286Detection of magnetism in the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) using magnetic resonance imaging
Q52210862Detection thresholds for 60 Hz electric fields by nonhuman primates.
Q57138054Detection-threshold of 50-Hz electric fields by human subjects
Q39512778Determinants of power-frequency magnetic fields in residences located away from overhead power lines
Q70365100Determination of electric current distributions in animals and humans exposed to a uniform 60-Hz high-intensity electric field
Q39614411Determination of safety distance limits for a human near a cellular base station antenna, adopting the IEEE standard or ICNIRP guidelines
Q52404306Determination of the induced ELF electric field distribution in a two layer in vitro system simulating biological cells in nutrient solution.
Q39392067Development and evaluation of a location-specific wire code
Q37391852Development and evaluation of an electromagnetic hypersensitivity questionnaire for Japanese people
Q50979419Development and evaluation of intermediate frequency magnetic field exposure system for studies of in vitro biological effects.
Q28266406Development and evaluation of the electromagnetic hypersensitivity questionnaire
Q57551639Development of a dielectric equivalent gel for better impedance matching for human skin
Q84571501Development of a higher power intermediate-frequency magnetic field exposure system for in vitro studies
Q46963228Development of a protocol for assessing time-weighted-average exposures of young children to power-frequency magnetic fields
Q41666210Development of a rat head exposure system for simulating human exposure to RF fields from handheld wireless telephones
Q52203484Development of chicken embryos exposed to an intermittent horizontal sinusoidal 50 Hz magnetic field.
Q68132499Development of chicken embryos following exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields with differing waveforms
Q52243220Development of chicken embryos in a pulsed magnetic field.
Q73311160Development of mouse testis and epididymis following intrauterine exposure to a static magnetic field
Q70967378Development of xenopus laevis embryos in a static magnetic field
Q44107364Development of young rats and rabbits exposed to a strong electric field
Q41259681Developmental abnormality induced by strong static magnetic field in Caenorhabditis elegans
Q52115262Developmental changes in Drosophila melanogaster following exposure to alternating electromagnetic fields.
Q36204244Developmental effects of electromagnetic fields
Q36148777Developmental effects of physiologically weak electric fields and heat: an overview
Q52258238Developmental studies of Hanford miniature swine exposed to 60-Hz electric fields.
Q52106756Developmental toxicity evaluation of ELF magnetic fields in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Q81653333Devices for gradient static magnetic field exposure
Q33177392Diatom motility and low frequency electromagnetic fields--a new technique in the search for independent replication of results
Q71537872Didactic discussion of stochastic resonance effects and weak signals
Q92489089Dielectric Properties of Normal and Metastatic Lymph Nodes Ex Vivo From Lung Cancer Surgeries
Q57139169Dielectric behavior of water in biological solutions: studies on myoglobin, human low-density lipoprotein, and polyvinylpyrrolidone
Q77766999Dielectric behaviour of frozen DNA in solution
Q51014625Dielectric characterization of bacterial cells using dielectrophoresis.
Q48705315Dielectric polarization transients in biological tissue moving in a static magnetic field
Q57139721Dielectric probe of the electric-field-sensitive peptide alamethicin
Q42671141Dielectric properties of animal tissues in vivo at frequencies 10 MHz – 1 GHz
Q36249139Dielectric properties of biological tissue: variation with age.
Q48412114Dielectric properties of brain tissue at 1 GHz in acute ischemic stroke: Experimental study on swine
Q48572507Dielectric properties of developing rabbit brain at 37 degrees C.
Q47996610Dielectric properties of dog brain tissue measured in vitro across the 0.3-3 GHz band.
Q48221685Dielectric properties of human brain tissue measured less than 10 h postmortem at frequencies from 800 to 2450 MHz.
Q71773140Dielectric properties of human fetal organ tissues at radio frequencies
Q57137563Dielectric properties of human red blood cells in suspension at radio frequencies
Q35000551Dielectric properties of human skin at an acupuncture point in the 50-75 GHz frequency range: a pilot study
Q69564216Dielectric properties of lens tissue at microwave frequencies
Q70134635Dielectric properties of mouse MCA1 fibrosarcoma at different stages of development
Q47676718Dielectric properties of porcine brain tissue in the transition from life to death at frequencies from 800 to 1900 MHz.
Q46729290Dielectric response of some biological tissues
Q54596297Difference in frequency spectrum of extremely-low-frequency effects on the genome conformational state of AB 1157 and EMG2 E. coli cells.
Q31003101Differences in RF energy absorption in the heads of adults and children
Q40514243Differences in lethality between cancer cells and human lymphocytes caused by LF-electromagnetic fields
Q43026366Different effects of microwave energy and conventional heat on the activity of a thermophilic beta-galactosidase from Bacillus acidocaldarius
Q45953776Different electromagnetic field waveforms have different effects on proliferation, differentiation and mineralization of osteoblasts in vitro.
Q47883783Differential intensity-dependent effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on RANKL-induced osteoclast formation, apoptosis, and bone resorbing ability in RAW264.7 cells.
Q85001668Differential magnetic field effects on heart rate and nociception in anosmic pigeons
Q51581259Differential modulation of natural and adaptive immunity in Fischer rats exposed for 6 weeks to 60 Hz linear sinusoidal continuous-wave magnetic fields.
Q40778821Direct current decreases cell viability but not P-glycoprotein expression and function in human multidrug resistant leukemic cells
Q29031165Direct current electrical fields induce apoptosis in oral mucosa cancer cells by NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species
Q38736670Direct electric current modifies important cellular aspects and ultrastructure features of Candida albicans yeasts: Influence of doses and polarities
Q73747634Directed and enhanced neurite growth with pulsed magnetic field stimulation
Q92304979Discussion on Spatial and Time Averaging Restrictions Within the Electromagnetic Exposure Safety Framework in the Frequency Range Above 6 GHz for Pulsed and Localized Exposures
Q51749737Disruption of the actin cortex contributes to susceptibility of mammalian cells to nanosecond pulsed electric fields.
Q90618368Distribution of AC Electric Field-Induced Transmembrane Voltage in Escherichia coli Cell Wall Layers
Q73209409Distributions of measurement errors for single-axis magnetic field meters during measurements near appliances
Q47877956Disturbed sleep in individuals with Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF): Melatonin assessment as a biological marker.
Q43640496Diurnal patterns in brain biogenic amines of rats exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q41002517Do ELF magnetic fields affect human reaction time?
Q51831187Do ambient electromagnetic fields affect behaviour? A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide.
Q34465755Do cocarcinogenic effects of ELF electromagnetic fields require repeated long-term interaction with carcinogens? Characteristics of positive studies using the DMBA breast cancer model in rats
Q41401664Do electromagnetic fields interact directly with DNA?
Q81273923Do electromagnetic fields interact with electrons in the Na,K-ATPase?
Q36214339Do magnetic fields cause increased risk of childhood leukemia via melatonin disruption?
Q46235183Do people understand IARC's 2B categorization of RF fields from cell phones?
Q37902614Do people with idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields display physiological effects when exposed to electromagnetic fields? A systematic review of provocation studies.
Q52211115Do rats show a behavioral sensitivity to low-level magnetic fields?
Q34136410Do studies of wire code and childhood leukemia point towards or away from magnetic fields as the causal agent?
Q60323386Does acute exposure to mobile phones affect human attention?
Q48402030Does direction of induced electric field or current provide a test of mechanism involved in nerve regeneration?
Q34044906Does electromagnetic hypersensitivity originate from nocebo responses? Indications from a qualitative study
Q40975649Does exposure to environmental radiofrequency electromagnetic fields cause cognitive and behavioral effects in 10-year-old boys?
Q46129773Does the magnetic field of a magnetic stirrer in an optical aggregometer affect concurrent platelet aggregation?
Q51009851Dominant factors influencing whole-body average SAR due to far-field exposure in whole-body resonance frequency and GHz regions.
Q68605662Dominant lethal studies in male mice after exposure to a 50-Hz electric field
Q68025873Dose dependence of acetylcholinesterase activity in neuroblastoma cells exposed to modulated radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation
Q51138226Dose response study of human exposure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields.
Q35176083Dose-response implications of the transient nature of electromagnetic-field-induced bioeffects: Theoretical hypotheses and predictions
Q23915454Dose-response relationship between body temperature and birth defects in radiofrequency-irradiated rats
Q88994415Dose-response study for the highly aggressive and metastatic primary F3II mammary carcinoma under direct current
Q48106365Dosimetric analysis of the carousel setup for the exposure of rats at 1.62 GHz.
Q51241866Dosimetric assessment of an exposure system for simulating GSM and WCDMA mobile phone usage.
Q60049809Dosimetric evaluation and comparison of different RF exposure apparatuses used in human volunteer studies
Q61457301Dosimetric evaluation and comparison of different RF exposure apparatuses used in human volunteer studies
Q35176074Dosimetric extrapolations of extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields across biological systems
Q53430100Dosimetric study of fetal exposure to uniform magnetic fields at 50 Hz.
Q69586048Dosimetric study of microwave cataractogenesis
Q87425197Dosimetric study on eye's exposure to wide band radio frequency electromagnetic fields: variability by the ocular axial length
Q48572245Dosimetry evaluation of a cylindrical waveguide chamber for unrestrained small rodents at 1.9 GHz
Q70935203Dosimetry for a study of effects of 2.45‐GHz microwaves on mouse testis
Q48288413Dosimetry for infant exposures to electronic article surveillance system: posture, physical dimension and anatomy
Q48300764Dosimetry in mice exposed to 1.6 GHz microwaves in a carrousel irradiator
Q35176079Dosimetry of extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields
Q49160871Dosimetry of infant exposure to power-frequency magnetic fields: variation of 99th percentile induced electric field value by posture and skin-to-skin contact
Q45231031Dosimetry workshop: Extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields
Q67889592Dosimetry workshop: extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields. Carmel, California, March 20-22, 1991
Q52902459Double blind test of magnetic field effects on neurite outgrowth.
Q48181485Drone based measurement system for radiofrequency exposure assessment
Q52652205Dynamic characteristics of membrane ions in multifield configurations of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
Q52319108Dynamic properties of Lednev's parametric resonance mechanism.
Q46800691Dynamics of the ion cyclotron resonance effect on amino acids adsorbed at the interfaces.
Q51283574ECG changes in factory workers exposed to 27.2  MHz radiofrequency radiation.
Q33259301EGF receptor clustering is induced by a 0.4 mT power frequency magnetic field and blocked by the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor PD153035.
Q96219558ELF Magnetic Field Exposure System for In Vitro Studies Based on Lee-Whiting Coils
Q52544134ELF electromagnetic environment in power substations.
Q68132495ELF exposure facility for human testing
Q34466461ELF exposure system for live cell imaging
Q44276204ELF fields and photooxidation yielding lethal effects on cancer cells
Q68132497ELF in vitro exposure systems for inducing uniform electric and magnetic fields in cell culture media
Q51614052ELF magnetic field exposure in a neonatal intensive care unit.
Q36859257ELF magnetic field exposure system with feedback-controlled disturbance rejection
Q30780732ELF magnetic field inhibits gap junctional intercellular communication and induces hyperphosphorylation of connexin43 in NIH3T3 cells
Q39079431ELF magnetic fields do not affect cell survival and DNA damage induced by ultraviolet B.
Q39557650ELF magnetic fields in a city environment
Q39625084ELF magnetic fields in electric and gasoline-powered vehicles
Q44059736ELF magnetic fields increase amino acid uptake into Vicia faba L. roots and alter ion movement across the plasma membrane
Q44276200ELF magnetic fields induce internalization of gap junction protein connexin 43 in Chinese hamster lung cells
Q39117645ELF magnetic fields tuned to ion parametric resonance conditions do not affect TEA-sensitive voltage-dependent outward K(+) currents in a human neural cell line.
Q39099489ELF-magnetic flux densities measured in a city environment in summer and winter
Q50714048EMF acts on rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to promote differentiation to osteoblasts and to inhibit differentiation to adipocytes.
Q41208536EMF and current cancer concepts
Q40784788EMF exposure assessment in the Finnish garment industry: evaluation of proposed EMF exposure metrics
Q90003747EMF exposure variation among MRI sequences from pediatric examination protocols
Q69423706EMP simulators and public safety: an analysis
Q47653500EMP-induced BBB-disruption enhances drug delivery to glioma and increases treatment efficacy in rats
Q51380569Early exposure of rotating magnetic fields promotes central nervous regeneration in planarian Girardia sinensis.
Q41131144Early history of bioelectromagnetics
Q72811448Early pregnancy loss and exposure to 50-Hz magnetic fields
Q90112436Early-Life Exposure to Pulsed LTE Radiofrequency Fields Causes Persistent Changes in Activity and Behavior in C57BL/6 J Mice
Q39097604Eccentric figure-eight coils for transcranial magnetic stimulation
Q48034721Editorial: Introducing Dr. Frank S. Prato
Q30826910Effect of 0.25 T static magnetic field on microcirculation in rabbits
Q86600555Effect of 1 mT sinusoidal electromagnetic fields on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells
Q79262215Effect of 10 kV, 30 μT, 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on milk production and feed intake in nonpregnant dairy cattle
Q44305500Effect of 100 mT homogeneous static magnetic field on [Ca2+]c response to ATP in HL-60 cells following GSH depletion
Q77896187Effect of 50 Hz sinusoidal electromagnetic field on the kinetics of 14CO2 exhalation after [14C]-N-nitrosodiethylamine administration in mice
Q46203681Effect of 50 Hz, 0.2 mT magnetic fields on RBC properties and heart functions of albino rats
Q69564208Effect of 9.6-GHz pulsed microwaves on the orb web spinning ability of the cross spider (Araneus diadematus)
Q81807711Effect of 902 MHz mobile phone transmission on cognitive function in children
Q91906866Effect of Exposure to a Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field on Body Temperature in Anesthetized and Non-Anesthetized Rats
Q99632377Effect of Extremely Low Power Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field on Germination and Other Characteristics in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) Seeds
Q102061771Effect of Intermittent ELF MF on Umbilical Cord Blood Lymphocytes
Q92684415Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using 3D Magnetic Scaffolds
Q40637676Effect of a 125 mT static magnetic field on the kinetics of voltage activated Na+ channels in GH3 cells
Q44937035Effect of a 50 Hz electric field on plasma ACTH, glucose, lactate, and pyruvate levels in stressed rats.
Q73259978Effect of a 60 Hz magnetic field on the behavior of Paramecium
Q73271680Effect of a 902 MHz electromagnetic field emitted by mobile phones on human cognitive function: A replication study
Q50279394Effect of a low intensity magnetic field on human motor behavior
Q47207641Effect of a permanent magnetic field on wing size parameters in Drosophila melanogaster
Q43769276Effect of a single 30 min UMTS mobile phone-like exposure on the thermal pain threshold of young healthy volunteers
Q48676480Effect of adverse environmental conditions and protective clothing on temperature rise in a human body exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields
Q48129625Effect of ambient levels of power-line-frequency electric fields on a developing vertebrate
Q52726651Effect of cell phone radiofrequency radiation on body temperature in rodents: Pilot studies of the National Toxicology Program's reverberation chamber exposure system.
Q73201334Effect of coexposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields and an aneugen on human lymphocytes, determined by the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay
Q71952165Effect of continuous-wave and amplitude-modulated 2.45 GHz microwave radiation on the liver and brain aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetases of in utero exposed mice
Q51223524Effect of cyclophosphamide and 61.22 GHz millimeter waves on T-cell, B-cell, and macrophage functions.
Q34522306Effect of electrical stimulation on musculoskeletal systems; a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials
Q50650266Effect of electromagnetic nanopulses on C. elegans fertility.
Q72044951Effect of electromagnetic stimulation with different waveforms on cultured chick tendon fibroblasts
Q43232322Effect of exposure to 50 Hz magnetic field with or without insulin on blood-brain barrier permeability in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
Q40341210Effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes virus in BCBL-1 cells.
Q81471423Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on calpain activation
Q42824464Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on cell proliferation and gene expression
Q69714352Effect of extremely-low-frequency pulsed magnetic fields on the mitogenic response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q40332448Effect of glutathione depletion, hyperthermia, and a 100-mT static magnetic field on an hsp70/luc reporter system
Q70472215Effect of high-voltage pulses on the viability of human leucocytes in vitro
Q70967375Effect of homogeneous magnetic fields on responses to toxic stimulation in spirostomum ambiguum
Q88326821Effect of homogeneous static magnetic treatment on the adsorption capacity in maize seeds (Zea mays L.).
Q50230771Effect of in vivo and in vitro exposure to electrostatic field on some hematological parameters in rats
Q42163530Effect of intermittent and continuous exposure to electromagnetic fields on cultured hippocampal cells
Q47762094Effect of intervention initiation timing of pulsed electromagnetic field on ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats
Q70167227Effect of localized pulsed electromagnetic fields on tail-suspension osteopenia in growing mice
Q39931847Effect of long term exposure to 0.5 T static magnetic fields on growth and size of GH3 cells
Q48316729Effect of long-term (2 years) exposure of mouse brains to global system for mobile communication (GSM) radiofrequency fields on astrocytic immunoreactivity
Q47734829Effect of low frequency modulated microwave exposure on human EEG: individual sensitivity
Q45939336Effect of low frequency transcutaneous magnetic stimulation on sensory and motor transmission.
Q73030088Effect of low frequency, low amplitude magnetic fields on the permeability of cationic liposomes entrapping carbonic anhydrase: I. Evidence for charged lipid involvement
Q73030092Effect of low frequency, low amplitude magnetic fields on the permeability of cationic liposomes entrapping carbonic anhydrase: II. No evidence for surface enzyme involvement
Q71351799Effect of low-intensity millimeter wave electromagnetic radiation on regeneration of the sciatic nerve in rats
Q57455817Effect of low-level 1800 MHz radiofrequency radiation on the rat sciatic nerve and the protective role of paricalcitol
Q69714360Effect of low-level, 60-Hz electromagnetic fields on human lymphoid cells: I. Mitotic rate and chromosome breakage in human peripheral lymphocytes
Q30831582Effect of magnetic field exposure on calcium channel currents using patch clamp technique
Q91805837Effect of magnetic field on in vitro seedling growth and shoot regeneration from cotyledon node explants of Lathyrus chrysanthus boiss
Q52728199Effect of magnetic fields on antioxidative defense and fitness-related traits of Baculum extradentatum (insecta, phasmatodea).
Q42513724Effect of magnetic fields on rodent monooxygenase enzymes.
Q47231188Effect of microwave irradiation (2.45 GHz, CW) on egg weight loss, egg hatchability, and hatchling growth of the Coturnix quail
Q48229892Effect of microwave radiation on human EEG at two different levels of exposure.
Q71385015Effect of microwave radiation on the beating rate of isolated frog hearts
Q81523703Effect of microwave radiation on the biophysical properties of liposomes
Q72857200Effect of microwave radiation on the permeability of carbonic anhydrase loaded unilamellar liposomes
Q72646436Effect of microwaves (2450-MHz) on the immune system in mice: Studies of nucleic acid and protein synthesis
Q40324984Effect of millimeter wave irradiation on tumor metastasis
Q73559769Effect of millimeter waves on cyclophosphamide induced suppression of T cell functions
Q44190829Effect of millimeter waves on cyclophosphamide induced suppression of the immune system
Q51565368Effect of millimeter waves on natural killer cell activation.
Q72066399Effect of millimeter waves on survival of UVC‐exposed Escherichia coli
Q46570060Effect of negative air ions on morphine-induced changes in the latency of the tail-flick reflex
Q70996612Effect of nonionizing radiation on the purkinje cells of the rat cerebellum
Q70996610Effect of nonionizing radiation on the purkinje cells of the uvula in squirrel monkey cerebellum
Q88381807Effect of pharmacological modulation of actin and myosin on collective cell electrotaxis
Q83841614Effect of pierced metallic objects on SAR distributions at 900 MHz
Q51634187Effect of pulse-burst electromagnetic field stimulation on osteoblast cell activities.
Q48829546Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field exposure on adenosine receptors in rat brain
Q83320895Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on the proliferation and differentiation potential of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
Q39845490Effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on in vitro models of neurodegenerative disease.
Q69014594Effect of relative humidity on the movement of rat vibrissae in a 60-Hz electric field
Q44885597Effect of short duration electromagnetic field exposures on rat mass
Q70935266Effect of short electromagnetic pulses on brain acetylcholine content and spontaneous motor activity of mice
Q46846061Effect of short-wave (6-22 MHz) magnetic fields on sleep quality and melatonin cycle in humans: the Schwarzenburg shut-down study
Q42462395Effect of sinusoidal 50 Hz magnetic field on the testosterone production of mouse primary Leydig cell culture
Q74134274Effect of sinusoidally varying magnetic fields on cell proliferation and adenosine deaminase specific activity
Q73444256Effect of static magnetic field on E. coli cells and individual rotations of ion-protein complexes
Q51097942Effect of static magnetic field on endospore germination.
Q80011316Effect of static magnetic field on growth and sporulation of some plant pathogenic fungi
Q51369677Effect of static magnetic field on pain level and expression of P2X3 receptors in the trigeminal ganglion in mice following experimental tooth movement.
Q72811441Effect of static magnetic fields on osteoblasts and fibroblasts in vitro
Q84655985Effect of static magnetic fields on the budding of yeast cells
Q85001384Effect of static magnetic fields on the growth, photosynthesis and ultrastructure of Chlorella kessleri microalgae
Q83265192Effect of stationary magnetic field strengths of 150 and 200 mT on reactive oxygen species production in soybean
Q79524579Effect of the electrical currents generated by the intestinal smooth muscle layers on pancreatic enzyme activity: an in vitro study
Q78782677Effect of the meniscus at the solid/liquid interface on the SAR distribution in Petri dishes and flasks
Q47803768Effect of ultra-strong static magnetic field on bacteria: application of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy combined with cluster analysis and deconvolution
Q44124825Effect of ultraviolet B radiation and 100 Hz electromagnetic fields on proliferation and DNA synthesis of Jurkat cells
Q83440989Effect of weak combined static and extremely low-frequency alternating magnetic fields on tumor growth in mice inoculated with the Ehrlich ascites carcinoma
Q50261140Effect of weak permanent magnetic field on lipid composition and content in perilla leaves
Q80742024Effect of weak static and low-frequency alternating magnetic fields on the fission and regeneration of the planarian dugesia (Girardia) tigrina
Q85650550Effect of weak static magnetic fields on the development of cultured skeletal muscle cells
Q81736155Effect of weak, interrupted sinusoidal low frequency magnetic field on neural regeneration in rats: functional evaluation
Q51009526Effect on the immune system of mice exposed chronically to 50 Hz amplitude-modulated 2.45 GHz microwaves.
Q96112982Effectiveness of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Bone Healing: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Q53599288Effectiveness of magnetically aligned collagen for neural regeneration in vitro and in vivo.
Q90225973Effects and Mechanisms of Exogenous Electromagnetic Field on Bone Cells: A Review
Q73481720Effects function analysis of ELF magnetic field exposure in the electric utility work environment
Q73186191Effects function simulation of residential appliance field exposures
Q33227700Effects of 0.4 T rotating magnetic field exposure on density, strength, calcium and metabolism of rat thigh bones
Q88513317Effects of 1.8 GHz radiofrequency field on microstructure and bone metabolism of femur in mice
Q43759273Effects of 100 GHz radiation on alkaline phosphatase activity and antigen-antibody interaction
Q73399110Effects of 100 mT time varying magnetic fields on the growth of tumors in mice
Q79852048Effects of 12 mT static magnetic field on sympathetic agonist-induced hypertension in Wistar rats
Q40129933Effects of 120 mT static magnetic field on TGF-beta1-inhibited endothelial tubular formation in vitro
Q90895626Effects of 171 MHz Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Field on Glucocorticoid and Mineral Corticoid Activity of the Adrenal Glands of Rats
Q42979708Effects of 180 mT static magnetic fields on diabetic wound healing in rats
Q52864529Effects of 1950 MHz W-CDMA-like signal on human spermatozoa.
Q44937032Effects of 2.45 GHz microwave fields on liposomes entrapping glycoenzyme ascorbate oxidase: evidence for oligosaccharide side chain involvement
Q23916921Effects of 2.45-GHz microwave and 100-MHz radiofrequency radiation on liposome permeability at the phase transition temperature
Q53475919Effects of 2.45-GHz microwave radiation and phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate on dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer in mice.
Q50537668Effects of 2.45-GHz microwaves on primate corneal endothelium.
Q70935219Effects of 2.45‐GHz microwave radiation on embryonic quail hearts
Q45191309Effects of 25 mT static magnetic field on blood pressure in reserpine-induced hypotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats
Q48158565Effects of 2G and 3G mobile phones on human alpha rhythms: Resting EEG in adolescents, young adults, and the elderly
Q48350810Effects of 45-Hz magnetic fields on the functional state of the human brain
Q51067754Effects of 5 s exposures to a 50 microT, 20 Hz magnetic field on skin conductance and ratings of affect and arousal.
Q92453798Effects of 5-HT1 and 5-HT 2 Receptor Agonists on Electromagnetic Field-Induced Analgesia in Rats
Q41061187Effects of 50 Hz EMF exposure on micronucleus formation and apoptosis in transformed and nontransformed human cell lines
Q73747639Effects of 50 Hz electric currents and magnetic fields on the prokaryote Propionibacterium acnes
Q40637682Effects of 50 Hz electromagnetic field exposure on apoptosis and differentiation in a neuroblastoma cell line
Q73259998Effects of 50 Hz magnetic field exposure on tumor experimental models
Q74089789Effects of 50 Hz magnetic field on cell cycle kinetics and the colony forming ability of budding yeast exposed to ultraviolet radiation
Q44073643Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on C-myc transcript levels in nonsynchronized and synchronized human cells
Q44403960Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on fMLP‐induced shape changes in invertebrate immunocytes: The role of calcium ion channels
Q40941579Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on gap junctional intercellular communication
Q70882121Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on mouse spermatogenesis monitored by flow cytometric analysis
Q48425687Effects of 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields on Hsp27, Hsp70, Hsp90 expression in porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC).
Q42979697Effects of 50-Hz magnetic field exposure on hormone secretion and apoptosis-related gene expression in human first trimester villous trophoblasts in vitro
Q92841248Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on circadian rhythm control in mice
Q42828716Effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on gap junctional intercellular communication in NIH3T3 cells.
Q46328363Effects of 60 Hz 14 microT magnetic field on the apoptosis of testicular germ cell in mice
Q48393342Effects of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on maturation of the rat neopallium
Q48393348Effects of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the development of the rat cerebellum
Q71661284Effects of 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on early growth in three plant species and a replication of previous results
Q48219173Effects of 60 Hz magnetic field exposure on the pineal and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus).
Q70472234Effects of 60 Hz-electric fields on specific humoral and cellular components of the immune system
Q36466250Effects of 60-Hz electric fields on cellular elongation and radial expansion growth in cucurbit roots
Q87417879Effects of 60 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field on in vitro establishment, multiplication, and acclimatization phases of Coffea arabica seedlings
Q41638218Effects of 60‐Hz electric fields on avoidance behavior and activity of rats
Q93351825Effects of 7 T static magnetic fields on the expression of biological markers and the formation of bone in rats
Q39355459Effects of 837 and 1950 MHz radiofrequency radiation exposure alone or combined on oxidative stress in MCF10A cells
Q50471637Effects of 900 MHz electromagnetic fields exposure on cochlear cells' functionality in rats: evaluation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions.
Q45208283Effects of 940 Hz EMF on luciferase solution: structure, function, and dielectric studies.
Q114907105Effects of Acute Exposure to 3500 MHz (5G) Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Anxiety‐Like Behavior and the Auditory Cortex in Guinea Pigs
Q51061652Effects of BMP9 and pulsed electromagnetic fields on the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem cells.
Q48555353Effects of ELF (1-120 Hz) and modulated (50 Hz) RF fields on the efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue in vitro
Q30333382Effects of ELF magnetic field on membrane protein structure of living HeLa cells studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
Q70584231Effects of ELF magnetic fields on biological magnetite
Q46265101Effects of EMF emissions from undersea electric cables on coral reef fish
Q48890888Effects of GSM signals on auditory evoked responses.
Q48348506Effects of GSM-900 microwaves on the experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) rat model of multiple sclerosis
Q35277464Effects of GSM-modulated 900 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the hematopoietic potential of mouse bone marrow cells
Q89587757Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Low-Power 915 MHz Unmodulated Radiation on Phaseolus vulgaris L
Q104583026Effects of Low-Intensity Microwave Radiation on Oxidant-Antioxidant Parameters and DNA Damage in the Liver of Rats
Q112841770Effects of Moderate to High Static Magnetic Fields on Reproduction
Q40903012Effects of PEMF on a murine osteosarcoma cell line: drug-resistant (P-glycoprotein-positive) and non-resistant cells
Q34404439Effects of PEMF on microcirculation and angiogenesis in a model of acute hindlimb ischemia in diabetic rats
Q51647862Effects of PEMF on patients with osteoarthritis: Results of a prospective, placebo-controlled, double-blind study.
Q51191279Effects of RF exposure of teenagers and adults by CDMA cellular phones.
Q92867888Effects of RF-EMF on the Human Resting-State EEG-the Inconsistencies in the Consistency. Part 1: Non-Exposure-Related Limitations of Comparability Between Studies
Q98566725Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation on Gene Expression: A Study of Gene Expressions of Human Keratinocytes From Different Origins
Q53392605Effects of W-CDMA 1950 MHz EMF emitted by mobile phones on regional cerebral blood flow in humans.
Q70625941Effects of X-band microwave exposure on rabbit erythrocytes
Q40290473Effects of a 2450 MHz high-frequency electromagnetic field with a wide range of SARs on the induction of heat-shock proteins in A172 cells
Q45268792Effects of a 30 kV/m, 60 Hz electric field on the social behavior of baboons: a crossover experiment
Q84562090Effects of a 300 mT static magnetic field on human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Q46613649Effects of a 50 Hz electric field on plasma lipid peroxide level and antioxidant activity in rats.
Q83821593Effects of a 50 Hz magnetic field on Dictyostelium discoideum (Protista)
Q61711143Effects of a 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field on cell adhesion molecule expression in two human osteosarcoma cell lines (MG-63 and Saos-2)
Q48358156Effects of a 60 Hz magnetic field on central cholinergic systems of the rat.
Q80932327Effects of a 60 Hz magnetic field on photosynthetic CO2 uptake and early growth of radish seedlings
Q43780560Effects of a high-voltage direct-current transmission line on beef cattle production
Q73209397Effects of a homogeneous magnetic field on erythrocyte sedimentation and aggregation
Q73284194Effects of a low-voltage static electric field on energy metabolism in astrocytes
Q53263922Effects of a moderate-intensity static magnetic field and adriamycin on K562 cells.
Q79895737Effects of a moderate-intensity static magnetic field on VEGF-A stimulated endothelial capillary tubule formation in vitro
Q53665164Effects of a strong static magnetic field on bacterium Shewanella oneidensis: an assessment by using whole genome microarray.
Q44132724Effects of a time varying strong magnetic field on release of cytosolic free Ca2+ from intracellular stores in cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells
Q71384998Effects of acute low-level microwaves on pentobarbital-induced hypothermia depend on exposure orientation
Q45331627Effects of alternative styles of risk information on EMF risk perception
Q70069440Effects of an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field on the cell division rate and plasma membrane of Paramecium tetraurelia
Q39548724Effects of an increased air gap on the in vitro interaction of wireless phones with cardiac pacemakers
Q51370015Effects of an infrared pulsed laser device (IPLD) over apoptosis in cancer cells.
Q51614067Effects of combined DC and AC magnetic fields on germination of hornwort seeds.
Q88804368Effects of combined magnetic fields on bacteria Rhodospirillum rubrum VKM B-1621
Q39583306Effects of combined radiofrequency radiation exposure on the cell cycle and its regulatory proteins
Q51423055Effects of combined treatment with ibandronate and pulsed electromagnetic field on ovariectomy-induced osteoporosis in rats.
Q71487639Effects of concurrent exposure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the social behavior of baboons
Q51808492Effects of continuous and intermittent exposure to RF fields with a wide range of SARs on cell growth, survival, and cell cycle distribution.
Q68025863Effects of continuous and pulsed 2450-MHz radiation on spontaneous lymphoblastoid transformation of human lymphocytes in vitro
Q41495871Effects of continuous-wave, pulsed, and sinusoidal-amplitude-modulated microwaves on brain energy metabolism
Q44556511Effects of different intensities of extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields on formation of osteoclast-like cells
Q73284175Effects of direct current on dog liver: possible mechanisms for tumor electrochemical treatment
Q82107126Effects of direct electric current on Herpetomonas samuelpessoai: An ultrastructural study
Q48984879Effects of electric field exposure on some indices of CNS arousal in the mouse
Q39672444Effects of electromagnetic field emitted by cellular phones on the EEG during an auditory memory task: a double blind replication study
Q43493211Effects of electromagnetic fields emitted from W-CDMA-like mobile phones on sleep in humans
Q51079672Effects of electromagnetic fields on bone loss in hyperthyroidism rat model.
Q70472207Effects of electromagnetic radiation in the range 20-300 MHz on the vacuolar potential of characean cells
Q35026539Effects of electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones on the central nervous system
Q73177427Effects of environmental level magnetic field exposures on transcription of CMV immediate early promoter DNA in a cell-free in vitro transcription system
Q41186376Effects of exposure to 30 kV/m, 60-Hz electric fields on the social behavior of baboons
Q40434886Effects of exposure to a 1950 MHz radio frequency field on expression of Hsp70 and Hsp27 in human glioma cells
Q43493754Effects of exposure to a 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field during the early adolescent period on spatial memory in mice
Q67779605Effects of exposure to a 60-kV/m, 60-Hz electric field on the social behavior of baboons
Q48350802Effects of exposure to a circularly polarized 50-Hz magnetic field on plasma and pineal melatonin levels in rats
Q47318220Effects of exposure to electromagnetic field from 915 MHz radiofrequency identification system on circulating blood cells in the healthy adult rat.
Q48314228Effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by GSM 900 and WCDMA mobile phones on cognitive function in young male subjects
Q53086714Effects of exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields on spermatogenesis in adult rats.
Q52879850Effects of exposure to gradient magnetic fields emitted by nuclear magnetic resonance devices on clonogenic potential and proliferation of human hematopoietic stem cells.
Q43956222Effects of exposure to low level radiofrequency fields on acetylcholine release in hippocampus of freely moving rats
Q77301904Effects of exposure to static magnetic fields on the morphology and morphometry of mouse epididymal sperm
Q40738739Effects of extremely low frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field on morphological and biochemical properties of human keratinocytes
Q41044062Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) on collagen type I mRNA expression and extracellular matrix synthesis of human osteoblastic cells
Q45064777Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on the adenylate kinase activity of rod outer segment of bovine retina
Q74089781Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on fertility of adult male and female rats
Q46536302Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on production of mannatide by α-hemolytic Streptococcus
Q48201526Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field on the development of tolerance to the analgesic effect of morphine in rats
Q54193650Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on NGF induced neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells.
Q84561308Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic field exposure on cognitive functions: results of a meta-analysis
Q52698366Effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on the oviposition of Drosophila melanogaster over three generations.
Q60395290Effects of extremely-law-frequency electromagnetic fields on ion transport in several mammalian cells
Q48393826Effects of extremely-low-frequency electric fields on neuronal activity in rat brain
Q52385160Effects of extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields on biological magnetite.
Q48766435Effects of gestational exposure to 1.95-GHz W-CDMA signals for IMT-2000 cellular phones: Lack of embryotoxicity and teratogenicity in rats
Q95721126Effects of high ELF magnetic fields on enzyme-catalyzed DNA and RNA synthesis in vitro and on a cell-free DNA mismatch repair
Q48160705Effects of high frequency electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by mobile phones on the human motor cortex
Q74267377Effects of high peak power microwaves on the retina of the rhesus monkey
Q48348517Effects of high power microwave pulses on synaptic transmission and long term potentiation in hippocampus
Q47341139Effects of high static magnetic field exposure on different DNAs.
Q84444816Effects of homogeneous and inhomogeneous static magnetic fields combined with gamma radiation on DNA and DNA repair
Q48406085Effects of hypomagnetic field on noradrenergic activities in the brainstem of golden hamster
Q31113223Effects of in vitro exposure to power frequency magnetic fields on UV-induced DNA damage of rat lymphocytes.
Q69609343Effects of in vivo ultrasound hyperthermia on natural killer cell cytotoxicity in the hamster
Q50924807Effects of information and 50 Hz magnetic fields on cognitive performance and reported symptoms.
Q71584565Effects of intermittent 60-Hz high voltage electric fields on metabolism, activity, and temperature in mice
Q89006254Effects of large gradient high magnetic field (LG-HMF) on the long-term culture of aquatic organisms: Planarians example
Q50990493Effects of local vibration and pulsed electromagnetic field on bone fracture: A comparative study.
Q46622231Effects of low frequency electromagnetic field on proliferation of human epidermal stem cells: An in vitro study
Q50279302Effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields on the chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells
Q73209400Effects of low frequency pulsed electrical current on keratinocytes in vitro
Q39064349Effects of low intensity static magnetic field on FTIR spectra and ROS production in SH-SY5Y neuronal-like cells
Q41372636Effects of low-amplitude pulsed magnetic fields on cellular ion transport
Q77669610Effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on fetal development in CBA/Ca mice
Q52228276Effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on fetal development in rats.
Q73209405Effects of low-intensity AC and/or DC electromagnetic fields on cell attachment and induction of apoptosis
Q77896215Effects of low-level 50 Hz magnetic fields on the level of host defense and on spleen colony formation
Q71138049Effects of magnetic field exposure on fertilization success in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri
Q80786922Effects of magnetic field on the antioxidant defense system of recirculation-cultured Chlorella vulgaris
Q80307859Effects of magnetic field on the antioxidant enzyme activities of suspension-cultured tobacco cells
Q44956238Effects of magnetic fields on mammary tumor development induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene in rats
Q30755166Effects of microscope objectives on magnetic field exposures
Q71725308Effects of microwave and radio frequency electromagnetic fields on lichens
Q45026883Effects of microwave exposure and temperature on survival of mice infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae
Q43530162Effects of microwave exposure on the hamster immune system. I. Natural killer cell activity
Q45215556Effects of microwave exposure on the hamster immune system. II. Peritoneal macrophage function
Q41530246Effects of microwave exposure on the hamster immune system. III. Macrophage resistance to vesicular stomatitis virus infection
Q69885619Effects of microwave exposure on the hamster immune system. IV. Spleen cell IgM hemolytic plaque formation
Q69798277Effects of microwave radiation (340 and 900 MHz) on different structural levels of erythrocyte membranes
Q36616309Effects of microwaves and hyperthermia on capping of antigen-antibody complexes on the surface of normal mouse B lymphocytes
Q48395004Effects of microwaves emitted by cellular phones on human slow brain potentials
Q70584241Effects of microwaves on membranes of hematopoietic cells in their structural and functional organization
Q77896197Effects of millimeter waves on ionic currents of Lymnaea neurons
Q70967363Effects of millimeter-wave radiation on monolayer cell cultures. II. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy
Q70967359Effects of millimeter‐wave radiation on monolayer cell cultures. I. Design and validation of a novel exposure system
Q70967366Effects of millimeter‐wave radiation on monolayer cell cultures. III. A search for frequency‐specific athermal biological effects on protein synthesis
Q48173332Effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on an auditory order threshold task
Q37859682Effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields: critical evaluation of behavioral and neurophysiological studies
Q46281558Effects of moderate intensity static magnetic fields on human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Q53070392Effects of moderate intensity static magnetic fields on osteoclastic differentiation in mouse bone marrow cells.
Q34444016Effects of neck exposure to 5.5 mT static magnetic field on pharmacologically modulated blood pressure in conscious rabbits
Q74719922Effects of non-uniform static magnetic fields on the rate of myosin phosphorylation
Q30724700Effects of permanent magnets on resting skin blood perfusion in healthy persons assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry and imaging
Q72857205Effects of prenatal exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields on development in mice: I. Implantation rate and fetal development
Q52220310Effects of prenatal exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields on development in mice: II. Postnatal development and behavior.
Q43279347Effects of prenatal exposure to a 50-Hz magnetic field on one-trial passive avoidance learning in 1-day-old chicks
Q34573774Effects of pulsed and continuous wave 902 MHz mobile phone exposure on brain oscillatory activity during cognitive processing
Q40719182Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) stimulation on bone tissue like formation are dependent on the maturation stages of the osteoblasts
Q36030195Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on peripheral blood circulation in people with diabetes: A randomized controlled trial.
Q38664528Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on postmenopausal osteoporosis
Q56990192Effects of pulsed electromagnetic stimulation on patients undergoing hip revision prostheses: a randomized prospective double-blind study
Q68273022Effects of pulsed extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields on skin wounds in the rat
Q84586506Effects of pulsed magnetic field on the formation of magnetosomes in the Magnetospirillum sp. strain AMB-1
Q84314960Effects of pulsed magnetic field treatment of soybean seeds on calli growth, cell damage, and biochemical changes under salt stress
Q71725304Effects of pulsed magnetic fields on neurite outgrowth from chick embryo dorsal root ganglia
Q72811444Effects of pulsed magnetic fields on the developing mouse embryo
Q51316145Effects of pulsed magnetic stimulation on tumor development and immune functions in mice.
Q46093794Effects of radio frequency magnetic fields on iron release from cage proteins
Q53647829Effects of radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellular telephones on the cognitive functions of humans.
Q48480632Effects of short- and long-term pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on night sleep and cognitive functions in healthy subjects
Q81944735Effects of short-term W-CDMA mobile phone base station exposure on women with or without mobile phone related symptoms
Q69609347Effects of sinusoidal 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields on ATP and oxygen levels in the slime mold, Physarum polycephalum
Q39016348Effects of static magnetic field on cell biomechanical property and membrane ultrastructure
Q83230391Effects of static magnetic field on magnetosome formation and expression of mamA, mms13, mms6 and magA in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1
Q72066388Effects of static magnetic field on specific adenosine-5'- triphosphatase activities and bioelectrical and biomechanical properties in the rat diaphragm muscle
Q68388858Effects of static magnetic fields on diffusion in solutions
Q50850365Effects of static magnetic fields on growth of Paramecium caudatum.
Q83462736Effects of static magnetic fields on nicotinic cholinergic receptor function
Q34224083Effects of static magnetic fields on plasma levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone associated with arterial blood pressure in genetically hypertensive rats
Q50495778Effects of static magnetic fields on the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.
Q39608922Effects of static magnetic fields on the growth of various types of human cells
Q39975914Effects of strong static magnetic fields used in magnetic resonance imaging on insulin-secreting cells
Q49852412Effects of time delays on biological feedback systems and electromagnetic field exposures
Q72718757Effects of time-varying uniform magnetic fields on natural killer cell activity and antibody response in mice
Q52215923Effects of very weak magnetic fields on radical pair reformation.
Q58389588Effects of weak $16{2\over3}$ Hz magnetic fields on growth parameters of young sunflower and wheat seedlings
Q49090113Effects of weak amplitude-modulated microwave fields on calcium efflux from awake cat cerebral cortex
Q73318251Effects of weak microwave fields amplitude modulated at ELF on EEG of symmetric brain areas in rats
Q81110589Effects of weak mobile phone - electromagnetic fields (GSM, UMTS) on event related potentials and cognitive functions
Q50794536Effects of weak mobile phone - electromagnetic fields (GSM, UMTS) on well-being and resting EEG.
Q82723966Effects of weak static magnetic fields on endothelial cells
Q86912864Effects of whole-body exposure to 915 MHz RFID on secretory functions of the thyroid system in rats
Q73561692Effects on Rb(+)(K+) uptake of HeLa cells in a high K(+) medium of exposure to a switched 1.7 Tesla magnetic field
Q40341216Effects on apoptosis and reactive oxygen species formation by Jurkat cells exposed to 50 Hz electromagnetic fields
Q51036192Efficacy of 50 Hz electromagnetic fields on human epidermal stem cell transplantation seeded in collagen sponge scaffolds for wound healing in a murine model.
Q92038082Efficient and Reliable Assessment of the Maximum Local Tissue Temperature Increase at the Electrodes of Medical Implants under MRI Exposure
Q48320646Eleanor R. Adair: 2007 D'Arsonval Award recipient
Q34136423Electric and magnetic field exposure and brain cancer: a review
Q33203765Electric discharge plasmas influence attachment of cultured CHO K1 cells
Q48680647Electric field and current density distribution in an anatomical head model during transcranial direct current stimulation for tinnitus treatment
Q72362989Electric field exposure alters serum melatonin but not pineal melatonin synthesis in male rats
Q26343060Electric field-induced changes in agonist-stimulated calcium fluxes of human HL-60 leukemia cells
Q43490514Electric field-induced effects on yeast cell wall permeabilization
Q71952153Electric fields and proliferation in a chronic wound model
Q41061195Electric fields and proliferation in a dermal wound model: cell cycle kinetics
Q44125891Electric fields and surface charges induced by ELF magnetic fields
Q36468069Electric fields caused by blood flow modulate vascular endothelial electrophysiology and nitric oxide production
Q45268569Electric fields induced by low frequency magnetic fields in inhomogeneous biological structures that are surrounded by an electric insulator
Q67779600Electric fields induced in chicken eggs by 60-Hz magnetic fields and the dosimetric importance of biological membranes
Q68025871Electric fields induced in rat and human models by 60-Hz magnetic fields: comparison of calculated and measured values
Q71320013Electric-field exposure of persons using video display units
Q73284210Electric-field ion cyclotron resonance
Q57224107Electrical discontinuity of tissue substitute models at 27.12 MHz
Q52032923Electrical impedance tomography via filtered-back projection of fan current distribution: a numerical simulation.
Q31136224Electrical polarization of titanium surfaces for the enhancement of osteoblast differentiation.
Q33682392Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians: a systematic review
Q34838980Electrical stimulation as an adjunct to spinal fusion: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials
Q39249715Electrical stimulation modulates osteoblast proliferation and bone protein production through heparin-bioactivated conductive scaffolds.
Q48578482Electrical stimulation of the growth plate: a potential approach to an epiphysiodesis
Q46089548Electrochemical treatment of human KB cells in vitro
Q73284197Electrochemical treatment of lung cancer
Q95721474Electrochemical treatment of mouse Ehrlich tumor with direct electric current
Q46094963Electrochemical treatment of mouse and rat fibrosarcomas with direct current
Q70935215Electromagnetic absorption in a multilayered slab model of tissue under near‐field exposure conditions
Q70365104Electromagnetic absorption in an inhomogeneous model of man for realistic exposure conditions
Q51190027Electromagnetic and thermal characterization of an UHF-applicator for concurrent irradiation and high resolution non-perturbing optical microscopy of cells.
Q51795568Electromagnetic and thermal evaluation of an applicator specialized to permit high-resolution non-perturbing optical evaluation of cells being irradiated in the W-band.
Q70472230Electromagnetic dosimetry in a sitting rhesus model at 225 MHz
Q53234568Electromagnetic effects on forearm disuse osteopenia: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study.
Q51551317Electromagnetic exposure of scaffold-free three-dimensional cell culture systems.
Q67469854Electromagnetic field dosimetry: Issues relating to background, noise, and interaction mechanisms
Q80972864Electromagnetic field emitted by 902 MHz mobile phones shows no effects on children's cognitive function
Q60687113Electromagnetic field exposure and health among RF plastic sealer operators
Q81422810Electromagnetic field measurements using personal exposimeters
Q48683191Electromagnetic field of mobile phones affects visual event related potential in patients with narcolepsy
Q62851249Electromagnetic field of mobile phones affects visual event related potential in patients with narcolepsy
Q79694937Electromagnetic field treatment of nerve crush injury in a rat model: effect of signal configuration on functional recovery
Q74015761Electromagnetic fields (1.8 GHz) increase the permeability to sucrose of the blood-brain barrier in vitro
Q33989852Electromagnetic fields (GSM 1800) do not alter blood-brain barrier permeability to sucrose in models in vitro with high barrier tightness
Q40047692Electromagnetic fields alter the expression of estrogen receptor cofactors in breast cancer cells.
Q37500293Electromagnetic fields and epidemiology: an overview inspired by the fourth course at the International School of Bioelectromagnetics
Q41131137Electromagnetic fields and health: some thoughts about the past and future
Q73399106Electromagnetic fields enhance the stress response at elevated temperatures in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
Q71138058Electromagnetic fields induced by Helmholtz aiding coils inside saline-filled boundaries
Q48412346Electromagnetic fields produced by GSM cellular phones and heart rate variability
Q52696996Electromagnetic heating of tissue-equivalent phantoms with thin, insulating partitions.
Q80158912Electromagnetic millimeter wave induced hypoalgesia: frequency dependence and involvement of endogenous opioids
Q69596007Electromagnetic pulse propagation in dispersive planar dielectrics
Q52457544Electromagnetic pulsed-wave radiation in spherical models of dispersive biological substances.
Q36214311Electromagnetic safety of children using wireless phones: a literature review
Q98937736Electromuscular Incapacitation Current Induced Neuromuscular Tissue Injury
Q47640576Electromuscular incapacitation results from stimulation of spinal reflexes
Q54116995Electroporation of a lipid bilayer as a chemical reaction.
Q38666434Electroreception and magnetoreception in simple and complex organisms
Q30826903Electrorotation of axolotl embryos.
Q33967863Electrosensibility and electromagnetic hypersensitivity
Q43864229Elevated residential exposure to power frequency magnetic field associated with greater average age at diagnosis for patients with brain tumors.
Q53590276Elevated sister chromatid exchange frequencies in dividing human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields.
Q51084715Elevation of heat shock gene expression from static magnetic field exposure in vitro.
Q53392494Elliptically polarized magnetic fields do not alter immediate early response genes expression levels in human glioblastoma cells.
Q40417174Empirical and theoretical dosimetry in support of whole body radio frequency (RF) exposure in seated human volunteers at 220 MHz.
Q51828508Empirical and theoretical dosimetry in support of whole body resonant RF exposure (100 MHz) in human volunteers.
Q72159657Empirical test of an ion parametric resonance model for magnetic field interactions with PC-12 cells
Q39590653Empirical validation of SAR values predicted by FDTD modeling
Q71573473Endocrinological effects of strong 60-Hz electric fields on rats
Q35176060Endogenous ionic currents and DC electric fields in multicellular animal tissues
Q54305670Energy deposition in a model of man in the near field.
Q49025479Energy deposition processes in biological tissue: nonthermal biohazards seem unlikely in the ultra-high frequency range
Q42061922Enhanced absorption of millimeter wave energy in murine subcutaneous blood vessels
Q50153460Enhanced mutagenic effect of a 60 Hz time-varying magnetic field on numbers of azide-induced TA100 revertant colonies
Q40029799Enhanced secretion of prostaglandin E2 from osteoblasts by exposure to a strong static magnetic field
Q83549949Enhancement of germination, growth, and photosynthesis in soybean by pre-treatment of seeds with magnetic field
Q45983168Enhancement of the hydrolysis activity of F0F1-ATPases using 60 Hz magnetic fields.
Q38740629Enhancing cold atmospheric plasma treatment of cancer cells by static magnetic field
Q64389459Environmental magnetic fields change complementary DNA synthesis in cell-free systems
Q34447750Environmental magnetic fields inhibit the antiproliferative action of tamoxifen and melatonin in a human breast cancer cell line
Q48113949Enzymatic mechanisms of biological magnetic sensitivity.
Q35589151Epidemiological studies of radio frequency exposures and human cancer
Q80011272Epidemiological studies of radio frequency exposures and human cancer
Q77301915Epidermal ornithine decarboxylase and polyamines in mice exposed to 50 Hz magnetic fields and UV radiation
Q71061656Equalizing the electric field intensity within chick brain immersed in buffer solution at different carrier frequencies
Q69798280Erythrocyte hemolysis by radiofrequency fields
Q35176055Estimates for ELF effects: Noise-based thresholds and the number of experimental conditions required for empirical searches
Q52936738Estimating the magnitude of the sum of two magnetic fields with uncertain spatial orientations, polarizations, and/or relative phase.
Q52887987Estimation of dielectric values for tissue water in the Terahertz range.
Q83642209Estimation of head tissue-specific exposure from mobile phones based on measurements in the homogeneous SAM head
Q40322125Estimation of relative exposure levels for cellular phone users using a neural network
Q46002462Estimation of whole-body SAR from electromagnetic fields using personal exposure meters.
Q71385005Ethanol-induced hypothermia and ethanol consumption in the rat are affected by low-level microwave irradiation
Q40909310Ets1 oncogene induction by ELF-modulated 50 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic field
Q44313409Evaluating alternative exposure indices in epidemiologic studies on extremely low-frequency magnetic fields
Q52884892Evaluating exposure cutpoint bias in epidemiologic studies of electric and magnetic fields.
Q45724083Evaluation of RF electromagnetic field exposure levels from cellular base stations in Korea
Q90199011Evaluation of Radiofrequency and Extremely Low-Frequency Field Levels at Children's Playground Sites in Greece From 2013 to 2018
Q70134639Evaluation of changes in diatom mobility after exposure to 16-Hz electromagnetic fields
Q59459006Evaluation of current densities and total contact currents in occupational exposure at 400 kV substations and power lines
Q46840941Evaluation of electric field distribution in electromagnetic stimulation of human femoral head.
Q60597002Evaluation of genotoxic effect of low level 50 Hz magnetic fields on human blood cells using different cytogenetic assays
Q46890191Evaluation of genotoxic effects in human leukocytes after in vitro exposure to 1950 MHz UMTS radiofrequency field.
Q46439160Evaluation of genotoxic effects in human peripheral blood leukocytes following an acute in vitro exposure to 900 MHz radiofrequency fields
Q46336423Evaluation of microwave hyperthermia applicators
Q57279717Evaluation of occupational exposure to static magnetic field in MRI sites based on body pose estimation and SMF analytical computation
Q74469339Evaluation of potential health effects of 10 kHz magnetic fields: a rodent reproductive study
Q73316278Evaluation of potential health effects of 10 kHz magnetic fields: a short-term mouse toxicology study
Q43951531Evaluation of radiofrequency exposure levels from multiple wireless installations in population dense areas in Korea
Q98162093Evaluation of the Influence of Magnetic Field on Female Users of an Induction Hob in Ergonomically Sound Exposure Situations
Q44430945Evaluation of the RF heating of a generic deep brain stimulator exposed in 1.5 T magnetic resonance scanners
Q46456206Evaluation of the effects of weak and moderate static magnetic fields on the characteristics of human low density lipoprotein in vitro.
Q55476213Evaluation of the potential promoting effect of 60 Hz magnetic fields on N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea induced neurogenic tumors in female F344 rats.
Q36671115Evaluation of whole-animal data using the ion parametric resonance model.
Q52531832Evidence for electrostatic enhancement of odor receptor function by worker honeybee antennae.
Q81202413Exogenous hydrogen peroxide as a possible messenger for the stimulation effect of magnetized physiological solution on heart contractility
Q40827551Experimental determination of hydrogen bandwidth for the ion parametric resonance model.
Q70288568Experimental determination of whole body average specific absorption rate (SAR) of mice exposed to 200–400 MHz CW
Q40561713Experimental evidence of a potentially increased thrombo-embolic disease risk by domestic electromagnetic field exposure
Q48089309Experimental investigation of possible warmth perception from a head exposure system for human provocation studies with TETRA handset-like signals
Q74015775Experimental low-level direct current therapy in liver metastases: influence of polarity and current dose
Q43672085Experimental macroscopic dosimetry for extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields
Q54414275Experimental method for the hyperthermic treatment of cells in tissue culture: initial application to pancreatic cancer cells.
Q70935263Experimental results contradicting claimed 1009‐MHz influence on erythrocyte mobility
Q57401756Experimental search for combined AC and DC magnetic field effects on ion channels
Q46009868Experimental system for real-time assessment of potential changes in protein conformation induced by electromagnetic fields.
Q40503447Experimental validation of a statistical model for evaluating the past or future magnetic field exposures of a population living near power lines
Q44655051Experimental validations of in vivo human musculoskeletal tissue conductivity images using MR-based electrical impedance tomography
Q43827084Experiments on the effects of a continuous 16.7 Hz magnetic field on melatonin secretion, core body temperature, and heart rates in humans
Q92676647Exposure Assessment in Millimeter-Wave Reverberation Chamber Using Murine Phantoms
Q51498001Exposure assessment in front of a multi-band base station antenna.
Q39672448Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain).
Q44199723Exposure assessment of electromagnetic fields near electrosurgical units
Q40085578Exposure assessment of mobile phone base station radiation in an outdoor environment using sequential surrogate modeling
Q81322728Exposure chamber for determining the biological effects of electric and magnetic fields on dairy cows
Q59510284Exposure classification of MRI workers in epidemiological studies
Q95721479Exposure of Caenorhabditis elegans to extremely low frequency high magnetic fields induces stress responses
Q52054753Exposure of baboons to combined 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields does not produce work stoppage or affect operant performance on a match-to-sample task.
Q73284182Exposure of children to residential magnetic fields in Norway: is proximity to power lines an adequate predictor of exposure?
Q68674298Exposure of frog hearts to CW or amplitude-modulated VHF fields: selective efflux of calcium ions at 16 Hz
Q34170099Exposure of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to electromagnetic fields associated with cellular phones leads to chromosomal instability
Q67947051Exposure of mammalian cells to 60-Hz magnetic or electric fields: analysis for DNA single-strand breaks
Q68644648Exposure of mammalian cells to 60-Hz magnetic or electric fields: analysis of DNA repair of induced, single-strand breaks
Q40277065Exposure of murine cells to pulsed electromagnetic fields rapidly activates the mTOR signaling pathway
Q39442808Exposure of nerve growth factor-treated PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells to a modulated radiofrequency field at 836.55 MHz: effects on c-jun and c-fos expression
Q84475748Exposure of non-target tissues in medical diathermy
Q80306624Exposure of pregnant dairy heifer to magnetic fields at 60 Hz and 30 microT
Q46971710Exposure of rat brain to 915 MHz GSM microwaves induces changes in gene expression but not double stranded DNA breaks or effects on chromatin conformation
Q40941574Exposure of rats to a 50-Hz, 100 muTesla magnetic field does not affect the ex vivo production of interleukins by activated T or B lymphocytes
Q81360797Exposure of seeds to static magnetic field enhances germination and early growth characteristics in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).
Q41501650Exposure of simian virus-40-transformed human cells to magnetic fields results in increased levels of T-antigen mRNA and protein
Q48481560Exposure of the human body to professional and domestic induction cooktops compared to the basic restrictions
Q73807527Exposure of welders and other metal workers to ELF magnetic fields
Q52460291Exposure scheme separates effects of electric shock and electric field for honey bees, Apis mellifera L.
Q48661639Exposure system to study hypotheses of ELF and RF electromagnetic field interactions of mobile phones with the central nervous system
Q53562693Exposure to 50 Hz electric fields reduces stress-induced glucocorticoid levels in BALB/c mice in a kV/m- and duration-dependent manner.
Q46452673Exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields in the electric utility work environment
Q48587437Exposure to AC and DC magnetic fields induces changes in 5-HT1B receptor binding parameters in rat brain membranes.
Q36488808Exposure to ELF magnetic and ELF-modulated radiofrequency fields: the time course of physiological and cognitive effects observed in recent studies (2001-2005).
Q40390804Exposure to ELF magnetic field tuned to Zn inhibits growth of cancer cells
Q93007192Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields From Smart Utility Meters in GB; Part III) On-Site Measurements in Homes
Q46110042Exposure to a MRI-type high-strength static magnetic field stimulates megakaryocytic/erythroid hematopoiesis in CD34+ cells from human placental and umbilical cord blood
Q46725002Exposure to a moderate intensity static magnetic field enhances the hypotensive effect of a calcium channel blocker in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Q44876931Exposure to a specific time-varying electromagnetic field inhibits cell proliferation via cAMP and ERK signaling in cancer cells.
Q46734804Exposure to an inhomogeneous static magnetic field increases thermal pain threshold in healthy human volunteers
Q52203522Exposure to combined static and 60 Hz magnetic fields: failure to replicate a reported behavioral effect.
Q48679912Exposure to electromagnetic fields from smart utility meters in GB; part I) laboratory measurements
Q40236937Exposure to electromagnetic fields in households--trends from 2006 to 2012.
Q40069278Exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields affects insulin-secreting cells
Q45928902Exposure to high static or pulsed magnetic fields does not affect cellular processes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Q83750233Exposure to inhomogeneous static magnetic field ceases mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain in mice
Q51127912Exposure to oscillating magnetic fields influences sensitivity to electrical stimuli. I. Experiments on pigeons.
Q70882106Exposure to oscillating magnetic fields influences sensitivity to electrical stimuli. II. Experiments on humans
Q55473178Exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and X-rays induces GAP-43 gene expression in human glioma MO54 cells.
Q74267369Exposure to strong ELF magnetic fields does not alter cardiac autonomic control mechanisms
Q40956392Exposure to strong static magnetic field slows the growth of human cancer cells in vitro
Q51779131Exposure to time varying magnetic fields associated with magnetic resonance imaging reduces fentanyl-induced analgesia in mice.
Q40131804Expression of HSP72 after ELF-EMF exposure in three cell lines
Q43652329Extended exposure of adult and fetal mice to 50 Hz magnetic field does not increase the incidence of micronuclei in erythrocytes
Q40160566Extensive frequency selective measurements of radiofrequency fields in outdoor environments performed with a novel mobile monitoring system
Q40659501Extracellular currents alter gap junction intercellular communication in synovial fibroblasts
Q99612944Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Childhood B-Lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a City With High Incidence of Leukemia and Elevated Exposure to ELF Magnetic Fields
Q73186201Extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields at low power density do not affect the division of exponential phase Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
Q46250190Extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation enhances neutrophil response to particulate agonists
Q46669970Extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic field exposure limits: rationale for basic restrictions used in the development of an Australian standard
Q37570226Extremely low frequency electric fields and cancer: assessing the evidence
Q46379315Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) reduces oxidative stress and improves functional and psychological status in ischemic stroke patients.
Q40256168Extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure promotes differentiation of pituitary corticotrope-derived AtT20 D16V cells.
Q81360792Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) induce in vitro angiogenesis process in human endothelial cells
Q73444254Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and heat shock can increase microvesicle motility in astrocytes
Q74278756Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields do not interact directly with DNA
Q82870611Extremely low frequency magnetic field effects on metabolite of Aspergillus niger
Q44870611Extremely low frequency magnetic field effects on premorbid behaviors produced by cocaine in the mouse
Q44386152Extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure modulates the diurnal rhythm of the pain threshold in mice
Q40766422Extremely low frequency magnetic fields can either increase or decrease analgaesia in the land snail depending on field and light conditions
Q38304377Extremely low frequency magnetic fields inhibit adipogenesis of human mesenchymal stem cells
Q51565372Extremely low frequency magnetic fields originating from equipment used for assisted reproduction, umbilical cord and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, transfusion, and hemodialysis.
Q40065271Extremely low frequency magnetic fields regulate differentiation of regulatory T cells: Potential role for ROS-mediated inhibition on AKT.
Q45915262Extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic field designed for antinociception does not affect microvascular responsiveness to the vasodilator acetylcholine.
Q45410465Extremely low frequency weak magnetic fields enhance resistance of NN tobacco plants to tobacco mosaic virus and elicit stress-related biochemical activities
Q45130600Extremely low frequency-modulated static magnetic fields to treat cancer: A pilot study on patients with advanced neoplasm to assess safety and acute toxicity
Q56995216Extremely low-frequency electric and magnetic fields and risk of human cancer
Q68513705Extremely low-frequency electric and magnetic fields and risk of human cancer. Ad Hoc Working Group
Q38709218Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure enhances inflammatory response and inhibits effect of antioxidant in RAW 264.7 cells
Q38859430Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field induces neural differentiation of hBM-MSCs through regulation of (Zn)-metallothionein-3.
Q38893180Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia: A risk assessment by the ARIMMORA consortium
Q47914651Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields modulate nitric oxide signaling in rat brain
Q39660995Extremely low‐frequency electromagnetic fields affect the immune response of monocyte‐derived macrophages to pathogens
Q70134643Extremely-low-frequency and very-low-frequency magnetic fields emitted by video display units
Q46402170Extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields disrupt rhythmic slow activity in rat hippocampal slices
Q50079523FDTD assessment of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from WiFi and bluetooth devices in some operating situations
Q72748166Facility for chronic exposure of rats to ELF magnetic fields
Q99632398Factors Affecting Risk Perception of Electromagnetic Waves From 5G Network Base Stations
Q35176070Factors affecting neural stimulation with magnetic fields
Q60704362Factors confounding cytosolic calcium measurements in Jurkat E6.1 cells during exposure to ELF magnetic fields
Q45996587Factors that explain the power line configuration wiring code-childhood leukemia association: what would they look like?
Q48064234Factors to consider when applying transcranial magnetic stimulation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex when resting motor threshold is asymmetric: A case study
Q52300271Failure of rats to escape from a potentially lethal microwave field
Q50115626Failure to produce taste-aversion learning in rats exposed to static electric fields and air ions
Q70625937Far-field dosimetric measurements in a full-sized man model at 2.0 GHz
Q70935182Far‐field microwave dosimetry in a rhesus monkey model
Q34578669Feasibility of future epidemiological studies on possible health effects of mobile phone base stations
Q83803180Features of anti-inflammatory effects of modulated extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation
Q53570320Femoral perfusion after pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation in a steroid-induced osteonecrosis model.
Q70882101Fetal loss in mice exposed to magnetic fields during early pregnancy
Q38439180Fifty hertz magnetic fields individually affect chromatin conformation in human lymphocytes: dependence on amplitude, temperature, and initial chromatin state
Q52615834Finite difference calculations of current densities in a homogeneous model of a man exposed to extremely low frequency electric fields.
Q41691696Five hypotheses to examine the nature of magnetic field transduction in biological systems
Q52227135Flight, orientation, and homing abilities of honeybees following exposure to 2.45‐GHz CW microwaves
Q70935235Fluorescence depolarization studies of red cell membrane fluidity. The effect of exposure to 1.0‐GHz microwave radiation
Q36649024Fluorescence depolarization studies of the phase transition in multilamellar phospholipid vesicles exposed to 1.0-GHz microwave radiation
Q39442819Focus formation of C3H/10T1/2 cells and exposure to a 836.55 MHz modulated radiofrequency field
Q77408312Food and Drug Administration low-level extremely-low-frequency magnetic field exposure facility
Q23911777Foot currents and ankle SARs induced by dielectric heaters
Q53098238Forced acoustic oscillations of biological cell.
Q70730948Formulas for preparing phantom muscle tissue at various radiofrequencies
Q51565376Four-point electrode measurement of impedance in the vicinity of bovine aorta for quasi-static frequencies.
Q87434259Fractal analysis of extra-embryonic vascularization in Japanese quail embryos exposed to extremely low frequency magnetic fields
Q51976148Frequency and amplitude windows in the combined action of DC and low frequency AC magnetic fields on ion thermal motion in a macromolecule: theoretical analysis.
Q74545455Frequency response of alternating currents through the Staphylococcus aureus alpha-hemolysin ion channel
Q54645821Frequency-dependent alterations in enolase activity in Escherichia coli caused by exposure to electric and magnetic fields.
Q92140820Frequency-dependent and montage-based differences in phosphene perception thresholds via transcranial alternating current stimulation
Q92671991Frequency-dependent current perception threshold in healthy Japanese adults
Q34158549Frequency-dependent interaction of ultrashort E-fields with nociceptor membranes and proteins
Q71491267Frequency-dependent interference by magnetic fields of nerve growth factor-induced neurite outgrowth in PC-12 cells
Q50532236From the basic science of biological effects of ultrashort electrical pulses to medical therapies.
Q70069434Further studies of human whole-body radiofrequency absorption rates
Q45905623GSM base stations: short-term effects on well-being.
Q44645900GSM modulated radiofrequency radiation does not affect 6-sulfatoxymelatonin excretion of rats.
Q39561520GSM phone signal does not produce subjective symptoms
Q47821481GSM radiocellular telephones do not disturb the secretion of antepituitary hormones in humans.
Q81162559Gauging the strength of power frequency fields against membrane electrical noise
Q91944877Gender and Age Differences in the Suppressive Effect of a 50 Hz Electric Field on the Immobilization-Induced Increase of Plasma Glucocorticoid in Mice
Q30835703Gene expression of cytokine receptors in HL60 cells exposed to a 50 Hz magnetic field
Q33960561Gene expression profile in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to a 300 mT static magnetic field.
Q70935229General properties of the interaction between animals and ELF electric fields
Q46482985Generation of infant anatomical models for evaluating electromagnetic field exposures
Q51634194Generic UMTS test signal for RF bioelectromagnetic studies.
Q51542080Genome-wide transcription analysis of Escherichia coli in response to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.
Q28307508Genotoxic effects of 3 T magnetic resonance imaging in cultured human lymphocytes
Q50042486Genotoxicity investigation of ELF-magnetic fields in Salmonella typhimurium with the sensitive SOS-based VITOTOX test
Q53674227Genotoxicity of radiofrequency signals. I. Investigation of DNA damage and micronuclei induction in cultured human blood cells.
Q53599599Geomagnetic and strong static magnetic field effects on growth and chlorophyll a fluorescence in Lemna minor.
Q44736538Geomagnetic field effect on cardiovascular regulation
Q51171677Gibberellins are involved in effect of near-null magnetic field on Arabidopsis flowering.
Q91749544Global gene expression changes reflecting pleiotropic effects of Irpex lacteus induced by low--intensity electromagnetic field
Q88149220Glycocalyx bending by an electric field increases cell motility
Q51921839Glycoproteins bound to ion channels mediate detection of electric fields: a proposed mechanism and supporting evidence.
Q74545466Green function method for calculating properties of static magnetic fields
Q52165528Growth and developmental stability of Drosophila melanogaster in low frequency magnetic fields.
Q73740507Growth and differentiation of PC6 cells: the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF)
Q71061646Growth and metabolism of rodents exposed to 60‐Hz electric fields
Q39475981Growth and yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) near a high voltage transmission line
Q53675631Growth characteristics of maize seeds exposed to magnetic field.
Q84444830Growth characteristics of mung beans and water convolvuluses exposed to 425-MHz electromagnetic fields
Q60609669Growth inhibition ofStaphylococcus aureusinduced by low-frequency electric and electromagnetic fields
Q69798274Growth rate and mitotic index analysis of Vicia faba L. roots exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q81336563Guest editors' introduction: is EMF a potential environmental risk for children?
Q80582122Guidance for exposure design of human studies addressing health risk evaluations of mobile phones
Q74015780Hatching in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to a 50 Hz magnetic field
Q84766637Head exposure system for a human provocation study to assess the possible influence of UMTS-like electromagnetic fields on cerebral blood circulation using near-infrared imaging
Q77495092Health and safety implications of exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 300 Hz to 10 MHz
Q87846159Heart rate variability affected by radiofrequency electromagnetic field in adolescent students
Q48714742Heart rate variability and physiological arousal in men exposed to 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q41198485Heat equation inversion framework for average SAR calculation from magnetic resonance thermal imaging.
Q58310330Heating of cardiovascular stents in intense radiofrequency magnetic fields
Q32000392Heating of tissues by microwaves: a model analysis
Q71138065Hematologic and immunologic effects of pulsed microwaves in mice
Q52710261Hematologic and serum chemistry studies in rats exposed to 60-Hz electric fields.
Q48411488Herman P. Schwan. 1985 recipient of the d'Arsonval Medal
Q40561719High frequency electromagnetic fields (GSM signals) affect gene expression levels in tumor suppressor p53-deficient embryonic stem cells
Q68132488High-intensity electrostatic-field exposure system for cultured biological cells
Q31580541High-intensity static magnetic fields modulate skin microcirculation and temperature in vivo
Q93352058High-voltage electrostatic field-induced oxidative stress: Characterization of the physiological effects in Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) across multiple generations
Q71537854High-voltage overhead power lines in epidemiology: patterns of time variations in current load and magnetic fields
Q52197421Histological changes during development of the cerebellum in the chick embryo exposed to a static magnetic field.
Q35589142Historical review of RF exposure standards and the International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES).
Q52069981How might spatial nonuniformity of dose in a homogeneous biological system affect its total response?
Q51010213Human cognitive performance in a 3 mT power-line frequency magnetic field.
Q34522314Human electrophysiological and cognitive effects of exposure to ELF magnetic and ELF modulated RF and microwave fields: a review of recent studies
Q77766996Human exposure at two radio frequencies (450 and 2450 MHz): similarities and differences in physiological response
Q53306035Human exposure by mobile phones in enclosed areas.
Q86634463Human exposure from pulsed magnetic field therapy mats: a numerical case study with three commercial products
Q34356081Human exposure to 2450 MHz CW energy at levels outside the IEEE C95.1 standard does not increase core temperature
Q45175397Human exposure to magnetic fields: a comparative assessment of two dosimeters
Q52091014Human exposure to power frequency magnetic fields up to 7.6 mT: An integrated EEG/fMRI study.
Q44813415Human head exposure to a 37 Hz electromagnetic field: effects on blood pressure, somatosensory perception, and related parameters.
Q33971537Human health consequences of environmentally-modulated gene expression: potential roles of ELF-EMF induced epigenetic versus mutagenic mechanisms of disease
Q42595702Human keratinocytes in culture exhibit no response when exposed to short duration, low amplitude, high frequency (900 MHz) electromagnetic fields in a reverberation chamber
Q73186209Human melatonin during continuous magnetic field exposure
Q71537867Human perception of electric fields and ion currents associated with high-voltage DC transmission lines
Q41188068Human performance and physiology: a statistical power analysis of ELF electromagnetic field research
Q51917510Human skin permittivity determined by millimeter wave reflection measurements.
Q48753085Human sleep in 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q48802662Human sleep under the influence of pulsed radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: a polysomnographic study using standardized conditions
Q70996619Humoral and cell‐mediated immune function in adult japanese quail following exposure to 2.45‐GHz microwave radiation during embryogeny
Q48123281Hybrid model for the personal exposure meter response in an outdoor environment
Q73014537Hyperactivity caused by a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor is countered by ultra-wideband pulses
Q39599475Hypersensitivity symptoms associated with exposure to cellular telephones: no causal link
Q48396642Hypersensitivity to RF fields emitted from CDMA cellular phones: a provocation study
Q93371964Hypomagnetic fields cause anxiety in adult male mice
Q23913848Hypothesis: the risk of childhood leukemia is related to combinations of power-frequency and static magnetic fields
Q47362109IEI-EMF provocation case studies: A novel approach to testing sensitive individuals
Q28255017Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (formerly 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity'): An updated systematic review of provocation studies
Q52238070Immediate post-exposure effects of high-peak-power microwave pulses on operant behavior of Wistar rats
Q72095592Immunologic and hematopoietic alterations by 2,450-MHz electromagnetic radiation
Q70989927Immunological effects of amplitude-modulated radio frequency radiation: B lymphocyte capping
Q40694766Immunomodulating action of low intensity millimeter waves on primed neutrophils
Q38968253Impact of 60-GHz millimeter waves and corresponding heat effect on endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor gene expression.
Q38754291Impact of 60-GHz millimeter waves on stress and pain-related protein expression in differentiating neuron-like cells.
Q48455553Impact of head morphology on local brain specific absorption rate from exposure to mobile phone radiation
Q83957525Impact of pinna compression on the RF absorption in the heads of adult and juvenile cell phone users
Q38885159Impact of random and systematic recall errors and selection bias in case--control studies on mobile phone use and brain tumors in adolescents (CEFALO study).
Q38151629Implantable and ingestible medical devices with wireless telemetry functionalities: a review of current status and challenges
Q51720595Importance of addressing National Electrical Code violations that result in unusual exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields.
Q34196854Importance of alignment between local DC magnetic field and an oscillating magnetic field in responses of brain tissue in vitro and in vivo
Q41006697Imprecise exposure assessment and the sample size requirements of case‐control studies of residential magnetic field exposure and cancer in adults
Q46287137Improvement of wheat seed vitality by dielectric barrier discharge plasma treatment
Q91313648In Vitro Evaluation of the Effect of Stimulation with Magnetic Fields on Chondrocytes
Q49035553In situ LTE exposure of the general public: Characterization and extrapolation
Q49036284In situ exposure to non-directional beacons for air traffic control
Q40260391In situ measurements of radiofrequency exposure levels in Greece from 2008 to 2013: a multi-parametric annual analysis
Q83195753In utero and early-life exposure of rats to a Wi-Fi signal: screening of immune markers in sera and gestational outcome
Q70639326In utero exposure to microwave radiation and rat brain development
Q72748160In vitro cytogenetic effects of 2450 MHz waves on human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q80419550In vitro effect of pulsed 900 MHz GSM radiation on mitochondrial membrane potential and motility of human spermatozoa
Q73186194In vitro effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on oxidatively damaged rabbit red blood cells
Q40341204In vitro effects of GSM modulated radiofrequency fields on human immune cells
Q83746156In vitro effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields on osteoblast proliferation and maturation in an inflammatory environment
Q72577139In vitro effects of microwave radiation on rat liver mitochondria
Q50858986In vitro electrical impedance spectroscopy of human dentine: the effect of restorative materials.
Q51591413In vitro exposure apparatus for ELF magnetic fields.
Q67779609In vitro exposure parameters with linearly and circularly polarized elf magnetic fields
Q46004823In vitro exposure: Linear and non-linear thermodynamic events in Petri dishes.
Q23920741In vitro fertilization of mouse ova by spermatozoa exposed isothermally to radio-frequency radiation
Q23921697In vitro lymphocyte proliferation induced by radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation under isothermal conditions
Q70996602In vitro microwave effects on human neutrophil precursor cells (CFU‐C)
Q44573602In vitro studies of the influence of ELF electromagnetic fields on the activity of soluble and insoluble peroxidase.
Q70967370In vitro study of microwave effects on calcium efflux in rat brain tissue
Q57780408In vitro study of the effects of ELF electric fields on gene expression in human epidermal cells
Q80201741In vitro study of the electromagnetic interaction between wireless phones and an implantable neural stimulator
Q71725294In vivo 3-D distributions of electric fields in pig skin with rectangular pulse electrical current stimulation (RPECS)
Q49023975In vivo and in vitro dielectric properties of animal tissues at radio frequencies
Q73259973In vivo enhancement of chemotherapy with static electric or magnetic fields
Q83696908In vivo measurements of electrical conductivity of porcine organs at low frequency: new method of measurement
Q48382580In vivo studies of the effect of magnetic field exposure on ontogeny of choline acetyltransferase in the rat brain
Q48162462In-vitro exposure of neuronal networks to the GSM-1800 signal
Q45586904Incidence of micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to modulated and unmodulated 2450 MHz radiofrequency fields
Q48427745Inconsistent suppression of nocturnal pineal melatonin synthesis and serum melatonin levels in rats exposed to pulsed DC magnetic fields
Q31948000Increased antibiotic resistance of E. coli exposed to static magnetic fields
Q74278747Increased dexamethasone-induced apoptosis of thymocytes from mice exposed to long-term extremely low frequency magnetic fields
Q77759439Increased mouse survival, tumor growth inhibition and decreased immunoreactive p53 after exposure to magnetic fields
Q73597547Increased resorptions in CBA mice exposed to low-frequency magnetic fields: an attempt to replicate earlier observations
Q50532938Increased sensitivity of the non-human primate eye to microwave radiation following ophthalmic drug pretreatment
Q48339173Increased vascular permeability in the circumventricular organs of adult rat brain due to stimulation by extremely low frequency magnetic fields
Q48290014Individual differences in the effects of mobile phone exposure on human sleep: rethinking the problem
Q50854733Indoor transformer stations as predictors of residential ELF magnetic field exposure.
Q77364918Induced current measurements in whole body exposure condition to radio frequency electric fields
Q83864618Induced electric field and current density patterns in bone fractures
Q51143761Induced electric fields in workers near low-frequency induction heating machines.
Q47867699Induced-orientation of nitrogen monoxide and azide ion vibrations in human hemoglobin in bidistilled water solution under a static magnetic field
Q83173979Induction of alkaline phosphatase activity by exposure of human cell lines to a low-frequency electric field from apparatuses used in clinical therapies
Q70935155Induction of calcium-ion efflux from brain tissue by radiofrequency radiation: effect of sample number and modulation frequency on the power-density window
Q39185874Induction of heat shock gene expression in RAT1 primary fibroblast cells by ELF electric fields
Q39614102Induction of primary root curvature in radish seedlings in a static magnetic field
Q78145380Induction of stress proteins by electromagnetic fields in cultured HL-60 cells
Q40694772Influence of 1 and 25 Hz, 1.5 mT magnetic fields on antitumor drug potency in a human adenocarcinoma cell line.
Q70472218Influence of 2.45-GHz CW microwave radiation on spontaneously beating rat atria
Q88501796Influence of 340 mT static magnetic field on germination potential and mid-infrared spectrum of wheat
Q81523693Influence of 400, 900, and 1900 MHz electromagnetic fields on Lemna minor growth and peroxidase activity
Q59459266Influence of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the human heart
Q59459248Influence of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the pulse rate of human heart
Q44937045Influence of 50 Hz frequency sinusoidal magnetic field on the blood-brain barrier permeability of diabetic rats
Q51634179Influence of 50 Hz magnetic field on human heart rate variability: linear and nonlinear analysis.
Q46817343Influence of 50 Hz magnetic field on sex hormones and other fertility parameters of adult male rats.
Q52242781Influence of 60-Hz magnetic fields on sea urchin development.
Q68388852Influence of 60-hertz magnetic fields on leukemia
Q80678198Influence of a 902.4 MHz GSM signal on the human visual system: investigation of the discrimination threshold
Q68800321Influence of a stationary magnetic field on bioelectric properties of snail neurons
Q77364926Influence of a stationary magnetic field on water relations in lettuce seeds. Part I: theoretical considerations
Q77364933Influence of a stationary magnetic field on water relations in lettuce seeds. Part II: experimental results
Q43856161Influence of alternating extremely low frequency ELF magnetic field on structure and function of pancreas in rats.
Q43745824Influence of alternating low frequency magnetic fields on reactivity of central dopamine receptors in neonatal 6-hydroxydopamine treated rats
Q33200159Influence of anesthesia on ocular effects and temperature in rabbit eyes exposed to microwaves
Q42068843Influence of blood flow and millimeter wave exposure on skin temperature in different thermal models
Q78145394Influence of combined DC and AC magnetic fields on rat behavior
Q93568650Influence of constant magnetic fields on certain physiochemical properties of water
Q50959731Influence of dentures on SAR in the visible Chinese human head voxel phantom exposed to a mobile phone at 900 and 1800 MHz.
Q41295721Influence of electromagnetic fields on the efflux of calcium ions from brain tissue in vitro: a three-model analysis consistent with the frequency response up to 510 Hz.
Q73807530Influence of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on the swimming behavior of ciliates
Q50856553Influence of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on Ca2+ signaling and double messenger system in mice hippocampus and reversal function of procyanidins extracted from lotus seedpod.
Q74469336Influence of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on chromosomes and the mitotic cycle in Vicia faba L., the broad bean
Q43421438Influence of extremely low frequency, low energy electromagnetic fields and combined mechanical stimulation on chondrocytes in 3-D constructs for cartilage tissue engineering
Q83642213Influence of extremely low-frequency electric fields on the growth of Vigna radiata seedlings
Q73807529Influence of human model resolution on computed currents induced in organs by 60-Hz magnetic fields
Q71701964Influence of in vitro microwave radiation on the fertilizing capacity of turkey sperm
Q81437840Influence of information about specific absorption rate (SAR) upon customers' purchase decisions and safety evaluation of mobile phones
Q74460804Influence of intestinal myoelectrical activity on the growth of Escherichia coli
Q80428611Influence of local geomagnetic storms on arterial blood pressure
Q43645238Influence of magnetic fields on the hydration process of amino acids: vibrational spectroscopy study of L-phenylalanine and L-glutamine.
Q48211936Influence of microwaves on different types of receptors and the role of peroxidation of lipids on receptor-protein shedding
Q43681447Influence of microwaves on the beating rate of isolated rat hearts
Q80412991Influence of near null magnetic field on in vitro growth of potato and wild Solanum species
Q69564214Influence of pre- and postnatal exposure of rats to 2.45-GHz microwave radiation on neurobehavioral function
Q81736151Influence of pulsed electromagnetic field with different pulse duty cycles on neurite outgrowth in PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells
Q48518795Influence of radiofrequency-electromagnetic waves from 3rd-generation cellular phones on fertilization and embryo development in mice.
Q39486121Influence of relative humidity on analyzing electric field exposure using ELF electric field measurements
Q48698126Influence of strong static magnetic fields on primary cortical neurons
Q40001068Influence of traffic variations on exposure to wireless signals in realistic environments
Q72547332Influence of weak static and 50 Hz magnetic fields on the redox activity of cytochrome-C oxidase
Q41061181Influences of 50-Hz magnetic fields and ionizing radiation on c-jun and c-fos oncoproteins
Q71786736Inhalation chambers for air ion research
Q71061632Inhibition and recovery of growth processes in roots of pisum sativum L. Exposed to 60‐Hz electric fields
Q38953744Inhibition of cellular proliferation and enhancement of hydrogen peroxide production in fibrosarcoma cell line by weak radio frequency magnetic fields
Q70195108Inhibition of growth rate of Escherichia coli induced by extremely low-frequency weak magnetic fields
Q35899064Inhibition of voltage-gated Na(+) current by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) is not mediated by Na(+) influx or Ca(2+) signaling
Q47910986Inhibitory effects of a gradient static magnetic field on normal angiogenesis
Q39185867Inhomogeneous background magnetic field in biological incubators is a potential confounder for experimental variability and reproducibility
Q52210859Initial exposure to 30 kV/m or 60 kV/m 60 Hz electric fields produces temporary cessation of operant behavior of nonhuman primates.
Q71487642Initial studies on the effects of combined 60 Hz electric and magnetic field exposure on the immune system of nonhuman primates
Q51196653Integrins may serve as mechanical transducers for low-frequency electric fields.
Q69596000Intensity threshold for 60-Hz magnetically induced behavioral changes in rats
Q70584235Inter-beat intervals of cardiac-cell aggregates during exposure to 2.45 GHz CW, pulsed, and square-wave-modulated microwaves
Q34463356Inter-individual and intra-individual variation of the effects of pulsed RF EMF exposure on the human sleep EEG.
Q51645394Inter-laboratory comparison of numerical dosimetry for human exposure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields.
Q52697001Interaction between electromagnetic fields and cells: microelectrophoretic effect on ligands and surface receptors.
Q53855691Interaction between weak low frequency magnetic fields and cell membranes.
Q48393835Interaction of ethanol and microwaves on the blood-brain barrier of rats
Q36452778Interaction of radio frequency electromagnetic fields and passive metallic implants--a brief review
Q33588964Interaction of static and extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields with living systems: health effects and research needs
Q24169572Interactions of radiofrequency radiation-induced hyperthermia and 2-methoxyethanol teratogenicity in rats
Q70935238Interactive effects in 60‐HZ electric‐field exposure systems
Q44403958Interfacial effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (EM-ELF) on the vaporization step of carbon dioxide from aqueous solutions of body simulated fluid (SBF).
Q50087703Interference of 16.7-Hz electromagnetic fields on measured electrocardiogram
Q53265298Interference of GSM mobile phones with communication between Cardiac Rhythm Management devices and programmers: A combined in vivo and in vitro study.
Q51228260Interference of programmed electromagnetic stimulation with pacemakers and automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillators.
Q39352178Intermediate frequency magnetic field at 23 kHz does not modify gene expression in human fetus-derived astroglia cells
Q38958963Intermediate frequency magnetic field generated by a wireless power transmission device does not cause genotoxicity in vitro
Q52263311Intermittent exposure of rats to 2450 MHz microwaves at 2.5 mW cm2: behavioral and physiological effects.
Q92140910Intermittent pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation activates the mTOR pathway and stimulates the proliferation of osteoblast-like cells
Q70639322Internal field strength measurements in chick forebrains at 50, 147, and 450 MHz
Q44190825Intracellular calcium activity in isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in the presence and absence of 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q41394525Intracellular calcium oscillations in a T-cell line after exposure to extremely-low-frequency magnetic fields with variable frequencies and flux densities
Q73597551Intracellular calcium signaling by Jurkat T-lymphocytes exposed to a 60 Hz magnetic field
Q44883290Intracellular effect of ultrashort electrical pulses
Q36414736Intracellular recording during magnetic field application to monitor neurotransmitter release events: methods and preliminary results
Q48376616Intracerebroventricular injection of mu- and delta-opiate receptor antagonists block 60 Hz magnetic field-induced decreases in cholinergic activity in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of the rat.
Q36887012Intramembrane protein distribution in cell cultures is affected by 50 Hz pulsed magnetic fields.
Q48375239Introduction of dr. Nancy Wertheimer, d'Arsonval awardee
Q68077588Investigation of AC-DC magnetic field effects in planar phospholipid bilayers
Q40939468Investigation of effects of short-term exposure to 50 HZ magnetic field on central, peripheral, and autonomic nervous systems in rats
Q51109809Investigation of electric current perception thresholds of different EHS groups.
Q47397935Investigation of maximum local specific absorption rate in 7 T magnetic resonance with respect to load size by use of electromagnetic simulations
Q23917488Investigation of protein expression in magnetic field-treated human glioma cells
Q70472210Investigation of the effects of continuous-wave, pulse- and amplitude-modulated microwaves on single excitable cells of Chara corallina
Q53209990Investigations of a simulated geomagnetic field experienced by the International Space Station on attentional performance.
Q92671973Involvement of calcium in 50-Hz magnetic field-induced activation of sphingosine kinase 1 signaling pathway
Q39584320Involvement of midkine expression in the inhibitory effects of low-frequency magnetic fields on cancer cells
Q84683214Involvement of mitochondrial activity in mediating ELF-EMF stimulatory effect on human sperm motility
Q69564205Ion exposure chambers for small animals
Q46164336Irreversible electroporation and apoptosis in human liver cancer cells induced by nanosecond electric pulses.
Q43530256Is fertility reduced among men exposed to radiofrequency fields in the Norwegian Navy?
Q47917292Is there a role of pulsed electromagnetic fields in management of patellofemoral pain syndrome? Randomized controlled study at one year follow-up
Q58124228Issue Information - Page
Q91621267Issue Information - Page
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Q92671996Issue Information - Page
Q42986128Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV): Potentiation of lethality in mice by microwave radiation
Q51757261Keratinocyte galvanotaxis in combined DC and AC electric fields supports an electromechanical transduction sensing mechanism.
Q69019727Kinetics of channelized membrane ions in magnetic fields
Q77294475Kinetics of sealing for transient electropores in isolated mammalian skeletal muscle cells
Q52454732Laboratory investigations of the electrical characteristics of honey bees and their exposure to intense electric fields.
Q43874194Lack of a co-promotion effect of 60 Hz circularly polarized magnetic fields on spontaneous development of lymphoma in AKR mice
Q46615271Lack of a co-promotion effect of 60 Hz rotating magnetic fields on N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea induced neurogenic tumors in F344 rats
Q80011281Lack of adverse effects in pregnant/lactating female rats and their offspring following pre- and postnatal exposure to ELF magnetic fields
Q75208982Lack of alterations on meiotic chromosomes and morphological characteristics of male germ cells in mice exposed to a 60 Hz and 2.0 mT magnetic field
Q48393842Lack of an effect of static magnetic field on calcium efflux from isolated chick brains
Q69596009Lack of behavioral effects in the rhesus monkey: high peak microwave pulses at 1.3 GHz
Q45983160Lack of chick embryotoxicity after 20 kHz, 1.1 mT magnetic field exposure.
Q81522095Lack of direct DNA damage in human blood leukocytes and lymphocytes after in vitro exposure to high power microwave pulses
Q44870619Lack of effect of 10 kV/m 60 Hz electric field exposure on pregnant dairy heifer hormones
Q52290276Lack of effect of 2.45-GHz microwave radiation on the development of preimplantation embryos of mice.
Q69215297Lack of effects from 2000-Hz magnetic fields on mammary adenocarcinoma and reproductive hormones in rats
Q46687385Lack of effects of 1439 MHz electromagnetic near field exposure on the blood-brain barrier in immature and young rats
Q48160714Lack of promoting effects of chronic exposure to 1.95-GHz W-CDMA signals for IMT-2000 cellular system on development of N-ethylnitrosourea-induced central nervous system tumors in F344 rats
Q80786874Lack of promotion effects of 50 Hz magnetic fields on 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced malignant lymphoma/lymphatic leukemia in mice
Q51753944Lack of promotion of mammary, lung and skin tumorigenesis by 20 kHz triangular magnetic fields.
Q44871028Lagged association between geomagnetic activity and diminished nocturnal pain thresholds in mice
Q39846213Large gradient high magnetic field affects the association of MACF1 with actin and microtubule cytoskeleton
Q73631494Large granular lymphocytic (LGL) leukemia in rats exposed to intermittent 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q40498318Large scale in vitro experiment system for 2 GHz exposure
Q50740650Lateral gradients significantly enhance static magnetic field-induced inhibition of pain responses in mice--a double blind experimental study.
Q52243094Lay understanding of low-frequency electric and magnetic fields.
Q46945836Learning ability of young rats is unaffected by repeated exposure to a static electromagnetic field in early life
Q46687376Letter to the editor concerning "Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low-level microwave radiation exposure" by Cobb et al. [BEMS, 2004, 25:49-57] and "letter to the editor" by Lai [BEMS, 2005, 26:81].
Q46687380Letter to the editor concerning Lai's letter on "Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure" [Bioelectromagnetics 25:49-57 (2004)].
Q60704352Light alters nociceptive effects of magnetic field shielding
Q71773132Light and magnetic fields in a neonatal intensive care unit
Q73209416Light-dependent and -independent behavioral effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields in a land snail are consistent with a parametric resonance mechanism
Q94914912Limitations of Incident Power Density as a Proxy for Induced Electromagnetic Fields
Q45789634Lipid utilization in radish seedlings as affected by weak horizontal extremely low frequency magnetic field
Q39540444Lithium as a normal metabolite: some implications for cyclotron resonance of ions in magnetic fields
Q51801466Local heating of human skin by millimeter waves: A kinetics study
Q40417181Local heating of human skin by millimeter waves: effect of blood flow
Q82619873Local tissue temperature increase of a generic implant compared to the basic restrictions defined in safety guidelines
Q70472227Local tumor hyperthermia using a computer-controlled microwave system
Q81736148Localized effects of microwave radiation on the intact eye lens in culture conditions
Q40102277Long-lasting plasma membrane permeabilization in mammalian cells by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF).
Q40276867Long-term digital mobile phone use and cognitive decline in the elderly
Q73631491Long-term effects of 60-Hz electric vs. magnetic fields on IL-1 and IL-2 activity in sheep
Q52140616Long-term electromagnetic exposure of developing neuronal networks: A flexible experimental setup.
Q77614601Long-term exposure of male and female mice to 50 Hz magnetic field: effects on fertility
Q46150941Long-term exposure of several marine benthic animals to static magnetic fields.
Q53728363Long-term, low-level microwave irradiation of rats
Q52533983Longevity and food consumption of microwave‐treated (2.45 GHz Cw) honeybees in the laboratory
Q52314930Lorentz approach to static magnetic field effects on bound-ion dynamics and binding kinetics: thermal noise considerations.
Q97637521Low Strength Magnetic Fields Serve as a Cue for Foraging Honey Bees but Prior Experience is More Indicative of Choice
Q44736545Low electromagnetic field (50 Hz) induces differentiation on primary human oral keratinocytes (HOK).
Q49040697Low frequency amplitude modulated microwave fields change calcium efflux rates from synaptosomes
Q50480871Low frequency electromagnetic fields and the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.
Q43452759Low frequency magnetic field therapy in patients with cytostatic-induced polyneuropathy: a phase II pilot study
Q51501855Low frequency therapeutic EMF differently influences experimental muscle pain in female and male subjects.
Q50544737Low intensity magnetic field influences short-term memory: A study in a group of healthy students.
Q44386146Low power millimeter wave irradiation exerts no harmful effect on human keratinocytes in vitro
Q73399097Low stray ELF magnetic field exposure system for in vitro study
Q90706112Low-Frequency Magnetic Field of Appropriate Strengths Changed Secondary Metabolite Production and Na+ Concentration of Intracellular and Extracellular Monascus purpureus
Q95276655Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields in Cars and Office Premises and the Geomagnetic Field Variations
Q48618078Low-frequency conductivity tensor of rat brain tissues inferred from diffusion MRI.
Q39385913Low-frequency electromagnetic fields do not alter responses of inflammatory genes and proteins in human monocytes and immune cell lines
Q48393848Low-intensity magnetic fields alter operant behavior in rats
Q46146812Low-intensity microwave irradiation does not substantially alter gene expression in late larval and adult Caenorhabditis elegans
Q39531770Low-level exposure to pulsed 900 MHz microwave radiation does not cause deficits in the performance of a spatial learning task in mice
Q34744918Low-level exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: health effects and research needs
Q69596023Low-level microwave irradiation and central cholinergic activity: a dose-response study
Q70362115Low-level, magnetic-field-induced growth modification of Bacillus subtilis
Q40212921Low-power millimeter wave radiations do not alter stress-sensitive gene expression of chaperone proteins
Q93568644Low-voltage ELF electric field measurements in ionic media
Q52214717Luminescent radio frequency radiation dosimetry.
Q39962592Lung cancer A549 cells migrate directionally in DC electric fields with polarized and activated EGFRs.
Q51487084Lymphoma development of simultaneously combined exposure to two radiofrequency signals in AKR/J mice.
Q78145385Macro- and trace element concentrations in blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of dairy cows exposed to electric and magnetic fields
Q67469851Macroscopic dosimetry of power-frequency electric and magnetic fields
Q93119429Magnetic Resonance Examinations of Patients With Implanted Active Devices. A Low-Cost Approach in Slew Rate Evaluation
Q46294459Magnetic and structural properties of magnetite in radular teeth of chiton Acanthochiton rubrolinestus
Q74719930Magnetic anisotropy of the radula of chiton Acanthochiton rubrolinestus LISCHKE
Q46617308Magnetic field characteristics of electric bed-heating devices
Q50860088Magnetic field effects on bistability and bifurcation phenomena in lipid peroxidation.
Q70249508Magnetic field effects on calcium efflux and insulin secretion in isolated rabbit islets of Langerhans
Q50136039Magnetic field effects on coenzyme B12-dependent enzymes: validation of ethanolamine ammonia lyase results and extension to human methylmalonyl CoA mutase
Q39368859Magnetic field exposure among utility workers
Q39578482Magnetic field exposure and behavioral monitoring system
Q46631284Magnetic field exposure and prognostic factors in childhood leukemia
Q68077591Magnetic field exposure assessment for adult residents of Maine who live near and far away from overhead transmission lines
Q73177413Magnetic field exposure assessment: a comparison of various methods
Q51316142Magnetic field exposure stiffens regenerating plant protoplast cell walls.
Q48294098Magnetic field exposure to wireless charging stations for mobile phones
Q54180401Magnetic field from spot welding equipment--is the basic restriction exceeded?
Q81162581Magnetic field influence on electrical properties of human blood measured by impedance spectroscopy
Q57217757Magnetic field inhibits isolated lymphocytes' proliferative response to mitogen stimulation
Q23911776Magnetic field measurements near RF induction heaters
Q48116064Magnetic field pattern synthesis and its application in targeted drug delivery: Design and implementation.
Q37595960Magnetic field therapy in patients with cytostatics-induced polyneuropathy: A prospective randomized placebo-controlled phase-III study
Q54644209Magnetic fields after translation in Escherichia coli.
Q72044955Magnetic fields alter electrical properties of solutions and their physiological effects
Q67968007Magnetic fields and time dependent effects on development
Q36811633Magnetic fields at resonant conditions for the hydrogen ion affect neurite outgrowth in PC-12 cells: a test of the ion parametric resonance model
Q50108928Magnetic fields from steel-belted radial tires: implications for epidemiologic studies
Q51797566Magnetic fields generated by an induction heating (IH) cook top do not cause genotoxicity in vitro.
Q30329423Magnetic fields produced by hand held hair dryers, stereo headsets, home sewing machines, and electric clocks.
Q77408325Magnetic induction at 60 Hz in the human heart: a comparison between the in situ and isolated scenarios
Q50881366Magnetic resonance examination of patients with implanted pacemakers: An evaluation of magnetic field gradients slew rate.
Q45094685Magnetic resonance imaging: calculation of rates of energy absorption by a human-torso model
Q23921602Magnetic resonances of ions in biological systems
Q52238598Magnetic shielding induces early developmental abnormalities in the newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster.
Q39111852Magnetic treatment of irrigation water and snow pea and chickpea seeds enhances early growth and nutrient contents of seedlings
Q72362992Magnetic-field flux density and spectral characteristics of motor-driven personal appliances
Q59510367Magnetic-field-induced vertigo: A theoretical and experimental investigation
Q38666439Magnetite and magnetotaxis in microorganisms
Q38666445Magnetite biomineralization and geomagnetic sensitivity in higher animals: an update and recommendations for future study
Q34213682Magnetite in human tissues: A mechanism for the biological effects of weak ELF magnetic fields
Q104483955Magnetosensitivity in the Stingless Bee Tetragonisca angustula: Magnetic Inclination Can Alter the Choice of the Flying Departure Angle From the Nest
Q48282303Magnetosensitivity of bacteria E. coli: Magnetic isotope and magnetic field effects.
Q40954311Managing electromagnetic fields from residential electrode grounding systems: a predecision analysis
Q84609138Maternal exposure to magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines and the risk of birth defects
Q51164419Maternal residential proximity to sources of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and adverse birth outcomes in a UK cohort.
Q52360691Measurement and analysis of static magnetic fields that block action potentials in cultured neurons
Q49040673Measurement of blood-brain barrier permeation in rats during exposure to 2450-MHz microwaves
Q39442345Measurement of low frequency magnetic fields from digital cellular telephones
Q45145403Measurement of magnetically induced electric fields in conductive media near a 60 Hz current-carrying wire
Q48397892Measurement of small mechanical vibrations of brain tissue exposed to extremely-low-frequency electric fields
Q53324414Measurement of the individual exposure to 50 and 16 2/3 Hz magnetic fields within the Bavarian population.
Q53233232Measurement setup and protocol for characterizing and testing radio frequency personal exposure meters.
Q44541773Measurements described in a paper by Blackman, Blanchard, Benane, and House are statistically invalid
Q68273033Measurements of housing density along transmission lines
Q68132491Measurements of potential differences in human subjects induced by motion in a superconducting magnetic field
Q39773775Measurements of skin surface temperature during mobile phone use.
Q85972934Measurements of the ripple effect and geometric distribution of switched gradient fields inside a magnetic resonance scanner
Q80589012Measuring ELF fields produced by mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs)
Q39804348Measuring ELF fields produced by mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
Q38493725Measuring temporal variability in residential magnetic field exposures
Q45792974Mechanical and electrical effects of high-frequency and high-intensity stimulation of muscle
Q41425561Mechanical and electrical interactions in bone remodeling
Q46125553Mechanical vibration in "double-wound" magnetic field exposure coils
Q73284178Mechanism of action of weak electromagnetic field on ionic currents in aqueous solutions of amino acids
Q52460294Mechanism of biological effects observed in honey bees (Apis mellifera, L.) hived under extra-high-voltage transmission lines: implications derived from bee exposure to simulated intense electric fields and shocks.
Q34089335Mechanism of the fluorescent light induced suppression of Curly phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster
Q36148783Mechanisms for interaction between RF fields and biological tissue
Q40867971Mechanisms underlying spontaneous calcium spiking in aequorin-loaded ROS 17/2.8 cells
Q74719905Melanophore aggregation in strong static magnetic fields
Q90349117Melatonin Levels and Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields in Humans and Rats: New Insights From a Bayesian Logistic Regression
Q64389293Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells
Q71880174Melatonin and puberty in female lambs exposed to EMF: A replicate study
Q73177419Membrane potential and currents of isolated heart muscle cells exposed to pulsed radio frequency fields
Q40813125Membrane potential and time requirements for detection of weak signals by voltage-gated ion channels
Q52362434Membrane potential perturbations induced in tissue cells by pulsed electric fields.
Q69014605Metabolic and vasomotor responses of rhesus monkeys exposed to 225-MHz radiofrequency energy
Q80283351Metabolic effects of static magnetic fields on Streptococcus pyogenes
Q81273943Metabolic pathway of magnetized fluid-induced relaxation effects on heart muscle
Q51682249Metallic electrodes and leads in simultaneous EEG-MRI: specific absorption rate (SAR) simulation studies.
Q44200547Methodological approaches to EMF microdosimetry
Q53856633Methodology of detailed dosimetry and treatment of uncertainty and variations for in vivo studies.
Q53542882Methods of evaluating human exposure to electromagnetic fields radiated from operating base stations in Korea.
Q35176065Microelectrode measurements of low frequency electric field effects in cells and tissues
Q33610274Micronuclei in the blood and bone marrow cells of mice exposed to specific complex time-varying pulsed magnetic fields
Q51833705Microscale temperature and SAR measurements in cell monolayer models exposed to millimeter waves.
Q35176100Microscopic dosimetry of extremely-low-frequency electric and magnetic fields
Q37910836Microsecond and nanosecond electric pulses in cancer treatments
Q46920534Microsecond pulsed magnetic field improves efficacy of antifungal agents on pathogenic microorganisms.
Q71880181Microwave ablation of the atrioventricular junction in open‐chest dogs
Q45970006Microwave absorption by magnetite: a possible mechanism for coupling nonthermal levels of radiation to biological systems.
Q68273029Microwave attenuation of ethanol-induced hypothermia: ethanol tolerance, time course, exposure duration, and dose response studies
Q71385020Microwave bioeffects in the erythrocyte are temperature and pO2 dependent: cation permeability and protein shedding occur at the membrane phase transition
Q52729372Microwave dielectric studies on proteins, tissues, and heterogeneous suspensions.
Q41991181Microwave effect on camphor binding to rat olfactory epithelium
Q54130929Microwave effects on acetylcholine-induced channels in cultured chick myotubes.
Q41638211Microwave effects on energy metabolism of rat brain
Q71061142Microwave effects on immobilized peroxidase chemiluminescence
Q69714342Microwave effects on isolated chick embryo hearts
Q33974059Microwave effects on the nervous system
Q73311172Microwave enhanced kinetics observed in ORD studies of a protein
Q48231633Microwave facilitation of domperidone antagonism of apomorphine-induced stereotypic climbing in mice
Q48905945Microwave fields have little effect on α-synuclein aggregation in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Parkinson's disease
Q71561192Microwave influence on the isolated heart function: I. Effect of modulation
Q71561195Microwave influence on the isolated heart function: II. Combined effect of radiation and some drugs
Q48215526Microwave irradiation affects radial-arm maze performance in the rat.
Q52300269Microwave irradiation and instrumental behavior in rats: Unitized irradiation and behavioral evaluation facility
Q54180561Microwave irradiation influences on the state of human cell nuclei.
Q68674294Microwave irradiation of rats at 2.45 GHz activates pinocytotic-like uptake of tracer by capillary endothelial cells of cerebral cortex
Q70935212Microwave radiation (2450 MHz) alters the endotoxin‐induced hypothermic response of rats
Q48551462Microwave radiation absorption in the rat: frequency-dependent SAR distribution in body and tail
Q71320032Microwave radiation-induced calcium ion efflux from human neuroblastoma cells in culture
Q67986983Microwave radiometry in biomedicine: a reappraisal
Q35656912Microwave sensing of physiological movement and volume change: a review
Q70935252Microwave treatment of intracerebral l1210 leukemia: Schedule‐dependent partial reversal of the effects of methotrexate
Q54460264Microwave-induced changes in nerve cells: effects of modulation and temperature.
Q48129613Microwave-induced thermoelastic pressure wave propagation in the cat brain
Q54685418Microwave-specific heating affects gene expression
Q71138061Microwaves (2,450 MHz) suppress murine natural killer cell activity
Q44281815Microwaves from UMTS/GSM mobile phones induce long-lasting inhibition of 53BP1/gamma-H2AX DNA repair foci in human lymphocytes.
Q70935148Microwaves modify thermoregulatory behavior in squirrel monkey
Q41638227Microwave‐induced increase of water and conductivity in submaxillary salivary gland of rats
Q70935161Microwave‐induced pressure waves in a model of muscle tissue
Q71701420Millimeter microwave effect on ion transport across lipid bilayer membranes
Q72646439Millimeter wave absorption spectra of biological samples
Q81422807Millimeter wave dosimetry of human skin
Q43273246Millimeter wave effects on electrical responses of the sural nerve in vivo
Q33196257Millimeter wave exposure reverses TPA suppression of gap junction intercellular communication in HaCaT human keratinocytes
Q46912091Millimeter wave induced reversible externalization of phosphatidylserine molecules in cells exposed in vitro
Q52065940Millimeter wave power density in aqueous biological samples.
Q40527331Millimeter wave-induced suppression of B16 F10 melanoma growth in mice: involvement of endogenous opioids
Q50882215Millimeter waves as a source of selective heating of skin.
Q53976957Millimeter waves thermally alter the firing rate of the Lymnaea pacemaker neuron.
Q30444991Millimeter waves: acoustic and electromagnetic
Q90451348Millimeter-Wave Heating in In Vitro Studies: Effect of Convection in Continuous and Pulse-Modulated Regimes
Q45053873Millimeter-wave effects on electric activity of crayfish stretch receptors
Q38610633Millimeter-wave emissivity as a metric for the non-contact diagnosis of human skin conditions
Q67918842Miniature-probe measurements of electric fields and currents induced by a 60-Hz magnetic field in rat and human models
Q71537846Miniature-probe measurements of electric fields induced by 60 Hz magnetic fields in rats
Q71320024Minimal changes in hypothalamic temperature accompany microwave-induced alteration of thermoregulatory behavior
Q52886288Misclassification of ELF occupational exposure resulting from spatial variation of the magnetic field.
Q42825642Mobile phone base station radiation does not affect neoplastic transformation in BALB/3T3 cells
Q40227121Mobile phone base station-emitted radiation does not induce phosphorylation of Hsp27.
Q52688828Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation activates MAPK signaling and regulates viability in Drosophila.
Q48924964Mobile phone exposure and spatial memory
Q79538711Mobile phone ownership and use among school children in three Hungarian cities
Q36249143Mobile phone use and exposures in children
Q53313898Mobile phone use and location of glioma: a case-case analysis.
Q38174534Mobile phone use and risk of intracranial tumors: a consistency analysis
Q47251473Mobile phones and children: is precaution warranted?
Q80201719Mobile phones and children: is precaution warranted?
Q87856422Mobile phones, brain tumors, and the limits of science
Q57548789Mobile telephone use effects on perception of verticality
Q50455248Mobile telephone use effects on peripheral audiovestibular function: a case-control study
Q51817298Mobile telephone use is associated with changes in cognitive function in young adolescents.
Q52361190Model for external influences on cellular signal transduction pathways including cytosolic calcium oscillations
Q44953530Model study of time-dependent muscle response to pulsed electrical stimulation
Q51698426Modeling AC current conduction through a human tooth.
Q51941136Modeling normal and altered human erythrocyte shapes by a new parametric equation: application to the calculation of induced transmembrane potentials.
Q48126007Modeling of EEG electrode artifacts and thermal ripples in human radiofrequency exposure studies
Q31003107Modeling of RF head exposure in children
Q30577435Modeling the nuclear magnetic resonance behavior of lung: from electrical engineering to critical care medicine
Q91702279Moderate Intensity Static Magnetic Fields Prevent Thrombus Formation in Rats and Mice
Q43964134Modification of acoustic startle by microwave pulses in the rat: a preliminary report
Q73444261Modification of electrokinetic properties of nuclei in human buccal epithelial cells by electric fields
Q41651033Modification of membrane fluidity in melanin‐containing cells by low‐level microwave radiation
Q84561313Modification of pulse sequences reduces occupational exposure from MRI switched gradient fields: Preliminary results
Q67800030Modification of the 1979 “Denver wire code” for different wire or plumbing types
Q52300273Modification of the repeated acquisition of response sequences in rats by low‐level microwave exposure
Q73561695Modulation of cytokine production by interferential current in differentiated HL-60 cells
Q48630810Modulation of learning and hippocampal, neuronal plasticity by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS).
Q90614951Modulation of resting-state brain functional connectivity by exposure to acute fourth-generation long-term evolution electromagnetic field: An fMRI study
Q45078625Modulation of tendon fibroplasia by exogenous electric currents
Q101578629Modulation of the Cell Membrane Potential and Intracellular Protein Transport by High Magnetic Fields
Q81322720Modulation of the catalytic activity of free and immobilized peroxidase by extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields: dependence on frequency
Q85354859Modulation of the shape and speed of a chemical wave in an unstirred Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction by a rotating magnet
Q34089340Modulatory effects of static magnetic fields on blood pressure in rabbits
Q46439156Molecular change signal-to-noise criteria for interpreting experiments involving exposure of biological systems to weakly interacting electromagnetic fields
Q73186215Molecular wring resonances in chain molecules
Q46135505Morphofunctional study of 12-O-tetradecanoyl-13-phorbol acetate (TPA)-induced differentiation of U937 cells under exposure to a 6 mT static magnetic field.
Q42806025Morphologic responses of osteoblast-like cells in monolayer culture to ELF electromagnetic fields
Q92486165Morphological Changes Induced By Extremely Low-Frequency Electric Fields
Q44191728Morphological and electrophysiological changes produced by electrical stimulation in cultured neuroblastoma cells
Q45432661Morphological anomalies in pollen tubes of Actinidia deliciosa (kiwi) exposed to 50 Hz magnetic field.
Q50940416Mortality of plastic-ware workers exposed to radiofrequencies.
Q48315750Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper by Citation award.
Q42036373Mouse circadian rhythm before the Kobe earthquake in 1995
Q92671961Multi-physics modeling to study the influence of tissue compression and cold stress on enhancing breast tumor detection using microwave radiometry
Q91390611Multifrequency Analysis of Single Inductive Coil Measurements Across a Gel Phantom Simulation of Internal Bleeding in the Brain
Q52565753Multigeneration exposure test of Drosophila melanogaster to ELF magnetic fields.
Q47731695Multigenerational effects of whole body exposure to 2.14 GHz W-CDMA cellular phone signals on brain function in rats
Q38269345Multiple power-density windows and their possible origin
Q40831368Mutagenic and genotoxic potential of direct electric current in Escherichia coli and Salmonella thyphimurium strains
Q41399912Myelogenous leukemia and electric blanket use.
Q39418682Myotube orientation using strong static magnetic fields
Q92110137Myrciaria dubia "camu camu" flour as a magnetoprotector in male mouse infertility
Q38290273NF-kappaB DNA-binding activity after high peak power pulsed microwave (8.2 GHz) exposure of normal human monocytes
Q41181367Naltrexone pretreatment blocks microwave-induced changes in central cholinergic receptors
Q85001537Nanosecond electric pulses cause mitochondrial membrane permeabilization in Jurkat cells
Q89469730Nanosecond pulsed electric field exposure does not induce the unfolded protein response in adult human dermal fibroblasts
Q33227702Nanosecond pulsed electric field generators for the study of subcellular effects
Q52728198Near-field absorption in a circular cylinder from electric and magnetic line sources.
Q84466840Near-field dosimetry for in vitro exposure of human cells at 60 GHz
Q113928812Near‐Field Exposure in FM Frequencies: New Methodology and Estimation Formulas
Q52164817Neural and behavioral teratological evaluation of rats exposed to ultra-wideband electromagnetic fields.
Q36214323Neurobehavioural effects of electromagnetic fields
Q45931764Neurobiological effects of pulsed magnetic field on diabetes-induced neuropathy.
Q71561199Neurochemical effects of a 20 kHz magnetic field on the central nervous system in prenatally exposed mice
Q56426112Neurodegenerative diseases, suicide and depressive symptoms in relation to EMF
Q34513228Neurodegenerative diseases, suicide and depressive symptoms in relation to EMF.
Q69798291Neuroendocrine parameters in the rat exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q40479670Neuronal outgrowth of PC-12 cells after combined treatment with nerve growth factor and a magnetic field: influence of the induced electric field strength.
Q46159007Neurophysiological characteristics of human leg muscle action potentials evoked by transcutaneous magnetic stimulation of the spine.
Q44522851Neurophysiological characterization of transpinal evoked potentials in human leg muscles.
Q36822201Neurophysiological effects of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on humans: a comprehensive review
Q68800329New experimental technique for detecting the effect of low-frequency electric fields on enzyme structure
Q83173975New fin-line devices for radiofrequency exposure of small biological samples in vitro allowing whole-cell patch clamp recordings
Q48094936New head exposure system for use in human provocation studies with EEG recording during GSM900- and UMTS-like exposure
Q73259967New model for the avian magnetic compass
Q34588590New theoretical treatment of ion resonance phenomena
Q100497649No Increased DNA Damage Observed in the Brain, Liver, and Lung of Fetal Mice Treated With Ethylnitrosourea and Exposed to UMTS Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Q48412353No apoptosis is induced in rat cortical neurons exposed to GSM phone fields
Q48416540No association between occupational exposure to ELF magnetic field and urinary 6-sulfatoximelatonin in workers.
Q31160164No effect of 85 mT permanent magnets on laser-Doppler measured blood flow response to inspiratory gasps
Q39923059No effect of TETRA hand portable transmission signals on human cognitive function and symptoms
Q51731346No effect of an UMTS mobile phone-like electromagnetic field of 1.97 GHz on human attention and reaction time.
Q71952176No effect of exposure to static and sinusoidal magnetic fields on nitric oxide production by macrophages
Q74447366No effect of extremely low-frequency magnetic field observed on cell growth or initial response of cell proliferation in human cancer cell lines
Q80607507No effect of mobile phone-like RF exposure on patients with atopic dermatitis
Q51994937No effect on cognitive function from daily mobile phone use.
Q77669618No effects of DC and 60-Hz AC magnetic fields on the first mitosis of two species of sea urchin embryos
Q45326455No effects of UMTS exposure on the function of rat outer hair cells
Q47655421No effects of a single 3G UMTS mobile phone exposure on spontaneous EEG activity, ERP correlates, and automatic deviance detection
Q78667189No effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields found on cytotoxic activities and cytokine production of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro
Q48518628No effects of mobile phone electromagnetic field on auditory brainstem response
Q48453195No effects of mobile phone use on cortical auditory change-detection in children: an ERP study
Q39561125No effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on expression of cell adhesion molecules (integrin, CD44) and matrix metalloproteinase-2/9 in osteosarcoma cell lines
Q39563722No effects of pulsed radio frequency electromagnetic fields on melatonin, cortisol, and selected markers of the immune system in man.
Q48888681No effects of short-term GSM mobile phone radiation on cerebral blood flow measured using positron emission tomography
Q84792413No effects of short-term exposure to mobile phone electromagnetic fields on human cognitive performance: a meta-analysis
Q80445480No evidence of major transcriptional changes in the brain of mice exposed to 1800 MHz GSM signal
Q80932323No influence of 20 and 400 microT, 50 Hz magnetic field exposure on cognitive function in humans
Q44187903No influence of acute RF exposure (GSM-900, GSM-1800, and UMTS) on mouse retinal ganglion cell responses under constant temperature conditions
Q73271672No influence of magnetic fields on cell cycle progression using conditions relevant for patients during MRI
Q81653341No influence on selected parameters of human visual perception of 1970 MHz UMTS-like exposure
Q73030100No mutagenic or recombinogenic effects of mobile phone fields at 900 MHz detected in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q39442342No short-term effects of digital mobile radio telephone on the awake human electroencephalogram
Q73481724No short-term effects of high-frequency electromagnetic fields on the mammalian pineal gland
Q39461982Nocturnal exposure to intermittent 60 Hz magnetic fields alters human cardiac rhythm
Q71725297Nocturnal melatonin levels in human volunteers exposed to intermittent 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q33235221Noise magnetic fields abolish the gap junction intercellular communication suppression induced by 50 hz magnetic fields
Q36249131Non-cancer EMF effects related to children
Q30722440Non-perceptible body current ELF effects as defined by electric shock safety data
Q46778679Non-thermal effects in the microwave induced unfolding of proteins observed by chaperone binding
Q30949422Non-thermal extremely low frequency magnetic field effects on opioid related behaviors: Snails to humans, mechanisms to therapy
Q52315096Nonbinomial distribution of relative neurite outgrowth in PC-12 cells.
Q52210858Nonhuman primates will not respond to turn off strong 60 Hz electric fields.
Q42656869Noninvasive electrical impedance sensor for in vivo tissue discrimination at radio frequencies
Q52431447Noninvasive thermometry using multiple-frequency-band radiometry: a feasibility study.
Q92622389Nonlinear Dispersive Model of Electroporation for Irregular Nucleated Cells
Q48273902Nonlinear changes in brain electrical activity due to cell phone radiation
Q52050007Nonlinear dynamical law governs magnetic field induced changes in lymphoid phenotype.
Q69198589Normalizing the thermal effects of radiofrequency radiation: body mass versus total body surface area
Q92486199Novel ETV6-RUNX1 Mouse Model to Study the Role of ELF-MF in Childhood B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: a Pilot Study
Q38932589Novel exposure units for at-home personalized testing of electromagnetic sensibility
Q47366756Numerical analysis for human perception of temperature rise on the fingertips during usage of a mobile device
Q35176092Numerical and analytical methods to determine the current density distributions produced in human and rat models by electric and magnetic fields
Q52315409Numerical and experimental dosimetry of Petri dish exposure setups.
Q39731404Numerical assessment of induced ELF currents in the human head due to the battery current of a digital mobile phone
Q43744691Numerical assessment of the performance of a scalp-implantable antenna: effects of head anatomy and dielectric parameters
Q69798263Numerical calculation and measurement of 60-Hz current densities induced in an upright grounded cylinder
Q30724685Numerical computation of distortions in magnetic fields and induced currents in physiological solutions produced by microscope objectives
Q35176096Numerical dosimetry at power-line frequencies using anatomically based models
Q44357431Numerical evaluation of currents induced in a worker by ELF non-uniform electric fields in high voltage substations and comparison with experimental results
Q88513359Numerical evaluation of human exposure to WiMax patch antenna in tablet or laptop
Q51446166Numerical modeling and dosimetry of the 35 mm Petri dish under 46 GHz millimeter wave exposure.
Q45341016Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer in the human eye under millimeter wave exposure.
Q51060921Numerical simulation of pressure waves in the cochlea induced by a microwave pulse.
Q45948617Observations from national Italian fixed radiofrequency monitoring network.
Q52568480Observations on the effects of low frequency electromagnetic fields on cellular transcription in Drosophila larvae reared in field-free conditions.
Q52300270Observing‐responses of rats exposed to 1.28‐ and 5.62‐GHz microwaves
Q44460543Occupational 50 Hz magnetic field exposure measurements among female sewing machine operators in Hungary
Q85342300Occupational EMF exposure from radar at X and Ku frequency band and plasma catecholamine levels
Q43623606Occupational exposure levels of static magnetic field during routine MRI examination in 3T MR system
Q39909530Occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields during work tasks at 110 kV substations in the Tampere region
Q59458970Occupational exposure to electric fields and currents associated with 110 kv substation tasks
Q39830246Occupational exposure to electric fields and induced currents associated with 400 kV substation tasks from different service platforms
Q48209236Occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and the risk of ALS: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Q53093750Occupational exposure to intermediate frequency and extremely low frequency magnetic fields among personnel working near electronic article surveillance systems.
Q30866420Occupational exposures to high frequency electromagnetic fields in the intermediate range ( >300 Hz-10 MHz).
Q83172186Occupational magnetic field exposure and melatonin: interaction with light-at-night
Q46121534Occupational magnetic field exposures of garment workers: results of personal and survey measurements
Q35589162Ocular effects of radiofrequency energy
Q48398846Off-center spherical model for dosimetry calculations in chick brain tissue
Q52697242Offset of the vacuolar potential of Characean cells in response to electromagnetic radiation over the range 250 Hz-250 kHz.
Q79662734On Wolf's brief communication
Q74771249On the "unreasonable" effects of ELF magnetic fields upon a system of ions
Q52582135On the cyclotron resonance mechanism for magnetic field effects on transmembrane ion conductivity.
Q52510571On the cyclotron resonance model of ion transport
Q80549864On the energy transfer between the electromagnetic field and nanomachines for biological applications
Q73271688On the human body's inductive features: A comment on “Bioelectrical parameters…” by A.L. Lafargue et al
Q48967492On the significance of the time constants of magnetic field sensitivity in animals
Q34553504On the thermal noise limit of cellular membranes
Q38875018On-body calibration and measurements using personal radiofrequency exposimeters in indoor diffuse and specular environments
Q93052614One man's career in bioelectricity: A tale of luck, pluck, and loving support
Q43916534One week of exposure to 50 Hz, vertical magnetic field does not reduce urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion of male wistar rats
Q52276664Operant behavior and colonic temperature of Macaca mulatta exposed to radio frequency fields at and above resonant frequencies.
Q69798289Operant control of convective cooling and microwave irradiation by the squirrel monkey
Q85605568Opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields
Q44331038Opioid receptor subtypes that mediate a microwave‐induced decrease in central cholinergic activity in the rat
Q92110148Optimal currents for electrical stimulation of bone fracture repair: A computational analysis including variations in frequency, tissue properties, and fracture morphology
Q44482318Optimal durations of single exposures to a frequency-modulated magnetic field immediately after bisection in planarian predict final growth values
Q68644650Optimal experimental design for in vitro studies with ELF magnetic fields
Q46485112Optimization of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for management of arthritis in rats
Q51909763Optimization of static magnetic field parameters improves analgesic effect in mice.
Q43512633Orientation of bull sperms in static magnetic fields
Q71725312Orientation of glutaraldehyde-fixed erythrocytes in strong static magnetic fields
Q40694761Orientation of paramecium swimming in a DC magnetic field
Q85162857Orientation of paramecium swimming in a static magnetic field: Dependence on membrane lipid fluidity
Q48277886Origins of electromagnetic hypersensitivity to 60 Hz magnetic fields: A provocation study
Q40131797Ornithine decarboxylase activity of L929 cells after exposure to continuous wave or 50 Hz modulated radiofrequency radiation--a replication study
Q73310648Osmolality dependence of erythrocyte sedimentation and aggregation in a strong magnetic field
Q46132671Osteoblasts stimulated with pulsed electromagnetic fields increase HUVEC proliferation via a VEGF-A independent mechanism
Q68245692Ouabain inhibition of kidney ATPase is altered by 9.14 GHz radiation
Q44557609Outdoor measurement of SAR in a full-sized human model exposed to 29.9 MHz in the near field
Q40003622Output power distributions of terminals in a 3G mobile communication network
Q52520321Oviposition and development of Drosophila modified by magnetic fields.
Q83821603Oxidative stress effects on the central nervous system of rats after acute exposure to ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields
Q81603094Oxygen enhances lethal effect of high-intensity, ultrashort electrical pulses
Q39497102Pain control using high-intensity pulsed magnetic stimulation
Q46781821Panel exploring pro and con arguments as to whether EMFs cause childhood brain cancer
Q87205840Parallel β-sheet vibration band increases with proteins dipole moment under exposure to 1765 MHz microwaves
Q51114194Parametric analysis of transient skin heating induced by terahertz radiation.
Q73740504Partial-body exposure of human volunteers to 2450 MHz pulsed or CW fields provokes similar thermoregulatory responses
Q74531033Particle deposition onto a human head: influence of electrostatic and wind fields
Q41131153Past perspectives and future directions in bioelectromagnetics: the contributions of Dr. Arthur W. Guy
Q81736140Perception of local DC and AC electric fields in humans
Q48326405Perception of the electromagnetic field emitted by a mobile phone
Q48822580Perinatal exposure to 60-Hz electric fields: effects on the development of the visual-evoked response in rats
Q52204252Periodic inversion of the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field influences fluctuations of visual sensitivity in humans.
Q62629952Permeability changes induced by 130 GHz pulsed radiation on cationic liposomes loaded with carbonic anhydrase
Q39789674Personal digital assistant (PDA) cell phone units produce elevated extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field emissions
Q49123692Personal distributed exposimeter for radio frequency exposure assessment in real environments
Q51316148Personal dosimetry of exposure to mobile telephone base stations? An epidemiologic feasibility study comparing the Maschek dosimeter prototype and the Antennessa SP-090 system.
Q83266881Personal exposure to mobile communication networks and well-being in children--a statistical analysis based on a functional approach
Q53217664Personal exposure to mobile phone frequencies and well-being in adults: a cross-sectional study based on dosimetry.
Q72811452Perturbations of plant leaflet rhythms caused by electromagnetic radio-frequency radiation
Q92125353Perturbing Circadian Oscillations in an In Vitro Suprachiasmatic Nucleus With Magnetic Stimulation
Q92428048Phantom Model Testing of Active Implantable Cardiac Devices at 50/60 Hz Electric Field
Q46628046Pharmacological analysis of inhomogeneous static magnetic field-induced antinociceptive action in the mouse
Q30823129Phase I clinical study of a static magnetic field combined with anti-neoplastic chemotherapy in the treatment of human malignancy: initial safety and toxicity data
Q44486893Phosphate metabolites in muscular contraction caused by magnetic stimulation
Q40277059Phosphorylation and gene expression of p53 are not affected in human cells exposed to 2.1425 GHz band CW or W-CDMA modulated radiation allocated to mobile radio base stations
Q52290445Photic cuing of escape by rats from an intense microwave field.
Q52414872Physical properties of biological matter: some history, principles, and applications.
Q49053529Physiologic regulation in electromagnetic fields
Q44239206Physiological interaction processes and radio-frequency energy absorption
Q100485825Picosecond Pulse Electrical Field Suppressing Spike Firing in Hippocampal CA1 in Rat In Vivo
Q52768494Plane‐wave spectrum approach for the calculation of electromagnetic absorption under near‐field exposure conditions
Q33340289Plant sensitivity to low intensity 105 GHz electromagnetic radiation
Q83841638Plasma concentrations of thyroxine in dairy cows exposed to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields
Q37076996Plasma membrane permeabilization by 60- and 600-ns electric pulses is determined by the absorbed dose
Q43945250Poor-to-moderate agreement between self and proxy interviews of mobile phone use.
Q92990159Possible Mechanism for Synchronized Detection of Weak Magnetic Fields by Nerve Cells
Q33827474Possible cocarcinogenic effects of ELF electromagnetic fields may require repeated long-term interaction with known carcinogenic factors
Q70472225Possible effects of 10(11) Hz radiation on the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
Q69564210Possible effects of electric blankets and heated waterbeds on fetal development
Q70935258Possible humoral mechanism of 2450‐MHz microwave‐induced increase in complement receptor positive cells
Q61687658Possible mechanism for the influence of weak magnetic fields on biological systems
Q47753120Possible risks due to exposure of workers and patients with implants by TETRA transmitters
Q90922574Post-normal science and the management of uncertainty in bioelectromagnetic controversies
Q48399880Postmortem changes of the dielectric properties of bovine brain tissues at low radiofrequencies
Q52434746Postresonance electromagnetic absorption by man and animals.
Q93568656Potassium ion influx measurements on cultured Chinese hamster cells exposed to 60-hertz electromagnetic fields
Q80678204Potential exposure assessment errors associated with body-worn RF dosimeters
Q52941104Potential motion related bias in the worn dosimeter measurements of two childhood leukemia studies.
Q70935194Power density, field intensity, and carrier frequency determinants of RF-energy-induced calcium-ion efflux from brain tissue
Q73014543Power frequency fields promote cell differentiation coincident with an increase in transforming growth factor-beta(1) expression
Q41054043Power frequency magnetic field exposures among nurses in a neonatal intensive care unit and a normal newborn nursery
Q57215483Power frequency magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukaemia: misclassification of exposure from the use of the 'distance from power line' exposure surrogate
Q51828515Power line frequency electromagnetic fields do not increase the rate of protein synthesis in human skin fibroblasts as previously reported.
Q52362439Power lines and the geomagnetic field.
Q39917127Power variations of wireless communication systems
Q71061649Power‐frequency electric fields averaged over the body surfaces of grounded humans and animals
Q91920752Pre-Clinical Testing of Microwave Radiometer and a Pilot Study on the Screening Inflammation of Knee Joints
Q38906742Pre-exposure of neuroblastoma cell line to pulsed electromagnetic field prevents H2 O2 -induced ROS production by increasing MnSOD activity.
Q82704477Pre-sowing magnetic treatments of tomato seeds increase the growth and yield of plants
Q54337125Pre-sowing static magnetic field treatment for improving water and radiation use efficiency in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under soil moisture stress.
Q57590119Preattentive auditory information processing under exposure to the 902 MHz GSM mobile phone electromagnetic field: A mismatch negativity (MMN) study
Q39578477Predicted SAR in Sprague-Dawley rat as a function of permittivity values.
Q40749678Prediction of electromagnetic field distributions inside biological bodies by using an inverse scattering procedure based on a statistical cooling algorithm
Q71537859Preliminary report on treatment of bone tumors with microwave-induced hyperthermia
Q68025868Preliminary report: modification of cardiac contraction rate by pulsed magnetic fields
Q39553383Prenatal exposure to 900 MHz, cell-phone electromagnetic fields had no effect on operant-behavior performances of adult rats
Q52050145Prenatal exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field has no effect on spatial learning in adult mice.
Q47812270Prenatal exposure to radiofrequencies: effects of WiFi signals on thymocyte development and peripheral T cell compartment in an animal model
Q54048955Pretreatment of rats with pulsed electromagnetic fields enhances regeneration of the sciatic nerve.
Q57753667Prevalence of subjective poor health symptoms associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields among university students
Q57753678Prevalence of subjective poor health symptoms associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields among university students
Q41751594Proflavin and microwave radiation: absence of a mutagenic interaction
Q77407359Progesterone concentrations during estrous cycle of dairy cows exposed to electric and magnetic fields
Q34109555Project NEMESIS: perception of a 50 Hz electric and magnetic field at low intensities (laboratory experiment).
Q40324976Proliferation and apoptosis in a neuroblastoma cell line exposed to 900 MHz modulated radiofrequency field
Q52295237Prolonged microwave irradiation of rats: Effects on concurrent operant behavior
Q51697955Prolonged weakening of the geomagnetic field (GMF) affects the immune system of rats.
Q92724549Proposal of 28 GHz In Vitro Exposure System Based on Field Uniformity for Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Experiments
Q77925735Proposed test for detection of nonlinear responses in biological preparations exposed to RF energy
Q46009127Protection against focal cerebral ischemia following exposure to a pulsed electromagnetic field.
Q101578590Protective Effects of Moderate Intensity Static Magnetic Fields on Diabetic Mice
Q78145390Protective effect of low frequency low energy pulsing electromagnetic fields on acute experimental myocardial infarcts in rats
Q39671639Protein changes in macrophages induced by plasma from rats exposed to 35 GHz millimeter waves
Q40988160Protein kinase C activity following exposure to magnetic field and phorbol ester
Q71952169Protein kinase C activity is altered in HL60 cells exposed to 60 Hz AC electric fields
Q33954867Provocation study of persons with perceived electrical hypersensitivity and controls using magnetic field exposure and recording of electrophysiological characteristics
Q48825688Psychoactive-drug response is affected by acute low-level microwave irradiation
Q52004524Psychological effects of chronic exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields in humans living near extra-high-voltage transmission lines.
Q60636124Psychomotor performance is not influenced by brief repeated exposures to mobile phones
Q28283207Psychophysiological tests and provocation of subjects with mobile phone related symptoms
Q91819666Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Versus Whole Body Vibration on Cartilage and Subchondral Trabecular Bone in Mice With Knee Osteoarthritis
Q34573777Pulsed and continuous wave mobile phone exposure over left versus right hemisphere: effects on human cognitive function
Q38320552Pulsed electric field exposure of insulin induces anti-proliferative effects on human hepatocytes.
Q80419547Pulsed electric field reduces the permeability of potato cell wall
Q33301655Pulsed electrical stimulation for control of vasculature: temporary vasoconstriction and permanent thrombosis
Q41937123Pulsed electromagnetic field at different stages of knee osteoarthritis in rats induced by low-dose monosodium iodoacetate: Effect on subchondral trabecular bone microarchitecture and cartilage degradation
Q47282226Pulsed electromagnetic field improves subchondral bone microstructure in knee osteoarthritis rats through a Wnt/β-catenin signaling-associated mechanism
Q85892633Pulsed electromagnetic field may accelerate in vitro endochondral ossification
Q51720591Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation of bone marrow cells derived from ovariectomized rats affects osteoclast formation and local factor production.
Q88513352Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of pain and other symptoms in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled study
Q87750182Pulsed electromagnetic field treatment enhances healing callus biomechanical properties in an animal model of osteoporotic fracture
Q53074462Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) promote early wound healing and myofibroblast proliferation in diabetic rats.
Q46274076Pulsed electromagnetic fields accelerate proliferation and osteogenic gene expression in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic differentiation
Q43191311Pulsed electromagnetic fields accelerate wound healing in the skin of diabetic rats
Q50999303Pulsed electromagnetic fields affect osteoblast proliferation and differentiation in bone tissue engineering.
Q42510543Pulsed electromagnetic fields affect the intracellular calcium concentrations in human astrocytoma cells
Q77669599Pulsed electromagnetic fields enhance the induction of cytokines by peripheral blood mononuclear cells challenged with phytohemagglutinin
Q45191308Pulsed electromagnetic fields induce peripheral nerve regeneration and endplate enzymatic changes
Q51714289Pulsed electromagnetic fields induced femoral metaphyseal bone thickness changes in the rat.
Q86011527Pulsed electromagnetic fields on postmenopausal osteoporosis in Southwest China: a randomized, active-controlled clinical trial
Q28195573Pulsed electromagnetic fields prevent osteoporosis in an ovariectomized female rat model: a prostaglandin E2-associated process
Q57795735Pulsed electromagnetic fields prevented the decrease of bone formation in hindlimb-suspended rats by activating sAC/cAMP/PKA/CREB signaling pathway
Q51513277Pulsed electromagnetic fields promote in vitro osteoblastogenesis through a Wnt/β-catenin signaling-associated mechanism.
Q47764196Pulsed electromagnetic fields promote the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts by reinforcing intracellular calcium transients
Q44710131Pulsed electromagnetic fields protect the balance between adipogenesis and osteogenesis on steroid-induced osteonecrosis of femoral head at the pre-collapse stage in rats
Q46283907Pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulate osteogenic differentiation in human bone marrow and adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells
Q51620913Pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulation affects BMD and local factor production of rats with disuse osteoporosis.
Q85843780Pulsed magnetic field accelerate proliferation and migration of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells
Q48335863Pulsed magnetic field enhances therapeutic efficiency of mesenchymal stem cells in chronic neuropathic pain model.
Q46294813Pulsed magnetic field from video display terminals enhances teratogenic effects of cytosine arabinoside in mice
Q83510300Pulsed magnetic fields enhance the rate of recovery of damaged nerve excitability
Q47719882Pulsed magnetic stimulation modifies amplitude of action potentials in vitro via ionic channels-dependent mechanism
Q77408317Pulsed microwave induced light, sound, and electrical discharge enhanced by a biopolymer
Q41460867Pulsed subcutaneous electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury: preliminary results
Q57131361Quantitative assessment of dielectric parameters for membrane lipid bi-layers from RF permittivity measurements
Q71701967Quantitative changes in potassium, sodium, and calcium in the submaxillary salivary gland and blood serum of rats exposed to 2880-MHz microwave radiation
Q91349047RF Energy Absorption in Human Bodies Due to Wearable Antennas in the 2.4 GHz Frequency Band
Q80428617RF absorption involving biological macromolecules
Q52009664RF nonlinear interactions in living cells--II: detection methods for spectral signatures.
Q52009667RF nonlinear interactions in living cells-I: nonequilibrium thermodynamic theory.
Q73597557RF radiation-induced changes in the prenatal development of mice
Q38724147RF-EMF exposure at 1800 MHz did not elicit DNA damage or abnormal cellular behaviors in different neurogenic cells
Q44706646Radial arm maze performance of rats following repeated low level microwave radiation exposure
Q83524035Radiation from mobile phone systems: Is it perceived as a threat to people's health?
Q41113646Radio frequency electromagnetic exposure: tutorial review on experimental dosimetry
Q53095192Radio frequency electromagnetic field compliance assessment of multi-band and MIMO equipped radio base stations.
Q39647153Radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure in humans: Estimation of SAR distribution in the brain, effects on sleep and heart rate
Q35589154Radio frequency electromagnetic fields: cancer, mutagenesis, and genotoxicity
Q52848318Radio frequency magnetic field effects on molecular dynamics and iron uptake in cage proteins.
Q45157878Radio-frequency electromagnetic fields associated with cellular-radio cell-site antennas
Q35589169Radiofrequency (RF) effects on blood cells, cardiac, endocrine, and immunological functions
Q99632392Radiofrequency Exposure in Schools' Environment Reveals Spectrum Characteristics: The Role of Public Information
Q70935247Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in swedish radio stations and tall FM/TV towers
Q35589173Radiofrequency exposure and mammalian cell toxicity, genotoxicity, and transformation
Q87917494Radiofrequency exposure assessment of baby surveillance devices in the frequency range 400 MHz-2.45 GHz
Q43411431Radiofrequency exposure levels in Amsterdam schools
Q38752815Radiofrequency exposure near an attocell as part of an ultra-high density access network
Q51140261Radiofrequency exposure on fast patrol boats in the Royal Norwegian Navy--an approach to a dose assessment.
Q35589166Radiofrequency fields and teratogenesis
Q84534801Radiofrequency interaction with conductive colloids: permittivity and electrical conductivity of single-wall carbon nanotubes in saline
Q83485835Radiofrequency radiation at 1950 MHz (UMTS) does not affect key cellular endpoints in neuron-like PC12 cells
Q79895729Radiofrequency radiation does not induce stress response in human T-lymphocytes and rat primary astrocytes
Q69342960Radiofrequency radiation-induced calcium ion efflux enhancement from human and other neuroblastoma cells in culture
Q71351797Raman spectroscopic evidence for structural changes in poly-L-lysine induced by an approximately 50 mT static magnetic field
Q40951600Rapid method for thermal dose-based safety supervision during MR scans
Q71487629Rapid-onset/offset, variably scheduled 60 Hz electric and magnetic field exposure reduces nocturnal serum melatonin concentration in nonhuman primates
Q53483417Rat liver foci study on coexposure with 50 Hz magnetic fields and known carcinogens.
Q39531778Rate of occurrence of transient magnetic field events in U.S. residences
Q52234373Rats are not aversive when exposed to 60-Hz magnetic fields at 3.03 mT
Q52228463Rats avoid exposure to HVdc electric fields: a dose response study.
Q52114921Rats can discriminate illuminance, but not magnetic fields, as a stimulus for learning a two-choice discrimination.
Q43563651Rats reproduce and rear litters during chronic exposure to 150-kV/m, 60-Hz electric fields
Q40796649Reactions of keratinocytes to in vitro millimeter wave exposure
Q100391870Reactive Oxygen Species: Potential Regulatory Molecules in Response to Hypomagnetic Field Exposure
Q45993163Reactive oxygen species formation is not enhanced by exposure to UMTS 1950 MHz radiation and co-exposure to ferrous ions in Jurkat cells.
Q30365701Real-time assessment of possible electromagnetic-field-induced changes in protein conformation and thermal stability.
Q53289981Real-time conductivity imaging of temperature and tissue property changes during radiofrequency ablation: an ex vivo model using weighted frequency difference.
Q46233744Real-time measurement of cytosolic free calcium concentration in DEM-treated HL-60 cells during static magnetic field exposure and activation by ATP.
Q40114109Real-time measurement of cytosolic free calcium concentration in HL-60 cells during static magnetic field exposure and activation by ATP.
Q40323447Real-time measurement of cytosolic free calcium concentration in Jurkat cells during ELF magnetic field exposure and evaluation of the role of cell cycle.
Q70935151Real‐time measurement of RFR energy distribution in the macaca mulatta head
Q37212924Recent advances in research relevant to electric and magnetic field exposure guidelines
Q73030096Recommended minimal requirements and development guidelines for exposure setups of bio-experiments addressing the health risk concern of wireless communications
Q71880170Recovery characteristics of a rigid, nonmetallic microdialysis probe for use in an electromagnetic field
Q72363003Recovery of nocturnal melatonin concentration takes place within one week following cessation of 50 Hz circularly polarized magnetic field exposure for six weeks
Q53323164Reduced growth of soybean seedlings after exposure to weak microwave radiation from GSM 900 mobile phone and base station.
Q47272695Reduced weight in mice offspring after in utero exposure to 2450-MHz (CW) microwaves
Q46524002Reducing overestimation in reported mobile phone use associated with epidemiological studies
Q39657280Reduction of the Earth's magnetic field inhibits growth rates of model cancer cell lines.
Q42321046Reduction of the background magnetic field inhibits ability of Drosophila melanogaster to survive ionizing radiation
Q53070384Reduction of the geomagnetic field delays Arabidopsis thaliana flowering time through downregulation of flowering-related genes.
Q57376927Reevaluation and improved design of the TEM cell in vitro exposure unit for replication studies
Q52079022Reflection and absorption of millimeter waves by thin absorbing films.
Q51896120Reflection and penetration depth of millimeter waves in murine skin.
Q48395010Regional brain heating during microwave exposure (2.06 GHz), warm-water immersion, environmental heating and exercise
Q48572479Regional turnover of norepinephrine and dopamine in rat brain following acute exposure to air ions
Q91336568Registry of Buildings With Transformer Stations as a Basis for Epidemiological Studies on Health Effects of Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields
Q71487627Regularly scheduled, day-time, slow-onset 60 Hz electric and magnetic field exposure does not depress serum melatonin concentration in nonhuman primates
Q35176088Regulation of cell cycle and growth control
Q70440111Relationship between field strength and arousal response in mice exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q57800131Relationship between local temperature and heat transfer through the hand and wrist
Q77759442Relative contribution of residential and occupational magnetic field exposure over twenty-four hours among people living close to and far from a power line
Q52860544Relative-risk-estimate bias and loss of power in the Mantel test for trend resulting from the use of magnetic-field point-in-time ("spot") measurements in epidemiological studies based on an ordinal exposure scale
Q104284886Reliable Method for Fabricating Tissue-Mimicking Materials With Designated Relative Permittivity and Conductivity at 128 MHz
Q37264043Reminiscences of a journeyman scientist: studies of thermoregulation in non-human primates and humans
Q43573339Removal of the local geomagnetic field affects reproductive growth in Arabidopsis
Q46087069Repeatability of measurements of residential magnetic fields and wire codes
Q45099059Reply to "comment on 'absorbed energy distribution from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation in a mammalian cell model: effect of membrane-bound water' by Liu and Cleary.".
Q51599205Reply to comment of Sage et al. on SCENIHR's opinion on potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.
Q71491281Reply to comments on "designing EMF experiments: what is required to characterize 'exposure'?"
Q74015784Reply: comment by S. milham
Q73747655Reply: some considerations about the method of intracellular microelectrophoresis
Q52258237Reproduction and development in rats chronologically exposed to 60-Hz electric fields.
Q69014608Reproduction of Japanese quail after microwave irradiation (2.45 GHz CW) during embryogeny
Q71701972Reproductive hazards among workers at high voltage substations
Q44933643Research on biological effects of nonionizing radiations: contributions on biological properties, field interactions, and dosimetry
Q43449142Research on the neurological effects of nonionizing radiation at the University of Washington
Q73316284Resection of meningiomas with implantable microwave coagulation
Q34136418Residential EMF exposure and childhood leukemia: meta-analysis and population attributable risk
Q41826422Residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields from appliances
Q50615563Residential exposure to magnetic fields generated by 110-400 kV power lines in Finland.
Q68531341Residential magnetic and electric fields
Q39512786Residential magnetic field measurements in France: comparison of indoor and outdoor measurements
Q40796787Residential magnetic fields predicted from wiring configurations: I. Exposure model
Q24169573Residential magnetic fields predicted from wiring configurations: I. Exposure model
Q40796782Residential magnetic fields predicted from wiring configurations: II. Relationships To childhood leukemia
Q72159660Residential magnetic fields, wire codes, and pregnancy outcome
Q54596449Resonance effect of millimeter waves in the power range from 10(-19) to 3 x 10(-3) W/cm2 on Escherichia coli cells at different concentrations.
Q43669217Resonant ac-dc magnetic fields: calculated response
Q44813417Response of cyclic AMP by DMSO differentiated HL-60 cells exposed to electric interferential current after prestimulation
Q77669603Response of cytosolic calcium, cyclic AMP, and cyclic GMP in dimethylsulfoxide-differentiated HL-60 cells to modulated low frequency electric currents
Q46495576Response of perennial woody plants to seed treatment by electromagnetic field and low-temperature plasma.
Q69714356Response of sensory receptors of the cat's hindlimb to a transient, step-function DC electric field
Q43463429Response to "Sodium current inhibition by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF)--fact or artifact?" by Verkerk et al.
Q96767293Response to Enders' Comment on "Discussion on Spatial and Time Averaging Restrictions Within the Electromagnetic Exposure Safety Framework in the Frequency Range Above 6 GHz for Pulsed and Localized Exposures"
Q46218731Response to comments by Beekhuizen et al. on "exposure assessment of mobile phone base station radiation in an outdoor environment using sequential surrogate modeling".
Q60704297Response to comments by Frank Barnes and Ben Greenebaum on “A physical mechanism of magnetoreception: Extension and analysis”
Q48013377Response to the comments on "Analysis of Mobile Phone Use Among Young Patients with Brain Tumors in Japan".
Q41137044Responses of human MG-63 osteosarcoma cell line and human osteoblast-like cells to pulsed electromagnetic fields
Q47705137Responses to comments on assessment of polarization dependence of body shadow effect on dosimetry measurements in the 2.4 GHz band
Q48890878Resting EEG effects during exposure to a pulsed ELF magnetic field
Q60704355Resting EEG is affected by exposure to a pulsed ELF magnetic field
Q47318229Retrospective estimation of the electric and magnetic field exposure conditions in in vitro experimental reports reveal considerable potential for uncertainty
Q37863647Review of possible modulation-dependent biological effects of radiofrequency fields
Q34107053Review of russian literature on biological action of DC and low-frequency AC magnetic fields
Q69198612Rewarming of the hypothermic rhesus monkey with electromagnetic radiation
Q52220218Rhesus monkey behavior during exposure to high-peak-power 5.62-GHz microwave pulses.
Q43908139Risk of neurological diseases among survivors of electric shocks: a nationwide cohort study, Denmark, 1968-2008.
Q39255438Risk perception and public concerns of electromagnetic waves from cellular phones in Korea
Q79145797Role of blood flow on RF exposure induced skin temperature elevations in rabbit ears
Q39442338Role of modulation on the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity in L929 cells
Q47801594SAR and efficiency evaluation of a 900 MHz waveguide chamber for cell exposure.
Q48950275SAR compliance assessment of PMR 446 and FRS walkie-talkies
Q62382414SAR exposure from UHF RFID reader in adult, child, pregnant woman, and fetus anatomical models
Q70730941SAR in rats exposed in 2,450-MHz circularly polarized waveguides
Q88993416SAR investigations on the exposure compliance of wearable wireless devices using infrared thermography
Q84444820SAR versus S(inc): What is the appropriate RF exposure metric in the range 1-10 GHz? Part I: Using planar body models
Q45893501SAR versus S(inc): What is the appropriate RF exposure metric in the range 1-10 GHz? Part II: Using complex human body models
Q47383614SAR versus VAR, and the size and shape that provide the most appropriate RF exposure metric in the range of 0.5-6 GHz
Q45398209Safety assessment of ultra-wideband antennas for microwave breast imaging
Q50527091Schwann-like cells differentiated from human dental pulp stem cells combined with a pulsed electromagnetic field can improve peripheral nerve regeneration.
Q36214318Science, policy, and the protection of human health: a European perspective
Q38023298Scientific basis for the Soviet and Russian radiofrequency standards for the general public
Q69596017Search for cyclotron resonance in cells in vitro
Q73318261Search for frequency-specific effects of millimeter-wave radiation on isolated nerve function
Q36718503Search for influence of 1.5 Tesla magnetic field on growth of yeast cells
Q70167235Search for ion-cyclotron resonance in an Na(+)-transport system
Q81727114Security considerations in blinded exposure experiments using electromagnetic waves
Q39984236Self-report of physical symptoms associated with using mobile phones and other electrical devices
Q54737053Sensitive model with which to detect athermal effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.
Q81162563Sensitivity of children to EMF exposure. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the WHO International EMF Project. June 9-10, 2004. Istanbul, Turkey
Q40913756Serum plays a critical role in modulating [Ca2+]c of primary culture bone cells exposed to weak ion-resonance magnetic fields
Q92079658Setting Guidelines for Electromagnetic Exposures and Research Needs
Q48521277Setup and dosimetry for exposing anaesthetised pigs in vivo to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone fields
Q51726161Setup and dosimetry for exposure of human skin in vivo to RF-EMF at 900 MHz.
Q52443505Sex-linked recessive lethal test of Drosophila melanogaster after exposure to 50-Hz magnetic fields
Q73909242Short cycles of both static and pulsed electromagnetic fields have no effect on the induction of cytokines by peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q45191318Short term exposure to 1439 MHz pulsed TDMA field does not alter melatonin synthesis in rats.
Q70639339Short-circuit currents, surface electric fields, and axial current densities for guinea pigs exposed to ELF electric fields
Q51255355Short-duration, DC electrical stimulation increases chick embryo DRG neurite outgrowth.
Q92671965Short-term effects experienced during examinations in an actively shielded 7 T MR
Q39358455Short-term exposure to 50 Hz ELF-EMF alters the cisplatin-induced oxidative response in AT478 murine squamous cell carcinoma cells
Q39940734Short-term exposure to a 1439-MHz TDMA signal exerts no estrogenic effect in rats.
Q46515003Short-term exposure to mobile phone base station signals does not affect cognitive functioning or physiological measures in individuals who report sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and controls
Q53013324Short-wave therapy for spontaneous pneumothorax: A case report.
Q39780501Signal transduction of the melatonin receptor MT1 is disrupted in breast cancer cells by electromagnetic fields.
Q38191884Significant RF-EMF and thermal levels observed in a computational model of a person with a tibial plate for grounded 40 MHz exposure
Q38803524Silver nanoparticles and electroporation: Their combinational effect on Leishmania major.
Q57138922Simple method to measure power density entering a plane biological sample at millimeter wavelengths
Q39280055Simple nonperturbing temperature probe for microwave/radio frequency dosimetry
Q39392061Simplification of the Wertheimer-Leeper wire code
Q77294469Simplified model and measurement of specific absorption rate distribution in a culture flask within a transverse electromagnetic mode exposure system
Q48231641Simulated biological materials for electromagnetic radiation absorption studies
Q92387069Simulation of the incidence of malignant brain tumors in birth cohorts that started using mobile phones when they first became popular in Japan
Q45819263Simulation study of delivery of subnanosecond pulses to biological tissues with an impulse radiating antenna.
Q52464587Sine waves enhance cellular transcription.
Q41083094Single vs. Repeated microwave exposure: Effects on benzodiazepine receptors in the brain of the rat
Q48693873Single, brief exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field does not affect the performance of an object recognition task in adult mice
Q30278695Single-pulsed electromagnetic field therapy increases osteogenic differentiation through Wnt signaling pathway and sclerostin downregulation
Q71491262Sinusoidal 50 Hz, 500 microT magnetic field has no acute effect on urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin in Wistar rats
Q54645088Sinusoidal 60 Hz electromagnetic fields failed to induce changes in protein synthesis in Escherichia coli.
Q43205118Sinusoidal ELF magnetic fields affect acetylcholinesterase activity in cerebellum synaptosomal membranes
Q42606544Skin temperature changes induced by strong static magnetic field exposure
Q51446178Skin temperature increase caused by a mobile phone: a methodological infrared camera study.
Q48340007Sleep after mobile phone exposure in subjects with mobile phone-related symptoms.
Q48204459Sleep inducing effect of low energy emission therapy
Q48147876Slow potentials and spike unit activity of the cerebral cortex of rabbits exposed to microwaves
Q67588561Small integrating meter for assessing long-term exposure to magnetic fields
Q84953180Sodium current inhibition by nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF)--fact or artifact?
Q43588686Some behavioral effects of short-term exposure of rats to 2.45 GHz microwave radiation
Q57550556Some effects of a buried electricity transmission cable on bulk soil
Q35176104Some engineering models for interactions of electric and magnetic fields with biological systems
Q57282717Some recommendations for experimental work in magnetobiology, revisited
Q69714345Space charge drift from a +/- 400-kV direct current transmission line
Q53674222Space efficient system for small animal, whole body microwave exposure at 1.6 GHz.
Q82002377Space efficient system for whole-body exposure of unrestrained rats to 900 MHz electromagnetic fields
Q80063094Spatial gradient effects of 120 mT static magnetic field on endothelial tubular formation in vitro
Q52049896Spatial learning deficit in the rat after exposure to a 60 Hz magnetic field.
Q77955015Special issue dedicated to Carl H. Durney
Q69596020Specific absorption rate (SAR) in models of the human head exposed to hand-held UHF portable radios
Q83299315Specific absorption rate and electric field measurements in the near field of six mobile phone base station antennas
Q52652211Specific absorption rate in electrically coupled biological samples between metal plates.
Q69014589Specific absorption rate in humans in vivo at radio frequencies
Q70372772Specific absorption rate in models of man and monkey at 225 and 2,000 MHz
Q48555345Specific absorption rate in rats exposed to 2,450-MHz microwaves under seven exposure conditions
Q72231832Specific absorption rate levels measured in a phantom head exposed to radio frequency transmissions from analog hand-held mobile phones
Q71491260Spectral analysis of magnetic fields from domestic appliances and corresponding induced current densities in an anatomically based model of the human head
Q52729358Spectroscopic properties of in vivo biological systems: boson radiative equilibrium with steady-state nonequilibrium molecular systems.
Q39567880Spindle disturbances in human-hamster hybrid (A(L) ) cells induced by the electrical component of the mobile communication frequency range signal
Q39977099Spindle disturbances in human-hamster hybrid (AL) cells induced by mobile communication frequency range signals
Q72362996Spreadsheet method for calculating the induced currents in bone-fracture healing by a low-frequency magnetic field
Q47984216Stable morphological-physiological and neural protein expression changes in rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells treated with electromagnetic field and nitric oxide.
Q96219853Static Magnetic Field Versus Systemic Calcium Channel Blockade Effect on Microcirculation: Possible Mechanisms and Clinical Implementation
Q40782162Static and ELF magnetic fields induce tumor growth inhibition and apoptosis
Q51318844Static magnetic field effects on proteases with fibrinolytic activity produced by Mucor subtilissimus.
Q50052688Static magnetic field exposure fails to affect the viability of different bacteria strains
Q88103908Static magnetic field induced epigenetic changes in wheat callus
Q48002039Static magnetic field influence on rat brain function detected by heart rate monitoring.
Q38456929Static magnetic field measurements in residences in relation to resonance hypotheses of interactions between power-frequency magnetic fields and humans
Q83698737Static magnetic field sensitivity of endothelial cells
Q87736507Static magnetic field treatment of seeds improves carbon and nitrogen metabolism under salinity stress in soybean
Q30435418Static magnetic fields alter arteriolar tone in vivo
Q73284203Static uniform magnetic fields and amoebae
Q48902803Statistical analysis of electromagnetic radiation measurements in the vicinity of indoor microcell GSM/UMTS base stations in Serbia.
Q51888221Statistical analysis of personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field measurements with nondetects.
Q52544140Statistical approach to combining the results of similar experiments, with application to the hematologic effects of extremely-low-frequency electric field exposures.
Q43648318Statistical multi-path exposure method for assessing the whole-body SAR in a heterogeneous human body model in a realistic environment
Q42692712Statistical perturbations in personal exposure meters caused by the human body in dynamic outdoor environments
Q35535339Statistical review of the henhouse experiments: the effects of a pulsed magnetic field on chick embryos
Q42526131Stimulation of Ca2+ influx in rat pituitary cells under exposure to a 50 Hz magnetic field
Q41442286Stimulation of cutaneous mechanoreceptors by 60-Hz electric fields
Q81471447Stochastic dynamics of magnetosomes and a mechanism of biological orientation in the geomagnetic field
Q43793020Stochastic method for determination of the organ-specific averaged SAR in realistic environments at 950 MHz.
Q40606368Stochastic resonance as a possible mechanism of amplification of weak electric signals in living cells
Q45107297Stress proteins are not induced in mammalian cells exposed to radiofrequency or microwave radiation
Q52633823Stroke localization and classification using microwave tomography with k-means clustering and support vector machine.
Q52117478Studies of 50 Hz circularly polarized magnetic fields of up to 350 microT on reproduction and embryo-fetal development in rats: exposure during organogenesis or during preimplantation.
Q70935209Studies of exposure of rabbits to electromagnetic pulsed fields
Q43545770Studies of the interactions between melatonin and 2 Hz, 0.3 mT PEMF on the proliferation and invasion of human breast cancer cells
Q34052145Studies on magnetism and bioelectromagnetics for 45 years: from magnetic analog memory to human brain stimulation and imaging
Q50945356Studies on microwave and blood‐brain barrier interaction
Q50480616Studies on microwaves in medicine and biology: from snails to humans.
Q71320017Studies on prenatal and postnatal development in rats exposed to 60-Hz electric fields
Q69423712Studies on the alignment of fibroblasts in uniform applied electrical fields
Q72547336Studies on the possible biological effects of 50 Hz electric and/or magnetic fields: evaluation of some glycolytic enzymes, glycolytic flux, energy and oxido-reductive potentials in human erythrocytes exposed in vitro to power frequency fields
Q51360392Study of effects of low level microwave field by method of face masking.
Q40653859Study of high- and low-current-configuration homes from the 1988 Denver Childhood Cancer Study
Q73318257Study of magnetic fields from power-frequency current on water lines
Q39875040Study of narrow band millimeter-wave potential interactions with endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor genes.
Q46289632Study of p53 expression and post-transcriptional modifications after GSM-900 radiofrequency exposure of human amniotic cells.
Q48640660Study of potential health effects of electromagnetic fields of telephony and Wi-Fi, using chicken embryo development as animal model.
Q51632889Study of subgridding in SAR computation for the cochlea.
Q49143245Study of thermal effects of ultrasound stimulation on fracture healing
Q34295049Studying the non-thermal effects of terahertz radiation on E. coli/pKatG-GFP biosensor cells.
Q73201326Subjective symptoms among mobile phone users--a consequence of absorption of radiofrequency fields?
Q39456563Summary of measured radiofrequency electric and magnetic fields (10 kHz to 30 GHz) in the general and work environment
Q51137717Superimposing spatially coherent electromagnetic noise inhibits field-induced abnormalities in developing chick embryos.
Q50212863Suppression of Arabidopsis flowering by near-null magnetic field is affected by light
Q47643736Suppression of Arabidopsis flowering by near-null magnetic field is mediated by auxin
Q68098744Suppression of T-lymphocyte cytotoxicity following exposure to 60-Hz sinusoidal electric fields
Q70995219Suppression of T-lymphocyte cytotoxicity following exposure to sinusoidally amplitude-modulated fields
Q81471419Survey of RF exposure levels from mobile telephone base stations in Australia
Q28259583Survey of electromagnetic field exposure in bedrooms of residences in lower Austria
Q43909366Survey of residential 50 Hz EMF exposure from transformer stations
Q35589158Survival and cancer in laboratory mammals exposed to radiofrequency energy
Q72066392Suspension osteopenia in mice: Whole body electromagnetic field effects
Q51986084Synaptosome behaviour is unaffected by weak pulsed electromagnetic fields.
Q46607574Synchronization of pacemaker cell firing by weak ELF fields: simulation by a circuit model
Q39690570Synergic effect of retinoic acid and extremely low frequency magnetic field exposure on human neuroblastoma cell line BE(2)C.
Q58101020Synergistic effect of rice bran extract and extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on dermal papilla/melanocytes in melanogenesis
Q72748168Synergistic effects of ionizing radiation and 60 Hz magnetic fields
Q41501663Synthesis of diazoluminomelanin (DALM) in HL-60 cells for possible use as a cellular-level microwave dosimeter
Q70793173System for the exposure of cell suspensions to power-frequency electric fields
Q34226696Systematic review of wireless phone use and brain cancer and other head tumors
Q70625932Systems for exposing mice to 2,450-MHz electromagnetic fields
Q90996958T-Cell Differentiation to T Helper 9 Phenotype is Elevated by Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Via Induction of IL-2 Signaling
Q38390813TMS-induced motor evoked potentials in Wilson's disease: a systematic literature review
Q114698627Temperature Dynamics in Rat Brains Exposed to Near‐Field Waveguide Outputs at 2.8 GHz
Q41625350Temperature dependence of ultrasound-induced cell killing: the role of membrane fluidity
Q71537863Temperature oscillations in liquid media caused by continuous (nonmodulated) millimeter wavelength electromagnetic irradiation
Q70190445Temperature-specific inhibition of human red cell Na+/K+ ATPase by 2,450-MHz microwave radiation
Q104505857Temperatures in Pigs During 3 T MRI Temperatures, Heart Rates, and Breathing Rates of Pigs During RF Power Deposition in a 3 T (128 MHz) Body Coil
Q52884618Temporal bisection in rats: the effects of high-peak-power pulsed microwave irradiation.
Q50634151Temporal characteristics of transmission-line loadings in the Swedish childhood cancer study.
Q77759429Temporal trends and misclassification in residential 60 Hz magnetic field measurements
Q54540541Temporal variation of the static electric field inside an animal cage
Q41504699Temporally incoherent magnetic fields mitigate the response of biological systems to temporally coherent magnetic fields
Q23915453Teratogenicity of 27.12-MHz radiation in rats is related to duration of hyperthermic exposure
Q57228176Teratological evaluation of mouse fetuses exposed to a 20 kHz EMF
Q75306742Teratological studies of prenatal exposure of mice to a 20 kHz sawtooth magnetic field
Q74462238Test facility for human exposure to AC and DC magnetic fields
Q52459325Test for the effects of 60-Hz magnetic fields on fecundity and development in Drosophila.
Q71786732Testicular function of rats following exposure to microwave radiation
Q78667197Testing the effectiveness of small radiation shields for mobile phones
Q70935171Tests of mutagenesis and reproduction in male rats exposed to 2,450‐MHz (CW) microwaves
Q40346430The "Mainzer EMF-Wachhund": results from a watchdog project on self-reported health complaints attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields
Q83823460The 2010 most influential bioelectromagnetics journal paper by citation award to Dr. Igor Belyaev, Dr. Catrin Baureus Koch, Dr. Olle Terenius, Dr. Katarina Roxstrom-Lindquist, Dr. Lars Malmgren, Dr. Wolfgang Sommer, Dr. Leif Salford, and Dr. Bertil
Q48292969The 2011 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper by Citation Award to Dr. Jonna Wilén, Dr. Amanda Johansson, Dr. Nebojsa Kalezic, Dr. Eugene Lyskov, and Dr. Monica Sandström
Q48210625The 2012 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper by Citation Award.
Q48072456The 2013 most influential bioelectromagnetics journal paper by citation award
Q48018540The 2014 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper by Citation Award.
Q48281255The 2015 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper by Citation Award.
Q48267714The 2016 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper by Citation Award
Q92867795The 2018 Most Influential Bioelectromagnetics Journal Paper Award
Q39644614The Bioelectromagnetics Research Laboratory, University of Washington: reflections on twenty-five years of research
Q92867992The Effect of Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on the Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Role of Oxidative Stress
Q99546759The Effects of Antioxidant Vitamins on Proinflammatory Cytokines and Some Biochemical Parameters of Power Plant Workers: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial
Q89772479The Effects of Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Radiation on Cochlear Stria Marginal Cells in Sprague-Dawley Rats
Q115454343The Impact of Mobile Phone Use on Tinnitus: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis
Q91979984The Influence of Changes in Magnetic Variations and Light-Dark Cycle on Life-History Traits of Daphnia magna
Q46567602The Influence of a gradient static magnetic field on an unstirred Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction
Q92725112The Lack of Toxic Effect of High-Power Short-Pulse 101 GHz Millimeter Waves on Healthy Mice
Q53551055The Radiofrequency Radiation Dosimetry Handbook: reminiscences.
Q92725211The Relative Permittivity Changes of EGF by 50 Hz MF Exposure Neither Affect the Interaction of EGF With EGFR Nor Its Biological Effects
Q102204598The Short-Term Effect of Occupational Levels of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field on Human Heart Rate Variability
Q88543564The antitumor effect of static and extremely low frequency magnetic fields against nephroblastoma and neuroblastoma
Q36249127The approach of ICNIRP to protection of children
Q41716935The arithmetic mean of ratio-normalized experiments overestimates the true E/C ratio
Q39938506The association between exposure determined by radiofrequency personal exposimeters and human exposure: a simulation study
Q44838801The association between socioeconomic status and exposure to mobile telecommunication networks in children and adolescents
Q39156729The biological impact of concurrent exposure to metallic nanoparticles and a static magnetic field
Q92600144The cellular effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on osteoblasts: A review
Q60704334The detection threshold for extremely low frequency magnetic fields may be below 1000 nT-Hz in mice
Q38879954The determinants of Canadian children's personal exposures to magnetic fields
Q70365093The dielectric method of investigating bound water in biological material: an appraisal of the technique
Q55471907The dielectric properties of cancerous tissues in a nude mouse xenograft model.
Q52698225The differential effects of 200, 591, and 2,450 MHz radiation on rat brain energy metabolism.
Q39044098The discrepancy between maximum in vitro exposure levels and realistic conservative exposure levels of mobile phones operating at 900/1800 MHz.
Q39567873The effect of 100 Hz magnetic field combined with X-ray on hepatoma-implanted mice
Q56978737The effect of 20-week continuous 60 Hz magnetic field exposure on testicular function in sprague-dawley rats
Q51009842The effect of GSM and TETRA mobile handset signals on blood pressure, catechol levels and heart rate variability.
Q85227616The effect of a 94 GHz electromagnetic field on neuronal microtubules
Q54328009The effect of electromagnetic fields on the proliferation and the osteogenic or adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells modulated by dexamethasone.
Q71384982The effect of exposure of acetylcholinesterase to 2,450-MHz microwave radiation
Q47676748The effect of exposure to high flux density static and pulsed magnetic fields on lymphocyte function
Q71384972The effect of frequency and grounding on whole-body absorption of humans in E-polarized radiofrequency fields
Q53474267The effect of high strength static magnetic fields and ionizing radiation on gene expression and DNA damage in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Q80307871The effect of induced biphasic pulsed currents on re-epithelialization of a novel wound healing model
Q67686167The effect of microwave radiation on the stability and formation of gramicidin-A channels in lipid bilayer membranes
Q34677257The effect of mobile phone electromagnetic fields on the alpha rhythm of human electroencephalogram.
Q46238665The effect of moving air on detection of a 60-Hz electric field
Q80201728The effect of oscillating low intensity magnetic field on the Na+, K+, Ca++, and Mg++ concentrations in the maternal and fetal circulation of the dually perfused human placental cotyledon
Q73597549The effect of pulsed and sinusoidal magnetic fields on the morphology of developing chick embryos
Q80283437The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on secondary skin wound healing: an experimental study
Q54253298The effect of pulsed microwaves on passive electrical properties and interspike intervals of snail neurons.
Q51682254The effect of short, high intensity magnetic field pulses on the healing of skin wounds in rats.
Q51411268The effect of static magnetic fields on the rate of calcium/calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of myosin light chain.
Q44276194The effect of strong static magnetic field on lymphocytes.
Q80932319The effect of weak 50 Hz magnetic fields on the number of free oxygen radicals in rat lymphocytes in vitro
Q73481716The effects of 50 Hz magnetic field exposure on dimethylbenz(α)anthracene induced thymic lymphoma/leukemia in mice
Q53514050The effects of 884 MHz GSM wireless communication signals on headache and other symptoms: an experimental provocation study.
Q51009824The effects of RF absorbers on exposure levels at 100 MHz.
Q38724143The effects of electromagnetic fields on B16-BL6 cells are dependent on their spatial and temporal character.
Q93273362The effects of electromagnetic fields on cultured human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Q71320028The effects of hyperthermia and hyperthermia plus microwaves on rat brain energy metabolism
Q47665293The effects of inverter magnetic fields on early seed germination of mung beans
Q51347673The effects of long-term exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on bone formation in ovariectomized rats.
Q70639331The effects of microwave radiation on avian dominance behavior
Q83696721The effects of moderate-intensity gradient static magnetic fields on nerve conduction
Q40047700The effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the cellular activity of SaOS-2 cells
Q53211840The effects of simultaneous combined exposure to CDMA and WCDMA electromagnetic fields on rat testicular function.
Q53391838The effects of weak magnetic fields on radical pairs.
Q48028137The epigenetic component of the brain response to electromagnetic stimulation in Parkinson's Disease patients: A literature overview
Q69798268The extremely low frequency electrical properties of plant stems
Q39351655The frequency dependence of an analytical model of an electrically stimulated biological structure
Q31947978The influence of 1.2 microT, 60 Hz magnetic fields on melatonin- and tamoxifen-induced inhibition of MCF-7 cell growth.
Q83139625The influence of continuous exposure to 50 Hz electric field on nerve regeneration in a rat peroneal nerve crush injury model
Q71701960The influence of electric field exposure on bone growth and fracture repair in rats
Q36569470The influence of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on cytoprotection and repair
Q45955421The influence of pulsed magnetic fields (PMFs) on nonsynaptic potentials recorded from the central and peripheral nervous systems in vitro.
Q67918846The influence of temperature during electric- and magnetic-field-induced alteration of calcium-ion release from in vitro brain tissue
Q57132831The influence of the molecular structure of lipid membranes on the electric field distribution and energy absorption
Q70365080The interaction of acoustical and electromagnetic fields with biological systems
Q89469752The interphase interval within a bipolar nanosecond electric pulse modulates bipolar cancellation
Q83173995The interphone study: brain cancer and beyond
Q42979712The lack of histological changes of CDMA cellular phone-based radio frequency on rat testis
Q80995573The mechanical transduction of physiological strength electric fields
Q70996616The mechanisms of athermal microwave biological effects
Q70639334The membrane potential of characean cells exposed to amplitude-modulated, low-power 147-MHz radiation
Q70365086The molecular basis of ultrasonic absorption by proteins
Q42635014The possible role of contact current in cancer risk associated with residential magnetic fields
Q34136404The potential impact of bias in studies of residential exposure to magnetic fields and childhood leukemia
Q33346888The puzzle of magnetic resonance effect on the magnetic compass of migratory birds.
Q74462235The radial transmission line as a broad-band shielded exposure system for microwave irradiation of large numbers of culture flasks
Q84118760The relation between the specific absorption rate and electromagnetic field intensity for heterogeneous exposure conditions at mobile communications frequencies
Q41580617The relationship between flash evoked potentials and evoked amplitude modulation patterns of an applied UHF electromagnetic field in the rat.
Q50776426The remote sensing of mental stress from the electromagnetic reflection coefficient of human skin in the sub-THz range.
Q72718754The role of coherence time in the effect of microwaves on ornithine decarboxylase activity
Q39599150The role of fatty acids in anti-inflammatory effects of low-intensity extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
Q41139095The role of temporal sensing in bioelectromagnetic effects
Q54452169The role of the calmodulin-dependent pathway in static magnetic field-induced mechanotransduction.
Q37500304The role of the concentration and distribution of water in the complex permittivity of breast fat tissue
Q79662712The scientific rationale for acceptance of Wolf's brief communication for publication in Bioelectromagnetics
Q48672601The sensitivity of human event-related potentials and reaction time to mobile phone emitted electromagnetic fields
Q70134654The solar wind and hallucinations--a possible relation due to magnetic disturbances
Q74134280The superposition of a temporally incoherent magnetic field inhibits 60 Hz-induced changes in the ODC activity of developing chick embryos
Q57135655The use of nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy to monitor the bioelectromagnetic effects of a weak pulsed magnetic field in real time
Q70625930The vacuolar potential of Characean cells subjected to electromagnetic radiation in the range 200-8,200 MHz
Q48359559The wonders of magnetism
Q53434146Theoretical analysis of AC electric field transmission into biological tissue through frozen saline for electroporation.
Q52319111Theoretical analysis of magnetic field interactions with aortic blood flow.
Q52697240Theoretical and experimental determination of SAR patterns for spherical tissue models in a rectangular resonant cavity.
Q58078705Theoretical and numerical assessment of maximally allowable power-density averaging area for conservative electromagnetic exposure assessment above 6 GHz
Q57134105Theoretical evaluation of dielectric absorption of microwave energy at the scale of nucleic acids
Q82762419Theoretical evaluation of magnetoreception of power-frequency fields
Q57135445Theoretical evaluation of the distributed power dissipation in biological cells exposed to electric fields
Q91222652Theoretical evaluation of the power transmitted to the body as a function of angle of incidence and polarization at frequencies >6 GHz and its relevance for standardization
Q52770477Theoretical evidence of maximum intracellular currents versus frequency in an Escherichia coli cell submitted to AC voltage.
Q52407512Theoretical study of the resonant behaviour of an ion confined to a potential well in a combination of AC and DC magnetic fields
Q85060143Therapeutic effects of acrobatic exercise and magnetic field exposure on functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice
Q37936954Therapeutic effects of whole-body devices applying pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF): a systematic literature review
Q81522029Therapeutic staff exposure to magnetic field pulses during TMS/rTMS treatments
Q50924512Thermal action of 2.45 GHz microwaves on the cytoplasm of Chinese hamster cells.
Q45259198Thermal and metabolic responsiveness of Japanese quail embryos following periodic exposure to 2,450 MHz microwaves
Q68531347Thermal cataract formation in rabbits
Q53582161Thermal effects of 2450 MHz microwave exposure near a titanium alloy plate implanted in rabbit limbs.
Q47805887Thermal mapping on male genital and skin tissues of laptop thermal sources and electromagnetic interaction
Q52214710Thermal models for microwave hazards and their role in standards development.
Q78414291Thermal noise limit on the sensitivity of cellular membranes to power frequency electric and magnetic fields
Q73901077Thermophysiological consequences of whole body resonant RF exposure (100 MHz) in human volunteers
Q50889833Thermophysiological responses of human volunteers during controlled whole-body radio frequency exposure at 450 MHz.
Q47793936Thermophysiological responses of human volunteers to whole body RF exposure at 220 MHz.
Q69609355Thermoregulation in rodents exposed to high-intensity stationary magnetic fields
Q97639402Thermoregulatory Stress as Potential Mediating Factor in the NTP Cell Phone Tumor Study
Q69798266Thermoregulatory adjustments in squirrel monkeys exposed to microwaves at high power densities
Q69798286Thermoregulatory consequences of long-term microwave exposure at controlled ambient temperatures
Q71061637Thermoregulatory physiologic responses in the human body exposed to microwave radiation
Q69416838Thermoregulatory responses of the immature rat following repeated postnatal exposures to 2,450-MHz microwaves
Q35589144Thermoregulatory responses to RF energy absorption
Q71443559Thin-layer liquid crystal thermometry of cells in vitro during hyperthermal microwave irradiation
Q40282620Thirty-five years in bioelectromagnetics research
Q48359570Thomas Tenforde, recipient of the 2001 d'Arsonval award
Q73311168Three dimensional (3D) analysis of the morphological changes induced by 50 Hz magnetic field exposure on human lymphoblastoid cells (Raji)
Q48930624Three-dimensional analysis, modeling, and simulation of the effect of static magnetic fields on neurons
Q67502945Threshold for inhibition of Na, K-ATPase by ELF alternating currents
Q51470313Thresholds for 60 Hz magnetic field stimulation of peripheral nerves in human subjects.
Q50560232Thresholds of cat cochlear nucleus neurons to microwave pulses.
Q73597544Thresholds of microwave-evoked warmth sensations in human skin
Q40434892Time dependent modifications of Hep G2 cells during exposure to static magnetic fields
Q39752361Time trend in incidence of malignant neoplasms of the central nervous system in relation to mobile phone use among young people in Japan
Q39968796Time trends (1998-2007) in brain cancer incidence rates in relation to mobile phone use in England.
Q50217852Time-dependent changes in the suppressive effect of electric field exposure on immobilization-induced plasma glucocorticoid increase in mice
Q64386602Time-varying magnetic fields of 60 Hz at 7 mT induce DNA double-strand breaks and activate DNA damage checkpoints without apoptosis
Q40367844Timing of pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation does not affect the promotion of bone cell development
Q50123544Tissue models for RF exposure evaluation at frequencies above 6 GHz
Q46800706Toxicity bioassay in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to 20 kHz triangular magnetic field for 90 days
Q70996604Transbilayer movement of 24Na in sonicated phosphatidylcholine vesicles exposed to frequency‐modulated microwave radiation
Q52443812Transcription in Drosophila melanogaster salivary gland cells is altered following exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields: analysis of chromosome 3R.
Q52463231Transcriptional patterns in the X chromosome of Sciara coprophila following exposure to magnetic fields.
Q47886838Transcriptional response of dermal fibroblasts in direct current electric fields
Q80932309Transmembrane voltage induced on altered erythrocyte shapes exposed to RF fields
Q72231824Trivial influences: a doubly stochastic Poisson process model permits the detection of arbitrarily small electromagnetic signals
Q74278740Ultra-wide band electromagnetic radiation does not affect UV-induced recombination and mutagenesis in yeast
Q74788296Ultra-wideband electromagnetic pulses: lack of effects on heart rate and blood pressure during two-minute exposures of rats
Q40756766Ultra-wideband pulses increase nitric oxide production by RAW 264.7 macrophages incubated in nitrate
Q92227838Ultrasound-Assisted Enzyme-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Collagen to Produce Peptides With Biomedical Potential: Collagenase From Aspergillus terreus UCP1276
Q78004753Ultrawideband radiation and pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in rats
Q71138052Uniform DC electric field exposure systems for mice and cats
Q46484198Uniform magnetic fields and double-wrapped coil systems: improved techniques for the design of bioelectromagnetic experiments.
Q49687127Uniform magnetic targeting of magnetic particles attracted by a new ferromagnetic biological patch
Q47620052Unintended RF energy coupling during endoscopy.
Q73186219Urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion is increased in rats after 24 hours of exposure to vertical 50 Hz, 100 microT magnetic field
Q52553653Use of a permanent magnetic field to inhibit the development of canine osteoarthritis.
Q52424742Use of a spread sheet to calculate the current-density distribution produced in human and rat models by low-frequency electric fields.
Q70718770Use of a spreadsheet program to calculate the electric field/current density distributions induced in irregularly shaped, inhomogeneous biological structures by low-frequency magnetic fields
Q77614605Use of spot measurements for assessing residential ELF magnetic field exposure: a validity study
Q57139158Use of the loss-tangent function in dielectric spectroscopy
Q51972320Use of the z-transform to investigate nanopulse penetration of biological matter.
Q69596003Use of wiring configuration and wiring codes for estimating externally generated electric and magnetic fields
Q42643373Using model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae to evaluate the effects of ELF-MF and RF-EMF exposure on global gene expression
Q51828741Using software-modified smartphones to validate self-reported mobile phone use in young people: A pilot study.
Q70639336Vacuolar hyperpolarizing offsets in characean cells exposed to mono- and bichromatic CW and to squarewave-modulated electromagnetic radiation in the band 200-1,000 MHz
Q90212674Valid Exposure Protocols Needed in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Genotoxic Research
Q45792840Validation of experimental whole-body SAR assessment method in a complex indoor environment
Q71773136Validity of surrogates for determination of 30-1000 Hz magnetic field exposure for video display terminal users in office settings
Q40385832Variation in dielectric properties due to pathological changes in human liver
Q38675531Variation in the dielectric properties of freshly excised colorectal cancerous tissues at different tumor stages
Q46603490Variations of dose and electrode spacing for rat breast cancer electrochemical treatment
Q40410580Variographic analysis of public exposure to electromagnetic radiation due to cellular base stations
Q44132728Verapamil protective effect on natural and artificial magnetic field cardiovascular impact
Q73807533Vertical circularly polarized ELF magnetic fields and induced electric fields in culture media
Q70069437Viability and phagocytosis of neutrophils exposed in vitro to 100-MHz radiofrequency radiation
Q30961940Voltage-sensitive dyes: Measurement of membrane potentials induced by DC and AC electric fields
Q83612560WHO research agenda for radiofrequency fields
Q59713324Water response to intense electric fields: A molecular dynamics study
Q51801477Waveform magnetic field survey in Russian DC and Swiss AC powered trains: A basis for biologically relevant exposure assessment
Q71952159Weak extremely-low-frequency magnetic field-induced regeneration anomalies in the planarian Dugesia tigrina
Q71880166Weak extremely‐low‐frequency magnetic fields and regeneration in the planarianDugesia tigrina
Q47684790Wearable slot antenna at 2.45 GHz for off-body radiation: Analysis of efficiency, frequency shift, and body absorption
Q70365097What are non-thermal electric biological effects?
Q52283764What is the time scale of magnetic field interaction in biological systems?
Q44386148Whole body exposure of rats to microwaves emitted from a cell phone does not affect the testes
Q67588564Whole-body microwave dosimetry based on a single, gradient-layer calorimeter
Q46264448Whole-genome expression analysis in primary human keratinocyte cell cultures exposed to 60 GHz radiation
Q73631497Why arguments based on photon energy may be highly misleading for power line frequency electromagnetic fields
Q38697282Why magnetic and electromagnetic effects in biology are irreproducible and contradictory?
Q70365089Wideband acoustic energy studies of pulmonary airways
Q41401650Wire codes, magnetic fields, and childhood cancer
Q92106908Wireless Wearables and Implants: A Dosimetry Review
Q39909640X-ray-induced apoptosis of BEL-7402 cell line enhanced by extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in vitro
Q42487573Zeeman-Stark modeling of the RF EMF interaction with ligand binding
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cites work (P2860)
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