
chemical compound

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/2-Pentanone

Abstract is: 2-Pentanone or methyl propyl ketone (MPK) is a ketone and solvent of minor importance. It is comparable to methyl ethyl ketone, but has a lower solvency and is more expensive. It occurs naturally in Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco) and blue cheese as a metabolic product of Penicillium mold growth.

Wikimedia Commons category is 2-Pentanone


2-pentanone is …
instance of (P31):
type of chemical entityQ113145171

sublass of (P279):
oxygenated hydrocarbonQ65988187
biogenic acyclic ketoneQ109911294

External links are
P7049AICS Chemical ID (BEING DELETED)2743
P11931CAMEO Chemicals ID1130
P233canonical SMILESCCCC(=O)C
P231CAS Registry Number107-87-9
P2072CDB Chemical ID3969540
P683ChEBI ID16472
P661ChemSpider ID7607
P3073CosIng number95233
P8494DSSTOX compound identifierDTXCID301888
P3117DSSTox substance IDDTXSID0021888
P232EC number203-528-1
P2566ECHA Substance Infocard ID100.003.208
P646Freebase ID/m/048pxk
P2062HSDB ID158
P2057Human Metabolome Database IDHMDB0034235
P5220ICSC ID0816
P4852JECFA database ID4651
P9557JECFA number279
P665KEGG IDC01949
P2064KNApSAcK IDC00052133
P6689MassBank accession IDMSBNK-Fac_Eng_Univ_Tokyo-JP000257
P6366Microsoft Academic ID2780678335
P1931NIOSH Pocket Guide ID0488
P9405NMRShiftDB structure ID10016750
P2840NSC number5350
P12594OSHA Occupational Chemical Database ID71
P3636PDB ligand IDPNH
P638PDB structure ID3BH3
P662PubChem CID7895
P1579Reaxys registry number506058
P657RTECS numberSA7875000
P10376ScienceDirect topic IDchemistry/pentan-2-one
P8691SwissLipids IDSLM:000597649
P11089UniChem compound ID157095
P679ZVG number30960

P3335associated hazard2-pentanone exposureQ21175036
P2102boiling point102.26
P2128flash point45
P703found in taxontomatoQ23501
Aloe africanaQ136410
Olea europaeaQ37083
Carica papayaQ34887
Passiflora edulisQ156790
Malpighia glabraQ273742
Vaccinium corymbosumQ468695
Spondias mombinQ794969
Annona muricataQ1709343
common sunflowerQ171497
Mangifera indicaQ3919027
Vitis rotundifoliaQ2701573
Vaccinium virgatumQ4142371
Aglaia odoratissimaQ4692807
Cichorium endiviaQ178547
Scleromitrion diffusumQ91471061
Malpighia punicifoliaQ104374867
Malpighia emarginataQ15362022
Uloma tenebrionoidesQ21304638
Vaccinium asheiQ41778446
P1552has characteristicClass IB flammable liquidQ21009055
P1542has effect2-pentanone exposureQ21175036
P2129immediately dangerous to life or health5280
P2260ionization energy9.38
P2202lower flammable limit1.5
P2101melting point-78
P361part ofbeta-diketone hydrolase activityQ22320566
P2404time-weighted average exposure limit530
P2203upper flammable limit8.2
P2119vapor pressure27

Wikimedia Commons Images

P8224: image of molecular model or crystal lattice model

FileName: 2-Pentanone-3D-balls.png

Description: Ball-and-stick model of the 2-pentanone molecule (also known as pentan-2-one), a ketone with five carbon atoms.

Artist: Jynto and Ben Mills

License: Public domain

Reverse relations

has part(s) (P527)
Q22320566beta-diketone hydrolase activity

main subject (P921)
Q43765829Aloe exudate: characterization by reversed phase HPLC and headspace GC-MS.
Q35854350Analysis of volatile organic compounds released from human lung cancer cells and from the urine of tumor-bearing mice
Q104375231Analysis of volatiles from callus cultures of olive Olea europaea
Q115784051Characteristic Aroma Components of the Volatile Oil of Yellow Keaw Mango Fruits Determined by Limited Odor Unit Method.
Q55899940Chemical composition of acerola fruit (Malpighia punicifolia L.) at three stages of maturity
Q104374831Comparison of the Volatile Constituents from Rabbiteye Blueberries (Vaccinium ashei) During Ripening
Q125606068Composition of Secondary Metabolites in Various Parts of 'Seolhyang' Strawberry Plants
Q118256179Composition of the Essential Oil of Hedyotis diffusa Willd.
Q26376321Criteria for a recommended standard... occupational exposure to ketones
Q86898297Defensive secretions of New Zealand tenebrionids V. Presence of methyl ketones inUloma tenebrionoides (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
Q46231949Effect of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria starters on health-promoting and sensory properties of tomato juices
Q115783871Equilibrium headspace analysis of volatile flavor compounds extracted from soursop (Annona muricata) using solid-phase microextraction
Q104383549Free and glycosidically bound aroma compounds in hog plum (Spondias mombins L.)
Q104383668Identification of the Volatile Constituents from Scuppernong Berries (Vitis rotundifolia)
Q104249678Investigations on the rootbark of Aglaia odoratissima
Q104247608Isolation and identification of volatile constituents of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.)
Q26369780NIOSH Analytical Method, 2-Pentanone, SCP-S20
Q29009084NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods, 4th edition, 3rd supplement
Q21761528NIOSH Method 1300: Ketones I
Q21761676NIOSH Method 2555: Ketones I
Q26374621NIOSH analytical methods for set A standards completion program
Q104374939Neutral volatiles from blended endive (Cichorium endivia, L.)
Q26377249Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards: Supplement I-OHG
Q29007607The analysis of acetone, 2-butanone, mesityl-oxide, methyl-n-amyl-ketone, hexone, cyclohexanone, 2-pentanone, and diacetone-alcohol in air
Q125026772The chemistry of food flavour. I. Volatile constituents of passionfruit, Passiflora edulis
Q23913442The development of substitute inks and controls for reducing workplace concentrations of organic solvent vapors in a vinyl shower curtain printing plant
Q26322313Validation of a passive sampler for ketones
Q59445702Volatile components of papaya (Carica papaya L., Maradol variety) fruit
Q115784546Volatile components of papaya (Carica papaya L., Solo variety)

P2057Human Metabolome Database IDWikidata property exampleP1855
Q211750362-pentanone exposurehas causeP828