Abstract is: This list shows notable triplestores, APIs, and other storages that have implemented the W3C SPARQL standard. * Amazon Neptune * Apache Marmotta * AllegroGraph * Eclipse RDF4J * Apache Jena with ARQ * Blazegraph * Cray Urika-GD * IBM Db2 - Removed in v11.5. * KAON2 * MarkLogic * Mulgara * NitrosBase * Ontotext GraphDB * Oracle DB Enterprise Spatial & Graph * RDFLib Python library * Redland / Redstore * Virtuoso
Wikimedia list article | Q13406463 |
P360 | is a list of | SPARQL endpoint | Q26261192 |
P460 | said to be the same as | comparison of triplestores | Q21067657 |
Q21067657 | comparison of triplestores | said to be the same as | P460 |
List of SPARQL implementations | wikipedia |
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