lymphocyte activation

change in morphology and behavior of a lymphocyte resulting from exposure to a specific factor

lymphocyte activation is …
instance of (P31):
biological processQ2996394

sublass of (P279):
leukocyte activationQ22295734

External links are
P2888exact match
P686Gene Ontology IDGO:0046649
P486MeSH descriptor IDD008213
P672MeSH tree codeE01.370.225.812.482
P2892UMLS CUIC0024262

Reverse relations

regulates (molecular biology) (P128)
Q21118518negative regulation of lymphocyte activation
Q21444923positive regulation of lymphocyte activation
Q14885201regulation of lymphocyte activation

subclass of (P279)
Q14864989B cell activation
Q14863969T cell activation
Q22295740lymphocyte activation involved in immune response
Q14912404lymphocyte differentiation
Q14864604lymphocyte proliferation
Q14864504natural killer cell activation

part of (P361)
Q22298081establishment of lymphocyte polarity
Q14907758immunological synapse formation

biological process (P682)
Q21981008CD3 antigen, epsilon polypeptide
Q7667899CD3e molecule
Q21113905Caspase recruitment domain family member 11
Q21984388Caspase recruitment domain family, member 11
Q21987162Lymphocyte transmembrane adaptor 1
Q21106231Lymphocyte transmembrane adaptor 1
Q21983287Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1
Q29527318Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1
Q50854835Signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1
Q22678676signaling lymphocytic activation molecule family member 1

main subject (P921)
Q41831106<i>In vitro</i> Lymphocyte Response to Phytomitogens in Untreated and Treated Patients with Hodgkin’s Disease
Q42036533<i>In vitro</i> Lymphocyte Transformation in the Development of Experimental Allergic Thyroiditis
Q40718252<i>In vivo</i> Induction of Carrier-Specific Cyclophosphamide-Sensitive Suppressor Cells for Cell-Mediated Immunity in Mice
Q48024744<i>In vivo</i> Stimulation of Peripheral Lymphocytes to Proliferation after Oral Challenge of Children Allergic to Foods
Q7022338516th International Leukocyte Culture Conference. August 19-25, 1984, Cambridge. Abstracts
Q398920823H-thymidine-paper strip-counting of in vitro lymphocyte transformation. II. Specific antigens in the whole blood assay (author's transl)
Q397389543H-uridine incorporation by small lymphocytes of tolerant rats: relationship to T and B lymphocytes
Q407287595′-Nucleotidase on Stimulated Mouse Lymphocytes in vitro and in vivo
Q398779967-Hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone by a human lymphoblastoid cell line
Q3829208471.67 T Lymphocyte Activation Is Accompanied by the Down-Regulation of Three Gα Genes
Q28187669A 39-kDa protein on activated helper T cells binds CD40 and transduces the signal for cognate activation of B cells
Q44488800A Comparative Study of Complex Mitochondrial DNA in Human Lymphocytes Transformed by Epstein-Barr Virus and PHA
Q79078484A DLST positive state to influenza HA vaccine in a little child
Q45803811A Lymphoblastoid Response of Human Foetal Lymphocytes to Ultraviolet-irradiated Herpes Simplex Virus
Q47967069A Micromethod for Lymphoblastic Transformation of Mouse Lymphocytes from Peripheral Blood
Q39792226A Micromethod for the Activation of Human Blood LymphocytesIn Vitro
Q67901755A Na(+)-dependent Ca2+ exchanger generates the sustained increase in intracellular Ca2+ required for T cell activation
Q37997650A New Approach to the Study of Human B Lymphocyte Function Using an Indirect Plaque Assay and a Direct B Cell Activator
Q39330403A New Perspective on B Cell Triggering Control of the Immune Response by Organizational Changes in the Lipid Bilayer
Q71988237A Receptor That Subserves Reovirus Binding Can Inhibit Lymphocyte Proliferation Triggered by Mitogenic Signals
Q72782245A Reevaluation of the Concanavalin A Induced Suppressor Cell Assay in Man
Q50161489A Simple Method of Measuring Host Immune Rejection Response After Renal Transplantation
Q70391710A Simplified Technique for in Vitro Studies of Lymphocyte Reactivity
Q66883754A Study on the Immunological Function of Fc Receptor-Bearing Cells among Activated Thymocytes
Q40098841A Suggested Mechanism for T Lymphocyte Activation: Implications on the Acquisition of Functional Reactivities
Q34006371A Third Signal in B Cell Activation Given by TRF
Q71796225A Tumor-Derived Protein which Provides T-Cell Costimulation through Accessory Cell Activation
Q67836216A biliary protein identified by immunoblotting stimulates proliferation of peripheral blood T lymphocytes in primary biliary cirrhosis
Q40275171A blastogenic test for foot-and-mouth disease
Q40677017A case of blast crisis of chronic myelogenous leukemia with lymphoid blasts possessing B-cell markers (author's transl)
Q66695193A case of dextromoramide allergy with lymphocyte transformation test
Q39231380A case of dextromoramide allergy with positive lymphoblast transformation test
Q67441661A case of impaired chemotaxis and lymphocyte transformation
Q67288211A case with acute colitis induced by drug detected through lymphocyte stimulation test (author's transl)
Q39983061A chemical approach for the localization of membrane sites involved in lymphocyte activation
Q36348195A cloned major histocompatibility complex-restricted trinitrophenyl-reactive human helper T cell line that activates B cell subsets via two distinct pathways
Q41592012A co-stimulatory role for CD28 in the activation of CD4+ T lymphocytes by staphylococcal enterotoxin B
Q48006234A comparison of the activation of thymus and lymph-node cells by concanavalin-A and phytohaemagglutinin. Effects of complement
Q41918698A comparison of the stimulatory activities of lymphoid dendritic cells and macrophages in T proliferative responses to various antigens
Q40122649A convenient method of establishing permanent lines of xeroderma pigmentosum cells
Q54432021A current methodology for performing murine mixed lymphocyte reactions
Q41736663A cytoplasmic activator of DNA replication is involved in signal transduction in antigen-specific T cell lines
Q44245804A factor in maternal plasma during pregnancy that suppresses the reactivity of mixed leukocyte cultures
Q53554052A flow cytometric technique for quantitation of B-cell activation
Q66888171A galactose-inhibitable mitogen for human lymphocytes from the sponge axinella polypoides
Q36342846A hemolytic plaque assay for activated murine T cells
Q72733531A human alloreactive inducer T cell clone that selectively activates antigen-specific suppressor T cells
Q72723282A humoral lymphocyte transformation inhibition factor in multiple sclerosis
Q44131777A hypocalcemic and lympnocyte-stimulating substance isolated from thymus extracts, and its physicochemical properties
Q40187546A longitudinal study of in vitro tests for lymphocyte function in rheumatoid arthritis
Q67514953A lymphocyte differentiation and activation antigen, CZ-1, that distinguishes between CD8+ and unstimulated CD4+ T lymphocytes
Q44212788A lymphocyte transformation assay for the diagnosis of congenital rubella
Q72820127A lymphoproliferative disorder of granular lymphocytes with a novel phenotype and suppressor function
Q40754880A membrane glycoprotein which binds antilymphocyte globulin and Concanavalin A is implicated in stimulation of murine T lymphocytes
Q39711699A method for blast transformation of chick lymphocytes
Q45804438A method for testing the specificity of influenza A virus-reactive memory cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones in limiting dilution cultures
Q72676526A method for the accurate determination of anti-hapten cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors: Correction for apparent ‘anti-self’ reactivity
Q39458324A micro-method for the study of in vitro lymphocyte transformation to specific antigens
Q67697791A microculture system for the measurement of antigen-induced murine lymphocyte proliferation: advantages of 5% horse serum and 5 X 10(-5) M mercaptoethanol
Q39902573A microculture technique for rat lymphocyte transformation
Q67270130A micromethod for evaluating turkey lymphocyte response to phytomitogens
Q40994515A micromethod for in vitro assay of lymphocyte proliferation in mouse whole blood
Q30852838A micromethod for measuring macrophage chemotactic factor(s) in the supernatants of mouse lymphocyte cultures stimulated by concanavalin A
Q39311699A micromethod for preparation of human macrophage cultures for the study of lymphocyte-macrophage interaction in immune interferon production and blastogenesis
Q67499546A micromethod for stimulation of chicken lymphocytes in vitro using whole blood
Q44671625A mitogenic factor, released by stimulated human mononuclear cells and distinct from interleukin 2 (IL 2), B cell growth factor (BCGF), and interleukin 1 (IL 1)
Q72795771A monoclonal antibody reactive with surface antigen specifically expressed by alloantigen-activated human T lymphocytes
Q46387553A monoclonal antibody to the T‐cell receptor increases IGF‐I receptor content in normal T‐lymphocytes: Comparison with phytohemagglutinin
Q70713137A new concept in the management of carcinoma of the prostate
Q48640996A new lymphocyte surface antigen defined by a monoclonal antibody (9F3) to the T cell population expanding in MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice
Q46953660A new lymphocyte transforming factor derived from the lysosomes of polymorphonuclear leucocytes
Q72797608A new mediator (suppressor cell induction factor) activating T cell-mediated suppression: characterization of suppressor cells, kinetics of their generation, and mechanism of their action
Q41453639A new method of testing for mitogen-induced lymphocyte stimulation: Measurement of the percentage of growing cells and of some aspects of their cell kinetics with an electronic particle counter
Q70333020A new ultra-microculture system. I. Stimulation of human T lymphocytes by phytohemagglutinin (PHA)
Q39902579A newly designed whole microplate automatic harvester for lymphocyte stimulation assays
Q68205086A novel B cell stimulation/proliferation assay using simultaneous flow cytometric detection of cell surface markers and DNA content
Q41938907A novel LFA-1 activation epitope maps to the I domain
Q41560195A novel T cell activation antigen identified by monoclonal IMN3.1 antibody and expressed preferentially on human T cells susceptible to apoptotic cell death
Q70225351A novel anti-Ia monoclonal antibody which specifically enhances the corresponding T cell alloreactivity
Q47845878A novel antimitogenic principle detected in human liver
Q24292942A novel cell-surface molecule expressed by human interdigitating reticulum cells, Langerhans cells, and activated lymphocytes is a new member of the Ig superfamily
Q36346006A nuclear antigen associated with cell proliferation and blast transformation
Q70772350A prospective study of lymphocyte responses to phytohemagglutinin in melanoma patients. (lack o prognostic value of correlation with minimal tumor burden)
Q41659009A protein kinase C inhibitory activity is present in the human T lymphoblast cell line Jurkat
Q40001966A quantitative analysis of the susceptibility of human leukocytes to transformation by epstein-barr virus
Q55068007A rapid assay for stimulation of human lymphocytes by tumor-associated antigens
Q68917126A rapid micro-method for the phytohaemagglutinin-induced human lymphocyte transformation test
Q47925170A rapid microtechnique for in vitro stimulation of human lymphocytes by phytohemagglutinin
Q39714041A rapid technique for measuring calcium uptake in mitogen-induced T And B Lymphocytes
Q72725429A reappraisal of "T-independent" antigens. I. Effect of lymphokines on the response of single adult hapten-specific B lymphocytes
Q68297294A role for adhesion molecules in contact-dependent T help for B cells
Q36987549A role for gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factors, and soluble T-cell receptors in the depressed blastogenic response of spleen cells of Mycobacterium lepraemurium-infected mice
Q72808018A role for macrophages in suppressor cell induction
Q41443086A serum inhibitor of blastogenesis in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome transferred by lymphocytes
Q41432162A simple diagnostic set for the determination of lymphocyte transformation
Q40751341A simple method for the production of migration inhibitory factor by concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes
Q67497306A simple screening assay for substances affecting lymphocyte reactivity
Q39877096A simple technique for testing the in vitro response of rabbit lymphocytes to PHA and allogeneic cells
Q72940794A simplified method for assessing PHA induced stimulation of rat peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q68507583A simplified microtechnique for measuring human lymphocyte proliferation after stimulation with mitogen and specific antigen
Q41541049A single monoclonal anti-Ia antibody inhibits antigen-specific T cell proliferation controlled by distinct Ir genes mapping in different H-2 I subregions
Q39846700A soluble inhibitor of B and T cell proliferation and antibody synthesis produced by dividing human T cells
Q36530269A statistical analysis of human lymphocyte transformation data
Q70378774A statistical model for the evaluation of antigen-stimulated blastogenic transformation as measured by scintillation spectrometry
Q40714875A study of a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) which demonstrates that proliferation of the lymphocytic clone in CLL does not include T lymphocytes
Q39120167A study of allergy to local anesthetics using the lymphoblast transformation test
Q67022952A study of dust-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis
Q72704032A study of histamine release from human basophils and lung mast cells by products of lymphocyte stimulation
Q43604932A study of lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in urologic cancer patients using a whole blood culture technique (author's transl)
Q72819633A study of the mechanism of Con A-induced immunosuppression in vivo
Q39515162A subpopulation of adherent accessory cells bearing both I-A and I-E or C subregion antigens is required for antigen-specific murine T lymphocyte proliferation
Q66877152A suppressor cell which interferes with antiallotype stimulated DNA synthesis of rabbit B cells
Q36906626A synaptic basis for T-lymphocyte activation
Q28271550A synthetic peptide with sequence identity to the transmembrane protein GP41 of HIV-1 inhibits distinct lymphocyte activation pathways dependent on protein kinase C and intracellular calcium influx
Q66879047A technique for separation of canine lymphocytes and their use in the lymphocytotoxic, blastogenic, and rosette assys
Q41600901A trypsin-like serine protease activity on activated human B cells and various B cell lines
Q67513964A unique CD44 monoclonal antibody identifies a new T cell activation pathway
Q39112830A unique DNAse associated with mitogen-induced transformation of rat lymphocytes
Q66999070A whole blood method for measuring mitogen-induced transformation of sheep lymphocytes
Q40728079A y chromosome associated factor in strain bxsb producing accelerated autoimmunity and lymphoproliferation
Q72789537ACA-1, a new differentiation antigen of activated lymphoid cells
Q42479573Aberrant Activation of CD8+ T-cell and CD8+ T-Cell Subsets in Patients With Newly Diagnosed IDDM
Q72391923Abnormal B-Cell Proliferation Associated with Combined Immunodeficiency, Cytomegalovirus, and Cultured Thymus Grafts
Q67573779Abnormal activation and loss of suppressor T cells in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
Q72758333Abnormal generation of concanavalin A-induced suppressor cell function in human autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Q41366787Abnormal lymphocyte function is secondary to drug-induced autoimmunity
Q41025375Abnormal lymphocyte responses in residents of a town with a cluster of Hodgkin's disease
Q43543530Abnormal response of cultured lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin and autologous serum in cystic fibrosis
Q45806475Abnormal responsiveness of rheumatoid B cells to Epstein-Barr virus infection in vitro
Q40031790Abnormal ultrastructural changes in sodium periodate-stimulated lymphocytes from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q69380714Abnormalities in lymphocyte proliferation in classical and atypical measles infection
Q34525339Abnormalities of B-cell activation and immunoregulation in patients with Crohn's disease
Q39631953Abnormalities of In Vitro Lymphocyte Response to Mitogens in Diabetic Children During Acute Ketoacidosis
Q45815583Abnormalities of in vitro lymphocyte responses during bovine viral diarrhea virus infection
Q67257108Abnormalities of lymphocyte transformations in women with condylomata acuminata
Q44787900Abnormalities of lymphocyte transformations in women with intraepithelial carcinoma of the vulva
Q40295292Abolition of Lymphocyte Blastogenesis by Oncornaviral Components
Q40161653Abrogation of lymphocyte blastogenesis by a feline leukaemia virus protein
Q36343343Absence of H-2 restriction in primary and secondary mixed-lymphocyte reactions to strong M1s determinants
Q45037562Absence of a correlation between humoral and cellular responses to vaccinia virus and products of the major histocompatibility complex in Rhesus monkeys
Q40723528Absence of a role for the cellular exoskeleton in the emergence of the T lymphocyte insulin receptor
Q67660466Absence of demonstrable phospholipid turnover in B cells stimulated by low mitogenic concentrations of dextran-anti-immunoglobulin conjugates
Q33555124Absence of impaired lymphocyte transformation to Klebsiella spp. in ankylosing spondylitis
Q67811864Absence of metabolic cooperation in PHA-stimulated human lymphocyte cultures
Q66880915Absolute macrophage dependency of T lymphocyte activation by mitogens
Q45018527Acceleration of human lymphocyte activation after preliminary culture
Q41920327Accessory Cell Response to Rye Grass Pollen Extract in Mice, Guinea Pigs and Man
Q40118978Accessory Cells and T Cell Activation. The Relationship Between Two Components of Macrophage Accessory Cell Function: I-A and IL1
Q40653809Accessory cell dependence of lectin-induced proliferation of mouse T lymphocytes
Q40699350Accessory cell requirement for anti-IgM-induced proliferation of B lymphocytes
Q72649990Accessory cell stimulation of T cell proliferation requires active antigen processing, Ia-restricted antigen presentation, and a separate nonspecific 2nd signal
Q48474391Accessory function of human glioma cells for the induction of CD3-mediated T cell proliferation: a potential role of glial cells in T cell activation in the central nervous system
Q66861476Accumulation of giant heterogeneous RNA molecules in acute myeloid leukemia blast cells
Q42157173Acquired resistance to ticks. IV. Skin reactivity and in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness to salivary gland antigen
Q72090156Actin polymerization and pseudopod reorganization accompany anti-CD3-induced growth arrest in Jurkat T cells
Q72053816Activated (HLA-DR+) T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Early Epithelial Ovarian Cancer and Malignant Ovarian Germ Cell Tumors
Q72102316Activated CD19+ B cell lamina propria lymphocytes in ulcerative colitis
Q39838228Activated Mouse Lymphocyte Release Factors Which Modulate the Proliferative Responses of Other Lymphocytes
Q31057713Activated T cells express a novel gene on chromosome 8 that is closely related to the murine ecotropic retroviral receptor
Q40712240Activated T cells in the synovial fluid of arthritic patients: characterization and comparison with in vitro activated human and murine T cells in cooperation with monocytes in cytotoxicity
Q72386255Activated T cells in vivo and in vitro: divergence in expression of Tac and Ia antigens in the nonblastoid small T cells of inflammation and normal T cells activated in vitro
Q72710491Activated T lymphocytes in patients with multiple sclerosis
Q42449804Activated T lymphocytes produce a matrix-degrading heparan sulphate endoglycosidase
Q67543297Activated human T cells express a ligand for the human B cell-associated antigen CD40 which participates in T cell-dependent activation of B lymphocytes
Q37591121Activated human T lymphocytes display new surface glycoproteins
Q52078064Activated lymphocyte subsets in adult periodontitis
Q67662298Activated lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Q39605844Activated lymphocytes trigger lymphoblast extravasation
Q72765328Activated suppressor T cells in leprosy
Q36508763Activation and Activation-Driven Death of Human gammadelta T Cells
Q36539233Activation and Functions of CD4+T-Cell Subsets
Q40150634Activation and Regulation of Human Immune Responses: Implications in Normal and Disease States
Q44927382Activation and growth of murine tumor-specific T-cells which have in vivo activity with bryostatin 1
Q40118204Activation and growth requirements for cytotoxic and noncytotoxic T lymphocytes
Q72659897Activation and immunoregulation of antigen-specific human b lymphocyte responses: multifaceted role of the monocyte
Q40164109Activation and immunoregulation of human B lymphocyte function: implications in normal and disease states
Q44935790Activation and in vitro expansion of tumor-reactive T Lymphocytes from lymph nodes draining human primary breast cancers
Q41625072Activation and phenotyping of LAK generated by exposure to product of cells transformed by interleukin 2 cDNA
Q70228424Activation and proliferation signals in mouse B cells. III. Intact (IGG) anti-immunoglobulin antibodies activate B cells but inhibit induction of DNA synthesis
Q70228427Activation and proliferation signals in mouse B cells. IV. Concanavalin A stimulates B cells to leave G0, but not to proliferate
Q67898889Activation by anti-CD3 of tumor-draining lymph node cells for specific adoptive immunotherapy
Q40694762Activation of B Cell Subsets by T-Dependent and T-Independent Antigens
Q72733551Activation of B cells by autoreactive T cells: cloned autoreactive T cells activate B cells by two distinct pathways
Q67470197Activation of B lymphocytes by NK cells
Q40695525Activation of B lymphocytes by mycoplasma mitogen(s)
Q24675067Activation of CD4 T cells by Raf-independent effectors of Ras
Q42143252Activation of Fc receptor-bearing lymphocytes by immune complexes. II. Killer lymphocytes mediate Fc ligand-induced lymphokine production
Q72713207Activation of Helper T Cells for B Lymphocytes in Primary Mixed Lymphocyte Cultures
Q40842120Activation of Human Lymphocyte Subpopulations by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Q39451378Activation of Human Suppressor Cells in Mixed Lymphocyte Cultures
Q57831266Activation of Invariant NKT Cells by Toll-like Receptor 9-Stimulated Dendritic Cells Requires Type I Interferon and Charged Glycosphingolipids
Q36529122Activation of LFA-1 through a Ca2(+)-dependent epitope stimulates lymphocyte adhesion
Q44591150Activation of Lymphocytes by Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV): Expression of Interleukin-2 Receptors on Lymphocytes Cultured with VZV Antigen
Q43684586Activation of Lymphocytes from Epstein-Barr Virus-Seronegative Donors by Autologous Epstein-Barr Virus-Transformed Cells
Q48011598Activation of Mouse Spleen Cells with Acetylated Concanavalin Coupled to Red Blood Cell Stroma
Q35119889Activation of Rheumatoid Factor (RF) B Cells and Somatic Hypermutation Outside of Germinal Centers in Autoimmune‐Prone MRL/lpr Mice
Q40262031Activation of Suppressor T Cells during Epstein-Barr-Virus-Induced Infectious Mononucleosis
Q70235798Activation of T Cells Via Cell-Cell Interaction: Role of Growth Factors and Accessory Cells
Q36273567Activation of T and B lymphocytes in vitro. II. Biological and biochemical properties of an allogeneic effect factor (AEF) active in triggering specific B lymphocytes
Q39449600Activation of T and B lymphocytes in vitro. VI. Biochemical and physicochemical characterization of the allogeneic effect factor
Q35505035Activation of T cells in vivo using anti-CD3 and staphylococcal enterotoxins
Q41596145Activation of T cells through a T cell-specific epitope of CD45
Q54613365Activation of T lymphocytes to M locus determinantsin vivo.. I. Quantitation of T cell proliferation and migration into thoracic duct lymph
Q39802474Activation of T-Cells by a Macrophage or 2-Mercaptoethanol Activated Serum Factor is Essential for Induction of a Primary Immune Response to Heterologous Red Cells in vitro
Q40685883Activation of a human T cell subpopulation bearing receptors for autologous erythrocytes by concanavalin A
Q72739471Activation of acceptor-suppressor hybridoma with antigen-specific suppressor T cell factor of two-chain type: requirement of the antigen- and the I-J-restricting specificity
Q52231310Activation of alloimmune memory cells by soluble factors: a model for elicitation of specific allograft responses by immunologically nonspecific signals
Q52223697Activation of allosensitized memory lymphocytes into secondary cytotoxic T lymphocytes by third-party stimulator cells: genetic mapping of the stimulating antigens
Q36348113Activation of antigen-specific suppressor T cells by B cells from mice immunized with type III pneumococcal polysaccharide
Q35208343Activation of antigen-specific suppressor T cells in the presence of cyclosporin requires interactions between T cells of inducer and suppressor lineage
Q72842365Activation of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase from isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes by mitogenic agents
Q54498622Activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes requires at least two spleen cell-derived helper factors besides interleukin 2
Q67679106Activation of dense human tonsilar B cells. Induction of c-myc gene expression via two distinct signal transduction pathways
Q40025850Activation of diverse repertoires of autoreactive T cells enhances the loss of anti-dsDNA B cell tolerance
Q68126692Activation of extrathymic T cells in the liver and reciprocal inactivation of intrathymic T cells by bacterial stimulation
Q39566883Activation of helper T cells by immune complexes
Q40140680Activation of human B lymphocytes VII. The regulatory effect of cyclic adenosine monophosphate on human B cell activation
Q40693276Activation of human B lymphocytes induced by Robinia pseudoacacia lectin in the presence of T cells
Q40773947Activation of human B lymphocytes. III. Concanavalin A-induced generation of suppressor cells of the plaque-forming cell response of normal human B lymphocytes
Q39856243Activation of human B lymphocytes. IX. Modulation of antibody production by products of activated macrophages
Q40968367Activation of human B lymphocytes. XI. Differential effects of azathioprine on B lymphocytes and lymphocyte subpopulations regulating B cell function
Q41082664Activation of human B lymphocytes. XIII. Characterization of multiple populations of naturally occurring immunoregulatory cells of polyclonally induced in vitro human B cell function
Q41067377Activation of human B lymphocytes. XIV. Characterization of the precursor of the pokeweed mitogen-induced anti-sheep red blood cell plaque-forming cell
Q45295364Activation of human CD4 T lymphocytes. Interaction of fibronectin with VLA-5 receptor on CD4 cells induces the AP-1 transcription factor
Q72094475Activation of human T cells through CD6: functional effects of a novel anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody and definition of four epitopes of the CD6 glycoprotein
Q70223303Activation of human T lymphocytes II. Involvement of the T3 antigen in polyclonal T cell activation by mitogenic lectins and oxidation
Q72766869Activation of human T lymphocytes by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate: Role of accessory cells and interaction with lectins and allogeneic cells
Q44744261Activation of human T lymphocytes via the CD2 antigen results in tyrosine phosphorylation of T cell antigen receptor zeta-chains
Q39906800Activation of human lymphocytes by supernatants from human thymic epithelium
Q37275008Activation of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes by pharmacological induction of protein-tyrosine phosphorylation
Q45329865Activation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by concanavalin A dependence of monocytes
Q67697654Activation of human thymocytes by antibodies to the CD3/T-cell receptor complex: Triggering of different epitopes results in different signals
Q40728371Activation of leopard frog (Rana pipiens) spleen lymphocytes by concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin
Q40117876Activation of lymphocyte anti-tumor responses in man. Towards an understanding of effector cell heterogeneity?
Q72697667Activation of lymphocytes alters Fc receptor-β2-microglobulin interrelationship on the lymphocyte surface
Q67253113Activation of lymphocytes from healthy donors and patients with amebiasis by extracts of Entamoeba histolytica
Q66891944Activation of lymphoid cells by BCG in vitro
Q36340047Activation of mouse lymphocytes by anti-immunoglobulin. I. Parameters of the proliferative response
Q36342267Activation of mouse lymphocytes by anti-immunoglobulin. II. A thymus-independent response by a mature subset of B lymphocytes
Q45722891Activation of mouse spleen cells by a single short pulse of mitogen
Q72625236Activation of murine B lymphocytes. III. Stimulation of B lymphocyte clonal growth with lipopolysaccharide and dextran sulfate
Q36259479Activation of natural killer T cells in NZB/W mice induces Th1-type immune responses exacerbating lupus
Q67532000Activation of natural killer cells via the Fc gamma RIII (CD16) requires initial tyrosine phosphorylation
Q72712431Activation of nonspecific killer cells by interleukin 2-containing supernatants
Q53298648Activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is critical step for acquisition of effector function in cytokine-activated T cells, but acts as a negative regulator in T cells activated through the T-cell receptor
Q54505737Activation of peripheral T cells of sarcoidosis patients and healthy controls
Q34392165Activation of purified human T cells by mitogens: diminished mitogen-induced deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in human T cells compared with autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q72654640Activation of rat B lymphocytes. II. Functional and structural changes in "aged" rat B lymphocytes
Q67561903Activation of rat T cells in vitro and in vivo with a bispecific (anti-TCR x anti-CD2) F(ab')2 derivative
Q73496696Activation of resting T cells against the CA 72-4 tumor antigen with an anti-CD3/CA 72-4 bispecific antibody in combination with a costimulatory anti-CD28 antibody
Q68012725Activation of resting peripheral blood lymphocytes through the T cell receptor induces rapid phosphorylation of Op18
Q72626999Activation of secondary cytotoxic lymphocytes by cell-free factors from I-region-primed and D-region-primed lymphocytes
Q72920804Activation of suppressor T cells by autologous lymphoblastoid cells: a mechanism for feedback regulation of immunoglobulin synthesis
Q67675702Activation of t cell subsets in the peripheral blood of patients with Sjögren's syndrome multicolor flow cytometric analysis
Q38289191Activation of the signal transducer and transcription (STAT) signaling pathway in a primary T cell response. Critical role for IL-6
Q72715096Activation of type III pneumococcal polysaccharide-specific suppressor T cells in cyclophosphamide-treated mice requirement for recognition of antigen and I-J determinants on antigen coupled to syngeneic spleen cells
Q52071298Activation requirements for CD4+ T cells differing in CD45R expression
Q67902008Activation requirements of newborn thymic gamma delta T cells
Q36348508Activation specificity of arsonate-reactive T cell clones. Structural requirements for hapten recognition and comparison with monoclonal antibodies
Q44838453Activation-driven T cell death. II. Quantitative differences alone distinguish stimuli triggering nontransformed T cell proliferation or death
Q35178193Activation-induced apoptosis in lymphoid systems
Q34558496Activation-induced cell death in T cell hybridomas is due to apoptosis. Morphologic aspects and DNA fragmentation
Q72768821Activational signals for immune effector and suppressor T cells reactive with haptenic determinants
Q72789719Active T rosettes, human autologous T rosettes, OKT8 and OKT4 cells, Con A-induced suppressive activity, and autoantibodies: Clinical correlations
Q40673988Active suppression of in vitro reactivity of spleen cells after BCG treatment
Q40658119Active thymus derived suppressor lymphocytes in human cord blood
Q41175313Activity of B- and T-lymphocytes in selected skin diseases determined by the rosette formation and blast transformation tests
Q72833904Activity of non-specific T-suppressors regulating the proliferation of B- and T-lymphocytes in patients with fibroadenomatosis, breast cancer and stomach cancer
Q58844860Acute Trypanosoma cruzi infection differentially affects CD3 and Thy-1 mediated T cell activation
Q45884399Acute and chronic infection of human lymphoblastoid cell lines with measles virus
Q68075771Acute intensive interval training and T-lymphocyte function
Q46227610Acute lymphoid changes and ongoing immune activation in SIV infection
Q37277286Adaptive cellular interactions in the immune system: the tunable activation threshold and the significance of subthreshold responses
Q41256476Adenosine and Guanosine Metabolism During Phytohemagglutinin Induced Transformation of Human Lymphocytes
Q40259613Adherent Cells as Targets in Mitogenic T-Lymphocyte Stimulation: Replacement of Lymphocyte-Bound Mitogens by Nonmitogenic Substances
Q39519700Adherent cell function in murine T lymphocyte antigen recognition. II. Definition of genetically restricted and nonrestricted macrophage functions in T cell proliferation
Q36342772Adherent cell function in murine T-lymphocyte antigen recognition. IV. Enhancement of murine T-cell antigen recognition by human leukocytic pyrogen
Q46981599Adhesion Molecules CD11a, CD18, and ICAM-1 on Human Epidermal Langerhans Cells Serve a Functional Role in the Activation of Alloreactive T Cells
Q67541286Adhesion of activated T lymphocytes to vascular smooth muscle cells and dermal fibroblasts is mediated by beta 1- and beta 2-integrins
Q39645770Adjuvant activity and antigenicity of MAF3 determined by the lymphocyte blastogenesis (author's transl)
Q44679879Administration of a Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotide Antisense to Murine Endogenous Retroviral MCF env Causes Immune Effects in Vivo in a Sequence-Specific Manner
Q52055332Adoptive transfer of ex vivo activated memory T-cells with or without cyclophosphamide for advanced metastatic melanoma: Results in 36 patients
Q72644608Adoptive transfer of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in SJL/J mice after in vitro activation of lymph node cells by myelin basic protein: requirement for Lyt 1+ 2- T lymphocytes
Q72636081Adoptive transfer of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: Requirement for macrophages in activation of spleen cells in vitro by concanavalin A or myelin basic protein
Q70218623Adult T-cell leukemia cells expressing OKT 17 antigen in the activated state
Q66894892Adult thymectomy results in loss of T-dependent mitogen response in mouse spleen cells
Q39967363Adverse reactions to Zn1-24 ACTH therapy associated with specific cellular immunity
Q45892413Aerobic glycolysis during lymphocyte proliferation
Q40688754Age Related Differences in Cellular Immune Response to Vaccine Induced Rubella Infection
Q39797930Age dependent reactivity of mouse thymus and lymph node cells in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) (proceedings)
Q67758140Age-associated involution of cellular immune function. I. Accelerated decline of mitogen reactivity of spleen cells in adult thymectomized mice
Q66885189Age-related changes in ConA- and LPS-induced lymphocyte transformation. I. Effect of culture conditions on mitogen responses of blood and spleen lymphocytes from young and aged rats
Q71819317Age-related changes in ConA-induced cytokine production by splenocytes from senescence accelerated mice SAMP8
Q71097480Age-related changes in responsiveness of various rat tissue lymphocytes to mitogens
Q52103662Age-related changes in the activation requirements of human CD4+ T-cell subsets
Q43958628Age-related changes in the expression of T cell activation antigens following phytohaemagglutinin stimulation
Q39338593Age-related refractoriness of PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation. II. 125I-PHA binding to spleen cells from young and old mice
Q66946888Age-related refractoriness of pha-induced lymphocyte transformation I. Comparable sensitivity of spleen cells from young and old mice to culture conditions
Q67295506Aging and the immune response. II. Lymphocyte responsiveness and macrophage activation in Toxoplasma gondii-infected mice
Q66926447Allergenicity and lymphocyte-stimulating property of rice protein
Q54412462Allergic diseases and transformation of lymphocytes
Q67379827Allergic reactions and lymphoblastic transformations caused by various purified tuberculins and sensitines (PPD). (Comparative study)
Q70660928Allergy during syphilis. Value of the lymphoblastic transformation test
Q39323036Allergy to Ragweed Antigen E: Effect of specific immunotherapy on the reactivity of human T lymphocytes in vitro
Q72701657Allo-Ia reactive murine T-cell lines. II. Mechanisms of clonal expansion of T cells explored by use of the allo-Ia reactive T cell clones
Q72720483Allogeneically primed T lymphocyte clones in the analysis of lymphocyte stimulatory determinants
Q72793608Alloimmunization-activated suppressor cells. II. In vitro activity of suppressor cells implicated in the abrogation of lethal graft-versus-host reaction
Q72817994Alloproliferative human T cell clones primed and cultured in vitro lose proliferative and gain suppressive activity with age
Q44803259Allostimulatory analysis of a newly-defined and widely-distributed Mls superantigen
Q72808014Allosuppressor- and allohelper-T cells in acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease. IV. Activation of donor allosuppressor cells is confined to acute GVHD
Q40704999Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase Activity in Human Lymphocytes: Distribution in Lymphocyte Subpopulations and in Mitogen-activated Cells
Q39422969Alpha-fetoprotein and human lymphocyte subpopulations
Q72646685Alteration of allospecific T-cell receptors after differentiation from prethymic precursor cells in semiallogeneic environments
Q34420868Alteration of host defense mechanisms by murine cytomegalovirus infection
Q43914331Alteration of immunoregulatory mechanisms during cytomegalovirus mononucleosis: Effect of in vitro culture on lymphocyte blastogenesis to viral antigens
Q40234519Alterations in cell characteristics in relation to malignant transformation
Q34120646Alterations in mouse macrophage migration: a function of assay systems, lymphocyte activation product preparation, and fractionation
Q40668438Alterations in the Mitogen Responsiveness of Lymphocytes from Mice Bearing Moloney Sarcoma Virus Induced Tumors
Q45786903Altered cytokine genes expression by ConA-activated spleen cells from mice infected by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
Q67597873Altered in vitro lymphocyte response in childhood nephrotic syndrome
Q41066321Altered lymphocyte reactivity in rheumatoid arthritis
Q40717982Altered regulation of mitogen responsiveness by suppressor cells in multiple sclerosis
Q66962947Altered responsiveness to mitogens in subgroups of patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Q71106454Altered surface characteristics of lymphocytes from patients having oral carcinoma
Q41774990Altered thymic structure and mitogen responsiveness in postnatally zinc-deprived mice
Q36341887Alternative pathways of T lymphocyte activation
Q41999068Alveolar lymphocyte subsets and their state of activation during the course of interstitial pneumonia of sheep induced by the visna-maedi lentivirus
Q46189557Alveolar macrophages in pulmonary immune responses. I. Role in the initiation of primary immune responses and in the selective recruitment of T lymphocytes to the lung
Q41593806Alzheimer beta A4-amyloid protein precursor in immunocompetent cells
Q37695185Amino acid variations at a single residue in an autoimmune peptide profoundly affect its properties: T-cell activation, major histocompatibility complex binding, and ability to block experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
Q35991378Amplification of the proliferative response to alloantigen by a factor present in an extract of syngeneic thymic lymphoid cells
Q67490844An Early Activation Antigen of Murine T Cells Recognized By Monoclonal Natural Autoantibody Nta204 and the Expression On T Cells From Aged Nzb X Nzw F1 Mice With Overt Autoimmune Disease
Q72804507An HLA-DR negative acute leukaemia which stimulates MLC and CMC responses
Q54283290An IgM antibody is a potent immunosuppressive agent that inhibits B cell proliferation
Q41097785An alternative method of expressing results of lymphocyte transformation experiments
Q67313127An analysis of phytohemagglutinin lymphoblastogenesis in whole blood
Q44793174An antigen-specific component of lectin-mediated cytotoxicity
Q36348091An antigen-specific signal is required for the activation of second-order suppressor T cells in the regulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity to 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid
Q68291225An antithymocyte globulin of rabbit origin inhibits the antigen-induced activation of alloreactive T cells by blocking CD2
Q41122223An application of the whole blood microculture technique to the detection of lymphocyte transformation
Q40690154An assay for human lymphocyte mitogenic factor: B-lymphocyte stimulation by a T-lymphocyte product
Q67044525An autopsy case of immunoblastic lymphadenopathy diagnosed retrospectively (author's transl)
Q41050796An autoradiographic microtechnique to study lymphocyte stimulation in solid cultures
Q53860712An electron microscopic study of the process of peripheral blood lymphocyte blast transformation in vitro in schizophrenia
Q45728945An experimental study of mitogen-stimulated blastogenic transformation and interleukin-2 in mice after burn injury
Q66901958An hypothesis for the process of selection at the subcellular level leading to the appearance of new clones
Q67892206An immunological study of endogenous uveitis: changes in peripheral blood T-cell subsets and their transformation rate
Q45935212An improved and rapid method for the isolation of rat lymph node or spleen T lymphocytes for T cell proliferation assays
Q72575593An improved method for assessing the incorporation of labeled precursors into DNA by human mononuclear cells
Q72779140An in vitro study of lymphocytes in patients with atopic dermatitis
Q24568025An induced rebinding model of antigen discrimination
Q39543318An investigation into the antigen-specificity of transfer factor in its stimulatory action on lymphocyte transformation
Q72097772An organ fragment culture model to study lymphocyte activation in human lymphoid tissue
Q72732732An unusual suppression of immune response: Pretreatment with poly(Glu60,Phe40) suppresses response to poly(Glu60,Phe40)
Q36347802Analysis of T cell hybridomas. IV. Characterization of inducible suppressor cell hybridomas
Q40727458Analysis of T lymphocyte subsets proliferating in response to infective and UV-inactivated African swine fever viruses
Q41919489Analysis of antigen uptake and presentation by Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblastoid B cells
Q67019091Analysis of lymphocytes reactive to histocompatibility antigens. II. Exponential alloantigen-dependent lymphocyte growth in vitro
Q67899208Analysis of protein phosphorylation patterns reveals unanticipated complexity in T lymphocyte activation pathways
Q72765331Analysis of suppressor T cell function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: defects in production of and responsiveness to concanavalin A-induced suppressor T cells
Q70224961Analysis of the mitogenic effects of toxic shock toxin on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro
Q36360050Analysis of the stimulation-inhibition paradox exhibited by lymphocytes exposed to concanavalin A
Q36349204Analysis of thymocyte MHC specificity with thymocyte hybridomas
Q70255730Analysis with monoclonal antibodies of human lymphoid cells forming rosettes with rabbit red blood cells
Q72720472Angiogenic lymphokines of activated T-cell origin
Q50228841Antagonism of B lymphocyte mitogenesis by anti-immunoglobulin antibody
Q72927578Anterior pituitary and adrenocortical hormones and cellular immunity in newborn infants with staphylococcal infection
Q71961040Anti-CD3 x anti-tumor F(ab')2 bifunctional antibody activates and retargets tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
Q67594269Anti-CD3-induced T-cell activation in vivo--I. Flow cytometric analysis of dose-responsive, time-dependent, and cyclosporin A-sensitive parameters of CD4+ and CD8+ cells from the draining lymph nodes of C57Bl/6 mice
Q41645043Anti-IgM but not anti-IgD antibodies inhibit cell division of normal human mature B cells
Q72736358Anti-immunoglobulin antibodies. V. Age-dependent variation of clones stimulated by polysaccharide TI-2 antigens in 129 and MRL mice spontaneously producing anti-gamma-globulin antibodies
Q72745891Anti-immunoglobulin autoantibodies are not preferentially induced in polyclonal activation of human and mouse lymphocytes, and more anti-DNA and anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies are induced in polyclonal activation of mouse than human lymphocytes
Q37582902Anti-immunoglobulin stimulation of B lymphocytes activates src-related protein-tyrosine kinases
Q39381076Anti-immunoglobulin stimulation of murine lymphocytes. I. Age dependency of the proliferative response
Q40900968Anti-immunoglobulin stimulation of murine lymphocytes. IV. Re-expression and fate of cell surface receptors during stimulation
Q67010660Antibodies against human lymphokines: I. Methods for induction of antibodies capable of neutralizing stable (α) and unstable (β) lymphotoxins released in vitro by activated human lymphocytes
Q72811339Antibodies to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Potentiate the Response of Human T Lymphocyte Clones to the Same Antigen
Q42927196Antibodies to a specific surface antigen of T cells in human sera inhibiting mixed leukocyte culture reactions
Q54263565Antibodies to adhesion molecules inhibit the lytic function of MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic cells by preventing their activation
Q67501051Antibodies to guinea pig lymphokines. III. Reactions with radiolabeled lymphocyte activation products
Q66999172Antibody Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity and Mitogen Responsiveness of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Differing in Avidity for Sheep Erythrocytes
Q40280712Antibody and cell-mediated immunity to a DNA free herpes simplex subunit vaccine
Q53908578Antibody-dependent lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity in amoebiasis
Q40653595Antigen Activation of T Lymphocytes: Influence of Major Histocompatibility Complex
Q53762748Antigen Solubilized from Human Leukemia: Lymphocyte Stimulation
Q37576188Antigen conformation determines processing requirements for T-cell activation
Q40773896Antigen handling by guinea pig macrophages: further evidence for the sequestration of antigen relevant for activation of primed T lymphocytes
Q39618076Antigen presentation in the murine T lymphocyte proliferative response. II. Ir-GAT-controlled T lymphocyte responses require antigen-presenting cells from a high responder donor
Q36335803Antigen presentation in the murine T-lymphocyte proliferative response. I. Requirement for genetic identity at the major histocompatibility complex
Q72738354Antigen presentation in the rat: Role of a nonadherent, nonphagocytic, W3/13, OX-6 positive T cell in the presentation of antigen to primed T lymphocytes
Q40683029Antigen recognition by primed T lymphocytes in vitro. I. Separation of recognitive and proliferative phases of antigen-induced T cell activation
Q41528701Antigen specific in vitro activity of lymphocyte subpopulations from mantoux positive and negative subjects assessed by lymphocyte proliferation assay
Q45891231Antigen specific lymphocyte transformation, delayed hypersensitivity and protective immunity. I. Kinetics of the response
Q39436528Antigen testing using freeze-preserved lymphocytes in the LTT (Lymphocyte Transformation test) and the LMHT (Leukocyte Migration Inhibition Test)
Q34502225Antigen-Induced Proliferative Response to Murine Thymus Cells in Vitro
Q46886079Antigen-Presenting Capacity of Guinea Pig B Lymphocytes in T Cell Proliferative Response in vitro
Q70235912Antigen-activated T lymphocytes infiltrate hepatocyte cultures in a manner comparable to liver-colonizing lymphosarcoma cells
Q45805561Antigen-dependent proliferation of cloned continuous lines of H-2-restricted influenza virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Q67691165Antigen-independent T cell activation mediated by a very late activation antigen-like extracellular matrix receptor
Q52211405Antigen-independent activation of memory cytotoxic T cells by interleukin 2
Q64966011Antigen-independent pathways of T-cell activation are functional in human immature thymocytes
Q40723288Antigen-induced in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis in the rabbit: A T-cell response
Q67312949Antigen-induced lymphoblast transformation in the diagnosis of cow's milk allergic diseases in infancy and early childhood
Q67765376Antigen-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis in a hookworm (Necator americanus) infection in man
Q43811524Antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation in vitro during primary immunization in man. 1. Development and course
Q67235281Antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation in vitro during primary immunization in man. 2. Correlation with development of cellular and humoral hypersensitivity
Q52252957Antigen-induced proliferation of guinea pig lymphocytes in vitro: obligatory role of macrophages in the recognition of antigen by immune T-lymphocytes
Q39515253Antigen-initiated B lymphocyte differentiation. XIV. Nonspecific effects of antigen stimulation cause proliferation in the "pre-progenitor" subset of primary B cells
Q39515259Antigen-initiated B lymphocyte differentiation. XV. Existence of "pre-progenitor" and "direct progenitor" subsets among secondary B cells
Q40667824Antigen-initiated B lymphocyte differentiation: non-specific stimulation changes the physical properties of virgin AFC-progenitors in neonatal mouse spleen
Q44097135Antigen-specific T helper clones in a nonresponder strain require augmentation for expression of helper activity. Evidence for a possible antigen presentation defect in B cells
Q72673852Antigen-specific human T lymphocyte clones: mechanisms of inhibition of proliferative responses by xenoantiserum to human nonpolymorphic HLA-DR antigens
Q41531168Antigen-specific lymphocyte transformation in patients with recent yersiniosis
Q72654850Antigen-specific mouse lymphocyte stimulation by DNP-conjugated T-independent antigens studied by photobleaching recovery
Q39577518Antigen-specific murine T-cell proliferation: Role of macrophage surface Ia and factors
Q35497372Antigenic Requirements for Triggering of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
Q39581792Antigenic determinants of horse cytochrome c for lymphocyte transformation: Identification of an immunodominant peptide
Q36686674Antigenic sequences of poliovirus recognized by T cells: serotype-specific epitopes on VP1 and VP3 and cross-reactive epitopes on VP4 defined by using CD4+ T-cell clones
Q36946359Antigens of Brucella abortus S19 immunodominant for bovine lymphocytes as identified by one- and two-dimensional cellular immunoblotting
Q70868775Antilymphocyte antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis: Increased reactivity against activated lymphocytes
Q41141626Antimitogenic activity of homogenates and culture filtrates of actinomycetes
Q70330429Antimonocyte serum. The effect on blast transformation, RFC and PFC formation
Q40644728Antinuclear antibodies and PHA response in rheumatoid arthritis
Q70627181Antiserum to a soluble lymphoid membrane preparation stimulates human leukocyte DNA synthesis
Q54230757Apoptosis of activated CD8+/CD57+ T cells is induced by some combinations of anti-CD2 mAb
Q40728745Appearance of a New Nucleoplasms Protein in B-Lymphocytes After Stimulation with Lipopolysaccharide
Q36403864Appearance of cytoskeletal components on the surface of leukemia cells and of lymphocytes transformed by mitogens and Epstein-Barr virus
Q34600354Arthritis induced in rats by cloned T lymphocytes responsive to mycobacteria but not to collagen type II
Q33569547Arthritis of mice induced by Mycoplasma arthritidis. Humoral antibody and lymphocyte responses of CBA mice
Q34130601Arthritis of mice induced by Mycoplasma pulmonis: humoral antibody and lymphocyte responses of CBA mice
Q41562889Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inducibility and lymphoblast formation in lung cancer patients
Q66921878Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes by benzanthracene or cigarette tars adsorbed to asbestos fibers
Q72637054Assays for lymphocyte activation (author's transl)
Q41443688Assessment of lymphocyte transformation in the patient presenting with Hodgkin's disease
Q41164059Association of HLA in immune response to influenza-A immunization
Q41547684Association of HLA-DR antigens with the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q40242482Association of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) with cervical cancer by lymphocyte reactivity with HSV-1 and HSV-2 antigens
Q40649867Association of a low molecular weight helper factor(s) with thymocyte proliferative activity
Q67895366Association of human lymph node homing receptor (Leu 8) with the TCR/CD3 complex
Q39905773Association of interstitial pneumonia and diminished in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis in human marrow graft recipients
Q41612045Association of tumor-associated antigen on the proliferation of bovine leukemia virus-infected lymphoblastoid B-cell lines
Q41613228Association of tyrosine kinase p56lck with CD4 inhibits the induction of growth through the alpha beta T-cell receptor
Q68298919Association of various T cell-surface molecules with the cytoskeleton. Effect of cross-linking and activation
Q39862193At Least Two Loci of the Major Histocompatibility Complex Can Determine Mixed Lymphocyte Stimulation in the Rat
Q39729734Atypical mixed lymphocyte culture. Identity between mother and child in leukemia and aplastic anemia
Q45875629Augmentation of bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-specific lymphocyte proliferation responses in ruminants by inoculation with BLV env-recombinant vaccinia virus: their role in the suppression of BLV replication
Q40682475Augmentation of mitogen responsiveness in human lymphocytes by a humoral factor obtained from thymic epithelial cultures
Q39449525Augmentation of proliferation of human mixed lymphocyte culture by human alpha-fetoprotein
Q41621831Augmentation of zinc ion stimulation of lymphoid cells by calcium and lithium
Q39742010Augmented antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity following sensitization or nonspecific stimulation of human effector cells
Q39634451Autoantibody to a nuclear antigen in proliferating cells
Q34541575Autocrine/paracrine cytokine stimulation of leukemic cell proliferation in smoldering and chronic adult T-cell leukemia
Q41547509Autoimmune effector cells. VI. Transfer of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis with spleen cells activated in mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q40779785Autoimmunity to glial antigens in vitro
Q72828238Autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in man. XII. Deficiency of the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in patients undergoing allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Relationship with chronic graft-versus-host disease
Q72840152Autologous mixed lymphocyte reactions in rheumatoid arthritis. Characterization of stimulator cells and the recognition unit for autoantigens on the responder cells
Q54020787Autologous reactive T cell clones and T-T hybrids
Q36358564Autologous stimulation of human lymphocyte subpopulation
Q67439471Automated analysis of antigen-stimulated lymphocytes
Q39986142Autoradiographic analysis of the enhanced mitogen response of T lymphocytes caused by cyclic GMP
Q41961803Autoreactive cytotoxic cells in rabbits after prolonged immunostimulation
Q40117405B Cell Growth and Differentiation Factors and Mechanism of B Cell Activation
Q39330360B Lymphocyte-Antigen Interactions in the Initiation of Tolerance or Immunity
Q40737605B and T Lymphocyte Activation by Murine Leukemia Virus Infection
Q35658418B cell activation and HIV infection: protective or potentially detrimental response?
Q36362252B cell activation via CD40 is required for specific antibody production by antigen-stimulated human B cells
Q72717953B cell activation. II. Receptor cross-linking by thymus-independent and thymus-dependent antigens induces a rapid decrease in the plasma membrane potential of antigen-binding B lymphocytes
Q41529407B cell activation. VIII. Membrane immunoglobulins transduce signals via activation of phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis
Q40117614B cell activation: Three steps and their variations
Q72701602B cells as antigen-presenting cells: the requirement for B cell activation
Q69152342B- and T-lymphocyte markers on transformed lymphocytes from mitogen-stimulated cultures of normal and CLL lymphocytes and on tonsil blasts
Q44621111B-B Cell Interactions in the Spontaneous Activation of B Cells in Autoimmune NZB Mice
Q36343172B-cell differentiation in the CBA/N mouse. I. Slower maturation of mitogen and antigen-responsive B cells in mice expressing an X-linked defect
Q40730925B-lymphocyte differentiation, using pokeweed mitogen stimulation: in vitro studies in leukemic and normal cattle
Q44314117B-lymphocyte mitogenicity and adjuvanticity of an ornithine-containing lipid or a serine-containing lipid
Q34356712B7-h3 and its role in antitumor immunity
Q72809025BALB.D2-Mlsa-A new congenic mouse strain
Q36821061BHRF1, the Epstein-Barr virus gene with homology to Bc12, is dispensable for B-lymphocyte transformation and virus replication
Q39897640Backstimulation by Blastogenic Factor in the Primed LD Typing Test: Possible Role in Anomalous Responses
Q44839818Bacterial Toxin Superantigens Stimulate All Members of Susceptible VB Gene Families
Q67366233Behavior of lymphocyte transformation test in exacerbation and remissions of endogenous eczema (dermatitis atopica)
Q67263905Behaviour of lymphocytes from cancer patients and normal individuals cultured with phytohaemagglutinin
Q67274100Benzo(A)pyrene metabolism and blast transformation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from smoking and nonsmoking populations and lung cancer patients
Q42453504Beta-adrenergic responsiveness of human peripheral lymphocytes after mitogenic transformation with phytohemagglutinin
Q39796224Bidirectional amplification of macrophage-lymphocyte interactions: enhanced lymphocyte activation factor production by activated adherent mouse peritoneal cells
Q72729964Binding of a rhodamine-labeled lipopolysaccharide to lipopolysaccharide-responder and nonresponder lymphocytes
Q38331381Binding of antisense phosphorothioate oligonucleotides to murine lymphocytes is lineage specific and inducible
Q68007296Binding of phycoerythrin-conjugated interleukin-6 to in vitro-activated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells--effect of immunosuppressive agents and of a calcium channel blocker
Q68230945Binding of phytohaemagglutinin to serum substances and inhibition of lymphocyte transformation in Hodgkin's disease
Q34591923Binding of the B cell activation antigen B7 to CD28 costimulates T cell proliferation and interleukin 2 mRNA accumulation
Q38058919Biochemical and biological characterization of lymphocyte-activating factor (LAF) produced by the murine macrophage cell line, P388D
Q40079218Biochemical events associated with lymphocyte activation
Q40135887Biological Properties of Interleukins
Q39932314Biological differences between epstein-barr virus (EBV) strains with regard to lymphocyte transforming ability, superinfection and antigen induction
Q39098494Biological expressions of lymphocyte activation. V. Characterization of a soluble immune response suppressor (SIRS) produced by concanavalin A-activated spleen cells
Q71703571Biological role of macrophage immunogenic RNA
Q40716970Biology of Lymphoma Transformation
Q71819313Bioluminescent assay for human lymphocyte blast transformation
Q57121954Biphasic effect of cryosurgery of the prostate on lymphocyte proliferation
Q69269434Blast cell formation: mitosis and proliferation of lymphocytes by antigenic stimuli
Q66945120Blast formation of the lymphocytes (a computer processing)
Q40694062Blast reaction of murine lymph nodes induced by transplantation of fresh and preserved human tympanic membrane
Q70750442Blast response and IgE specific for grass pollens. Biological significance
Q67311686Blast transformation and mitotic activity of the peripheral blood lymphocytes in diseases of the locomotor apparatus in persons of different ages
Q67391217Blast transformation and the activity of acid phosphatase of circulating lymphocytes in experimental hypothyroidism
Q67327590Blast transformation in different stages of cutaneous leishmaniasis
Q72681770Blast transformation of B cells induced by an alpha-macroglobulin-associated lymphokine produced in crowded lymphoid cell cultures
Q40648358Blast transformation of lymphocytes as a method of studying immunological reactivity in children with rheumatism
Q66950926Blast transformation of lymphocytes in chronic kidney diseases
Q68914763Blast transformation of lymphocytes in lymphogranulomatosis
Q70631005Blast transformation of lymphocytes in subjects with malignant lymphogranuloma stimulated with phytohemagglutinin and with polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (Poly-I: Poly-C). Comparison of the effects
Q70230120Blast transformation of mouse splenic B-lymphocytes with extracts of Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Q44225320Blast transformation of rabbit B-derived lymphocytes by a mitogen extracted from Nocardia
Q72860093Blast transformation reaction in ophthalmic herpes
Q41976145Blast transformation reaction in patients with certain dermatoses
Q43829058Blast transformation reaction in testicular teratoblastomas
Q40916803Blast-transformation of lymphocytes in patients with rheumatic fever
Q44491387Blast-transformation reaction in patients with bone tumors
Q39801867Blastformation rate of peripheral blood lymphocytes before and after recurrence of cancer
Q69378049Blastic lymphocyte transformation caused by phytohemagglutinin in patients with lymphoproliferative diseases
Q69613845Blastic lymphocyte transformation test in the detection of penicillin allergy
Q44545714Blastic stimulation of unprimed mouse lymphocytes by living protoscolices of Echinococcus granulosus: a possible connection with transplant immunity
Q42162147Blastic transformation and DNA synthesis in lymphocyte cultures of patients with early and late syphilis
Q66865550Blastic transformation in chronic granulocytic leukaemias
Q43749839Blastic transformation of lymphocytes in in vitro cultures under the influence of phytohemagglutinin and pokeweek mitogen in patients with glomerulonephritis treated over long periods of time with immunosuppressive drugs
Q67244698Blastic transformation of lymphocytes in malignant and immunoreactive diseases
Q67373610Blastic transformation of lymphocytes in patients with glomerulonephritis
Q67764612Blastic transformation of lymphocytes induced with PHA in ankylosing spondylitis
Q66936707Blastic transformation of lymphocytes of newborn infants produced with human lymphoreticular RNA
Q54215367Blastic transformation of lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with azathioprine and cyclophosphamide
Q67786401Blastic transformation of lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin in the presence of HB antigen (AgHB)
Q70358573Blastic transformation of phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes in pulmonary tuberculosis
Q70735108Blastic transformation of the lymphocytes
Q66907662Blastic transformation of venous blood lymphocytes in children with congenital heart defects
Q40633131Blastic transformation test in parodontopathies
Q40907048Blastocyte transformation and macrophage migration inhibition reactions in periodic disease
Q34502715Blastogenesis and Lymphokine Synthesis by T and B Lymphocytes from Patients with Periodontal Disease
Q34127413Blastogenesis as an in vitro correlate of delayed hypersensitivity in guinea pigs infected with Listeria monocytogenes
Q40038305Blastogenesis induced in human lymphocytes by neuraminidase-galactose oxidase treated autologous and allogeneic cells
Q44346411Blastogenesis of Human Lymphocytes by Endotoxin
Q69544335Blastogenesis of human lymphocytes by the autologous synovial fluid of rheumatoid arthritis
Q39896605Blastogenesis of peripheral blood lymphocytes by autologous synovial fluid lymphocytes and synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (author's transl)
Q39855371Blastogenic factor: its role in the mixed leukocyte culture reaction
Q39818099Blastogenic factors: production by T and B lymphocytes. Effect on T and B cells
Q72570540Blastogenic lymphocyte response as indicator of cell-mediated immunity in humans vaccinated with live and inactivated influenza vaccines
Q39847822Blastogenic response in vitro of lymphocyte acne vulgaris
Q66881590Blastogenic response of Toxoplasma-infected mouse spleen cells to T- and B-cell mitogens
Q40128516Blastogenic response of human lymphocytes to human cytomegalovirus
Q30501025Blastogenic response of human lymphocytes to oral bacterial antigens: characterization of bacterial sonicates
Q34136428Blastogenic response of human lymphocytes to oral bacterial antigens: comparison of individuals with periodontal disease to normal and edentulous subjects
Q52500023Blastogenic response of lymphocytes derived from patients with hematopoietic malignancies to antigens of a type C retrovirus isolated from a Burkitt's lymphoma cell line
Q70590087Blastogenic response of lymphocytes separated from bone marrow to allogeneic lymphoid cells in vitro
Q53768384Blastogenic response of normal lymphocytes to cultured lymphoid cells and non-lymphoid neoplastic cells
Q40128534Blastogenic response of purified human T-lymphocyte populations to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
Q40961490Blastogenic response to mitogens: an approach to the study of cell-surface topography in lymphocytes from transplant recipients
Q72820352Blastogenic responsiveness of human lymphoid cells to mitogens and to homogenates of periodontal pocket bacteria
Q34413662Blastogenic transformation by lipopolysaccharide of blood leukocytes from immunized but not normal cattle
Q48000182Blastogenic transformation of lymphocytes following phytohaemagglutinin treatment in vitro in malignant lymphomas. I. Hodgkin's disease. (Correlation with immunity response of the cellular type and with the clinical status)
Q53601886Blastogenic transformation of lymphocytes following phytohaemagglutinin treatment in vitro in malignant lymphomas. II. Reticulosarcoma. (Correlation with the immunity reaction of the cellular type and the clinical status)
Q69969200Blastoid activity of some endotoxins (E. coli and S. abortus equi)
Q39126910Blastoid transformation of lymphocytes in response to spermatozoa
Q43421994Blocking of mixed lymphocyte reaction by spleen cells from total lymphoid-irradiated mice involves interruption of the IL-2 pathway
Q39676250Blood histamine and response of spleen cells to phytohemagglutinins during moderate magnesium deficiency in the rat
Q82038700Blood lymphocyte blastogenesis in patients with thyroid dysfunction: ex vivo response to mitogen activation and cyclosporin A
Q67576845Blood lymphocytes in breast cancer patients following radiotherapy and surgery
Q72688216Both DR and MT Class II HLA Molecules May Restrict Proliferative T-Lymphocyte Responses to Antigen
Q36348048Both a monoclonal antibody and antisera specific for determinants unique to individual cloned helper T cell lines can substitute for antigen and antigen-presenting cells in the activation of T cells
Q41440548Both high and low avidity antibodies to the T cell receptor can have agonist or antagonist activity
Q67854330Both tumor necrosis factor receptor types mediate proliferative signals in human mononuclear cell activation
Q36043491Bovine ocular squamous-cell carcinoma: lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin and tumour antigen
Q39958120Brief Communication : Suppression of Spontaneous In Vitro Transformation of Autologous Leukocytes by Plasma From Convalescent and Postconvalescent Infectious Mononucleosis Patients
Q28323502Bronchial epithelial cells exposed to isocyanates potentiate activation and proliferation of T-cells
Q39639745Brucella antigen preparations for in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation assays in bovine brucellosis
Q67653798Brugia pahangi: effects of age and filarial infection on jird (Meriones unguiculatus) lymphocyte function
Q70442527C-reactive protein and blastic reaction in chronic tonsillitis
Q24338598CD19: lowering the threshold for antigen receptor stimulation of B lymphocytes
Q67879840CD2 expression correlates with proliferative capacity of alpha beta + or gamma delta + CD4-CD8- T cells in lpr mice
Q67895457CD2/LFA-3 ligation induces phospholipase-C gamma 1 tyrosine phosphorylation and regulates CD3 signaling
Q35873034CD23 and B cell activation
Q48215110CD24, a signal transducer modulating B cell activation responses, is a very short peptide with a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol membrane anchor
Q71815056CD27/CD70 interaction directly drives B cell IgG and IgM synthesis
Q54259414CD28 and staphylococcal enterotoxins synergize to induce MHC-independent T-cell proliferation
Q72076418CD28 delivers costimulatory signals for superantigen-induced activation of antigen-presenting cell-depleted human T lymphocytes
Q56909876CD28 engagement by B7/BB-1 induces transient down-regulation of CD28 synthesis and prolonged unresponsiveness to CD28 signaling
Q67850733CD28-induced T cell activation. Evidence for a protein-tyrosine kinase signal transduction pathway
Q44705544CD3-Induced T-Cell Proliferation and Interleukin-2 Secretion is Modulated by the CD45 Antigen
Q71818396CD30 molecule (Ki-1 Ag): more than just a marker of CD30+ lymphoma
Q68322026CD4 T Lymphocyte Activation in Acute Severe Asthma
Q34137733CD4 and CD8 binding to MHC molecules primarily acts to enhance Lck delivery
Q67905282CD4 to CD8 Ratio and In Vitro Lymphoproliferative Responses During Experimental Gingivitis in Pregnancy and Post‐Partum
Q67658252CD4+ CD45R- suppressor-inducer T-cell clones: requirements for cellular interaction, proliferation and lymphokines for the induction of suppression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q35161117CD40 and its ligand, an essential ligand-receptor pair for thymus-dependent B-cell activation
Q67902006CD45 expression by B cells. Expression of different CD45 isoforms by subpopulations of activated B cells
Q67531998CD45 modulates T cell receptor/CD3-induced activation of human thymocytes via regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation
Q28504600CD48 is a counter-receptor for mouse CD2 and is involved in T cell activation
Q37106791CD5 is phosphorylated on tyrosine after stimulation of the T-cell antigen receptor complex
Q45873284CD5+ B cells from bovine leukemia virus infected cows are activated cycling cells responsive to interleukin 2
Q67894866CD58 and CD59 molecules exhibit potentializing effects in T cell adhesion and activation
Q41679464CD59 functions as a signal-transducing molecule for human T cell activation
Q42078161CD69-mediated pathway of lymphocyte activation: anti-CD69 monoclonal antibodies trigger the cytolytic activity of different lymphoid effector cells with the exception of cytolytic T lymphocytes expressing T cell receptor alpha/beta
Q36230356CTLA-4 is a second receptor for the B cell activation antigen B7
Q39699176Calcium Ion-Dependence of the Early Stimulation of Lymphocyte Nucleoside Transport by Phytohaemagglutinin and Ionophore A23187
Q44458453Calcium dependency of the binding and mitogenicity of phytohemagglutinin. Differentiation between calcium-dependent and independent binding events
Q44367210Calreticulin in T-lymphocytes. Identification of calreticulin in T-lymphocytes and demonstration that activation of T cells correlates with increased levels of calreticulin mRNA and protein
Q45798898Can Epstein--Barr Virus Infect and Transform All the B-Lymphocytes of Human Cord Blood?
Q35658342Can hepatocytes serve as 'activated' immunomodulating cells in the immune response?
Q44093255Can the lymphoblast transformation test contribute to the prediction of drug complications?
Q67428618Cancer invasion and lymphocyte function in pleural effusion
Q67461300Cancer prognosis predicted by preoperative lymphocyte responsiveness in vitro
Q67865617Candidiasis in pseudo-lupus-erythematosus and observations on the induction of pseudo-lupus-erythematosus by drugs (proceedings)
Q39102515Capability of lymphocytes, stimulated in vitro with phytohemagglutinins to accomplish the graft versus host reaction
Q67373927Capacity for in vitro growth and the character of synovial fluid cell transformation in rheumatoid arthritis patients
Q67248424Capping and mitogenesis: A model implicating microfilaments in lymphocyte activation
Q67673326Carcinoembryonic antigen and PHA lymphocyte responsiveness
Q72631268Carrageenan stimulates populations of mouse “B” cells mostly nonoverlapping with those stimulated with LPS or dextran sulfate
Q67903116Cascade modulation by anti-tumor necrosis factor monoclonal antibody of interferon-γ, interleukin 3 and interleukin 6 release after triggering of the CD33/T cell receptor activation pathway
Q70485568Casein-induced experimental amyloidosis. 2. Lymphocyte transformation in preamyloidotic and amyloidotic guinea pigs
Q67693296Catabolism of thymidine during the lymphocyte cell cycle
Q34443792Cdc25A-driven proliferation regulates CD62L levels and lymphocyte movement in response to interleukin-7
Q40716932Cell Cooperations in the Mitogen-Induced Transformation of Human Blood Lymphocytes in Healthy Persons and in Hodgkin’s Disease
Q40152033Cell Interaction During Lymphocyte Activation
Q40118592Cell Surface Structures Involved in T Cell Activation
Q68128403Cell biology of B lymphocyte activation by polysaccharides
Q72743242Cell cycle analysis of a cell proliferation-associated human nuclear antigen defined by the monoclonal antibody Ki-67
Q66942474Cell cycle kinetics of PHA-stimulated muntjac lymphocytes in vitro: Part I--BrdU harlequin assay system & demonstration of rapid proliferation of lymphocytes
Q67805835Cell cycle related expression of early activation antigens in human thymocytes
Q45796673Cell cycle requisite for vesicular stomatitis virus replication in T lymphocytes activated with concanavalin A
Q33193564Cell cycle- and activation-dependent regulation of cyclosporin A-induced T cell apoptosis
Q46988166Cell differentiation and immune response of lymphocytes in guinea pigs. 1. Relationship between lymphoblast formation and delayed hypersensitivity
Q41050534Cell differentiation in the presence of cytochalasin B: studies on the "switch" to IgG secretion after polyclonal B cell activation
Q52243944Cell interaction in B/W mice: a reversible defect at the T-cell level
Q72779818Cell interactions in the induction of lymphocyte proliferative responses: requirement of macrophages and aFcR gamma + T lymphocytes in the induction of aFcR gamma - lymphocyte proliferation
Q67727000Cell kinetics of the germinal center reaction - a stathmokinetic study
Q72919154Cell mediated and humoral immune response of chickens to live infectious bronchitis vaccines
Q67070525Cell mediated immunity in patients with common African cirrhosis. III. Lymphoblastic transformation test with phytohemagglutinins (apropos of 32 cases)
Q39974575Cell mediated immunity to herpes simplex in man. IV. A correlation of lymphocyte stimulation and inhibition of leukocyte migration
Q70699385Cell mediated lympholysis in man after sensitization of effector lymphocytes through mixed leukocyte cultures
Q66890981Cell numbers in human lymphocyte cultures stimulated with pokeweed mitogen
Q44415616Cell suppression in PPD-induced blast specific response of human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q39842074Cell surface changes in alloantigen activated T lymphocytes
Q67275397Cell surface changes in transformed human lymphocytes. I. Con A and E-PHA induced unique changes in surface topography
Q67387987Cell surface effects of pokeweed observed by electrophoretic light scattering
Q42940708Cell surface immunoglobulin. XVIII. Functional differences of B lymphocytes bearing different surface immunoglobulin isotypes
Q45762042Cell-Mediated Immunity to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus in Swine
Q45803677Cell-Mediated Immunity to Varicella-Zoster Virus after Allogeneic Marrow Transplant
Q47857832Cell-Mediated Lympholysis in HL-A Identical Unrelated Individuals
Q39877011Cell-Mediated Reactions of Lymphocytes in Pleural Fluid
Q44274182Cell-Mediated and Humoral Immune Responses in Capuchin Monkeys Infected with Schistosoma Japonicum or Schistosoma Mansoni *
Q71101446Cell-Mediated immunity in cancer patients with special reference to lung cancer (II) (author's transl)
Q40296518Cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Rous sarcoma in the hamster (author's transl)
Q42002036Cell-mediated destruction of human leukemic cells by MHC identical lymphocytes: requirement for a proliferative trigger in vitro
Q72432970Cell-mediated immune reactions in measles
Q43543320Cell-mediated immune response following Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in man. I. Lymphocyte stimulation
Q33900768Cell-mediated immune response of human lymphocytes to influenza A/USSR (H1N1) virus infection
Q34078417Cell-mediated immune response to bacterial products in human tonsils and peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q40522895Cell-mediated immune response to dog pulp tissue altered by eugenol within the root canal
Q39381034Cell-mediated immune response to herpes simplex virus: type-specific lymphoproliferative responses in lymph nodes draining the site of primary infection
Q40712279Cell-mediated immune response to syngeneic UV-induced tumors. III. Requirement for an Ia+ macrophage in the in vitro differentiation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Q39668864Cell-mediated immune responses in cattle vaccinated with killed Brucella melitensis strain H-38 vaccine or infected with viable Brucella abortus strain 2308 organisms, or both
Q40059177Cell-mediated immune responses in recurrent herpesvirus infections. I. Lymphocyte proliferation assay
Q44087652Cell-mediated immune responses in swine from a herd infected with Brucella suis
Q34087792Cell-mediated immune responses to the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase antigens of influenza A virus after immunization in humans
Q67383210Cell-mediated immune-phenomenona in hyperthyroidism and euthyroid goiter (studies using the lymphocyte transformation test)
Q40679374Cell-mediated immunity in experimental filariasis: Lymphocyte reactivity to filarial stage-specific antigens and to B- and T-cell mitogens during acute and chronic infection
Q40260633Cell-mediated immunity to cytomegalovirus in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy
Q72822148Cell-mediated immunity to hepatitis B surface antigen in man
Q47990685Cell-mediated immunity to human solid tumors: in vitro detection by lymphocyte blastogenic responses to cell-associated and solubilized tumor antigens
Q45890870Cell-mediated immunity to influenza virus antigen and mitogen in guinea pigs: measurement with a semimicro protein synthesis assay
Q45798236Cell-mediated immunity to varicella-zoster virus demonstrated by lymphocyte transformation in herpes zoster
Q72885199Cell-mediated immunity to viral antigens and tuberculin in multiple sclerosis
Q40132420Cell-mediated immunity: induction and expression of T-cell function
Q36335868Cell-mediated mitogenic response induced by leukoagglutinin and Lens culinaris lectin in mouse lymphocytes
Q72788088Cells in murine fetal liver and in lymphoid colonies grown from fetal liver can suppress generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed against their self antigens
Q72824887Cellular DNA content of T helper, T suppressor and B lymphocytes in SLE
Q68195937Cellular Determinants of Age-related Decrements in the T-cell Mitogen Response of B6CBAF1 Mice
Q39928632Cellular Immune Responses to Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 in Recurrent Herpes Labialis: In Vitro Blastogenesis and Cytotoxicity to Infected Cell Lines
Q54156984Cellular Immunity in Measles Vaccine Failure: Demonstration of Measles Antigen-Specific Lymphoproliferative Responses despite Limited Serum Antibody Production after Revaccination
Q36348479Cellular Immunity in a Cutaneous Model of Cryptococcosis
Q68357342Cellular Proliferation in the Lymphoid Tissues of an Inbred (RTl<sup>a</sup>) Rat Strain during the Oestrous Cycle
Q72706984Cellular Responses to Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide: T Cells Recognize LPS Determinants
Q44644276Cellular and humoral factors governing canine mixed lymphocyte cultures after renal transplantation
Q40796604Cellular and humoral immune response of foals to vaccination with Corynebacterium equi
Q77305331Cellular autoimmunity to retinal specific antigens in Behçet's disease
Q53918418Cellular basis of concanavalin A-activated T-cell-mediated suppression of DNA synthesis by PHA-stimulated lymphocytes from patients with Kenyan visceral leishmaniasis
Q67014539Cellular changes in the intestinal lymph of sheep infected with the enteric nematode, Trichostrongylus colubriformis
Q40704032Cellular cooperation in lymphocyte activation. I. Cooperative and noncooperative responses of human T and B lymphocytes to various mitogens
Q39562852Cellular cooperation in lymphocyte activation. II. Cooperative response of human peripheral T and B lymphocytes to rabbit anti-human beta 2-microglobulin
Q40711941Cellular cooperation in lymphocyte activation. III. B-cell helper effect in the enhancement of T-cell response
Q41034503Cellular hypersensitivity in attacks of multiple sclerosis: 1. A comparative study of migration inhibitory factor production and lymphoblastic transformation in response to myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis
Q72854512Cellular immune response detected in blast transformation test with lymphocytes from rabbits immunized with nucleocapsid of herpes simplex type 2 virus
Q40123696Cellular immune responsiveness of breast cancer patients to Parsi human milk particles & mammary tumor virus: lymphocyte blastogenesis
Q67451731Cellular immunity in infectious mononucleosis: I. Spontaneous and phytohaemagglutinin-induced blast transformation in infectious mononucleosis, with special reference to depressed cellular reactivity and stimulation-blocking serum factors
Q44894027Cellular immunity in patients with Hodgkin's disease: modification induced by incubating lymphocytes with fetal calf serum and Hodgkin's serum
Q39844031Cellular immunity in pregnancy: blast transformation and rosette formation of maternal T and B lymphocytes: A cross-section analysis
Q41066163Cellular immunity in pyelonephritis: identification of suppressor cell activity of spleen cells in response to concanavalin A and inhibition of lymphocyte-mediated L cell cytotoxicity
Q66918923Cellular immunity in renal diseases
Q39376428Cellular immunity in rheumatoid arthritis - cellular immunity seen in MIT and lymphoblast formation and specificity of the antigen
Q44356380Cellular immunity in tuberculous pleural effusions: evidence of spontaneous lymphocyte proliferation and antigen-specific accelerated responses to purified protein derivative (PPD)
Q67262139Cellular immunity study of multiple sclerosis in the lymphocyte blast transformation reaction to the viruses of acute human encephalomyelitis, herpes and measles
Q34420731Cellular immunity to bacteria: impairment of in vitro lymphocyte responses to Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients
Q67669042Cellular immunocompetence in asymptomatic paraproteinaemia
Q40644780Cellular interaction in the pokeweed-mitogen induced terminal differentiation to polyclonal immunoglobulin production in human B lymphocytes in vitro
Q39771662Cellular interactions in lymphocyte proliferation: Effect of syngeneic and xenogeneic macrophages
Q72816640Cellular interactions in marrow-grafted patients. II. Normal monocyte antigen-presenting and defective T-cell-proliferative functions early after grafting and during chronic graft-versus-host disease
Q45804087Cellular interactions in the cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to herpes simplex virus antigens: differential antigen activation requirements for the helper T lymphocyte and cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors
Q72826464Cellular interactions in the generation of bovine CON A-suppressor cells and in the mitogenic proliferative response
Q40644800Cellular interactions in the lymphocyte response to PHA in old people
Q66889451Cellular interactions in the proliferative response of human circulating lymphocytes to PHA-analysis of the impaired response in old age
Q39806674Cellular origin of cytotoxic effectors and secondary educated lymphocytes in human mixed leukocyte reaction
Q72802500Cellular requirements for induction of human primary proliferative responses to trinitrophenyl-modified cells
Q44607089Cellular responses to culture-derived soluble exoantigens of Trypanosoma lewisi
Q40036381Cellular sensitivity in amoebiasis—preliminary results of lymphocytic transformation in response to specific antigen and to mitogen in carrier and disease states
Q40222013Cerebrospinal Fluid Lymphocyte Transformations in Meningitis
Q72790160Cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes from patients with multiple sclerosis and aseptic meningo-encephalitis respond in mixed lymphocyte culture☆
Q54575990Certain problems of the clinical course of infectious hepatitis
Q69577840Change in the properties of lymphatic node lymphocyte DNP during activation and partial deproteinization
Q40753750Changes in Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Nucleoli in a Follow-Up of Renal Allograft Recipients Correlation with the Response to PHA
Q66878002Changes in T-cell subsets and their clinical significance in cancer patients
Q40111512Changes in acid ribonuclease and other acid hydrolases during lymphocyte stimulation
Q40109961Changes in glycolytic enzyme levels and isozyme expression in human lymphocytes during blast transformation
Q39623237Changes in intracellular prostaglandin content during activation of lymphocytes by phytohaemagglutinin
Q66970955Changes in lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme patterns of human lymphocytes before and after blast formation
Q67370653Changes in nonhistone chromosomal proteins in phytohemagglutininstimulated lymphocytes
Q48692089Changes in organization and microtubule assembly activity of the centrosome during lymphocyte stimulation
Q39645962Changes in peripheral blood leukocyte counts, lymphocyte subpopulations, and in vitro transformation after heart valve replacement. Effects of oxygenator type and postoperative parenteral nutrition
Q67827553Changes in plasma immunologic reactive beta-endorphin and their effect on lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin after thermal injury
Q35087345Changes in ribosomal RNA processing paths in resting and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated guinea pig lymphocytes
Q72695567Changes in structure and composition of lymphocyte nuclei during mitogenic stimulation
Q68360419Changes in structure and protein composition of bovine lymphocyte nuclear matrix during concanavalin-A-induced mitogenesis
Q36043141Changes in structuredness of cytoplasmic matrix in single stimulated lymphocytes from healthy donors and patients with non-malignant and malignant diseases
Q40705164Changes in the amount of sialic acids during B-lymphocyte blast transformation
Q47992066Changes in the binding of concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin to human lymphocytes during in vitro transformation
Q47994314Changes in the carbohydrate metabolism of mitogenically stimulated human peripheral lymphocytes. 3. Stimulation by tuberculin and allogeneic cells
Q44078271Changes in the mitogenic transformation of murine lymphocytes during the progressive growth of anaplastic carcinoma
Q39902128Changes in the organization and biosynthesis of cell surface acidic sugars during the phytohemagglutinin-induced blast formation of human T-lymphocytes
Q41622423Changes in the plasma membrane surface of lymphocytes stimulated in vivo with DNCB
Q40223610Changes in the population of lymphocytes and their response to mitogens during the growth of a Simian virus 40-induced fibrosarcoma in hamsters
Q40222807Changes in the proliferative response of human lymphocytes in vitro on exposure to subcellular components of Bordetella pertussis
Q39791651Changes in the stimulatory capability of mouse small thymocytes to give a proliferation of allogenic spleen cells during differentiation
Q41144897Changes occurring on the surface of mouse T cells during concanavalin A-induced lymphoblastic transformation
Q39732038Changes of MLC reactivity in lymphoid organs after injection of mice with H-2 disparate cells
Q69104715Characterisation and separation of mouse lymphocyte subpopulations responding to phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogens
Q42935913Characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus activation of human B lymphocytes
Q39928173Characteristics of cell lines derived from human leukocytes transformed by different strains of epstein-barr virus
Q72550080Characteristics of cell-mediated immunity after oral administration of a live influenza vaccine
Q40710579Characteristics of the functional state of the lymphocytes in berylliosis studied by the blast transformation method
Q72713210Characterization and Functional Studies of the Murine T-Lymphocyte Response to Mycobacterium leprae Antigen
Q40100398Characterization and Role in Autoimmune Diseases of the Polyclonal B-Cell Activator Produced by T-Cells - The Helper Factor
Q72558946Characterization and classification of lymphoid cells after pokeweed mitogen stimulation
Q36359273Characterization of DNA excreted from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes
Q39864682Characterization of Inhibitor(s) of Lymphocyte Activation in Serum from Rats with Adjuvant Arthritis
Q40711915Characterization of Lymphocytes Which Inhibit Proliferation of Human T Cells Exposed to Lymphocyte-Derived Mitogenic Factors
Q43603926Characterization of Monoclonal Anti-alpha1-Microglobulin Antibodies: Binding Strength, Binding Sites, and Inhibition of Lymphocyte Stimulation
Q67552460Characterization of T cell proliferative responses induced by anti-Qa-2 monoclonal antibodies
Q67879292Characterization of a novel rat thymocyte costimulating antigen by the monoclonal antibody 1.3
Q72800150Characterization of a phenotypically distinct subpopulation of Leu-2+ cells that suppresses T cell proliferative responses
Q37649627Characterization of a protein that regulates the DNA-binding activity of NF-AT, the nuclear factor of activated T cells
Q43805987Characterization of a receptor on activated chicken T cells
Q44670127Characterization of accessory cell function during acute infection of BALB/cByJ mice with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), strain JHM
Q72641641Characterization of an antiserum to guinea pig antithrombin III (AT III). II. Stimulation of T lymphocyte proliferation
Q72739476Characterization of anti-idiotypic suppressor T cells (Tsid) induced after antigen priming
Q45020292Characterization of colony-stimulating activity produced by human monocytes and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes
Q72774005Characterization of fibroblast proliferation factors elaborated by antigen- and mitogen-stimulated guinea pig lymph node cells: Differentiation from lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factor for fibroblasts, lymphocyte mitogenic factor, and interleukin 1
Q39314403Characterization of guinea pig mitogenic factor
Q72684361Characterization of helper factors distinct from interleukin 2 necessary for the generation of allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes
Q72683898Characterization of human T suppressor-inducer, -precursor and -effector lymphocytes in the antigen-specific plaque-forming cell response
Q70340438Characterization of human macrophage activation factor (MAF) prepared from antigen-stimulated lymphocytes
Q39564002Characterization of in Vitro Proliferative Responses of Human Lymphocytes to Leishmanial Antigens
Q67756310Characterization of in vitro differentiated secondary lymphocytes. Quantitative and ultrastructural study
Q40723819Characterization of isolated guinea pig Kupffer cells: accessory cell function in mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation
Q42045884Characterization of lymphocyte inhibition by supernatants of crowded lymphocytoblasts
Q66875970Characterization of mouse cells releasing or responding to mitogenic factor induced by phytomitogens in vitro
Q72850247Characterization of responding cells in oxidative mitogen stimulation. I. Ia+ cells and Ly-1+2+ cells are required for the proliferative response
Q41435714Characterization of the activation-associated isoform of CD43 on murine T lymphocytes
Q47844145Characterization of the blastogenic response of C58 spleen cells: age-dependent changes
Q40177592Characterization of the interaction of reticuloendotheliosis virus with the avian lymphoid system
Q36347663Characterization of the killer cell generated in the autologous mixed leukocyte reaction
Q40728477Characterization of the role of mononuclear cell subpopulations in the in vitro lymphocyte proliferation assay
Q72819635Characterization of two suppressor cells that together prevent in vivo development of cytolytic T cells to hapten-altered self
Q40085158Characterization to effector lymphocytes associated with immunity to murine sarcoma virus (MSV)-induced tumors. II. Repeated stimulation and proliferation in vitro of specific cytolytic T lymphocytes
Q53916628Charge-reducing lymphokine activity in Concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocyte supernatants: preliminary biological and biochemical characterization
Q54072527Charybdotoxin-sensitive, Ca(2+)-dependent membrane potential changes are not involved in human T or B cell activation and proliferation
Q39755284Chediak-Higashi syndrome. Study of lymphocyte transformation stimulated by phytohemaglutinin (PHA)
Q40800540Chemical and biologic properties of a protein-rich fraction of bacterial lipopolysaccharides. I. The in vitro murine lymphocyte response
Q40954953Chemical characterization of products of activated lymphocytes
Q40954819Chemiluminescence and immune cell activation I. Early activation of rat thymocytes can be monitored by chemiluminescence measurements
Q36617985Chemistry and Biology of the Immunophilins and Their Immunosuppressive Ligands
Q52237761Chick sympathetic neurons in culture respond differentially to nerve growth factor and conditioned medium from activated splenic lymphocytes
Q45078333Chlorphentermine Suppresses the Phosphatidylinositol Pathway in Concanavalin A-Activated Mouse Splenic Lymphocytes
Q67833268Cholesterol inhibition of the temporary increase of membrane fluidity of lymphocytes induced by mitogenic lectins
Q44433966Chromatin Proteins From Human Lymphocytes: A Gel Electrophoretic Comparison Between Normal, Mitogen-Stimulated, Cell-Line, and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Lymphocytes
Q67750859Chromatin activation at early stages of PHA-stimulation of lymphocytes (cytofluorometric study)
Q72722404Chromatin structure and nucleic acid synthesis in human lymphocyte activation by phytohemagglutinin
Q72725455Chromatographic separation from known cytokines of a helper factor necessary for the generation of murine cytolytic T lymphocytes
Q69567894Chromosome studies in peripheral lymphocyte cultures from children with non-tumorous diseases treated with cyclophosphamide
Q67365610Circadian rhythmicity of human plasma cortisol and PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q39741764Clarification of drug-induced allergic dermatoses using the lymphocyte transformation test (LTT)
Q43558877Class I-specific antibodies inhibit proliferation in primary but not secondary mouse T cell responses
Q72607292Clinical Significance of Mitogen-Induced Responses in Lymphocytes from Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Q68324318Clinical Usefulness of Lymphocyte Transformation in Patients with Coccidioidomycosis
Q43998573Clinical importance of blastic transformation of lymphocytes in chronic lymphatic leukemia
Q67009837Clinical significance of lymphocyte transformation test in gynecological malignancies (author's transl)
Q72751845Clinical significance of polarizing luminescence in the study of changes in the cytoplasm of lymphocytes--SCM test
Q72381884Clinical studies on preoperative nonspecific immunological parameters and radical operation in stomach cancer
Q67751377Clinical usefulness of PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation test in patients with chronic lymphatic leukemia
Q36542017Clinico-laboratory data on lymphocyte blast-transformation in several reticulodermias
Q67447076Clonal Proliferation of Human Stimulated Lymphocytes on Agar Culture
Q42664804Clonal analysis of B and T cell responses to Ia antigens. IV. Proliferative T cell clones recognizing E beta and/or E alpha allodeterminants
Q72912510Clonal analysis of the BALB/c T cell proliferative response to apo beef cytochrome c
Q42076655Clonal analysis of the major histocompatibility complex restriction and the fine specificity of antigen recognition in the T cell proliferative response to cytochrome C
Q68261487Clonal anergy is induced in vitro by T cell receptor occupancy in the absence of proliferation
Q52834177Clonal differences in response to T cell replacing factor (TRF) for IgM secretion and TRF receptors in a human B lymphoblast cell line
Q40749630Clonal growth and maturation to immunoglobulin secretion in vitro of every growth-inducible B lymphocyte
Q66879942Clonal proliferation of PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes in soft agar culture
Q39974190Clonal transformation of human leukocytes by Epstein-barr virus in soft agar
Q41547281Cloned human T lymphocytes with lymphostimulatory capacity preferentially activate suppressor cells
Q72720638Cloned human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) lines reactive with autologous melanoma cells. I. In vitro generation, isolation, and analysis to phenotype and specificity
Q36347629Cloned mouse cells with natural killer function and cloned suppressor T cells express ultrastructural and biochemical features not shared by cloned inducer T cells
Q24311763Cloning of B7-2: a CTLA-4 Counter-Receptor That Costimulates Human T Cell Proliferation
Q70230025Clonotypic Antibodies which Stimulate T Cell Clone Proliferation
Q44896857Co-crosslinking Fc epsilon RII/CD23 and B cell surface immunoglobulin modulates B cell activation
Q40649370Co-operation between T and B lymphocytes from human tonsils in the response to mitogens and antigens
Q67718772Coculture of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with Trypanosoma cruzi leads to proliferation of lymphocytes and cytokine production
Q36232150Coexpression and functional cooperation of CTLA-4 and CD28 on activated T lymphocytes
Q67856370Cognate interaction between T helper cells and B cells. VII. Role of contact and lymphokines in the expression of germ-line and mature gamma 1 transcripts
Q53993930Collection of Lymph from Kidneys Homotransplanted in Man: Cell Transformation in vivo
Q67015619Combination chemotherapy for genito-urinary malignancies. First report: estimation of lymphocytes blastoid transformation by whole blood culture (author's transl)
Q41089404Combined immunologic and radionuclide techniques to monitor renal allograft rejection
Q66892819Comparative Mucigenic Responses of T-Cells and B-Cells in Spleens of Mice of Varying Age
Q40117984Comparative Studies on the Induction of Virus-Associated Nuclear Antigen and Early Antigen by Lymphocyte-Transforming (B95&ndash;8) and Nontransforming (P3HR-1) Strains of Epstein-Barr Virus
Q66887390Comparative Study of Production of Lymphoblastogenesis Inhibition Factor between Leukemic T and Burkitt�s Lymphoma B Lymphoid Cell Lines1
Q41546682Comparative analysis of the suppression by cord blood mononuclear cells of adult and neonatal lymphocytes
Q40917735Comparative assessment of the efficacy in humoral response of T-cells of various organ origin and their substitutes
Q39314732Comparative characteristics of macro- and micromethods of the peripheral blood lymphocyte blast transformation test
Q39314800Comparative evaluation of stimulation of human lymphocytes by phytohemagglutinins by various methods
Q50164893Comparative in vitro analysis of proliferation, Ig secretion, and Ig class switching by murine marginal zone and follicular B cells
Q70897444Comparative lymphocyte stimulation studies on whole blood from vaccinated and nonvaccinated cattle with paratuberculosis
Q39635393Comparative mitogen responses of lymphocytes from Colombian Panamanian, and Peruvian owl monkeys
Q50179138Comparative mitogenicity and polyclonal B cell activation capacity of eight oral or nonoral bacterial lipopolysaccharides in cultures of spleen cells from athymic (nu/nu-BALB/c) and thymic (BALB/c) mice
Q40671363Comparative studies of the proportions of T, B and zero lymphocytes and the degrees of blastic transformation of lymphocytes after stimulation by PHA and CON A in patients with Hodgkin's disease
Q40078492Comparative studies on adult donor lymphocytes infected by EB virusin vivo orin vitro: Origin of transformed cells arising in co-cultures with foetal lymphocytes
Q39927387Comparative studies on the reactivity of T-cells and non-T-cells in lymphocyte transformation experiments and cytotoxicity tests
Q39393768Comparative study "in vitro" between rabies and rabies related viruses by the sensitized lymphocytes technique
Q39787764Comparative study on lymphocyte stimulation by PHA and bacterial endotoxins, particularly in malignant tumor and allergy patients
Q71096820Comparison of 3H-TdR incorporation and morphologic method in lymphocyte transformation test for immunity in patients suffering from lung cancers (author's transl)
Q47362268Comparison of Candida-Delayed Hypersensitivity Skin Test Size with Lymphocyte Transformation, Migration Inhibitory Factor Production and Antibody Titer
Q44903698Comparison of Human Foetal with Child Blood Lymphocytic Kinetics
Q41188836Comparison of In Vitro Lymphocyte Proliferations Induced by Cytomegalovirus-Infected Human Fibroblasts and Cell-Free Cytomegalovirus
Q39751664Comparison of Lymphocyte Reactivity in Patients with Cancer, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Renal Allografts
Q50789455Comparison of MTT colorimetric assay and tritiated thymidine uptake for lymphocyte proliferation assays using chicken splenocytes
Q44292444Comparison of T lymphocyte-dependent and B lymphocyte-dependent mitogen-stimulated DNA synthesis in serum-free medium with spleen cells from animals chosen for broad variation in genetically determined differences in T lymphocyte mitogen responsiven
Q72743274Comparison of allogeneic and self-restricted stimulation of lymphokine production by dual-reactive cloned T cells
Q34331357Comparison of anti-CD3 and anti-CD28-coated beads with soluble anti-CD3 for expanding human T cells: Differing impact on CD8 T cell phenotype and responsiveness to restimulation
Q39645214Comparison of different tests to measure immune responses to primate retroviruses
Q45229697Comparison of immune responses to a native viral antigen and a synthetic peptide derived from it: implications for vaccine development
Q40899431Comparison of liquid scintillation counting method with morphological evaluation of lymphocyte blast transformation in vitro culture--stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA)
Q67509532Comparison of lymphocyte stimulation and tuberculin skin reactivity in Mycobacterium bovis-infected Macaca mulatta
Q41508472Comparison of mitogens from Mycoplasma pulmonis and Mycoplasma neurolyticum
Q45890902Comparison of protein and DNA synthesis assays of guinea pig spleen lymphocytes after stimulation with influenza virus antigen and phytohemagglutinin
Q39634299Comparison of sensitivity and specificity of purified lymphocyte and whole-blood in vitro lymphocyte stimulation assays in detection of Brucella abortus infection in cattle
Q43438883Comparison of structural requirements for interaction of the same peptide with I-Ek and I-Ed molecules in the activation of MHC class II-restricted T cells
Q39847702Comparison of the Stimulating Capacity of Human Leukemia T-Cell, Null Cell, and B-Cell Lines in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture: Brief Communication
Q44543201Comparison of the biologic activity of tuberculins by the use of lymphocyte cultures
Q72395414Comparison of the blastogenic response of peripheral blood lymphocytes from canine parvovirus-positive and -negative outbred dogs
Q67552465Comparison of the capacity of murine and human class I MHC molecules to stimulate T cell activation
Q39371070Comparison of the early chromatin reaction of the mouse thymocytes incubated with phytohemagglutinin and Concanavalin A
Q40030825Comparison of the humoral and cellular immune responses after immunization with live, UV inactivated herpes simplex virus and a subunit vaccine and efficacy of these immunizations
Q40908522Comparison of the tube leukocyte adherence inhibition test with the lymphocyte stimulation assay in a rat transplantation model
Q67860097Comparison of tyrosine kinase activation by mitogenic and nonmitogenic anti-IgD antibodies
Q39524123Comparison of various preparations of Mycobacterium leprae and other mycobacteria by lymphocyte stimulation
Q67324088Comparison of whole blood and purified canine lymphocytes in a lymphocyte-stimulation microassay
Q43977862Comparison of whole blood cultures and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures for evaluation of lymphocyte reactivity during chronic schistosomiasis
Q72692186Comparison with monoclonal anti-Ia antibodies of antigenic determinants inducing lymphocyte proliferation and immune interferon production in primary and secondary murine mixed lymphocyte reactions
Q41968298Complement-dependent B-cell activation by cobra venom factor and other mitogens?
Q85190963Complete remission after blinatumomab-induced donor T-cell activation in three pediatric patients with post-transplant relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Q40725768Composite activities on B cells of products released by T cells activated by concanavalin A
Q72773555Con A induced suppressor test: an evaluation of the experimental conditions
Q67898607Con A-induced suppressor cell function depends on the activation of the CD4+CD45RA inducer T cell subpopulation
Q39556220Con-A-activated T Cells Secrete Factors with Polyclonal B-Cell-activating Properties
Q70228481Concanavalin A-Induced Activation of Human T Cell Subpopulations
Q39915386Concanavalin A-activated suppressor cells in peripheral blood and lymph nodes of urologic cancer patients
Q72751860Concomitant Induction and Persistence of Hapten-Specific Suppressor and Helper T Cells in Vivo
Q67928185Concomitant macrophage activation and fibroblast/lymphocyte inhibition by wound fluid: the "arginine-deficiency of inflammation" is a partial explanation
Q52227909Conditions for Cytomegalovirus Stimulation of Lymphocytes
Q72604068Conditions required for Fc-dependent immune complex enhancement of antigen-specific lymphocyte blastogenesis
Q42132398Conformational changes in antigen-stimulated lymphocytes detected with 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate
Q48027787Contact cooperation in stimulated lymphocytes *1I. Influence of cell contact on unspecifically stimulated lymphocytes
Q40105309Contact-mediated suppression of mitogen-induced responsiveness by spleen cells in reticuloendotheliosis virus-induced tumorigenesis
Q69703314Content of immunocompetent cells in the bone marrow punctates and the phenomenon of lymphoblastic transformation in collagen diseases
Q72745888Continuous cultivation of equine lymphocytes: evidence for occasional T cell-like maturation events in horses with hereditary severe combined immunodeficiency
Q36343130Continuous proliferation of murine antigen-specific helper T lymphocytes in culture
Q39381048Continuously proliferating T killer cells specific for H-2b targets: selection and characterization
Q40673846Contrasting immune response following Rauscher leukemia virus infection in virus-susceptible vs. virus-resistant mice
Q44850277Contributions of the CD2 and CD28 T lymphocyte activation pathways to the regulation of the expression of the colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) gene
Q36359915Control of B-lymphocyte function. I. Inactivation of mitogenesis by interactions with surface immunoglobulin and Fc-receptor molecules
Q35580394Control of T cell activation by CD4+CD25+ suppressor T cells
Q41547693Control of cloned alloreactive T lymphocyte proliferative responses. A possible role for cell-surface-bound alloantigen
Q40112786Control of lymphocyte stimulation in vitro: ‘help’ and ‘suppression’ in the light of lymphoid population dynamics
Q66885922Control of mitogen-induced transformation: Characterization of a splenic suppressor cell and its mode of action
Q70988304Control of mixed lymphocyte reactions by cellular concentration: studies in 20 microliters hanging droplet cultures
Q34617794Control of polyclonal immunoglobulin production from human lymphocytes by leukotrienes; leukotriene B4 induces an OKT8(+), radiosensitive suppressor cell from resting, human OKT8(-) T cells
Q37586756Control of proliferation and differentiation in B lymphocytes by anti-Ig antibodies and a serum-derived cofactor
Q39928591Control of proliferation in mitogen responsive human peripheral blood lymphocytes: restimulation of cells stimulated by sodium periodate
Q42924408Control of protein synthesis during lymphocyte stimulation
Q40703997Cooperative Effects in Mitogen- and Antigen-Induced Responses of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations
Q40213991Cooperative pathway induction of T lymphocyte mitogen stimulation
Q37121814Copper deficiency reversibly impairs DNA synthesis in activated T lymphocytes by limiting interleukin 2 activity
Q42118037Correlation between lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogens and results of chemo-immunotherapy in patients with advanced cancer
Q39843245Correlation between postoperative prognosis in gastrointestinal cancer patients and blastformation rate of lymphocytes
Q40815924Correlation of Cutaneous Hypersensitivity with Lymphocytic Response to Candida albicans
Q41272899Correlation of Mixed Lymphocyte Reactivity and Skin Graft Rejection in Nonhuman Primates
Q67428172Correlation of cell division and specific protein production during the course of lymphoid cell differentiation
Q40805439Correlation of hematological changes and serum and monocyte inhibition with the early suppression of phytohemagglutinin stimulation of lymphocytes in experimental infectious bursal disease
Q40231599Correlation of herpes simplex virus antibody titers and specific lymphocyte stimulation in adult blood donors
Q66984182Correlation of in vitro and in vivo tests for cell-mediated immunity in the dog
Q68125543Correlation of serum concentration of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein with lymphocyte blastogenesis and development of experimentally induced or naturally acquired hepatic abscesses in cattle
Q67833171Correlation of skin test reactivity and in vitro lymphocyte stimulation by soluble antigens in normal subjects and leukemic patients
Q39715714Correlation of the lymphocyte transformation, leucocyte migration inhibition and the delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity tests in chickens sensitised to Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q40166595Correlation of the suppression of mitogen responsiveness and the mixed lymphocyte reaction with the proliferative response to viral antigen of splenic lymphocytes from cytomegalovirus-infected mice
Q66881586Correlations among cutaneous reactivity to DNCB, PHA-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis and peripheral blood E rosettes
Q66986216Correlative studies of lymphocyte transformation and plasma protein levels in ankylosing spondylitis
Q40013228Correspondence between T Cell Suppression and ADLC Titers during Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) Infection in Owl Monkeys
Q72037554Costimulation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells through CD26: The ADA-binding epitope is not essential for complete signaling
Q41532613Costimulation with integrin ligands intercellular adhesion molecule-1 or vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 augments activation-induced death of antigen-specific CD4+ T lymphocytes
Q36362513Costimulator deficient antigen presentation by an endothelial cell line induces a nonproliferative T cell activation response without anergy
Q72070639Costimulatory signals are required for optimal proliferation of human natural killer cells
Q40724653Covariances of Mitogenic Responses in Leukaemic Blood Lymphocytes: a Functional Marker System for the Human B Lymphocyte Differentiation
Q44780612Cross-Linkage in Lymphocyte Transformation
Q72802550Cross-linking of B lymphocyte Fc gamma receptors and membrane immunoglobulin inhibits anti-immunoglobulin-induced blastogenesis
Q67898196Cross-linking of CD23 antigen by its natural ligand (IgE) or by anti-CD23 antibody prevents B lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation
Q40643603Cross-linking of T cell mitogens: effects on B and T cell proliferation and immunoglobulin synthesis
Q36231815Crosslinking CD4 by human immunodeficiency virus gp120 primes T cells for activation-induced apoptosis
Q40724616Cryopreservation of human lymphoid cells from various tissues
Q67446901Cryopreservation of lymphocytes to standardize in vitro immune functions
Q39871271Cultivation with K562 cells leads to blastogenesis and increased cytotoxicity with changed properties of the active cells when compared to fresh lymphocytes
Q70627095Culture of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from Sarcoidosis; Response to Mitogenic Factor
Q44051214Culture of a very small quantity of the whole blood treated with PHA. (1). Malignant lymphoma
Q69224767Culture of leukemic lymphocytes. I. Problems of in vitro proliferation and diagnostic tests
Q70499025Culture of mouse lymphoid cells in serum-free medium
Q54330845Culture of peripheral lymphocytes in chronic malignant lymphoadenopathies
Q54085830Culture of peripheral lymphocytes of patients with malignant neoplasms in the presence of isogenic and allogenic tumor extracts
Q70949211Cultured lymphocyte test. Culture method and blast transformation
Q70537726Cycles of transformation and differentiation of lymphocytes in vitro
Q39285862Cyclic guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate and phosphodiesterase activity in mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q39299463Cyclic nucleotides and calcium in lymphocyte regulation and activation
Q47944122Cyclic variation in the response of lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin in healthy individuals
Q40501093Cytidine 5′-diphosphate reductase activity in phytohemagglutinin stimulated human lymphocytes
Q67427706Cytochalasin B-induced changes in concanavalin A-activated lymphocytes
Q44907092Cytochemical studies on lysosomal enzyme of stimulated lymphocytes with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) (author's transl)
Q40640118Cytofluorometric analysis of the kinetics of lymphocyte transformation after phytohemagglutinin stimulation: comparison with the kinetics of thymidine incorporation
Q67344860Cytogenetic Differences between Bone Marrow and Spleen in a Case of Agnogenic Myeloid Metaplasia Developing Blast Crisis
Q69057441Cytogenetic Evidence for Splenic Origin of Blastic Transformation in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia
Q37776658Cytokine Overproduction, T-Cell Activation, and Defective T-Regulatory Functions Promote Nephritis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Q54778600Cytokine imbalance in hyper‐IgE syndrome: reduced expression of transforming growth factor β and interferon γ genes in circulating activated T cells
Q41838252Cytokine production and lymphocyte transformation during stress
Q36341487Cytokinetic analysis of the impaired proliferative response of peripheral lymphocytes from aged humans to phytohemagglutinin
Q67447383Cytologic and Immunologic Response Revealed in Middle Ear Effusions
Q40710887Cytological events in allo-stimulated lymphocytes triggered by exposure to stimulatory alloantigens. I. Changes in cell size, the mitochondrial areal density, and numerical density of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus
Q39898036Cytological events in allo-stimulated lymphocytes triggered by exposure to stimulatory alloantigens. III. Changes in the areal density of cytoplasmic vacuoles containing endocytized Thorotrast
Q36890569Cytolytic CD4+-T-Cell Clones Reactive to EBNA1 Inhibit Epstein-Barr Virus-Induced B-Cell Proliferation
Q39875413Cytolytic and proliferative activity of a permanent T killer cell line
Q72636361Cytotoxic T lymphocytes generated across an I-Ab mutant difference are directed against a molecule bearing Ia antigens
Q39893881Cytotoxic Thy 1,2-positive blasts with NK-like target selectivity in murine mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q67462160Cytotoxic and proliferative responses of human thoracic duct lymphocytes: Effect of thoracic duct drainage in uremic patients
Q35077262Cytotoxic effector cells specific for B Cell lines transformed by Epstein-Barr virus are present in patients with infectious mononucleosis
Q72773217Cytotoxic responses: the regulatory influence of interleukin-2
Q40724268D-penicillamine: Mitogenic effect on mouse, rat and human spleen lymphocytes
Q68431109DNA polymerase alpha activity in mitogen-activated lymphocytes
Q67317054DNA polymerase α, β and γ activities in rabbit spleen cell populations stimulated by various doses of concanavalin A
Q72852886DNA polymerase γ, cytochrome c oxidase and mitochondrial integrity in rabbit spleen lymphocytes stimulated with concanavalin A
Q67317616DNA present in multilayer rosette formed by lymphocytes stimulated with phytohaemagglutinin
Q48033525DNA repair following exposure of human lymphocytes to 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide
Q45100182DNA synthesis and proliferation of human lymphocytes in vitro. I. Cell kinetics of response to phytohemagglutinin
Q67295520DNA synthesis and proliferation of human lymphocytes in vitro. II. Characterization of the DNA newly synthesized after phytohemagglutinin stimulation
Q67786231DNA synthesis in rabbit spleen cell populations stimulated by various doses of concanavalin A. I. Autoradiographic analysis
Q69355125DNA-Synthesizing Myeloid and Lymphoid Cells in the Blood of Haemodialysis Patients and Kidney Graft Recipients
Q66890106DNA-Synthetic Responses of Fractionated Human Lymphocytes Exposed to Lymphocyte-Derived Mitogenic Factor
Q39824308DNA-dependent ATPases in concanavalin a stimulated lymphocytes
Q66912770DNA-dependent RNA polymerase levels during the response of human peripheral lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin
Q40660574Daily variation in circulating lymphocyte counts, T and B proportions and responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin
Q53586281Decrease in 5'-nucleotidase activity in malignant transformed and normal stimulated cells
Q67398149Decrease in microviscosity of lymphocyte surface membrar associated with stimulation induced by concanavalin A
Q72006313Decrease of T‐lymphocyte proliferation in exercise‐induced asthma
Q40610830Decrease of the lymphoproliferative response to varicella-zoster virus antigen in the aged
Q72754839Decreased Polyamine Content of Concanavalin A Stimulated Lymphocytes in Down's Syndrome Subjects
Q39809763Decreased T-cell proliferative response to common environmental antigens could be an indicator of early human immunodeficiency virus-mediated lymphocyte lesions
Q39615427Decreased blast transformation reaction and the characteristics of a peripheral blood lymphocyte population in lower monkeys compared to man
Q71812077Decreased cell-mediated immunity in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Q44438221Decreased expression of Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 reduces T cell activation threshold but not the severity of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis
Q40647057Decreased lymphocyte reactivity to a suboptimal concentration of phytohemagglutinin in sjögren's syndrome
Q45890568Decreased lymphocyte transformation to vaccinia virus in multiple sclerosis
Q66890437Defect in IgA secretion and in IgA specific suppressor cells in patients with selective IgA deficiency
Q43762524Defective CD2 pathway T cell activation in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q34078654Defective cellular immunity to gram-negative bacteria in cystic fibrosis patients
Q36335182Defective colony formation by B lymphocytes from CBA/N and C3H/HeJ mice
Q40182907Defective in vitro lymphoproliferative responses to herpes simplex virus in patients with frequently recurring herpes infections during the disease-free interval
Q69375644Defective in vitro spleen cell proliferative response to antigens in agammaglobulinemic chickens
Q72656499Defective induction of antigen-reactive proliferating T cells in B cell-deprived mice
Q37207106Defective signal transduction by the CD2 molecule in immature T-cell receptor/CD3- thymocytes
Q44138108Defective thymic T cell activation by concanavalin A and anti-CD3 in autoimmune nonobese diabetic mice. Evidence for thymic T cell anergy that correlates with the onset of insulitis
Q41772037Defects in proliferative responses of T cells from patients with common variable immunodeficiency on direct activation of protein kinase C
Q41676447Deficiency in kwashiorkor serum of factors required for optimal lymphocyte transformation in vitro
Q47955644Deficiency of lymphocyte antigen recognition in Hodgkin's disease
Q41553025Deficient Activity of Receptor-Cyclase Coupling Protein in Transformed Lymphoblasts of Patients with Pseudohypoparathyroidism, Type I*
Q40657829Deficient Mitogen-Induced Virus Plaque-Forming Cells in Patients With Localized Cancer2
Q72829654Deficient helper cell function as a cause of diminished pokeweed mitogen blastogenic responses in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
Q36347223Definition of conditions that enable antigen-specific activation of the majority of isolated trinitrophenol-binding B cells
Q41710370Degradation of Thymidine to Thymine by Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Tissue Eluate
Q45884111Delayed hypersensitivity to influenza virus in man
Q53913405Delayed-type hypersensitivity and in vitro lymphocyte response in guinea pigs immunized with a live varicella vaccine
Q36957673Demonstration of a B-lymphocyte mitogen produced by the Lyme disease pathogen, Borrelia burgdorferi
Q39783025Demonstration of cellular antibodies against streptococcal antigens in children
Q67591335Demonstration of lymphocyte blastogenesis--inhibiting factors in sera of melanoma patients
Q46157266Demonstration of proliferation by bone marrow-derived lymphocytes of guinea pigs, mice and rabbits in response to mitogen stimulation in vitro
Q46514363Demonstration of proliferation by guinea pig and rabbit bone marrow-derived lymphocytes in vitro in response to stimulation by anti-immunoglobulin antisera
Q53782046Demonstration of significant differences in the proliferative capacity of lymphocytes from normal human subjects
Q36347685Dendritic cells initiate a two-stage mechanism for T lymphocyte proliferation
Q41824311Deoxycytidine transport and pyrimidine deoxynucleotide metabolism in phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated pig lymphocytes
Q66876010Deoxyribonucleic acid synthetic response of mouse lymphoid cells in microculture with T-lymphocyte-dependent mitogens
Q40725990Dependence of lymphocyte surface Ig on continuous polyclonal activation
Q52071712Dependency on interleukin-1 of primary human in vitro T cell responses to soluble antigens
Q67974266Dephosphorylation of pp19: a common second signal for human T cell activation mediated through different accessory molecules
Q72779754Depletion of human NK cells with monoclonal antibodies allows the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes without NK-like cells in mixed cultures
Q42007463Depressed Lymphocyte Function after Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination
Q39693174Depressed PHA transformation and acute leukemia in macroglobulinemia
Q40117038Depressed herpes simplex virus-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis in individuals with severe recurrent herpes infections
Q40659246Depressed in Vitro B—Lymphocyte Differentiation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Q40763255Depressed in vitro lymphocyte responses to PHA in patients with Hodgkin disease in continuous long remissions
Q70543051Depressed lymphocyte function in carcinoma of the breast
Q39807754Depressed lymphocyte responsiveness in autistic children
Q33554170Depressed lymphocyte transformation by yersinia and Escherichia coli in yersinia arthritis
Q40876997Depressed mitogen responsiveness of lymphocytes at skin temperature
Q40700175Depressed non-specific lymphocyte reactivity in psoriasis
Q40647598Depressedin vitro peripheral blood lymphocyte response to mitogens in cancer patients: The role of suppressor cells
Q44330432Depression of Mitogen-Induced Lymphocyte Blastogenesis by Baboon Endogenous Retrovirus-Associated Components
Q40273265Depression of T lymphocyte response by non-t suppressor cells in lung cancer patients.A possible prognostic value of suppressor-cell activity
Q66964420Depression of blast transformation of peripheral leukocytes by plasma from pregnant women
Q53841801Depression of cell-mediated immunity in old age and the immunopathic diseases, lupus erythematosus, chronic hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis
Q45074631Depression of grass pollen-induced lymphocyte transformation by serum from hyposensitized patients
Q39943483Depression of in vitro responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin in spleen cells cultured from chickens with Marek's disease
Q72827793Depression of lymphocyte reactivity by serum from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
Q48016303Depression of lymphocyte reactivity to phytohemagglutinin by serum from patients with liver disease
Q93749124Depression of lymphocyte transformation and exacerbation of Behcet's syndrome by ingestion of English walnuts
Q45890076Depression of mitogen response in spleen cells from reticuloendotheliosis virus-infected chickens and their suppressive effect on normal lymphocyte response
Q66886006Depression of the T-lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin by renal cells
Q36992320Depression of the lymphocyte transformation response to microbial antigens and to phytohemagglutinin during pregnancy
Q48882220Detection and characterization of idiotype-specific enhancing cells generated in mice immunized with idiotype
Q36349600Detection and functional studies of p60-65 (Tac antigen) on activated human B cells
Q72737405Detection of Single Antibody-Secreting Cells Generated After in Vitro Antigen-Induced Stimulation of Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
Q36756008Detection of an immunoglobulin switch region-specific DNA-binding protein in mitogen-stimulated mouse splenic B cells
Q69415748Detection of autoimmune activity of the aqueous humor and iris in recurrent endogenous uveitis by the lymphocyte stimulation test
Q72778883Detection of autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction responding cells and their precursor frequency in NZB mice
Q72076635Detection of donor lymphocytes in human hepatic grafts with immune activation but no clinical rejection
Q39893901Detection of early lymphocyte activation by the fluorescent cell membrane probe N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine
Q67504504Detection of hypersensitivity to drugs by lymphocyte cultures in allergic drug hepatitis [proceedings]
Q45111264Detection of hypersensitivity to drugs by lymphocyte cultures in drug-induced allergic hepatitis
Q40880224Detection of long-term cellular immunity to Coxiella burneti as assayed by lymphocyte transformation
Q69135223Detection of lymphocytes with increased DNA-Synthesis in the peripheral blood of patients with active chronic hepatitis
Q40084508Detection of mitogen-activated T and non-T lymphocytes by virus plaque assay. Virus plaque assay on the cells fractionated by unit gravity sedimentation
Q41612801Detection of mycoplasma contamination through modulation (stimulation or inhibition) of thymidine incorporation by unstimulated mouse spleen cells
Q30990189Detection of rare antigen-presenting cells by the lacZ T-cell activation assay suggests an expression cloning strategy for T-cell antigens
Q70366729Detection of specific sensitization using the method of blast transformation in otorhinolaryngologic diseases
Q43570269Detection of the late stages of the immune process of cells capable of transformation into antibody forming cells without dividing
Q39558237Determinant Selection and Macrophage Function in Genetic Control of the Immune Response
Q46500169Determinant specific suppression of antigen-induced T cell proliferation in the guinea pig. I. Quantitation of suppressed antigen-specific T cell responses as a consequence of prior exposure to antigen in incomplete Freund's adjuvant
Q41736654Determination of T cell epitopes on the S1 subunit of pertussis toxin
Q40702629Determination of cellular partialdefects and suppressor cells in lymphomas by means of mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q67288454Determination of drug allergy by lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) (author's transl)
Q41633205Development and characterization of a human monoclonal antibody probably detecting the leukocyte differentiation antigen CD39
Q72779807Development and function of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). I. In vivo maturation of CTL precursors in the absence of detectable proliferation results as a normal consequence of alloimmunization
Q66953539Development of a microculture system for stimulation of chicken peripheral blood lymphocytes with concanavalin A
Q31138434Development of a short term assay for lymphoblastic transformation in man
Q67265420Development of activity of lymphocytes estimated from nucleolar morphology in infants
Q41034270Development of antigen-induced proliferative responsiveness by murine lymph node cells. I. Identification of differences in the in vitro proliferative responses during a first and a second period of responsiveness
Q36231949Development of autoimmune disease in SCID mice populated with long-term "in vitro" proliferating (NZB x NZW)F1 pre-B cells
Q71834096Development of autoreactivity and changes of T cell repertoire in different strains of aging mice
Q66917767Development of inhibitory macrophage (phi) after splenectomy
Q44526472Development of lymphocyte blastogenic response in the neonatal period of foals
Q40812443Development of micro-culture technique of in vitro lymphocyte transformation and its application to the various skin diseases (author's transl)
Q69385735Development of micromodifications of methods of human blood cell culture
Q41850013Development of specific in vitro lymphocyte responses in cattle infected with Mycobacterium bovis and with Mycobacterium avium
Q66898768Development of specific lymphocyte immunostimulation and tuberculin skin reactivity in swine infected with Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium avium
Q72654636Dextran-sulfate: a mitogen for human T lymphocytes
Q67738479Di-n-pentyl phthalate-induced inflammatory changes in the rat testis are accompanied by local production of a novel lymphocyte activating factor
Q43950871Diagnosis and physiopathology of asthma due to phthalic anhydride: value of the lymphoblastic transformation test
Q67718991Diagnosis of drug induced hepatitis by whole blood microculture technique (author's transl)
Q39833275Diagnosis of drug induced liver injury using a lymphocyte blast transformation test based on whole blood culture
Q66844191Diagnosis of human active or latent human brucellosis by lymphocyte transformation. Inhibition of leukocyte migration and passive hemagglutination. Possible interference between brucellosis and some mental disorders
Q39754062Diagnosis of the fixed drug exanthema by means of the lymphocyte transformation test
Q40869823Diagnostic value of buffy coat preparation in dengue hemorrhagic fever
Q66984566Diagnostic value of the lymphocyte transformation test in pigeon breeder's lung using fresh and cryo-preserved cells
Q40333558Difference in B cell mitogen responsiveness between closely related strains of mice
Q66884973Differences between Lymphoid Cell Populations of Guinea Pigs and Mice as Determined by the Response to Mitogens <i>in vitro</i>
Q67897238Differences in activation of normal and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-negative lymphocytes derived from patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Q44958023Differences in chromatin proteins of resting and growing human lymphocytes
Q40225128Differences in flow cytometry and 3H-thymidine analyses of perturbed human lymphocytes
Q40674010Differences in lifespan and rate of turnover between phytohaemagglutinin responsive cells of the bone marrow and of peripheral lymphoid organs
Q67901290Differences in patterns of allogeneic T-cell activation induced by melanoma-macrophage hybrid cells
Q70244590Differences in the expression of a differentiation antigen of activated cells (ACA-1) on T killer cells and on MIF-producing cells
Q42445742Differences in the in vitro response of lymphocytes from leukotic and normal cattle to concanavalin A
Q71738629Differences in transformation of adult and newborn lymphocytes stimulated by antigen, antibody, and antigen-antibody complexes
Q39888900Different Stimulating Capacity of Monocytes and B Lymphocytes in Mixed Leukocyte Cultures: A Dose Response Study
Q34395638Different effects of phytohemagglutinin-activated lymphocytes and their culture supernatants on macrophage function
Q40690560Different mitogenic activity of soluble and insoluble staphylococcal protein A (SPA)
Q45801247Different populations of rheumatoid factor idiotypes induced by two polyclonal B cell activators, pokeweed mitogen and Epstein-Barr virus
Q67687824Differential abilities of Th1 and Th2 to induce polyclonal B cell proliferation
Q39563939Differential activation of cytotoxic and suppressor T cells against syngeneic tumors in the mouse
Q71821692Differential activation through the TCR-CD3 complex affects the requirement for costimulation of human T cells
Q72795133Differential effects of intact subunits and nicked fragments of concanavalin A on immune functions in vitro and in vivo
Q58064819Differential expression of VLA-4 integrin by resident and peripheral blood B lymphocytes. Acquisition of functionally active α4β1-fibronectin receptors upon B cell activation
Q35217382Differential function of major histocompatibility complex antigens in T-lymphocyte activation
Q42602122Differential increase of an alternatively polyadenylated mRNA species of murine CD40 upon B lymphocyte activation
Q52220180Differential inhibition of HLA-D- or SB-directed secondary lymphoproliferative responses with monoclonal antibodies detecting human Ia-like determinants
Q72725444Differential inhibition of human antigen-specific T cell clone proliferative responses by distinct monoclonal anti-HLA-DR antibodies
Q70283163Differential production of deoxyadenosine by human T and B lymphoblasts
Q36231344Differential regulation of T cell antigen responsiveness by isoforms of the src-related tyrosine protein kinase p59fyn
Q43585215Differential regulation of T- and B-lymphocyte activation in severely burned patients
Q67899930Differential regulatory effects of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on costimulation by the CD28 counter-receptor B7
Q73481214Differential response of CD4+ V7+ and CD4+ V7− T cells to T cell receptor‐dependent signals: CD4+ V7+ T cells are co‐stimulation independent and anti‐V7 antibody blocks the induction of anergy by bacterial superantigen
Q48930856Differentiation and activation of nu/nu splenic T cell precursors by mature peripheral T cells in the absence of thymus
Q67367576Differentiation between patients with malignant diseases and non-malignant diseases or healthy donors by changes of fluorescence polarization in the cytoplams of circulating lymphocytes
Q40643575Differentiation of B lymphocytes in C3H/HeJ mice: the induction of Ia antigens by lipopolysaccharide
Q66883745Differentiation of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Enhanced by T Cell Factors Produced during Mixed Lymphocyte Interactions
Q72815599Differentiation of NK-like cells from OKT3-, OKT11+, and OKM1+ small resting lymphocytes by culture with autologous T cell blasts and lymphokine
Q40654776Differentiation of human lymphocytes by pokeweed mitogen in vitro: Studies in normal and in immunodeficient subjects
Q40865933Differentiation of the immunosuppressive and antiviral effects of interferon
Q67901325Dihydrotestosterone exerts a depressive influence on the production of interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5, and gamma-interferon, but not IL-2 by activated murine T cells
Q45879738Diminished Interferon- and Lymphocyte Proliferation in Neonatal and Postpartum Primary Herpes Simplex Virus Infection
Q36474240Diminished Proliferation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Specific CD4+T Cells Is Associated with Diminished Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Production and Is Recovered by Exogenous IL-2
Q72939170Diminished lymphocyte responses to phytohemagglutinin in lung cancer
Q67671577Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV in the Immune System. Cytofluorometric Evidence for Induction of the Enzyme on Activated T Lymphocytes
Q34349298Dipeptidyl peptidase 2 apoptosis assay determines the B-cell activation stage and predicts prognosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q39957666Direct Visualization of Enveloped Epstein-Barr Herpesvirus in Throat Washing with Leukocyte-Transforming Activity
Q40050675Direct and cooperative mechanisms of lymphocyte triggering in liquid and solid cultures
Q69546112Direct cell contact is required in the syngeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q41686392Direct involvement of CD7 (gp40) in activation of TcRγ/δ+ T cells
Q72809992Direct mitogenic effect of ionophore A23187 on isolated human T helper lymphocytes
Q44728202Discrepancy between PHA responsiveness and quantitative estimates of T-cell numbers in human peripheral blood during chronic renal failure and immunosuppression after transplantation
Q43769576Discrepancy between Skin Reactivity and Blastogenic Activity of Fractionated PHA-P
Q72671931Discrete PLT clones detecting HLA-D and new HLA-non-D encoded cell surface determinants
Q69974900Discussion of lymphocyte transformation
Q69582621Discussion on lymphocyte transformation
Q40076844Discussion paper: dual effects of tumor antigens: induction of tumor resistance or tumor growth enhancement
Q66880784Disparity in the production of lymphoblastogenesis inhibition factor by cultured human B and T lymphoid cell lines
Q72084295Dissection of the function of HLA class II and costimulation in B cell-mediated and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1-induced T cell proliferation
Q41690578Dissociation between early and late events in T cell activation mediated through CD28 surface molecule
Q40717915Dissociation between proliferation and antibody formation by old mouse spleen cells in response to LPS stimulation
Q44448825Dissociation between the adjuvant vs mitogenic activity of a synthetic muramyl dipeptide for murine splenocytes
Q67495520Dissociation of MIF activity and in vitro lymphocyte transformation in the development of experimental allergic thyroiditis in guinea pigs
Q46700309Dissociation of blastogenic factor production and lymphocyte transformation of guinea pig lymphocytes stimulated with tuberculin PPD
Q69147071Dissociation of lymphotoxin production and lymphocyte blast cell transformation in acute lymphoblastic leukemia after cessation of long-term immunosuppressive therapy
Q54267708Dissociation of macrophage cytolysis and ability to transfer anti-listeria resistance by concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells
Q72839010Dissociation of stimulatory capacity in mixed lymphocyte reaction and proliferative responses to pokeweed mitogen among peripheral blood non-T cells
Q40207397Dissociation of the mitogenic and rosette-forming effects of PHA to stimulators of cyclic AMP levels
Q37248357Distinct binding sites on HLA-DR for invariant chain and staphylococcal enterotoxins
Q70196258Distinct classes of human T-cell activation antigens
Q43972198Distinct subsets of accessory cells activate Thy-1+ triple negative (CD3-, CD4-, CD8-) cells and Th-1 delayed-type hypersensitivity effector T cells
Q72778894Distinctive expression of the T4 antigen in normal and stimulated lymphocytes
Q66972250Distribution of Lymphocyte Messenger RNA during Stimulation by Phytohaemagglutinin
Q72812159Distribution of activated B lymphocytes in the circulation and synovial fluid in rheumatoid arthritis
Q72797658Divergent T gamma cell functions in antigen-induced blastogenesis: facilitory interactions with Tnon gamma cells and participation in monocyte- and prostaglandin-mediated suppression
Q39521155Do plasma glycoproteins induce lymphocyte hyporesponsiveness and insulin resistance?
Q67966168Do tumor-altered T cells depress immune responses?
Q66884388Does Nonspecific T-Lymphocyte Stimulation of B Lymphocytes Occur During Reversal Reaction in Borderline Leprosy?
Q52215645Does clonal selection occur among T cells?
Q67914102Donor-type blood and immunoadjuvant-induced accelerated cardiac allograft rejection: a rat model
Q66908786Dose-dependent hyporreactivity to phytohemagglutinin in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q40647430Down regulation in B lymphocytes: low dose signals
Q43476473Drug hypersensitivity: a comparative study of in vitro lymphocyte stimulation test with in vivo skin window technique and other skin tests
Q70202257Dual parameter flow cytometric analysis of DNA content, activation antigen expression, and T cell subset proliferation in the human mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q44626231Dual pathway of B lymphocyte differentiation in vitro
Q68438133Duck lymphocyte transformation
Q41953181Dynamic changes in the lymphocyte transformation test with phytohemagglutinin in rheumatoid arthritis
Q45006711Dynamics of DNA synthesis and blast cell reproduction during formation of the primary immune response and immunologic memory
Q67369686Dynamics of the indicators of blast transformation reaction in complex chemo- and tuberculin therapy of tuberculosis
Q41713121Dynamics of the leukocyte blast transformation and migration inhibition in various forms of ophthalmic herpes
Q47839083Dynamics of thymidine incorporation by spleen cells from rats infected with Plasmodium berghei
Q40718896Dysfunction of Thymocytes of C3H/HeJ Mice in Blastogenic Response to Anti-Thymocyte SerumIn Vitroand Its Repair with Lipopolysaccharide Induced Mediator
Q37792913Dysregulation of Thymic Clonal Deletion and the Escape of Autoreactive T Cells
Q67489711E rosette formation at 37 degrees C: a property of mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q43463317EBV increases phosphoinositide kinase activities in human B cells
Q67532275EGTA and proteinase reversal of cellular aggregation of activated lymphocytes
Q44891371Earlier onset of DNA synthesis in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes of cord blood than in lymphocytes of adult blood
Q66972533Early Effects of Lectins on Lymphocyte Membrane Transport Correlate with Induction of Proliferation
Q39767816Early Events in the Generation of Antigen-Specific Cytotoxicity in MLC
Q46134016Early activation events render T cells susceptible to HIV-1-induced syncytia formation. Role of protein kinase C
Q40647349Early changes in splenic DNA synthesis induced by thymic-dependent and thymic-independent antigens in vivo
Q40575891Early effects of phytohemagglutinin on induction of DNA polymerase, thymidine kinase, deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate pools and DNA synthesis in human lymphocytes
Q40253493Early events in thymocyte activation. II. Changes in nonhistone chromatin proteins induced by a thymus-dependent human serum factor
Q35201417Early in vitro division of PHA stimulated cord blood lymphocytes: implications for study of chromosome breakage
Q50943033Early steps in specific tumor cell lysis by sensitized mouse T lymphocytes. IV. Inhibition of programming for lysis by pharmacologic agents
Q39937314Eb virus-associated nuclear antigen production and cell proliferation in adult peripheral blood leukocytes inoculated with the qimr-wil strain of eb virus
Q66956744Echinococcus granulosus: Host lymphocyte transformation by parasite antigens
Q36197766Ectogalactosyltransferase studies in fibroblasts and concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes
Q66700157Editorial: Immunoblastic-cell proliferations
Q70685119Effect and mode of action of chlorambucil in rheumatoid disease. Value of the lymphoblastic transformation test
Q46639422Effect of "immune" RNA on lymphoblastogenesis
Q67545039Effect of 2-mercaptoethanol on the in vitro response of sensitized bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes to Anaplasma antigen
Q40845070Effect of African swine fever on lymphocyte mitogenesis
Q40695167Effect of Corynebacterium parvum on human T-lymphocyte interferon production and T-lymphocyte proliferation in vitro
Q68936927Effect of DDS on phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q40915991Effect of Development and Aging on the Response of Canine Lymphocytes to Phytohemagglutinin
Q66889625Effect of Hydrocortisone on Response of Human Lymphocytes to Galactose Oxidase Stimulation
Q40073909Effect of LDL-In, a normal immunoregulatory human serum low density lipoprotein, on the interaction of macrophages with lymphocytes proliferating in response to mitogen and allogeneic stimulation
Q44587402Effect of Lymphoproliferative Disease Virus and of Niridazole on the in vitro Blastogenic Response of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Turkeys
Q40631954Effect of Prolonged In Vivo Administration of Leukocyte Interferon on the Mitogen Responsiveness of Human Lymphocytes
Q66696542Effect of Renal Physicochemical Milieu on Stimulation of Human Lymphocytes by Phytohemagglutinin
Q34433122Effect of Systemic Candidiasis on Blastogenesis of Lymphocytes from Germfree and Conventional Rats
Q67390665Effect of a higher molecular fraction of human urine on the transformation of healthy lymphocytes
Q66892428Effect of a protein-free diet on lymph node and spleen cell response in vivo to blastogenic stimulants
Q72802491Effect of activated lymphocytes on the regulation of hematopoiesis: suppression of in vitro granulopoiesis by OKT8+Ia+T cells induced by alloantigen stimulation
Q40679459Effect of adult T-cell leukemia cells on pokeweed mitogen-induced normal B-cell differentiation
Q40918736Effect of anaesthesia and surgery on the number of and mitogen-induced transformation of T- and B-lymphocytes
Q37340728Effect of anti-HLA antisera on macrophage-T-cell interactions
Q69090047Effect of antibodies against immunoglobulins and the theta antigen on the specific and non-specific stimulation of mouse spleen cells in vitro
Q69366343Effect of antibodies, cross reacting with microbial and tissue antigens, on the cytotoxic activity of sensitized lymphocytes
Q39846710Effect of cell-free murine liver extract on lymphocyte blastogenesis in vitro
Q67527344Effect of colchicine on ribonucleic acid synthesis in concanavalin A-stimulated bovine lymphocytes
Q39160634Effect of concanavalin A on lymphocyte interactions involved in the antibody response to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide. II. Ability of suppressor T cells to act on both B cells and amplified T cells to limit the magnitude of the antibody resp
Q70724939Effect of different plasmas on the behavior of blastization of lymphocytes from patients with pulmonary neoplasms (preliminary note)
Q41117718Effect of epidermal Langerhans cells from melanoma patients on lymphoproliferative responses
Q67654436Effect of fatty acid mixtures on phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes of different species
Q70990566Effect of general fluothane anesthesia on phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte blast transformation
Q72533217Effect of ginseng saponins and hydrocortisone on phytohemagglutinin transformation of lymphocytes
Q71707305Effect of haematopoietic humoral factors on PHA-transformed lymphocytes. I. Haem-synthesis in PHA-stimulated lymphocyte cultures. Role of factors controlling erythropoiesis
Q67343992Effect of haemodialysis on immune response
Q68024893Effect of head-down tilt bedrest (10 days) on lymphocyte reactivity
Q66894607Effect of hemodialysis and transplantation on inhibition of lymphocyte transformation by sera from uremic patients
Q54402148Effect of immunization by renal allografts on mixed lymphocyte and mixed skin-leukocyte reaction: a preliminary report
Q36944998Effect of in vivo administration of recombinant murine gamma interferon on in vitro lymphoproliferative responses following immunization with Candida albicans
Q67415875Effect of incubation temperature on mitogen responses of lymphocytes from adult peripheral blood and from cord blood
Q40182520Effect of infectious bursal disease on natural killer cell activity and mitogenic response of chicken lymphoid cells: role of adherent cells in cellular immune suppression
Q67866723Effect of leu-enkephalin in striatum on modulating cellular immune during electropuncture
Q40720138Effect of mitogen-induced stimulation on DNase activity in lymphocytes
Q39990648Effect of murine cytomegalovirus on the in vitro responses of T and B cells to mitogens
Q44139405Effect of oxygenated sterols on 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and DNA synthesis in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q66848104Effect of periodate oxidation of glycoconjugates of lymphocyte membranes on the immune response in vitro
Q40665897Effect of phosphatidylcholine liposomes on the mitogen-stimulated lymphocyte activation
Q47900223Effect of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and anti-lymphocyte sera (ALS) on the activity of bêta-glucuronidase in human lymphocyte cultures
Q39566103Effect of pregnancy zone protein on leucocyte migration inhibition, lymphoycte transformation and rosette formation by lymphocytes
Q34085645Effect of protein deficiency on suppressor cells
Q39713135Effect of protein depletion on serum factors for lymphocyte transformation
Q67441438Effect of puromycin and cycloheximide on glycosphingolipid biosynthesis by PHA stimulated human lymphocytes
Q39543342Effect of rabbit anti-human B-cell antigens on the response of lymphocytes stimulated by blastogenic factor
Q46145006Effect of removal of ovine squamous cell carcinoma on peripheral lymphocyte stimulation by tumour extracts and phytohaemagglutinin
Q72749640Effect of repeated locoweed feeding on peripheral lymphocytic function and plasma proteins in sheep
Q40671602Effect of selective T cell priming on anti-sheep and anti-hapten humoral responses. II. Separation by nylon wool columns of the activated lymphocytes
Q39134888Effect of sera from immunologically altered mice on phytohemagglutinin-induced mouse lymphocyte transformation
Q54139652Effect of sera from patients with Hodgkin's disease on normal lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin
Q33553833Effect of sera from patients with rheumatoid arthritis on normal lymphocytes: a possible immunoregulatory role for immune complexes
Q40707095Effect of sera of patients with genitourinary tract cancers on transformation of lymphocytes stimulated with anti-thymocyte globulin
Q67352688Effect of sport stress on lymphocyte transformation and antibody formation
Q70624079Effect of the gaseous phase of cigarette smoke on lymphoblastic transformation of the small human lymphocyte (preliminary observations)
Q44667639Effect of thymosin on thymocyte proliferation and autoimmunity in NZB mice
Q67004075Effect of visible light on transformability of lymphocytes in peripheral blood
Q71059935Effect of vitamin E deficiency on the proliferative response of canine lymphocytes
Q39199294Effects of Con A and other lectins on pure 5′nucleotidase isolated from lymphocyte plasma membranes
Q66884098Effects of Cyclophosphamide Treatment on the <i>in vitro</i> Activity of Mouse Lymphoid Cells after Nonspecific and Specific Stimulation
Q67560467Effects of DDMP and DDEP on the deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate concentrations in human cells
Q67706239Effects of FK 506, mycophenolic acid, and bredinin on OKT-3-, PMA-, and alloantigen-induced activation molecule expression on cultured CD4+ and CD8+ human lymphocytes
Q41075241Effects of Hodgkin Cytotoxic Serum on Blast Transformation of Normal and Hodgkin Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
Q39694950Effects of Low Dietary Protein Concentration and Energy Deprivation on Lymphocyte Transformation in Melanoma-Bearing Mice
Q68233403Effects of PHA on rapidly synthesized RNA of murine splenic lymphocytes
Q44162054Effects of Staphylococcus aureus on Bovine Mononuclear Leukocyte Proliferation and Viability: Modulation by Phagocytic Leukocytes
Q41557937Effects of Temperature on the Action of Autologous Serum in Mitogen-Induced Lymphocyte Transformation
Q48385214Effects of V lambda gene diversity on generation of antigen-specific lymphocytes
Q72851787Effects of Washing on Phytohemagglutinin Responsiveness of Lymphocytes from Irradiated Patients
Q40896449Effects of aflatoxin on the cellular immune system
Q53778313Effects of age and sex on T and B lymphocyte populations in man
Q52219135Effects of anti-Ig reagents on T cell functions I. Activation of rabbit T cells by anti-allotype antibodies
Q44210435Effects of autologous plasma on lymphocyte transformation in malaria and in acute protein-energy malnutrition. Comparison of purified lymphocyte and whole blood cultures
Q40880733Effects of canine distemper virus infection on lymphoid function in vitro and in vivo
Q40703504Effects of cell concentration and exogenous prostaglandin on the interaction and responsiveness of human peripheral blood leukocytes
Q40715517Effects of concanavalin A-induced cells on the proliferative response of T cells. Concanavalin A-induced suppressor and amplifier cells to the proliferative response of human T cells to trinitrophenyl-modified autologous lymphocytes
Q44826554Effects of cordacin on lymphocyte activity in vitro
Q54623509Effects of corticosteroids on responses of bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured with phytohemagglutinin
Q39856248Effects of costimulator on immune responses in vitro
Q53564107Effects of cyclic AMP on in vivo cytotoxic T lymphocytes generation
Q36337083Effects of endogenous and exogenous inhibitors on the incorporation of labeled precursors into DNA by human mononuclear cells
Q66974215Effects of gastric secretions in gastric cancer patients on lymphoproliferative response (author's transl)
Q45273528Effects of hemodialysis on activation of lymphocytes: analysis by an in vitro dialysis model
Q54609410Effects of homo-aza-steroidal ester of p-bis(2-chloroethyl)amino phenyl acetic acid on lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin in vitro
Q39519110Effects of human alpha-foetoprotein on human B and T lymphocyte proliferation in vitro
Q46274514Effects of intrauterine thymectomy on mitogen response in guinea pig
Q41636150Effects of localized HLA class II β chain polymorphism on binding of antigenic peptide and stimulation of T cells
Q93508091Effects of long-term zidovudine treatment on cell-mediated immune response and lymphokine production
Q68232015Effects of mitogenic and antigenic stimulaton on the thymidine kinases of mouse spleen cells in vivo and in vitro
Q72823024Effects of monoclonal antibodies directed against murine T lymphocyte cell surface antigens on lymphokine production by cloned T lymphocytes reactive with class I MHC or Mls alloantigens
Q66940665Effects of monocytes from human neonates on lymphocyte transformation
Q44628602Effects of prostaglandin on the antigen- and mitogen-driven responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with adult and juvenile periodontitis
Q39637049Effects of protein nutrition on lymphocyte transformation
Q40723246Effects of purified measles virus components on proliferating human lymphocytes
Q67554435Effects of the thymic microenvironment on the response of thymocytes to stimulation
Q40044594Efficiency of transformation of lymphocytes by Epstein-Barr virus
Q40897892Elaboration of leukocyte migration inhibitory factor by human lymphocyte subpopulations stimulated with mitogens
Q40700159Electron microscopic study of thymus and bone marrow derived mouse lymphocytes: morphological differences and evolution of surface markers before and after in vitro mitogenic stimulation
Q40666824Electrophoretic mobility as a sensitive probe of lectin–lymphocyte interaction
Q43593147Electrophoretic mobility of peripheral lymphocytes and Hodgkin's erythrocytes. Correlation with some clinical, hematological and immunological parameters of the disease
Q40731160Electrophoretic separation of rat spleen and thymus leukocytes and their reactions to mitogens in vitro
Q67521639Elevated CD4 antigen expression among activated T cells in lymph nodes draining mammary regions chronically exposed to Staphylococcus aureus antigen
Q41672728Elimination of monocytes from cultures activated with recall antigens
Q40664101Endocytosis and exocytosis of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) cell surface receptors of human lymphocytes during blast transformation
Q68314106Endothelial cell lymphocyte function-associated antigen-3 and an unidentified ligand act in concert to provide costimulation to human peripheral blood CD4+ T cells
Q41862043Endotoxin protein: a B-cell mitogen and polyclonal activator of C3H/HeJ lymphocytes
Q50228903Endotoxin-stimulated spleen cells: characterization of the responding cells
Q40673608Energy metabolism in thymic lymphocytes of normal and leukemia AKR mice
Q52480393Engagement of CD14 on human monocytes terminates T cell proliferation by delivering a negative signal to T cells
Q72077884Engagement of CD40 lowers the threshold for activation of resting B cells via antigen receptor
Q67898480Enhanced CD3-mediated T lymphocyte proliferation in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q38521773Enhanced TNP-reactive helper T cell activity and its utilization in the induction of amplified tumor immunity that results in tumor regression
Q72905761Enhanced cAMP production by activated human Fc-IgG receptor positive T-cell subpopulations
Q39943433Enhanced destruction of lymphoid cell lines by peripheral blood leukocytes taken from patients with acute infectious mononucleosis
Q79106754Enhanced expression of inflammatory cytokines and activation markers in T-cells from patients with chronic heart failure
Q40204070Enhanced induction of growth of B lymphoblasts from fresh human blood by primate type-C retroviruses (gibbon ape leukemia virus and simian sarcoma virus)
Q39222624Enhanced intracellular cGMP concentrations and lectin-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q45729667Enhanced lymphokine production and lymphokine receptor expression in multiple antibody-stimulated human CD4+ peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q36346649Enhanced production of murine interferon gamma by T cells generated in response to bacterial infection
Q70394240Enhanced reactivity in mixed leukocyte cultures after separation of mononuclear cells on Ficoll-Hypaque
Q39882883Enhanced release of lipase from stimulated mouse spleen cells
Q42879453Enhanced stability of the Na+-dependent amino acid-transport system after lymphocyte activation
Q42879397Enhanced transport of natural amino acids after activation of pig lymphocytes
Q50800088Enhancement of CD2-mediated T cell activation by the interaction of VLA-4 with fibronectin
Q45816527Enhancement of Friend Virus Leukemia by Leucogenenel2
Q72662953Enhancement of Suppressor Cell Generation in Human Mixed Lymphocyte Cultures by Interferon
Q70213972Enhancement of Varicella-Zoster-Specific Immune Responses in the Elderly by Boosting with Varicella Vaccine
Q45846303Enhancement of human lymphocyte responses to phytomitogens in vitro by incubation at elevated temperatures
Q40864702Enhancement of immune responses: purified protein derivative- and indomethacin-enhancement of mitogen- induced DNA synthesis and in vitro antibody responses
Q72936146Enhancement of mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation after preincubation is due to altered sensitivity to prostaglandins
Q53745059Enhancement of mouse thymus cells response to periodate treatment by a soluble factor
Q67593275Enhancement of phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A responses of splenic lymphocytes by adherent cell removal
Q72785405Enhancement of the mixed lymphocyte reaction by in vivo treatment of stimulator spleen cells with anti-IgD antibody
Q44627397Enhancing Effect of Interleukin 1α Administration on Antitumor Effector T-Cell Development
Q72717957Enterically induced regulation of systemic immune responses. I. Lymphoproliferative responses in mice suppressed by ingested antigen
Q72717961Enterically induced regulation of systemic immune responses. II. Suppression of proliferating T cells by an Lyt-1+, 2- T effector cell
Q68278081Enzymatic DNA synthesis and transformation of peripheral lymphocytes in chronic renal insufficiency
Q70936405Enzymatic composition of mitogen-induced lymphoblasts and untreated lymphocytes fractionated by rate-zonal centrifugation
Q37363180Epidemiologic study of a leukocyte-transforming agent in a general population
Q54480649Epidermal antigen-presenting cells in activation of suppression: identification of a new functional type of ultraviolet radiation-resistant epidermal cell
Q35564148Epigenetic control of interferon-gamma expression in CD8 T cells.
Q45200840Epitope-specific binding of CD8 regulates activation of T cells and induction of cytotoxicity
Q45800484Epstein-Barr Virus Increases the Proliferative Response and the Generation of Suppressor and Cytotoxic T-Cell Functions in Autologous Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction
Q40099412Epstein-Barr herpesvirus infection: Inhibition by immunologically induced mediators with interferon-like properties
Q36501489Epstein-Barr virus DNA is amplified in transformed lymphocytes
Q44532184Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphocyte proliferation
Q39920743Epstein-Barr virus binding sites on lymphocyte subpopulations and the origin of lymphoblasts in cultured lymphoid cell lines and in the blood of patients with infectious mononucleosis
Q34386338Epstein-Barr virus interactions with human lymphocyte subpopulations: virus adsorption, kinetics of expression of Epstein-Barr virus-associated nuclear antigen, and lymphocyte transformation
Q28264882Epstein-Barr virus superinduces a new human b cell differentiation antigen (B-LAST 1) expressed on transformed lymphoblasts
Q36348967Epstein-Barr virus transformation of human pre-B cells
Q116370439Epstein-Barr virus-induced cap formation in human lymphoblastoid cells
Q45798656Epstein-Barr virus-related lymphocyte stimulation inhibitor: a possible prognostic tool for undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Q36896265Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphocytes produce monoclonal autoantibodies that react with antigens in multiple organs
Q40095322Epstein-Barr virus: Transformation of lymphocytes separated by size or exposed to bromodeoxyuridine and light
Q39323315Epstein-barr virus-induced transformation of human leukocytes after cell fractionation
Q72788092Establishment of a continuous T cell line capable of suppressing anti-tumor immune responses in vivo
Q72818205Establishment of three PPD-reactive helper T cell clones with distinct functions in B cell activation
Q72800141Evaluation of Ia+ tumor cell lines and peritoneal exudate macrophages as accessory cells: differential requirements for the activation of certain T cell functions
Q66902974Evaluation of cellular immunity after rabies vaccination in man
Q36527941Evaluation of data from mitogen studies in CBA mice: comparison of counts per minute, stimulation index and relative proliferation index
Q43492059Evaluation of human lymphoblast formation by phytohemagglutinin
Q69455273Evaluation of human lymphocyte transformation by phytohemagglutinin
Q68280831Evaluation of lymphocyte activation by flow cytometric determination of interleukin-2 (CD25) receptor
Q72107060Evaluation of lymphocyte stimulation tests for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in elk (Cervus elaphus)
Q39912461Evaluation of lymphocyte transformation test: relationship between nucleus and cell sizes of PHA-stimulated lymphocyes (author's transl)
Q45246530Evaluation of regional immunity in patients with laryngeal neoplasms
Q66876372Evaluation of the immune status of patients with Hodgkin's disease on the basis of determination of the T and B lymphocyte proportion in peripheral blood, spleen and lymph nodes and the determination of their mitogen-induced blastic transformation
Q39750886Evaluation of the lymphocyte blastogenic response by rapid flow analysis
Q71085855Evaluation of the lymphocyte responses to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) using microquantitative peripheral whole blood culture technique in the management of patients with ovarian cancer (author's transl)
Q67051267Evaluation of the response of human lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin as compared with evaluation by uptake of I-125 labeled 5-iododeoxyuridine and tritiated thymidine
Q39750140Evaluation of the specificity of a lymphoid chalone
Q72801835Evaluation on cellular immunity in patients with gynecological tumors by lymphoblast transformation test
Q72768721Evidence for T cell activation in the tonsil
Q44190673Evidence for a malaria mitogen in human malaria
Q67665102Evidence for a new HLA determinant that causes T cell activation without costimulation
Q67505990Evidence for a role of CD28RE as a response element for distinct mitogenic T cell activation signals
Q40818352Evidence for a shift from IgD to IgA synthesis in the maturation of human B lymphocytes
Q67477183Evidence for a soluble lymphocyte factor in the transplacental transmission of T-lymphocyte responses to Mycobacterium leprae
Q39421292Evidence for an active immune response in acute hyperthyroidism (Graves?? disease)
Q66878124Evidence for cell-receptor activity in lymphocyte stimulation by staphylococcal enterotoxin
Q40092243Evidence for cyclic GMP and calcium mediation of lymphocyte activation by mitogens
Q41433997Evidence for dimers of MHC class II molecules in B lymphocytes and their role in low affinity T cell responses
Q68074586Evidence for polyclonal B cell activation as the mechanism for LCMV-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Q46442889Evidence for quantitative and qualitative differences in functional activation of MIs-reactive T cell clones and hybridomas by antigen or TcR/CD3 antibodies
Q43956604Evidence for the identification of lymphocyte activating factor as the adherent cell-derived mediator responsible for enhanced antibody synthesis by nude mouse spleen cells
Q71096265Evidence for the involvement of monocyte-derived toxic oxygen metabolites in the lymphocyte dysfunction of Hodgkin's disease
Q51229497Evidence for two distinct activation states available to B lymphocytes
Q72820215Evidence implicating I region-restricted antigen presentation in alloantigen and nominal antigen recognition by a dual-reactive helper T lymphocyte clone
Q36455279Evidence of Cross-Reactivity of ‘Carcinoma-Specific’ KC4 Monoclonal Antibody with Activated Mesothelial Cells and Phytohemagglutinin-Stimulated Lymphocytes
Q44372115Evidence of Different Cell Populations in the Mouse Thymus Releasing and Responding to Mitogenic Factor
Q41663177Evidence of Endothelial Inflammation, T Cell Activation, and T Cell Reallocation in Uncomplicated Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria
Q67382676Evidence of an intrinsic defect of lymphocyte reactivity in AKR mice (author's transl)
Q40679832Evidence that Nonspecific Inhibitors Are Induced by Soluble Products of Activated Human Lymphocytes
Q54662685Evidence that the Mechanism of Immunological Tolerance ('Central Failure') Is Operative in the Lack of Host Resistance in Lepromatous Leprosy
Q40173223Evidence that the TSH receptor acts as a mitogenic antigen in Graves' disease
Q41669792Evidence that the local effect of ultraviolet radiation on the growth of murine melanomas is immunologically mediated
Q36428570Evidence that the spontaneous blastogenesis of lymphocytes from bovine leukemia virus-infected cattle is viral antigen specific
Q40726303Evidence that thymocytes require at least two distinct signals to proliferate
Q43937434Evidence that uridine incorporation is not a selective marker for mouse lymphocyte subclasses
Q40921362Evolution of the lymphoid system III. Morphological and functional consequences of mitogenic stimulation of rainbow trout lymphocytes
Q64377789Ex vivo stimulation of cytomegalovirus (CMV)‐specific T cells using CMV pp65‐modified dendritic cells as stimulators
Q39645776Ex-vivo expanded human NK cells express activating receptors that mediate cytotoxicity of allogeneic and autologous cancer cell lines by direct recognition and antibody directed cellular cytotoxicity
Q68492416Excision repair of pyrimidine dimers in human peripheral blood lymphocytes: Comparison between mitogen stimulated and unstimulated cells
Q70621272Exclusion of serum factors in the in-vitro depression of lymphocytes' response to mitogens in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Q40721157Expansion of human lymphocyte populations expressing specific immune reactivities. I. Differential effects of various lectins on the expression of alloreactive cytotoxicity by primed cells
Q40580203Experience with a new method of study of lymphocyte blast formation: preliminary results
Q72826127Experience with mixed leukocyte reactions in immunocompetency evaluations
Q54263562Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in susceptible and resistant strains of mice after adoptive transfer of T cells activated by antibodies to the T cell receptor complex
Q72631299Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: Activation of myelin basic protein-sensitized spleen cells by specific antigen in culture
Q72625195Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: activation of suppressor T lymphocytes by a modified sequence of the T effector determinant
Q34419280Experimental infection of human leukocytes with parainfluenza 1 (6/94) virus
Q43814951Experimental model of mouse lymphocyte blast transformation reaction in vivo
Q70691776Experimental studies on syphilis. 1. "In vitro" lymphocyte transformation. 2. Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) in the serum
Q54023752Experimental studies on the blastoid cell transformation of lymph node cell in DNCB contact hypersensitivity
Q67905758Exposure to low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields increases mitogen- induced lymphocyte proliferation in Down’s syndrome
Q28298832Expression and characterization of a B cell growth promoting polypeptide derived from the 12 kDa B cell growth factor gene (BCGF 1)
Q37600430Expression and function of the murine B7 antigen, the major costimulatory molecule expressed by peritoneal exudate cells
Q68283548Expression and release of IL-2 receptor and production of IL-2 by activated T lymphocyte subsets
Q67915704Expression of GTP-binding proteins and prostaglandin E2 receptors during human T cell activation
Q45212316Expression of IL-2 receptor/p75 on lymphocytes from patients with rubella
Q40687955Expression of Murine IgM, IgD and Ia Molecules on Hybrids of Murine LPS Blasts with a Syrian Hamster B Lymphoma
Q67531222Expression of Schwann cell and peripheral T-cell activation epitopes in hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
Q36360203Expression of T-cell differentiation antigens on effector cells in cell-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. Evidence for functional heterogeneity related to the surface phenotype of T cells
Q42937105Expression of Tac antigen on activated normal human B cells
Q38320708Expression of a 32‐kDa ligand for the CD40 antigen on activated human T lymphocytes
Q72793582Expression of cell surface antigens during allogeneic response studies with monoclonal antibodies to a polymorphic marker of activated lymphocytes and HLA class I and class II antigens
Q38355353Expression of cell surface lectins on activated human lymphoid cells
Q36349561Expression of interleukin 2 receptors on activated human B cells
Q36347791Expression of passively transferred immunity against an established tumor depends on generation of cytolytic T cells in recipient. Inhibition by suppressor T cells
Q71797630Expression of stress proteins and lymphocyte reactivity in heterotopic cardiac allografts undergoing cellular rejection
Q39813281Expression of the Acid alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase Marker by Activated and Secondary T Lymphocytes in Man
Q68221358Expression of the murine homologue of the cell cycle control protein p34cdc2 in T lymphocytes
Q41295107Expression of the p16 and p15 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in lymphocyte activation and neuronal differentiation
Q41603286Extensive CD4 cross-linking inhibits T cell activation by anti-receptor antibody but not by antigen
Q40595631Extra-medullary blastic transformation in remission phase of chronic granulocytic leukaemia
Q47744548Extracorporeal irradiation of the blood: lymphocyte transformation tests and clinicl results after renal transplantation
Q39864848F1-Hybrid Anti-Parental-Strain Reactivity I. Impaired Proliferation of CBA Lymphocytes in the Spleens of Irradiated C3HxCBA Mice Pretreated with CBA Spleen Cells
Q40667953F20C, a new fluorescent membrane probe, moves more slowly in malignant and mitogen-transformed cell membranes than in normal cell membranes
Q40210529Factors Affecting the Early Stimulation of Uridine Uptake by Lymphocytes Incubated with Phytohaemagglutinin
Q39855814Factors Affecting the Stimulating Capacity of Mitogen-Transformed, Glutaraldehyde-Treated Mouse Spleen Cells in the Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction
Q72765354Factors influencing the autologous mixed leukocyte reaction in normal subjects
Q69805499Factors potentiating blast transformation of blood lymphocytes
Q67446239Failure of Ovalbumin Associated with Allogeneic Spleen Cells to Stimulate Proliferation of Lymph Node Cells of Immune Mice
Q37591170Failure of autologous mixed lymphocyte reactions between T and non-T cells in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q42237341Failure to Demonstrate Transformation of Lymphocytes of Patients with Isoniazid-Associated Hepatitis
Q52733516Failure to demonstrate increased lymphocyte transformation in patients with postoperative jaundice and physicians with alleged halothane sensitivity
Q72803046Fc receptors and immunomodulating effects of immunoglobulins. In vitro study
Q72820222Fc receptors for mouse IgG1 on human monocytes: polymorphism and role in antibody-induced T cell proliferation
Q41984029Fc-receptors, Ia-antigens, and immunoglobulin on normal and activated mouse T lymphocytes
Q40152249Feedback suppression of staphylococcal enterotoxin-stimulated T-lymphocyte proliferation by macrophages through inductive nitric oxide synthesis
Q69149994Felty's syndrome. 3 cases with isotopic explorations
Q42803154Fetal calf serum-induced blastogenic and cytotoxic responses of human lymphocytes
Q53923190Fetal calf serum-injected F1 mice spontaneously generate specific anti-parental cytotoxic T lymphocytes in in vitro culture
Q72665278Fine specificity of a proliferating T-cell clone activated by a conformational determinant of the I-Ek molecule
Q40106686Fine specificity of cellular immune responses in humans to human cytomegalovirus immediate-early 1 protein
Q40728723Fine structure of leopard frog (Rana pipiens) lymphocytes after in vitro transformation by phytohemagglutinin
Q36802158Fluorescence flow analysis of lymphocyte activation using Hoechst 33342 dye
Q36591924Fluorescence photobleaching recovery. Methodology and relevance to immunology
Q36589113Fluorescent probes to detect lymphocyte activation
Q72659142Fluorescent probes: a new way to study lymphocyte activation
Q66983927Fluoropolarimetric measurement of intracellular fluidity of peripheral lymphocytes from uveitis patients (author's transl)
Q67883752Focal infection in dentistry: the in vitro specific lymphocyte blast test
Q45005511Follicular dendritic cells inhibit human B-lymphocyte proliferation
Q35369084Follicular dendritic cells: B-cell proliferation and maturation
Q42790184Forced expression of programmed death-1 gene on T cell decreased the incidence of type 1 diabetes
Q41555211Formation of B type gap junctions between PHA-stimulated rabbit lymphocytes
Q72640837Formation of immune interferon and blast transformation in stimulated cultures of human lymphocytes
Q43871858Four CD45/P56lck-associated phosphorproteins (pp29-pp32) undergo alterations in human T cell activation
Q41598801Four cell-secreted cytokines act synergistically to maintain long term proliferation of human B cell lines in vitro
Q40689615Freezing of rat lymphocytes. V. The effect of suppressor cells in phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated spleen cell cultures before and after freeze-thawing
Q40647893Frequencies of mitogen-reactive B cells in the mouse. I. Distribution in different lymphoid organs from different inbred strains of mice at different ages
Q40774068Frequencies of mitogen-reactive B cells in the mouse. II. Frequencies of B cells producing antibodies which lyse sheep or horse erythrocytes, and trinitrophenylated or nitrodophenylated sheep erythrocytes
Q69148946Frequency Distribution Analysis of the Normal Lymphocyte Response to Phytohemaggluitnin
Q43452819Frequency analysis of human peripheral blood B cells producing autoantibodies: Differential activation requirements of precursors for B cells producing IgM-RF and anti-DNA antibody
Q41100115Freshly isolated, murine neonatal T cells produce IL-4 in response to anti-CD3 stimulation
Q67703945Frozen lymphocyte pools as technical and reference controls for lymphocyte transformation
Q47912535Function test of lymphocytes by leukocyte culture from small whole blood sample. 1. Techniques and effect of phytohemagglutinin
Q67654124Functional CD2 mutants unable to bind to, or be stimulated by, LFA-3
Q45804258Functional Properties of Antigen-Specific T Cells Infected by Human T-Cell Leukemia-Lymphoma Virus (HTLV-I)
Q46719977Functional activation of immune lymphocytes by antigenic stimulation in cell-mediated immunity. II. Analysis of the macrophage-replacing activity of the LPS-stimulated macrophage culture supernatant in the antigenic activation of purified immune lym
Q41050511Functional activation of immune lymphocytes by antigenic stimulation in cell-mediated immunity. IV. Role of macrophage and its soluble factor in antigen-induced MIF production of immune T lymphocytes
Q41473096Functional activity of lymphocytes in multiple sclerosis
Q41653257Functional analysis of T-cell mutants defective in the biosynthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. Relative importance of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor versus N-linked glycosylation in T-cell activation
Q72828098Functional and Quantitative Alterations in T Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Acute Toxoplasmosis
Q40776979Functional and anatomic lymphocyte subpopulation redistribution following transplantation
Q40845816Functional and immunological characterization of the stimulation of human lymphocytes with a mitogen from group A streptococci (SM)
Q40693044Functional consequences of sheep red blood cell resetting for human T cells: Gain of reactivity to mitogenic factors
Q72772279Functional differentiation in the genetic control of murine T lymphocyte responses to human fibrinopeptide B
Q40184424Functional differentiation of B lymphocytes in agammaglobulinemia. III. Characterization of spontaneous suppressor cell activity
Q67672813Functional epitope analysis of the human CD4 molecule. The MHC class II-dependent activation of resting T cells is inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to CD4 regardless whether or not they recognize epitopes involved in the binding of MHC class II or
Q72787320Functional evaluation of murine allogeneic T lymphoblasts separated by Vicia villosa lectin positivity
Q67282967Functional heterogeneity of murine lymphoid cells. I. Responsiveness to and surface binding of concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin
Q39896185Functional mosaicism of the lymphocyte plasma membrane. II. Characterization of membrane subtractions of activated thymocytes
Q67848565Functional nerve growth factor receptors on human B lymphocytes. Interaction with IL-2
Q72672967Functional relationships between B-cell subsets: Evidence for an antigen-induced B1 → B2 switch
Q37225458Functional role of CD44 (Pgp-1) on activated B cells
Q39779142Functional significance of the Fc receptor on mixed lymphocyte culture-activated T blasts
Q72088287Functionally anergic lpr and gld B220+ T cell receptor (TCR)-alpha/beta+ double-negative T cells express CD28 and respond to costimulation with phorbol myristate acetate and antibodies to CD28 and the TCR
Q39897496Functions of T cells and recruitment of cellular response afterin vitro mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Q39376106Further characterization of a herpesvirus-positive orang-utan cell line and comparative aspects ofin vitro transformation with lymphotropic old world primate herpesviruses
Q36068942Further evidence of response by leukaemia patients in remission to antigen(s) related to acute myelogenous leukaemia
Q40139955Further studies on the activation of hamster lymphocytes by concanavalin A
Q72604035Further studies on the mechanism of suppression of human lymphocyte transformation by human alpha fetoprotein
Q39771639Further studies on the thymocyte stimulating factor
Q35456875Fusobacterium nucleatum inhibits human T-cell activation by arresting cells in the mid-G1 phase of the cell cycle
Q67539003GMP-140 (P-selectin/CD62) binds to chronically stimulated but not resting CD4+ T lymphocytes and regulates their production of proinflammatory cytokines
Q40428131Gaining insights into the ontogeny and activation of T cells through the use of gene-targeted mutant mice
Q44142152Galactose oxidase-induced blastogenesis of human lymphocytes and the effect of macrophages on the reaction
Q40149053Gamma interferon and interleukin 2, but not interleukin 4, are detectable in gamma/delta T-cell cultures after activation with bacteria
Q67578754Gamma-radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations in human lymphocytes: dose-rate effects in stimulated and non-stimulated cells
Q39548946Gene complementation in the T lymphocyte proliferative response to poly (Glu57Lys38Tyr5): evidence for effects of polymer handling and gene dosage
Q36341092Gene complementation in the T-lymphocyte proliferative response to poly (Glu55Lys36Phe9)n. A demonstration that both immune response gene products must be expressed in the same antigen-presenting cell
Q44618819General aspects of the early stages of T-lymphocyte activation
Q40116844General immunocompetence of rats bearing avian sarcoma virus-induced intracranial tumors
Q41547207Generation and decay of the immune response to a progressive fibrosarcoma. I. Ly-1+2- suppressor T cells down-regulate the generation of Ly-1-2+ effector T cells
Q36346196Generation of T cell colonies from responder strain 2 guinea pigs that recognize the copolymer L-glutamic acid, L-lysine in association with nonresponder strain 13 Ia antigens
Q39798925Generation of activated lymphocytes. Analysis of giant SRBC rosettes
Q42158095Generation of adherent lymphokine activated killer (A-LAK) cells from patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia
Q72709563Generation of antigen-specific suppressor cells in vitro in man
Q72797586Generation of autoreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes under limiting dilution conditions
Q39380983Generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes in vitro: response of immune rat spleen cells to a syngeneic gross virus-induced lymphoma in mixed lymphocyte-tumor culture
Q41595759Generation of cytotoxicity with various MHC class I restrictions against autologous LCL by stimulating the lymphocytes with autologous and/or allogeneic LCLs sharing HLA alleles with the responder
Q39813449Generation of memory cells in one-way mixed lymphocyte culture II. Response of lymphocytes fr8 renal transplant recipients and normal individuals to subcellular alloantigens in vitro
Q72730538Generation of the alloreactive T cell repertoire: K region homology between H-2b T cell precursors and T cell maturation environment is required for the generation of the Kbm6-specific cytotoxic T cell repertoire
Q39518364Genetic Control of the Immune Response to Insulin: Its Dependence Upon a Macrophage Mediated Selection of Distinct Antigenic Sites
Q30421449Genetic Control of the T-Lymphocyte Proliferative Response to Cytochrome c
Q66985897Genetic analyses of an immunodeficiency in hereditary muscular dystrophic chickens
Q34397071Genetic analysis of lymphocyte activation by lipopolysaccharide Endotoxin
Q36337139Genetic control of cell-mediated immunity in rats: involvement of RT1.B locus determinants in the proliferative response of T lymphocytes to Listeria antigens
Q39694653Genetic control of experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice. I. Lymphocyte proliferative response to acetylcholine receptors is under H-2-linked Ir gene control
Q39618853Genetic control of immune response to sperm whale myoglobin in mice. I. T lymphocyte proliferative response under H-2-linked Ir gene control
Q40712520Genetic control of immune response to sperm whale myoglobin in mice. II. T lymphocyte proliferative response to the synthetic antigenic sites
Q40800670Genetic control of lymphocyte activation: lack of response to low doses of concanavalin A in lipopolysaccharide-nonresponder mice
Q39730596Genetic control of responses to bacterial lipopolysaccharides in mice. II. A gene that influences a membrane component involved in the activation of bone marrow-derived lymphocytes by lipipolysaccharides
Q40680088Genetic control of the T lymphocyte proliferative response to staphylococcal nuclease: evidence for multiple MHC-linked Ir gene control
Q41980866Genetic control of the immune response: in vitro stimulation of lymphocytes by (T,G)-A--L, (H,G)-A--L, and (Phe,G)-A--L
Q72608151Genetic control of the murine T lymphocyte proliferative response to collagen: analysis of the molecular and cellular contributions to immunogenicity
Q45304000Genetic control of the proliferative response to oxazolone in H-2 congenic and recombinant strains of mice
Q54517234Genetic regulation of the antibody response to H-2Db alloantigens in mice. IV. Antigens that activate helper T cells for IgG, coded for by the non-H-2 genome
Q40649518Genetic selection of mice for quantitative responsiveness of lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin
Q39873197Genetics of responses of alloantigen primed lymphocytes in secondary MLC
Q70459394Genetics of the mixed leukocyte culture response: a reexamination
Q48142480Genomic organization of the mouse B-lymphocyte activation antigen B7
Q48169603Genomic structure and alternative splicing of 519, a gene expressed late after T cell activation
Q36347607Germinal center B cells lack homing receptors necessary for normal lymphocyte recirculation
Q54004252Germinal centre proliferation in response to mitogenic lymphokines
Q59058203Glucocorticoid receptors and glucocorticoid sensitivity of mitogen stimulated and unstimulated human lymphocytes
Q40721133Glucocorticoid-induced inhibition of T cell growth factor production. I. The effect on mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation
Q41633237Glucocorticoids inhibit trypsin-induced DNA release from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated blood lymphocytes
Q58065088Glycoproteins of 210,000 and 130,000 m.w. on activated T cells: cell distribution and antigenic relation to components on resting cells and T cell lines
Q36622770Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-anchored or integral membrane forms of CD14 mediate identical cellular responses to endotoxin
Q39260676Graft-Versus-Host Induced Immunosuppression Associated with an Increased Thymic Mitogen Response
Q40687991Grafting of triggering sites onto lymphocytes. Requirement of multivalency in the stimulation of dinitrophenyl-modified thymocytes by anti-dinitrophenyl antibody
Q36955431Growth inhibition of Candida albicans by interleukin-2-activated splenocytes
Q35062416Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina: deficiency of ornithine aminotransferase in transformed lymphocytes
Q52230009H-2 genetic control of the response of T lymphocytes to insulins. Priming of nonresponder mice by forbidden variants of specific antigenic determinants
Q72605432H-2-linked Ir gene control of T cell proliferative responses to the synthetic terpolymer L-glutamic acid60-L-alanine30-L-tyrosine10 (GAT). I. Requirements for T cell activation in responder and nonresponder mice
Q46610091H19, a surface membrane molecule involved in T-cell activation, inhibits channel formation by human complement
Q40213604H2 gene control and biological activities of a T-cell mitogen derived from Mycoplasma arthritidis: a review.
Q44781642HBsAg-Serum Protein Complexes Stimulate Immune T Lymphocytes More Efficiently Than Do Pure HBsAg
Q69268125HL A typing, mixed leukocyte reactivity, and skin graft survival in a family with a recombinant at the HL-1 chromosomal region (major transplantation region)
Q39737313HL-A LD (Lymphocyte Defined) Typing: A Rapid Assay with Primed Lymphocytes
Q70506111HL-A-nonidentical individuals with mutually negative mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q41151849HLA class II molecules on monocytes regulate T cell proliferation through physical interaction in the CD3 activation pathway
Q72838126HLA specificities, lymphocyte subsets, and mitogenic response in Henoch-Schönlein purpura nephritis
Q40104539HLA-D Region Molecules Restrict Proliferative T Cell Responses to Antigen
Q39439327HLA-D determinants are responsible for stimulation of lymphocytes by allogeneic macrophages in vitro
Q39583162HLA-D-restricted Antigen Activation of Sensitized T Lymphocytes: Studies on the Ability of HLA-D/DR-expressing B Lymphocytes to Substitute for Macrophages in Antigen Activation
Q40104554HLA-Linked Lymphocyte Activating Determinants
Q42576943HML-1 antigen on mucosa-associated T cells, activated cells, and hairy leukemic cells is a new integrin containing the beta 7 subunit
Q55240344HTLV‐I‐infected T cells activate autologous CD4+ T cells susceptible to HTLV‐I infection in a co‐stimulatory molecule‐dependent fashion
Q70168908Haemin affects platelet aggregation and lymphocyte mitogenicity in whole blood incubations
Q64215986Haemonchus contortus infection in ewes: blastogenic responses of peripheral blood leukocytes to third stage larval antigen
Q67302007Halothane hepatitis and lymphocyte stimulation test
Q40651993Haplotype preference in lymphocyte differentiation. I. Development of haplotype-specific helper and suppressor activities in F1 hybrid-activated T cell populations
Q39425006Hapten-specific Response to a New Arsonic Acid Conjugate, Arsanil Isothiocyanate
Q72745873Hapten-specific T cell responses to 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl. XIV. Carrier requirement for suppressor cell induction
Q72636352Hapten-specific helper T cells III. Fine specificity of the (4-hydroxy-3-nitro-phenyl)-acetyl (NP)-specific response in Igh-1b mice
Q34462028Heat-labile B-cell mitogen obtained from Listeria monocytogenes
Q40645746Helper T cells are required for the polyclonal stimulation of cytotoxic T cells by concanavalin A
Q39577778Helper activity of T cells stimulated in long-term culture
Q38524412Helper cell analysis in cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses I. Activation of specific and cross-reactive helper effects in two hapten-modified self responses
Q67902459Heparin and platelet interactions influence alloantigen-induced proliferative responses of human T lymphocytes and immunoglobulin synthesis in vivo
Q44846365Hepatitis B virus antigen-specific T-cell activation in patients with acute and chronic hepatitis B
Q45804545Hepatitis B virus-reactive human T lymphocyte clones: antigen specificity and helper function for antibody synthesis
Q70515869Hepatitis-associated, antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation in chronic hepatic disease
Q39920595Heritability of the phytohemagglutinin responsiveness of lymphocytes and its relationship to leukemogenesis
Q40171931Herpes Simplex Virus Type-1 and Human Lymphocytes: Virus Expression and the Response to Infection of Adult and Foetal Cells
Q45807651Herpes Simplex Virus Type-2 Glycoprotein-Subunit Vaccine: Tolerance and Humoral and Cellular Responses in Humans
Q39934302Herpes simplex virus in patients with sarcoidosis; lymphocyte transformation in vitro and antibody response
Q36338273Herpes simplex virus infection of human T-cell subpopulations
Q39566984Heteroantisera against a blast cell antigen
Q67901754Heterodimeric complex formation with CD8 and TCR by bispecific antibody sustains paracrine IL-2-dependent growth of CD3+ CD8+ T cells
Q50215491Heterogeneity of B cell clones: Immunoglobulin-secreting subsets
Q72779811Heterogeneity of an anti-H-2 I-A response as determined by cloned T cell reactivity
Q66879288Heterogeneity of human T lymphocytes to bind sheep erythrocytes and mitogenic responses of their subpopulations
Q72822195Heterogeneity of human T-lymphocyte clones generated from autologous mixed-lymphocyte cultures
Q39770949Heterogeneity of mouse B lymphocytes: studies using in vitro response to lipopolysaccharide
Q48012722Heterogenous chromosomal radiosensitivity of phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated human blood lymphocytes in culture
Q71808743High Correlations of Anti-CMV Titers with Lymphocyte Activation Status and CD57 Antibody-Binding Capacity as Estimated with Three-Color, Quantitative Flow Cytometry in Blood Donors
Q41684955High Oxygen Pressure Inhibits DNA Synthesis in Mitogen-Activated Lymphocytes
Q52508966High expression of adhesion molecules/activation markers with little interleukin-2, interferon γ, and tumor necrosis factor β gene activation in fresh tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes from lung adenocarcinoma
Q69117060High frequency of spontaneous lymphoblastoid transformation in vitro culture of leukocytes from human lymph nodes and peripheral blood
Q70223570High-level secretion of interleukin 2 by a subset of proliferating thymic lymphoblasts
Q39871663Highly purified quiescent human peripheral blood CD4+ T cells are infectible by human immunodeficiency virus but do not release virus after activation
Q53604645High‐frequency establishment of human immunoglobulin‐producing lymphoblastoid lines from normal and malignant lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood
Q54471163Histamine production by alloantigen-activated mouse bone marrow cells
Q39873691Histiocytosis X: IV—Immunologic response assessed by lymphocyte transformation tests
Q66938290Histocompatibility Testing in Dogs. II. Leukocyte Typing in Relation to the Mixed Lymphocyte Culture (MLG) Reactivity*
Q36335552Histocompatibility antigen-activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes. I. Estimates of the absolute frequency of killer cells generated in vitro
Q36335542Histocompatibility antigen-activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes. II. Estimates of the frequency and specificity of precursors
Q42940995Histocompatibility antigens and genetic control of the immune response in guinea pigs. III. Specific inhibition of antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation by strain-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies
Q44364010Histocompatibility testing in dogs. I. A semi-micro mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) technique for histocompatibility matching in dogs
Q36272091Histocompatibility-linked immune response gene function in guinea pigs. Specific inhibition of antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation by alloantisera
Q67061187Histologic findings of the liver with drug-induced hepatic injury by delayed hypersensitivity reaction (author's transl)
Q93749193Host lymphocyte transformation in lymph of canine kidney allograft
Q44020259Host vs graft and graft vs host reactions after allogeneic heterotopic small bowel transplantation in the rat
Q37582658Host-determined differences in expression of surface marker characteristics on human and simian lymphoblastoid cell lines transformed by Epstein-Barr virus
Q72724999Human B cell activation and cell cycle progression: stimulation with anti-μ andStaphylococcus aureus Cowan strain I
Q72876192Human B cell activation in vitro: augmentation and suppression by monocytes of the immunoglobulin production induced by various B cell stimulants
Q72792645Human B cell differentiation. IV. Effect of monoclonal anti-immunoglobulin M and D antibodies on B cell proliferation and differentiation induced by T cell factors
Q36361959Human B cell precursors proliferate and express CD23 after CD40 ligation
Q40682338Human B-cell mitogenic responsiveness to lectins: The requirement for T cells
Q67464127Human Blood Dendritic Cells Exhibit a Distinct T‐Cell‐Stimulating Mechanism and Differentiation Pattern
Q72087750Human CD4+ T cells proliferate to HLA-DR+ allogeneic vascular endothelium. Identification of accessory interactions
Q41830030Human CD4+CD45RO+ and CD4+CD45RA+ T cells synergize in response to alloantigens
Q67898195Human CD8+ T lymphocytes can be divided into CD45RA+ and CD45RO+ cells with different requirements for activation and differentiation
Q70223563Human IgE synthesis in vitro by pokeweed mitogen-stimulated human lymphoid cells: verification with a reconfirmed epsilon-specific radioimmunoassay
Q67478153Human Lymphocyte Proliferative Response and Gamma-Interferon Production to Pneumocystis carinii Antigen In Vitro
Q44887912Human Lymphoproliferative Reaction to Saliva and Dental Plaque-Deposits: An In Vitro Correlation with Periodontal Disease
Q36050055Human Placental Pericytes Poorly Stimulate and Actively Regulate Allogeneic CD4 T Cell Responses
Q64383098Human T Cell Proliferative Response to Polypeptides from Adenovirus Type 2
Q67858663Human T Lymphocytes Require Lipid as Either Lipoprotein or Nonesterified Fatty Acid forIn VitroActivation
Q40735921Human T and B lymphoid cells: an electron microscopic study on thymocytes, peripheral blood lymphocytes, mitogen-stimulated cells and lymphoid cell lines
Q58064746Human T cell activation through the activation-inducer molecule/CD69 enhances the activity of transcription factor AP-1
Q45803620Human T cell response to Herpes simplex virus antigen in vitro
Q72629564Human T lymphocyte cooperation in proliferative responses to specific antigens, mitogens, and alloantigens
Q40712267Human T lymphocyte subpopulations: studies of the mechanism by which T cells bearing Fc receptors for IgG suppress T-dependent B cell differentiation induced by pokeweed mitogen
Q35352840Human T-cell activation deficiencies
Q64380782Human adenovirus infection in phytohaemagglutinin treated mice
Q44540671Human anti-murine mixed leukocyte culture: effects of cytokines
Q40758220Human bone marrow lymphocytes. III. Polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes in human bone marrow measured by a direct plaque-forming cell assay
Q34078713Human cell-mediated immune responses to chlamydial antigens
Q44753024Human cytotoxic T cell clones directed against herpes simplex virus-infected cells. II. Bifunctional clones with cytotoxic and virus-induced proliferative activities exhibit herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 specific or type common reactivities
Q72688851Human epidermal Langerhans cells are more potent than blood monocytes in inducing some antigen-specific T-cell responses
Q67510574Human erythrocyte rosette formation with mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes--a marker for the demonstration of activated T-cells
Q66955854Human erythroid burst-promoting activity produced by phytohemagglutinin-stimulated, radioresistant peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q39548727Human immune responses to hapten-conjugated cells. II. The roles of autologous and allogeneic histocompatibility determinants in proliferative responses in vitro
Q35597873Human immunodeficiency virus infection induces both polyclonal and virus-specific B cell activation
Q40657255Human leucocyte responses in vitro. I. Transformation of purified T lymphocytes with and without addition of partially purified monocytes
Q67398176Human lymphoblast cell lines: Antibody‐dependent cytotoxicity
Q67002081Human lymphocyte activation is depressed at low-g and enhanced at high-g
Q45803947Human lymphocyte blastogenesis responses to mouse mammary tumor virus
Q67674445Human lymphocyte complement receptors. Stimulation of lymphocyte RNA synthesis by complement-coated human red cells
Q67444610Human lymphocyte potassium content during the initiation of phytohemagglutinin‐induced mitogenesis
Q40665649Human lymphocyte response to phytomitogens: monocyte potentiation and T and B synergy
Q40874520Human lymphocyte responses are enhanced by culture at 40 degrees C
Q66878130Human lymphocyte subpopulation: early and late rosettes
Q39990676Human lymphocyte subpopulations: giant SRBC rosettes
Q43711110Human lymphocyte transformation after immortalization by transfection with cytoplasmic DNA from mouse L cells of the cytokines IL-1alpha, IL-6 and TNF
Q40865880Human macrophage and lymphocyte responses to mitogen stimulation after exposure to influenza virus, ascorbic acid, and hyperthermia
Q37907037Human monoclonal antibodies to a genus-specific chlamydial antigen, produced by EBV-transformed B cells
Q39887140Human monocyte and macrophage modulation of lymphocyte proliferation
Q40782015Human monocyte-lymphocyte interaction: a new technique
Q67909327Human monokine participation in murine thymocyte proliferation
Q54311917Human natural killer cell adhesion molecules. Differential expression after activation and participation in cytolysis
Q67690245Human normal B lymphocytes produce a growth-promoting activity for granulocyte progenitors in diffusion chamber culture after stimulation with pokeweed mitogen
Q40641143Human peripheral blood T and B lymphocytes. Blastogenic response to mitogens and antigens
Q67338272Human peripheral lymphocyte transformation induced by the Robinia lectin
Q72011734Human placenta conditioned medium as a source of lymphocyte blastogenesis in vitro
Q43598920Human recombinant interleukin-1 receptor antagonist inhibits lymphocyte blastogenesis induced by concanavalin A Restorative effect of hrIL-1
Q72812931Human suppressor cell induction in vitro: preferential activation by class I MHC antigen
Q39788838Human thymus cells: blastogenic response to mitogens, antigens and allogeneic cells
Q66984961Human tonsil lymphocytes in the transfer of cell-mediated immunity
Q39780854Human transfer factor: fractionation and biologic activity
Q55492301Human tumor--lymphocyte interaction in vitro: blastogenesis correlated to detectable immunoglobulin in the biopsy
Q40695621Human tumor-lymphocyte interactionin vitro. III. T lymphocytes in autologous tumor stimulation (ATS)
Q44400562Human tumor-lymphocyte interactionin vitro. VII. Blastogenesis and generation of cytotoxicity against autologous tumor biopsy cells are inhibited by interferon
Q69429601Human uveitis: study of delayed hypersensitivity by means of lymphocyte transformation levels
Q70170344Human-human B cell hybridomas from in vitro stimulated lymphocytes of patients with common variable immunodeficiency
Q39863747Human-mouse mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q39882893Human-mouse mixed lymphocyte cultures. II. Partial separation of functionally distinct populations on discontinuous albumin gradients
Q40855676Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in foetal sheep following vaccination with BCG
Q43843255Humoral and cellular immune response to varicella-zoster virus in children inoculated with live attenuated varicella vaccine
Q54256215Humoral and cellular immune responses in rats during a primary infestation with Fasciola hepatica
Q39414280Humoral factors influencing lymphocyte transformation
Q39407128Humoral immunity and blastic transformation of lymphocytes in trisomy 21
Q72859193Humoral- and cell-mediated immune responses to herpesvirus antigens in patients with cervical carcinoma☆☆☆
Q40736904Hyperactivation of the mononuclear phagocyte system and typhoid fever
Q34420337Hyperthermia and human leukocyte functions: effects on response of lymphocytes to mitogen and antigen and bactericidal capacity of monocytes and neutrophils
Q67469501Hyporesponsiveness of canine bronchoalveolar lymphocytes to mitogens: inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by alveolar macrophages
Q36988786Hypothesis: the pathogenesis of AIDS. Activation of the T- and B-cell cascades
Q40641110H–2 compatibility requirements for T suppressor cell functions induced by Friend leukaemia virus
Q39586208I-Region-coded Products Expressed on Both Macrophages and Thymus Epithelium Influence T-Cell Activities
Q40710945I. Depressed immunological function in zinc-deprived rats as measured by mitogen response of spleen, thymus, and peripheral blood
Q41602982IFN-gamma and 1,25(OH)2D3 induce on THP-1 cells distinct patterns of cell surface antigen expression, cytokine production, and responsiveness to contact with activated T cells
Q46555258IL-1-induced prostacyclin production by cerebral vascular endothelial cells inhibits myelin basic protein-specific lymphocyte proliferation
Q50335936IL-12 receptor. I. Characterization of the receptor on phytohemagglutinin-activated human lymphoblasts
Q67698484IL-12: monoclonal antibodies specific for the 40-kDa subunit block receptor binding and biologic activity on activated human lymphoblasts
Q42451040IL-2 and IL-15 manifest opposing effects on activation of nuclear factor of activated T cells
Q68144079IL-2 potentiates the IL-3 production by ConA activated mouse splenic T cells
Q38471387IL-21: a pleiotropic cytokine with potential applications in oncology
Q67707083IL-4 counteracts anti-mu-induced human B cell proliferation: involvement of a cAMP-dependent inhibitory pathway
Q71829402IL-4 induces human B cell maturation and IgE synthesis in SCID-hu mice. Inhibition of ongoing IgE production by in vivo treatment with an IL-4/IL-13 receptor antagonist
Q67927316IL-4 influences IL-2 production and granulomatous inflammation in murine schistosomiasis mansoni
Q68313880IL-6/BSF-2 selectively stimulates the GO----S progression of CD8+ lymphocytes
Q35531916IL6 and the T-cell response
Q39735169Ia and H-2 antigens on blast cells
Q72712439Ia antigen: a murine B lymphocyte receptor for transformed cell induction of interferon-alpha/beta
Q36343167Ia determinants on human T-cell subsets defined by monoclonal antibody. Activation stimuli required for expression
Q72809772Ia- and IgG-Fc receptor-positive accessory cell sustains peripheral T lymphocyte but not thymocyte mitogenesis induced by OKT3 monoclonal antibody
Q72756411Ia-positive cells generated by PWM-stimulation within OKT4+ subset interact with OKT8+ cells for inducing active suppression on B cell differentiation in vitro
Q67914100Identification and characterisation of two glycoproteins of molecular weights 60 and 180 kd from human multigravid placenta having strong in vitro immunosuppressive activity
Q24336153Identification and molecular cloning of tactile. A novel human T cell activation antigen that is a member of the Ig gene superfamily
Q67907824Identification of IL-8 as a locomotor attractant for activated human lymphocytes in mononuclear cell cultures with anti-CD3 or purified protein derivative of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q72839006Identification of Proliferating Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Microcultures by Surface Marker and Autoradiography
Q41654121Identification of a factor(s) from cloned murine natural suppressor cells that inhibits IL-2 secretion during antigen-driven T cell activation
Q46463718Identification of a membrane antigen that is distinct from the interleukin 2 receptor and that may be required for interleukin 2-driven proliferative responses
Q33268147Identification of a specific Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein able to activate T lymphocytes
Q40347772Identification of activated T cell receptor gamma delta lymphocytes in the liver of tumor-bearing hosts
Q40675752Identification of activated T cells in sarcoidosis
Q39077203Identification of albumin as the serum factor essential for the growth of activated human lymphocytes
Q56909813Identification of an Alternative CTLA-4 Ligand Costimulatory for T Cell Activation
Q70304495Identification of an Anti-Human Osteogenic Sarcoma Monoclonal-Antibody-Defined Antigen on Mitogen-Stimulated Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
Q35024389Identification of an intracellular precursor to DNA excreted by human lymphocytes
Q29620223Identification of calcineurin as a key signalling enzyme in T-lymphocyte activation
Q67238275Identification of cell-mediated immunity blocking factors in human urine
Q71961188Identification of heavy chain residues in a humanized anti-CD3 antibody important for efficient antigen binding and T cell activation
Q67900833Identification of murine thymocyte populations capable of extensive proliferation in serially passaged thymic organ cultures
Q67257960Identification of normal and transformed lymphocyte subsets of nonhuman primates with monoclonal antibodies to human lymphocytes
Q40151896Identification of subregions of Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin that stimulate human T-cell responses
Q44051005Identification of the Schistosoma haematobium soluble egg antigens inducing antibody production and/or T cell proliferation in humans
Q67670228Identification of the anti-CD3-unresponsive subpopulation of CD4+, CD45RA+ peripheral T lymphocytes
Q42937184Identification of the principal T lymphocyte-stimulating antigens of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q72689164Idiotype expression and fine specificity of Glu60Ala30Tyr10-specific T proliferating cells
Q39216954IgE formation in the rat after infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. II. Proliferation of IgE-bearing cells in neonatally thymectomized animals
Q72772290IgG subclass expression by human B lymphocytes and plasma cells: B lymphocytes precommitted to IgG subclass can be preferentially induced by polyclonal mitogens with T cell help
Q52100338Immobilized anti-CD3-induced T cell growth: Comparison of the frequency of responding cells within various T cell subsets
Q37905190Immune Mechanisms in Chlamydial Eye Infection: Cellular Immune Responses In Chronic and Acute Disease
Q45802758Immune Profile of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD). II. Effect of IBD Virus on Pokeweed-Mitogen-Stimulated Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Chickens
Q45801606Immune Profile of Infectious Bursal Disease. III. Effect of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus on the Lymphocyte Responses to Phytomitogens and on Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction of Chickens
Q39317809Immune Response in the Guinea Pig to Penicillin-Autologous Carrier Proteins
Q45891064Immune Responses of Humans to a Human Diploid Cell Strain of Rabies Virus Vaccine: Lymphocyte Transformation, Production of Virus-Neutralizing Antibody, and Induction of Interferon
Q45278271Immune Responses to Hydralazine and Nuclear Antigens in Hydralazine-Induced Lupus Erythematosus
Q24795912Immune activation and CD8+ T-cell differentiation towards senescence in HIV-1 infection
Q69260484Immune alterations in Hodgkin's disease. Effect of delayed hypersensitivity and lymphocyte transformation on course and survival
Q34083201Immune and mitogenic responses by BALB/c, C3H/HeJ, and nude mice to Brucella abortus bacterin and lipopolysaccharide
Q53743769Immune deficiency syndrome and transformation of lymphocytes
Q67598635Immune lymphocyte inhibition of activation of DNA synthesis in mixed cultures of normal lymphocytes in vitro
Q40698051Immune profile in melanoma patients. I. PHA--stimulation of circulating lymphocytes and number of T- and B-lymphocytes (author's transl)
Q39548996Immune response gene control of determinant selection. II. Genetic control of the murine T lymphocyte proliferative response to insulin
Q40816227Immune response of guinea pigs to Schistosoma mansoni. II. In vitro blastogenesis and macrophage migration inhibition factor production in response to cercarial, adult worm and egg antigens
Q40897919Immune response regulation by lymphocyte products. Potentiator and suppressor factors detected during responses to Concanavalin A, E. coli lipopolysaccharide and dinitrophenylated bovine serum albumin
Q72956055Immune response to a DNA free herpes simplex vaccine in man
Q43932542Immune response to hepatitis B virus surface antigen peptides during HBV infection
Q42090849Immune response to myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis
Q72676502Immune response to the p-azobenzenearsonate (ABA)-GAT conjugate: role of I region genes in the selective activation of ABA-specific or GAT-specific T helper cells
Q40645390Immune responses during human schistosomiasis mansoni. I. In vitro lymphocyte blastogenic responses to heterogeneous antigenic preparations from schistosome eggs, worms and cercariae
Q40816222Immune responses during human schistosomiasis mansoni. III. Regulatory effect of patient sera on human lymphocyte blastogenic responses to schistosome antigen preparations
Q39548656Immune responses during human schistosomiasis mansoni. V. Suppression of schistosome antigen-specific lymphocyte blastogenesis by adherent/phagocytic cells
Q40712343Immune responses during human schistosomiasis mansoni. VI. In vitro nonspecific suppression of phytohemagglutinin responsiveness induced by exposure to certain schistosomal preparations
Q52215901Immune responses during human schistosomiasis mansoni. X. Production and standardization of an antigen-induced mitogenic activity by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from treated, but not active cases of schistosomiasis
Q72820049Immune responses in an untransfused patient with aplastic anemia: Analysis of cytolytic and proliferative T cell clones
Q34239800Immune responses of dairy cattle to parainfluenza-3 virus in intranasal infectious bovine rhinotracheitis-parainfluenza-3 virus vaccines
Q72715702Immune responses to bovine neural antigens in leprosy patients. II. Absence of in vitro lymphocyte stimulation to peripheral nerve myelin proteins
Q27480300Immune responses to plasmid DNA encoding the hepatitis C virus core protein
Q35232795Immune responsiveness and risk of illness in U.S. Air Force Academy cadets during basic cadet training
Q93748046Immune responsiveness to Mycobacterium leprae and other mycobacterial antigens throughout the clinical and histopathological spectrum of leprosy
Q66884439Immunglobulin levels and alterations of the lymphocyte function after extracorporal circulation and massive blood transfusion (author's transl)
Q66852743Immunity in foot-rot infection
Q39993443Immunity to equine herpesvirus type 1 (rhinopneumonitis): in vitro lymphocyte response
Q33908775Immunity to herpes simplex virus type 2: cell-mediated immunity in latently infected guinea pigs
Q69411610Immunity, leukemias and lymphomas. 3. Immune reactions in malignant granuloma in relationship to the clinical stage of the disease
Q40871595Immuno-diagnosis of ovarian cancer by the aid of cell-mediated immunologic techniques
Q67386940Immuno-suppressive effect of human macrophages. I. Evidence for an unstable soluble factor(s) inhibiting DNA synthesis and proliferation in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes
Q67386943Immuno-suppressive effect of human macrophages. II. Influence of macrophages on the kinetics of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes
Q52455154Immunobiological Consequence of Regulation of Insulin Receptor on Alloactivated Lymphocytes in Normal and Obese Subjects
Q67546042Immunobiological studies on experimental visceral leishmaniasis. II. Adherent cell-mediated down-regulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity response and up-regulation of B cell activation
Q39250286Immunobiology of the graft-versus-host reaction. II. The role of proliferation in the development of specific antihost immune responsiveness
Q48430975Immunoblastic lymphosarcoma, a cytological and clinical entity?
Q40236197Immunocompetence testing in patients with one of the four common operable cancers--a review
Q66886953Immunocompetent Cells in Man. IV. The Inhibition of Pokeweed Mitogen-Induced Blastogenesis of Normal Human Peripheral Leukocytes by Trypsin: A B-Cell Mitogen of Mouse, but not of Human, Lymphocytes
Q54040194Immunocyte reactions in vitro in allergic eczema
Q39848579Immunodeficiency following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
Q68305955Immunodeficiency with low expression of the T cell receptor/CD3 complex. Effect on T lymphocyte activation
Q58848170Immunodepression, high IgM levels and evasion of the immune response in murine trypanosomiasis
Q43212139Immunodiagnosis of parasitic zoonoses: sensitivity and specificity of in vitro lymphocyte proliferative responsiveness using nematode antigens purified by affinity chromatography
Q41036139Immunofluorescence of histone H1 in stimulated lymphocytes measured by flow cytophotometry
Q72909232Immunofluorescent staining of nuclear antigen in lymphoid cells transformed by Herpesvirus papio (HVP)
Q54434952Immunogenetics of transplantation. 2. Tissue matching--methods for the isolation and characterization of transplantation antigens
Q39380532Immunogenic and immunosuppressive components in soluble preparations from moloney murine leukemia virus-induced tumor cells
Q39607335Immunoglobulin Biosynthesis <i>in vitro</i> after Stimulation of Pig Blood Lymphocytes with Mitogen
Q72764831Immunoglobulin C-gene expression. III. Possible induction of specific genetic events in activated B lymphocytes by the polyclonal stimuli driving clonal expansion
Q36231874Immunoglobulin M and D antigen receptors are both capable of mediating B lymphocyte activation, deletion, or anergy after interaction with specific antigen
Q69223952Immunoglobulin on Tumor Cells and Tumor-Induced Lymphocyte Blastogenesis in Human Acute Leukemia
Q45798960Immunoglobulin production by tonsil lymphocytes before and after Epstein-Barr virus transformation
Q45801853Immunoglobulin production in Epstein-Barr virus-induced human monoclonal lymphoblastoid cell lines
Q45800435Immunoglobulin properties of Epstein-Barr virus transformed human umbilical cord and adult peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q68092238Immunohistochemical analysis of colonic mucosa with ulcerative colitis--activation of lymphocytes and expression of ICAM-1 by lamina propria dendritic cells and macrophages
Q52061435Immunohistological analysis of memory T lymphocytes and activated B lymphocytes in tissues with periodontal disease
Q39914348Immunologic Significance of In Vitro Lymphocyte Responses
Q44823817Immunologic Suppression of DNA Synthesis in MOPC 104E Plasmacytoma Cells
Q72609183Immunologic activity of human lymph cells in the lymphocyte blast transformation reaction
Q44301292Immunologic alteration in bladder tumors II: PHA-induced lymphocyte blastoid formation and PPD skin reaction (author's transl)
Q28243579Immunologic characterization of human malignant lymphomas
Q70301938Immunologic diagnosis of graft rejection in lung allotransplantation
Q46044006Immunologic evaluation of hematopoietic chimeric rhesus monkeys
Q69140906Immunologic functions of isolated human lymphocyte subpopulations. I. Quantitative isolation of human T and B cells and response to mitogens
Q67680165Immunologic investigation in children with recurrent pneumonia
Q40961486Immunologic monitoring of cardiac transplant recipients by a modified reactive leukocyte blastogenesis assay (MRLB)
Q40640270Immunologic properties of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). IV. Cellular basis of the unresponsiveness of C3H/HeJ mouse spleen cells to LPS-induced mitogenesis
Q50222744Immunologic reactions in vitro to abnormal forms of Salmonella typhimurium induced in the presence of fosfomycin
Q40769478Immunologic reactivity of workers in the superphosphate industry with pathologic symptoms in the respiratory system
Q41989841Immunologic studies on recurrent aphtha--lymphocyte transformation in patients with chronic recurrent aphtha and Behçet's disease (author's transl)
Q66886064Immunological Studies In Familial Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Q67002624Immunological Studies on Lesch-Nyhan Patients
Q39422516Immunological activities of rat lymphocytes. I. Mitogenic responses and surface markers of lymphocytes from normal, thymectomized and B rats
Q42452917Immunological and beta-cell-specific characteristics of diabetes-prone BB/OK rats and their congenic derivatives--a comparative study
Q70695813Immunological changes in gluten enteropathy
Q67061596Immunological characteristics of lymphocytes in healthy children during the reactive spontaneous blast transformation
Q39973376Immunological cross-reactivity between basic proteins of myelin and cancer. I. Lymphocyte transformation studies in immunized guinea-pigs
Q37599149Immunological defect and its correction in the osteopetrotic mutant rat
Q69362321Immunological detection of human cardiac rejection
Q69182411Immunological detection of rat heart allograft rejection
Q38582645Immunological family studies in Hodgkin's disease. Is the immunodeficiency horizontally transmitted?
Q39598373Immunological induction of T lymphocytes: role of antigen and the lymphocyte costimulator
Q39356548Immunological observations on patients with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, and on the role of de-novo purine synthesis in lymphocyte transformation
Q68241297Immunological reactivity in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis associated with diabetes mellitus
Q66994125Immunological reactivity of patients with malignant tumors of the head and neck. Part 3: PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation test (author's transl)
Q45289956Immunological studies in Huntington's disease
Q36335350Immunological studies of Aging. III. Cytokinetic basis for the impaired response of lymphocytes from aged humans to plant lectins
Q34250132Immunological studies of aging. IX. Impaired proliferation of T lymphocytes detected in elderly humans by flow cytometry
Q68260254Immunological studies on Behçet disease
Q67814302Immunological studies on human oral cancer. Effect of inoculation of small doses of cauterized tumour antigen
Q71024119Immunological study of experimental herpetic keratitis in rabbit - cellular and humoral immunity after re-infection herpes simplex virus (author's transl)
Q72680635Immunological unresponsiveness in primed B lymphocytes
Q39631980Immunologically diagnosed malignancy in Sjögren's pseudolymphoma
Q69354414Immunology of sarcoidosis with special reference to lymphocyte tests
Q67485279Immunomodulatory activity of different blood products on the mitogen‐induced human lymphocyte transformation
Q53923831Immunopathologic reactions in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis
Q40122316Immunopharmacology: regulation of precursor cells
Q40832384Immunoreactive insulin level in the blood and the blast transformation reaction to insulin and the pancreatic tissue at the initial stages of diabetes mellitus
Q34240568Immunoreactivity of T lymphocytes propagated from biopsies of human cadaveric small intestine allografts: a serial study of four patients
Q72828041Immunoregulation after thermal injury: sequential appearance of I-J+, Ly-1 T suppressor inducer cells and Ly-2 T suppressor effector cells following thermal trauma in mice
Q67890086Immunoregulation of lymphoproliferation in vitro by monocytes and their subpopulations. II. Phenotypic changes of T cells in cultures activated with antigen and mitogen
Q72815893Immunoregulatory T cells in measles. The relationship between reduced lymphocyte proliferative response to PHA and increased proportion of circulating suppressor-cytotoxic T cells
Q72730544Immunoregulatory activities of autoreactive T cells: an I-A-specific T cell clone mediates both help and suppression of antibody responses
Q52220125Immunoregulatory activity of culture-induced suppressor macrophages
Q70228226Immunoregulatory effects of C3 and its major cleavage fragments
Q53558290Immunoregulatory human T lymphocytes triggered as a consequence of viral infection: clonal analysis of helper, suppressor inducer and suppressor effector cell populations
Q54495453Immunoregulatory mechanisms in pregnancy. II. Further characterization of suppressor lymphocytes induced by alpha-fetoprotein in lymphoid cell cultures
Q41278362Immunosuppression and Induction of Anergy by CTLA4Igin Vitro:Effects on Cellular and Antibody Responses of Lymphocytes from Rats with Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis
Q34088768Immunosuppression and isolation of rubella virus from human lymphocytes after vaccination with two rubella vaccines
Q41117395Immunosuppression by metastatic lymphoma derived altered retroviral gp70 molecule
Q41646879Immunosuppression derived from human B-lymphoblastoid and melanoma cell lines
Q41626146Immunosuppression in vitro and in vivo by supernatants from murine lymphoma cell lines
Q72794954Immunosuppressive Serum Factors in Viral Hepatitis. I. Characterization of Serum Inhibition Factor(s) as Lymphocyte Antiactivator(s)
Q67849047Immunosuppressive activity of halothane. A study using the lymphoblastic transformation test (LTT)
Q39811920Immunosuppressive activity of human seminal plasma. I. Inhibition of in vitro lymphocyte activation
Q44269904Immunosuppressive activity ofPhaseolus coccineus andPhaseolus vulgaris extracts in mice
Q67582625Immunosuppressive effect of paracoccidioidomycosis sera on the proliferative response of normal mononuclear cells. Identification of a Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 34-kDa polypeptide in circulating immune complexes
Q67560145Immunosuppressive factors released by Schistosoma mansoni
Q66962944Immunosuppressive serum factors and lymphocyte deficiency in Hodgkin's disease
Q39906723Immunosupression by means of lenticular extract--an attempt (author's transl)
Q72840142Impaired AMLR in autoimmunity
Q70448505Impaired Lymphocyte Response to Allogeneic Cultured Lymphoid Cells in Patients with Lung Cancer
Q72887632Impaired Lymphocyte Transformation Response to Cytomegalovirus and Phytohemagglutinin in Recipients of Renal Transplants: Association with Antithymocyte Globulin
Q66880699Impaired T-cell transformation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL): Demonstration of a blastogenesis inhibitory factor
Q40618830Impaired bone marrow lymphocyte proliferation in acute myelogenous leukemia
Q47976869Impaired cell-mediated immunity in Plasmodium falciparum-infected patients with high-parasitemia and cerebral malaria
Q41547797Impaired lymphocyte and suppressor cell function in minimal change nephropathy, membranous nephropathy and focal glomerulosclerosis
Q46890634Impaired lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin in dogs affected with cyclic neutropenia
Q42086719Impaired lymphocyte responsiveness in osteosarcoma
Q33455254Impaired lymphocyte transformation and capping in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura
Q34070108Impaired lymphocyte transformation in intestinal lymphangiectasia: evidence for at least two functionally distinct lymphocyte populations in man
Q40715906Impaired reactivity of burn patient lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin in autologous serum: Failure to improve responsiveness by washing in vitro
Q46145112Impaired responsiveness of IL-2 receptor-expressing T lymphocytes from aged mice
Q43527194Impairment in cellular protein phosphorylation by mitogen activated lymphocytes from patients with Hodgkin's disease
Q72683136Impairment of Antigen-Specific T Cell Proliferative Response in B Cell Suppressed Mice
Q40312344Impairment of Mitochondrial Respiratory Control by Activated Lymphocytes
Q34394893Importance of Actinomyces and certain gram-negative anaerobic organisms in the transformation of lymphocytes from patients with periodontal disease
Q41616188Improved isolation of rinderpest virus in transformed bovine T lymphoblast cell lines
Q40668588Improved procedure for the fraction and in vitro stimulation of hapten-specific B lymphocytes
Q66897380Improved renal allograft survival using the mixed lymphocyte culture for selection of nonidentical living related donors
Q67598909Improvement of phytohemagglutinin responsiveness of lymphocytes from cancer patients after washing in vitro
Q40671367In Vitro Functions of Lymphoid Cells in Untreated Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Q39450941In Vitro Immune Responsiveness to Vaccinia Virus and HLA
Q72706993In Vitro Immunization for the Production of Antigen-Specific Lymphocyte Hybridomas
Q34120987In Vitro Lymphocyte Response to Purified Protein Derivative, BCG, and Mycobacterium leprae in a Population Not Exposed to Leprosy
Q24170448In Vitro Lymphocyte Responses in Contact Hypersensitivity III
Q44030987In Vitro Proliferative Reactions by Lymphocytes from both Responder and “Low” Responder Mice to (T, G)-A—L
Q39536185In Vitro Sensitization of Human T Lymphocytes to Hapten (TNP)-Conjugated and Non-treated Autologous Cells is Restricted by Self-HLA-D
Q39996535In Vitro Stimulation of Lymphocytes of Donors Seronegative for Epstein-Barr Virus by Preparations of Inactivated Epstein-Barr Virus
Q45244809In Vitro Studies of Contact Hypersensitivity: Lymphocyte Transformation in Nickel Sensitivity
Q69199581In Vitro response of partially purified spleen cells: “Blast” transformation
Q40755086In VitroT-Cell Proliferative Response to the Flavivirus, West Nile
Q40312370In VivoRadio Resistance of Activated T Cells Involved in the Graft-versus-host Reaction
Q45258927In situ activation of B lymphocytes in hepatitis B virus-induced fulminant hepatitis
Q72775410In vitro Lymphocyte Dysfunction in Lipoid Nephrosis Mediated by Suppressor Cells
Q45796752In vitro Murine Lymphocyte Blastogenic Responses to Cryptosporidium parvum
Q57356883In vitro OKT3-induced mitogenesis in selenium-deficient patients on a diet for phenylketonuria
Q40027177In vitro Stimulation of Human Lymphocytes by Purified Cytomegalovirus
Q72930111In vitro Stimulation of Rabbit T Lymphocytes by Cells Expressing Herpes Simplex Antigens
Q54703890In vitro activation of cyclophosphamide by phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes
Q67513701In vitro activation of human T lymphocytes by Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharides
Q64913530In vitro activation of mouse lymphocytes in serum-free medium: effect of T and B cell mitogens on proliferation and antibody synthesis
Q39846706In vitro allogeneic response of human lymphocytes dependent upon dialyzable plasma components and a thymic hormone, THF
Q68054543In vitro and in vivo activation of murine gamma/delta T cells induces the expression of IgA, IgM, and IgG Fc receptors
Q44383076In vitro and in vivo effects of Corynebacterium parvum on lymphocyte transformation
Q36345706In vitro antigen-induced, antigen-specific antibody production in man. Specific and polyclonal components, kinetics, and cellular requirements
Q67042883In vitro assessment of immunocompetence in patients with malignant melanoma
Q45801420In vitro blastogenic responses of peripheral lymphocytes from marmosets to phytohemagglutinin and to autologous lymphocytes transformed by epstein-barr virus
Q40836945In vitro cell response of Treponema pallidum-infected rabbits. I. Lymphocyte transformation
Q67041211In vitro cell response of Treponema pallidum-infected rabbits. II. Inhibition of lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin by serum of T. pallidum-infected rabbits
Q40839761In vitro culture of lymphocyte colonies in agar capillary tubes after PHA-stimulation
Q68463063In vitro diagnosis of food allergy. Correlations among different diagnostic methods
Q40644688In vitro differentiation of B lymphocytes
Q39439521In vitro discordance between actual lymphocyte proliferation and thymidine incorporation on exposure of human lymphocytes to specific antigen or allogeneic cells
Q40693538In vitro growth of murine T cells. I. Production of factors necessary for T cell growth
Q40693545In vitro growth of murine T cells. II. Growth of in vitro sensitized cells cytotoxic for alloantigens
Q40879507In vitro guinea pig leukocyte reactions to Rickettsia rickettsii
Q70355708In vitro human lymphocyte responses to Cryptococcus neoformans. Evidence for primary and secondary responses in normals and infected subjects
Q70315100In vitro immune response of cells of various lymphoid tissues in (NZB X NZW)F1 mice: evidence for abnormality of the mesenteric lymph node cells
Q40654235In vitro immune response of human peripheral lymphocytes. I. The mechanism(s) involved in T cell helper functions in the pokeweed mitogen-induced differentiation and proliferation of B cells
Q52218171In vitro immunization to KLH. II. Limiting dilution analysis of antigen-reactive cells in primary and secondary culture
Q72789604In vitro induction of human helper T cell activity by Trypanosoma brucei
Q41875344In vitro infection with HIV enables human CD4+ T cell clones to induce noncognate contact-dependent polyclonal B cell activation
Q35448483In vitro influence of Mycoplasma penetrans on activation of peripheral T lymphocytes from healthy donors or human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals
Q67065163In vitro inhibition of human peripheral blood lymphocyte transformation by an extract of Pseudomonas putida
Q39426862In vitro inhibition of lymphoproliferative responses to tumor associated antigens and of lymphoma cell proliferation by rat splenic macrophages
Q67599608In vitro lymphocyte activity in women with endometriosis--an altered immune response?
Q66961524In vitro lymphocyte reaction to phytohemagglutinin in hereditary microspherocytosis
Q66881603In vitro lymphocyte reactivity and T-cell levels in chronic cigarette smokers
Q66985339In vitro lymphocyte reactivity to soluble tumor extracts in sinclair melanoma swine
Q72806669In vitro lymphocyte recognition of islet cells following in vivo priming with allogeneic murine pancreatic islets
Q45120462In vitro lymphocyte response of patients with uterine cancer as related to clinical stage and radiotherapy
Q40892626In vitro lymphocyte response to streptococcal antigens in rheumatic fever cases
Q70666732In vitro lymphocyte responses and skin test reactivity following BCG vaccination
Q67448365In vitro lymphocyte stimulation by wart antigen in man
Q41105434In vitro lymphocyte stimulation in leprosy; simultaneous stimulation with Mycobacterium leprae antigens and phytohaemagglutinin
Q41398200In vitro lymphocyte transformation as a herd survey method for bovine paratuberculosis
Q40062134In vitro lymphocyte transformation of MS patients to paramyxovirus antigens
Q39583567In vitro lymphocyte transformation to nickel: a study of nickel-sensitive patients before and after epicutaneous and oral challenge with nickel
Q66934159In vitro lymphocytic transformation chromosome breakage and cellular damage in Ataxia-Telangiectasia
Q40124203In vitro mitogenic stimulation of murine spleen cells by herpes simplex virus
Q40687878In vitro modulation of lymphocyte responses to phytohaemagglutinin by plasma in mother and baby at the time of birth. Increased lymphocyte responses in babies of mothers with lepromatous leprosy
Q69589735In vitro observations on sarcoid lymphocytes and their correlation with cutaneous energy and clinical severity of disease
Q36364801In vitro production of immunosuppressive factors by murine sarcoma virus-transformed mouse fibroblasts
Q41677678In vitro proliferation and cloning of CD3- CD16+ cells from human thymocyte precursors
Q43692372In vitro proliferation and the cytotoxic specificity of a cryopreserved cytotoxic T cell clone reacting against human autologous tumor cells
Q66992253In vitro proliferation of macrophage depleted human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q72825546In vitro propagation and cloning of murine natural suppressor (NS) cells
Q52103928In vitro response of lymphocytes in patients with allergic tension-fatigue syndrome
Q45224843In vitro response of lymphocytes of normal and ovine squamous cell carcinoma-bearing sheep to phytomitogens and tumour extracts
Q43817764In vitro response of lymphocytes to Micropolyspora faeni extract in cattle
Q67767287In vitro response of lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and serum levels of immunoglobulins during remission of acute leukemia
Q42097772In vitro response of subpopulations of human lymphocytes. II. DNA synthesis induced by anti-immunoglobulin antibodies
Q66881684In vitro response of subpopulations of human tonsil lymphocytes. I. Cellular collaboration in the proliferative response to PHA and Con A
Q46569002In vitro response to basic protein in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: Effect of pretreatment with basic protein in incomplete adjuvant
Q67494210In vitro responses of CBA/N mice: spleen cells of mice with an X-linked defect that precludes immune responses to several thymus-independent antigens can respond to TNP-lipopolysaccharide
Q71016426In vitro responses of lymphocytes from cattle with advanced Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection to homologous and heterologous antigens
Q39720516In vitro responses of peripheral blood and spleen lymphoid cells to mitogens and antigens in childhood Hodgkin's disease
Q39427845In vitro secondary MLR. I. Kinetics of proliferation and specificity of in vitro primed responder cells
Q36341948In vitro sensitization of thymocytes. Role of H-21 I region determinants and cell-free mixed leukocyte culture supernates in generation of cytotoxic responses
Q69152309In vitro spleen leucocyte migration and phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte transformation of immunosuppressed mice cells. I. Cells from mice treated by thymectomy and/or rabbit anti-mouse lymphocyte serum
Q69152317In vitro spleen leucocyte migration and phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte transformation of immunosuppressed mice cells. II. Cells from mice treated by azathioprine and/or immune stimulation or thymectomy
Q45861891In vitro splenic T cell responses of diverse mouse genotypes after oronasal exposure to mouse hepatitis virus, strain JHM
Q50209852In vitro stimulation of C3H/HeJ spleen cells and macrophages by a lipid A precursor molecule derived from Salmonella typhimurium
Q40053225In vitro stimulation of bovine circulating lymphocytes by parainfluenza type 3 virus
Q67349519In vitro stimulation of bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes: analysis of variation of lymphocyte blastogenic response in normal dairy cattle
Q37357567In vitro stimulation of bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes: comparison of round- and flat-bottom microtiter plates for detection of tuberculin hypersensitivity
Q54269785In vitro stimulation of bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes: effect of short-term storage of blood prior to lymphocyte culture
Q40081145In vitro stimulation of foal lymphocytes with equid herpesvirus 1
Q40644691In vitro stimulation of human T and B lymphocytes by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Q39736758In vitro stimulation of human lymphocytes
Q40054647In vitro stimulation of human lymphocytes by Bordetella Pertussis
Q43553968In vitro stimulation of human lymphocytes by alpha, beta and delta toxins and toxoids of Staphylococcus aureus
Q69350228In vitro stimulation of human lymphocytes with heterologous anti-lymphocyte sera: evidence for a specific antigenic receptor mechanism
Q67699291In vitro stimulation of lymphocyte by PHA in whole blood method (author's transl)
Q72806519In vitro stimulation of lymphocytes by vascular endothelial cells. A study with canine arterial and venous endothelial cells
Q69473947In vitro stimulation of lymphocytes of HB antibody carriers by HB antigen (Australia antigen)
Q66884011In vitro stimulation of murine lymphoid cell cultures by levamisole
Q67679943In vitro stimulation of ovine lymphocytes by various mitogens
Q41687680In vitro studies of the effect of MAb NDA 4 linked to toxin on the proliferation of a human EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid B cell line and of gibbon MLA leukemia cell line
Q72779859In vitro studies of the rabbit immune system. IX. Extended culture of rabbit cytotoxic cells and the generation of TCGF-dependent T lymphocyte lines
Q45300064In vitro studies on cellular immunity in mice infected with influenza virus
Q40667917In vitro study of the effect of serum from patients with neoplasms on lymphocyte transformation
Q40932013In vitro suppression of lymphocyte blastogenic response to mitogen and antigen by Leishmania tropica
Q43828481In vitro synthesis of the lymphocyte-activating factor under conditions of clinical allotransplantation
Q41262020In vitro tolerance induction of bone marrow cells: a marker for B cell maturation
Q28253258In vitro transformation of lymphoid cells by Abelson murine leukemia virus
Q69054460In vitro transformation of mouse spleen cells by casein, phytohaemagglutinin and allogeneic cells in casein-induced amyloidosis
Q39874079In vitrofunctional studies of mononuclear cells in patients with CLL. Evidence for functionally normal T lymphocytes and monocytes and abnormal B lymphocytes
Q45251184In vivo administration of monoclonal antibodies to the CD3 T cell receptor complex induces cell death (apoptosis) in immature thymocytes
Q72779838In vivo analysis of allogeneic lymphocyte interaction: activation of suppressor T cells by an I-J-restricted allogeneic effect factor (AEF)
Q35548534In vivo and in vitro death of mature T cells induced by separate signals to CD4 and alpha beta TCR
Q72827116In vivo and in vitro requirements for T-cell activation: Concordance and contrasts
Q67530825In vivo depletion of CD4 T cells increases B cell sensitivity to polyclonal activation: the role of interferon-gamma
Q39677238In vivo effects of antiserum to IgD on surface immunoglobulins, serum immunoglobulins and lymphocyte blastogenesis in rhesus monkeys
Q52079760In vivo lymphocyte responses in the draining lymph nodes of mice exposed to Schistosoma mansoni: Preferential proliferation of T cells is central to the induction of protective immunity
Q44360860In vivo lymphocyte transformation induced by H-2D and H-2K components of the H-2 locus
Q71702895In vivo response of mouse lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin and colchicine
Q53975670Inactivation of the mitogenic property of pokeweed mitogen by erythrocytes
Q34560888Incapacitation of fibrosarcoma cell by polyclonally activated murine T cell
Q40653784Increase in T cell mitogen responsiveness in rat thymocytes by thymic epithelial culture supernatant
Q41678803Increase in activated CD8+ cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patients with diffuse panbronchiolitis
Q41674990Increase of Activated T-cells in BAL Fluid of Japanese Patients With Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia and Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia
Q67462814Increase of Chromatin-Bound Protein Kinase after Stimulation of Lymphocytes by Concanavalin A
Q66941229Increase of UV-induced DNA repair synthesis during blast transformation of human lymphocytes
Q28590083Increased Proliferative Capacity of CD4+ and CD8+ T Lymphocytes from Mutant sphha/sphha Mice Is Associated with Increased IL-2 Receptor Expression
Q39746451Increased Susceptibility to Infections in the Papillon-Lefèvre Syndrome
Q33923242Increased eIF-2 alpha expression in mitogen-activated primary T lymphocytes
Q40700688Increased immune reactivity in systemic lupus erythematosus. III. Different in vitro stimulation of lymphocytic populations by mitogenic serum factors (author's transl)
Q66962950Increased lymphocyte transformation by insulin induced hypoglycaemia in normal subjects
Q66892740Increased mitogenic reactivity of normal spleen cells to T lectins induced by thymus humoral factor (THF)
Q41651535Increased proliferation of activated T-lymphocytes in response to a monoclonal antibody (anti-p68)
Q67690155Increased proliferation, lytic activity, and purity of human natural killer cells cocultured with mitogen-activated feeder cells
Q40668213Increased proliferative response of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to anti-immunoglobulin antibodies in elderly people
Q67014328Increased rate of RNA-polyadenylation. An early response in Concanavalin A activated lymphocytes
Q36272690Increased reactivity of mouse spleen cells sensitized in vitro against syngeneic tumor cells in the presence of a thymic humoral factor
Q66907595Increased sensitivity of lymphocyte Δ1pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase to inhibition by proline with transformation
Q66940693Increased spontaneous morphological blast transformation in patients with Crohn's disease
Q39568369Increased tendency to spontaneous in-vitro lymphocyte transformation in clinically active multiple sclerosis
Q40670159Indicators of cellular immunity in glomerulonephritis
Q67371837Indices of cellular immunity in lung cancer patients
Q40874043Indices of peripheral blood lymphocyte blast and macrophagal transformation in typhoid and dysentery in the presence of a bacteriophage homologous to the type of causative agent
Q71860531Indirect allorecognition of platelets by T helper cells during platelet transfusions correlates with anti-major histocompatibility complex antibody and cytotoxic T lymphocyte formation
Q34394724Indirect blastogenesis of peripheral blood leukocytes in experimental gingivitis
Q28242912Inducible Expression and Phosphorylation of Coactivator BOB.1/OBF.1 in T Cells
Q43435517Inducible cell contact signals regulate early activation gene expression during B-T lymphocyte collaboration
Q39625705Induction Of Dna Synthesis In Lymphocytes In Vitro By Various Bacteria, With Special Reference To Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, In Patients With Uro-Arthritis (Reiter's Disease)
Q39455611Induction and Properties of DNP-Specifie T Cells in Mice Sensitized to DNP-Coupled Mycobacterium
Q40654388Induction and properties of cytoplasmic factor(s) which enhance nuclear nonhistone protein phosphorylation in lymphocytes stimulated by anti-Ig
Q39100953Induction and regulation of casein kinase II during B lymphocyte activation
Q72096409Induction of CD5 antigen on human CD5− B cells by stimulation with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain I
Q67901044Induction of Fc epsilon RII/CD23 on phytohemagglutinin-activated human peripheral blood T lymphocytes. I. Enhancement by IL-2 and IL-4
Q24645614Induction of FoxP3 and acquisition of T regulatory activity by stimulated human CD4+CD25– T cells
Q42199365Induction of G1 arrest by down-regulation of cyclin D3 in T cell hybridomas
Q42879333Induction of Homologous Rather than Heterologous Antigen-Specific CD4 T Cell Responses Is Critical for Functional CD8 T Cell Responses in Mice Transgenic for a Foreign Antigen
Q40777673Induction of Lymphocyte Proliferation and Membrane Changes by Lipopeptide Derivatives of the Lipoprotein from the Outer Membrane of Escherichia coli
Q35210748Induction of T Helper Cells and Cytokines for Mucosal IgA Responses
Q53559999Induction of an activated b lymphocyte-associated surface moiety defined by the B2 monoclonal antibody by ebv conversion of an EBV-negative lymphoma line (Ramos): differential effect of transforming (B95-8) and nontransforming (P3HR-1) EBV substrains
Q72651843Induction of anamnestic T cell proliferation by antigen-pulsed, bone marrow-derived macrophages
Q41941713Induction of anti-idiotypic T cells through a network mechanism
Q40129878Induction of antibody-producing cell lines by Epstein-Barr virus
Q72914095Induction of arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase and blast transformation in human blood lymphocytes
Q45875467Induction of chemiluminescent emission in polymorphonuclear leucocytes stimulated by Sendai virus
Q44963599Induction of competence to respond to IL-4 by CD4+ T helper type 1 cells requires costimulation
Q41566080Induction of costimulatory molecule B7 in M12 B lymphomas by cAMP or MHC-restricted T cell interaction
Q41953127Induction of cytotoxic T cell precursors in vivo. Role of T helper cells
Q72743278Induction of cytotoxic lymphocyte responses by antigen-specific helper factors
Q41649328Induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by native myelin basic protein-activated T lymphocyte lines
Q37114937Induction of functional activities of human lymphocytes by monoclonal antibodies
Q44379259Induction of high-affinity paf receptor expression during T cell activation
Q41617017Induction of homotypic T cell adhesion by triggering of leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 alpha (CD11a): differential effects on resting and activated T cells
Q67677204Induction of human T cell proliferation by a monoclonal antibody to CD5
Q44017322Induction of human monocyte IL-1 mRNA and secretion during anti-CD3 mitogenesis requires two distinct T cell-derived signals
Q40094483Induction of immune interferon by murine cytomegalovirus
Q37163546Induction of immunity and oral tolerance with polymorphic class II major histocompatibility complex allopeptides in the rat
Q70359779Induction of immunoglobulin secretion in cultured human lymphocytes by 4 Staphylococcus aureus strains and their extracts
Q43598984Induction of interleukin-5 responsiveness in resting B cells by engagement of the antigen receptor and perception of a second polyclonal activation signal
Q43645968Induction of long-term but reversible unresponsiveness after activation of murine T cell hybridomas
Q39886481Induction of memory cells in vitro with an antiidiotype serum against the recognition structure specific for cells primed for histocompatibility determinants
Q36347616Induction of murine autoimmune disease by chronic polyclonal B cell activation
Q68318297Induction of negative signal through CD2 during antigen-specific T cell activation
Q67754689Induction of peripheral blood lymphocyte transformation by autologous synovial fluid lymphocytes and synovial fluid
Q39916565Induction of permanently proliferating human lymphoblastoid lines by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine
Q43983518Induction of phorbol ester responsiveness in conventional B cells after activation via surface Ig
Q36958323Induction of proliferative responses of T cells from Babesia bovis-immune cattle with a recombinant 77-kilodalton merozoite protein (Bb-1)
Q41681963Induction of serotonin release from mast cells by lymphocyte activators is dependent upon implantation of lymphocyte plasma membrane components
Q72804730Induction of suppressive cells within the T4 subset by a human T-T hybridoma-produced factor
Q38522211Induction of suppressor T cells to dinitrofluorobenzene contact sensitivity by application of sensitizer through langerhans cell-deficient skin. II. Kinetics of the induction of suppressor T cells
Q39899827Induction of suppressor activity in the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction and in cultures with concanavalin A
Q72776736Induction of suppressor cells in autologous mixed lymphocyte culture (AMLC) in humans
Q41613411Induction of the DNA repair enzyme uracil-DNA glycosylase in stimulated human lymphocytes
Q45645885Induction of thymidine kinases in phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q39917956Induction of uridine kinase in rat peripheral blood lymphocytes: Dependence on mitogen specificity and effect of pyrimidine analogs
Q66889236Induction or suppression of B cell proliferation and differentiation by phytohemagglutinin or concanavalin A in mouse spleen cell cultures
Q45074870Infection of BALB/cByJ mice with the JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus alters in vitro splenic T cell proliferation and cytokine production
Q45802455Infection of human B lymphocytes with high multiplicities of Epstein-Barr virus: Kinetics of EBNA expression, cellular DNA synthesis, and mitosis
Q72776878Inflammatory bowel disease: Prevalence and level of activation of circulating T-lymphocyte subpopulations mediating suppressor/cytotoxic and helper function as defined by monoclonal antibodies
Q72659820Influence of H-2-linked genes on T cell proliferative and cytolytic responses to peptides of Sendai viral proteins
Q72800143Influence of HLA class I- and class II-specific monoclonal antibodies on DR-restricted lymphoproliferative responses. I. Unseparated populations of effector cells
Q34081907Influence of Malaria Infection on the Elaboration of Soluble Mediators by Adherent Mononuclear Cells
Q53981893Influence of chronic intermittent hemodialysis on lymphocyte stimulation by PHA in patients with terminal kidney failure
Q58240292Influence of cultivation temperature on blast-transformation of lymphocytes from humans of different ages
Q67746262Influence of middle-sized molecule aggregates from dialysate of uremic patients on lymphocyte transformation in vitro
Q39730451Influence of non-H-2 genotype on the response to H-2-linked mixed lymphocyte reaction stimulating (MLR-S) genes
Q66922511Influence of supernatants from polymorphonuclear leucocytes on blastogenesis of syngeneic and allogeneic murine splenocytes
Q34205764Influence of the Major Histocompatibility Complex on T-Cell Activation
Q40669333Influenza A viruses of the H2N2 subtype are lymphocyte mitogens
Q47984551Inhibited lymphocytic response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) in chronic aggressive hepatitis
Q34091208Inhibition by human serum of lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by purified protein derivative of tuberculin and bacillus Calmette-Guérin
Q39947815Inhibition by lymphocyte nuclei of DNA and RNA synthesis in stimulated lymphocytes and leukaemic cells
Q40600598Inhibition of B lymphocyte activation by interaction with Fc receptors
Q41134633Inhibition of CD4+ T cell activation and adhesion by peptides derived from the gp160
Q39487944Inhibition of DNA synthesis and decreased reproductive capacity in cattle maintained on semi-arid rangeland with Acacia species as a major component of available browse
Q40035070Inhibition of EB virus transformation of non-adherent human lymphocytes by co-cultivation with adult fibroblasts
Q72789207Inhibition of Lymphocyte Activation by Antisera to Embryonic Antigens Shared With Human Placental Trophoblast*
Q39995503Inhibition of Lymphocyte Blastogenesis by Factor(s) in Alloxan-diabetic Rat Plasma
Q72700677Inhibition of Lymphocyte Transformation by Serum from Pregnant Women: Lack of Correlation with Levels of Alpha-Fetoprotein
Q40184452Inhibition of Mitogen- and Antigen-Induced Lymphocyte Blastogenesis by Herpes Simplex Virus
Q66962641Inhibition of PHA-Induced Lymphocyte Stimulation by Factors in Maternal Serum during Late Pregnancy
Q52062308Inhibition of T Cell Activation and Adhesion Functions by Soluble CD2 Protein
Q41809197Inhibition of T cell activation in vivo with mixtures of monoclonal antibodies specific for I-A and I-A/E molecules
Q28591904Inhibition of T cell responses to alloantigens and polyclonal mitogens by Ly-5 antisera
Q40110841Inhibition of antigen and mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation by fetal calf serum
Q67484315Inhibition of antigen-induced B lymphocyte activation in vitro by cytochalasin B
Q70198824Inhibition of antigen-induced T-cell clone proliferation by antigen-specific antibodies
Q36347729Inhibition of antigen-specific T lymphocyte activation by structurally related Ir gene-controlled polymers. Evidence of specific competition for accessory cell antigen presentation
Q54146029Inhibition of antigen-stimulated in vitro proliferation of thymic dependent chicken spleen cells by specific antibody
Q48408587Inhibition of cell-mediated immunity in patients with brain tumors
Q45804145Inhibition of concanavalin A response during osteopetrosis virus infection
Q40110983Inhibition of concanavalin A stimulation of feline lymphocytes by inactivated feline leukemia virus
Q37586710Inhibition of dual Ir gene-controlled T-lymphocyte proliferative response to poly (Glu56Lys35Phe9)n with anti-Ia antisera directed against products of either I-A or I-C subregion
Q40203210Inhibition of human lymphocyte mitogen and antigen response by a 15,000-dalton protein from feline leukemia virus
Q70157083Inhibition of human lymphocyte proliferation by monoclonal antibody to transferrin receptor
Q39416717Inhibition of human lymphocyte transformation by human alpha-foetoprotein (HAFP); comparison of foetal and hepatoma HAFP and kinetic studies in vitro immunosuppression
Q30449864Inhibition of humoral and cell-mediated immune responses in man by distinct suppressor cell systems
Q46824176Inhibition of in vitro lymphocyte proliferation by alloantisera in genetically controlled immune systems in guinea pigs
Q45887103Inhibition of in vitro lymphoproliferative responses by in vivo passaged rat 13762 mammary adenocarcinoma cells. II. Evidenceth Kilham rat virus is responsible for the inhibitory effect
Q68057479Inhibition of interleukin-1 (alpha and beta), interleukin-2 secretion and surface expression of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) by a novel cytokine interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra)
Q40712194Inhibition of lymphocyte blastogenesis by C3c and C3d
Q39382079Inhibition of lymphocyte blastogenesis by plasma of patients with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome
Q54594208Inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by factor(s) produced by Schistosoma mansoni
Q72817455Inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by monoclonal antibody directed against the T3 antigen on human T cells
Q41717688Inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation during parasitic infection with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis
Q39577521Inhibition of lymphocyte reactivity in vitro by autologous polymorphonuclear cells (PMN)
Q72792487Inhibition of lymphocyte response by prostaglandin-producing suppressor cells in patients with melanoma
Q45888731Inhibition of lymphocyte stimulation by measles virus
Q39834013Inhibition of lymphocyte transformation by disrupted murine oncornavirus
Q41487806Inhibition of lymphocyte transformation responses to phytohemagglutinin by normal human plasma
Q67511750Inhibition of lymphocytes pre-incubated with human chorionic gonadotropin of the blastic transformation of peripheral murine lymphocytes
Q41633253Inhibition of methylation by adenosine in adenosine deaminase-inhibited, phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q66994196Inhibition of mitogen induced blast transformation by a multiple sclerosis serum factor
Q39729161Inhibition of mitogen stimulation of human peripheral blood leukocytes by Vibrio cholerae enterotoxin
Q40014612Inhibition of mitogen-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis by serum from tumor-bearing animals: Changes with tumor growth
Q39746305Inhibition of mitosis and tritiated DNA precursor uptake in human leucocyte cultures by rat lymph node extract
Q40097890Inhibition of normal lymphocyte mitogenic reactivity by serum from feline leukemia virus-infected cats
Q70226452Inhibition of normal lymphocyte responses by cell membranes
Q40009034Inhibition of normal mouse lymphocyte mitogen responses by xenogeneic or allogeneic antibodies to the MuLV glycoprotein gp71
Q72779760Inhibition of ongoing myeloma IgE synthesis in vitro by activated human T cells
Q71016248Inhibition of phytohaemagglutinin-induced transformation of lymphocytes by human spleen extracts
Q72709530Inhibition of proliferation of MIs- and Ia-reactive cloned T cells by a monoclonal antibody against a determinant shared by I-A and I-E
Q39727695Inhibition of proliferation of lymphoma cells and T lymphocytes by suppressor cells from spleens of tumor-bearing mice
Q34130146Inhibition of the mitogenic response of normal peripheral lymphocytes by extracts or supernatant fluids of a Herpesvirus saimiri lymphoid tumor cell line
Q69180834Inhibition of the mixed lymphocyte reaction by antibodies
Q67737207Inhibition of the reactive proliferation of lymphocytes by activated macrophages: the role of nitric oxide
Q43557110Inhibition ofin vitro lymphoproliferative responses to tumor-associated antigens by suppressor cells from rats bearing progressively growing gross leukemia virus-induced tumors
Q36231933Inhibition or activation of human T cell receptor transfectants is controlled by defined, soluble antigen arrays
Q67333557Inhibitor of PHA-Induced Lymphocyte Blastformation Generated from Maternal Lymphocytes during Early Pregnancy
Q40692544Inhibitory Activity of Unstimulated Alveolar Macrophages on T-Lymphocyte Blastogenic Response1
Q39833229Inhibitory effect of human mononuclear phagocytes on DNA synthesis in stimulated lymphocytes
Q67337418Inhibitory effect of medium sized molecules from patients with renal failure on lymphocyte stimulation by phytohemagglutinin
Q72741043Inhibitory effect of serum on lymphocyte transformation by phytohemagglutinin in patients with intrathoracic sarcoidosis
Q40834592Initial Clinical and Immunologic Evaluation of a New Phase I Q Fever Vaccine and Skin Test in Humans
Q45246007Initiation of the blastogenic response of lymphocytes by hyperoptimal concentrations of concanavalin A
Q34154332Interaction Between Antigen-Presenting Cells and Primed T Lymphocytes. An Assessment of Ir Gene Expression in the Antigen-Presenting Cell
Q43406805Interaction between lymphocytes and inflammatory exudate cells. I. Enhacement of thymocyte response to PHA by product(s) of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages
Q66885019Interaction between lymphocytes and inflammatory exudate cells. II. A proteolytic enzyme released by PMN as a possible mediator for enhancement of thymocyte response
Q40256461Interaction of human lymphocytes and viruses in vitro
Q72768458Interaction of plasma fibronectin in the in vitro allograft response
Q41058082Interaction of soluble C3 fragments with guinea pig lymphocytes. Comparison of effects of C3a, C3b, C3c, and C3d on lymphokine production and lymphocyte proliferation
Q41132261Interaction of subpopulations of murine lymph node lymphocytes in antigen-induced [14C]-thymidine incorporation: T and B cell synergy in the response to antigen
Q39821334Interactions of alpha1-acid glycoprotein with the immune system. I. Purification and effects upon lymphocyte responsiveness
Q48008580Intercellular lacunae: sequestered microenvironments in stimulated leukocyte cultures
Q53505060Interferon activation of latent natural killer cells and alteration in kinetics of target cell lysis: Clinical implications for oral precancerous lesions
Q72730569Interferon induction in mouse spleen cells by mitogenic and nonmitogenic lectins
Q40062687Interferon inhibition of lymphocyte mitogenesis
Q72736396Interferon is the suppressor of hematopoiesis generated by stimulated lymphocytes in vitro
Q67376939Interferon production and lymphocyte stimulation in human leucocyte cultures stimulated by Corynebacterium parvum
Q54227847Interleukin 1 induces proliferation in two distinct B cell subpopulations responsive to two different murine B cell growth factors
Q70229384Interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by mitogen stimulated bovine peripheral blood lymphocytes and its assay
Q72792649Interleukin 2 deficiency in murine Leishmaniasis donovani and its relationship to depressed spleen cell responses to phytohemagglutinin
Q72654617Interleukin 2 is not sufficient as helper component for the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes but synergizes with a late helper effect that is provided by irradiated I-region-incompatible stimulator cells
Q41589501Interleukin 2-induced activation of Ras requires two domains of interleukin 2 receptor beta subunit, the essential region for growth stimulation and Lck-binding domain
Q36350213Interleukin 2-induced proliferation of murine natural killer cells in vivo
Q42034541Interleukin-11 promotes accessory cell-dependent B-cell differentiation in humans
Q70223021Interleukin-2 activated peripheral blood lymphocytes and the correlation of lytic activity and peanut agglutinin receptor expression on malignant cells
Q42129949Interleukin-2 production of lymphocytes in food sensitive atopic dermatitis
Q68060210Interleukin-2 promoter activation in T-cells expressing activated Ha-ras
Q71993929Interleukin-7 activates intestinal lymphocytes
Q50335905Interleukin‐7 activates p56lck and p59fyn, two tyrosine kinases associated with the p90 interleukin‐7 receptor in primary human T cells
Q28280619Internalization of HIV glycoprotein gp120 is associated with down-modulation of membrane CD4 and p56lck together with impairment of T cell activation
Q41708823Intracellular Ca2+ regulation in CD3 stimulated Jurkat T cells involves H+ fluxes
Q40090999Intracellular Events in Membrane-Mediated Stimulation of Lymphocytes <i>in vitro</i>
Q34128431Intracellular mediators regulate CD2 lateral diffusion and cytoplasmic Ca2+ mobilization upon CD2-mediated T cell activation
Q72931066Intracellular p H of Mitogen-Stimulated Lymphocytes
Q72012227Intraneural activated T cells cause focal breakdown of the blood-nerve barrier
Q53075647Intraperitoneal Echinococcus multilocularis infection in mice modulates peritoneal CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory T cell development
Q35259924Intrathymic activation events and the generation of IL-4 producer CD4+8- thymocytes
Q33192145Intrathyroidal activated (Ia+) T-lymphocyte CD+ subsets and B cells in Graves' hyperthyroidism respond rapidly to propylthiouracil therapy: demonstration using fine needle aspirates and two-colour laser flow cytometry
Q46518287Investigations for the use of micromodification of lymphocyte transformation test in patients with lung disease (author's transl)
Q67058565Investigations in taeniasis patients on blood serum immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM and blastic lymphocyte transformation after phytohaemagglutinin (author's transl)
Q39531609Investigations of the methodology of lymphocyte transformation test by application to lymph-node cells of guinea pigs (author's transl)
Q44619274Investigations on autoallergic uveitis in rabbits: III. Blastic transformation of lymphocytes with albumin and allogenic protein (author's transl)
Q72836982Investigations on the Age-Dependence of T-Lymphocyte Subpopulations and Lymphocyte Reactivity
Q71815083Involvement of CD44 variant isoforms in hyaluronate adhesion by human activated T cells
Q44872897Involvement of class II HLA molecules in T cell activation by antigen. Implications for the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q34038733Involvement of gangliosides in lymphocyte stimulation
Q40640222Ionophorous activity and murine B lymphocyte mitogens
Q70220237Iron Deficiency in the Rat: Effects on Neutrophil Activation and Metabolism
Q50676012Iron deficiency and immune responses
Q50665892Iron, desferrioxamine, and ATP interactions in proliferating lymphocytes and B-cell lines
Q72798906Irradiated autologous T cells restore the in vitro responsiveness of PWM-activated peripheral blood lymphocytes from splenectomized individuals
Q40718244Is DNA Synthesis a Requisite for the Differentiation of B Lymphocytes into Immunoglobulin-Secreting Plasma Cells?
Q72733514Isolation and characterization of B cell differentiation factor (BCDF) secreted from a human B lymphoblastoid cell line
Q50208582Isolation and characterization of an outer membrane protein of Salmonella paratyphi B: a mitogen and polyclonal activator of human B lymphocytes
Q39408465Isolation of a human lymphocyte mitogen from wheat germ with N-acetyl-D-glucosamine specificity
Q40009129Isolation of a lipid a bound polypeptide responsible for LPS- initiated mitogenesis of C3H/HeJ spleen cells
Q67655995Isolation of glycopeptides from the lectin-stimulated human peripheral lymphocyte cell surface
Q47851943Isopycnic centrifugation of antigen-activated human blood lymphocytes in the early phase of in vitro stimulation
Q69247640Isotopic interpretation of in vitro lymphoblastic transformation test
Q52828758Isotype-specific human suppressor T cells for IgE synthesis activated by IgE-anti-IgE immune complexes
Q33938434Jurkat T cells express a functional neutral endopeptidase activity (CALLA) involved in T cell activation
Q43602671Kinetic study of T lymphocytes after sensitization against soluble antigen. I. Separation on density gradients
Q42940409Kinetic study of T lymphocytes after sensitization against soluble antigen. III. Potentiation and suppression of the PHA response by antigen-activated lymphocytes of low density
Q40725975Kinetics of B-lymphocytes stimulation by pokeweed Pa-1 mitogen and bacterial lipopolysaccharide
Q45797545Kinetics of Phytohemagglutinin Response in Chickens Infected with Various Strains of Marek's Disease Virus
Q54273796Kinetics of anti-CD4-induced T helper cell depletion and inhibition of function. Activation of T cells by the CD3 pathway inhibits anti-CD4-mediated T cell elimination and down-regulation of cell surface CD4
Q39702964Kinetics of detection of blastogenic responses of neonatal calves inoculated in utero with tetanus toxoid, killed Mycobacterium bovis, and killed Brucella abortus
Q72401272Kinetics of expression of T-cell "activation" antigens on in vivo- and in vitro-stimulated T cells
Q41443094Kinetics of immunoglobulin synthesis and secretion by resting and pokeweed mitogen-transformed human lymphocytes
Q41373279Kinetics of in vitro bovine lymphocyte immunostimulation with a Brucella abortus antigen
Q59081338Kinetics of lymphocyte stimulation by concanavalin A
Q34083608Kinetics of lymphocyte transformation in mice immunized with viable avirulent forms of Cryptococcus neoformans
Q67831502Kinetics of phytohemagglutinin stimulated lymphocytes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q39967726Kinetics of the induction of DNA synthesis in lymphocytes by periodate
Q69532207Kveim's test and lymphoblastic transformation test in Crohn's disease
Q54472741LPS regulation of the immune response: Bacteroides endotoxin induces mitogenic, polyclonal, and antibody responses in classical LPS responsive but not C3H/HeJ mice
Q70225343LPS regulation of the immune response: separate mechanisms for murine B cell activation by lipid A (direct) and polysaccharide (macrophage-dependent) derived from Bacteroides LPS
Q34491649Labile Inhibitor of Lymphocyte Transformation in Plasma from a Patient with Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis
Q42374634Lack of correlation between lymphocyte activating determinants and HLA-DR on acute leukaemias
Q67600950Lack of correlation of activated monocytes with lymphocyte function in patients with lymphoma
Q45334082Lack of effect of azathioprine on phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation and established delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity
Q54492248Lack of general immunosuppression during visceral Leishmania tropica infection in BALB/c mice: augmented antibody response to thymus-independent antigens and polyclonal activation
Q40640260Lack of interaction of circulating T cells with phytohemagglutinin in bacillary positive untreated lepromatous leprosy patients--identification of subpopulation of lymphocytes by shifts in electrophoretic mobility
Q66850895Lack of lymphocyte stimulation by root canal products
Q39720768Lack of neutrophil activation in children affected with T-lymphocyte deficiencies who are chronic carriers of HBsAg (author's transl)
Q72764685Lack of proliferation to alloantigen in a sibling of two infants with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
Q72837206Lack of spontaneous and inducible natural killer cell activity in human bone marrow: presence of adherent suppressor cells
Q46353967Large scale expansion of human tumor infiltrating lymphocytes with surface-modified stimulator cells for adoptive immunotherapy
Q38355422Lectin-binding proteins as potent mitogens for B lymphocytes from nu/nu mice
Q36335642Lectin-driven maturation of cytotoxic effector cells: the nature of effector memory
Q30502684Legionella pneumophila-induced blastogenesis of murine lymphoid cells in vitro
Q40673864Leopard frog (Rana pipiens) spleen lymphocyte responses to plant lectins. Kinetics and carbohydrate inhibition
Q66879955Leprosy XII. Quantitative analysis of thymus-derived lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin in leprosy
Q67318040Letter: A new case of severe intolerance to phenindione. Value of the lymphoblastic transformation test
Q39363415Letter: Blast-cell transformation in chronic granulocytic leukaemia
Q43511947Letter: In vitro lymphoblastoid transformation in the presence of tuberculin as a diagnostic aid in tuberculous meningoencephalitis
Q39397086Letter: Inhibition of phytohaemagglutinin transformation by serum of patients with fulminant viral hepatitis
Q39362329Letter: Lymphocyte response to paramyxovirus antigens in multiple sclerosis
Q44758501Letter: Lymphocyte responsiveness in inflammatory bowel disease
Q39356666Letter: Lymphocyte transformation in vitro to paramyxovirus antigens in multiple sclerosis
Q39312957Letter: Sperm inhibition of lymphocyte transformation
Q43931308Leucocyte aggregation and lymphocyte transformation induced by mercuric chloride
Q40146744Leukocyte Migration Inhibition and Lymphocyte Blastogenesis Responses in Breast Carcinoma Patients to Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus and to Virion gp52 Antigen and Rauscher Murine Leukemia Virus-Kirsten Sarcoma Virus gp69/71 Antigen
Q67827905Leukocyte blast transformation reaction in newborn infants
Q72788125Leukocyte complement: a possible role for C5 in lymphocyte stimulation
Q70916952Leukocyte enzyme activity and blood lymphocyte blast transformation in chronic bronchitis
Q71831053Leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) and CD44 are signalling molecules for cytoskeleton-dependent morphological changes in activated T cells
Q69201270Leukocyte migration and lymphocyte transformation tests in renal allotransplantation
Q39822133Leukocyte migration in the presence of leukemia-associated antigens in children with Down's disease
Q40196344Leukocyte migration inhibitory factor. A serine esterase released by stimulated human lymphocytes. Kinetic analysis and inhibition by cyclic GMP
Q66866905Levamisole and in vitro PHA-transformation of lymphocytes from acute leukemia patients
Q44650273Ligand-dependent modulation of membrane phospholipid metabolism in ConA-stimulated lymphocytes
Q36631643Light transmission analysis of lymphocyte activation by mitogens: a new technique
Q72676488Limited life span of extensively proliferating B cells: no evidence for a continuous class or subclass switch
Q39885396Limiting dilution analysis of alloantigen-reactive T lymphocytes. I. Comparison of precursor frequencies for proliferative and cytolytic responses
Q72797601Limiting dilution analysis of alloreactive cytotoxic precursor cells in aging mice
Q67773781Limiting dilution analysis of proliferative T cell responses to mycobacterial 65-kDa heat-shock protein fails to show significant frequency differences between synovial fluid and peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Q72684364Limiting dilution analysis of the frequency of human T cells and large granular lymphocytes proliferating in response to interleukin 2. II. Regulatory role of interferon on proliferative and cytotoxic precursors
Q38358834Limulin (Limulus polyphemus lectin): mitogenic effect on human peripheral lymphocytes
Q41542776Lineage-independent activation of immune system effector function by myeloid Fc receptors
Q67807886Linkage of Faulty Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I to Autoimmune Diabetes
Q41118280Lipopolysaccharide and lipid A-induced human blood lymphocyte activation as detected by a protein A plaque assay
Q41670591Lipopolysaccharide responsiveness of malignant lymphoid cells in a patient with hairy cell leukemia
Q44581056Liquid scintillation counting for measurement of tritiated uptake in lymphocyte transformation in vitro: A new direct-suspension procedure
Q40146475Listeria monocytogenes activation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes: induction of non-major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxic activity and cytokine production
Q39901860Liver and immune responses V: Regenerating liver cells activate syngeneic lymphocytes
Q67547144Liver of MRL/lpr mice contain interleukin-4-producing lymphocytes and accessory cells that support the proliferation of Th2 helper T lymphocyte clones
Q66879945Local immune response in experimental pyelonephritis in the rabbit. I. Morphological and functional features of the lymphocytic infiltrate
Q43964263Local immune response in experimental pyelonephritis in the rabbit. II. Lymphocyte stimulation by lipopolysaccharide of infecting organism
Q39548601Long term growth in vitro of human T cell blasts with maintenance of specificity and function
Q40238398Long-term T-cell-mediated immunity to Epstein-Barr virus in man. II. Components necessary for regression in virus-infected leukocyte cultures
Q40238404Long-term T-cell-mediated immunity to Epstein-Barr virus in man. III. Activation of cytotoxic T cells in virus-infected leukocyte cultures
Q40189656Long-term T-cell-mediated immunity to epstein-barr virus in man. I. Complete regression of virus-induced transformation in cultures of seropositive donor leukocytes
Q39588232Longitudinal studies of lymphocyte response to Toxoplasma antigen in humans infected with T. gondii
Q41092692Loss of CD23 is a consequence of B-cell activation. Implications for the analysis of B-cell lineages
Q45087493Loss of the short-lived suppressive function of peripheral leukocytes in feline retrovirus-infected cats
Q39879139Low responsiveness of synovial and peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated by either PHA-P or CON-A in patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis
Q67066559Low responsiveness of synovial fluid lymphocytes to PHA and con-A and environmental factors in chronic rheumatoid arthritis
Q67829265Low responsiveness to Candida antigens in kidney transplant recipients
Q47365713Low-molecular weight nuclear RNA components in human lymphocytes cultured without or with phytohaemagglutinin
Q45111489Ly-1 B-lineage cells downregulate the number and proliferation of B-cell precursors
Q40698418Lymhocyte stimulatory effect of an ether-extracted preparation of Brucella abortus
Q39887476Lymph node activation by a factor released from lymphocytes of normal mice in reaction with Mycobacterium kansasii
Q54769144Lymphatic reactions in virus disease: behavior of DNA-synthetizing blood lymphocytes in Australia antigen positive hepatitis
Q70501451Lymphoblast transformation experiments on relapsing erysipeliasis
Q45213292Lymphoblast transformation in leprosy
Q40922303Lymphoblast transformation in rats convalescent from infection with Plasmodium berghei
Q54223902Lymphoblast transformation in various groups of tuberculin-positive individuals
Q43432110Lymphoblast transformation studies in sarcoidosis
Q43444398Lymphoblast transformation test for the diagnosis of drug intolerance
Q67279119Lymphoblast transformation test in osteoarticular tuberculosis
Q40988922Lymphoblastic Transformation of Ph1 -Positive Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia: Therapeutic Implications and Relevance to Haemopoietic Stem Cell Theory
Q67770418Lymphoblastic transformation by fractions of Brucella in patients having had brucellosis and subjects vaccinated by the vaccine PI
Q54734070Lymphoblastic transformation by trichophytin and sporotrichin
Q54148621Lymphoblastic transformation in allergic contact dermatitis
Q66860875Lymphoblastic transformation in chronic myeloid leukemia
Q48035950Lymphoblastic transformation in primary agammaglobulinaemia
Q40255213Lymphoblastic transformation in response to viral antigens in multiple sclerosis
Q69381173Lymphoblastic transformation test and clinical condition of the periodontium
Q45070733Lymphoblastic transformation test during syphilis
Q67364508Lymphoblastic transformation test in experimental eczema due to DNCB in humans
Q53901343Lymphoblastic transformation tests using rickettsial antigens in vascular diseases. Preliminary study
Q39818695Lymphoblastogenesis inhibitory factor produced by human lung cancer cell lines
Q39536179Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines are Polyclonal Activators of Human T Lymphocytes
Q53549635Lymphoblastoid Cell-Induced Suppression of Human Peripheral Blood Leukocyte Mitogenic Responses
Q67561481Lymphoblastoid cell lines of homozygous typing cells used for sensitization in PLT
Q39331761Lymphoblastoid transformation and kinetics of appearance of viral nuclear antigen (EBNA) in cord-blood lymphocytes infected by epstein-barr virus (EBV)
Q40779316Lymphoblasts with both T and B markers in childhood leukemia and lymphoma
Q39357926Lymphocyte Activating Alloantigens on Human Epidermal Cells
Q72814404Lymphocyte Activation Studies by Flourescent Probes
Q40027028Lymphocyte Activation by Cell Separation Procedures
Q70395261Lymphocyte Blast-Transformation Test in Vitro in Cases of Chronic Gastritis
Q66935905Lymphocyte Blastogenesis Induced by Potassium Chloride Extracts of Allogeneic Breast Carcinoma and Lymphoid Cells2
Q39691099Lymphocyte Blastogenesis Studied by Volume Spectroscopy
Q67460224Lymphocyte Blastogenesis in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis
Q46454934Lymphocyte Blastogenic Responses in Sickle Cell Disease
Q41066235Lymphocyte Functions in the Rat Spleen at Various Times after Urethan Administration
Q40034370Lymphocyte Mitogen Reactivity and Enumeration of Circulating B- and T-Cells During Feline Leukemia Virus Infection in the Cat23
Q54158685Lymphocyte Proliferation Inhibited by Cells and by Effector Substances Obtained from Bursal Lymphocytes1
Q34077875Lymphocyte Proliferative Response to Viral Antigen in Pigs Infected with Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus
Q41288828Lymphocyte Reactivity in Healthy Subjects and Cancer Patients
Q44815388Lymphocyte Reactivity in Infectious Mononucleosis
Q40649829Lymphocyte Reactivity in the Aged
Q40708876Lymphocyte Responsiveness to Urinary Glycosaminoglycan in Systemic Scleroderma
Q41532553Lymphocyte Stimulation by Yeast Phase Histoplasma Capsulatum in Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome
Q40704003Lymphocyte Stimulation with Phorbol Myristate Acetate in Atopic and Non-Atopic Individuals
Q43617470Lymphocyte Transformation
Q35898605Lymphocyte Transformation Induced by Autologous Cells: Stimulation by Cultured Lymphoblast Lines
Q34561458Lymphocyte Transformation Test for Diagnosis of Isothiazolinone Allergy in Man
Q39727950Lymphocyte Transformation Test in Fixed Drug Eruption
Q71810160Lymphocyte Transformation Test in the Diagnosis of Immediate Type Hypersensitivity Reactions to Penicillins
Q54359743Lymphocyte Transformation and Hepatitis I. Impairment of Thymidine Incorporation and DNA Polymerase Activity
Q70616513Lymphocyte Transformation and Hepatitis II. Lack of Direct in Vitro Inhibition by Purified Australia Antigen
Q52718068Lymphocyte Transformation during Operations with Spinal Anesthesia
Q34320075Lymphocyte Transformation in Chagas Disease
Q54700635Lymphocyte Transformation in Human Toxoplasmosis
Q39511758Lymphocyte Transformation in Malnourished Children
Q49704511Lymphocyte Transformation in Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Q67348773Lymphocyte Transformation in Patients with Paraproteinaemia
Q45891037Lymphocyte Transformation in Response to Antigens of Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Q34121576Lymphocyte Transformation in Syphilis: an In Vitro Correlate of Immune Suppression In Vivo?
Q43431061Lymphocyte activation after renal transplantation
Q53032438Lymphocyte activation and expression of the human leucocyte-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (Leu-8/TQ1 antigen)
Q35663152Lymphocyte activation and the family of NF-kappa B transcription factor complexes
Q39691641Lymphocyte activation and the increase of nuclear birefringence
Q34245173Lymphocyte activation antigens. I. A monoclonal antibody, anti-Act I, defines a new late lymphocyte activation antigen
Q41000702Lymphocyte activation by A-streptococcus: specific immune response or polyclonal stimulation
Q40735058Lymphocyte activation by Con A
Q36359075Lymphocyte activation by monovalent fragments of antibodies reactive with cell surface carbohydrates
Q40232174Lymphocyte activation by the tumor-promoting agent 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)
Q34417889Lymphocyte activation by various Mycoplasma strains and species
Q44297610Lymphocyte activation in allograft recipients
Q72696788Lymphocyte activation in burned patients
Q44778955Lymphocyte activation in penicillin allergy: modification of the response to phytohaemagglutinin by benzylpenicilloylated human albumin
Q67708754Lymphocyte activation in rheumatoid synovial effusion
Q40285203Lymphocyte activation induced by Trichinella spiralis infection reflected as spontaneous DNA synthesis in vitro
Q74326855Lymphocyte activation, adhesion molecule expression and adhesion to vascular endothelium in asthma
Q93748049Lymphocyte activation. V. Quantitation of the proliferative responses to mitogens using defined T and B cell populations
Q69152863Lymphocyte activation. VI. A re-evaluation of factors affecting the selectivity of polyclonal mitogens for mouse T and B cells
Q67439490Lymphocyte activation. VIII. The application of a whole blood test to the qauntitative analysis of PHA responsive T cells
Q39531859Lymphocyte adenylate cyclase. Its possible involvement in the stimulation of lymphocytes by lectins (proceedings)
Q66932815Lymphocyte and Granulocyte Reactions during Sleep Deprivation
Q35857735Lymphocyte antigen receptor activation of a focal adhesion kinase-related tyrosine kinase substrate
Q66945124Lymphocyte blast formation
Q41467161Lymphocyte blast transformation and leukocyte migration inhibition as indices of sensitization in atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart
Q67874066Lymphocyte blast transformation in gonorrhea patients
Q46682515Lymphocyte blast transformation in guinea pigs with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
Q69714290Lymphocyte blast transformation in rheumatoid arthritis
Q67369688Lymphocyte blast transformation reaction and leukocytolysis in determination of the activity of pulmonary tuberculosis
Q66878320Lymphocyte blast transformation reaction in eczema patients and their relations
Q66977797Lymphocyte blast transformation reaction in patients with gastric cancer during endolymphatic polychemotherapy and surgical treatment
Q39376573Lymphocyte blast transformation reaction in the whole blood culture. Quantitative evaluation with the aid of a scintillation counter
Q41586497Lymphocyte blast transformation reaction indices in the clinical picture of tuberculosis and their interrelationship with tuberculin tests and the synthesis of specific antibodies
Q42113867Lymphocyte blast transformation reation in syphilis
Q40228033Lymphocyte blast transformation response of seropositive and seronegative subjects to herpes simplex, rubella, mumps and measles virus antigens
Q66966943Lymphocyte blast transformmation reaction with bacterial antigens in infants in the 1st year of life who are excreting conditionally pathogenic microorganisms
Q40477807Lymphocyte blast-transformation reaction in patients with inflammatory odontogenic diseases
Q72761045Lymphocyte blastogenesis assay as a probe of acute allograft rejection in canine lung transplantation
Q67951806Lymphocyte blastogenesis in hairless dogs following stimulation by various mitogens
Q54076797Lymphocyte blastogenesis induced by autochthonous human solid tumor cells: Relationship to stage of disease and serum factors
Q69005562Lymphocyte blastogenesis to human leukemia cells and their relationship to serum factors, immunocompetence, and prognosis
Q67030295Lymphocyte blastogenic response to human thyroglobulin in Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and metastatic thyroid cancer
Q39815740Lymphocyte blastogenic responses to allogeneic leukocytes and autochthonous tumor cells in colorectal carcinoma
Q34464574Lymphocyte blastogenic responses to influenza virus antigens after influenza infection and vaccination in humans
Q67750023Lymphocyte blastoid transformation assay by cytofluorography
Q40721523Lymphocyte blastoid transformation in psoriasis vulgaris (author's transl)
Q51278959Lymphocyte commitment to DNA replication induced by concanavalin A
Q41878689Lymphocyte culture and acupuncture (Proceedings)
Q47961710Lymphocyte culture in solid medium. I. Phytohaemagglutinin stimulation of human blood lymphocytes in chicken plasma clot cultures
Q67246925Lymphocyte culture in vitro. A simple and practical harvesting method for the measurement of blastic transformation
Q44655192Lymphocyte differentiation as analyzed by the expression of defined cell surface markers
Q47898727Lymphocyte dynamics: Change in density profiles and response to phytohemagglutinin of human lymphocytes during prolonged thoracic duct drainage
Q66885044Lymphocyte effector molecules: An in vitro production method for obtaining liter volumes of supernatants from mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q53923240Lymphocyte function in experimental African trypanosomiasis. VI. Parasite-specific immunosuppression
Q72815771Lymphocyte function in patients with plane warts--lymphocyte transformation and ConA-induced suppressor cell activity
Q42941521Lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 dominates very late antigen 4 in binding of activated T cells to endothelium
Q70957631Lymphocyte hyporesponsiveness during edema, proteinuria and hypertension (EPH) gestosis
Q39810070Lymphocyte impairment in aging
Q39618154Lymphocyte isolation, rosette formation, and mitogen stimulation in rhesus monkeys
Q69814399Lymphocyte level and blastic transformation in splenectomized lymphoma patients
Q37582344Lymphocyte mitogenesis induced by a mammalian liver protein that specifically binds desialylated glycoproteins
Q69142131Lymphocyte mitogens of staphylococcal origin
Q69380863Lymphocyte mixed culture reaction (LMC) between parents and children with the same HL-A phenotype. Hypothesis of a genetic recognition system
Q72607903Lymphocyte proliferation in Down's syndrome measured by sister chromatid differential staining
Q34542529Lymphocyte proliferation in response to immunodominant antigens of Brucella abortus 2308 and RB51 in strain 2308-infected cattle
Q41589495Lymphocyte proliferation to Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in hepatitis B antigen-positive and -negative hepatitis
Q33569249Lymphocyte proliferation to artery antigen as a positive diagnostic test in polymyalgia rheumatica
Q40080046Lymphocyte proliferation, lymphokine production, and lymphocyte receptors in ageing and various clinical conditions
Q46462028Lymphocyte proliferationin vitro induced by soluble protein antigens. II. Cellular requirements
Q39639515Lymphocyte reactivity against phytohemagglutinin in rheumatoid arthritis
Q69449294Lymphocyte reactivity in patients with regional enteritis
Q70471793Lymphocyte reactivity in pregnancy
Q55339464Lymphocyte reactivity in pregnant women and newborn infants
Q70231674Lymphocyte reactivity to phytohaemmagglutinin during pregnancy & its modulation by foetal calf serum
Q67593644Lymphocyte response in in vitro cultures to some mitogens, and serum immunoglobulin levels in aged subjects
Q67825267Lymphocyte response in patients with head and neck cancer: effect of clinical stage and radiotherapy
Q40990643Lymphocyte response of leprosy patients to human-derived and purified armadillo-derived Mycobacterium leprae, BCG and PPD
Q70226716Lymphocyte response to PHA in the presence of sera of pregnant women & its correlation with serum levels of placental specific beta 1-glycoprotein
Q36042507Lymphocyte response to antigen stimulation as measured by fluorescence polarization (SCM test)
Q67323094Lymphocyte response to autologous tumor antigen(S) and phytohemagglutinin in ovarian cancer patients
Q41721971Lymphocyte response to mitogens in patients with malignant melanoma
Q39566971Lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin in the presence of serum from pregnant women: correlation with serum levels of alpha-foetoprotein
Q66953777Lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin in cancerous subjects
Q39674231Lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin-stimulation after extended radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease (author's transl)
Q66960672Lymphocyte response to plant mitogens
Q40031143Lymphocyte response to virus antigens in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q40238459Lymphocyte responses to hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subunits of influenza virus
Q45800034Lymphocyte responses to herpes simplex virus isolates from patients with primary and recurrent herpes simplex genitalis
Q66888131Lymphocyte responses to phytohaemagglutinin: age-related effects
Q47973857Lymphocyte responses to phytohemagglutinin in rheumatoid arthritis and glomerulonephritis and the effects of immunosuppression
Q45908418Lymphocyte responses to purified ragweed allergens in vitro. I. Proliferative responses in normal, newborn, agammaglobulinemic, and atopic subjects
Q34118059Lymphocyte responses to rubella antigen and phytohemagglutinin after administration of the RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella vaccine
Q45802427Lymphocyte responses to virus and mitogen in ponies during experimental infection with equine herpesvirus 1
Q66882156Lymphocyte responsiveness in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q40673197Lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogens and quantitation of T and B lymphocytes in canine malignant lymphoma
Q43418406Lymphocyte responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and serum inhibitory effect in patients with gastric cancer
Q41541700Lymphocyte specificity to protein antigens V. Conformational dependence of activation of cytochrome c-specific T cells
Q39449475Lymphocyte specificity to protein antigens. I. Characterization of the antigen-induced in vitro T cell-dependent proliferative response with lymph node cells from primed mice
Q36341212Lymphocyte specificity to protein antigens. II. Fine specificity of T-cell activation with cytochrome c and derived peptides as antigenic probes
Q53713623Lymphocyte stimulation and interferon induction by 7 S anti-human lymphocyte globulins and their uni- and divalent fragments
Q67451347Lymphocyte stimulation and plasma inhibition in patients with malignant neoplasms. A comparative study with three mitogens
Q71709638Lymphocyte stimulation by allogeneic and autochthonous cultured lymphoid cells
Q72768454Lymphocyte stimulation by canine kidney cells
Q40203438Lymphocyte stimulation by herpes simplex virus (HSV) antigens. 1. Culture conditions, cell fractionation and presentation of HSV antigens
Q66889128Lymphocyte stimulation by protein A ofStaphylococcus aureus
Q40110082Lymphocyte stimulation by urine-derived human polyoma virus (BK)
Q66961022Lymphocyte stimulation in hepatitis B infections
Q44539222Lymphocyte stimulation in multiple sclerosis patients untreated and treated with transfer factor. Long-term studies on the effect of different stimulants on myo-(2-3H)inositol incorporation into phosphatidylinositol of lymphocytes
Q54272499Lymphocyte stimulation in patients in the chronic lymphatic leukemia: separation of peripheral lymphocytes through a discontinuous albumin density gradient
Q67321879Lymphocyte stimulation in various age groups
Q67837849Lymphocyte stimulation of healthy probands with a "Hodgkin's HL-A type" (author's transl)
Q68926452Lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) and a challenge test in drug-induced hepatitis
Q67718012Lymphocyte stimulation test in halothane-induced hepatic injury and its clinical observation
Q39338952Lymphocyte stimulation tests using measles and distemper virus antigens in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Q44137462Lymphocyte stimulation with Fc fragments. I. Class, subclass, and domain of active fragments
Q48472065Lymphocyte stimulation with skin cells. A function of maturation
Q35018517Lymphocyte stimulation: a rapid multiparameter analysis
Q70181365Lymphocyte subpopulations and reactivity during and after infectious mononucleosis
Q66706565Lymphocyte subpopulations in adjuvant arthritis of rats. Effects of corticoids and gamma irradiation
Q68055946Lymphocyte subsets and mitogen induced proliferation in adjuvant arthritis. Part I. Migration and function of the peripheral T lymphocytes
Q44420195Lymphocyte subsets and mitogen induced proliferation in adjuvant arthritis. Part II. Changes in function and numbers of lymph nodes T lymphocytes
Q72700869Lymphocyte subsets involved in tumor-activated nonspecific feedback suppression
Q70666735Lymphocyte surface components. I. Stimulation of enzyme-treated rabbit lymphocytes by non-specific mitogens
Q67348131Lymphocyte timulation in the cellular inflammatory reaction of some human skin tumours
Q39688985Lymphocyte transformation and TRH responsiveness in asymptomatic thyroiditis: relation to thyroid hormones
Q47994939Lymphocyte transformation and amyloidosis. An immunologic study of 14 patients with biopsy-proved disease
Q66850200Lymphocyte transformation and interferon production as measures of cellular immunity in lymphoma patients
Q34399029Lymphocyte transformation and interferon production in human mononuclear cell microcultures for assay of cellular immunity to herpes simplex virus
Q69631316Lymphocyte transformation and leucocyte migration-inhibition by Australia antigen
Q70447333Lymphocyte transformation and myocardial infarction
Q40143743Lymphocyte transformation as an aspect of immune recognition in echinococcosis. A review of some current experiments
Q70897552Lymphocyte transformation assays as a diagnostic tool in tuberculosis in children
Q69140110Lymphocyte transformation by Mitsuda-lepromin
Q66879379Lymphocyte transformation by melanin antigens in vitiligo vulgaris and malignant melanoma (author's transl)
Q69127176Lymphocyte transformation by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and purified protein derivative (PPD) in primary biliary cirrhosis. Evidence of serum inhibitory factors
Q54151672Lymphocyte transformation by phytohemagglutinin P in multiple sclerosis patients
Q69582611Lymphocyte transformation by various substances
Q40251346Lymphocyte transformation for the detection of herpesvirus-induced tumor-associated antigens
Q33846123Lymphocyte transformation in cancer patients: variation in results according to technique
Q67323247Lymphocyte transformation in casein-induced murine amyloidosis
Q67837196Lymphocyte transformation in children with neuroblastoma
Q48007712Lymphocyte transformation in chronic renal failure
Q43686321Lymphocyte transformation in contact sensitivity
Q46647807Lymphocyte transformation in experimental ascariasis
Q67727533Lymphocyte transformation in glomerulonephritis. Studies with phytohemagglutinin, streptolysin-O and glomerular basement membrane
Q28338175Lymphocyte transformation in halothane-related hepatitis
Q41444684Lymphocyte transformation in large bowel cancer
Q41834708Lymphocyte transformation in leukemic serum
Q39314796Lymphocyte transformation in liver diseases (review of the literature)
Q47943924Lymphocyte transformation in malignant lymphoma
Q66915946Lymphocyte transformation in mycosis fungoides
Q68272199Lymphocyte transformation in newborns, women and those who had used oral contraceptives
Q45066013Lymphocyte transformation in patients with Kaposi's sarcoma
Q66928427Lymphocyte transformation in patients with breast cancer and the effect of surgery
Q44142927Lymphocyte transformation in patients with cobalt dermatitis
Q66876892Lymphocyte transformation in patients with laryngeal carcinoma
Q39858234Lymphocyte transformation in patients with staged mycosis fungoides and sezary syndrome
Q69302778Lymphocyte transformation in renal lymphatics during canine allograft rejection
Q34475752Lymphocyte transformation in response to phytohaemagglutinin in primary biliary cirrhosis: The search for a plasma inhibitory factor
Q39830902Lymphocyte transformation in subjects with nodulo-cystic acne
Q34475843Lymphocyte transformation in the mesenteric lymph nodes of patients with Crohn's disease
Q39571187Lymphocyte transformation in the presence of myelin basic protein in multiple sclerosis and control subjects
Q70634101Lymphocyte transformation in vitro in patients with hypercorticism
Q39336110Lymphocyte transformation in vitro in patients with immunodeficiency diseases: use in diagnosis, histocompatibility testing and monitoring treatment
Q40006921Lymphocyte transformation in vitro to RIII mouse milk antigen among woman with breast disease
Q70536932Lymphocyte transformation inb carcinoma of the prostate
Q33466946Lymphocyte transformation induced autologous blood platelets under thrombocytopenic conditions
Q39501036Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous cells
Q39366634Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous cells. III. Lymphoblast-induced lymphocyte to stimulation does not correlate with EB viral antigen expression or immunity
Q36359334Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous cells. IV. Human T-lymphocyte proliferation induced by autologous or allogeneic non-T lymphocytes
Q39835040Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous cells. V. generation of immunologic memory and specificity during the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q36343161Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous cells. VIII. Impaired autologous mixed lymphocyte reactivity in patients with acute infectious mononucleosis
Q52218083Lymphocyte transformation induced by autologous cells. XV. Xenoantigens are not required for the proliferative response observed in the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q39866982Lymphocyte transformation induced by chemical modification of membrane components. II. Effect of neuraminidase treatment of responder cells on proliferation and cytotoxicity in indirect stimulation
Q39755853Lymphocyte transformation induced by human granulocytes
Q67653725Lymphocyte transformation initiated by galactose oxidase coupled to latex microspheres and formalinized erythrocytes
Q70471481Lymphocyte transformation phenomenon in patients with chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
Q67668479Lymphocyte transformation responses to mitogens and specific antigens in patients with multiple sclerosis
Q28326848Lymphocyte transformation studies in drug hypersensitivity
Q43902086Lymphocyte transformation studies of sea mammal blood
Q69047365Lymphocyte transformation studies on lymphocytes and serum from children with acute lymphoid leukemia
Q67403306Lymphocyte transformation studies using B 512 dextran in dextran-allergic patients and normals
Q53836315Lymphocyte transformation test and blood histamine level in bronchial asthma in exacerbations and remissions
Q69273648Lymphocyte transformation test and immunofluorescence studies with viral antigens in diseases of the digestive tract
Q54677893Lymphocyte transformation test and its diagnostic value
Q70540520Lymphocyte transformation test as an aid in diagnosing contact allergy
Q39762826Lymphocyte transformation test in Gell's and Coombs' drug reactions
Q67858323Lymphocyte transformation test in Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (author's transl)
Q66965837Lymphocyte transformation test in allergic contact nickel dermatitis
Q40828329Lymphocyte transformation test in bullous dermatoses
Q53831527Lymphocyte transformation test in drug hypersensitivity
Q41065613Lymphocyte transformation test in healthy contacts of patients with leprosy. I. Influence of exposure to leprosy within a household
Q41065618Lymphocyte transformation test in healthy contacts of patients with leprosy. II. Influence of consanguinity with the patient, sex, and age
Q39758141Lymphocyte transformation test in infants with candidiasis of the skin under the clinical picture of dermatitis seborrhoides infantum
Q39871922Lymphocyte transformation test in leprosy: decreased lymphocyte reactivity to Mycobacterium leprae in lepromatous leprosy, with no evidence for a generalized impairment
Q67496512Lymphocyte transformation test in leprosy; correlation of the response with inflammation of lesions
Q66890741Lymphocyte transformation test in patients with leprosy. Its significance as an indicator of cellular immunity
Q68254619Lymphocyte transformation test in plasmacytomas
Q42968587Lymphocyte transformation test in sympathetic ophthalmitis and the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
Q41061070Lymphocyte transformation test in the calf
Q67346369Lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitides
Q39846131Lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of occupational allergy (author's transl)
Q39832165Lymphocyte transformation test in the drug eruptions--the significance of cutaneous fractions as carrier (author's transl)
Q67354870Lymphocyte transformation test in the scleroderma
Q67750137Lymphocyte transformation test in uveal pathology
Q68966061Lymphocyte transformation test in various groups of tuberculin positive persons
Q39787762Lymphocyte transformation test used for the diagnosis of delayed reaction bacterial allergies
Q69445598Lymphocyte transformation test using trichophytin and sporotrichin
Q67777924Lymphocyte transformation test with liver-specific protein and phytohaemagglutinin in patients with liver disease
Q40929055Lymphocyte transformation test with streptococcal antigens in newborn infants and their mothers
Q39523840Lymphocyte transformation test--basis and clinical use
Q67340834Lymphocyte transformation tests and suspected drug allergy
Q52225528Lymphocyte transformation to Legionella pneumophila
Q33551920Lymphocyte transformation to bacterial antigens in ankylosing spondylitis
Q66958058Lymphocyte transformation to phytohaemagglutinin and delayed hypersensitivity related to age and previous cancer history
Q69452466Lymphocyte transformation with phytomitogens in leprosy
Q69146940Lymphocyte transformation with streptococcus antigens and anti-streptokinase titer in behçet disease (author's transl)
Q40917322Lymphocyte transformation with streptolysin S preparations and inhibition of streptolysin S by serum in rheumatic fever and other rheumatic diseases
Q40672955Lymphocyte transformation, rosette formation and behaviour of immunoglobulins in sarcoidosis
Q41346158Lymphocyte transformation: an aid in the diagnosis of paratuberculosis
Q72542204Lymphocyte transformation: proliferation of a possible error
Q67373111Lymphocyte transformational reactivity in chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis
Q82155168Lymphocyte transformations in germinal centers (reaction centers) and in intestinal epithelium
Q67349388Lymphocyte trapping and activation in the regional lymph node stimulated by cellular and soluble antigens
Q41026021Lymphocyte unresponsiveness to PPD tuberculin in badgers infected with Mycobacterium bovis
Q43598188Lymphocyte-blast-transformation in chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer
Q33908843Lymphocyte-derived chemotactic factor synthesis in initial genital herpesvirus infection: correlation with lymphocyte transformation
Q40911152Lymphocyte-stimulating activity of scarlet fever toxin
Q70438989Lymphocytes and Hodgkin's disease. Study of crossing and blastogenesis
Q40488899Lymphocytes and cells in malignant transformation: similarities and possible relationship between the two cell types
Q67696942Lymphocytes can produce respiratory burst and oxygen radicals as polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Q41059483Lymphocytes of Adenoid Tissue
Q70531197Lymphocytic reactivity in vitro during viral hepatitis and its relations to the Australia antigen
Q41144864Lymphoid abnormalities in rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis. I. Mitogen responsiveness and lymphokine synthesis
Q66862236Lymphoid blast crisis in chronic myeloid leukaemia
Q72647220Lymphokine Production by PHA-Stimulated Human Lymphocytes is Enhanced by Interferon
Q36346529Lymphokine-activated killer cell phenomenon. Lysis of natural killer-resistant fresh solid tumor cells by interleukin 2-activated autologous human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q70230117Lymphokine-like activity of a strain of Mycoplasma arginini
Q72715100Lymphokine-mediated activation of a T cell-dependent IgA antipolysaccharide response
Q70232307Lymphokines active in B cell proliferation and differentiation
Q40722161Lymphokines and thrombosis. Thrombocyte and coagulation activation by culture supernatants of concanavalin-A-stimulated human lymphocytes. Some physicochemical properties and inhibition by chemical compounds
Q41446361Lymphopenia and lymphocyte transformation in alcoholics
Q40790702Lymphoproliferative Response during Resolution and Recurrence of Naturally Occurring Gingivitis
Q72751863Lymphoproliferative Responses of Spleen Cells of Inbred Rat Strains to Mycoplasma arthritidis Mitogen
Q45979034Lymphoproliferative Responses to Mitogen and Antigen in HIV-infected Children
Q72868459Lymphoproliferative response to membrane extracts of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Q50181883Lymphoproliferative responses in diet-restricted and aging Sprague-Dawley rats
Q45801700Lymphoproliferative responses to mouse mammary tumor virus in lymphocyte subsets of breast cancer patients
Q69152290Lymphotoxin production and blast cell transformation by cord blood lymphocytes: Dissociated lymphocyte function in newborn infants
Q40702686Lymphotoxin production by human lymphocytes. I. Study of the supernatants of phytohemagglutinin stimulated human lymphocyte cultures
Q40685548Lymphotoxin production in cancer patients: possible relation to blastogenesis and the degree of tumor disease
Q72733547Lyt-2- T cell-independent functions of Lyt-2+ cells stimulated with antigen or concanavalin A
Q40168178MHC-Restricted T Cell Activation: Analysis with T Cell Hybridomas
Q72692757MHC-linked Ir gene control of T cell responses: GAT-specific proliferating T cells and helper T cells are elicited in nonresponder mice immunized with soluble GAT
Q68054541MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic and proliferative responses of two distinct human gamma/delta T cell subsets to Daudi cells
Q39882333MLR blast cells generated in mutant-standard strain combinations bind H-2K and H-2D antigens
Q44262128Macromolecular binding of 3H-benzo(a)pyrene metabolites and lymphocyte transformation in patients with lung cancer, and in smoking and nonsmoking control subjects
Q40723683Macrophage Dependence of Galactose Oxidase Induced Transformation of Human Lymphocytes
Q40664840Macrophage Dependency of T-lymphocyte Mitogenesis byNocardia rubraCell-Wall Skeleton
Q39975851Macrophage Migration Inhibition and Lymphocyte Stimulation with Mammary Tumor Virus Associated Antigens in Balb/c Mice
Q40697263Macrophage Requirement for Production of the Human Mitogenic Factor in Vitro
Q40710551Macrophage Requirements of PPD-induced Blastogenic Factor Production by T and B Lymphocytes in the Guinea-Pig
Q33987946Macrophage activation induced by lymphocyte mediators
Q39730601Macrophage activation of allogeneic lymphocyte proliferation in the guinea pig mixed leukocyte culture
Q44519850Macrophage arming factor release by allografted mouse lymphocytes stimulated by phytohermgglutinin
Q28235361Macrophage colony-stimulating factor is produced by activated T lymphocytes in vitro and is detected in vivo in T cells from reactive lymph nodes
Q40700997Macrophage factor controlling differentiation of B cells
Q36335173Macrophage plasminogen activator: induction by products of activated lymphoid cells
Q67779027Macrophage proliferation and activation during Toxoplasma gondii infection in mice: relationship to lymphocyte stimulation
Q67357101Macrophage proliferation during a lymphocyte transformation response: a study of mouse peritoneal cells stimulated antigenically in diffusion chambers
Q43498305Macrophage regulation of mitogen-induced blastogenesis. II. Mechanism of inhibition
Q39840731Macrophage regulation of the T-cell allogeneic response during tumor growth
Q40716124Macrophage requirements for mouse B-cell stimulation differ according to the molecular form of anti-IgM antibodies
Q66884535Macrophage transformation of lymphocytes in culture
Q40915965Macrophage-Dependent Lymphocyte Immunostimulation in Cattle Infected with Mycobacterium bovis and with Mycobacterium avium
Q39869180Macrophage-T cell interactions in the Con A induction of human suppressive T cells
Q72701638Macrophage-dependent activation of antigen-specific T cells requires antigen and a soluble monokine
Q44748138Macrophage-mediated in vitro sensitization of lymphocytes. II. The detection of neo-antigens on transformed lymphocytes and passages of normal fibroblasts
Q40092224Macrophages are required for the dextran-sulfate induced activation of B lymphocytes
Q72838093Macrophages as Regulatory Cells in Mitogen Induced Spleen Cell Proliferation. 1. Macrophages as Suppressor Cells
Q72605401Maintenance of immunologic unresponsiveness to human gamma-globulin: evidence for irreversible inactivation in B lymphocytes
Q67326006Maintenance of lymphocyte surface Ig by mitogen stimulation in vitro
Q68144549Major Histocompatibility Complex Controls Clonal Proliferation of CD5 B Cells in H-2-Congenic New Zealand Mice
Q39732046Major changes in lymphocyte proliferation evoked by activated macrophages
Q44085951Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) control of CD4 T cell subset activation. II. A single peptide induces either humoral or cell-mediated responses in mice of distinct MHC genotype
Q40740859Major histocompatibility complex gene products on macrophages influence T cell activation
Q40694324Many Bacterial Species are Mitogenic for Human Blood B Lymphocytes
Q40739463Markers of activated T cells on synovial fluid lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis
Q72706914Markers of lymphocyte activation in interstitial pulmonary disease
Q39757837Mastocytoma-mediated suppression of mixed lymphocyte culture and mitogen responsiveness
Q40160390Maternal Lymphocyte Responses During Normal and Abnormal Pregnancies, Measured in vitro Using Composite Trophoblast Antigens and Phytohaemagglutinin
Q47335925Maturation of b lymphocytes in rates. III. Two subpopulations of memory B cells in the thoracic duct lymph differ by size, turnover rate, and surface immunoglobulin
Q40731573Maturation of mitogenic response in foetal guinea-pig
Q44539647Maturation- and differentiation-dependent responsiveness of human CD4+ T helper subsets
Q36231571Measles virus transmembrane fusion protein synthesized de novo or presented in immunostimulating complexes is endogenously processed for HLA class I- and class II-restricted cytotoxic T cell recognition
Q39088550Measurement and comparison of the proliferative and antibody responses of neonatal, immature and adult murine spleen cells to T-dependent and T-independent antigens
Q82325596Measurement of Myeloid Cell Immune Suppressive Activity
Q68349324Measurement of cytoplasmic viscosity by fluorescence polarization in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated and unstimulated human peripheral lymphocytes
Q68139757Measurement of lymphoblast proliferative capacity of stimulated blood mononuclear cells from cattle with chronic paratuberculosis
Q45173383Measurement of lymphocyte proliferation: critical analysis of radioactive and photometric methods
Q42243894Mechanism of 8-mercaptoguanosine-mediated adjuvanticity: roles of clonal expansion and cellular recruitment
Q34006378Mechanism of Activation and Tolerance Induction in B Lymphocytes
Q39330248Mechanism of B-Lymphocyte Activation: Failure to Obtain Evidence of a Direct Role of the Ig Receptors in the Triggering Process
Q45802533Mechanism of Epstein-Barr virus-induced human B-lymphocyte activation
Q68041394Mechanism of T cell activation by bacterial exotoxins bearing superantigenic properties--relation to the toxin-induced pathologic reactions
Q72631884Mechanism of Thy-1-mediated T cell activation: roles of Fc receptors, T200, Ia, and H-2 glycoproteins in accessory cell function
Q70170973Mechanism of human B lymphocyte activation. II. Determination of EBV-stimulated B cell function
Q39885414Mechanism of immunosuppression of progesterone on maternal lymphocyte activation during pregnancy
Q72620789Mechanism of lymphocyte activation. II. Requirements for macromolecular synthesis in the production of lymphokines
Q52808314Mechanism of lymphocyte activation: the binding of phytohemagglutinin to the lymphocyte surface
Q39792445Mechanism of mastocytoma-mediated suppression of lymphocyte reactivity
Q50790036Mechanism of peripheral T cell activation by coengagement of CD44 and CD2
Q40648581Mechanism of polyclonal T-lymphocyte activation defined by use of specific heterologous antiserum against murine T cells
Q40147489Mechanism of stimulation of T cells by Streptococcus pyogenes: isolation of a major mitogenic factor, cytoplasmic membrane-associated protein
Q41061497Mechanism of the growth-promoting effect of serum albumin on concanavalin A-activated lymphocytes: protective effect of the plasma proteins
Q36429050Mechanisms in the in vivo release of lymphokines: relationship of high and low responsiveness to other parameters of the immune response
Q38111782Mechanisms of B Cell Triggering: Studies with T Cell-Independent Antigens
Q39567855Mechanisms of C-type viral leukemogenesis. I. Correlation of in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis to viremia and leukemia
Q36348784Mechanisms of Ly2 suppressor cell activity. Activation of an Ly1 I-J+ cell is required to transduce the suppressive signal
Q40190163Mechanisms of action of "lymphocyte-activating factor" (LAF). III. Evidence that LAF acts on stimulated lymphocytes by raising cyclic GMP in G1
Q36439755Mechanisms of action of Mycobacterium bovis BCG-induced suppressor cells in mitogen-induced blastogenesis
Q72722953Mechanisms of contact photosensitivity in mice. IV. Antigen-specific suppressor T cells induced by preirradiation of photosensitizing site to UVB
Q36359267Mechanisms of genetic resistance to Friend virus leukemia in mice. II. Resistance of mitogen-responsive lymphocytes mediated by marrow-dependent cells
Q36359224Mechanisms of genetic resistance to Friend virus leukemia. III. Susceptibility of mitogen-responsive lymphocytes mediated by T cells
Q44054747Membrane IgM-mediated signaling of human B cells. Effect of increased ligand binding site valency on the affinity and concentration requirements for inducing diverse stages of activation
Q57492028Membrane Ultrastructure and T Cell Activation
Q39846578Membrane and cytoplasmic correlates of initial lymphocyte activation
Q43579746Membrane tumour necrosis factor-α is involved in the polyclonal B-cell activation induced by HIV-infected human T cells
Q61853788Membranes from both Th1 and Th2 T cell clones stimulate B cell proliferation and prepare B cells for lymphokine-induced differentiation to secrete Ig
Q52071794Memory T-lymphocytes are the main population of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes obtained from human primary liver tumors
Q40728613Metabolic Carbohydrate Labelling of Glycoproteins from Mitogen-Stimulated Mouse Lymphocytes. Glycoproteins as Biochemical Markers for Lymphocyte Subpopulations
Q48128838Metabolic Plasticity in Dendritic Cell Responses: Implications in Allergic Asthma.
Q72404421Metabolic activation of human neutrophils by fluid-phase and particle-bound ligands
Q69231025Methods in lymphocyte transformation tests (L.T.T.)
Q71706189Microchemical test for the rapid detection of lymphocyte transformation. Kinetics of RNA synthesis in relation to phytohemagglutinin concentration
Q72940708Microinjection of macromolecules into normal murine lymphocytes by means of cell fusion. II. Enhancement and suppression of mitogenic responses by microinjection of monoclonal anti-cyclic AMP into B lymphocytes
Q40503824Microinterferometric measurement of dry weight of blood lymphocytes in hematologically normal patients and in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q72733818Micromethod of determining the activity of suppressor cells and lymphocyte blast transformation based on glucose consumption by mitogen-activated blasts
Q40877108Microtechnique for studies on the role of monocytes in the stimulation of lymphocytes
Q68127956Microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins in resting and mitogenically activated normal human peripheral blood T cells
Q70792889Microtubules: Are They Involved in the Initiation of Lymphocyte Activation?
Q52042080Migration and activation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells upon in vivo stimulation with allogeneic tumor
Q68018241Migration and imaging of 111Indium-labelled lymphocytes in cardiac allograft rejection
Q39155408Mild alkaline hydrolysis of lipopolysaccharide endotoxin enhances its mitogencity for murine B cells
Q51837267Minimal costimulatory requirements for T cell priming and TH1 differentiation: activation of naive human T lymphocytes by tumor cells armed with bifunctional antibody constructs
Q41655744Minimum length of time for alloantigen recognition in vitro
Q41606980Minor lymphocyte stimulatory antigen-bearing stimulator cells require lipopolysaccharide activation to induce programmed cell death in T cell hybridomas
Q50232150Mitogen Stimulation of Rabbit Spleen Cells before and after Complement-Mediated Cell Kill with an Antiserum Directed against the Thymus Antigen RTLA
Q67016615Mitogen Stimulation of Splenocytes from Mice Infected with Scrapie Agent
Q44579143Mitogen and antigen-specific induction of lymphoblast transformation in cats with subclinical toxoplasmosis
Q39292037Mitogen and muscle extract induced in vitro proliferative responses in myasthenia gravis, dermatomyositis, and polymyositis
Q68007283Mitogen responses of lymphocytes from lung transplant recipients--correlation with rejection and infection
Q40727357Mitogen responsiveness in rats
Q40694733Mitogen stimulation and distribution of T- and B-lymphocytes during natural rubella infection
Q66887555Mitogen stimulation tests and RLB examination of the lymphocytes from regional lymph node of the gastric cancer (author's transL)
Q67434702Mitogen synergism in low-responding CBA/CaJ mice
Q40057088Mitogen- and antigen-responsive milk lymphocytes
Q53916742Mitogen-induced B-cell differentiation in Xenopus laevis
Q40294984Mitogen-induced Differentiation of Human CLL Lymphocytes to Antibody-secreting Cells
Q67576516Mitogen-induced lymphocyte and cutaneous reactions in dogs
Q67004906Mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation during haemodialysis
Q40681363Mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation in psoriasis
Q66889124Mitogen-induced membrane changes and cell proliferation in T lymphocyte subpopulations
Q39825013Mitogen-stimulated lymphoid cells from human newborns suppress the proliferation of maternal lymphocytes actoss a cell-impermeable membrane
Q41252568Mitogenic Activity of Cell-Wall Components in Mouse Spleen Cells
Q34090068Mitogenic Effects of Bacterial Cell Walls, Their Fragments, and Related Synthetic Compounds on Thymocytes and Splenocytes of Guinea Pigs
Q34749794Mitogenic Properties of Pea Lectin and Its Chemical Derivatives
Q66881124Mitogenic Stimulation of Lymphocytes in Cancer Patients
Q36336252Mitogenic activity in human embryonic fibroblasts early after infection by human cytomegalovirus
Q41034205Mitogenic activity of Mycoplasma pulmonis. I. Stimulation of rat B and T lymphocytes
Q41312863Mitogenic activity of Neisseria gonorrhoeae surface antigens in mouse splenic lymphocyte culture
Q67336485Mitogenic activity of melanoma extracts in leucocyte cultures (author's transl)
Q67527650Mitogenic activity of the cell walls of mycobacteria, nocardia, corynebacteria and anaerobic coryneforms
Q41555052Mitogenic activity ofMycoplasma pulmonis II. Studies on the biochemical nature of the mitogenic factor
Q72777198Mitogenic and Suppressive Activity of Mycelia from Gram-Positive Bacteria on Murine and Human Lymphocytes
Q72724997Mitogenic and polyclonal B cell activation activities of synthetic lipid A analogues
Q70231570Mitogenic capacity of oxidized human B cell lines
Q72733719Mitogenic effect of OKT 3 (monoclonal anti-T lymphocyte antibody) on activation of human T lymphocytes
Q44965535Mitogenic effect of α-mannosidase on lymphocytes
Q69191659Mitogenic factors produced by lymphocyte activation: effect on T- and B-cells
Q70225382Mitogenic properties of neuraminidase and galactose oxidase-treated lymphoblastoid cells and plasma membranes for peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q39838185Mitogenic response of marmoset lymphocytes: cytokinetics and identification of responsive cells
Q34418702Mitogenic response of mouse spleen cells and gelation of limulus lysate by lipopolysaccharide of Yersinia pestis and evidence for neutralization of lipopolysaccharide by polymyxin B
Q70300809Mitogenic responses of frog lymphocytes to crude and purified preparations of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
Q66892774Mitogenic responses of thymus cell subpopulations
Q40640246Mitogenic responsiveness and monocyte-lymphocyte interaction of early and late rosette-forming cell populations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q40724975Mitogenic stimulation of human lymphocyte subpopulations by Lathyrus odoratus lectin
Q40745388Mitogenic stimulation of murine spleen cells: relation to susceptibility to Salmonella infection
Q34130084Mitogenicity of formalinized toxoids of staphylococcal enterotoxin B
Q40611959Mitogenicity of influenza hemagglutinin glycoproteins and influenza viruses bearing H2-hemagglutinin
Q67852869Mitogenicity of thrombin and surface alterations on mouse splenocytes
Q39755659Mixed Cultures of Sperm and Leukocytes as a Measure of Histocompatibility in Man
Q39771863Mixed leukocyte reaction (MLR) in rheumatoid arthritis: Dose-response kinetics
Q40014428Mixed lymphocyte culture and PHA stimulation test
Q39887145Mixed lymphocyte reaction in mice genetically selected for high (Hi/PHA) or low (Lo/PHA) responsiveness to phytohemagglutinin
Q39757963Mixed lymphocyte tumour cell whole blood microcultures in large bowel carcinoma patients
Q68054864Mobilization of T lymphocytes following cardiac transplantation. Evidence that CD4-positive cells are required for cytotoxic T lymphocyte activation, inflammatory endothelial development, graft infiltration, and acute allograft rejection
Q44928750Modeling of T cell contact-dependent B cell activation. IL-4 and antigen receptor ligation primes quiescent B cells to mobilize calcium in response to Ia cross-linking
Q66703780Models of B lymphocyte activation in the immune response: a critical review
Q72679423Modification of a micromethod of lymphocyte blast transformation reaction
Q72634546Modified method of measuring the reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes
Q67901943Modulation of B Cell Stimulation by Maternal Serum
Q72823975Modulation of T cell differentiation, antigen expression, and radiosensitivity of suppressor cells during late phases of graft-versus-host reactivity
Q36798296Modulation of T-cell activation through protein kinase C- or A-dependent signalling pathways synergistically increases human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat induction by cytomegalovirus immediate-early proteins
Q41676508Modulation of human lymphocyte response by cartilage proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans—A comparison between normal subjects and patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Q72794442Modulation of in vitro immune responses by monoclonal antibody to T200 antigen
Q54036599Modulation of in vitro lymphocyte transformation by antibodies: Enhancement by antigen-antibody complexes and inhibition by antibody excess
Q67808618Modulation of ion channel in T lymphocyte activation
Q41031917Modulation of lymphocyte functions by group A streptococcal membrane
Q40644734Modulation of lymphocyte proliferation by serum factors and lipopolysaccharide
Q41682928Modulation of lymphoproliferation and oxidative burst by herpes-transformed tumors
Q39563929Modulation of the host response in human schistosomiasis. I. Adherent suppressor cells that inhibit lymphocyte proliferative responses to parasite antigens
Q72769428Modulation of the immune response by anaphylatoxin in the microenvironment of the interacting cells
Q66971648Modulation of the mitogenic response of lymphocytes from young and aged individuals by prostaglandins and indomethacin
Q72626545Modulation of the rats' immune status by monoassociation with anaerobic bacteria
Q67898363Modulation of type II Fcγ receptor expression on activated human B lymphocytes
Q37871409Molecular Events in Lymphocyte Activation: Role of Nonhistone Chromosomal Proteins in Regulating Gene Expression
Q40671607Molecular basis of B cell activation: mitogenicity of native and modified digitalis glycosides
Q37739485Molecular checkpoints controlling natural killer cell activation and their modulation for cancer immunotherapy
Q40392133Molecular control of B Lymphocyte growth and differentiation
Q72779752Monoclonal anti-Lyt-2 antibodies block the activation of cytolytic T lymphocyte precursors
Q36344088Monoclonal antibodies to guinea pig Ia antigens. II. Effect on alloantigen-, antigen-, and mitogen-induced T lymphocyte proliferation in vitro
Q44760284Monoclonal antibody against the human peripheral lymph node homing receptor homologue (Leu 8) inhibits B cell differentiation but not B cell proliferation
Q41632692Monocyte dependence of pokeweed mitogen-induced differentiation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells from human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
Q43810481Monocyte enhancement of mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation in a human co-culture system
Q72730597Monocyte suppression of antigen-specific lymphocyte responses in diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis patients from the Dominican Republic
Q72769791Monocyte-dependent serum suppression of lymphocyte blastogenesis in Hodgkin's disease: An association with nephrotic syndrome
Q68026634Monocyte-independent T-cell activation by polyclonal antithymocyte globulins
Q67351378Monocyte-mediated inhibition of lymphocyte blastogenesis in Hodgkin disease
Q40688350Monocyte-mediated suppression of human B lymphocyte differentiation in vitro
Q37576170Monocytes are required to trigger Ca2+ uptake in the proliferative response of human t lymphocytes to staphylococcus aureus protein A
Q44609092Mononuclear cells in normal colon and colonic carcinoma express the same T cell activation markers
Q46292221Morphologic and functional features of lymphocytes in newborn infants and parturients
Q67286476Morphological and autoradiographic changes in immune lymphocytes during interaction with allogeneic target cells
Q40673814Morphological and functional characteristics of lymphoid cells from LHC hamsters
Q66889239Mouse B and T lymphocyte responses to purified timothy pollen antigens in vitro
Q39330256Mouse Cell-Mediated Lympholysis Assay in Serum-Free and Mouse Serum-Supplemented Media: Culture Conditions and Genetic Factors
Q67584496Mouse T-lymphocyte activation by Urtica dioica agglutinin. I.--Delineation of two lymphocyte subsets
Q67584499Mouse T-lymphocyte activation by Urtica dioica agglutinin. II.--Original pattern of cell activation and cytokine production induced by UDA
Q42933250Mouse spleen lymphoblasts generated in vitro. Recovery in high yield and purity after floatation in dense bovine plasma albumin solutions
Q42933246Mouse spleen lymphoblasts generated in vitro. Their replication and differentiation in vitro
Q66891660Mouth Lesions in Iron-Deficient Anemia: Relationship to Candida albicans in Saliva and to Impairment of Lymphocyte Transformation
Q45788503Mucosal T cells recovered from mice after infection with respiratory syncytial virus display a memory/activation phenotype
Q41579476Multigene families, histocompatibility systems, transformation, meiosis, stem cells, and DNA repair
Q44447546Multiparametric flow cytometric analysis of the kinetics of surface molecule expression after polyclonal activation of human peripheral blood T lymphocytes
Q72023448Multiple Ligand Interactions for Bacterial Immunoglobulin‐Binding Proteins on Human and Murine Cells of the Hematopoetic Lineage
Q36650857Multiplicity of virus-encoded helper T-cell epitopes expressed on FBL-3 tumor cells
Q41617141Murine AIDS superantigen reactivity of the T cells bearing V beta 5 T cell antigen receptor
Q36363807Murine B cell proliferation and protection from apoptosis with an antibody against a 105-kD molecule: unresponsiveness of X-linked immunodeficient B cells
Q36768039Murine B7 antigen provides an efficient costimulatory signal for activation of murine T lymphocytes via the T-cell receptor/CD3 complex
Q43544370Murine CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells are Activated by the Superantigen (SA) Staphylococcal Enterotoxin :Q (SEB) and Exhibit MHC-Unrestricted Cytotoxicity
Q72815627Murine IgA binding factors produced by Fc alpha R(+) T cells: role of Fc gamma R(+) cells for the induction of Fc alpha R and formation of IgA-binding factor in Con A-activated cells
Q53287592Murine Mesenchymal Stem Cells Suppress T Lymphocyte Activation Through IL-2 Receptor α (CD25) Cleavage by Producing Matrix Metalloproteinases
Q36225768Murine T-lymphocyte proliferation induced by interleukin 2 correlates with a transient increase in p56lck kinase activity and the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 97-kDa protein
Q36424485Murine cytomegalovirus infection: hematological, morphological, and functional study of lymphoid cells
Q41959477Mycoplasma contamination of membrane associated measles antigens. Inability to demonstrate in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness to measles
Q34418667Mycoplasma-dependent activation of normal lymphocytes: mitogenic potential of mycoplasmas for mouse lymphocytes
Q72802542NK and T cell subsets regulate antibody production by human in vivo antigen-induced lymphoblastoid B cells
Q37009904Natural human antibodies to gamma interferon interfere with the immunomodulating activity of the lymphokine
Q67702631Natural inhibitors of T-cell activation in Hodgkin's disease
Q41966610Natural killer cells activated in a human mixed lymphocyte response culture identified by expression of Leu-11 and class II histocompatibility antigens
Q72730557Natural killer cells generated from bone marrow culture
Q36343933Nature of T lymphocyte recognition of macrophage-associated antigens. V. Contribution of individual peptide residues of human fibrinopeptide B to T lymphocyte responses
Q36359978Nature of the antigenic complex recognized by T lymphocytes. I. Analysis with an in vitro primary response to soluble protein antigens
Q39441584Nature of the antigenic complex recognized by T lymphocytes. IV. Inhibition of antigen-specific T cell proliferation by antibodies to stimulator macrophage Ia antigens
Q54485230Negative and positive immunobiological responses in mice pretreated with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin cell wall
Q36782472Neoplastic transformation induced by an activated lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase (pp56lck)
Q43681501Neopterin, immune activation, and psoriasis
Q42799572Neu5Gc repression in germinal center B cells
Q56909820New Protein Steals the Show as 'Costimulator' Of T Cells
Q33921903New insights into Blimp-1 in T lymphocytes: a divergent regulator of cell destiny and effector function
Q35999827New markers in serum for lymphocyte activation for predicting allograft rejection. Neopterin and soluble interleukin-2 receptor
Q67706852No Cell-Mediated Autohypersensitivity in Psoriasis
Q68927066No Evidence for Decreased Lymphocyte Reactivity in Crohn’s Disease
Q39563897Non-H-2 linked control of low versus high responses of antigen-induced lymph node cell proliferation: possible role for antigen-presenting cells
Q71986063Non-T cell disturbance causes the suppression of the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in patients with gastric carcinoma
Q40274732Non-specific effects of avian retrovirus co-incubation on lymphocyte function: abrogation of antigen- and mitogen-induced proliferative responsiveness
Q72788219Non-specific immunoregulatory factors in the cytosol fraction of human trophoblast
Q41036032Nonparametric flow cytometry analysis
Q72792829Nonspecific Suppressor Cell Activity and Lymphocyte Response to β-Lactoglobulin in Cowʼs Milk Protein Hypersensitivity
Q40709653Nonspecific T-cell reactivity in mice bearing autochthonous tumors or early-generation transplanted spontaneous mammary tumors
Q34093026Nonspecific T-lymphocyte mitogenesis by pyrogenic exotoxins from group A streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus
Q39867003Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. III. Cells responding mitogenically to 2-mercaptoethanol are typical unstimulated lymphocytes
Q40712337Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. V. Role of cellular collaboration between T and B lymphocytes in the proliferative and polyclonal response to 2-mercaptoethanol
Q36341252Nonspecific activation of murine lymphocytes. VI. Mediation of synergistic interaction between T and B lymphocytes by a cell-associated, reciprocally acting lymphocyte proliferation helper
Q67013567Nonspecific activation of murine spleen cells in vitro by a synthetic immunoadjuvant (N-acetyl-muramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine)
Q34462077Nonspecific and specific immunological mitogenicity by group A streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins
Q41932286Nonspecific cytotoxic effects of antigen-transformed lymphocytes. II. Inhibition by drugs
Q40598217Nonspecific recruitment of lymphocytes in purified protein derivative-induced lymphocyte proliferative response of patients with tuberculosis
Q36342263Nonspecific signals for B-cell localization and activation
Q34427257Nonspecific stimulation of lymphocytes by tuberculin
Q40182676Nonspecific suppressive effect of bovine herpesvirus type 1 on bovine leukocyte functions
Q40258405Nonspecific “lymphocyte activating” factors produced by macrophages
Q66923432Normal Functional Capacity of Blood Lymphocytes in Multiple Sclerosis Measured by Stimulation with Mitogens
Q67915951Novel redistribution of an intracellular pool of CD45 accompanies T cell activation
Q34250127Nuclear bodies in mouse splenic lymphocytes: II - Cytochemistry and autoradiography during stimulation by concanavalin A
Q72691652Nuclear matrix from resting and concanavalin A-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q35885506Nuclear morphology and morphometry of B-lymphocyte transformation. Implications for follicular center cell lymphomas
Q44292101Nuclear proteins of stimulated lymphocytes (author's transl)
Q54671820Nucleic acid synthesis in peripheral blood lymphocytes as an indicator of rejection
Q72626602Nucleolar changes in human phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes
Q44735742Nucleoside Uptake, Acronycine Action and Membrane Fluidity during Lymphocyte Activation
Q67262226Number and functional state of lymphocytes in children with hypoplastic anemia
Q68328947Number of helper T cells and phytohemagglutinin stimulation correlate in cancer patients
Q67447088Observations in Vitro Regarding the Mechanism of the Cell Destruction by Stimulated Lymphocytes
Q66846328Observations on the nature of Epstein-Barr virus infection of peripheral lymphoid cells in infectious mononucleosis
Q51130519Oct-2 is required early in T cell-independent B cell activation for G1 progression and for proliferation
Q71017118On the Importance of Substrate Adhesion and Cell Aggregation in the Con A‐induced Blastogenesis of Lymphocytes
Q36347718On the function of Ly-5 in the regulation of antigen-driven B cell differentiation. Comparison and contrast with Lyb-2
Q69374456On the function of lymphocytes in malignant effusions
Q40679319On the mechanism of early recovery of specifically depleted lymphoid cell populations by nonspecific activation of T cells
Q34006367One non-specific signal triggers b lymphocytes
Q39729726One-way nonstimulation of mixed leukocyte culture in dog families
Q70441465Ontogenesis of the in vitro response of murine lymphoid cells to cellular antigens and phytomitogens
Q52500233Ontogeny and characterization of mitogen-reactive lymphocytes in the thymus and spleen of the amphibian, Xenopus laevis
Q66884844Ontogeny of B-lymphocyte differentiation induced by pokeweed mitogen
Q67391281Ontogeny of PHA and con A responses in the fetal lamb
Q72834682Ontogeny of T-cell mitogen response in Lewis rats: II. Early appearance and loss of suppressor activity
Q47364273Ontogeny of cellular immunity: Size and turnover of rat thymocytes responsive to in vitro stimulation
Q34393067Ontogeny of human cell-mediated immunity: age-related variation of in vitro infantile lymphocyte transformation
Q39885014Ontogeny of regulatory cells
Q67739021Opposing effects of mitogenic and nonmitogenic lectins on lymphocyte activation. Evidence that wheat germ agglutinin produces a negative signal
Q34454053Opposite Effects of BCG on Spleen and Lymph Node Cells: Lymphocyte Proliferation and Immunoglobulin Synthesis
Q48477900Opposite effects of mild and severe stress on in vitro activation of rat peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q39843703Optimal conditions for blast formation tests. I
Q39843706Optimal conditions for blast formation tests. II
Q33190517Optimization of culture conditions for activation and large-scale expansion of human T lymphocytes for bispecific antibody-directed cellular immunotherapy
Q44900511Optimum conditions for the chicken lymphocyte transformation test
Q72757304Optimum conditions for the reproducible measurement of concanavalin A-activated suppressor cell activity
Q68062753Oral iron chelator desferrithiocin blocks allogeneic mononuclear cell activation and cytokine production in vivo and prolongs rat cardiac allograft survival
Q44294293Our experience of ascertaining hypersensitivity using the in vitro lymphocyte transformation test (author's transl)
Q54067732Our experience with the use of various cellular tests in vitro in clinical immunologic practice
Q71716283Our initial results in the study of the lymphocyte transformation level (L.T.L.) in uveitis
Q40595541Overshoot phenomenon of phytohemagglutinin response after chemotherapy and its relationship to remission in acute non-lymphocytic leukemia
Q37040872Oxidation-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q40653309PHA and Endotoxin stimulation of human lymphocytes separated by albumin density gradient centrifugation
Q39958773PHA and lymphocyte membrane fluidity
Q40794787PHA dose dependent defect in lymphocyte stimulation and E-rosette-forming cells in untreated Hodgkin's disease
Q67011582PHA induced cytotoxicity. 1. Its concept and clinical significance (author's transl)
Q69359513PHA responsiveness and subpopulations of circulating lymphocytes in pernicious anemia
Q40728467PHA-induced soluble factor(s) can activate B-cells from patients with chronic lymphatic leukaemia
Q67560663PPD and mitogen responsiveness of lymphocytes from patients with atopic dermatitis
Q40787753PPD-induced lymphocyte transformation in vitro using whole blood
Q50229204Palatine tonsils and immunity. IV. Lymphocyte blast transformation in various lymphoid organs of animals immunized with microbial antigens
Q40680115Partial purification and molecular characterization of a lymphokine (costimulator) required for the mitogenic response of mouse thymocytes in vitro
Q39121368Participation of phytohemagglutinin-transformed mouse lymphocytes in development of the "graft-versus-host" reaction
Q40871162Pasteurella multocida antigen-induced in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation, using whole blood from cattle and turkeys
Q81365881Pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis
Q41660417Pathophysiology of Lymphocyte Transformation: A Study of So-called Composite Lymphomas
Q72789638Patients with abnormal proportions of T-lymphocyte subsets have reduced in vitro cellular immunity
Q72660894Peanut lectin binding as a marker for activated T-lineage lymphocytes
Q45409667Peptide-induced proliferation and lymphokine production in human T cells in the absence of antigen-presenting cells: role of T-cell activation state and costimulatory signals
Q73316505Periductal Area as the Primary Site for T-Cell Activation in Lacrimal Gland Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Q35089124Periodate and concanavalin A induce blast transformation of rat lymphocytes by an indirect mechanism
Q72914254Periodate-induced transformation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and the resultant oxidation of membrane sialyl, galactosyl and fucosyl residues
Q70225357Peripheral (somatic) expansion of the murine cytotoxic T lymphocyte repertoire. I. Analysis of diversity in recognition repertoire of alloreactive T cells derived from the thymus and spleen of adult or aged DBA/2J mice
Q47854239Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Responses to Phytohemagglutinin and Pokeweed Mitogen during Pregnancy
Q67743222Peripheral T-Lymphocyte Activation and Estrogen Status
Q43853604Peripheral blood lymphocyte transformation, stimulated by phytagglutinins, in pulmonary tuberculosis
Q36342014Peripheral human T cells sensitized in mixed leukocyte culture synthesize and express Ia-like antigens
Q41624912Peripheral lymphocyte culture in the diagnosis of drug induced liver injury
Q69582966Peripheral lymphocyte culture in the diagnosis of drug-induced liver injury
Q70585946Peripheral lymphocyte populations. Changes in antigen requirements for stimulation in vitro
Q40003725Peripheral nerve involvement in a 47,XYY psychotic patient. Positive lymphoblastic transformation test with myelin and levopromazine
Q66889684Persistence of anti-immunoglobulin on the lymphocyte surface
Q34424589Persistence of cytomegalovirus in human lymphoblasts and peripheral leukocyte cultures
Q35022773Perturbations in B cell responsiveness to CD4 + T cell help in HIV-infected individuals
Q51805512Phagocytosis and Allogeneic T Cell Stimulation by Cultured Human Osteoblast-Like Cells
Q68264501Pharmacological alteration of the antigenic properties of experimental leukemias detected by lymphocyte transformation
Q45382058Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. HUR 15--a potential indigenous source for commercial PHA preparation
Q68244387Phenomenon of cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte blast-transformation in several inflammatory diseases of the nervous system
Q33738279Phenotype, functions and fate of adoptively transferred tumor draining lymphocytes activated ex vivo in mice with an aggressive weakly immunogenic mammary carcinoma
Q55245504Phenotypic and functional characterization of HTLV positive neoplastic T cells cultured with interleukin-2 — II. Inhibition of lymphoproliferative responses
Q52098485Phenotypic changes and proliferative activity of human gamma delta T cell receptor-bearing cells upon activation
Q35858084Phenotypic expression of B-lymphocytes. 2. Immunoglobulin expression of germinal center cells
Q72579769Phenotypic heterogeneity of antisyngeneic tumor killer cells (ASTK) generated in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reactions
Q72822163Phorbol ester treated chronic B lymphocytic leukaemia cells induce autologous T cell proliferation without generation of cytotoxic T cells
Q72779842Phorbol myristate acetate and in vitro T lymphocyte function. II. Influence of PMA and supernatants from PMA-treated P388D1 cells on the proliferation of cloned T cells
Q36335199Phorbol myristate acetate: a mitogen selective for a T-lymphocyte subpopulation
Q44826202Phosphatases PP1 and PP2A act after the G0/G1 interface in lymphocyte activation
Q67491576Phospholipid metabolism in transformed lymphocytes. Molecular mechanism of activation
Q40070319Phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) Amidotransferase (EC Activity in Unstimulated and Stimulated Human Lymphocytes
Q41544379Phosphorylcholine on Streptococcus pneumoniae R36a is responsible for in vitro polyclonal antibody secretion by human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q41540320Photobleaching recovery studies of antigen-specific mouse lymphocyte stimulation by DNP-conjugated polymerized flagellin
Q40720268Photobleaching recovery studies of membrane events accompanying lectin stimulation of rabbit lymphocytes
Q70366025Phylogeny of immunocompetent cells. I. In vitro blastogenesis and mitosis of toad (Bufo marinus) splenic lymphocytes in response to phytohemagglutinin and in mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q66971653Phylogeny of immunocompetent cells: III. Mitogen response characteristics of lymphocyte subpopulations from normal and thymectomized frogs (Xenopus laevis)
Q39893171Phylogeny of lymphocyte heterogeneity. III. Mitogenic responses of reptilian lymphocytes
Q41640150Physical association of CD4 with the T cell receptor
Q44765296Physicochemical characterization of a vascular permeability factor produced by con A-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q67263727Phytohaemagglutin-induced changes in spin label reduction in lymphocytes from tumor-bearing rats
Q54704101Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) induced cytotoxicity III: Cell mediated immunoresponsiveness in genitourinary cancer patients (author's transl)
Q41162437Phytohaemagglutinin Responsiveness of Non-adherent Nude Spleen Cells
Q33561013Phytohaemagglutinin induced proliferation of lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and iron deficiency
Q67694661Phytohaemagglutinin stimulation of human lymphocytes during amino-acid deprivation. RNA polymerase I activity of isolated nuclei
Q41895306Phytohaemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation in patients before and after resection of large intestinal cancer
Q40735627Phytohaemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation test in Indian kala-azar
Q67347868Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) skin test in patients with sarcoidosis
Q71709917Phytohemagglutinin (PST) skin test and a study in relation to age, skin reactivity, and lymphocytes activation
Q66894854Phytohemagglutinin Activation of Lymphocytes—Quantitative Comparison of Different Preparations
Q69355513Phytohemagglutinin Transformation and Circulating Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Insulin-dependent Diabetic Patients
Q45014363Phytohemagglutinin isolectin stimulation of glucose utilization by lymphocytes
Q67283735Phytohemagglutinin response of lymphocyte fractions isolated by velocity sedimentation and enhanced helper cell activity
Q67541206Phytohemagglutinin response of murine spleen cells during pregnancy and inhibition of normal phytohemagglutinin response by pregnancy or post-partum serum
Q40678294Phytohemagglutinin skin test in cancer patients: correlation with in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis to mitogens and total E-rosette forming lymphocyte count
Q67579033Phytohemagglutinin stimulation of lymphocytes in lung cancer patients
Q46613185Phytohemagglutinin-Induced Cytotoxic Action of Normal Lymphocytes on Cells in Tissue Culture Using <sup>14</sup>C-Leucine Incorporation
Q67437046Phytohemagglutinin-induced Lymphocyte Transformation in Liver Diseases and in Asymptomatic HB<sub>s</sub>Ag Carriers
Q36335858Phytohemagglutinin-induced differentiation and blastogenesis of precursor T cells from mouse bone marrow
Q43668222Phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation: the relationship to prognosis of Hodgkin's disease
Q66882562Phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphotoxin formation and lymphocyte-lymphoblast transformation in children with immune defects
Q46173582Phytohemagglutinin-induced proliferation of guinea pig thymus-derived lymphocytes. I. Accessory cell dependence
Q66882444Phytohemagglutinin-induced proliferation of guinea pig thymus-derived lymphocytes. II. Accessory cell function
Q66969688Phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in a diffusion chamber in vivo
Q44601872Phytomitogen responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes in young and older subjects
Q43694505Phytomitogen- and antigen-induced blast transformation of feline lymphocytes
Q66879230Phytomitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation - standardization and diagnostic value (author's transl)
Q44460289Pigeon breeder's disease. II. Pigeon antigen induced proliferation of lymphocytes from symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects
Q70413635Plant agglutin in induced lymphocyte transformation in chronic polyarthritis
Q46816862Plaque dialysate effects on human lymphocyte blastogenesis and inflammatory responses
Q70251602Plaque-forming cell response of pokeweed mitogen stimulated frozen human lymphocytes
Q66889934Plasma factors in delayed-type hypersensitivity. Augmentation of lymphocyte responses in borderline leprosy reactions
Q39758596Plasma inhibitors of lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin in children with recurrent infections
Q72883657Plasminogen activator is an apparent lymphocyte mitogen
Q66962027Plasminogen activator production by human monocytes. I. Enhancement by activated lymphocytes and lymphocyte products
Q45796402Plasmodium falciparum products enhance human lymphocyte transformation by Epstein-Barr virus
Q67391958Platelet inhibition of human lymphocyte PHA-induced blastoid transformation
Q69696074Pokeweed mitogen response of lymphocytes in chronic lymphocytes in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a fine structural study
Q40679144Pokeweed mitogen-induced B cell differentiation in idiopathic aplastic anemia associated with hypogammaglobulinemia
Q40245383Poliovirus-induced suppression of lymphocyte stimulation: a macrophage-mediated effect
Q72817289Polyclhonal B-cell activation and increased lymphocyte helper-suppressor ratios in discoid lupus erythematosus
Q39804630Polyclonal Activation of Human B Lymphocytes by Nocardia Water Soluble Mitogen (NWSM)
Q70223010Polyclonal B cell activation in alcoholic patients with no evidence of liver dysfunction
Q58847991Polyclonal B lymphocyte activation during Trypanosoma cruzi infection
Q72777580Polyclonal B-cell activating capacities of gram-positive bacteria frequently isolated from periodontally diseased sites
Q43705005Polyclonal B-lymphocyte activation of sheep by Mycobacterium phlei against sheep pox virus
Q67893517Polyclonal activation of B lymphocytes in patients with amoebic hepatic abscess
Q42051534Polyclonal activation of human lymphocytes and induction of cytotoxic lymphocytes by streptococcal preparations
Q47266286Polyclonal activation of the murine immune system by an antibody to IgD. I. Increase in cell size and DNA synthesis
Q72668167Polyclonal activation of the murine immune system by an antibody to IgD. II. Generation of polyclonal antibody production and cells with surface IgG
Q36592490Polyclonal activation of the murine immune system by an antibody to IgD. VII. Demonstration of the role of nonantigen-specific T help in in vivo B cell activation
Q41004278Polyclonal activation to immunoglobulin secretion in human adenoid lymphocytes induced by bacteria from nasopharynx in vitro
Q36348550Polyclonal stimulation of resting B lymphocytes by antigen-specific T lymphocytes
Q43849128Polymorphonuclear neutrophils enhance anti-CD3-induced T cell activation: The role of polymorphonuclear FC-receptors
Q34406048Polymyxins as inhibitors of polyclonal B-cell activators in murine lymphocyte cultures
Q66843896Positive PAS reaction to glycogen in blast cells in acute leukemia of adults
Q72754154Positive selection of T-cell subsets. I. Proliferative responses of Lyt 2 separated thymocytes and splenic T cells
Q40652850Possibilities of using blood lymphocyte spontaneous transformation test in assessing the activity of rheumatic process
Q40119582Possibility of EB virus preferentially transforming a subpopulation of human B lymphocytes
Q34006397Possible Involvement of C3 During Stimulation of B Lymphocytes
Q41543029Possible involvement of the T4 molecule in T cell recognition of class II HLA antigens: evidence from studies of proliferative responses to SB antigens
Q40787215Post recognition ion dependent events in mitogen induced lymphocyte proliferation and in cytotoxic effector cell responses
Q40728322Postnatal development of mitogen responsiveness of guinea pig lymphocytes
Q70233078Postoperative cell-mediated immunological dynamics in gastric cancer and effect of splenectomy
Q67039991Postoperative depression of lymphocyte transformation response to microbial antigens
Q40171764Potentiation of lymphocyte activation by colchicine
Q66895903Potentiation of lymphocyte mitogenic responses to concanavalin A by antigen-activated peripheral blood monocytes
Q36358792Pre-emption of human cell-mediated lympholysis by a suppressive mechanism activated in mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q72785101Precultured and fresh human T-cells suppress the mitogen response of autologous lymphocytes
Q47907270Precursor cell division during the immune responsein vitro: antigen-induced and “spontaneous” antibody-forming cells
Q40765141Prediction of renal allograft rejection by direct lymphocyte blastogenesis assay
Q35603968Predominant activation and expansion of V gamma 9-bearing gamma delta T cells in vivo as well as in vitro in Salmonella infection
Q52062623Preferential Migration of Activated CD4 + and CD8 + T Cells in Response to MIP-1α and MIP-1β
Q67897462Preferential activation of CD45RA+ cells by a monoclonal antibody to the alpha/beta T-cell receptor
Q67546022Preferential activation of peripheral blood V gamma 9+ gamma/delta T cells by group A, B and C but not group D or F streptococci
Q50302524Preferential development of Th17 cells in offspring of immunostimulated pregnant mice
Q30394828Preferential loss of Th17 cells is associated with CD4 T cell activation in patients with 2009 pandemic H1N1 swine-origin influenza A infection
Q36543338Preliminary data on phytohemagglutinin-induced blastic transformation of lymph-node cells of patients with Hodgkin's disease
Q67017736Preliminary lymphocyte activation by a mitogen as a condition for demonstrating the ability of the Fab-fragment of normal IgG to inhibit lymphocyte transformation
Q70531216Preliminary observations on lymphocytic reactivity in myasthenic subjects with alterations of the thymus gland
Q66887382Preliminary studies on blastic transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in bursectomized chicks
Q67009456Preliminary study on lymphocytic transformation test and intracutaneous tuberculin test in schizophrenias (author's transl)
Q45065580Premature chromosome condensation. Conformational changes of chromatin associated with phytohemagglutinin stimulation of peripheral lymphocytes
Q39837011Preoperative blastformation rate in gastrointestinal cancer patients
Q72616795Preparation of a sterile suspension of lymphocytes for the blast transformation reaction
Q71829362Presence of T cells with activated and memory phenotypes in inflammatory spinal cord lesions
Q40994415Presence of alpha-1-antitrypsin on mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q40714499Presence of suppressor cells in spleens of mice bearing a weakly immunogenic syngeneic tumor
Q36365455Presentation of a self-peptide for in vivo tolerance induction of CD4+ T cells is governed by a processing factor that maps to the class II region of the major histocompatibility complex locus
Q67773716Primary immune response to Helix pomatia haemocyanin in malignant melanoma. Relationship between 19S and 7S antibody response and in vitro lymphocyte transformation
Q72725438Primary in vitro generation of cytotoxic cells specific for human minor histocompatibility antigens between HLA-identical siblings
Q40658104Primary in vitro sensitisation of human T cells
Q52234645Primary sensitisation and restimulation of human lymphocytes with soluble antigen in vitro
Q54162391Priming with donor spleen cells and activated B cells can induce prolonged survival of class I-disparate skin allografts in cyclophosphamide-treated mice
Q43495552Problems in the evaluation of lymphocyte transformation tests
Q67374935Proceedings: Alloantigenic characterization of responder cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q67374937Proceedings: Immune plasma-dependent cytotoxicity of immune and nonimmune peripheral lymphoid cells to target cells coated with bacterial outer unit membrane
Q43877316Proceedings: Inhibition of lymphocyte blastogenesis by acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)
Q67374930Proceedings: Isolation and partial chemical characterization of thymus humoral factor, a thymic hormone involved in immune maturation of lymphoid cells
Q66882408Proceedings: Migration of in vitro sensitized initiator T lymphocytes in recruitment
Q45105424Proceedings: Molecular mechanisms of cell proliferation and cell recognition
Q68934569Proceedings: Specific and nonspecific cellular immunity in cancer
Q68933991Proceedings: Study of lymphocytes in thyroid diseases: with special reference to blast formation of lymphocytes exposed to specific antigens
Q67374932Proceedings: The helper effect of mixed lymphocyte culture supernatants on an in vitro T cell-mediated mouse transplantation reaction
Q67374936Proceedings: Time lapse cinematography of lymphocyte transformation of lytic interaction of blast cells with target fibroblasts
Q66894604Production by murine spleen cells of an activity stimulating the PHA-responsiveness of thymus lymphocytes
Q34996213Production of Genetically Engineered Biotinylated Interleukin-2 and Its Application in a Rapid Nonradioactive Assay for T-Cell Activation
Q67899464Production of IL-1 alpha by activated Th type 2 cells. Its role as an autocrine growth factor
Q39730069Production of Sézary-like Cells From Normal Human Lymphocytes
Q67511029Production of a dialysable transfer factor of cell mediated immunity by lymphoblastoid cells in continuous proliferation
Q40151456Production of a suppressor factor by CD8+ lymphocytes activated by mycobacterial components
Q54471174Production of antigen-specific contrasuppressor cells and factor, and their use in augmentation of cell-mediated immunity
Q45807232Production of autoantibodies to cellular antigens by human B cells transformed by Epstein-Barr virus
Q67563031Production of basic fetoprotein in human peripheral lymphocytes during blastic transformation
Q40268268Production of human lymphocyte mediators after activation with periodate or neuraminidase and galactose oxidase
Q67562381Production of leukocyte inhibitory factor (LIF) in Hodgkin's disease. Spontaneous production of an inhbiitor of normal lymphocyte transformation
Q61788172Production of leukocyte migration inhibitory factor (LIF) in human lymphocyte subsets exposed to polyclonal activators
Q45888357Production of lymphoid tissue in the rat brain by implants containing phytohemagglutinin
Q54507951Production of lymphokines by murine cortisone-resistant thymocytes, stimulated by concanavalin A. II. Kinetics of interleukin-2 and interferon production in vitro
Q36335317Production of the second component of complement by human monocytes: stimulation by antigen-activated lymphocytes or lymphokines
Q52081944Production of tumor necrosis factor-α by naive or memory T lymphocytes activated via CD28
Q35453085Programming of lymphocyte responses to activation: extrinsic factors, provided microenvironmentally, confer flexibility and compartmentalization to T-cell function
Q40001149Progressive loss of in vitro immune response with tumor growth
Q67919996Prolactin-Induced Mitogenesis of Lymphocytes from Ovariectomized Rats*
Q34006384Proliferation and differentiation of B lymphocytes: a model
Q54030829Proliferation by bone marrow-derived lymphocytes in response to antigenic stimulation in vitro
Q45860969Proliferation of Chicken Lymphoblastoid Cells after in vitro Infection with Marek's Disease Virus
Q39453552Proliferation of PHA- and PWM-stimulated lymphocytes measured by sister chromatid differential staining
Q44025209Proliferation of PHA-stimulated lymphocytes measured by combined autoradiography sister chromatid differential staining
Q72771613Proliferation of alloantigen sensitized human peripheral blood lymphocytes by autologous cells associated with the HLA-B8/DR3
Q72549944Proliferation of antibody-forming cells within the lymphoid system
Q41577636Proliferation of human T lymphocytes induced with superantigens is not dependent on costimulation by the CD28 counter-receptor B7
Q67452171Proliferation of human lymphocytes in culture : determination by measurement of nuclear volume and cell number
Q66909323Proliferation of human lymphocytes in culutre: determination by measurement of nuclear volume and cell number
Q43572498Proliferation of lymphocytes in Theileria sergenti-infected calves in vitro
Q66876179Proliferation of mouse bone marrow-derived lymphocytes in vitro: one mechanism of response to concanavalin A and phytochemagglutinin
Q67905276Proliferation of natural suppressor cells in long-term cultures of spleen cells from normal adult mice
Q35599332Proliferation-related expression of p19/nm23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase
Q43038243Proliferative Response of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells to Japanese Encephalitis Virus
Q39873249Proliferative and cytotoxic capacities of human cultured T cells
Q54468192Proliferative and cytotoxic immune functions in aging mice. II. Decreased generation of specific suppressor cells in alloreactive cultures
Q34447388Proliferative and interferon responses by peripheral blood mononuclear cells after bone marrow transplantation in humans
Q67902562Proliferative properties of murine intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL): IEL expressing TCRαβ or TCRτδ are largely unresponsive to proliferative signals mediated via conventional stimulation of the CD3-TCR complex
Q39370150Proliferative reactivity of opossum peripheral blood leukocytes allogeneic cells, mitogens, and specific antigens
Q39795762Proliferative response of T lymphocytes to allogeneic tumor without generation of killer T lymphocytes in the presence of Ehrlich ascites tumor fluid
Q85098299Proliferative response of peripheral blood lymphocytes in relation to the rate of infestation in patients with opisthorchiasis
Q54418657Proliferative response of peripheral blood lymphocytes induced in rats by ovalbumin feeding (author's transl)
Q40684769Proliferative response of schizophrenic patient's peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q67315080Proliferative response of the lymphocytes of children with intolerance to gluten and to gliadin fractions and subfractions
Q40695765Proliferative response to anti-IgM antibodies of various B lymphocyte subpopulations isolated by cell sorting
Q41632471Proliferative responses of a bovine leukemia virus-infected lymphoblastoid B-cell line by its culture supernatant and cytokines
Q43602799Proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases to synthetic peptide epitopes of human thyroid peroxidase
Q70276218Proliferative responses to insulin antigens in diabetics and controls
Q67885384Prolonged IL-2 receptor alpha/CD25 expression after T cell activation via the adhesion molecules CD2 and CD28. Demonstration of combined transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation
Q67773794Prolonged survival of skin grafts following treatment with an antibody to a putative cell triggering molecule, QCA-1
Q71013575Prolymphocytoid transformation of chronic lymphoid leukemia
Q39641474Promoting Effects of Ganoderma lucidum Polysaccharides on B16F10 Cells to Activate Lymphocytes
Q68048920Promotion of lymphocyte blastogenesis by hemodialysate of chronic renal failure
Q45097267Promotive effects of thymus peptide on mitogen-induced child thymocyte proliferation
Q67354873Proof of a chloramphenicol-allergy in a lymphocyte transformation test
Q39573191Propagation of antigen-specific T cell helper function in vitro
Q39510422Properties of an inhibitor of DNA synthesis in supernatants of activated lymphocytes
Q40001306Properties of blast cells in 'control' cultures of human blood lymphocytes. Preliminary note
Q72529748Properties of histamine-induced suppressor factor in the regulation of lymphocyte response to PHA in mice
Q67405482Properties of human transfer factor from KLH-immunized donors: dissociation of dermal transfer and proliferation augmenting activities
Q71655882Properties of mouse CD40: the role of homotypic adhesion in the activation of B cells via CD40
Q40681709Proportions and absolute count of T- and B-lymphocytes in peripheral blood and their blastic transformation induced by mitogens in splenectomized and non-splenectomized patients with Hodgkin's disease
Q40879661Prospects of antilymphocyte globulin therapy of acute hepatitis
Q40731587Protease potentiation of thymocyte blastogenesis
Q36345985Protection against graft vs. host-associated immunosuppression in F1 mice. I. Activation of F1 regulatory cells by host-specific anti-major histocompatibility complex antibodies
Q40717965Protein A-positive staphylococci serve as a selective B cell mitogen for lymphocytes from primary immunodeficiency patients
Q40715267Protein Synthesis and Secretion by Activated Human Lymphocytes
Q47884383Protein nutrition and lymphocyte responsiveness to phytomitogens in the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)
Q72644039Protein phosphorylation in intact lymphocytes stimulated by Concanavalin A
Q66933363Protein synthesis and ribosome activation during the early stages of phytohemagglutinin lymphocyte stimulation
Q67601504Protein synthesis in resting and stimulated human lymphocytes
Q67539387Prothymosin alpha expression occurs during G1 in proliferating B or T lymphocytes
Q46706629Proto-Oncogene Transcription after Activation of Th-1 and Th-2 Cells
Q67257939Pteridines as a new marker to detect human T cells activated by allogeneic or modified self major histocompatibility complex (MHC) determinants
Q46147138Pulmonary Immune Effector Cells: II. Antigen-Specific Blastogenic Responsiveness of Lymphocyte Populations during Pulmonary Immune Complex Disease in Guinea Pigs
Q46764188Purification and characterization of human lymphoblast N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase
Q36349160Purification and partial biochemical characterization of normal human interleukin 1
Q41050969Purification and properties of an extracellular blastogen produced by group A streptococci
Q40645588Purification and properties of human lymphocyte activating factor (LAF)
Q68052761Purified HLA class II peptide complexes can induce adherence and activation of peptide-specific human T cell clones
Q40135557Purine enzymes and immune function
Q40690298Purine reutilization in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human T-lymphocytes
Q39103214Pyridine nucleotide coenzyme levels in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q39858261Pyridoxine deficiency and cytotoxicity of T lymphocytes in vitro
Q67404884Qa-2 and Qa-3 antigens on lymphocyte subpopulations. I. Mitogen responsiveness
Q70609604Quantified deficiency of lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin in immune deficiency diseases
Q44035850Quantitation of cytokine mRNA levels utilizing the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction following primary antigen-specific sensitization in vivo—I. Verification of linearity, reproducibility and specificity
Q67237595Quantitation of immunocompetence in patients with lung cancer
Q66880792Quantitation of immunoglobulin-bearing lymphocytes and the lymphocyte response to PHA in experimental pyelonephritis
Q39543763Quantitation of lymphocyte response to PHA by flow cytofluorometry. III. Heterogeneity of induction period
Q67439473Quantitation of lymphocyte response to antigen by flow cytofluorometry
Q45801028Quantitative analyses of specific B cells for sheep red blood cell, phosphorylcholine, and hepatitis B surface antigen in human B cell populations by polyclonal transformation with Epstein-Barr virus
Q52453232Quantitative analysis of surface marker densities after exposure of T-cells to concanavalin A (Con A): A sensitive early index of cellular activation
Q66888175Quantitative analysis of the proliferative activity induced in murine thymocytes by concanavalin A
Q36787634Quantitative and qualitative analysis of human lymphocyte proliferation to specific antigen in vitro by use of the helium neon laser
Q66885590Quantitative and qualitative changes in sensitized peripheral blood lymphocytes in mycoses of the feet
Q42936989Quantitative assessment of the pool size and subset distribution of cytolytic T lymphocytes within human resting or alloactivated peripheral blood T cell populations
Q67769032Quantitative dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) responsivity and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) induced lymphocyte transformation in patients with lepromatous leprosy
Q36347166Quantitative studies on T cell diversity. III. Limiting dilution analysis of precursor cells for T helper cells reactive to xenogeneic erythrocytes
Q54533238Quantitative study of lymphocyte transformation by liquid scintillation and autoradiography
Q66875284Rabbit lymphocyte populations responding to haptenic and carrier determinants for DNA synthesis
Q66884792Rabbit lymphocyte subpopulations. I. Separation of Ig+ and Ig- cells and their interaction in cultures stimulated by mitogens
Q67349326Radioactive Labelling and Characterization of the Products of Activated Mouse Lymphocytes
Q43918102Rapid activation-independent shedding of leukocyte L-selectin induced by cross-linking of the surface antigen
Q39708418Rapid alterations in cellular morphology and plasma membrane structure induced in rat thymocytes by mitogenic stimuli
Q72034591Rapid flow cytometric method for measuring lymphocyte subset activation
Q71801157Rapid induction of cytolytic T cells via CD28 stimulation for cellular immunotherapy
Q39825007Rapid multiparameter analysis of cell stimulation in mixed lymphocyte culture reactions
Q52243445Rat Anti-Lymphocyte Alloantibodies Block Con A-Stimulation of T Lymphocytes: Inhibition of a Polyclonally Specific T Cell Reaction
Q72003983Rat endothelial cells induce selective proliferation of CD8-positive xenogeneic lymphocytes
Q70948302Rat lymphocyte proliferative in vitro response to horse spleen ferritin
Q68933400Rate of desensitization to HL-A antibodies in phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) stimulated lymphocytes
Q69360857Reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes in dermato-venerology (review of the literature)
Q67319736Reaction of lymphocyte blast transformation in patients with allergic vasculitis of the skin
Q67873197Reaction of lymphocyte blast transformation in rheumatic patients, stimulated by streptococcal nucleoprotein, and its changes due to the effect of antirheumatic drugs in vitro
Q40883908Reactive lymphocyte blastogenesis in canine renal transplantation
Q72807246Reactivity of inducer cell subsets and T8-cell activation during the human autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q39788386Reactivity of lymphocytes from primary neoplasms of lymphoid tissues
Q69195289Reactivity of lymphocytes in mixed culture in response to human renal transplantation
Q69657985Reactivity of lymphoid blood cells in the crew of "Soiuz-6", "Soiuz-7" and "Soiuz-8" spacecraft before and after flight
Q67382007Reactivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes in children with pituitary dwarfism treated with human growth hormone (author's transl)
Q40892925Receptor interactions on the membrane of resting and activated B cells
Q72724738Receptor specificity of la-restricted T lymphoblasts activated against trinitrobenzene sulfonate-coupled spleen cells: Recognition of distinct trinitrophenyl and la moieties
Q67898621Receptor-mediated activation of human B lymphocytes in a nonphosphotyrosine-dependent manner
Q36357880Recognition by pregnancy serums of non-HL-A alloantigens selectively expressed on B lymphocytes
Q39584722Recognition of protozoan parasite antigens by murine T lymphocytes I. Induction of specific T lymphocyte-dependent proliferative response toLeishmania tropica
Q31147001Recombinant human CD40 ligand stimulates B cell proliferation and immunoglobulin E secretion
Q39892065Recommendations for a methodological standardization of the lymphocyte transformation test (LTT)
Q45796546Recurrent Infection with Herpes Simplex Virus after Marrow Transplantation: Role of the Specific Immune Response and Acyclovir Treatment
Q40344813Reduced Capacity to Produce Specific 'Effector' Cells after Injection of CBA Mice with C3H Cells
Q42053116Reduced Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Activity by Mitogen-Stimulated Lymphocytes from Patients with Aplastic Anaemia
Q39528883Reduced Lectin Stimulation of Lymphocytes from Magnesium-Deficient Rats
Q72755231Reduced generation of suppressor cells in human mixed lymphocyte culture after radiotherapy
Q42016269Reduced in Vitro Response of CSF Lymphocytes to Mitogen Stimulation in Multiple Sclerosis
Q36589690Reduced lymphocyte transformation in early cancer of the breast
Q46916927Reduced lymphocyte transformation in protein calorie malnutrition
Q41050572Reduced responsiveness of immature B cells to the B cell mitogen, lipoprotein
Q40649525Reducèd in vitro response to concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide in senescent mice: a function of reduced number of responding cells
Q56535002Regeneration and the immune system I.In vitro andin vivo activation of lymphocytes by liver regeneration and the role of Kupffer cells in stimulation
Q72799663Regeneration and the immune system II. Suppressor activities of lymphocytes activatedin vivo by liver regeneration and their genetic control
Q41613439Regional lymph node reactivity in explanted bladder cancer of mice as measured by flow cytometry
Q66892916Regulation by antibody of phytolectin induced lymphocyte proliferation. I. Evidence for two mechanisms of suppression
Q40117380Regulation of B Cell Activation and Differentiation with Factors Generated by Human T Cell Hybridomas
Q72634581Regulation of B lymphocyte activation by the Fc portion of immunoglobulin
Q36335312Regulation of B-cell proliferative responses to lipopolysaccharide by a subclass of thymus T cells
Q67513113Regulation of D-3 phosphoinositides during T cell activation via the T cell antigen receptor/CD3 complex and CD2 antigens
Q39561653Regulation of Human B Cell Activation
Q28591729Regulation of NF-κB-Dependent Lymphocyte Activation and Development by Paracaspase
Q40245931Regulation of Sodium and Potassium Transport in Phytohemagglutinin-Stimulated Human Blood Lymphocytes
Q39117757Regulation of T Cell Activation and Differentiation by Extracellular Vesicles and Their Pathogenic Role in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Multiple Sclerosis.
Q40712364Regulation of T cell mitogen activity of anti-lymphocyte serum by a B-helper cell
Q46846461Regulation of T lymphocyte apoptosis. Signals for the antagonism between activation- and glucocorticoid-induced death
Q72785433Regulation of cell-mediated immunity in cryptococcosis. II. Characterization of first-order T suppressor cells (Ts1) and induction of second-order suppressor cells
Q67540513Regulation of cellular immune responses by selenium
Q67915534Regulation of early precursor B cell proliferation in mouse bone marrow: Stimulation by exogenous agents mediated by macrophages in the spleen
Q67467310Regulation of human T lymphoblast growth by sensory neuropeptides: augmentation of cholecystokinin-induced inhibition of Molt-4 proliferation by somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal peptide in vitro
Q40059221Regulation of lipopolysaccharide-induced granulopoiesis and macrophage formation by spleen cells. I. Relationship between colony-stimulating factor release and lymphocyte activation in vitro
Q39869388Regulation of lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation by macrophages
Q67276199Regulation of lymphocyte responses in cancer patients. I. Study of cell-surface gangliosides by cholera toxin and their induction of impaired activation
Q69106741Regulation of lymphocyte responses in vitro. 3. Inhibition by adherent cells of the T-lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin
Q36271943Regulation of lymphocyte responses in vitro. I. Regulatory effect of macrophages and thymus-dependent (T) cells on the response of thymus-independent (B) lymphocytes to endotoxin
Q40644785Regulation of lymphocyte responses in vitro: inhibitory effects of rat serum
Q72079335Regulation of p56lck kinase expression and control of DNA synthesis in activated human B lymphocytes
Q48395639Regulation of protein synthesis in mitogen-activated bovine lymphocytes. Analysis of actin-specific and total mRNA accumulation and utilization
Q72736379Regulation of the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes by prostaglandins and antigens
Q44826722Regulation of the human autologous T cell proliferation by endogenously generated C5a
Q72709533Regulation of the immune response to alloantigens: suppressor and helper T cells generated in the primary MLR of the rat
Q72684374Regulation of the immune response to tumor antigens. IX. In vitro Lyt-1+2- cell proliferative responses to cellbound or subcellular tumor antigen
Q34707956Regulation of the immune response to tumor antigens. X. Activation of third-order suppressor T cells that abrogate anti-tumor immune responses
Q71100588Regulation of the level of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase during lymphocyte mitogenesis
Q72815588Regulation of the primary in vitro response to TNP-polymerized ovalbumin by T suppressor cells induced by ovalbumin feeding
Q44389525Regulation of thymocyte proliferation by α β TcR+ CD3+ CD4− CD8− cloned natural suppressor (NS) cells
Q37806963Regulation of tumor immunity by tumor/dendritic cell fusions
Q40710545Regulatory Influences on the Response of Rabbit T Cells to Concanavalin A and Phytohaemagglutinin
Q39170815Regulatory Lymphocytes in T Cell Functions in Chickens
Q40670830Regulatory effects of macrophage-secreted factors on T-lymphocyte colony growth
Q36348475Regulatory idiotopes. Induction of idiotype-recognizing helper T cells by free light and heavy chains
Q72805158Regulatory interactions governing the proliferation of T cell subsets stimulated with pokeweed mitogen
Q40688446Regulatory interactions of the macrophage in B lymphocyte proliferation
Q36358820Regulatory mechanisms in cell-mediated immune responses. II. A genetically restricted suppressor of mixed lymphocyte reactions released by alloantigen-activated spleen cells
Q57134954Regulatory responses in contact sensitivity: Afferent suppressor T cells inhibit the activation of efferent suppressor T cells
Q39990645Regulatory serum lipoproteins: regulation of lymphocyte stimulation by a species of low density lipoprotein
Q40643697Regulatory substances produced by lymphocytes. V. Production of inhibitor of DNA synthesis (IDS) by proliferating T lymphocytes
Q66895251Rejection diagnosis in renal transplantation based on circulating lymphocyte nucleolus morphology
Q54090944Rejection monitoring by lymphocyte blastogenesis assay in canine lung allotransplantation
Q45217479Relation between delayed skin reactivity and macrophage migration inhibition or lymphocyte transformation in tuberculin-type hypersensitivity and Jones-Mote hypersensitivity
Q69027218Relation of Lysosomal Fragility in CLL Lymphocytes to PHA Reactivity
Q69668487Relation of macrophage transformation of cultured blood lymphocytes to the intensity of antigenic stimulation
Q67424580Relations between the HLA-antigens and immune responsiveness to SK/SD in healthy Japanese subjects
Q66855072Relationship between in vitro lymphocyte blastogenesis and prognosis in acute leukemia (author's transl)
Q66956987Relationship between inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis and DNA replication in activated lymphocytes
Q39890603Relationship between lymphocyte proliferation and tumor-specific cytotoxicity after immune RNA treatment
Q44619177Relationship between mitogenic factor and in vitro lymphocyte stimulation during guinea pig immune response to KLH
Q41621759Relationship between phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis and cellular commitment in concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes
Q39563264Relationship between the capacity to be stimulated of lymphocyte subpopulations and the RAI staging in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q46727377Relationship between the responsiveness of maternal and foetal lymphocytes to phytohaemagglutinin and to microbial antigens
Q66885028Relationship of CIF, LT, and PIF released in vitro by activated human lymphocytes. II. A further functional comparison of LT and PIF activities on HeLa and L-929 target cells
Q44708904Relationship of in vitro lymphocyte transformation to delayed hypersensitivity in guinea pigs and man
Q33569594Relationship of phytohaemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation to disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q67434700Relationship of transformation of newborn human lymphocytes by dental plaque antigen to the degree of maternal periodontal disease
Q52099697Relative frequencies of secondary B cells activated by cognatevs. other mechanisms
Q36341560Release of arachidonic acid from human lymphocytes in response to mitogenic lectins
Q66875967Release of mitogenic factor by mouse lymph node cells stimulated with PHA in vitro. Inhibition of this phenomenon by the addition of thymocytes
Q41139291Remote T cell co-stimulation via LFA-1/ICAM-1 and CD2/LFA-3: Demonstration with immobilized ligand/mAb and implication in monocyte-mediated co-stimulation
Q85193603Removal of autologous activated CD4-positive T lymphocytes also results in increased colony-forming units in patients with low and intermediate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndromes
Q72659824Repertoires of T cells directed against a large protein antigen, beta-galactosidase. I. Helper cells have a more restricted specificity repertoire than proliferative cells
Q40217052Replication of Herpes Simplex Virus in Human B Lymphocytes Stimulated by Epstein-Barr Virus
Q67497312Reproducibility, efficacy and methodology of mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformations by the whole blood assay
Q36358623Requirement for T cells in the production of migration inhibitory factor
Q39515227Requirement for an Ia-bearing accessory cell in Con A-induced T cell proliferation
Q46508660Requirement for association of p56lck with CD4 in antigen-specific signal transduction in T cells
Q40105251Requirement for the Involvement of Clonally Distributed Receptors in the Activation of Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes
Q41441151Requirements for Stimulation or Anergy Induction in Alloreactive Human T Cell Clones
Q34628436Requirements for in vitro growth of human thymocytes
Q40700993Requirements for mitogenic stimulation of murine B cells by soluble anti-IgM antibodies
Q72739473Requirements for suppressor T cell activation
Q44964711Resemblance of blast responses of C3H/HeJ mouse and rabbit spleen lymphocytes to B-cell mitogenic components of E. coli cell walls
Q72840133Responder cells in the human autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR). Characterization and interactions in healthy individuals and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q69189885Response of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from Patients with Diabetes Mellitus to Phytohemagglutinin and Candida Albicans Antigen
Q70223558Response of human B cells to Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I: T-independent proliferation and T-dependent differentiation to immunoglobulin secretion involve subsets separable by rosetting with mouse erythrocytes
Q67866791Response of human lymphocytes to PHA and Con A, dependent on and regulated by THF, a thymic hormone
Q41474209Response of human lymphocytes to PHA and tumour-associated antigens as detected by fluorescence polarization
Q39638704Response of human lymphocytes to mitogen: At what stage is there a requirement for Ca2+?
Q72700925Response of human peripheral blood lymphocytes in the presence of cord sera: relationship of lymphocyte transformation with number of pregnancies and levels of alpha-fetoprotein
Q67326000Response of mouse splenic lymphocytes to timothy pollen antigens in a microculture system
Q66887429Response of peripheral blood lymphocytes from the mouse to phytohemagglutinin
Q67513769Response of peripheral-blood mononuclear cells to glutamate decarboxylase in insulin-dependent diabetes
Q34081660Response of sensitized and unsensitized human lymphocyte subpopulations to Plasmodium falciparum antigens
Q41649556Response of the Host Vascular System to Immunocompetent Lymphocytes: Effect of Preimmunization of Donor or Host Animals
Q36344375Response to Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination in protein- and zinc-deficient guinea pigs
Q69140221Response to PHA of lymphocytes from two lines of mice genetically selected for "high" or "low" antibody synthesis (author's transl)
Q72390145Response to and production of interleukin 2 by peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes of patients with multiple sclerosis
Q67660896Response to mitogen during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Q67733097Response to plant agglutinins in vitro of the lymphocytes of subjects with Basedow's disease
Q44745280Response to wheat antigen in in vitro lymphocyte transformation among HLA-B8-positive normal donors
Q72805154Responses against single minor histocompatibility antigens. II. Analysis of cloned helper T cells
Q40681313Responses of Fractionated Cells from Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Normals to Plant Mitogen: Evidence for a Suppressor Population of Monocytes
Q34064247Responses of alloantigen-primed lymphocytes in vitro. The contribution of increased frequencies of responding lymphocytes to differences between reactivity of normal and primed lymphocyte populations
Q54414141Responses of appendix and peripheral blood lymphocytes to stimulation with various mitogens
Q40665781Responses of enriched populations of feline T and B lymphocytes to mitogen stimulation
Q66984559Responses to lymphocyte immunostimulation in Mycobacterium infections in cattle
Q70200983Responsiveness of human T-lymphocyte subpopulations in autologous mixed-lymphocyte reaction using xenoprotein-free separated cells: Autologous reactivity lies chiefly in a low density T-cell fraction
Q67819139Responsiveness of human monocytes to Ru 41.740 (Biostim). Influence of preincubation in vitro
Q39786465Responsiveness of lymphocytes to stimulation by pha and autologous blasts in acute lymphatic leukemias during remission (author's transl)
Q34406473Responsiveness of rabbit spleen and appendix cells to bacterial mitogens
Q39888780Restimulation in Secondary MLC by Autologous Non-T Cells
Q72644437Restimulation properties of cloned alloactivated lymphocytes: Detection of a novel type of HLA-D/DR region determinant and allelic subtypes for HLA-Dw3 using cloned reagents
Q69398367Restoration of the reactivity of frozen stored human lymphocytes in the mixed lymphocyte reaction and in response to specific antigens
Q40676798Restricted helper function of F1 hybrid T cells positively selected to heterologous erythrocytes in irradiated parental strain mice. I. Failure to collaborate with B cells of the opposite parental strain not associated with active suppression
Q40676806Restricted helper function of F1 hybrid T cells positively selected to heterologous erythrocytes in irradiated parental strain mice. II. Evidence for restrictions affecting helper cell induction and T-B collaboration, both mapping to the K-end of th
Q39894238Restriction by the Major Histocompatibility Complex of Antigen-Induced T Lymphocyte Proliferation in New Inbred Guinea Pig Strains
Q44663403Results of blastic transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in cigarette smokers
Q67001376Results of in vitro and in vivo tests in allergic status
Q40679357Retention of intact concanavalin A and Lens culinaris lectin in transformed lymphoblasts during mitogenic response
Q67927287Retinoic acids inhibit activation-induced apoptosis in T cell hybridomas and thymocytes
Q35224635Reversal of immunosuppression of lymphocyte proliferation caused by sera from persons with AIDS
Q72759578Reversal of povidone-iodine-induced suppressor cell activity by sodium borohydride
Q39577528Revised nomenclature for antigen-nonspecific T-cell proliferation and helper factors
Q39911465Rheumatoid Synovial Lymphocytes Lack Concanavalin-A-activated Suppressor Cell Activity
Q39882880Rhodamine as a fluorescent probe of lymphocyte activation
Q45035547Ribonuclease Activity in Lymphocyte Cytoplasm before and after Activation of the Cells with Phytohamagglutinin
Q44747967Ribonuclease H levels during the response of bovine lymphocytes to concanavalin A
Q66990949Richter's syndrome and acute transformation : the natural course of chronic lymphatic leukemia?
Q40154829Rise and Fall of Cyclic AMP Required for Onset of Lymphocyte DNA Synthesis
Q72067297Ro/SSA inhibits the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q34006390Role of Antigen Structure in the Discrimination between Tolerance and Immunity by B Cells
Q72840127Role of B cells in the stimulation of syngeneic mixed lymphocyte responses
Q36357743Role of C'3 and Fc receptors in B-lymphocyte activation
Q40685617Role of Calcium and Protein Kinase C in the Activation of T Cells in Takayasu's Arteritis
Q40431553Role of Follicular Dendritic Cells in the Regulation of B Cell Proliferation
Q67889109Role of HLA-DR antigen on T-cell activation in visceral leishmaniasis
Q46934477Role of Histoincompatibility on the Blastogenic Response of Lymphocytes From Guinea Pigs Alloimmunized With Sperm Cells
Q72654611Role of I-region gene products in T cell activation. I. Stimulation of T lymphocyte proliferative responses by subcellular membrane preparations containing Ia alloantigens
Q41527492Role of Ia-Positive Cells in the Lymphocyte Responses to Yersinia
Q45248832Role of L-alanine in the response of human lymphocytes to PHA and Con A
Q71005297Role of Lymphocyte Transformation in Drug Allergy
Q40647994Role of Macrophages in the Tumor-Induced Suppression of Mitogen Responses in Rats
Q40838297Role of T and Adherent Cells in <i>in vitro</i> Response of Nude Mouse Spleen Cells to Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide
Q36265005Role of T3 surface molecules in human T-cell activation: T3-dependent activation results in an increase in cytoplasmic free calcium
Q36341241Role of a nonimmunoglobulin cell surface determinant in the activation of B lymphocytes by thymus-independent antigens
Q72616102Role of accessory cells in B cell activation. II. The interaction of B cells with accessory cells results in the exclusive activation of an Lyb5+ B cell subpopulation
Q72644593Role of accessory cells in B cell activation. IV. Ia+ accessory cells are required for the in vitro generation of thymic independent type 2 antibody responses to polysaccharide antigens
Q36308764Role of activation-induced cell death in pathogenesis of patients with chronic hepatitis B
Q39775158Role of adenosine deaminase in lymphocyte proliferation
Q40718088Role of adherent T cells and of B cells in the immune response to purified protein derivative of tuberculin
Q70213185Role of antibody in in vitro stimulation of lymphocytes
Q72730549Role of antigen-specific B cells in the induction of SRBC-specific T cell proliferation
Q67699091Role of calcium on interleukin-1 production by monocytes: its relevance during T cell proliferation
Q43608046Role of cell-cell interactions in mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes. I. Dissociation on concanavalin A-inducible lymphocyte activation and agglutination
Q44120347Role of different types of cells in the effect of immunoglobulin synthesis stimulation in mixed cultures
Q72820464Role of helper factor production in the autologous MLR on the development of cytotoxic T cells
Q55241891Role of insulin-like growth factor-1 in spontaneous proliferation of HTLV-infected lymphocytes
Q72722972Role of interleukin 1 in antigen-specific T cell proliferation
Q54298211Role of iron in T cell activation: Th1 clones differ from TH2 clones in their sensitivity to inhibition of DNA synthesis caused by IGG mabs against the transferrin receptor and the iron chelator deferoxamine
Q39890605Role of lipids in the immune response. I. Localization to a lipid-containing fraction of the active moiety of an inhibitor (SIF) of lymphocyte proliferation
Q72757712Role of lipoxygenases in regulation of PHA and phorbol ester-induced mitogenesis
Q37111176Role of lysophosphatidylcholine in T-lymphocyte activation: involvement of phospholipase A2 in signal transduction through protein kinase C
Q72818126Role of normal adherent cells in the regulation of the autologous mixed lymphocyte reactions in humans
Q35035251Role of polyclonal cell activation in the initiation of immune complex-mediated pulmonary injury following antigen inhalation
Q40715375Role of protein and RNA synthesis in the development of insulin binding sites on activated thymus-derived lymphocytes
Q68283631Role of src-like protooncogenes in lymphocyte proliferation
Q39864145Role of suppressor cells in depression of in vitro lymphoproliferative responses of lung cancer and breast cancer patients
Q72766090Role of the Ek Molecule in the Generation of Suppressor T Cells in Response to LDHB
Q72668101Role of the major histocompatibility complex in T cell activation of B cell subpopulations: antigen-specific and H-2-restricted monoclonal TH cells activate Lyb-5+ B cells through an antigen-nonspecific and H-2-unrestricted effector pathway
Q35583432Role of the microenvironment in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Q36950197Role of the mononuclear phagocyte as an antigen-presenting cell for human gamma delta T cells activated by live Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q44385032Role of the spleen in ontogenic development of phytomitogen response in thymus of CBA mice
Q72390136Role of the thymus in control of autoreactivity or allotolerance in syngeneic and allogeneic bone marrow chimeras treated with bacterial adjuvants
Q40204657Role of thymic hormone (THF) and of a thymic plasma recirculating factor (TPRF) in the modulation of human lymphocyte response to PHA and Con A
Q72758204Role of various carrageenans in autologous and allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q40118168Roles of the specific T-helper signal and the antigen signal in B-cell activation
Q45804921SB-restricted presentation of influenza and herpes simplex virus antigens to human T-Iymphocyte clones
Q40870386Salmonella typhi--induced stimulation of blood lymphocytes from persons with previous typhoid fever
Q40666416Scanning electron microscopy of human lymphocytes during transformation and subsequent treatment with methotrexate
Q67235039Schistosomal egg antigen-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis in experimental murine Schistosoma mansoni infection
Q39564536Search for Blocking Factors in Sera of Patients with Prostatic Cancer
Q39556199Secondary MLC Responses of Primed Lymphocytes after Selective Sensitization to Non-HLA-D Determinants
Q72712463Secondary in vitro generation of CTL specific for MM antigen by stimulation with somatic tumor hybrid, but not with parental tumor cells
Q44610589Secondary in vitro lymphocyte-proliferative responses to syngeneic plasma cell tumors
Q41601744Secretion of thioredoxin after in vitro activation of human B cells
Q43910329Sedimentation method for morphological observation of cells transformed by mitogenic substances
Q40654250Select growth of human T lymphocytes in single phase semisolid culture
Q72717492Selection and continuous growth of antigen-specific human T cells by antigen-treated monocytes
Q72780791Selective Functional Role of Murine TM and TG Cells in Concanavalin-A-Induced T-Cell Activation
Q40152824Selective Impairment of Lymphocyte Reactivity to Varicella-Zoster Virus Antigen among Untreated Patients with Lymphoma
Q40664258Selective accumulation of cells with 'B' properties in stimulated lymph nodes
Q72684350Selective activation of antigen-specific human B cells in recently immunized individuals by nonspecific factors in the absence of antigen
Q53725624Selective activation of chicken T lymphocytes by concanavalin A
Q69149615Selective activation of human B-lymphocytes by suboptimal doses of pokeweed mitogen (PWM) *1Quantitation and ultrastructure of the stimulated cells
Q39807269Selective activation of human suppressor cells by a nonproliferative stimulus
Q55241509Selective enhancement of interleukin 1 beta production in myelomonocytic cell lines by insulin and its related cytokines
Q34419868Selective in vitro response of thymus-derived lymphocytes from Treponema pallidum-infected rabbits
Q67773697Selective inhibition of lymphocyte responsiveness to phytohaemagglutinin in patients with Reiter's syndrome
Q36348670Selective modification of a private I-A allo-stimulating determinant(s) upon association of antigen with an antigen-presenting cell
Q37053524Selective release of excreted DNA sequences from phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Effects of trypsin and divalent cations
Q34424695Selective response of lymphocytes from Treponema pallidum-infected rabbits to mitogens and Treponema reiteri
Q72691716Selective stimulation by mouse spleen cell conditioned medium of human eosinophil colony formation
Q40204647Selective suppression by adherent cells, prostaglandin, and cyclic AMP analogues of blastogenesis induced by different mitogens
Q54259398Selenium deficiency alters the lipoxygenase pathway and mitogenic response in bovine lymphocytes
Q36349124Self-recognition specificity expressed by T cells from nude mice. Absence of detectable Ia-restricted T cells in nude mice that do exhibit self-K/D-restricted T cell responses
Q67246736Sensitization of lymphocytes in experimental auto-immune uveitis of the guinea-pig. Blastic transformation and cytotoxicity on homologous uveal and retinal cells in culture in vitro
Q70617687Sensitization of lymphocytes to pancreatic antigens in diabetes mellitus
Q70499708Sensitization to microbic allergens in patients with rhinosinusitis by the method of blastotransformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q39330408Separate Signals for the Initiation of Proliferation and Differentiation in the B Cell Response to Antigen
Q72756431Separate signals for human B cell proliferation and differentiation in response to Staphylococcus aureus: evidence for a two-signal model of B cell activation
Q66884801Separation and analysis of differentiating B lymphocytes from mouse spleens
Q40146444Separation of T-cell-stimulating activity from streptococcal M protein
Q43508573Separation of cells involved in phytohaemagglutinin-induced mitogenesis and cytotoxicity
Q36335901Separation of helper and suppressor T lymphocytes. II. Ly phenotypes and lack of DNA synthesis requirement for the generation of concanavalin A helper and suppressor cells
Q41837790Separation of methylated nucleosides by high-pressure liquid chromatography. The pattern of tRNA methylation in stimulated rat lymphocytes
Q34416388Sequential Changes in Cell-Mediated Immune Responses to Herpes Simplex Virus After Recurrent Herpetic Infection in Humans
Q71013114Sequential evaluation of lymphocytic blastogenesis in cancer patients after surgical treatment
Q40645626Sequential proliferation induced in human peripheral blood lymphocytes by mitogen. I. Growth of 1000 lymphocytes in feeder layer cultures
Q35044888Sequential stages of human T lymphocyte differentiation
Q42124866Sequential studies of lymphocyte responsiveness and antibody formation in acute bacterial meningitis
Q67906015Sera from AIDS patients inhibit the responsiveness of normal lymphocytes in allogeneic and autologous mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q45871726Sera from simian immunodeficiency virus-infected rhesus macaques inhibit lymphocyte proliferation
Q69225737Serial determination of blast cell count during allograft rejection in rats
Q36537612Serial quantitation of in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness to concanavalin A
Q67012249Serine hydroxymethyltransferase and the stimulated human lymphocyte
Q41361348Serological Inhibition of Blast Transformation to Purified Streptococcal Antigens by Planned Immunization in HLA (A, B) Compatible Unrelated Individuals
Q70222934Serological and biological cross-reactivity of class II antigens between mice and humans in antigen-specific T-cell proliferative responses
Q66938291Serotyping for MLG Gene Products: I. Presumptive Evidence that ABGIL* may Detect MLG Factors
Q52875883Serum Inhibitory Factor in Lepromatous Leprosy: Its Effect on the Pre‐S‐Phase Cell‐Cycle Kinetics of Mitogen‐stimulated Normal Human Lymphocytes
Q44123396Serum factor: the inhibition of phytohemagglutinin-induced blastogenesis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytes
Q47945587Serum factors affecting the incorporation of (3H)thymidine by lymphocytes stimulated by antigen. 3. Evidence for a role of complement from studies with specific complement inhibitors
Q93749263Serum factors affecting the incorporation of (3H)thymidine by lymphocytes stimulated by antigen. I. Serum concentration
Q47945598Serum factors affecting the incorporation of (3H)thymidine by lymphocytes stimulated by antigen. II. Evidence for a role of complement from studies with heated serum
Q41684946Serum factors affecting the incorporation of [3H]thymidine by lymphocytes stimulated by antigen. IV. Comparison of enhancement by heated (56 degrees C) serum and by 2-mercaptoethanol
Q34123138Serum immunoglobulin, dermal response, and lymphocyte transformation studies in horses with chronic diarrhea
Q70230519Serum inhibition factor in acute viral hepatitis
Q66971861Serum inhibition of lymphocyte transformation in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis
Q72689915Serum interferon in Navajo children with severe combined immunodeficiency disease inhibits lymphoblastogenesis
Q40216150Serum of rabbits infected with Treponema pallidum (Nichols) inhibits in vitro transformation of normal rabbit lymphocytes
Q34402276Serum-free culture of hamster lymphoid cells and differential inhibition of lipopolysaccharide stimulation by isologous serum
Q44398170Serum-free medium for generation and propagation of functional human cytotoxic and helper T cell clones
Q39856527Severe combined immunologic deficiency. On a case with the presence of circulating lymphocytes (E+)unresponsive to mitogenic stimuli (PHA-) and in mixed culture (MLC-)
Q39899843Sex-related immunocompetence of BALB/c mice. I. Study of immunologic responsiveness of neonatal, weanling, and young adult mice
Q40721142Signal requirements for T lymphocyte activation. I. Replacement of macrophage function with phorbol myristic acetate
Q67680403Signal transduction by HLA class II antigens expressed on activated T cells
Q67702858Signaling by vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) through VLA-4 promotes CD3-dependent T cell proliferation
Q67535903Signaling from LFA-1 contributes signal transduction through CD2 alternative pathway in T cell activation
Q36408331Signaling mechanisms in T cells
Q68321742Signaling requirements for the expression of the transactivating factor NF-AT in human T lymphocytes
Q41686258Signaling via the inositol phospholipid pathway by T cell antigen receptor is limited by receptor number
Q40159482Signals in B lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation
Q40683256Significance and limitation of in vitro tests on cellular immunity--blast transformation with T-cell mitogen
Q46871077Significance of cellular immunity in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q69147337Significance of cellular immunological reactions in the clinical course of tuberculosis in children and adolescents
Q72806909Significance of human Tr cell in gastric cancer --with special reference to suppressor cell activity
Q44028837Significance of serum factors in the stimulation of human umbilical cord and fetal lymphocytes by soluble protein A fromStaphylococcus aureus
Q53731834Significance of the blast transformation reaction of the peripheral blood lymphocytes for characterizing the rheumatic process
Q24545333Significance of the blood beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test
Q66950009Significance of the lymphocyte transformation and leukocyte migration inhibition tests in the detection of drug hypersensitivity
Q72384187Similarities between the syngeneic mixed lymphocyte response and lymphoma-induced T cell proliferation in SJL/J mice
Q36347527Simultaneous flow cytometric analysis of human T cell activation antigen expression and DNA content
Q41549575Single-chain recombinant HLA-DQ2.5/peptide molecules block α2-gliadin-specific pathogenic CD4+ T-cell proliferation and attenuate production of inflammatory cytokines: a potential therapy for celiac disease
Q43603650Sites of specific B cell activation in primary and secondary responses to T cell-dependent and T cell-independent antigens
Q47234203Size-dependent B lymphocyte subpopulations: relationship of cell volume to surface phenotype, cell cycle, proliferative response, and requirements for antibody production to TNP-Ficoll and TNP-BA
Q67878024Skin and laboratory tests: comparison of the epicutaneous patch test with the TTL and LIF tests in the diagnosis of medicamentous allergic contact dermatitis
Q35196501Skin test and blastogenic responses to Sporotrichun schenckii
Q69562657Skin test sensitivity and antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation in uraemia
Q40844625Skin testing, fecal culture, and lymphocyte immunostimulation in cattle inoculated with Mycobacterium paratuberculosis
Q68228682Skin tests with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). Correlation with other parameters of cell-mediated immunity (author's transl)
Q72802569Small, resting B cells can be induced to proliferate by direct signals from activated helper T cells
Q40146712Sodium dodecyl sulfate- and salt-extracted antigens from various Brucella species induce proliferation of bovine lymphocytes
Q71829052Soluble CD23 directly activates monocytes to contribute to the antigen-independent stimulation of resting T cells
Q36361516Soluble CD40 ligand can replace the normal T cell-derived CD40 ligand signal to B cells in T cell-dependent activation
Q72820017Soluble Mlsa antigens: Stimulatory effect in vitro versus suppressive effect in vivo
Q72720682Soluble antigen-primed inducer T cells activate antigen-specific suppressor T cells in the absence of antigen-pulsed accessory cells: phenotypic definition of suppressor-inducer and suppressor-effector cells
Q43871168Soluble tumor antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation: effects of serum from normal and tumor-bearing mice
Q71976533Soluble, but not immobilized, anti-IgM antibody inhibits post-activation events leading to T-cell-dependent B-cell differentiation
Q36591791Some Aspects of the Lymphocytes Kinetics during Treatment of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Q39820373Some characteristics of human lymphocyte responsibility to stimulation in vitro
Q40667834Some requirements for the response of separated T-cell sub-populations to the mitogens phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin A
Q30434357Species specificity and augmentation of responses to class II major histocompatibility complex molecules in human CD4 transgenic mice
Q70180828Specific Cell-Mediated Immunity and the Natural History of Congenital Infection with Cytomegalovirus
Q39397825Specific MLC Stimulation by Cultured B Cells
Q70180822Specific Mononuclear Cell Response to Rhinovirus
Q40649299Specific activation of human T lymphocytes by Robinia pseudoacacia seeds' lectin
Q39174854Specific activation of murine B cells by low molecular weight polyamino-polycarboxylic acids (ampholytes)
Q66850609Specific antigen stimulated lymphocyte proliferation in osteosarcoma
Q36360082Specific binding of K- and I-region products of the H-2 complex to activated thymus-derived (T) cells belonging to different Ly subclasses
Q45245354Specific blast transformation of rabbit spleen cells induced by a bacterial polysaccharide and inhibitory effect of peripheral blood lymphocytes (author's transl)
Q42019353Specific blastogenesis and lymphokine production in DNCB-sensitive human leucocyte cultures stimulated with soluble and particulate DNP-containing antigens
Q72962845Specific cell-mediated immunity and infections with herpes viruses in cardiac transplant recipients
Q41245190Specific in vitro lymphocyte response of chickens injected with killed Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Q39379905Specific in vitro lymphocyte transformation with Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
Q39716790Specific in-vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation activities of Brucella abortus fractions obtained by column chromatography
Q44343050Specific inhibition of lymphocytes activated by an antigen in a lymph node containing the antigen
Q39197687Specific insulin binding site on T and B lymphocytes as a marker of cell activation
Q39802093Specific loss of stimulator activity following mixed lymphocyte reactions is due to cytotoxic cells
Q36429097Specific lymphocyte blastogenic responses in children with cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus infections acquired early in infancy
Q41398182Specific lymphocyte stimulation in cattle naturally infected with strains of Brucella abortus and cattle vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain 19
Q43498019Specific lymphocyte transformation in murine malaria
Q70869917Specific role of cells whose receptors do not vanish for a long time from the cell surface in transmembrane activation of lymphocytes by concanavalin A
Q72712413Specific stimulation of human T lymphocytes by substance P
Q72687150Specificity and characterization of cytotoxic cells generated from alloantigen-stimulated murine bone marrow cells
Q39546102Specificity of Human Lymphocytes Primed against Allogeneic Cells in vitro. II. Discrimination and Cross-Reactivity in Repeated Priming
Q39346170Specificity of cell-mediated cytotoxicity against human melanoma lines: Evidence for “non-specific” killing by activated T-cells
Q40849698Specificity of lymphocyte stimulation in vitro by microbial preparations: importance of antigen concentration
Q39519679Specificity studies on the proliferative response of thymus-derived lymphocytes to influenza viruses
Q34617002Spinal fluid lymphocytes responsive to autologous and allogeneic cells in multiple sclerosis and control individuals
Q39921431Spleen cell-mediated cytotoxicity of hamster cells transformed by Herpes simplex virus: evidence for virus-specific membrane antigen
Q66884140Splenic suppressing factor: purification and characterization of a factor suppressing thymidine incorporation into activated lymphocytes
Q70293432Spontaneous blastogenesis assay for detection of renal allograft rejection in man
Q70246712Spontaneous in vitro occurrence and long-term culture of murine B lymphoblast cell lines
Q36348446Spontaneous internalization of Class I major histocompatibility complex molecules in T lymphoid cells
Q40653513Spontaneous lymphocyte transformation in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Q66920059Spontaneous lymphocyte transformation in chronic renal insufficiency (author's transl)
Q39329380Spontaneous lymphocyte transformation in leucocyte cultures of children with falciparum malaria
Q66952869Spontaneous lymphocyte transformation in pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia
Q70754688Spontaneous lymphocyte transformation in relation to the number of circulating lymphocytes in Hodgkin's disease
Q72809770Spontaneous proliferation in unfractionated spleen cell cultures: Autologous mixed-lymphocyte reactions (AMLR) which can be differentially regulated by prostaglandins and lymphokines
Q45788426Spontaneous proliferation of memory (CD45RO+) and naive (CD45RO-) subsets of CD4 cells and CD8 cells in human T lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection: distinctive patterns for HTLV-IversusHTLV-II
Q39848946Spontaneous transformation in LTT of patients with atopic dermatitis and other allergic skin diseases (author's transl)
Q34242593Stable expression of HB24, a diverged human homeobox gene, in T lymphocytes induces genes involved in T cell activation and growth
Q40075390Stages of development of immunologic response in the regional lymph nodes in invasive cancer of the uterine cervix
Q42917935Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups undergo a decrease in circulating white blood cells and the ability of T cells to proliferate during early postnatal development
Q72398055Stereospecific receptors for substance P on cultured human IM-9 lymphoblasts
Q72804956Stimulating Effect of Mercuric Chloride and Nickel Sulfate on DNA Synthesis of Thymocytes and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Children
Q39882873Stimulating capacity of blast cells from patients with chronic myelocytic leukaemia, in blastic crisis in 'one-way' mixed lymphoycte reaction: lack of evidence for T lymphoblastic conversion
Q46666582Stimulation and Inhibition of Mitogen-Induced Lymphoproliferation by Serum Fractions
Q66891125Stimulation and differentiation of lymphocytes after injuries
Q67398133Stimulation and inhibition of DNA synthesis in rat thymocytes: Action of concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin
Q40643021Stimulation and inhibition of human T-lymphocyte colony cell proliferation by hemopoietic cell factors
Q39938941Stimulation by cyclic GMP of lymphocytes mediated by soluble factor released from adherent cells
Q39790510Stimulation in primary and secondary MLC: comparison between normal lymphocytes and T and B lymphoblast cell lines before and after glutaraldehyde treatment
Q44403661Stimulation of B lymphocytes through surface Ig receptors induces LFA-1 and ICAM-1-dependent adhesion
Q67515634Stimulation of CD4+ T lymphocytes by allogeneic MHC peptides presented on autologous antigen-presenting cells. Evidence of the indirect pathway of allorecognition in some strain combinations
Q67721470Stimulation of Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Cells with Superantigenic Staphylococcal Toxins
Q46463924Stimulation of Lymphocytes by Purified Protein Derivative: Suppression by Cells from Humans Vaccinated with Bacille Calmette-Guerin
Q39965286Stimulation of Normal Lymphocytes with Autologous Lymphoid Cell Lines: Properties of Derived Killer Cells
Q41261097Stimulation of Pig Lymphocytes with Anti-Immunoglobulin Serum and Mitogens
Q40668155Stimulation of a human B-lymphocyte line by anti-immunoglobulin and its concanavalin A-induced suppression by a T-cell line
Q39578450Stimulation of active E-rosette forming lymphocytes by myelin basic protein and specific antigens from multiple sclerosis brains
Q36068882Stimulation of autologous blood lymphocytes by malignant lymphoma cells and homogenates
Q40690089Stimulation of chicken lymphocytes by T- and B-cell mitogens
Q40159011Stimulation of chicken spleen cell mitogenic response with turkey herpesvirus vaccine against Marek's disease
Q52106451Stimulation of cloned human T lymphocytes via the CD3 or CD28 molecules induces enhancement in vascular endothelial permeability to macromolecules with participation of type-1 and type-2 intercellular adhesion pathways
Q66942850Stimulation of cultivated lymphocytes in various forms of skin tuberculosis
Q39868114Stimulation of fetal spleen cells with lipopolysaccharides
Q44546677Stimulation of hamster and human lymphocyte cultures by soluble egg antigens (SEA) of Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni
Q30735468Stimulation of human B cells specific for Candida albicans for monoclonal antibody production
Q39644147Stimulation of human B lymphocytes by Listeria cell wall fraction
Q70305521Stimulation of human and bovine lymphocytes by various Streptococcus species
Q72715534Stimulation of human blood lymphocytes with phytohemagglutinin: microradiomodification of the method with the use of whole blood
Q44627606Stimulation of human lymphocytes by B-cell mitogens
Q34113706Stimulation of human lymphocytes by Herpes simplex virus antigens
Q34129604Stimulation of human lymphocytes by a vaccine strain of Francisella tularensis
Q39729742Stimulation of human lymphocytes by cultured allogeneic skin and endothelial cells in vitro
Q39827901Stimulation of human lymphocytes in vitro by leucocytes from patients with untreated acute myeloid leukaemia
Q41633148Stimulation of human naive and memory T helper cells with bacterial superantigen. Naive CD4+45RA+ T cells require a costimulatory signal mediated through the LFA-1/ICAM-1 pathway
Q40188720Stimulation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by autologous EBV-infected B cells
Q40059169Stimulation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by periodate, galactose oxidase, soybean agglutinin, and peanut agglutinin: differential effects of adherent cells
Q39886392Stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation in vitro by cultured nonlymphoid tissue cells which do not express Ia-like antigen
Q70468450Stimulation of lymphocyte transformation by streptococcal type M1 protein: relationship to HL-A antigens
Q40026416Stimulation of lymphocytes by allogeneic lymphocytes and lymphoblasts in the presence of anti-HLA antisera
Q67283585Stimulation of lymphocytes from a dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) by phytomitogens
Q66705423Stimulation of lymphocytes from patients with coeliac disease by subfraction of gluten
Q39794418Stimulation of lymphocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients by mitogens and IgG
Q39754487Stimulation of lymphoid cells from normal and immune mice by syngeneic BALB/c plasma cell tumors
Q41882660Stimulation of mature unprimed CD8+ T cells by semiprofessional antigen-presenting cells in vivo
Q40968347Stimulation of mitogenic responses in human peripheral blood lymphocytes by lipopolysaccharide: serum and T helper cell requirements
Q70977131Stimulation of mouse lymphocytes by a mitogen derived from Mycoplasma arthritidis. I. Transformation is associated with an H-2-linked gene that maps to the I-E/I-C subregion
Q41533265Stimulation of mouse lymphocytes by a mitogen derived from Mycoplasma arthritidis. III. Ir gene control of lymphocyte transformation correlates with binding of the mitogen to specific Ia-bearing cells
Q39719111Stimulation of peripheral guinea pig blood lymphocytes by autologous epidermal cells
Q40158502Stimulation of peripheral human lymphocytes by autologous EBV genome-carrying lymphoblastoid cell lines
Q39206965Stimulation of thymocytes in vitro by serum of 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF)-treated rats1)
Q40744760Stimulation of thymus- and bone marrow-derived lymphocytes by tumor cells in culture
Q41611647Stimulation or tolerization of an anti-myelin basic protein T lymphocyte line with membrane fragments from antigen presenting cells
Q67530810Stimulator cell-dependent requirement for CD2- and LFA-1-mediated adhesions in T lymphocyte activation by superantigenic toxins
Q40718460Stimulators and inhibitors of lymphocyte DNA synthesis in supernatants from human lymphoid cell lines
Q40707497Stimulatory and cytotoxic activity on human adult and fetal lymphocytes by heterologous antihuman fetal lymphocyte sera
Q36272681Stimulus-response in the mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q69542330Storage method for leukemia blast cells
Q36422786Strain differences in lymphocyte responses and in vitro suppressor cell induction between Schistosoma mansoni-infected C57BL/6 and CBA mice
Q46905197Streptococcal protein T induced hyperdelayed sensitivity and lymphocyte stimulation
Q43601231Stress and the immune response in rats
Q45796671Stress and the transformation of lymphocytes by Epstein-Barr virus
Q44619049Stress stimuli-induced lymphocyte activation
Q67517507Stress-induced alteration of immune function. Diversity of effects and mechanisms
Q72725278Strong lymphoproliferative suppressive function of PLT clones specific for SB-like antigens
Q41261061Structure and biological function of human IgD. IX. Anti-IgD activation of human lymphocytes
Q41365257Structure and biological functions of human IgD. XII. Anti-IgD enhancement of PHA responsiveness in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Q66909252Structure and permeability of junctions in phytohemagglutinin stimulated human lymphocytes
Q58064825Structure-function relationship and immunochemical mapping of external and intracellular antigenic sites on the lymphocyte activation inducer molecule, AIM/CD69
Q69548197Studies concerning the regional lymph node in cancer. VI. Correlation of lymphocyte transformation of regional node cells and some histopathologic discriminants
Q67005082Studies in porphyria IX: Detection of the gene defect of erythropoietic protoporphyria in mitogen-stimulated human lymphocytes
Q39886477Studies of allospecific suppressor T lymphocytes induced and assayed in culture
Q39886956Studies of immune functions of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q43250701Studies of intestinal lymphoid tissue. I. Electron microscopic evidence of 'blast transformation' in epithelial lymphocytes of mouse small intestinal mucosa
Q40758691Studies of lymphocyte activating factor from alveolar macrophages
Q39346182Studies of lymphocyte stimulation by intact tumor-cell and solubilized tumor antigen
Q70223568Studies of lymphoproliferation in MRL-lpr/lpr mice
Q39898882Studies of mixed lymphocyte reactions, surface B cell antigens, and intracytoplasmic immunoglobulins in “null cell” acute lymphocytic leukemia
Q69180860Studies of skin allograft survival and mixed lymphocyte culture reaction in Hl-A-genotyped families
Q70504623Studies of the Blastogenic Response of Murine Lymphocyte III. Specific Viral Transformation
Q40878432Studies of the Radioallergosorbent Test and the Lymphocyte Stimulation Index in Symptomatic Ragweed Pollenosis
Q70232628Studies of the mechanisms of human B cell activation. I. Development of an assay system for human B cell growth factors (BCGF) and identification of BCGF-producing T cell subsets
Q70233499Studies of the mechanisms of human B cell activation. III. Development of an assay system for human B cell differentiation factors (BCDF) and identification of BCDF-producing T cell subsets
Q41497149Studies of the nonspecific cellular immune response in patients with urinary bladder carcinoma. I. PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q41497156Studies of the nonspecific cellular immune response in patients with urinary bladder carcinoma. II. Immunodepressive effect of sera from bladder carcinoma
Q72730643Studies on In vitro Lymphocyte Transformation Test to C-polysaccharide of Group A Streptococci
Q40725763Studies on T lymphocyte activation I. Requirements for the mitogen-dependent production of T cell growth factors
Q39899259Studies on T lymphocyte activation II. The target cells for concanavalin A-induced growth factors
Q39522654Studies on an inhibitory factor to phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation found in the serum of patients with various liver diseases
Q70638435Studies on blastic lymphocyte transformation in cultures in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Q69200585Studies on cellular immunoreaction in lues using the lymphocyte transformation test in vitro (LTT)
Q40773919Studies on demyelination by activated lymphocytes in the rabbit eye. I. Effects of a mononuclear cell infiltrate induced by products of activated lymphocytes
Q40773923Studies on demyelination by activated lymphocytes in the rabbit eye. II. Antibody-dependent cell-mediated demyelination
Q71656206Studies on expression and function of Eta-1(early T lymphocyte activation-1) in autoimmune prone MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice
Q53801486Studies on human B cell activation system. V. Effects of monocyte on Ig synthesis stimulated by PWM and SAC
Q72721268Studies on human Ia supertypic specificities by complement fixation on PHA blastsI. Serological properties of DC1 specificity
Q45805700Studies on human epidermal Langerhans' cells: II. Activation of human T lymphocytes to herpes simplex virus
Q40869780Studies on immunized rabbits with Candida albicans--by lymphocyte blastoid transformation test, agglutination test and skin test (author's transl)
Q68289364Studies on immunological responsiveness of cancer patients. II. Phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte transformation in patients with gastric or esophageal cancer
Q70750921Studies on in vitro lymphocyte stimulation assay in cattle naturally infected with Brucella abortus and in cattle vaccinated with strain 19
Q40826336Studies on peripheral lymphocytes from patients with rheumatic fever and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Subpopulations of T-cells, B-cells, IgG-Fc receptor (+) cells and in vitro lymphocyte transformation to several mitogens
Q47991095Studies on rabbit lymphocytes in vitro. XVI. Restimulation of antiallotypically stimulated and blocked cultures
Q47950044Studies on the Contact Sensitization of Man with Simple Chemicals I. Specific Lymphocyte Transformation in Response to Dinitrochlororenzene Sensitization
Q40521834Studies on the Immune Status of Children with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (All)
Q40090037Studies on the Interactions between Viruses and Lymphocytes
Q51275898Studies on the Relevance of Microtubules and of Microfilament-Dependent Processes for Triggering Lymphocyte Activation
Q45800978Studies on the Toxicity and Binding Kinetics of Abrin in Normal and Epstein Barr Virus-Transformed Lymphocyte Culture-I: Experimental Results – 1
Q45800977Studies on the Toxicity and Binding Kinetics of Abrin in Normal and Epstein Barr Virus-Transformed Lymphocyte Culture-I: Experimental Results – 2
Q45800975Studies on the Toxicity and Binding Kinetics of Abrin in Normal and Epstein Barr Virus-Transformed Lymphocyte Culture-I: Experimental Results – 3
Q40647770Studies on the generation of B lymphocytes in fetal liver and bone marrow
Q67777286Studies on the glycolipids of sheep thymus and of normal and concanavalin A-stimulated sheep peripheral lymphocytes
Q69143014Studies on the lymphocyte 5'-nucleotidase in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, infectious mononucleosis, normal subpopulations, and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated cells
Q67718997Studies on the lymphocyte transformation induced by stimulation with liver nuclear membrane fractions in the patients with liver disease (author's transl)
Q44001796Studies on the mechanism of measles virus-induced suppression of lymphocyte functions in vitro: lack of a role for interferon and monocytes
Q72698531Studies on the mechanism of natural killer cytotoxicity. III. Activation of NK cells by interferon augments the lytic activity of released natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF)
Q36341772Studies on the mechanisms of macrophage activation. I. Destruction of intracellular Leishmania enriettii in macrophages activated by cocultivation with stimulated lymphocytes
Q66984470Studies on the methodology and evaluation of the lymphocyte transformation microtest
Q70288365Studies on the proliferative response of lymphocytes using antigen-stimulated macrophage (M phi)--the assay system and clinical application
Q39436137Studies on the regulation of lymphocyte reactivity by normal and activated macrophages
Q66952255Studies on the responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes to mitogens in patients with Behçet's disease (author's transl)
Q67493351Studies on the suppression of normal B-cell maturation by peripheral blood cells from patients with acquired hypogammaglobulinemia and from normal neonates
Q52931811Studies on thymus products. VII. Presence of thymic hormone in urodele serum
Q44599713Studies on transformation of human lymphocytes by Epstein-Barr virus (author's transl)
Q70228898Study of activated lymphocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from patients with various diffuse interstitial lung diseases
Q44599747Study of antibodies and cellular immunity reactions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Q69043720Study of antilymphocytic IgG activity for man in the blast transformation reaction
Q39131559Study of cell mediated immune responsiveness to soluble egg antigen and phytohaemagglutinin using the lymphoblast transformation test in human schistosomiasis mansoni in Egypt
Q43898410Study of cellular immune reactivity in syphilis using the in vitro lymphocyte blastic transformation test
Q43930170Study of cellular immunology in malignant and benign monoclonal gammapathies
Q69260154Study of lymphocyte reactivity in patients with rheumatoid polyarthritis
Q44695670Study of nonspecific lymphocyte transformation in urologic cancer patients
Q39900539Study of the allogenic reactivity and suppression function of lymphocytes, in rheumatoid polyarthritis treated with cold salts, in mixed lymphocyte cultures
Q39760257Study of the blastic response of human peripheral lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin, before and after surgical and anesthetic stress
Q36357827Study of the cells proliferating in parent versus F hybrid mixed lymphocyte culture
Q44416191Study of the thymic-derived or -independent nature of mouse spleen cells induced to proliferate in culture by various mitogens and antigens
Q39761513Study of various indicators of cellular immunity in pathologic pregnancy
Q69740468Studying the immune reactivity of uremic patients by phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocyte culture
Q40708066Subpopulations of T and B lymphocytes in peripheral blood and lymphocytes reactivity to non-specific mitogens (PHA, Con A, PWM) in in vitro cultures in patients suffering from in vitro cultures in patients suffering from glomerulonephritis
Q53946794Subpopulations of mouse T lymphocytes. I. "Thymidine suicide" of a major proliferating, PHA-responsive cell population present in spleen but not in lymph node
Q39734308Subpopulations of mouse spleen lymphocytes. III. Cellular interactions in the response to concanavalin A
Q72625185Subpopulations of the T4+ inducer T cell subset in man: evidence for an amplifier population preferentially expressing Ia antigen upon activation
Q45802673Subset of spleen lymphocytes from BALB/cCrgl mice stimulated by mouse mammary tumor virus
Q67896785Substance P enhances IL-2 expression in activated human T cells
Q40898710Suiciding of lymphocytic precursor cells by tritiated nucleosides,in vitro
Q37175350Superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B-induced T-helper cell activation is independent of CD4 molecules and phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis
Q39548304Suppressed Lymphoblastic Response to Myelin Basic Protein of Lymphocytes from Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Q45797411Suppressed lymphocyte blastogenic responses and enhanced in vitro growth of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus in stressed feeder calves
Q40867909Suppressed lymphocyte mitogen-responsiveness in urinary tract infections of children and its correlation to pyelonephritis
Q67061227Suppressing effects of purified eosinophils derived from guinea pigs sensitized with Ascaris antigen on lymphocyte-blastformation
Q40152727Suppression and contrasuppression in the regulation of gut-associated immune responses
Q40171317Suppression and enhancement of mitogen response in chickens infected with Marek's disease virus and the herpesvirus of turkeys
Q40994457Suppression and enhancement of the rabbit primary in vitro antibody response with anti-allotype antibody: concurrent effects on thymidine incorporation, blastogenesis, and cell surface Ig
Q40692939Suppression by thymosin of pokeweed mitogen-induced differentiation of human B cells
Q72818255Suppression of Cellular Reactivity to Group A Streptococcal Antigens in Patients with Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
Q67063628Suppression of DNA synthesis by Con A-activated human lymphocytes: Stimulation by con A bound to non-T cells unless removed after activation
Q40878495Suppression of In Vitro Lymphocyte Transformation During an Experimental Dermatophyte Infection
Q40732522Suppression of Lymphoblastoid Cell Line Proliferation by Antisera to HLA-DR and Other HLA Antigens
Q39707671Suppression of PHA-stimulated lymphocyte transformation in cynomolgus monkeys following infection with Coxiella burnetii
Q37683017Suppression of T-cell proliferation by Mycobacterium leprae and its products: the role of lipopolysaccharide
Q39807935Suppression of adult rat lymphoid proliferative responses by homologous neonatal serum
Q45211727Suppression of blastogenic response of peripheral lymphocytes by serum from ovine squamous cell carcinoma bearing sheep
Q40696795Suppression of human T-cell colony formation during pregnancy
Q36337282Suppression of human T-cell mitogenesis by prostaglandin. Existence of a prostaglandin-producing suppressor cell
Q45801969Suppression of human lymphocyte mitogen response by disrupted primate retroviruses of type C (baboon endogenous virus) and type D (PMFV)
Q36344127Suppression of in vitro lymphocyte DNA synthesis by killed Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Q67914099Suppression of in vitro lymphocyte reactivity to PHA by lysates from human placentae: lack of correlation with gravida number
Q45047784Suppression of in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness to purified protein derivative by measles virus. A reexploration of the phenomenon
Q67336239Suppression of in vitro lymphocyte transformation by serum from dogs with generalized demodicosis
Q64935488Suppression of interleukin-2 production by human concanavalin A-induced suppressor cells
Q72779799Suppression of lipopolysaccharide-induced polyclonal B cell activation of murine spleen with heat-aggregated murine immunoglobulin G
Q40908806Suppression of lymphocyte blastogenesis by Candida albicans
Q39859038Suppression of lymphocyte proliferation by a nonspecific factor produced by the burkitt lymphoma-derived lymphoblast cell line
Q72733138Suppression of lymphocyte proliferation in the blood of children with infectious mononucleosis. Flow cytometry study
Q72779763Suppression of lymphocyte proliferative responses: characterization of the suppressor and kinetics of suppression
Q34093748Suppression of lymphocyte response to concanavalin A by mucopolysaccharide material from Treponema pallidum-infected rabbits
Q39628464Suppression of lymphocyte transformation by plasma from owl monkeys acutely infected with Plasmodium falciparum
Q39818391Suppression of lymphoproliferation by high concentrations of normal human mononuclear leukocytes
Q39205392Suppression of mitogen responses and graft-versus-host reaction by splenocytes from mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma
Q54078473Suppression of mitogen responses by serum from tumour-bearing mice
Q45889913Suppression of mitogen-induced proliferation of normal spleen cells by macrophages from chickens inoculated with Marek's disease virus
Q70332422Suppression of mouse lymphocyte responses to mitogens in vitro by Trypanosoma cruzi
Q41135326Suppression of phytohemagglutinin and lipopolysaccharide responses in mouse spleen cells by Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
Q72802529Suppression of pokeweed mitogen-stimulated immunoglobulin production in patients with rheumatoid arthritis after treatment with total lymphoid irradiation
Q39898908Suppression of proliferative response and lymphokine production during the progression of a spontaneous tumor
Q40668733Suppression of rat T cell proliferation by Corynebacterium parvum: T cell requirement for induction
Q72777800Suppression of responses to cryptococcal antigen in murine cryptococcosis
Q67782789Suppression of sheep and goat lymphocyte proliferation by sheep, goat, and sheep × goat hybrid trophoblast tissue cultures
Q39797941Suppression of specific MLC responsiveness during the effector phase of skin allograft rejection in rats [proceedings]
Q41060365Suppression of specific lymphocyte blastogenesis after intravenous tuberculin injection in Mycobacterium bovis-sensitized cattle
Q72713650Suppression of the Mitogen Response of Normal Lymphocytes by Serum From Patients With Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
Q40905285Suppression of the in vivo humoral and cellular immune response by staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)
Q40674244Suppression of the mitogen-stimulated blastogenic response during reticuloendotheliosis virus-induced tumorigenesis: investigations into the mechanism of action of the suppressor
Q41546861Suppression of the responsiveness of lymphocytes from cancer patients triggered by co-culture with autologous tumor-derived cells
Q70228014Suppression on normal human lymphocyte proliferation induced by Sepharose 4B binding staphylococcal protein A through addition of human IgG, heat-aggregated IgG, F(ab')2 gamma, Fab gamma and aggregated Fc gamma
Q43968019Suppressive T cell function of Epstein-Barr virus induced B cell activation in active Behçet's disease
Q72086669Suppressive effect of T cell proliferation via the CD29 molecule. The CD29 mAb 1 "K20" decreases diacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid levels in activated T cells
Q34476194Suppressive effect of alcoholic liver disease sera on lymphocyte transformation
Q41610820Suppressive effect of soluble factor(s) derived from Prevotella loescheii ATCC 15930 on proliferation of human lymphocytes
Q72787316Suppressive effects of soluble histocompatibility antigens on the in vitro generation of cytotoxic T cells to D-end alloantigens
Q44686794Suppressive factor in the pregnant plasma on lymphocyte activity and PHA induced stimulative E-rosette formation
Q39897522Suppressor Cells Induced by Purified Protein Derivative of Tuberculin (PPD): the Suppression is Mediated by Cells that Proliferate in Response to Stimulation with PPD
Q40130079Suppressor Cells in Mice With Murine Mammary Tumor Virus-Induced Mammary Tumors. I. Inhibition of Mitogen-Induced Lymphocyte Stimulation 2 3
Q72797604Suppressor T cell activation by human leukocyte interferon
Q72939530Suppressor T cells activated by autologous B-cell derived lines inhibit blastogenic responses by peripheral lymphocytes to mitogens or autologous lymphoblastoid cell lines
Q72774198Suppressor cells in Lewis rats with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: Prevention of the disease and inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation by the suppressor cells or their products
Q48376893Suppressor cells in spleens from "nude" mice: their effect on the mitogenic response of B lymphocytes
Q39900533Suppressor cells of mitogen responses during rheumatoid polyarthritis
Q72779183Suppressor cells of mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation in the peripheral blood of patients with common variable hypogammaglobulinemia
Q39796203Suprresion of in vitro lymphocyte stimulation in mice by uterine and placental extracts
Q40660852Surface antigen changes accompanying lymphocyte activation. Selective reactivity of certain anti-H-2 antisera with activated lymphocytes of unrelated H-2 haplotype
Q44277156Surface contact requirements for activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Q40731472Surface immunoglobulins and lymphocyte activation in gnotobiotic animals
Q39520269Surface marker study of the peripheral blood blast cells and lymphocytes in acute leukemia using a rosette formation method
Q34094926Surface markers and size of lymphocytes in human umbilical cord blood stimulated into deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis by Epstein-Barr Virus
Q72820210Surface molecules involved in self-recognition and T cell activation in the autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q40139067Surface proteolytic activity in cell interactions: activation of human peripheral lymphocytes in contact with mitogen-treated glass-adherent leukocytes
Q36809458Susceptibility to cell death is a dominant phenotype: triggering of activation-driven T-cell death independent of the T-cell antigen receptor complex
Q42470300Sustained increases in cytosolic calcium during T lymphocyte allosensitization, proliferation, and acquisition of locomotor function
Q70600156Sympathetic Ophthalmia and Lymphocyte Transformation
Q72068675Syn-capping of human T lymphocyte adhesion/activation molecules and their redistribution during interaction with endothelial cells
Q50229130Synergism of bacterial lipopolysaccharides and concanavalin A in the activation of thymic lymphocytes
Q36358854Synergistic and suppressive interactions among mouse T lymphocytes in the response to phytohemagglutinin
Q37566634Synergistic effects of antigen and soluble T-cell factors in B-lymphocyte activation
Q66892182Synergistic effects on DNA synthesis of phytohemagglutinin or concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide in human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q45832629Synergistic monoclonal antibodies for in vitro immunomodulation of dog islets
Q39797934Synergy of mouse thymus and lymph node cells in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) (proceedings)
Q36593793Synovial Fluid and Blood Monocyte Influence on Lymphocyte Proliferation in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Traumatic Synovitis
Q37899822Synovial lymphocyte response to chlamydial stimulation associated with intrasynovial chlamydial antigen in a patient with “rheumatoid arthritis”
Q39656230Synthesis of 2′-Deoxy-2′-[18F]Fluoro-9-β-D-Arabinofuranosylguanine: a Novel Agent for Imaging T-Cell Activation with PET
Q66933340Synthesis of RNA containing polyadenylic acid in resting and stimulated human lymphocytes
Q66877171Synthesis of chromatin proteins in resting and stimulated human lymphocyte populations
Q54180194Synthetic Analogues of the N-Terminal Lipid Part of Bacterial Lipoprotein are B-Lymphocyte Mitogens in vitro and in vivo
Q34193786T Cell Activation Is Associated with Lower CD4+T Cell Gains in Human Immunodeficiency Virus–Infected Patients with Sustained Viral Suppression during Antiretroviral Therapy
Q44084028T Cell Activation within Different Intraocular Compartments during Experimental Uveitis1
Q71783889T Cell Blastogenic Responses toToxoplasma gondiiTrophozoites among HIV-Infected Patients
Q70225030T Cell Factors Regulating B Cell Activation and Differentiation
Q72817873T Cell-Dependent B Cell Activation
Q39802469T Lymphocyte Stimulation by Hapten-Conjugated Macrophages. A Model System for the Study of Immunocompetent Cell Interactions
Q47910997T cell activation and enhanced apoptosis in non-ST elevation myocardial infarction
Q67588618T cell activation through CD3 molecules in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q68054547T cell activation through TCR/-CD3 complex. IL-2 production of T cell clones stimulated with anti-CD3 without cross-linkage
Q46393789T cell clones and hybridomas as probes for the analysis of the syngeneic mixed leukocyte reaction
Q72827621T cell clones interacting with accessory and T helper cells for a proliferative response
Q40680131T cell growth factor: parameters of production and a quantitative microassay for activity
Q54477036T cell proliferation in Mycobacterium lepraemurium infection. II. Characterization of cells that transfer resistance in subcutaneously infected mice
Q31070886T cell proliferation induced by monoclonal antibodies to a phosphatidylinositol-linked differentiation antigen of guinea pig lymphocytes
Q41402274T cell proliferation restricted by HLA class II molecules in patients with hen's egg allergy
Q36231401T cell recognition of self-human histocompatibility leukocyte antigens (HLA)-DR peptides in context of syngeneic HLA-DR molecules
Q72534775T cell recognition of the Sm nuclear antigen: induction of T cell proliferative responses in MRL/Mp- +/+ mice
Q72748233T cell regulation of B cell activation. An antigen-mediated tripartite interaction of Ts cells, Th cells, and B cells is required for suppression
Q72722957T cell regulation of B cell activation: MHC-restricted T augmenting cells enhance the B cell responses mediated by MHC-restricted cloned T helper cells
Q72687146T cell regulation of B cell activation: antigen-specific and antigen-nonspecific suppressor pathways are mediated by distinct T cell subpopulations
Q36349087T cell regulation of b cell activation. Cloned Lyt-1+2-T suppressor cells inhibit the major histocompatibility complex-restricted interaction of T helper cells with B cells and/or accessory cells
Q72808027T cell regulation of polyclonally induced immunoglobulin secretion in humans
Q72701697T cell responses induced by the parenteral injection of antigen-modified syngeneic cells. I. Induction, characterization, and regulation of antigen-specific T helper cells involved in delayed-type hypersensitivity responses
Q70229774T cell surface antigen expression on lymphocytes of patients with AIDS during in vitro mitogen stimulation
Q72828045T cell synergy in the primary MLR: proliferative kinetics, effector cell generation, and IL 2 production
Q67499478T cell variant of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with chromosome abnormality and defective response to mitogens
Q36348576T cell-activating properties of an anti-Thy-1 monoclonal antibody. Possible analogy to OKT3/Leu-4
Q41435720T cell-independent and T cell-dependent B cell activation increases IFN-gamma R expression and renders B cells sensitive to IFN-gamma-mediated inhibition
Q43826614T cell-mediated immunoregulation of Epstein Barr virus- (EBV) induced B lymphocyte activation in EBV-seropositive and EBV-seronegative individuals
Q52101166T cells and asthma. I. Lymphocyte subpopulations and activation in allergic and nonallergic asthma
Q39628181T cells reactive with HLA‐A*0201 peptides from the histone demethylase JARID1B are found in the circulation of breast cancer patients
Q39834214T cells which proliferate in response to concanavalin A include cells which proliferate in mixed leukocyte reactions
Q37106972T helper cell‐dependent B cell activation
Q39816014T lymphocyte responses to Mls locus antigens involve recognition of H-2 I region gene products
Q39727705T mitogens trigger LPS responsiveness in mouse thymus cells
Q40427905T-Cell Activation: Two for T
Q39631663T-Cell Regulation of Restricted B-Cell Responses
Q66884971T-Dependence of Human B Lymphocyte Proliferative Response to Mitogens
Q39518293T-Lymphocyte Activation by Immunogenic Determinants
Q67718293T-Lymphocyte Lines Specific for Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD) the 64K β-Cell Antigen of IDDM
Q40695893T-T-cell interactions during the vitro cytotoxic allograft responses. I. Soluble products from activated Lyl+ T cells trigger autonomously antigen-primed Ly23+ T cells to cell proliferation and cytolytic activity
Q36881884T-cell activation by autologous human T-cell leukemia virus type I-infected T-cell clones
Q37308435T-cell activation by the CD28 ligand B7 is required for cardiac allograft rejection in vivo
Q47846120T-cell activation in murine malaria
Q37277146T-cell activation molecule 4-1BB binds to extracellular matrix proteins
Q41704753T-cell activation. IV. Evidence for a functional linkage between MHC class I, interleukin-2 receptor, and interleukin-4 receptor molecules
Q45807134T-cell control of Epstein–Barr virus-infected B cells is lost during P. falciparum malaria
Q37092026T-cell development and transmembrane signaling: changing biological responses through an unchanging receptor
Q68098257T-cell mitogenic responses in fully xenogeneic chimeras (WF rat----B10 mouse) are restored by blocking the L-arginine-dependent nitric oxide pathway
Q36302569T-cell proliferative response to hapten-modified self-immunoglobulins: recognition of conjugate-specific determinants
Q72820124T-cell regulation of IgG subclass expression by mitogen-induced plasma cells: Soluble factors versus the T cells
Q37080273T-cell regulation of polyclonal B-cell activation induced by extracts of oral bacteria associated with periodontal diseases
Q42908691T-cell response in women with silicone breast implants
Q36593642T-cell subsets in human lymphocytes maintained in IL-2 medium after PHA or mixed lymphocyte reaction activation
Q45804064T-cell-dependent hybrid resistance against a natural killer-resistant moloney virus-induced lymphoma (YWA): In vitro generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes
Q52499041T-cell-dependent polyclonal activation by soluble mycobacterial extracts of B cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cell populations from leprosy patients and normal donors
Q36684071T-cell-mediated activation of B cells
Q72809989T-dependent activation of resting B cells mediated by concanavalin A
Q30442714T-independent and T-dependent B lymphoblasts: helper T cells prime for interleukin 2-induced growth and secretion of immunoglobulins that utilize downstream heavy chains
Q67515269T-lymphocyte activation in adult-onset idiopathic hypoparathyroidism
Q40695499T-lymphocyte dependency of B-lymphocyte blastogenic response to phytomitogens
Q35568301T-lymphocyte proliferation: tyrosine kinases in interleukin 2 signal transduction
Q36359167T-lymphocyte-enriched murine peritoneal exudate cells. II. Genetic control of antigen-induced T-lymphocyte proliferation
Q33351087TNF alpha therapy activates human B-lymphoma cells in vivo and may protect myelopoiesis
Q72739500Ta1, a novel 105 KD human T cell activation antigen defined by a monoclonal antibody
Q39196835Tailored design of NKT-stimulatory glycolipids for polarization of immune responses
Q35582344Targeting Adult and Pediatric Cancers via Cell-Based Vaccines and the Prospect of Activated B Lymphocytes as a Novel Modality
Q27026329Targeting the tumor vasculature to enhance T cell activity
Q68451405Technical aspects of lymphokine-activated killer cell production
Q41547361Temperature-mediated processes in teleost immunity: Differential effects of invitro and invivo temperatures on mitogenic responses of channel catfish lymphocytes
Q71977752Temporal relationships and IL-2 dependency of prolactin-induced lymphocyte proliferation
Q39706845Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Activity and B Cell Markers in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Blast Crisis
Q43536252Test of blast transformation of lymphocytes in drug allergy
Q67575989Testing of water-insoluble antigen in the LTT (Lymphocyte Transformation Test)
Q42242059The 26-kD transmembrane form of tumor necrosis factor alpha on activated CD4+ T cell clones provides a costimulatory signal for human B cell activation
Q67802950The 5'-flanking region of the human CGL-1/granzyme B gene targets expression of a reporter gene to activated T-lymphocytes in transgenic mice
Q40687918The Antibody Repertoire of Hybrid Cell Lines Obtained by Fusion of X63-AG8 Myeloma Cells with Mitogen-Activated B-Cell Blasts
Q42155264The B cell repertoire revealed by major histocompatibility complex-specific helper T cells. I. Frequencies of a genetically defined V region marker among mitogen- and T helper cell-reactive B lymphocytes in normal and immunized mice
Q67703206The CD19 complex of B lymphocytes. Activation of phospholipase C by a protein tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway that can be enhanced by the membrane IgM complex
Q40429470The CD28 costimulatory pathway
Q41606079The CD28 ligand, B7, enhances IL-2 production by providing a costimulatory signal to T cells
Q36231502The CD3 zeta cytoplasmic domain mediates CD2-induced T cell activation
Q72068543The CD40 ligand, gp39, is defective in activated T cells from patients with X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome
Q39095329The Cell-Mediated Immune Response: Interactions of Initiator and Recruited T Lymphocytes
Q40076435The Complexity of Structures Involved in T-Cell Activation
Q41074213The Effect of Adjuvant Induced Suppressor Cells on in Vitro and in Vivo Lymphocyte Responses
Q40666282The Effect of Autologous Serum on Phytohaemagglutinin-Induced Lymphocyte Transformation
Q69302509The Effect of Capping by Anti-immunoglobulin Antibody on the Expression of Cell Surface Immunoglobulin and on Lymphocyte Activation
Q40659755The Effect of Fatty Acids and Albumin on the Transformation of Rodent Spleen Lymphocytes Stimulated by Phytohaemagglutinin, Concanavalin A or Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide
Q72110565The Effects of Kainic Acid-Induced Lesions in the Lateral Septal Area on Cell-Mediated Immune Function
Q40711782The Effects of Sera from Cancer Patients on Phytohaemagglutinin-Induced Lymphocyte Transformation
Q36828608The Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein encoded by the leader of the EBNA RNAs is important in B-lymphocyte transformation
Q43875881The Evolution of Lymphadenopathy and Hypergammaglobulinemia Are Evidence for Early and Sustained Polyclonal B Lymphocyte Activation during Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
Q36348755The Fab fragment of a directly activating monoclonal antibody that precipitates a disulfide-linked heterodimer from a helper T cell clone blocks activation by either allogeneic Ia or antigen and self-Ia
Q36648389The Fas protein is expressed at high levels on CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and activated mature lymphocytes in normal mice but not in the lupus-prone strain, MRL lpr/lpr
Q70230039The Growth of Concanavalin-A Activated, Lyt Selected Subsets in IL-2 Containing Supernatants
Q53034303The HML-1 antigen of intestinal lymphocytes is an activation antigen
Q39656063The Influence of Dietary Protein Concentration and Energy Intake on Mitogen Response and Tumor Growth in Melanoma-Bearing Mice
Q28594893The Junctional Adhesion Molecule JAML Is a Costimulatory Receptor for Epithelial γδ T Cell Activation
Q67320819The Lymphocyte Transformation Response of Fetal Hemolymphatic Tissue to Mitogens and Antigens
Q50543199The Lymphocyte Transformation Test With Type II Collagen as a Diagnostic Tool of Autoimmune Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Q67320307The Lymphocyte Transformation Test in Dermatophytosis
Q31003354The MAP Kinases are Differently Utilized by CD28 and CD2 Adhesion Pathways in Superantigen-Activated Jurkat T cells
Q40091971The Mitogenic Effect of the Lymphocytosis Promoting Factor from Bordetella Pertussis on Human Lymphocytes
Q39914356The Mixed Leukocyte Culture Reaction
Q36683070The N-terminal 513 amino acids of the envelope glycoprotein gB of human cytomegalovirus stimulates both B- and T-cell immune responses in humans
Q33265977The Nucleocapsid Protein of IBV Comprises Immunodominant Determinants Recognized by T-Cells
Q67377630The PHA response in Hodgkin's disease
Q39802463The Participation of Macrophages and Macrophage Cell Lines in the Activation of T Lymphocytes by Mitogens
Q42930780The Phosphatase PTP-PEST Promotes Secondary T Cell Responses by Dephosphorylating the Protein Tyrosine Kinase Pyk2
Q72836883The Production of Interleukin 2 as a Measure of Reactivity in Mixed Lymphocyte Culture
Q72684123The Regulation of T Cell Growth: Requirements for the Activation and Replication of Antigen-Specific Interleukin 2 Producing T Cells
Q41562213The Relative Capacity of Corneal, Heart, Kidney and Skin Cells to Stimulate Allogeneic Lymphocytes
Q67707135The Response Pattern of Human T Cells to Stimulation Following Expansion in IL-2
Q39802481The Role of Adherent Cells in B and T Lymphocyte Activation
Q34198363The Role of Cell Membrane Immunoglobulin in Primate B Lymphocyte Differentiation
Q72722736The Role of Monocytes and Responder Cells in Suppression of Antigen-Specific T Cell Proliferation in Chronic Renal Failure
Q72624574The Role of MuLV Receptors on T-Lymphoma Cells in Lymphoma Cell Proliferation
Q51039680The Role of OX40 (CD134) in T-Cell Memory Generation
Q72756359The Role of Regulatory Components From Resident T Lymphocytes in Polyclonal B Cell Activation
Q28069430The Role of TLR4 on B Cell Activation and Anti-β2GPI Antibody Production in the Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Q36467142The Role of Tyrosine Protein Phosphorylation in Lymphocyte Activation
Q39875922The Role ofde novoPurine Synthesis in Lymphocyte Transformation
Q70627100The Significance of Serum Factors in Stimulation of Lymphocytes from Patients with Periodontal Disease by <i>Veillonella Alcalescens</i>
Q70385671The Specificity of Lymphocyte Transformation In Vitro By Nickel Salts in Nickel Sensitive Subjects
Q39570606The Specificity of Secondary MLC Assayed by Titration of Primed Lymphocyte Populations
Q70290857The Stimulation of Human B and T Lymphocytes by Various Lectins
Q44815201The Stimulation of T Cells with Anti-CD2 Monoclonal Antibodies Facilitates the Induction of Polyclonal B-Cell Responses but does not Enhance the Activation of Antigen-Specific B Cells
Q40941991The Surface Morphology of Mitogen-Stimulated Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes
Q40117401The Synergism of Aecessory Cells and of Soluble a-Factors Derived from Them in the Activation of B Cells to Proliferation
Q39846558The Sézary syndrome lymphoid cell: abnormal surface properties and mitogen responsiveness
Q45135910The T cell dependence of B cell differentiation induced by pokeweed mitogen
Q73481193The T/B cell interaction involved in induction of the mouse IgG2ah suppression is restricted by major histocompatibility complex class I, but not class II molecules
Q72802567The T4 surface antigen is involved in the induction of helper function
Q39330398The Theory of the'One Nonspecific Signal'Model for B Cell Activation
Q42196648The V beta repertoire of mouse gut homodimeric alpha CD8+ intraepithelial T cell receptor alpha/beta + lymphocytes reveals a major extrathymic pathway of T cell differentiation
Q72802497The accessory cell function of human alveolar macrophages in specific T cell proliferation
Q28341724The action of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid and other tryptophan metabolites on stimulated human lymphocytes
Q35484740The action of interleukin 6 on lymphoid populations
Q72789681The active rosette mixed-lymphocyte reaction: An early marker of lymphocyte activation linked to HLA-D-DR differences
Q72754169The alpha chain, not the beta chain of HLA-DR antigens participates in activation of T cells in autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q66705164The antigen-specific signal in T-lymphocyte activation by alloantigen
Q72688186The area of lymphocyte nucleoli (ALN) and its relationship with RNA synthesis in lymphocytes after blastic transformation in in vitro cultures
Q71090947The area of lymphocyte nucleoli, a new method estimating the blastic transformation of stimulated lymphocytes in in vitro cultures
Q72384182The autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Q72840121The autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction: a basic immune regulatory mechanism. International workshop, Erlangen, West Germany, October 14 and 15, 1982
Q39851368The biochemistry and in vitro activity of soluble factors of activated lymphocytes
Q67894797The blast transformation capacity and karyotypic characteristics of the T-lymphocytes in hemolytic disease of the newborn
Q40913880The blast transformation reaction in leukocyte cultures from patients following typhoid fever
Q66906107The blastic transformation of human lymphocytes induced by streptococcal antigens
Q39882897The blastogenic response of rabbit lymphocytes stimulated with autologous cells
Q42467234The c-kit-encoded tyrosine kinase regulates the proliferation of early pre-B cells
Q41634770The cell adhesion molecule CD31 is phosphorylated after cell activation. Down-regulation of CD31 in activated T lymphocytes
Q39032145The cellular and humoral immune response in subjects vaccinated against cutaneous leishmaniasis using Leishmania tropica major promastigotes
Q70394247The cellular immunity of mother versus child at delivery: sensitization in unidirectional mixed lymphocyte culture and subsequent 51-Cr-release cytotoxicity test
Q44006801The cellular response in regard to the core protein p24 of the bovine leukemia virus (BLV)
Q44478086The chronic lymphatic leukemia lymphocyte: correlation of functional, metabolic, and surface immunoglobulin characteristics
Q39738968The circulating life span, immunocompetence and 3H-uridine uptake of small lymphocytes from thymus-grafted, neonatally thymectomized rats
Q40731601The collaboration of T-cell subsets in the mitogenic stimulation of purified B-cell subpopulations
Q72774105The correlation between inducer/suppressor ratios, generation of concanavalin A-activated suppressor cells, and mitogen-stimulated proliferation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in patients with alopecia areata and normal controls
Q44139223The cytochemical behavior of PAH-stimulated lymphocytes
Q52213413The cytolytic T lymphocyte response to the murine cytomegalovirus. I. Distinct maturation stages of cytolytic T lymphocytes constitute the cellular immune response during acute infection of mice with the murine cytomegalovirus
Q39586373The detection of Ia-like and DRw antigens on activated T cells
Q31003976The detection of phytomitogen-induced changes in human lymphocyte surfaces by laser doppler spectroscopy
Q36271042The development of hypersensitive lymphocytes in cell culture
Q52281621The developmental biology of the syngeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q39947826The differential effect of cholera toxin on the lymphocyte stimulation induced by various mitogens
Q44565775The differential localization of the in vitro spontaneous antibody and proliferative responses in lymphoid organs proximal and distal to the site of primary immunization
Q39771646The differentiation of suppressor cell populations as revealed by studies of the effects of mitogens on the mixed lymphocyte reaction and on the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes
Q43800815The distribution of the CDW52 molecule on blood cells and characterization of its involvement in T cell activation
Q47952811The early and delayed Td 14C incorporation rate in chronic lymphaytic leukemia lymphocyte cultures after PHA
Q46558089The effect of Leishmania tropica on stimulation of lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin
Q67674267The effect of adding a lipid tail to tyrosine-azobenzenearsonate: in vivo and in vitro consequences for cell-mediated immunity
Q52710612The effect of anaesthesia and total hip replacement on the phytohaemagglutinin and concanavalin A responses of lymphocytes
Q68919304The effect of anaesthesia on the lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin
Q67824309The effect of anti-CD3 on the induction of non-MHC restricted cytolytic activity
Q43901881The effect of anti-ConA on the binding of ConA to lymphocytes
Q47969336The effect of antibody on antigen-induced lymphocyte transformation
Q40715917The effect of anticancer therapy on peripheral blood T and B lymphocyte counts and function
Q40731487The effect of antigenic modulation on mitogenic stimulation of lymphocytes
Q66931657The effect of blood-lettings on lymphocyte transformation
Q68935557The effect of hyposensitization on alternaria-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis
Q43526774The effect of interferon on chicken spleen lymphocytes
Q67068257The effect of neonatal thymectomy on the ontogeny of mitogen responses in the quokka (Setonix brachyurus)
Q40712525The effect of nucleosides and deoxycoformycin on adenosine and deoxyadenosine inhibition of human lymphocyte activation
Q46071885The effect of open heart surgery on human cellular immunological function
Q40688053The effect of sera from chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients on normal mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes. A possible correlation with the patients' T and B lymphocytes
Q40714577The effect of serum albumin and the effect of cell concentration on the in vitro growth of mouse and rat lymphocytes
Q67832036The effect of serum from patients with acute myocardial infarction on in vitro lymphocyte reactivity. I. Inhibition of mitogen stimulation
Q43509816The effect of serum from patients with acute myocardial infarction on in vitro lymphocyte reactivity. II. Inhibition of IL-2 production
Q66908504The effect of stimulators of immunoglobulin biosynthesis on the phenomenon of lymphocyte transformation by macrophages
Q72886461The effect of thymosin on murine lymphocyte responses and corticosteroid levels during acute reovirus type 3 infection of neonatal mice
Q72383472The effect of tonsillar T cell subpopulations in antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferative response. Evidence of T cell suppression
Q48228119The effect of transfer factor on lymphocyte transformation. Comparison of augmentation by dialysates of leucocytes and lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs
Q45800329The effects of T-cell growth factor and virus purification on virus-mediated inhibition of lymphocyte mitogenesis
Q66900475The effects of a heterologous antibody against a crude lipoprotein lipase fraction in mice
Q39754491The effects of cell density, incubation temperature, syngeneic serum, and syngeneic red blood cells on mouse lymphocyte responses in vitro
Q40660233The effects of neuraminidase and galactose oxidase on murine lymphocytes. I. Evidence for the differential delivery of signal(s) leading to cell proliferation and the differentiation of cytotoxic T cells
Q40712397The effects of neuraminidase and galactose oxidase on murine lymphocytes. II. Induction of T suppressor cells
Q67461825The effects of plasma from guinea pigs with tumor on PHA stimulated lymphocyte cultures
Q67897647The effects of tissue-associated and MHC class II antigen presentation on in vitro lymphoproliferative responses against canine liver and kidney cell subpopulations
Q66951668The effects of varying dialysis regimens on lymphocyte stimulation
Q41682106The evidence of the chloramphenicol-sensibilisation by the usual lymphocyte transformation test (author's transl)
Q40773952The formation of stable E-rosettes by human T lymphocytes activated by phytohemagglutinin
Q72756416The functional capacity of thymus subpopulations: limit-dilution analysis of all precursors of cytotoxic lymphocytes and of all T cells capable of proliferation in subpopulations separated by the use of peanut agglutinin
Q28115344The gene for B7, a costimulatory signal for T-cell activation, maps to chromosomal region 3q13.3-3q21
Q68344222The generation of oxygen radicals: A positive signal for lymphocyte activation
Q40124176The genetic mapping of a defective LPS response gene in C3H/HeJ mice
Q36344864The glycoprotein isolated from vesicular stomatitis virus is mitogenic for mouse B lymphocytes
Q41698149The glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor is critical for Ly-6A/E-mediated T cell activation
Q72779999The human autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction. II. Analysis of activation and proliferation
Q39934938The human mixed lymphocyte-endothelium culture interaction
Q67542610The human peripheral lymphocyte--a model system for studying the combined effect of psoralen plus black light
Q68280939The identification of PAF-release-enhancing activity in culture supernatant of mononuclear cells from asthmatics. Correlation between lymphocyte responses and immediate type hypersensitivity
Q40899873The immune cellular response tested by lymphocyte transformation in the streptococcal infections
Q67566588The immune response to diphtheria toxoid in humans
Q36252234The immune response to infection with vaccinia virus in mice. II. Appearance of hypersensitivity, production of macrophage migration inhibitory factor and transformation of spleen cells in response to virus antigens
Q44510982The immunoblast
Q47361928The immunologic diagnosis of orthotopic cardiac allograft rejection in dogs
Q39117133The immunological properties of haptens coupled to thymus-independent carrier molecules. III. The role of the immunogenicity and mitogenicity of the carrier in the induction of primary IgM anti-hapten responses
Q35177839The importance of CD11b+ dendritic cells in CD4+ T cell activation in vivo: with help from interleukin 1.
Q68261155The importance of changes in membrane transport in lymphocyte activation by phytohaemagglutinin
Q67291634The importance of lymphoblast transformation in the diagnosis of infants with cow's milk allegry
Q66883205The importance of membrane-bound ribosomes during the activation of thymocytes by concanavalin A
Q66942808The in vitro detection of antigen sensitivity in contact dermatitis by lymphocyte transformation
Q40122785The in vitro effect of a thymic epithelial culture supernatant on mixed lymphocyte reactivity and intracellular cAMP levels of thymocytes and on antibody production to SRBC by nu/nu spleen cells
Q47976083The in vitro effect of concanavalin A on human lymphocytes: blastic transformation, DNA synthesis, DNA content and dry mass
Q36335084The in vitro effects of Bordetella pertussis lymphocytosis-promoting factor on murine lymphocytes. I. Proliferative response
Q36341527The in vitro effects of Bordetella pertussis lymphocytosis-promoting factor on murine lymphocytes. IV. Generation, characterization, and specificity of cytotoxic lymphocytes
Q72842100The in vitro effects of Bordetella pertussis lymphocytosis-promoting factor on murine lymphocytes. V. Modulation of T cell proliferation by helper and suppressor lymphocytes
Q36335089The in vitro effects of Bordetella pertussis lymphocytosis-promoting factor on murine lymphocytes: II. Nature of the responding cells
Q40689594The in vitro reactivity of the human thymus lymphocytes.--Lectin responses and rosette formation to sheep red blood cells (author's transl)
Q58847727The in vitro response to mitogens of leucocytes from cattle infected with Trypanosoma congolense
Q36270261The in vitro transformation of frozen-stored lymphocytes in the mixed lymphocyte reaction and in culture with phytohemagglutinin and specific antigens
Q66851600The influence of diagnostic and remission leukemic sera on normal lymphocyte transformation
Q70793758The influence of incubation temperature on the rate of human lymphocyte proliferation in vitro
Q36360153The influence of intracellular levels of cyclic nucleotides on cell proliferation and the induction of antibody synthesis
Q39528258The influence of pregnancy specific serum factors on the mitogen induced culture of lymphocytes (author's transl)
Q43535442The influence of sequential chemotherapy and radiotherapy on mitogen-induced lymphocyte transformation in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Q41946647The influence of the serum/PHA ratio, microplate well shape and 2-mercaptoethanol on the stimulation of different numbers of cells in lymphocyte cultures from the chinese hamster
Q72764186The inhibition of the electrophoretic-mobility-test: an in vitro assay for the estimation of activities in anti-lymphokine and anti-lymphocyte sera (author's transl)
Q39510605The insulin receptor as a universal marker of activated lymphocytes
Q40033799The involvement of cyclic nucleotide metabolism in the initiation of lymphocyte proliferation induced by mitogens
Q42095264The kinetics and temporal expression of T-cell activation-associated antigens CD15 (LeuM1), CD30 (Ki-1), EMA, and CD11c (LeuM5) by benign activated T cells
Q40009039The kinetics of interferon production by mouse lymphocytes and its modulating effect of the virus plaqueforming cell assay as a quantitative method to determine activated lymphocytes
Q39994587The kinetics of suppression of proliferation of oxidized murine lymphoid cells by sodium borohydride reduction
Q38329678The lectin from the algae Udotea petiolata: isolation, characterization and sugar binding properties
Q35659299The low affinity IgE Fc receptor (CD23) participates in B cell activation
Q37913102The lymphoblastic transformation test with Bedsonia antigen in long-standing and recent Reiter's syndrome and ankylosing spondylitis. Preliminary study
Q69801259The lymphoblastic transformation test with autologous saliva in Behcet's syndrome
Q66883960The lymphocyte inhibiting factor extracted from the thymus (Lift): Inhibition of the DNA synthesis in vitro
Q67322853The lymphocyte response and prognosis in cancer of the lung
Q66901702The lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) for the demonstration of sensibilization to fungi. 1. Demonstration of the method
Q40792168The lymphocyte stimulation test (LST) for the detection of sensitization due to fungi. II. Findings with Candida antigen in patients with and without Candida infection
Q33502422The lymphocyte stimulation test: a sensitive technique for the detection of circulating platelet antibodies
Q66920483The lymphocyte transformation test and its relation to the duration of disease in patients with oral carcinomas (author's transl)
Q43915824The lymphocyte transformation test in dermatology
Q70629093The lymphocyte transformation test in drug allergy
Q39782942The lymphocyte transformation test in drug hypersensitivities
Q67487523The lymphocyte transformation test in infants with candidiasis
Q40187536The lymphocyte transformation test in patients with recurrent herpes simplex diseases (author's transl)
Q40103030The lymphocyte transformation test in squamous epithelial carcinomas of the orofacial region
Q70700458The lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of allergic diseases
Q67597744The lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of drug allergy
Q43860690The lymphocyte transformation test in the diagnosis of syphilis
Q37912101The lymphocyte transformation test with the bedsonian antigen (bedsonian LTT) in old and recent Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndromes and in ankylsoing spondylarthritis. Additional study
Q70480600The lymphocyte transformation test. Study on its lack of correlation with skin tests
Q28182281The lymphocyte-specific tyrosine protein kinase p56lck is endocytosed in Jurkat cells stimulated via CD2
Q67715215The lymphocytes of the patients with hypoplastic anemia (author's transl)
Q39910340The lymphoproliferative response during human experimental gingivitis
Q39457317The measles specificity of the lymphocyte stimulation test with measles complement-fixation antigen
Q70164778The mechanism of retrovirus suppression of human T cell proliferation in vitro
Q40045182The mitogenic activity of human T-cell leukemia virus type I is T-cell associated and requires the CD2/LFA-3 activation pathway
Q50220959The mitogenic activity of lipopolysaccharide for spleen cells from germfree, conventional, and gnotobiotic rats
Q42836176The mitogenic effect of lipopolysaccharide on bone marrow-derived mouse lymphocytes. Lipid A as the mitogenic part of the molecule
Q46304036The mitogenic response of cryopreserved human lymphocytes in a microculture system
Q69369525The mitogenic response of human B lymphocytes to phytohaemagglutinin
Q72785411The mixed epidermal cell-lymphocyte reaction. I. Human epidermal cells elicit a greater allogeneic lymphocyte response than do autologous peripheral blood lymphoid cells
Q70418049The mixed lymphocyte culture as a tool for the quantitative determination of HL-A differences
Q41672943The monoclonal HBA-71 antibody modulates proliferation of thymocytes and Ewing's sarcoma cells by interfering with the action of insulin-like growth factor I
Q67969989The morphological spectrum of monocytoid B-cell lymphoma and its relationship to lymphomas of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
Q41544868The murine IL 2 receptor. I. Monoclonal antibodies that define distinct functional epitopes on activated T cells and react with activated B cells
Q39573204The murine Kupffer cell. I. Characterization of the cell serving accessory function in antigen-specific T cell proliferation
Q46770750The neuraminidase-induced enhanced immune response can be attributed to immune stimulatory and antigenic properties of the enzyme
Q67435176The nucleoli of cultured human lymphocytes. I. Nucleolar morphology in relation to transformation and the DNA cycle
Q40433358The one signal theory of B cell activation revisited: A role for surface immunoglobulin in regulating T‐independent antibody responses?
Q72788094The optimal activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes requires metabolically intact stimulator cells not only for the activation of the interleukin 2-producing helper cells
Q67293384The persistent PHA-responsive population in the mouse thymus. I. Characterization of the population
Q39185246The persistent PHA-responsive population in the mouse thymus. II. Recirculatory characteristics and immunological properties
Q69446290The phenomenom of lymphocyte blast transformation as an index of the immunologic reactivity in children with chronic diseases of the respiratory organs
Q52258760The phenomenon of blastic transformation of lymphocytes in the immunology of neoplastic diseases
Q70231819The phosphatidylinositol response and proliferation of oxidative enzyme-activated human T lymphocytes: suppression by plasma lipoproteins
Q67733416The phytohemagglutinin response of lymphocytes in the blood of rats with Pliss lymphosarcoma
Q28320404The positive control of cell proliferation by the interplay of calcium ions and cyclic nucleotides. A review
Q41518976The potentiation of phytohemagglutinin-induced lymphocyte transformation by cell-cell interaction; a matrix hypothesis
Q70609600The production of lymphocyte mitogenic factor and migration-inhibition factor by antigen-stimulated lymphocytes of subjects with grass pollen allergy
Q64885217The prognostic value of immunologic indices in chronic pancreatitis
Q41583981The prognostic value of serum immunosuppressive effect in patients with ovarian cancer
Q72579766The proliferating cells in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice lack L3T4, an antigen on "helper" T cells that is involved in the response to class II major histocompatibility antigens
Q71645602The proliferative response of human T cells to allogeneic IFN-γ-treated endothelial cells is mediated via both CD2/LFA-3 and LFA-1/ICAM-1 and -2 adhesion pathways
Q39548734The proliferative response of human lymphocytes to antigen is suppressed preferentially by lymphocytes precultured with the same antigen
Q40700914The purification and quantitation of helper T cell-replacing factors secreted by murine spleen cells activated by concanavalin A
Q40729250The purified protein derivative of turberculin, a B-cell mitogen that distinguishes in its action resting, small B cells from activated B-cell blasts
Q40643691The quantitative production of interferon by mitogen-stimulated mouse lymphocytes as a function of age and its effect on the lymphocytes proliferative response
Q69217931The reactivity of murine lymphocytes to epidermal cells
Q36343181The receptor specificity of alloreactive T cells. Distinction between stimulator K, I, and Dr Products and degeneracy of third-party H-2 recognition by low-affinity T cells
Q72076413The regulation of T cell-dependent antibody formation in vitro by CD40 ligand and IL-2
Q54588768The regulatory role of macrophage factors on rat lymphocyte reactivity
Q67432815The relationship between HL-A antigens and lymphocyte response in ragweed allergy
Q40579848The relationship between caries index and stimulation of lymphocytes by Streptococcus mutans in mothers and their neonates
Q72709525The relationship between immune interferon production and proliferation in antigen-specific, MHC-restricted T cell lines and clones
Q24795875The relationship between predicted peptide-MHC class II affinity and T-cell activation in a HLA-DRbeta1*0401 transgenic mouse model
Q40573449The relationship between the activities of different pools of RNA polymerases I and II during PHA-stimulation of human lymphocytes
Q39634709The relationship between the dose of dentogingival plaque and the in vitro lymphoproliferative response in subjects with periodontal disease
Q67584920The relative ability of four rubella antigens to elicit blast cell transformation of lymphocytes from immune individuals
Q41690087The requirement for adherent cells in the Fc fragment-induced proliferative response of murine spleen cells
Q40178012The requirement for cell surface galactosyl residues during oxidative activation of normal and chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytes
Q67277879The requirement for macrophages in the mitogen-induced proliferative response of rabbit spleen cells
Q36359211The requirement for two complementing Ir-GLphi immune response genes in the T-lymphocyte proliferative response to poly-(Glu53Lys36Phe11)
Q40660160The requirement of viable thymocytes for species-specific attachment to and release from macrophages
Q43546974The response in vitro of human lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin and to antigens after fractionation on discontinuous density gradients of albumin
Q39317400The response of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to phytohemagglutinin: Determination of cell numbers
Q66875221The response of lymphocytes to H-2D and H-2K region antigens. I. Differential effect of cortisone acetate
Q39856254The response to mitogens and allogeneic cells of human lymphocyte subpopulations separated by their differential binding to monolyaers of bacteria
Q40536391The response to phytohaemagglutinin of peripheral blood lymphocytes from dogs infected withancylostoma caninum
Q66922177The response to phytohemagglutinin or to concanavalin A as a probe for subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Q40682503The responses of peripheral blood and synovial fluid lymphocytes of patients with rheumatoid arthritis to in vitro stimulation with mitogens
Q40695245The responsiveness of various maternal mouse lymphocyte populations to mitogenic stimulation in vitro
Q72698516The role of B cell proliferation in the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells in man
Q35592097The role of CD45 in T-cell activation--resolving the paradoxes?
Q72722772The role of HLA in T cell activation
Q72805160The role of T cell subsets in the generation of secondary cytolytic responses in vitro against class I and class II major histocompatibility complex antigens
Q72736250The role of T3 in the activation of human T cells
Q70213932The role of T3 surface molecules in the activation of human T cells: a two-stimulus requirement for IL 2 production reflects events occurring at a pre-translational level
Q48683049The role of calmodulin in the regulation of human lymphocyte activation
Q70226854The role of class I MHC products in polyclonal activation of CTL function
Q67657679The role of class II molecules in human B cell activation. Association with phosphatidyl inositol turnover, protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and proliferation
Q66876655The role of cortisone-sensitive thymocytes in DNA synthetic responses to antigen
Q37475688The role of cyclic nucleotides in lymphocyte activation and function
Q72785423The role of interleukin 1 in human B cell activation: inhibition of B cell proliferation and the generation of immunoglobulin-secreting cells by an antibody against human leukocytic pyrogen
Q67898890The role of interleukin-6 in mitogenic T-cell activation: Detection of interleukin-2 heteronuclear RNA by polymerase chain reaction
Q69113084The role of lysosomes in lymphocyte transformation in vitro
Q72631487The role of macrophages in the activation of T lymphocytes by concanavalin A II. Macrophage-independent activation
Q41032169The role of macrophages in the lymphoproliferative response to Mycobacterium leprae in vitro
Q44119282The role of macrophages in thymocyte mitogenesis
Q41632626The role of monocytes in human lymphocyte activation by mitogens
Q72679130The role of non-specific lymphocytes in antigen-induced proliferative response in vitro
Q45014508The role of nuclear material in the transfer of immunological information. II. The mode of action of nuclear mitogen
Q70274529The role of products of the human HLA-DR locus (Ia molecules) in in vitro M. leprae driven lymphoproliferation
Q71993219The role of sympathetic mechanism in the effect of electroacupuncture on immunoregulation
Q69104708The role of the thymus in maturational development of phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen responsiveness
Q72393837The role of the transferrin receptor in human B lymphocyte activation
Q72673845The role of three distinct Ia-like antigen molecules in human T cell proliferative responses: effect of monoclonal anti-Ia-like antibodies
Q71815065The role of tyrosine phosphorylation in the interaction of cellular tyrosine kinases with the T cell receptor ζ chain tyrosine‐based activation motif
Q40723385The significance of the “active” E-rosette-forming cell
Q41543364The simultaneous antagonistic effects of a T cell hybridoma product on the growth and the maturation of activated lymphocytes
Q37058963The soluble interleukin-2 receptor as a marker for human neoplasia and immune status
Q85183501The space and time frames of T cell activation at the immunological synapse
Q36360089The specificity of cellular immune responses II. The structure of antigenic determinants leading to T-lymphocyte stimulation
Q47952318The specificity of serum factors in lymphocyte transformation in periodontal disease
Q39417454The spontaneous lymphocyte transformation rate in newborn infants at risk
Q47978590The stimulating effect of some sera on lymphocytes of chronic lymphatic leukaemia in vitro
Q34008951The stimulation of lymphocytes by chondrocytes in mixed cultures
Q39427336The stimulation of the in vitro immune response by mouse spleen cells using fetuin
Q67447617The stimulatory effect of human PMNI lysosomes on lymphocytes in vitro and in vivo
Q45804001The suppression of Epstein-Barr virus infection in vitro occurs after infection but before transformation of the cell
Q46735041The suppression of mitogen responses associated with resistance to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis requires adherent and T cells
Q39901865The suppressive effect of a supernate from concanavalin A-activated human lymphocytes: Effects of concanavalin A-activated lymphocytes and their supernates on cytotoxic and mixed lymphocyte reactions
Q39727700The suppressive effect of immunization on the proliferative responses of rat T cells in vitro
Q66884146The suppressive effect of immunization on the proliferative responses of rat T cells in vitro. II. Abrogation of antigen-induced suppression by selective cytotoxic agents
Q53942956The syngeneic mixed leukocyte reaction represents polyclonal activation of antigen-specific T lymphocytes with receptors for self-Ia antigens
Q44474494The use of [125I]deoxyuridine for semi-microevaluation of human lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin in vitro
Q69275327The use of an antigen-cocktail in the lymphocyte transformation test
Q66887424The use of cryopreserved lymphocytes for longitudinal studies of immune function and enumeration of subpopulations
Q93832114The use of human F(ab') 2 fragments as blocking agents in the mixed lymphocyte reaction
Q39541104The use of lymphocyte transformation and IgM estimation as diagnostic aids in leukaemoid reactions
Q40594058The use of lymphocyte transformation for the diagnosis of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in infected cattle
Q40239226The use of polymyxin B and C3H/HeJ mouse spleen cells as criteria for endotoxin contamination
Q67461745The value of the lymphocyte transformation index induced by mitogens in cervical carcinoma
Q67897458The vascular endothelial cell acts as the primary stimulus of T-lymphocyte proliferation in the in vitro xenogeneic response (XIR)
Q44547104The ‘normal range’ and precision of phytohaemagglutinin-induced equine lymphocyte transformation in vitro
Q40671429Ther persistent PHA-responsive population in the mouse thymus. i. Characterization of the population
Q52005428Therapeutic activation of Vα24+Vβ11+ NKT cells in human subjects results in highly coordinated secondary activation of acquired and innate immunity
Q66952958Thermal influence on the lymphocytic response of cancer patients
Q67444384Thermodynamic requirements for the cross-linking theory of lymphocyte activation: The interpretation of dose response curves
Q40712274Three suppressor systems in human blood that modulate lymphoproliferation
Q72590894Thy-1 antigen expression by murine high-proliferative capacity hematopoietic progenitor cells. I. Relation between sensitivity to depletion by Thy-1 antibody and stem cell generation potential
Q39533170Thymidine Uptake in F1 Rat Cells Stimulated by Mitomycin-C-Treated Lymphocytes
Q67862538Thymocyte Activation and Death: a Mechanism for Molding the T Cell Repertoire
Q66883727Thymocyte Maturation in AKR Leukemia
Q44625252Thymocyte Sensitivity and Supramolecular Activation Cluster Formation Are Developmentally Regulated: A Partial Role for Sialylation
Q39767802Thymocyte Subpopulations as Stimulators in the Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction
Q43979396Thymocyte costimulating antigen is CD26 (dipeptidyl-peptidase IV). Costimulation of granulocyte, macrophage, and T lineage cell proliferation via CD26
Q41820881Thymoma Associated with Pure Red Cell Aplasia, Immunoglobulin Deficiency and an Inhibitor of Antigen-induced Lymphocyte Transformation
Q40152775Thymopoietin enhances the allogeneic response and cyclic GMP levels of mouse peripheral, thymus-derived lymphocytes
Q66882433Thymus-derived peripheral lymphocytes from human newborns inhibit division of their mothers' lymphocytes
Q40229435Time of lymphocyte response after onset of tularemia and after tularemia vaccination
Q66886996Tolerance and contact sensitivity to DNFB in mice. VI. Inhibition of afferent sensitivity by suppressor T cells in adoptive tolerance
Q54378623Tolerance in rats by transplacental transfer of Dipetalonema viteae microfilariae: recognition of putative tolerogen(s) by antibodies that inhibit antigen-Specific lymphocyte proliferation
Q72768813Tolerance to thyroglobulin by activating suppressor mechanisms
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Q44025527Transferrin can replace serum forin vitro growth of mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes
Q37614212Transferrin receptor induction in mitogen-stimulated human T lymphocytes is required for DNA synthesis and cell division and is regulated by interleukin 2
Q41591043Transferrin synthesis by macrophages: up-regulation by gamma-interferon and effect on lymphocyte proliferation
Q52246564Transformation antigens on stimulated lymphocytes
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Q41333159Transformation of human lymphocytes in vitro by autologous and allogeneic rheumatoid synovial fluids
Q47727093Transformation of leprous lymphocytes by leprolin, tuberculin and phytohemagglutinin
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Q39600476Transformation of marmoset lymphocytesin vitro withherpesvirus ateles
Q57275670Transformation of murine LMTK- cells with purified HLA class I genes. I. Modification of conformation of murine beta 2-microglobulin upon its association with HLA heavy chains
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Q40724092Transformation reaction with T cell mitogen
Q70584262Transformation response of frozen-stored chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells: a preliminary report
Q54347568Transforming potentials of lymphocytes in physiological and some pathological conditions
Q33965884Transglutaminase activity in human lymphocytes: early activation by phytomitogens
Q44434073Transient Appearance of PHA-Reactive Thymocytes in the Foetal Mouse
Q43478924Transient T and B cell activation after neonatal induction of tolerance to MHC class II or Mls alloantigens
Q68053389Transient accumulation and subsequent rapid loss of messenger RNA encoding high molecular mass CD45 isoforms after T cell activation
Q45874715Transient expression of the Epstein-Barr virus LMP1 gene in human primary B cells induces cellular activation and DNA synthesis
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Q37036857Translocation of spectrin and protein kinase C to a cytoplasmic aggregate upon lymphocyte activation
Q41137575Transmembrane ion conductance in human B lymphocyte activation
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Q72788098Transplantation tolerance: Lyt-1+2- helper T cells require a second proliferation signal to overcome Lyt- 1-2+ suppressor T cell activity
Q67351825Transport of RNA from nucleus to cytoplasm following mitogenic stimulation of human lymphocytes
Q72692778Treatment of autoimmune MRL/Ipr mice with monoclonal antibody to Thy-1.2: a single injection has sustained effects on lymphoproliferation and renal disease
Q39430987Triggering of human peripheral blood B cells by supernatants of activated T cells: the role of Ia-like determinants
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Q43939777Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor expression in T lymphocytes. Differential regulation of the type I TNF receptor during activation of resting and effector T cells
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Q36163393Tumor progression locus 2 (Tpl-2) encodes a protein kinase involved in the progression of rodent T-cell lymphomas and in T-cell activation
Q40679574Tumor-induced changes in T cell mitogen responses in rats: Suppression of spleen and blood lymphocyte responses and enhancement of thymocyte responses
Q72788104Two classes of bystander B cell response: activation requirements reflect those of B cells in general
Q39995659Two distinct lumphocyte-stimulating soluble factors (LAF) released from murine peritoneal cells. I. The cellular source and the effect of cGMP on their release
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Q40086169Type I and type II cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase as opposite effectors of lymphocyte mitogenesis
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Q41138750Tyrosine phosphorylation is an essential event in the stimulation of B lymphocytes by Staphylococcus aureus Cowan I
Q28186886Tyrosine phosphorylation of the vav proto-oncogene product in activated B cells
Q40648510U5A2-13, an antigen originally found on mouse NK-like T cells, is an early inducible cell surface antigen during lymphoid activation
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Q72672339Understanding the NK Cytolytic Process by Studying Mechanisms of Activation
Q66887546Unidirectional K+ fluxes in rat thymocytes stimulated by concanavalin A
Q70223566Unique surface phenotype of T cells in lymphoproliferative autoimmune MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr mice
Q70699607Unspecific lymphocyte transformation in chronic hepatitis
Q67732093Uptake and intracellular handling of iron from transferrin and iron chelates by mitogen stimulated mouse lymphocytes
Q39539103Use of 32P radioactive isotope for the radiometric registration of blast transformation reaction results
Q34076191Use of an alkali-soluble water-soluble extract of Blastomyces dermatitidis yeast-phase cell walls and isoelectrically focused components in peripheral lymphocyte transformations
Q41598014Use of an antisense RNA expression system to explore functions of PKC isoenzymes in T-cell activation
Q69405740Use of lymphoblastic transformation in differentiation between carcinoma and tuberculosis appearing as round shadows of the lung
Q36697392Use of second-site homologous recombination to demonstrate that Epstein-Barr virus nuclear protein 3B is not important for lymphocyte infection or growth transformation in vitro
Q40678478Use of the blast transformation test with the lymphocytes from syphilitic bubo as a laboratory diagnostic test
Q71078485Use of the human lymphocyte transformation test to detect a biologically active cholera toxin in Vibrio cholerae culture filtrates
Q70597155Use of the lymphocyte blastotransformation test for diagnosis of genital tuberculosis
Q69575368Use of the lymphocyte transformation test for evaluation of the immunobiological condition of aged patients
Q43474061Usefullness of cells from stored blood for leucocytosis migration inhibition, lymphocyte transformation and monocyte spreading inhibition tests
Q37364833Utilization of a specific in vitro lymphocyte immunostimulation assay as an aid in detection of brucella-infected cattle not detected by serological tests
Q69574205Utilization of blastic transformation of lymphocytes in the diagnosis of diseases associated with radiologically confirmed gastric and duodenal changes
Q66939425Utilization of the migration inhibition and blast transformation reactions of the peripheral blood leukocytes for indicating neoplastic delayed hypersensitivity
Q67832015Value of lymphoblast transformation test in cow's milk protein intestinal intolerance
Q69101920Value of the lymphoblastic transformation test in hemorrhagic gastritis caused by aspirin ingestion
Q70507859Value of the lymphoblastic transformation test with tritiated thymidine incorporation in the surveillance of immunosuppressive treatments in rheumatology
Q67863878Variability of sequential studies of lymphocyte blastogenesis in normal adults
Q40649871Variation in DNA and RNA synthetic responses during activation of lymphocytes from inbred strains of mice
Q54377447Variation in lymphocyte reactivity to histoplasmin during the course of chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis
Q39879089Viability of lymphocytes in stored blood: their surface markers, mitogenic response and MLC reactivity
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Q66875505Vitamin B6 deficiency and the lymphoid system. I. Effects on cellular immunity and in vitro incorporation of 3H-uridine by small lymphocytes
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