Wikidata property for items about military

type of Wikidata property

Wikidata property for items about military is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata property for items about organizationsQ18608993

P1269facet ofmilitary personnelQ47064

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P5756ABMC person ID
P4589Dreadnought Project page
P4551Everyone Remembered ID
P9426Generals of World War II ID
P10539ImagesDéfense ID
P849Japanese military aircraft designation
P4601Lives of WWI ID
P8157MémorialGenWeb monument ID
P1611NATO code for grade
P4591National Inventory of Canadian Military Memorials ID
P862Operational Requirement of the UK Air Ministry
P847United States Navy aircraft designation
P4791commanded by
P598commander of (DEPRECATED)
P241military branch
P410military rank
P7779military unit
P4220order of battle
P4624squadron embarked

Q51089849Wikidata property related to weapons and military equipmentsubclass ofP279

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