Wikidata property related to biology

Wikidata property

Wikidata property related to biology is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata property related to natural scienceQ52425722

P1269facet ofbiologyQ420

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P12774A Dictionary of Biology ID
P6982Australian Faunal Directory publication ID
P4081BHL creator ID
P6143BioOne journal ID
P3951BioRxiv ID
P5315BioStor work ID
P9521Biology Online Biology Dictionary entry
P4395BrainInfo ID (hierarchical)
P3329CIViC variant ID
P2158Cell Line Ontology ID
P1929ClinVar Variation ID
P9272DeCS ID
P9985EMBO member ID
P351Entrez Gene ID
P3811Evidence & Conclusion Ontology ID
P5211GONIAT author ID
P5214GONIAT paper ID
P5215GONIAT place ID
P4333GenBank assembly accession number
P3382GeneDB ID
P2597Gram staining
P3331HGVS nomenclature
P4628ICTV virus genome composition
P6694MeSH concept ID
P486MeSH descriptor ID
P6680MeSH term ID
P10243NatureServe Explorer ID
P4394NeuroNames ID (plain mode)
P9632PANGO lineage code
P3636PDB ligand ID
P4355PROSITE documentation ID
P5418Pasteur Institute person ID
P7001PharmGKB ID
P662PubChem CID
P4866REBASE Enzyme Number
P8697RNACentral ID
P3937Reactome ID
P3523Rfam ID
P3406Saccharomyces Genome Database ID
P9169Tree of Life contributor ID
P2576UCSC Genome Browser assembly ID
P2520UNESCO Biosphere Reserve URL
P2410WikiPathways ID
P3870ZFIN Gene ID
P10931ZOBODAT publication ID
P2542acceptable daily intake
P12432age of onset of sexual maturity
P1918altered regulation leads to
P4774biological phase
P682biological process
P3433biological variant of
P681cell component
P5230chromosome count
P4864cutting site of restriction enzyme
P4196cytogenetic location
P6861dbSNP Reference SNP number
P1910decreased expression in
P8789defining mutations
P3094develops from
P7770egg incubation period
P702encoded by
P5572expressed in
P10228facilitates flow of
P703found in taxon
P1912gene deletion association with
P1913gene duplication association with
P1914gene insertion association with
P1915gene inversion association with
P1916gene substitution association with
P2293genetic association
P2143genome size
P645genomic end
P644genomic start
P3063gestation period
P4269half maximal effective concentration (EC50)
P4268half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50)
P8193hardiness of plant
P8194hardiness zone
P11231has biological vector
P4777has boundary
P8872has marker
P10614has surface
P1531hybrid of
P1911increased expression in
P3487maximal incubation period in humans
P2871miRBase mature miRNA ID
P2870miRBase pre-miRNA ID
P3488minimal incubation period in humans
P680molecular function
P3491muscle insertion
P3490muscle origin
P1582natural product of taxon
P171parent taxon
P2849produced by
P4914produces cohesive end
P4863recognition sequence
P128regulates (molecular biology)
P3741seed dispersal
P4882segmental innervation
P1990species kept
P2548strand orientation
P6507taxon author citation
P10019term in higher taxon
P10322time in the pouch
P11801visited by

subclass of (P279)
Q27968522Wikidata property for items about cell lines
Q57633168Wikidata property related to animals and zoology
Q58788038Wikidata property related to invasive species
Q59284180Wikidata property related to marine biology
Q19887775Wikidata property related to medicine
Q51124294Wikidata property related to paleontology
Q110232456Wikidata property related to parasites and parasitology
Q56682212Wikidata property related to plants and botany
Q18609040Wikidata property related to taxa
Q123110726Wikidata property to identify RNAs
Q110682839Wikidata property to identify disease
Q42415497Wikidata property to identify genes
Q42415644Wikidata property to identify proteins

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