Behavioral plasticity

psychological concept

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Abstract is: Behavioral plasticity refers to a change in an organism's behavior that results from exposure to stimuli, such as changing environmental conditions. Behavior can change more rapidly in response to changes in internal or external stimuli than is the case for most morphological traits and many physiological traits. As a result, when organisms are confronted by new conditions, behavioral changes often occur in advance of physiological or morphological changes. For instance, larval amphibians changed their antipredator behavior within an hour after a change in cues from predators, but morphological changes in body and tail shape in response to the same cues required a week to complete.

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P6366Microsoft Academic ID2779925095

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main subject (P921)
Q350103062mit, an intronic gene of Drosophila melanogaster timeless2, is involved in behavioral plasticity.
Q70878173A Radioimmunoassay for Ependymins β and γ: Two Goldfish Brain Proteins Involved in Behavioral Plasticity
Q47069034A diacylglycerol kinase modulates long-term thermotactic behavioral plasticity in C. elegans
Q48566277A limit on behavioral plasticity in speech perception
Q40044961A proboscis extension response protocol for investigating behavioral plasticity in insects: application to basic, biomedical, and agricultural research
Q42248694AMPA receptor mediated behavioral plasticity in the isolated rat spinal cord
Q59256323Adaptive strategies for managing uncertainty may explain personality-related differences in behavioural plasticity
Q90243909Adult Movement Defects Associated with a CORL Mutation in Drosophila Display Behavioral Plasticity
Q38936937Adult Neurogenesis in the Songbird: Region-Specific Contributions of New Neurons to Behavioral Plasticity and Stability
Q37394307Age-dependent effects of low-dose nicotine treatment on cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in rats
Q52229396An analysis of behavioral plasticity in male Caenorhabditis elegans.
Q30977282An approach to consider behavioral plasticity as a source of uncertainty when forecasting species' response to climate change
Q30435898An assay of behavioral plasticity in Drosophila larvae
Q98948653Antipredatory Responses of Mosquito Pupae to Non-Lethal Predation Threat-Behavioral Plasticity Across Life-History Stages
Q34022923Are NMDA receptors involved in opiate-induced neural and behavioral plasticity? A review of preclinical studies
Q33821493Assessment and validation of a suite of reverse transcription-quantitative PCR reference genes for analyses of density-dependent behavioural plasticity in the Australian plague locust.
Q30371355Australian black field crickets show changes in neural gene expression associated with socially-induced morphological, life-history, and behavioral plasticity.
Q36082018Autoregulatory and paracrine control of synaptic and behavioral plasticity by octopaminergic signaling
Q56778000Avoiding aliens: Behavioural plasticity in habitat use enables large, nocturnal geckos to survive Pacific rat invasions
Q49831238Background matching in the brown shrimp Crangon crangon: adaptive camouflage and behavioural-plasticity
Q39396460Behavioral Plasticity and the Origins of Novelty: The Evolution of the Rattlesnake Rattle
Q53415659Behavioral Plasticity in Probing by Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera, Liviidae): Ingestion from Phloem Versus Xylem is Influenced by Leaf Age and Surface.
Q35558254Behavioral Plasticity in Response to Environmental Manipulation among Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Populations
Q37326630Behavioral Plasticity in the C. elegans Mechanosensory Circuit
Q59138095Behavioral Plasticity of Audiovisual Perception: Rapid Recalibration of Temporal Sensitivity but Not Perceptual Binding Following Adult-Onset Hearing Loss
Q34130770Behavioral plasticity allows short-term adjustment to a novel environment
Q37257353Behavioral plasticity and G × E of reproductive tactics in Nicrophorus vespilloides burying beetles
Q90475954Behavioral plasticity and gene regulation in the brain during an intermittent ethanol exposure in adult zebrafish population
Q45722954Behavioral plasticity and virus propagation: the FIV-cat population example
Q113862417Behavioral plasticity can facilitate evolution in urban environments
Q35027445Behavioral plasticity in C. elegans: paradigms, circuits, genes
Q40765146Behavioral plasticity in a snail and its neural mechanisms
Q58389759Behavioral plasticity in a variable environment: snow depth and habitat interactions drive deer movement in winter
Q34074282Behavioral plasticity in an invaded system: non-native whelks recognize risk from native crabs
Q35151794Behavioral plasticity in ant queens: environmental manipulation induces aggression among normally peaceful queens in the socially polymorphic ant Leptothorax acervorum
Q115571611Behavioral plasticity in anti-predator defense in the desert locust
Q36113671Behavioral plasticity in honey bees is associated with differences in brain microRNA transcriptome
Q57254112Behavioral plasticity in larval reef fish: orientation is influenced by recent acoustic experiences
Q46100371Behavioral plasticity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with divergent coping styles: when doves become hawks
Q33923381Behavioral plasticity in response to perceived predation risk in breeding house wrens
Q43834083Behavioral plasticity in the sensitive plant, Mimosa
Q59466661Behavioral plasticity is not significantly associated with head volume in a wild Chestnut Thrush (Turdus rubrocanus) population
Q34342538Behavioral plasticity mediates asymmetric competition between invasive wasps and native ants
Q50488913Behavioral plasticity mitigates risk across environments and predators during anuran metamorphosis.
Q90413006Behavioral plasticity mitigates the effect of warming on white-tailed deer
Q109735103Behavioral plasticity of Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera: Meliponinae)
Q45339369Behavioral plasticity of Myrmica rubra ants during learning in a multi-alternative symmetrical labyrinth
Q52688710Behavioral plasticity of Triatominae related to habitat selection in northeast Brazil.
Q52085657Behavioral plasticity of antisaccade performance following daily practice.
Q115570949Behavioral plasticity of the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria (L.), in the presence of predators increases survival in the field
Q50545135Behavioral plasticity through the modulation of switch neurons.
Q38051882Behavioral plasticity, learning, and memory in C. elegans
Q47695467Behavioral plasticity: a nose for every season.
Q35204493Behavioral plasticity: levels of sociality in bees
Q35694624Behavioral plasticity: modulation occurs across time
Q64915890Behavioural Plasticity by Eastern Grey Kangaroos inResponse to Human Behaviour.
Q57559475Behavioural Plasticity in Foraging Mode of Typical Plovers
Q119624836Behavioural Plasticity in Prey-Size Selectivity of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Feeding on Bivalve Prey
Q47914200Behavioural effects of temperature on ectothermic animals: unifying thermal physiology and behavioural plasticity
Q36163225Behavioural plasticity across social contexts is regulated by the directionality of inter-individual differences
Q51416070Behavioural plasticity and sex differences in host finding of a specialized bee species.
Q48690035Behavioural plasticity and the cholinergic system
Q91291843Behavioural plasticity and the transition to order in jackdaw flocks
Q56772490Behavioural plasticity associated with propagule size, resources, and the invasion success of the Argentine antLinepithema humile
Q57920705Behavioural plasticity in a large marine herbivore: contrasting patterns of depth utilisation between two green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations
Q110756486Behavioural plasticity in a native species may be related to foraging resilience in the presence of an aggressive invader
Q50496872Behavioural plasticity in evolving robots.
Q56379867Behavioural plasticity in nest-site selection of a colonial seabird in response to an invasive carnivore
Q114093345Behavioural plasticity in physically variable microhabitats: a field test of potential adaptive consequences in male collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris)
Q61445492Behavioural plasticity in the early breeding season of pelagic seabirds - a case study of thin-billed prions from two oceans
Q113189921Behavioural plasticity in the monsoonal tropics: implications for thermoregulatory traits in sandy shore crabs
Q60228106Behavioural plasticity in the onset of dawn song under intermittent experimental night lighting
Q121774220Behavioural plasticity in the use of a neritic foraging area by loggerhead sea turtles: insights from 37 years of capture–mark–recapture in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
Q91595674Behavioural plasticity is associated with reduced extinction risk in birds
Q93197062Behavioural plasticity modulates temperature-related constraints on foraging time for a montane mammal
Q96122381Behavioural plasticity of Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles arabiensis undermines LLIN community protective effect in a Sudanese-savannah village in Burkina Faso
Q88016106Behavioural plasticity of lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush) x brook charr (S. fontinalis) F1 hybrids in response to varying social environment
Q115220883Behavioural plasticity of motor personality traits in the common vole under three-day continual observation in a test box
Q42111974Behavioural plasticity of social trematodes depends upon social context
Q60336892Behavioural plasticity under a changing climate; how an experimental local climate affects the nest construction of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata
Q48526162Behavioural plasticity-induced changes in drug response. Commentary on Badiani and Robinson drug-induced neurobehavioral plasticity: the role of environmental context
Q48686300Bidirectional behavioral plasticity of memory reconsolidation depends on amygdalar protein kinase A.
Q113252324Body Size and Behavioural Plasticity Interact to Influence the Performance of Free-Foraging Bumble Bee Colonies
Q33595817Brain and behavioural plasticity in the developing brain: Neuroscience and public policy
Q93363083Brain size predicts behavioural plasticity in guppies (Poecilia reticulata): An experiment
Q30510542CYSL-1 interacts with the O2-sensing hydroxylase EGL-9 to promote H2S-modulated hypoxia-induced behavioral plasticity in C. elegans
Q110630243Can behaviour explain invasion success? A comparison between sympatric invasive and native lizards
Q41673226Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of REM Sleep Homeostatic Drive: A Plausible Component for Behavioral Plasticity
Q35027453Cellular bases of behavioral plasticity: establishing and modifying synaptic circuits in the Drosophila genetic system.
Q37209631Cellular mechanisms of behavioral plasticity in simple nervous systems
Q34942218Cellular mechanisms of behavioral plasticity in terrestrial snail
Q34991351Cellular mechanisms of striatum-dependent behavioral plasticity and drug addiction
Q42025517Chemosensory basis of behavioural plasticity in response to deterrent plant chemicals in the larva of the Small Cabbage White butterfly Pieris rapae
Q47761643Cocaine activates Rac1 to control structural and behavioral plasticity in caudate putamen
Q34818266Cocaine regulates MEF2 to control synaptic and behavioral plasticity
Q35356809Cocaine-induced adaptations in cellular redox balance contributes to enduring behavioral plasticity
Q51692310Comparing the strength of behavioural plasticity and consistency across situations: animal personalities in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus.
Q114596462Complex behavioral plasticity is not reduced in spiderlings with miniature brains
Q50517537Concurrent Signals and Behavioral Plasticity in Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) Courtship.
Q115575412Contamination may induce behavioural plasticity in the habitat selection by shrimps: A cost-benefits balance involving contamination, shelter and predation
Q113342278Context-dependent behavioural plasticity compromises disruptive selection of sperm traits in squid
Q111174278Contextual behavioural plasticity in Italian agile frog (Rana latastei) tadpoles exposed to native and alien predator cues
Q114226767Cool runnings: behavioural plasticity and the realised thermal niche of basking sharks
Q92729162Decoding Inter-individual Variability in Experience-Dependent Behavioral Plasticity
Q38377832Deep-water feeding and behavioral plasticity in Manta birostris revealed by archival tags and submersible observations
Q33711532DeltaFosB: a molecular mediator of long-term neural and behavioral plasticity
Q62486525Determinants of elephant foraging behavior in a coupled human-natural system: is brown the new green?
Q46894961Development, maternal effects, and behavioral plasticity
Q36747247Developmentally divergent effects of Rho-kinase inhibition on cocaine- and BDNF-induced behavioral plasticity
Q104368912Dietary carotenoids affect the development of individual differences and behavioral plasticity
Q73598954Differential effects of quinolinic acid lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex on the expression of morphine- and dizocilpine- induced behavioural plasticity in the rat
Q42389690Differential involvement of the extracellular 6-O-endosulfatases Sulf1 and Sulf2 in brain development and neuronal and behavioural plasticity
Q39700145Disentangling the roles of frequency-vs. state-dependence in generating individual differences in behavioural plasticity
Q50998361Dominance hierarchy-dependent behavioural plasticity of crayfish avoidance reactions.
Q47361703Dynamic Neuron-Glia Interactions in an Oscillatory Network Controlling Behavioral Plasticity in the Weakly Electric Fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus
Q81131653Early behavioral plasticity: perinatal development
Q37714846Early-life cocaine interferes with BDNF-mediated behavioral plasticity
Q26774089Eco-evo-devo of the lemur syndrome: did adaptive behavioral plasticity get canalized in a large primate radiation?
Q113875799Effect of behavioural plasticity and environmental properties on the resilience of communities under habitat loss and fragmentation
Q30388014Effect of competitive cues on reproductive morphology and behavioral plasticity in male fruitflies.
Q94540633Effects of inbreeding on behavioural plasticity of parent-offspring interactions in a burying beetle
Q60739754Embryonic exposure to a conspecific alarm cue triggers behavioural plasticity in juvenile rainbow trout
Q46794290Endocrine and behavioural plasticity in response to juvenile stress in the semi-precocial rodent Octodon degus
Q38902881Epigenetic code and insect behavioural plasticity
Q35980917Ethanol up-regulates nucleus accumbens neuronal activity dependent pentraxin (Narp): implications for alcohol-induced behavioral plasticity
Q48104436Exercise reverses the harmful effects of consumption of a high-fat diet on synaptic and behavioral plasticity associated to the action of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Q88647387Experience during development triggers between-individual variation in behavioural plasticity
Q51995501Experience-dependent behavioral plasticity is disturbed following traumatic injury to the immature brain.
Q36160547Experimental Evidence Shows the Importance of Behavioural Plasticity and Body Size under Competition in Waterfowl.
Q100731075Feeding state functionally reconfigures a sensory circuit to drive thermosensory behavioral plasticity
Q88097699Fibre-induced feed sorting in King Quail (Coturnix chinensis): behavioural plasticity elicited by a physiological challenge
Q58318547First records of oceanic dive profiles for leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, indicate behavioural plasticity associated with long-distance migration
Q115594661Fixed behavioural plasticity in response to predation risk in the three-spined stickleback
Q61443218Flexible communication within bird families-The consequences of behavioral plasticity for parent-offspring coadaptation
Q37080055Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Is Required to Maintain Visual Conditioning-Induced Behavioral Plasticity by Limiting Local Protein Synthesis
Q33738812Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates synaptic and behavioral plasticity to repeated cocaine administration
Q35027457Functional genomics of neural and behavioral plasticity
Q42151135GPA-14, a Gα(i) subunit mediates dopaminergic behavioral plasticity in C. elegans
Q50434833Genetic Correlations among Developmental and Contextual Behavioral Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster
Q91193565Genetic diversity underlying behavioral plasticity in human adaptation
Q34125901Genetic rescue of functional senescence in synaptic and behavioral plasticity
Q46049289GluA1 and its PDZ-interaction: a role in experience-dependent behavioral plasticity in the forced swim test
Q112737528Glutamate signaling mediates C. elegans behavioral plasticity to pathogens
Q36477279Gonadotropin-releasing hormone signaling in behavioral plasticity
Q47861165Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor controls neural and behavioral plasticity in response to cocaine
Q121351297Green and hawksbill turtles in the Lesser Antilles demonstrate behavioural plasticity in inter-nesting behaviour and post-nesting migration
Q44597465Homer1 proteins and AMPA receptors modulate cocaine‐induced behavioural plasticity
Q89525823How behavioral plasticity enables foraging under changing environmental conditions in the social wasp Vespula germanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
Q48385184How can adaptive behavioural plasticity be implemented in the mammalian brain?
Q104558475How do developmental and parental exposures to predation affect personality and immediate behavioural plasticity in the snail Physa acuta?
Q28593050Identification of PSD-95 as a regulator of dopamine-mediated synaptic and behavioral plasticity
Q42746752Identification of Piccolo as a regulator of behavioral plasticity and dopamine transporter internalization
Q46807757Identification of Piccolo as a regulator of behavioral plasticity and dopamine transporter internalization.
Q101410756Impacts of predator-induced behavioural plasticity on the temperature dependence of predator-prey activity and population dynamics
Q90630908Impaired cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in the male offspring of cocaine-experienced sires
Q93132288Implications of the Sap47 null mutation for synapsin phosphorylation, longevity, climbing proficiency and behavioural plasticity in adult Drosophila
Q33565245Improved Cholinergic Transmission is Detrimental to Behavioural Plasticity in Honeybees (Apis mellifera).
Q120598382In situ behavioral plasticity as compensation for weather variability: implications for future climate change
Q68041773Increased age affects properties characterizing behavioral plasticity in freely behaving Aplysia
Q57915754Individual specialization and behavioral plasticity in a long-lived marine predator
Q51902587Individual variation in behavioural plasticity: direct and indirect effects of boldness, exploration and sociability on habituation to predators in lizards.
Q47070128Inhibition of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase in Drosophila disrupts behavioral plasticity
Q36020216Inhibitory control of synaptic and behavioral plasticity by octopaminergic signaling.
Q35740799Insights into the Transcriptional Architecture of Behavioral Plasticity in the Honey Bee Apis mellifera
Q114015610Integrating Deonance and Behavioral Plasticity Theories to Advance Leader Duty-Oriented Behavior
Q36175471Interactions between boldness, foraging performance and behavioural plasticity across social contexts
Q91763805Intercontinental Test of Constraint-Breaking Adaptations; Testing Behavioural Plasticity in the Face of a Predator with Novel Hunting Strategies
Q114092439Interspecific Asymmetries in Behavioral Plasticity Drive Seasonal Patterns of Temporal Niche Partitioning in an Island Carnivore Community
Q50991974Intrahippocampal administration of BDNF in adult rats affects short-term behavioral plasticity in the Morris water maze and performance in the elevated plus-maze.
Q56536629Invasion of the shelter snatchers: behavioural plasticity in invasive red swamp crayfish,Procambarus clarkii
Q51186857Is behavioural plasticity consistent across different environmental gradients and through time?
Q35558426IκB kinase regulates social defeat stress-induced synaptic and behavioral plasticity
Q46890926Knockout of ERK1 enhances cocaine-evoked immediate early gene expression and behavioral plasticity
Q35101846Kynurenic acid is a nutritional cue that enables behavioral plasticity
Q115589827Lack of avian predators is associated with behavioural plasticity in nest construction and height in an island songbird
Q59299443Latitude matters: an examination of behavioural plasticity in dietary traits amongst extant and PleistoceneRangifer tarandus
Q56688860Leaf-folding response of a sensitive plant shows context-dependent behavioral plasticity
Q46972963Local anesthetic treatment significantly attenuates acute pain responding but does not prevent the neonatal injury-induced reduction in adult spinal behavioral plasticity
Q48251439Localization of a brain protein metabolically linked with behavioral plasticity in the goldfish
Q94457603Long noncoding RNA PAHAL modulates locust behavioural plasticity through the feedback regulation of dopamine biosynthesis
Q51158661Long-term effect of social interactions on behavioral plasticity and lifetime mating success.
Q30476576Loss of the limbic mineralocorticoid receptor impairs behavioral plasticity
Q27354851MAGI-1 modulates AMPA receptor synaptic localization and behavioral plasticity in response to prior experience
Q33705256Male behavioural plasticity depends on maternal mating status in the two-spotted spider mite.
Q60455901Measuring household energy efficiency behaviors with attention to behavioral plasticity in the United States
Q51963142Mechanisms of behavioral plasticity in C. elegans
Q40929025Methods of studying behavioral plasticity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Q60572788Modelling the niche for a marine vertebrate: a case study incorporating behavioural plasticity, proximate threats and climate change
Q38119310Molecular and cellular mechanisms of dopamine-mediated behavioral plasticity in the striatum.
Q44772028Molecular genetics on behavioral plasticity in Caenorhabditis elegans: mechanisms for associative learning
Q110615395Molecular signatures of phenotypic and behavioral plasticity in bees
Q35929596Morphine-induced conditioned place preference and associated behavioural plasticity in HIV-1 transgenic rats
Q61605382Morphology of the sting apparatus of the digger wasp Oxybelus uniglumis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), with emphasis on intraspecific variability and behavioural plasticity
Q61474636Multimodal communication of wolf spiders on different substrates: evidence for behavioural plasticity
Q57320343Multiple reproductive strategies in snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio: Physiological pathways and behavioral plasticity
Q27312631Multisensory integration and behavioral plasticity in sharks from different ecological niches
Q46919558Mutation of Drosophila homer disrupts control of locomotor activity and behavioral plasticity.
Q35837997NGF, brain and behavioral plasticity
Q30484119NMDA receptor phosphorylation at a site affected in schizophrenia controls synaptic and behavioral plasticity.
Q52305136Neural Correlate of Behavioral Plasticity in Command Neurons ofPleurobranchaea
Q41527163Neural Mechanisms of Behavioral Plasticity: Metamorphosis and Learning in <i>Manduca sexta</i>
Q46648657Neural and behavioral plasticity associated with the transition from controlled to escalated cocaine use.
Q71577078Neural and behavioral plasticity: crossed nigro-thalamic projections following unilateral substantia nigra lesions
Q37806139Neural mechanisms of operant conditioning and learning-induced behavioral plasticity in Aplysia.
Q38166302Neurogenomics of behavioral plasticity
Q91128000Neuronal and behavioral plasticity: the role of serotonin and BDNF systems tandem
Q44125209Neutralization of neutrophin-3 in the ventral tegmental area or nucleus accumbens differentially modulates cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in rats
Q52708530Nutrient mediation of behavioral plasticity and resource allocation in a xylem-feeding leafhopper
Q34098207Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency during brain maturation reduces neuronal and behavioral plasticity in adulthood.
Q49724156Online LI-rTMS during a Visual Learning Task: Differential Impacts on Visual Circuit and Behavioral Plasticity in Adult Ephrin-A2A5-/- Mice
Q33676405Ontogenetic constraints on neural and behavioral plasticity: evidence from imprinting and face processing.
Q50084259Optimal swimming strategies and behavioral plasticity of oceanic whitetip sharks.
Q44684872Orexin receptor antagonism prevents transcriptional and behavioral plasticity resulting from stimulant exposure
Q42024938Peripheral and behavioral plasticity of pheromone response and its hormonal control in a long-lived moth
Q58311834Personality, anti-predation behaviour and behavioural plasticity in the chaffinch Fringilla coelebs
Q51175185Personality-matching habitat choice, rather than behavioural plasticity, is a likely driver of a phenotype-environment covariance.
Q30442926Pheromone diversification and age-dependent behavioural plasticity decrease interspecific mating costs in Nasonia.
Q57492159Physiological and Behavioral Plasticity of the Sea Cucumber (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea) to Acidified Seawater
Q64230675Potential limitations of behavioral plasticity and the role of egg relocation in climate change mitigation for a thermally sensitive endangered species
Q115570909Predator-induced behavioral plasticity of juvenile red king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
Q115581184Prey detection of aquatic predators: Assessing the identity of chemical cues eliciting prey behavioral plasticity
Q115608732Prey-induced behavioural plasticity of herring-eating killer whales
Q38575755Problem of behavioral plasticity in slave-making Amazon-ant Polyergus rufescens Latr. and in its slave-ants Formica fusca L. and Formica cinerea Mayr
Q90733429Push and pull factors driving movement in a social mammal: context dependent behavioral plasticity at the landscape scale
Q39665521Quantitative genetics of behavioural reaction norms: genetic correlations between personality and behavioural plasticity vary across stickleback populations.
Q111160477Raised by aliens: constant exposure to an invasive predator triggers morphological but not behavioural plasticity in a threatened species tadpoles
Q115532650Rapid evolution and behavioral plasticity following introduction to an environment with reduced predation risk
Q44920983Rapid loss of behavioral plasticity and immunocompetence under intense sexual selection
Q107981360Recent Advances in Behavioral Plasticity in Insects and Decapod Crustaceans
Q37662451Reciprocal behavioral plasticity and behavioral types during predator-prey interactions
Q50517914Regulation of behavioral plasticity by systemic temperature signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Q115555252Role of forage, habitat and predation in the behavioural plasticity of a small African antelope
Q34938094Roles for class IIA phosphatidylinositol transfer protein in neurotransmission and behavioral plasticity at the sensory neuron synapses of Caenorhabditis elegans
Q57062802Salamanders breeding in subterranean habitats: local adaptations or behavioural plasticity?
Q57920742Satellite telemetry reveals behavioural plasticity in a green turtle population nesting in Sri Lanka
Q36841399Seasonal-like growth and regression of the avian song control system: neural and behavioral plasticity in adult male Gambel's white-crowned sparrows
Q50569664Serotonergic modulation of social status-dependent behavioural plasticity of the crayfish avoidance reaction.
Q50542784Sexual Dimorphism: Mystery Neurons Control Sex-Specific Behavioral Plasticity.
Q58441321Sexual Orientation, Behavioral Plasticity, and Evolution
Q49029027Sexual orientation, behavioral plasticity, and evolution
Q113700057Short-finned pilot whales exhibit behavioral plasticity in foraging strategies mediated by their environment
Q112272001Site fidelity and behavioral plasticity regulate an ungulate's response to extreme disturbance
Q35735717Sleep restores behavioral plasticity to Drosophila mutants
Q48447377Social behavior in context: Hormonal modulation of behavioral plasticity and social competence
Q59458675Social conformity in solitary crabs, Carcinus maenas, is driven by individual differences in behavioural plasticity
Q112279565Spatiotemporal behavioral plasticity of wild boar ( Sus scrofa ) under contrasting conditions of human pressure: primeval forest and metropolitan area
Q52125163Specificity of cognitive impairment from Pfiesteria piscicida exposure in rats: attention and visual function versus behavioral plasticity.
Q40286588Steroid hormones and the brain: cellular mechanisms underlying neural and behavioral plasticity
Q28767873Stress-induced variation in evolution: from behavioural plasticity to genetic assimilation
Q112810221Sucrose responsiveness and behavioral plasticity in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Q38773215Taking control! Structural and behavioural plasticity in response to game-based inhibition training in older adults
Q34542027Target-specific regulation of synaptic efficacy in the feeding central pattern generator of Aplysia: potential substrates for behavioral plasticity?
Q48376631Temperature and food mediate long-term thermotactic behavioral plasticity by association-independent mechanisms in C. elegans
Q56910474The Effect of Females on Male-Male Competition in the Isopod, Paracerceis Sculpta: A Reaction Norm Approach to Behavioral Plasticity
Q90162799The HSPG Glypican Regulates Experience-Dependent Synaptic and Behavioral Plasticity by Modulating the Non-Canonical BMP Pathway
Q89278517The Regulation of Behavioral Plasticity by Performance-Based Feedback and an Experimental Test with Avian Egg Production
Q44028029The behavioral plasticity of the edible snail and its neuronal mechanisms
Q28706830The costs and benefits of flexibility as an expression of behavioural plasticity: a primate perspective
Q50848592The developmental psychobiology of behavioural plasticity in mice: the role of social experiences in the family unit.
Q51974654The effect of larval and early adult experience on behavioural plasticity of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae).
Q36245405The foraging gene, behavioral plasticity, and honeybee division of labor
Q94450668The lag-time constraint for behavioural plasticity
Q44978635The rate of cocaine administration alters gene regulation and behavioral plasticity: implications for addiction.
Q56764460The reef-associating butterfly fish Chaetodon austriacus Rüppell, 1836 in the Mediterranean: The implication of behavioral plasticity for bioinvasion hazard assessment
Q97597537To beat or not to beat: Behavioral plasticity during the antler growth period affects cortisol but not testosterone concentrations in red deer (Cervus elaphus) males
Q112821030Too hot to handle? Behavioural plasticity during incubation in a small, Australian passerine
Q115486436Training for Translocation: Predator Conditioning Induces Behavioral Plasticity and Physiological Changes in Captive Eastern Hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) (Cryptobranchidae, Amphibia)
Q115603850Transgenerational Behavioral Plasticity in a Parthenogenetic Insect in Response to Increased Predation Risk
Q48269373Two distinct interneuron circuits in human motor cortex are linked to different subsets of physiological and behavioral plasticity.
Q48149958Two phases of behavioral plasticity in rats following unilateral excitotoxic lesion of the hippocampus
Q90426529Ube2b-dependent degradation of DNMT3a relieves a transcriptional brake on opiate-induced synaptic and behavioral plasticity
Q62088220Variation in behavioural plasticity regulates consistent individual differences in Enallagma damselfly larvae
Q39737095Variation in personality and behavioural plasticity across four populations of the great tit Parus major.
Q41474416What can genetic models tell us about behavioral plasticity?
Q57123871What comes first, the zebra finch or the egg: temperature-dependent reproductive, physiological and behavioural plasticity in egg-laying zebra finches
Q121026227When Supervisory Support for Creativity Facilitates Employee Radical Creativity: A Role Identity-Behavioral Plasticity Perspective
Q51974139[Beta-amyloid peptide influences behavioral plasticity in terrestrial snail].
Q51973395[Cellular mechanisms of behavioural plasticity in simple nervous systems].
Q52093304[Molecular genetics on behavioral plasticity in Caenorhabditis elegans: thermotaxis mechanism in C. elegans].

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