Vyšné Remety

municipality of Slovakia

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Vyšné_Remety

Abstract is: Vyšné Remety (Hungarian: Jeszenőremete) is a village and municipality in the Sobrance District in the Košice Region of east Slovakia.

Wikimedia Commons category is Vyšné Remety

(P625, lat/long)48.826388888 / 22.316666666

Vyšné Remety is …
instance of (P31):
municipality of SlovakiaQ6784672

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/025v910
P1566GeoNames ID723146
P2326GNS Unique Feature ID-847287
P856official websitehttps://www.vysne-remety.sk
P11693OpenStreetMap node ID26037729
P402OpenStreetMap relation ID2386752
P9807SNK ID90928
P6766Who's on First ID1209416899

P1792category of associated people???Q10187823
P1343described by sourceVlastivedný slovník obcí na SlovenskuQ12778680
P2044elevation above sea level208
P395licence plate codeSO
P473local dialing code056
P131located in the administrative territorial entitySobrance DistrictQ830991
P1705native labelVyšné Remety
P1448official nameVyšné Remety
P47shares border withRemetské HámreQ954565
P1249time of earliest written record1418-01-01
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Vyšné RemetyQ9175752

Wikimedia Commons Images

P41: flag image

FileName: Vysne remety-sobrance-flag.svg

Description: Flag of Vyšné Remety, Slovakia

Artist: EnzoTC

License: Public domain

Reverse relations

place of birth (P19)
Q107578159Juraj Lazur
Q107577461Juraj Dolinič

Q112095160Church of St. Michael the Archangellocated in the administrative territorial entityP131
Q830991Sobrance Districtcontains the administrative territorial entityP150
Q954565Remetské Hámreshares border withP47
Q9175752Category:Vyšné Remetycategory's main topicP301
Q10187823Категорія:Персоналії:Вишні Реметиcategory combines topicsP971

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Vyšné Remetywikipedia
ceВишни Реметиwikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
nanVyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
rueВышнї Реметыwikipedia
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301)Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Vyšné Remetywikipedia
      Вишње Реметиwikipedia
Tatar language (tt / Q25285)Вишни Реметиwikipedia
      Вишні Реметиwikipedia
warVyšné Remetywikipedia

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