
Numismatic data project

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Nomisma is …
instance of (P31):
knowledge graphQ33002955

External links are
P6269API endpoint URL
P2689BARTOC ID1822
P2666Datahub pagenomisma
P8168FactGrid item IDQ1194785
P2037GitHub usernamenomisma
P8605Linked Open Data Cloud IDnomisma_org
P856official website
P5305SPARQL endpoint URL

P527has part(s)Online Coins of the Roman EmpireQ24577239
Coinage of the Roman Republic OnlineQ24577251
P138named afternomismaQ1198478
P123publisherBritish MuseumQ6373
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and HumanitiesQ219989
German Archaeological InstituteQ695302
Goethe University FrankfurtQ50662
Bode MuseumQ157825
Bibliothèque nationale de FranceQ193563
University of OxfordQ34433
American Numismatic SocietyQ1256518
P1687Wikidata propertyNomisma IDP2950

Reverse relations

part of (P361)
Q24577251Coinage of the Roman Republic Online
Q24577239Online Coins of the Roman Empire

P2950Nomisma IDapplicable 'stated in' valueP9073

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