Schmidt M1882

service revolver of the Swiss Army

DBpedia resource is:,_1882/1929

Abstract is: The Revolver M1882, also referred to by the name Model 1929, was a revolver produced in Switzerland by the Waffenfabrik Bern and which was used as an ordnance arm by the Swiss Army.

Wikimedia Commons category is Schmidt M1882

Schmidt M1882 is …
instance of (P31):
weapon modelQ15142894

sublass of (P279):
service pistolQ282381

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/04ljzps

P739ammunition7.5mm 1882 OrdnanceQ2818187
P495country of originSwitzerlandQ39
P176manufacturerWaffenfabrik BernQ3565061
P729service entry1882-01-01

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
Q89187537Revolver Schmidt M1882
Q63373518Revolver Schmidt Rubin no 4

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Schmidt M1882wikimedia Modell 1882, 1882/29wikipedia 1882, 1882/1929wikipedia 1882 et 1882/1929wikipedia 1882, 1882/1929wikipedia

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