Timing of (supplemental) parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review

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Timing of (supplemental) parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1022704200
P8608Fatcat IDrelease_ppfw2adhqfdulcfcvywbrfngfe
P932PMC publication ID4273685
P698PubMed publication ID25593747
P5875ResearchGate publication ID270964903

P50authorArthur R H van ZantenQ85277157
P2093author name stringDave Ht Tjan
Rianne Bc Bost
P2860cites workIntensive insulin therapy in critically ill patientsQ29618795
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Role of Disease and Macronutrient Dose in the Randomized Controlled EPaNIC TrialQ57245212
Early versus Late Parenteral Nutrition in Critically Ill AdultsQ57245243
ESPEN Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition: Intensive careQ57245264
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Optimal protein and energy nutrition decreases mortality in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a prospective observational cohort studyQ82942436
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Supplemental parenteral nutrition in critically ill patientsQ95545261
Supplemental parenteral nutrition in critically ill patientsQ95545264
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalQ20007257
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectsystematic reviewQ1504425
P577publication date2014-01-01
P13046publication type of scholarly worksystematic reviewQ1504425
review articleQ7318358
P1433published inAnnals of Intensive CareQ18712109
P1476titleTiming of (supplemental) parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a systematic review

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