Guidelines for the design, analysis and interpretation of 'omics' data: focus on human endometrium

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Guidelines for the design, analysis and interpretation of 'omics' data: focus on human endometrium is …
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P932PMC publication ID3845681
P698PubMed publication ID24082038
P5875ResearchGate publication ID257250414

P50authorCarlos SimónQ5751790
Andres SalumetsQ12359179
Linda GiudiceQ91869487
B. C. J. M. FauserQ112562991
Nick S MacklonQ114437896
Bruce A LesseyQ39052040
Lois SalamonsenQ39188598
Francisco J EstebanQ43479971
Signe AltmäeQ50552174
P2093author name stringCristina Campoy
Thomas D'Hooghe
Anneli Stavreus-Evers
Jose A Horcajadas
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A genome-wide association study identifies genetic variants in the CDKN2BAS locus associated with endometriosis in JapaneseQ28286993
Repeatability of published microarray gene expression analysesQ28307780
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miRNA signature and Dicer requirement during human endometrial stromal decidualization in vitroQ28481447
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Minireview: progress and challenges in proteomics data management, sharing, and integrationQ28727478
PRIDE: quality control in a proteomics data repositoryQ28731216
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Lipidomics as an emerging tool to predict endometrial receptivity.Q38075708
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microRNAs related to angiogenesis are dysregulated in endometrioid endometrial cancer.Q39567135
Epigenetic regulation of E-cadherin controls endometrial receptivity.Q39923027
Comprehensive proteomic analysis of human endometrial fluid aspirate.Q39956295
MUC1 expression is regulated by DNA methylation and histone H3 lysine 9 modification in cancer cellsQ39991822
Histone deacetylase inhibitor-induced glycodelin enhances the initial step of implantation.Q40089354
Histone deacetylase inhibitors induce differentiation of human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells through up-regulation of glycodelinQ40381321
An evaluation of analysis pipelines for DNA methylation profiling using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip platformQ41313805
Western Blots versus Selected Reaction Monitoring Assays: Time to Turn the Tables?Q42595907
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Society for Reproductive Biology Founders' Lecture 2009. Preparing fertile soil: the importance of endometrial receptivity.Q43288064
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Gene data to hit milestoneQ45723613
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Differences in gene expression in the proliferative human endometriumQ46438528
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Histological dating of timed endometrial biopsy tissue is not related to fertility statusQ47305590
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Discovery of phosphatidylcholines and sphingomyelins as biomarkers for ovarian endometriosisQ50922549
A guide to issues in microarray analysis: application to endometrial biology.Q36177943
The association of endometriosis risk and genetic polymorphisms involving dioxin detoxification enzymes: a systematic reviewQ36313526
Large-scale gene expression studies of the endometrium: what have we learnt?Q36525603
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Phenotyping clinical disorders: lessons learned from pelvic organ prolapse.Q36684956
Is ovarian stimulation detrimental to the endometrium?Q36876548
Novel molecular profiles of endometrial cancer-new light through old windows.Q37025301
Profiling microRNA expression with microarraysQ37055600
Metabolomics and its application for non-invasive embryo assessment in IVF.Q37091046
MicroRNA expression profiling of eutopic secretory endometrium in women with versus without endometriosisQ37348044
An overview of proteomic and metabolomic technologies and their application to pregnancy researchQ37348801
From differentiating metabolites to biomarkersQ37412408
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Computational approaches to metabolomicsQ37643587
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Proteomics of embryonic implantationQ37788621
Next generation sequencing allows deeper analysis and understanding of genomes and transcriptomes including aspects to fertilityQ37848961
DNA microarray analysis in endometriosis for development of more effective targeted therapiesQ37881573
Disorders of implantation – are there diagnostic and therapeutic options?Q37884965
How endometrial secretomics can help in predicting implantationQ37893788
Assessment of endometrial receptivityQ37924355
Developments in Obesity Genetics in the Era of Genome-Wide Association StudiesQ37953145
The endometrial epigenome and its response to steroid hormonesQ37954011
Principles of phenomics in endometriosisQ37988818
Role of microRNAs in gynecological pathology.Q37997854
Genomic microarrays: a technology overviewQ37998941
The genomics of the human endometriumQ38013468
Genome-Wide Analysis of Human Preimplantation AneuploidyQ38020776
Marine Proteomics: A Critical Assessment of an Emerging TechnologyQ38046248
Proteomics of the human endometrium and uterine fluid: a pathway to biomarker discoveryQ38050203
Proteomics in reproductive biology: Beacon for unraveling the molecular complexitiesQ38052660
Transcriptional profiling to address molecular determinants of endometrial receptivity--lessons from studies in livestock speciesQ38062310
Deciphering the single-cell omic: innovative application for translational medicine.Q38068927
Assessing receptivity in the endometrium: the need for a rapid, non-invasive test.Q30221696
Recommendations for mass spectrometry data quality metrics for open access data (corollary to the Amsterdam Principles)Q30485191
Quality assessment and data analysis for microRNA expression arraysQ30485676
Biobanking human endometrial tissue and blood specimens: standard operating procedure and importance to reproductive biology research and diagnostic developmentQ30499779
Data mining of spatial-temporal expression of genes in the human endometrium during the window of implantationQ30558809
Post-translational modifications and protein-specific isoforms in endometriosis revealed by 2D DIGE.Q30978574
Identification of humoral immune responses in protein microarrays using DNA microarray data analysis techniquesQ31038428
Metabolomic analysis using optimized NMR and statistical methodsQ31043714
Gene expression confirms a potentially receptive endometrium identified by histology in fertile womenQ31070330
Tissue ischemia time affects gene and protein expression patterns within minutes following surgical tumor excisionQ31080215
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Imaging mass spectrometry reveals unique protein profiles during embryo implantationQ33327639
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Microarray data analysis for differential expression: a tutorialQ33468528
Proteomic analysis of the human receptive versus non-receptive endometrium using differential in-gel electrophoresis and MALDI-MS unveils stathmin 1 and annexin A2 as differentially regulatedQ33474706
Bioinformatics analysis of microarray dataQ33504701
Discovery of novel microRNAs in female reproductive tract using next generation sequencingQ33540195
Natural selection of human embryos: decidualizing endometrial stromal cells serve as sensors of embryo quality upon implantationQ33565584
Research resource: interactome of human embryo implantation: identification of gene expression pathways, regulation, and integrated regulatory networksQ33636729
Research resource: genome-wide profiling of methylated promoters in endometriosis reveals a subtelomeric location of hypermethylationQ33637255
Large-scale integration of MicroRNA and gene expression data for identification of enriched microRNA-mRNA associations in biological systemsQ33688211
Uterine receptivity to human embryonic implantation: histology, biomarkers, and transcriptomicsQ33692682
2D-DiGE analysis of the human endometrial secretome reveals differences between receptive and nonreceptive states in fertile and infertile women.Q33711470
TRIzol treatment of secretory phase endometrium allows combined proteomic and mRNA microarray analysis of the same sample in women with and without endometriosisQ33724710
Methylation analysis by microarrayQ33726835
Genomic profiling of microRNAs and messenger RNAs reveals hormonal regulation in microRNA expression in human endometriumQ33742354
MALDI imaging as a specific diagnostic tool for routine cervical cytology specimensQ33776817
Contributions of the EMERALD project to assessing and improving microarray data qualityQ33792487
Discussion on common data analysis strategies used in MS-based proteomics.Q33795085
MicroRNAs miR-30b, miR-30d, and miR-494 regulate human endometrial receptivityQ33829568
Current challenges in software solutions for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomicsQ36162392
Potential biochemical markers of uterine receptivityQ33848082
Quantitative, high-resolution proteomics for data-driven systems biologyQ33891413
Proteomic analysis of the luteal endometrial secretomeQ33938559
Insights into human endometrial receptivity from transcriptomic and proteomic data.Q34084192
A genome-wide perspective of genetic variation in human metabolismQ34090221
Proteomics analysis of plasma for early diagnosis of endometriosisQ34136514
An evaluation of two-channel ChIP-on-chip and DNA methylation microarray normalization strategiesQ34140843
Comparative analysis of different label-free mass spectrometry based protein abundance estimates and their correlation with RNA-Seq gene expression dataQ34157419
Functional microRNA involved in endometriosis.Q34173197
The role of the endometrium during embryo implantation.Q34191264
No evidence of somatic DNA copy number alterations in eutopic and ectopic endometrial tissue in endometriosisQ34219440
Gene and protein expression signature of endometrial glandular and stromal compartments during the window of implantation.Q34223228
Combined mRNA microarray and proteomic analysis of eutopic endometrium of women with and without endometriosis.Q34255860
Revisiting global gene expression analysisQ34308389
Systems biology, proteomics, and the future of health care: toward predictive, preventative, and personalized medicineQ34316883
Proteomic Analysis of Menstrual BloodQ34347737
The next wave in metabolome analysisQ34449949
Molecular phenotyping of human endometrium distinguishes menstrual cycle phases and underlying biological processes in normo-ovulatory womenQ34469872
The implantation windowQ34541217
The emerging science of epigenomicsQ34566933
Bioinformatic detection of E47, E2F1 and SREBP1 transcription factors as potential regulators of genes associated to acquisition of endometrial receptivityQ34578834
Endometrial exosomes/microvesicles in the uterine microenvironment: a new paradigm for embryo-endometrial cross talk at implantationQ34629669
Proteomic analyses of serous and endometrioid epithelial ovarian cancers - cases studies - molecular insights of a possible histological etiology of serous ovarian cancer.Q34669870
MicroRNA array and microarray evaluation of endometrial receptivity in patients with high serum progesterone levels on the day of hCG administrationQ34748870
Cytogenetics in reproductive medicine: the contribution of comparative genomic hybridization (CGH).Q35069725
Genetics and genomics of endometriosisQ35136686
Application of functional genomics to primate endometrium: insights into biological processesQ35598637
MicroRNAs in Human Diseases: From Lung, Liver and Kidney Diseases to Infectious Disease, Sickle Cell Disease and Endometrium DiseaseQ35745477
Perivascular human endometrial mesenchymal stem cells express pathways relevant to self-renewal, lineage specification, and functional phenotypeQ35791029
New array approaches to explore single cells genomesQ35887436
Nuclear Receptor, Coregulator Signaling, and Chromatin Remodeling Pathways Suggest Involvement of the Epigenome in the Steroid Hormone Response of Endometrium and Abnormalities in EndometriosisQ35931083
Determinants of endometrial receptivityQ36054325
Insights into Assessing the Genetics of EndometriosisQ36133689
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectreproductive medicineQ351870
P577publication date2014-01-01
P1433published inHuman Reproduction UpdateQ15724523
P1476titleGuidelines for the design, analysis and interpretation of 'omics' data: focus on human endometrium

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