Danielle Mitterrand

wife of François Mitterrand (1924-2011)

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Danielle_Mitterrand

Abstract is: Danielle Émilienne Isabelle Mitterrand (née Gouze; 29 October 1924 – 22 November 2011) was the wife of French President François Mitterrand, and president of the foundation France Libertés Fondation Danielle Mitterrand.

Wikimedia Commons category is Danielle Mitterrand

Born 1924-10-29 in Verdun (Q154748)
Died 2011-11-22 in 15th arrondissement of Paris (Q191066)

Danielle Mitterrand is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P3630Babelio author ID22204
P2188BiblioNet author ID21756
P5695Bibliopoche author ID11548
P268Bibliothèque nationale de France ID122714504
P8179Canadiana Name Authority IDncf11247859
P4666CineMagia person ID127660
P11496CiNii Research ID1140563741604320896
P935Commons galleryDanielle Mitterrand
P8849CONOR.BG ID28879717
P3846DBC author ID87097919080668
P7902Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID119148846
P8795Diamond Catalog ID for persons and organisations46781
P7578DUC IDdanielle-mitterrand
P2163FAST ID111220
P9058Fichier des personnes décédées ID (matchID)eoPcE6x5PPu8
P535Find a Grave memorial ID80825247
P9346France 24 topic ID (French)danielle-mitterrand
P9371FranceArchives agent ID130672251
P646Freebase ID/m/073xsd
P8094GeneaStar person IDgouzed
P2600Geni.com profile ID6000000000735832110
P227GND ID119148846
P1741GTAA ID133086
P269IdRef ID031514081
P345IMDb IDnm2009231
P8189J9U ID987007391799505171
P11249KBR person ID13985170
P2604Kinopoisk person ID1155352
P8879Kinorium person ID1317297
P244Library of Congress authority IDn83048064
P271NACSIS-CAT author IDDA14664519
P7699National Library of Lithuania IDLNB:Cfc7;=Bj
P7293National Library of Poland Descriptor9810537515605606
P1006Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID167172867
P691NL CR AUT IDjn20000604052
P1695NLP ID (old)a0000001182834
P1207NUKAT IDn97070528
P648Open Library IDOL275799A
P12458Parsifal cluster ID584663
P2732Persée author ID412392
P3368Prabook ID2530217
P10780Radio France person IDdanielle-mitterrand
P3065RERO ID (legacy)02-A003599689
P4342Store norske leksikon (Great Norwegian Encyclopedia) IDDanielle_Mitterrand
P4985TMDB person ID2827578
P214VIAF cluster ID17281921
P2949WikiTree person IDGouze-3
P10832WorldCat Entities IDE39PBJvmR4vBPcbx9YbJjTRkDq

P166award receivedNorth–South PrizeQ577755
Grand Order of MugunghwaQ624463
Light of Truth AwardQ1128506
Order of the Crown (Netherlands)Q2272104
Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian RepublicQ14539974
Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the CatholicQ17365974
Member Grand Cross of the Order of the Polar StarQ126009760
Officer of the Order of the Star of RomaniaQ20857674
Grand Cross of the Order of Prince HenryQ20859490
P1477birth nameDanielle Émilienne Isabelle Gouze
P40childGilbert MitterrandQ1524023
Jean-Christophe MitterrandQ1684727
P27country of citizenshipFranceQ142
P1343described by sourceObálky knihQ67311526
P734family nameMitterrandQ23833611
P101field of workhuman rights protectionQ22674784
P735given nameDanielleQ18040452
P1412languages spoken, written or signedFrenchQ150
P102member of political partySocialist PartyQ170972
P1559name in native languageDanielle Mitterrand
P103native languageFrenchQ150
French resistance fighterQ23833535
P119place of burial???Q82572028
P39position heldspouse of the President of FranceQ2005639
P21sex or genderfemaleQ6581072
P3373siblingRoger GouzeQ3439042
Christine Gouze-RénalQ2965926
P26spouseFrançois MitterrandQ2038
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Danielle MitterrandQ55291034

Reverse relations

named after (P138)
Q106918601Esplanade Danielle-Mitterrand
Q108938594Rue Danielle-Mitterrand
Q111250192rue Danielle Mitterrand
Q113026728rue Danielle Mitterrand
Q113413191rue Danielle Mitterrand
Q3162524square Danielle-Mitterrand
Q125783668collège Danielle Mitterrand de Saint-Paul-lès-Dax
Q119737244école maternelle Danielle Mitterrand de Dun-les-Places
Q119747644école maternelle Danielle Mitterrand de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine
Q119905830école primaire Danielle Mitterrand de Creil

mother (P25)
Q1524023Gilbert Mitterrand
Q1684727Jean-Christophe Mitterrand

sibling (P3373)
Q2965926Christine Gouze-Rénal
Q3439042Roger Gouze

Q3080733France-libertés, Fondation Danielle Mitterrandfounded byP112
Q2038François MitterrandspouseP26
Q55291034Category:Danielle Mitterrandcategory's main topicP301
Q123674380Danielle Mitterrand, Former First Lady of France, Is Dead at 87main subjectP921

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Danielle Mitterrandwikimedia
Arabic (ar / Q13955)دانيال ميترانwikipedia
astDanielle Mitterrandwikipedia
ckbدانیێل میتێرانwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
Persian (fa / Q9168)دانیل میترانwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
glDanielle Mitterrandwikipedia
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hywՏանիէլ Միթերանwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Даниэль Миттеранwikipedia
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kuDanielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Миттеран, Даниэльwikipedia
      ดาเนียล มีแตร็องwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandwikipedia
      Даніель Міттеранwikipedia
      Danielle Mitterrandováwikiquote
      Danielle Mitterrandwikiquote

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