Computer-assisted structure verification and elucidation tools in NMR-based structure elucidation

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Computer-assisted structure verification and elucidation tools in NMR-based structure elucidation is …
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P50authorAntony John WilliamsQ4777220
P2093author name stringM.E. Elyashberg
G.E. Martin
P2860cites workA Mathematical Theory of CommunicationQ724029
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Gradient selection in inverse heteronuclear correlation spectroscopyQ29026479
Natural abundance nitrogen-15 NMR by enhanced heteronuclear spectroscopyQ30051529
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Oxepinamides A-C and fumiquinazolines H--I: bioactive metabolites from a marine isolate of a fungus of the genus AcremoniumQ41739703
2J,(3)J-HMBC: A new long-range heteronuclear shift correlation technique capable of differentiating (2)J(CH) from (3)J(CH) correlations to protonated carbonsQ41758977
An expert system for automated structure elucidation utilizing 1H-1H, 13C-1H and 15N-1H 2D NMR correlations.Q43616194
New Antifeedant Bromopyrrole Alkaloid from the Caribbean Sponge Stylissa caribicaQ43778155
Genius: a genetic algorithm for automated structure elucidation from 13C NMR spectraQ43897553
Durhamycin A, a potent inhibitor of HIV Tat transactivationQ44112337
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Chemistry of sponges. 19. Novel bioactive metabolites from Hamigera tarangaensisQ73390583
NMR studies of structure and function of biological macromolecules (Nobel lecture)Q73729811
Apramides A-G, novel lipopeptides from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majusculaQ74290739
Malevamide D: isolation and structure determination of an isodolastatin H analogue from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca hydnoidesQ78007365
Tasiamide, a cytotoxic peptide from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca spQ78288315
Structure and Absolute Stereochemistry of Phormidolide, a New Toxic Metabolite from the Marine CyanobacteriumPhormidiumsp.Q78328995
1H-NMR and 13C-NMR Assignments of Cryptolepine, A 3:4-Benz-delta-carboline Derivative Isolated from Cryptolepis sanguinolentaQ79554412
Computer-assisted constitutional assignment of large molecules: COCON analysis of ascomycinQ81106227
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Mathematical synthesis and analysis of molecular structuresQ99232065
Case, a computer model of the structure elucidation processQ99233261
Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference. 37. GENOA: a computer program for structure elucidation utilizing overlapping and alternative substructuresQ99233344
Computer-Based Structure Determination:  Then and NowQ99233775
Using neural networks for (13)c NMR chemical shift prediction-comparison with traditional methodsQ44152677
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New cytotoxic indolic metabolites from a marine StreptomycesQ44492652
Applications of a HOUDINI-Based Structure Elucidation SystemQ44505637
New minor taxane derivatives from the needles of Taxus canadensisQ44670099
Sesquiterpene metabolites of the antarctic gorgonian Dasystenella acanthinaQ44670117
The structure of Palau'amide, a potent cytotoxin from a species of the marine cyanobacterium LyngbyaQ44706379
HMBC-RELAY: a combined technique for the differentiation of simultaneously detected 2J(C,H) and (n)J(C,H) connectivitiesQ44744049
Spasmolytic effects, mode of action, and structure-activity relationships of stilbenoids from Nidema boothiiQ44778518
New cembranes from Cleome spinosaQ44778523
Ingenamine G and cyclostellettamines G-I, K, and L from the new Brazilian species of marine sponge Pachychalina sp.Q45118225
Delevoyin C, a tetranortriterpenoid from Entandrophragma delevoyi.Q46900069
Isolation of homodolastatin 16, a new cyclic depsipeptide from a Kenyan collection of Lyngbya majusculaQ47893825
LUCY—A Program for Structure Elucidation from NMR Correlation ExperimentsQ50368945
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Novel methods of automated structure elucidation based on 13C NMR spectroscopyQ51987282
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HOUDINI: A New Approach to Computer-Based Structure GenerationQ52009004
Neural network studies. 4. Introduction to associative neural networksQ52011959
On the use of neural network ensembles in QSAR and QSPR.Q52036283
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New Semi-empirical Approach for the Calculation of13C Chemical-Shift TensorsQ52271652
Towards the automatic analysis of 1H NMR spectra: Part 4--additional requirements of flow-NMR.Q53633970
Identification of degradants of a complex alkaloid using NMR cryoprobe technology and ACD/structure elucidatorQ55919639
Quindolinocryptotackieine: the elucidation of a novel indoloquinoline alkaloid structure through the use of computer-assisted structure elucidation and 2D NMRQ55919641
Automated structure elucidation - the benefits of a symbiotic relationship between the spectroscopist and the expert systemQ55919643
Two‐dimensional spectroscopy. Application to nuclear magnetic resonanceQ56060737
Computer-aided determination of relative stereochemistry and 3D models of complex organic molecules from 2D NMR spectraQ56405106
Long-Range 1H–15N Heteronuclear Shift CorrelationQ56405263
Computer-assisted structure elucidation of natural products with limited 2D NMR data: application of the StrucEluc systemQ56405909
Elucidation of the structure of quindolinone, a minor alkaloid ofcryptolepis sanguinolenta: Submilligram1H-13c and1H-15N heteronuclear shift correlation experiments using micro inverse-detectionQ56535684
Identification of Two Chromenes fromCalea serrataby Semiautomatic Structure ElucidationQ56604060
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Validation of Structural Proposals by Substructure Analysis and13C NMR Chemical Shift PredictionQ57208000
The Assignment of Absolute Configuration by NMRQ57517752
15N NMR Spectroscopy in Structural AnalysisQ57744929
Limonoid derivatives from Astrotrichilia voamatataQ57817907
Computer-assisted structural elucidation. Alkaloids with a novel diaza-adamantane skeleton from the seeds of Acosmium panamense (Fabaceae)Q57817929
Clerodane diterpenoids and an ursane triterpenoid from Salvia haenkei. Computer-assisted structural elucidationQ57817985
Computer-aided spectral assignment in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopyQ57818169
Logic for structure determinationQ57818172
Epothilone A and B—Novel 16-Membered Macrolides with Cytotoxic Activity: Isolation, Crystal Structure, and Conformation in SolutionQ60357921
Improved Sensitivity in Gradient-Based 1D and 2D Multiplicity-Edited HSQC ExperimentsQ61949457
Application of the Maximal Common Substructure Algorithm to Automatic Interpretation of 13C-NMR SpectraQ63350346
The CSEARCH-NMR data base approach to solve frequent questions concerning substituent effects on 13C NMR chemical shiftsQ63350360
Comprehensive parameter set for the prediction of the 13C-NMR chemical shifts of sp3-hybridized carbon atoms in organic compoundsQ63350374
CSEARCH: a computer program for identification of organic compounds and fully automated assignment of carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectraQ63350423
Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance assignments and biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystinQ67769117
P577publication date2008-07-01
P1433published inProgress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance SpectroscopyQ3407073
P1476titleComputer-assisted structure verification and elucidation tools in NMR-based structure elucidation

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