scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P356 | DOI | 10.1016/J.PNMRS.2007.04.003 |
P3181 | OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID | 1827830 |
P50 | author | Antony John Williams | Q4777220 |
P2093 | author name string | M.E. Elyashberg | |
G.E. Martin | |||
P2860 | cites work | A Mathematical Theory of Communication | Q724029 |
Dendral and meta-dendral — the myth and the reality | Q99233807 | ||
Isomer generators in structure elucidation | Q99233837 | ||
Assemble 2.0: a structure generator | Q99233839 | ||
Elucidation by progressive intersection of ordered substructures from carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance | Q99233843 | ||
Applying the constraint satisfaction problem paradigm to structure generation | Q99233869 | ||
Fully Automated Structure ElucidationA Spectroscopist's Dream Comes True† | Q99233905 | ||
Principles of the Generation of Constitutional and Configurational Isomers | Q99233909 | ||
Application of the computer program GENOA and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy to structure elucidation | Q99234048 | ||
MOLGEN+, a generator of connectivity isomers and stereoisomers for molecular structure elucidation | Q99300775 | ||
The guttiferones, HIV-inhibitory benzophenones from Symphonia globulifera, Garcinia livingstonei, Garcinia ovalifolia and Clusia rosea | Q104399462 | ||
Cryptospirolepine, a Unique Spiro-nonacyclic Alkaloid Isolated from Cryptolepis sanguinolenta | Q104402269 | ||
The isolation and structure determination of cryptomisrine, a novel indolo[3,2-b]quinoline dimeric alkaloid fromcryptolepis sanguinolenta | Q104939313 | ||
Norditerpenoid alkaloids from Aconitella hohenackeri | Q104982631 | ||
Two new indoloquinoline alkaloids fromcryptolepis sanguinolenta: Cryptosanguinolentine and cryptotackieine | Q105011443 | ||
Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference. I. Number of possible organic compounds. Acyclic structures containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen | Q105100394 | ||
Tricyclic sesquiterpenes from rudbeckia laciniata in honour of professor G. H. Neil Towers 75th birthday | Q105112069 | ||
Isolation and elucidation of the structure of homocryptolepinone | Q105222565 | ||
Stenocarpine, a diterpenoid alkaloid from Aconitella stenocarpa | Q105240586 | ||
Detection of connectivity between equivalent carbons in aC2 molecule using isotopomeric asymmetry: Identification of hopeaphenol inCarex pumila | Q105352519 | ||
Cocon: From NMR Correlation Data to Molecular Constitutions | Q114865788 | ||
Total assignment of the proton and carbon NMR spectra of the alkaloid quindoline - utilization of HMQC-TOCSY to indirectly establish protonated carbon-protonated carbon connectivities | Q114868797 | ||
Maximum Common Substructures of Organic Compounds Exhibiting Similar Infrared Spectra | Q115926426 | ||
Isolation and structure of brevetoxin B from the "red tide" dinoflagellate Ptychodiscus brevis (Gymnodinium breve) | Q115952333 | ||
15N chemical shifts and long-range1H-15N coupling pathways of selectedstrychnosalkaloids | Q120937185 | ||
Long-range1H-15N couplings and15N chemical shift assignments of the bis-indole anticancer drug navelbine® | Q121604640 | ||
Long-range two-dimensional heteronuclear chemical shift correlation | Q121863975 | ||
Symbolic logic methods for spectrochemical investigations | Q126421157 | ||
Response to comments by Buchanan, Feigenbaum and Lederberg | Q126629992 | ||
On gray's interpretation of the dendral project and programs: Myth or mythunderstanding? | Q126772598 | ||
A new approach to computer-aided molecular structure elucidation: the expert system Structure Elucidator | Q127015789 | ||
Determination of gold at the ultratrace level in natural waters | Q127155172 | ||
Simulation of 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of tetrahydropyrans using regression analysis and neural networks | Q127753668 | ||
Optimization by Simulated Annealing | Q25939004 | ||
The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK): an open-source Java library for Chemo- and Bioinformatics | Q27061829 | ||
Chemical Similarity Searching | Q28090770 | ||
Comparison of Automatic Three-Dimensional Model Builders Using 639 X-ray Structures | Q28090814 | ||
Automatic generation of 3D-atomic coordinates for organic molecules | Q28096264 | ||
Isolation and structure elucidation of deformylflustrabromine from the North Sea bryozoan Flustra foliacea | Q28206571 | ||
SENECA: A Platform-Independent, Distributed, and Parallel System for Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation in Organic Chemistry | Q28837910 | ||
Expectation ranges of 13C NMR chemical shifts | Q28837930 | ||
HOSE — a novel substructure code | Q28837939 | ||
Stochastic Generator of Chemical Structure. 2. Using Simulated Annealing To Search the Space of Constitutional Isomers | Q28837961 | ||
Prediction of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts Using Neural Networks | Q28843076 | ||
Evolutionary-Algorithm-Based Strategy for Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation | Q28843140 | ||
Gradient selection in inverse heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy | Q29026479 | ||
Natural abundance nitrogen-15 NMR by enhanced heteronuclear spectroscopy | Q30051529 | ||
Application of a new expert system for the structure elucidation of natural products from their 1D and 2D NMR data | Q30694448 | ||
Structure Elucidator: a versatile expert system for molecular structure elucidation from 1D and 2D NMR data and molecular fragments | Q30932921 | ||
The impact of available experimental data on the prediction of 1H NMR chemical shifts by neural networks | Q30932931 | ||
Fast determination of 13C NMR chemical shifts using artificial neural networks | Q30949423 | ||
Structure elucidation from 2D NMR spectra using the StrucEluc expert system: detection and removal of contradictions in the data | Q30965682 | ||
Isolation of a library of aromadendranes from Landolphia dulcis and its characterization using the volsurf approach | Q33203230 | ||
Long-range (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear shift correlation at natural abundance | Q33900829 | ||
Fuzzy structure generation: a new efficient tool for Computer-Aided Structure Elucidation (CASE). | Q34612312 | ||
Maximum common subgraph isomorphism algorithms for the matching of chemical structures | Q35037939 | ||
Recent developments in automated structure elucidation of natural products | Q35849948 | ||
Structure generation by reduction: a new strategy for computer-assisted structure elucidation | Q38594392 | ||
Coproverdine, a novel, cytotoxic marine alkaloid from a new zealand ascidian. | Q39631875 | ||
Isolation of four new cyclic depsipeptides, antanapeptins A-D, and dolastatin 16 from a Madagascan collection of Lyngbya majuscula | Q41473220 | ||
Oxepinamides A-C and fumiquinazolines H--I: bioactive metabolites from a marine isolate of a fungus of the genus Acremonium | Q41739703 | ||
2J,(3)J-HMBC: A new long-range heteronuclear shift correlation technique capable of differentiating (2)J(CH) from (3)J(CH) correlations to protonated carbons | Q41758977 | ||
An expert system for automated structure elucidation utilizing 1H-1H, 13C-1H and 15N-1H 2D NMR correlations. | Q43616194 | ||
New Antifeedant Bromopyrrole Alkaloid from the Caribbean Sponge Stylissa caribica | Q43778155 | ||
Genius: a genetic algorithm for automated structure elucidation from 13C NMR spectra | Q43897553 | ||
Durhamycin A, a potent inhibitor of HIV Tat transactivation | Q44112337 | ||
Known and novel terpenes from Buddleja globosa displaying selective antifungal activity against dermatophytes | Q72988425 | ||
Chemistry of sponges. 19. Novel bioactive metabolites from Hamigera tarangaensis | Q73390583 | ||
NMR studies of structure and function of biological macromolecules (Nobel lecture) | Q73729811 | ||
Apramides A-G, novel lipopeptides from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula | Q74290739 | ||
Malevamide D: isolation and structure determination of an isodolastatin H analogue from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca hydnoides | Q78007365 | ||
Tasiamide, a cytotoxic peptide from the marine cyanobacterium Symploca sp | Q78288315 | ||
Structure and Absolute Stereochemistry of Phormidolide, a New Toxic Metabolite from the Marine CyanobacteriumPhormidiumsp. | Q78328995 | ||
1H-NMR and 13C-NMR Assignments of Cryptolepine, A 3:4-Benz-delta-carboline Derivative Isolated from Cryptolepis sanguinolenta | Q79554412 | ||
Computer-assisted constitutional assignment of large molecules: COCON analysis of ascomycin | Q81106227 | ||
Towards the automatic analysis of NMR spectra: part 6. Confirmation of chemical structure employing both 1H and 13C NMR spectra | Q81633509 | ||
Mathematical synthesis and analysis of molecular structures | Q99232065 | ||
Case, a computer model of the structure elucidation process | Q99233261 | ||
Applications of artificial intelligence for chemical inference. 37. GENOA: a computer program for structure elucidation utilizing overlapping and alternative substructures | Q99233344 | ||
Computer-Based Structure Determination: Then and Now | Q99233775 | ||
Using neural networks for (13)c NMR chemical shift prediction-comparison with traditional methods | Q44152677 | ||
Bioactive natural products from a sclerotium-colonizing isolate of Humicola fuscoatra | Q44224490 | ||
New cytotoxic indolic metabolites from a marine Streptomyces | Q44492652 | ||
Applications of a HOUDINI-Based Structure Elucidation System | Q44505637 | ||
New minor taxane derivatives from the needles of Taxus canadensis | Q44670099 | ||
Sesquiterpene metabolites of the antarctic gorgonian Dasystenella acanthina | Q44670117 | ||
The structure of Palau'amide, a potent cytotoxin from a species of the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya | Q44706379 | ||
HMBC-RELAY: a combined technique for the differentiation of simultaneously detected 2J(C,H) and (n)J(C,H) connectivities | Q44744049 | ||
Spasmolytic effects, mode of action, and structure-activity relationships of stilbenoids from Nidema boothii | Q44778518 | ||
New cembranes from Cleome spinosa | Q44778523 | ||
Ingenamine G and cyclostellettamines G-I, K, and L from the new Brazilian species of marine sponge Pachychalina sp. | Q45118225 | ||
Delevoyin C, a tetranortriterpenoid from Entandrophragma delevoyi. | Q46900069 | ||
Isolation of homodolastatin 16, a new cyclic depsipeptide from a Kenyan collection of Lyngbya majuscula | Q47893825 | ||
LUCY—A Program for Structure Elucidation from NMR Correlation Experiments | Q50368945 | ||
Are deterministic expert systems for computer-assisted structure elucidation obsolete? | Q51936977 | ||
Automated structure verification based on 1H NMR prediction | Q51949712 | ||
Novel methods of automated structure elucidation based on 13C NMR spectroscopy | Q51987282 | ||
Structure-based predictions of 1H NMR chemical shifts using feed-forward neural networks | Q51997311 | ||
HOUDINI: A New Approach to Computer-Based Structure Generation | Q52009004 | ||
Neural network studies. 4. Introduction to associative neural networks | Q52011959 | ||
On the use of neural network ensembles in QSAR and QSPR. | Q52036283 | ||
Automated structure elucidation of organic molecules from (13)c NMR spectra using genetic algorithms and neural networks | Q52049945 | ||
New Semi-empirical Approach for the Calculation of13C Chemical-Shift Tensors | Q52271652 | ||
Towards the automatic analysis of 1H NMR spectra: Part 4--additional requirements of flow-NMR. | Q53633970 | ||
Identification of degradants of a complex alkaloid using NMR cryoprobe technology and ACD/structure elucidator | Q55919639 | ||
Quindolinocryptotackieine: the elucidation of a novel indoloquinoline alkaloid structure through the use of computer-assisted structure elucidation and 2D NMR | Q55919641 | ||
Automated structure elucidation - the benefits of a symbiotic relationship between the spectroscopist and the expert system | Q55919643 | ||
Two‐dimensional spectroscopy. Application to nuclear magnetic resonance | Q56060737 | ||
Computer-aided determination of relative stereochemistry and 3D models of complex organic molecules from 2D NMR spectra | Q56405106 | ||
Long-Range 1H–15N Heteronuclear Shift Correlation | Q56405263 | ||
Computer-assisted structure elucidation of natural products with limited 2D NMR data: application of the StrucEluc system | Q56405909 | ||
Elucidation of the structure of quindolinone, a minor alkaloid ofcryptolepis sanguinolenta: Submilligram1H-13c and1H-15N heteronuclear shift correlation experiments using micro inverse-detection | Q56535684 | ||
Identification of Two Chromenes fromCalea serrataby Semiautomatic Structure Elucidation | Q56604060 | ||
“Connectivist” approach to organic structure determination Lsd-program assisted Nmr analysis of the insect antifeedant Azadirachtin | Q56953783 | ||
Validation of Structural Proposals by Substructure Analysis and13C NMR Chemical Shift Prediction | Q57208000 | ||
The Assignment of Absolute Configuration by NMR | Q57517752 | ||
15N NMR Spectroscopy in Structural Analysis | Q57744929 | ||
Limonoid derivatives from Astrotrichilia voamatata | Q57817907 | ||
Computer-assisted structural elucidation. Alkaloids with a novel diaza-adamantane skeleton from the seeds of Acosmium panamense (Fabaceae) | Q57817929 | ||
Clerodane diterpenoids and an ursane triterpenoid from Salvia haenkei. Computer-assisted structural elucidation | Q57817985 | ||
Computer-aided spectral assignment in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy | Q57818169 | ||
Logic for structure determination | Q57818172 | ||
Epothilone A and B—Novel 16-Membered Macrolides with Cytotoxic Activity: Isolation, Crystal Structure, and Conformation in Solution | Q60357921 | ||
Improved Sensitivity in Gradient-Based 1D and 2D Multiplicity-Edited HSQC Experiments | Q61949457 | ||
Application of the Maximal Common Substructure Algorithm to Automatic Interpretation of 13C-NMR Spectra | Q63350346 | ||
The CSEARCH-NMR data base approach to solve frequent questions concerning substituent effects on 13C NMR chemical shifts | Q63350360 | ||
Comprehensive parameter set for the prediction of the 13C-NMR chemical shifts of sp3-hybridized carbon atoms in organic compounds | Q63350374 | ||
CSEARCH: a computer program for identification of organic compounds and fully automated assignment of carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra | Q63350423 | ||
Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance assignments and biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystin | Q67769117 | ||
P433 | issue | 1-2 | |
P304 | page(s) | 1-104 | |
P577 | publication date | 2008-07-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy | Q3407073 |
P1476 | title | Computer-assisted structure verification and elucidation tools in NMR-based structure elucidation | |
P478 | volume | 53 |
Q85007455 | 1J(CC)-edited HSQC-1,n-ADEQUATE: a new paradigm for simultaneous direct and long-range carbon-carbon correlation |
Q56397938 | A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Computational Approach for the Structural Elucidation of Breitfussin A and B: Highly Modified Halogenated Dipeptides fromThuiaria breitfussi |
Q56397996 | A Combined Atomic Force Microscopy and Computational Approach for the Structural Elucidation of Breitfussin A and B: Highly Modified Halogenated Dipeptides fromThuiaria breitfussi |
Q98514316 | A DFT/machine-learning hybrid method for the prediction of 3 JHCCH couplings |
Q38768291 | A new method for the comparison of 1H NMR predictors based on tree-similarity of spectra |
Q36329168 | A stochastic method for asphaltene structure formulation from experimental data: avoidance of implausible structures. |
Q47645672 | A systematic approach for the generation and verification of structural hypotheses |
Q35001520 | Addressing the stereochemistry of complex organic molecules by density functional theory-NMR: vannusal B in retrospective |
Q28743720 | Advances in structure elucidation of small molecules using mass spectrometry |
Q46596317 | An efficient computer-aided structural elucidation strategy for mixtures using an iterative dynamic programming algorithm |
Q83999085 | Application of Hadamard spectroscopy to automated structure verification in high-throughput NMR |
Q90526998 | Application of anisotropic NMR parameters to the confirmation of molecular structure |
Q39245088 | Autonomous driving in NMR. |
Q42156231 | Blind trials of computer-assisted structure elucidation software |
Q46045629 | Broadband inversion of 1J(CC) responses in 1,n-ADEQUATE spectra |
Q56409056 | Chapter 12. Structural Revisions of Natural Products with the Aid of the Structure Elucidator System |
Q56409452 | Chapter 9. Approaches to Algorithmic Structure Elucidation |
Q38894201 | Computational Chemistry to the Rescue: Modern Toolboxes for the Assignment of Complex Molecules by GIAO NMR Calculations. |
Q95354858 | Computational Methods to Predict the Regioselectivity of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution Reactions of Heteroaromatic Systems |
Q34850232 | Computational NMR spectroscopy of organoarsenicals and the natural polyarsenic compound arsenicin A. |
Q93083676 | Computational protocols for calculating 13C NMR chemical shifts |
Q102071424 | Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE): Current and Future Perspectives |
Q99236858 | Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation in NMR |
Q38815244 | Computer-aided Dereplication and Structure Elucidation of Natural Products at the University of Reims |
Q27701835 | Computer-assisted methods for molecular structure elucidation: realizing a spectroscopist's dream |
Q123966401 | Deciding which is the best 1H NMR predictor for organic compounds using statistical tools |
Q38409890 | Dereplication: racing to speed up the natural products discovery process. |
Q56402163 | Development of a fast and accurate method of 13C NMR chemical shift prediction |
Q46178669 | Dynamic biochemical information recovery in spontaneous human seminal fluid reactions via 1H NMR kinetic statistical total correlation spectroscopy |
Q99631532 | EBC-232 and 323: A Structural Conundrum Necessitating Unification of Five In Silico Prediction and Elucidation Methods |
Q91408532 | Elucidating natural product structures using a robust measurement of carbon residual chemical shift anisotropy combined with DFT |
Q56398075 | Elucidating ‘undecipherable’ chemical structures using computer-assisted structure elucidation approaches |
Q51725938 | Empirical and DFT GIAO quantum-mechanical methods of (13)C chemical shifts prediction: competitors or collaborators? |
Q33630675 | Enhanced automated structure elucidation by inclusion of two-bond specific data |
Q92511207 | Enhancing computer-assisted structure elucidation with DFT analysis of J-couplings |
Q48511508 | Environmental metabolomics with data science for investigating ecosystem homeostasis |
Q91943165 | Experiments with direct detection of multiple FIDs |
Q40807423 | Exploiting the Complementarity between Dereplication and Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation for the Chemical Profiling of Natural Cosmetic Ingredients: Tephrosia purpurea as a Case Study. |
Q58717234 | Fragment Assembly Approach Based on Graph/Network Theory with Quantum Chemistry Verifications for Assigning Multidimensional NMR Signals in Metabolite Mixtures |
Q40859429 | Fully automatic assignment of small molecules' NMR spectra without relying on chemical shift predictions |
Q56395359 | Fundamentals of Structure Elucidator System |
Q42737143 | G.A.M.E.: GPU-accelerated mixture elucidator |
Q42339129 | Homodimericin A: A Complex Hexacyclic Fungal Metabolite |
Q34272364 | INFERCNMR: A 13C NMR Interpretive Library Search System |
Q33448142 | Identification of Multiple Impurities in a Pharmaceutical Matrix Using Preparative Gas Chromatography and Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation |
Q62009528 | Improving the efficiency of branch-and-bound complete-search NMR assignment using the symmetry of molecules and spectra |
Q56705252 | Integrated analytical and computer tools for structure elucidation in effect-directed analysis |
Q34473521 | Isolation and structural elucidation of armeniaspirols A-C: potent antibiotics against gram-positive pathogens |
Q51838340 | Matching structures to mass spectra using fragmentation patterns: are the results as good as they look? |
Q63640592 | Metabolomics for unknown plant metabolites |
Q88943668 | Molecular structure from a single NMR supersequence |
Q53584757 | NMR chemical shift prediction of glycans: application of the computer program CASPER in structural analysis. |
Q37852313 | NMR spectroscopy in environmental research: From molecular interactions to global processes |
Q47354713 | NP-StructurePredictor: Prediction of Unknown Natural Products in Plant Mixtures |
Q92673649 | New NOAH modules for structure elucidation at natural isotopic abundance |
Q56587849 | New perspectives and lessons learned in the identification of impurities in drug development |
Q63350329 | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy |
Q60510695 | Pure shift1H NMR: what is next? |
Q34359877 | Recent advances in computational predictions of NMR parameters for the structure elucidation of carbohydrates: methods and limitations. |
Q38484456 | Statistical filtering for NMR based structure generation |
Q56395383 | Strategies of Structure Elucidation |
Q57773954 | Structural elucidation of low abundant metabolites in complex sample matrices |
Q34116047 | Structural revisions of natural products by Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) systems |
Q43017380 | Structure revision of asperjinone using computer-assisted structure elucidation methods |
Q44751898 | Structure verification through computer-assisted spectral assignment of NMR spectra |
Q99234033 | Structure-Spectrum Correlations and Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation |
Q108990857 | Summary of DFT calculations coupled with current statistical and/or artificial neural network (ANN) methods to assist experimental NMR data in identifying diastereomeric structures |
Q39071661 | Synergistic Combination of CASE Algorithms and DFT Chemical Shift Predictions: A Powerful Approach for Structure Elucidation, Verification, and Revision |
Q90994644 | The 1 H and 13 C NMR chemical shifts of Strychnos alkaloids revisited at the DFT level |
Q38264559 | Theoretical NMR correlations based Structure Discussion |
Q90410533 | Theoretical calculations of carbon-hydrogen spin-spin coupling constants |
Q100758075 | Time Economy in Total Synthesis |
Q38612121 | Towards unbiased and more versatile NMR-based structure elucidation: A powerful combination of CASE algorithms and DFT calculations |
Q36170243 | Turning Spiroketals Inside Out: A Rearrangement Triggered by an Enol Ether Epoxidation |
Q56395260 | Turning Spiroketals Inside Out: A Rearrangement Triggered by an Enol Ether Epoxidation |
Q52331588 | Unequivocal determination of caulamidines A and B: application and validation of new tools in the structure elucidation tool box. |
Q38849020 | Unequivocal determination of complex molecular structures using anisotropic NMR measurements. |
Q34647067 | Using NMR to identify and characterize natural products |
Q27902244 | “Ask Ernö”: a self-learning tool for assignment and prediction of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra |
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