História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos


História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos is …
instance of (P31):
diamond open access journalQ108440863
academic journalQ737498
open-access journalQ773668
scientific journalQ5633421

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P6981ACNP journal ID3062387
P8375Crossref journal ID45582
P6180Dimensions Source ID1114593
P5115Directory of Open Access Journals ID0104-5970
P8903HAL journal ID989
P1160ISO 4 abbreviationHist. cienc. saude-Manguinhos
P1277JUFO ID57077
P3127Latindex ID1840
P4730Mir@bel journal ID5339
P1055NLM Unique ID9513999
P243OCLC control number32244569
P856official websitehttp://www.scielo.br/hcsm
P10283OpenAlex IDV176484869
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID550811
P7662Scilit journal ID784451
P1156Scopus source ID14784
P1025SUDOC editions116259345

P972catalogDirectory of Open Access JournalsQ1227538
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons AttributionQ6905323
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P495country of originBrazilQ155
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Arts and Humanities Citation IndexQ713927
P407language of work or namePortugueseQ5146
multiple languagesQ20923490
P127owned byOswaldo Cruz FoundationQ2474815
P123publisherFundação Oswaldo Cruz, Casa de Oswaldo CruzQ52608639
P408software engineSciELOQ7433389
P1476titleHistória, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
Q92813643"A most bountiful source of inspiration:" Dobzhansky's evolution of tropical populations, and the science and politics of genetic variation
Q48061998"A souvenir of undersea landscapes": underwater photography and the limits of photographic visibility, 1890-1910.
Q91689307"About my love for Paraguay and the Guarani race:" the ideas and projects of the naturalist and botanist Moisés Santiago Bertoni (1857-1929)
Q30401454"Anything goes"?: the implicit dialogue between Paul Feyerabend and two Brazilian researchers, Maurício da Rocha e Silva and Newton Freire-Maia
Q100390447"Debordering" public health: the changing patterns of health border in modern Europe
Q38852562"Defensives" or "pesticides"? A history of the use and perception of pesticides in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1950-2002.
Q40887356"Doliarina and iron powder": an important medicine at Peckolt Pharmacy
Q47367127"Essentially Christian, eminently philanthropic": the Mission to Lepers in British India.
Q40482003"Fight the poisoners of the people!" The beginnings of food regulation in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 1889-1930.
Q33331527"For a history of vaccination in Brazil": an unpublished manuscript by Norberto and Macedo
Q52752258"Freud for all:" psychoanalysis and mass culture in Chile, 1920-1950.
Q47324207"Holy scan" or "picture of the baby?" Biomedicalization and stratification in the use of obstetric ultrasound in Rio de Janeiro
Q41385472"I do not wish to be controversial": the arrival of the plague in Brazil; analysis of a controversy, 1899
Q31106810"In all homes, the moral comfort of science and of art": the Revista Nacional de Educação and scientific dissemination in Brazil (1932-34)
Q50093171"New plants that scholars do not know:" scientific exploration of nature in Portuguese East Asia, 1768-1808
Q90674633"Risk-free rest and sleep:" Jornal do Médico (Portugal) and the thalidomide disaster, 1960-1962
Q45212053"SESP never worked with Indians": the (in)visibility of indigenes in the activities of the Fundação de Serviços de Saúde Pública in the state of Amazonas
Q40874241"Sick and unable to march:" life and death in the army of the Dutch West India Company in the Northeast of Brazil, 1630-1654.
Q33510204"The 'asylum', an undeniable need in social organization": questions about the commitment questionnaire at the São João de Deus Asylum
Q104499759"The barbarous glebes of Central Brazil:" the hinterlands of Mato Grosso and Goiás in the travel narratives of Hermano Ribeiro da Silva, 1935-1936
Q54325248"The crowd is crazy, the crowd is a woman": the oligarchical-federal demophobia of the First Republic and the issue of transferring the capital.
Q44454170"The demon that turned into worms": the translation of public health in the British Caribbean, 1914-1920
Q90154459"Where are the Botocudos?" Anthropological displays and the entanglements of staring, 1882-1883
Q38953551'Combating' tropical diseases in the German colonial press
Q50302782'Formidable contagion': epidemics, work and recruitment in Colonial Amazonia (1660-1750).
Q34051951'Fueguinos', Robert Lehmann-Nitsche, and the study of the Ona at the Buenos Aires National Exhibit (1898)
Q34370493'Hot' Earth in the mass media: the reliability of news reports on global warming.
Q43736945'Negative' eugenics, psychiatry, and Catholicism: clashes over eugenic sterilization in Brazil
Q928134392019: a year of debates, projects, and gratitude
Q33288304A 'library without walls': a history of the creation of Bireme
Q38565713A Brazilian in the Reich of Wilhelm II: Henrique da Rocha Lima, Brazil-Germany relations and the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 1901-1909.
Q48475851A Portuguese manor in rural Brazil; or The saga of the enlightened Dom Frei Cipriano and the garden of the former episcopal palace in the late eighteenth century
Q91079193A Vida Sexual (The Sexual Life), by Egas Moniz: eugenics, psychoanalysis, and the pathologization of the female sexed body
Q124099632A adaptação do pensamento evolutivo em sua circulação pública: o caso da revista “Evolution: a Journal of Nature”, 1927-1938
Q41431351A battle won: the elimination of poliomyelitis in Cuba
Q50302151A better Brazil
Q44053501A black woman, her cells, and some challenges for research ethics
Q59402112A cerebralização da fadiga: uma análise da hipótese cerebral no caso da síndrome da fadiga crônica
Q39320404A challenge to Peronism's social justice: hydatidosis in the province of Buenos Aires, 1946-1952
Q33242834A change in the scientific paradigm
Q101042654A debate over the link between Salvador Allende, Max Westenhöfer, and Rudolf Virchow: contributions to the history of social medicine in Chile and internationally
Q33861564A forgotten milestone of sanitation in Brazil: the water and sewage system of Ouro Preto (1887-1890)
Q40640763A giant field of death: medical and scientific controversies about the cholera morbus epidemic of 1855
Q50142531A history of missing historians? A call for historiographical reflection
Q48696217A laboratory for Latin eugenics: the Italian Committee for the Study of Population Problems and the international circulation of eugenic knowledge, 1920s-1940s
Q34226268A look through the Mexican Department of Health's film archive
Q34027784A method called Pinotti: medicated salt, malaria, and international health (1952-1960)
Q39670521A monument to Lazarus: the leprosy hospital of Rio de Janeiro
Q50302537A morphology of 'quilombos' in the Americas, sixteenth-nineteenth centuries
Q50093199A reading of gender: representations of normality in the magazine Vamos Ler!, 1936-1948
Q60152296A revolução científica: um olhar sociológico sobre a história da ciência
Q74695252A scientific object interlinking the biological and social sciences: the immune system
Q39216768A state of need: the Spanish Red Cross in Morocco, 1886-1927
Q50302533A surgeon's fees in court (Vila Boa de Goiás, 1801)
Q45082773A trajectory of British health professionals, 1815-1858
Q50303636A tribute to Manoel da Gama Lobo (1835-1883), pioneer in the epidemiology of vitamin A deficiency in Brazil
Q38399323A triumphant decline?: Tetanus among slaves and freeborn in Brazil
Q33861572A view of the Núcleo de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva
Q36132418Abortion, neglect, and the death of Augusta García Platas en Ayacucho, Peru, in 1946.
Q44182909Adolphe Quetelet and biopolitics as secularized theology
Q30885151Adolpho Lutz and controversies over the transmission of leprosy by mosquitoes.
Q31151880Adolpho Lutz's collection of black flies (Diptera - Simuliidae), its history and importance
Q40552950Adolpho Lutz: a biographical sketch
Q56603736Agudás - de africanos no Brasil a ‘brasileiros’ na África
Q31023534Alternative sources for a history of sciences
Q43953819Among doctors and for the lay: fragments of the medical discourse during the 1918 flu epidemic
Q38999535An American in the tropics
Q47575726An Italian peculiarity? Psychoanalysis, modernization and the sociology of consumption in 1960s Italy
Q38404275An archival approach: the documents of a biomedical sciences laboratory
Q47669358An eighteenth century travelling theodolite.
Q33861560An evaluation of health learning during a visit to the Museum of Life
Q48503813An imperial laboratory: the investigation and treatment of treponematoses in occupied Haiti, 1915-1934.
Q33861568An unpublished manuscript of naturalist Manuel Ferreira da Câmara: "a note on extraction from the mines of the Principality of Transylvania" (1796)
Q125863164Animal history: an interview with Professor Harriet Ritvo
Q54325255Anomalies in the early stages of plant transgenesis: interests and interpretations surrounding the first transgenic plants.
Q90154408Anopheles gambiae in Brazil: the background to a "silent spread," 1930-1932
Q36227879Antonio de Saldanha da Gama's proposals to improve the slave trade "for humanitarian and economic reasons," Rio de Janeiro, 1810
Q115588440Análise crítica das diretrizes de pesquisa em medicina chinesa
Q50921416Anísio Teixeira on universities, research and public education.
Q47438026Applying a southern solvent: an interview with Warwick Anderson.
Q57100539Art, medical treatment and insanity: a territory in flux
Q92813502Astronomy in the Brazilian Empire: longitude, an international congress and the quest for a universal science in the late nineteenth century
Q53504878Authoritarianism and punitive eugenics: racial hygiene and national Catholicism during Francoism, 1936-1945.
Q46143141Bacteria or parasite? the controversy over the etiology of sleeping sickness and the Portuguese participation, 1898-1904.
Q46202025Bacteria or parasite?bacteria is also a parasite
Q51170980Barth and trindade island, 1957-1959.
Q43353530Basic sanitation policy in Brazil: discussion of a path
Q50892531Between Germanic and Latin eugenics: Portugal, 1930-1960.
Q51019741Between black and miscegenated population groups: sickle cell anemia and sickle cell trait in Brazil in the 1930s and 1940s.
Q47579028Between control and hacker activism: the political actions of Anonymous Brasil
Q52802493Between parasitic theory and experimental oncology: a proposal for systematizing oncological science in Portugal, 1889-1945.
Q48062005Between seas and continents: aspects of the scientific career of Hermann von Ihering, 1850-1930.
Q40230935Between the Carlo R. and the Orleannais: public health and maritime prophylaxis in the description of two cases of ships transporting immigrants arriving in the port of Rio de Janeiro, 1893-1907.
Q43333888Between the examination of children's bodies and the shaping of racial norms: aspects of the activities of the São Paulo State School Medical Inspection Service
Q47432387Between the foreign and the local: French midwifery, traditional practitioners, and vernacular medical knowledge about childbirth in Lima, Peru
Q79337108Beyond quarantine: a history of leprosy in Puerto Rico, 1898-1930s
Q48047114Bioethics and diplomacy in the health dossier--presentation
Q46587280Biomedical colonialism or local autonomy? Local healers in the fight against tuberculosis
Q92813610Biomedical knowledge in Mexico during the Cold War and its impact in pictorial representations of Homo sapiens and racial hierarchies
Q40219771Bioterrorism and pathogenic microorganisms
Q47989375Biotypology, regionalism, and the construction of a plural Brazilian bodily identity, 1930s
Q90959960Birthing life and death: women's reproductive health in early twentieth-century Rio de Janeiro
Q44479714Body and society in the Libro de la anathomía del hombre by Bernardino Montaña de Monserrate: an anatomist's political dream
Q50302567Body, health and nutrition in the Brazilian Navy in the post-abolition period, 1890-1910.
Q48052548Boys in white: a classic of qualitative research turns 50.
Q48696210Brazilian eugenics and its international connections: an analysis based on the controversies between Renato Kehl and Edgard Roquette-Pinto, 1920-1930.
Q47669371Brazilian historiography and the environment: contributions by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda and the contemporary environmental history debate
Q41473526Brazilian medical literature about the white plague: 1870-1940
Q46312352Brazilian opinions about science and technology: the 'paradox' of the relation between information and attitudes
Q46674378Brazilian physician José Pinto de Azeredo (1766?-1810) and the chemical examination of Rio de Janeiro's atmosphere
Q47877442Brazilian scientists visit the Amazon: The scientific journeys of Oswaldo Cruz and Carlos Chagas (1910-13)
Q91689380Breaking the boundaries of professional regulation: medical licensing, foreign influence, and the consolidation of homeopathy in Mexico
Q47986304Breakthroughs towards a malaria vaccine
Q40448845British medicine in the Peruvian Andes: the travels of Archibald Smith M.D. (1820-1870).
Q45366253Building knowledge, controlling the body
Q88471993Cancer in Ceará: shaping a medical and social problem, 1940-1954
Q88472008Carlos Chagas in the "war of the rivers:" the passage of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz commission up the Yaco river (Alto Purus, federal territory of Acre, 1913)
Q44899211Carville and Curupaiti: experiences of confinement and community.
Q30786167Cathedrals to sciences or temples of knowledge? The museums of natural sciences of Cordoba, Argentina, by the end of the 19th century
Q36014321Ceroplastics and forensic medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo, 1934-1950
Q47791430Cesarean sections, perfecting the technique and standardizing the practice: an analysis of the book Obstetrícia, by Jorge de Rezende
Q39211263Child health in Latin America: historiographic perspectives and challenges
Q92813528Children as curators: how to incorporate young visitors' voices into the elaboration and evaluation of a microbiology exhibition
Q41932138Chloroquine resistance and the search for antimalarial drugs from the 1960s to 1980s
Q85848404Circulation and production of knowledge and scientific practices in southern America in the eighteenth century: an analysis of Materia medica misionera, a manuscript by Pedro Montenegro (1710)
Q40153195City-laboratory: Campinas and yellow fever at the dawn of the Republican era
Q29353681Cleansing the world of the germ of laziness: hygiene, sanitation, and the Javanese population in Suriname
Q53581110Cloning goes to the movies.
Q58569475Coimbra's response to the 1918-1919 influenza epidemic, seen from the viewpoint of a local newspaper
Q67231803Coleção entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz: resgate de acervo científico-histórico disperso pelo Massacre de Manguinhos
Q33242398Collectors of historical, archeological, and natural science objects at municipal museums in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, during the 1950s
Q83842451Colombian initiatives in the Social Appropriation of Science and Technology: tendencies and challenges for a broader understanding of these dynamics
Q50108054Colonial scientific-medical documentary films and the legitimization of an ideal state in post-war Spain
Q58569439Commerce, conflict, and contamination: yellow fever in early-independence Veracruz in the US imaginary, 1821-1848
Q30863655Commercial fishing and the study of marine fauna in Argentina, 1890-1930.
Q93025798Conditions surrounding the emergence of the child-protection movement in the Americas: gender tensions in the construction of legitimacy, categories and practices
Q38389479Constructing images and territories: thinking on the visuality and materiality of remote sensing
Q39222202Contributions of the thought of Didier Fassin to a critical analysis of healthcare policies for vulnerable population groups
Q104499761Control of cervical cancer in Minas Gerais in the mid-1900s: the Belo Horizonte Hospital of Gynecology
Q41697757Control, containment and health education in the smallpox-vaccination campaigns in Mexico in the 1940s
Q87113845Correction: Washington and Geneva arrive in Buenos Aires: notes on the history of the habit of smoking and its medicalization
Q90154395Cosmopolitanism or subordination? Latin American scientists' participation in European programs: motivations and dynamics analyzed from the European scientific leaders' point of view
Q34226241Counting to cure: statistics and the medical community in Argentina, 1880-1940
Q101042617Covid-19 and the race for a vaccine
Q108001244Covid-19 in Santa Catarina: a sad population experiment
Q33412246Crania, bodies, and measurements: formation of the collection of anthropometric instruments at the Museu Nacional in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century
Q44346303Crises can trigger change
Q50142501Cuadernos Médico Sociales from Rosario, Argentina, and other Latin American social medicine journals from the 1970s and 1980s
Q50780033Culture and intelligence: anthropological reflections on non-physical aspects of evolution in chimpanzees and humans.
Q39043156Culture: by the brain and in the brain?
Q45241664Curing by doing: poliomyelitis and the rise of occupational therapy in Argentina, 1956-1959
Q54555419Cândido de Mello Leitão: as ciências biológicas e a valorização da natureza e da diversidade da vida
Q50302547Dangerous wet nurses: breastfeeding, science, and slavery in A Mãi de Familia
Q56004819De Nova Friburgo a Fribourg através das letras: a colonização suíça vista pelos próprios imigrantes
Q115588493De panacéia mística a especialidade médica: a acupuntura na visão da imprensa escrita
Q50142494Delicious, healthy, and good for digestion: medical discourse present in the consumption of fruit, preserves, and compotes in sixteenth-century Portuguese America
Q40594658Dengue fever in Brazil
Q42284696Dirt, disease and death: control, resistance and change in the post-emancipation Caribbean
Q39408091Disease and cure in Mozambican health service reports from the end of the nineteenth century
Q82102051Disease and diet in the construction of otherness between the soldiers of the Brazilian Imperial Army during the War of the Farrapos
Q40606443Disease in the cloisters: requests to leave Convento da Ajuda, Rio de Janeiro, for the treatment of contagious diseases, c.1750-1780
Q43980075Disease of Chagas, disease of Brazil
Q46907953Disease, religion and medicine: smallpox in nineteenth-century Benin
Q84584041Disfiguring disease, degeneration and climate in Colombia, 1880-1920
Q43855659Doctor's recommendations concerning the education of the problem child: a study of mental hygiene handbooks, 1939-1947
Q38508714Does Jesus have metal-free teeth in a country of the toothless?: dentistry of vanities and desires
Q40689912Domingos José Freire and the beginnings of bacteriology in Brazil
Q90154497ERRATA 1
Q97546306ERRATA 1
Q90154501ERRATA 2
Q97546282ERRATA 2
Q39153585East German medical aid to Nicaragua: the politics of solidarity between biomedicine and primary health care
Q83842440Editor note
Q85848402Editor'S note
Q84065958Editor's Note
Q86964553Editor's Note
Q87183791Editor's Note
Q95527081Editor's Note
Q47670523Editor's letter
Q82102034Editor's note
Q83773717Editor's note
Q86558677Editor's note
Q95357293Editor's note
Q95451633Editor's note
Q51838165Editor's note.
Q84749775Editor's note. The Rio+20 Summit
Q83222930Editors note
Q95439908Editors note
Q95410425Editors' Note
Q95518029Editors' Note
Q50951350Editors' note.
Q50987433Editors' note.
Q58197515Edição semidiplomática
Q58197517Edição semidiplomática: Edição atualizada
Q48047110Education, ethics, and solidarity in international cooperation
Q33242396Educational research and the production of knowledge at science museums
Q48475844Eliot Freidson: progression and constraints in the biography of an intellectual
Q33264162Elizabeth Fee: a historian reaching out to wider audiences
Q58197518Em torno de dois textos médicos antigos
Q56866961Emilia Snethlage (1868-1929): uma naturalista alemã na Amazônia
Q33892728Emílio Goeldi and the Paraense Museum: in quest of an understanding of nature in the Amazon
Q58224312Entre neurônios e sinapses: as contribuições de Cajal e Athias para a medicina ibérica entre os séculos XIX e XX
Q44579414Environment and health with respect to a poverty-related disease: the epidemiology of trachoma in Spain, 1925-1941.
Q40199324Epidemics in the news in Portugal: cholera, plague, typhus, influenza and smallpox, 1854-1918
Q50142519Eradication of Aedes aegypti: new perspectives on international health cooperation in the Americas
Q43625669Eradication of poliomyelitis in Brazil: the contribution of Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Q112276205Erasing the extinct: the hunt for Caribbean monk seals and museum collection practices
Q50302225Ernst Hasenclever in Gongo-Soco: English exploitation of the gold mines in the state of Minas Gerais in the nineteenth century
Q87712964Errata: Representações europeias sobre controle de natalidade e aborto em sociedades islâmicas e haréns no período moderno
Q50302549Escravos no purgatório: o leprosário do Tucunduba (Pará, século XIX)
Q30361663Ethics and medicine in Michel Foucault: the humanistic dimension of medicine derived from a genealogy of morality
Q33437538Ethics and the severina condition in the mangrove swamps of Capibaribe
Q53504874Eugenics in Buenos Aires: discourses, practices, and historiography.
Q91079153Eugenics in Mediterranean Europe and Latin America
Q46140099Eugenics, sterilization, and historical memory in the United States
Q50093194European representations of birth control and abortions in Islamic societies and harems in the modern period
Q88408009Evidences of the circulation of natural philosophical knowledge about Brazil in a 1763 manuscript by António Nunes Ribeiro Sanches
Q57396057Evolução e revolução: os geógrafos anarquistas Elisée Reclus e Pëtr Kropotkin e sua relação com a ciência moderna, séculos XIX e XX
Q120684654Excelencia científica en la periferia y nichos de experiencia, particularidades de la constitución de la microbiología en Centroamérica
Q50142486Facing austerity: the decline in health access and quality of care for patients with cancer in Portugal
Q43331997Fear of the sertão: malaria and the Rondon Commission (1907-1915).
Q40525151Febres paulistas and the São Paulo society of medicine and surgery: a controversy among spokespeople from different arenas of knowledge
Q44676713Fight for survival: the life of a Hansen's disease sufferer through his correspondence with Adolpho Lutz.
Q48028707Fighting Nazis and mosquitoes: US military men in Northeastern Brazil (1941-1945)
Q46702532Fiocruz as an actor in Brazilian foreign relations in the context of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries: an untold story
Q46420648Floriano de Lemos in theCorreio da Manhãnewspaper, 1906-1965
Q40572832For a new history of yellow fever and the yellow fever vaccine in Brazil
Q109352257For the god of the nation
Q90959964For the good of the nation: scientific discourses endorsing the medicalization of childbirth in Peru, 1900-1940
Q45070286For the sacrifice of isolation: leprosy and philanthropy in Argentina and Brazil, 1930-1946
Q46614355Fragments of the history of healthcare for users of alcohol and other drugs in Brazil: from Justice to Public Health
Q91689314Franco Basaglia: biography of a revolutionary
Q43262715Friar José Mariano da Conceição Veloso and the promotion of industrial techniques in colonial Brazil: discussion of some concepts from the chemical sciences
Q58569490From Bombay to Rio de Janeiro: the circulation of knowledge and the establishment of the Manguinhos laboratory, 1894-1902
Q126282490From Dresden to the world: images of the German Hygiene Museum’s relations with Latin America, 1911-1933
Q43892027From Morel's degeneration theory to Kraepelin's classification of mental illness
Q38233212From application to implication in medical anthropology: political, historical and narrative interpretations of the world of sickness and health
Q44935520From contagion to transmission: a change in how epidemics are perceived
Q48047104From gynaecology offices to screening campaigns: a brief history of cervical cancer prevention in Brazil
Q38481633From hygiene to the building of a city: the state and sanitation in Rio de Janeiro
Q51810412From measuring the rural to the rural made to measure: social representations in perspective.
Q40290845From miasmas to mosquitoes: medical thought on yellow fever in Yucatan, 1890-1920
Q44723186From miracle to dream come true: the rhetoric of hope and support for the medical profession in news items on transplants in Spain, 1900-1960
Q50142541From oral history to the research film: the audiovisual as a tool of the historian
Q47279895From psychic to somatic: notes on the reframing of the contemporary self
Q50305397From race to health in Master and slave
Q40640756From the Belle Époque to the city of vice: the fight against syphilis in Belém, Pará, 1921-1924
Q45764469From the Casa de Orates to the courtroom: psychiatric expertise and legal assessment of madness in Santiago de Chile around 1860
Q83222936From the agricultural colony to the hospital-colony: configurations for psychiatric care in Brazil in the first half of the twentieth century
Q41431381Frontier, sugarcane and trafficking: slavery, disease and death in Capivari, São Paulo, 1821-1869
Q83222934Gender and assistance: historical and conceptual considerations regarding assistance practices and policies
Q43979310Gender relations and interdependence: reflections on changes in the hospital configuration
Q91689388George Deacon and the circulation of homeopathic therapies in Lima (1880-1915)
Q115588411Geraldo Horácio de Paula Souza, a China e a medicina chinesa, 1928-1943
Q34594569German doctors in Rio Grande do Sul in the first half of the twentieth century: integration and conflict
Q44385572Girolamo Fracastoro and the invention of syphilis
Q39387418Global and local contexts: the Northern Ogoja Leprosy Scheme, Nigeria, 1945-1960.
Q100390460Global health in the making: health demonstration areas in Europe, 1950s and 1960s
Q46334105Government tutelage of mothers and children in Argentina: administrative structures, law, and technical staff (1936-1955)
Q48062006Guest editor's note.
Q89090684HIV/AIDS, its stigma and history
Q96473734Hacia una historia global de la sexualidad en España
Q91079191Hans Betzhold and the Chilean "superman:" a tale of disillusion, 1938-1943
Q44676704Hansen's disease in the laboratory
Q47895194Hansen's disease in the state of Amazonas: policy and institutional treatment of a disease
Q35068910Have you eaten any DNA today? Science communication during Science and Technology Week in Brazil
Q45132120Health and history according to Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos and Lina Faria
Q30372436Health at the dawn of development: the thought of Abraham Horwitz.
Q46360481Health in adversity: a summary of the history of healthcare in Brazil
Q58569453Health via consumption: the idealized representation of housewives, mothers, and wives in household economics manuals and magazine advertisements in O Cruzeiro and Manchete, 1940-1960
Q47986317Health, colonialism, and development: an interview with historian Randall Packard. Interview by Gilberto Hochman, Jaime Benchimol and Magali Romero Sá.
Q101042624Health, science and development: the emergence of American cutaneous leishmaniasis as a medical and public health challenge in Amazonas state, Brazil
Q50142505Health, zika and politics
Q51303234Henry Mayhew: journalist, social investigator, and foreshadower of qualitative research.
Q104499755Historians and epidemics in Latin America
Q44244192Historical aspects of the institutionalization of adolescent healthcare in the state of São Paulo, 1970-1990
Q100390443Historical epidemiology and global health history
Q41492133Historical necessity and human action in Morte e vida severina
Q90154370History and changes in scientific publishing: resistance or adaptation?
Q34885930History of genetics in Brazil: a view from the Museu da Genética at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Q90674627History of health: visible, audible, and consequential
Q93025819History of hospital care in São Paulo: State grants to the misericórdia charitable associations
Q104499763History of the E.I. Martsinovsky Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine: research on malaria and leishmaniasis
Q48737224History of the discovery of Biomphalaria occidentalis Paraense, 1981
Q44242037History, nation and race in the context of the Centennial Exhibition of 1922
Q93041727História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos: 25
Q55980835Homens de ciência no Brasil: impérios coloniais e circulação de informações (1780-1810)
Q77871532Homeopatia na América Latina e na Espanha: avanços locais e redes internacionais
Q85285537Horizons and challenges
Q90154386How does the image of the scientist appear in short animation films?
Q53092284Human action in a Genomic Era: debates on human nature.
Q50086125Human handicap and self-determination: compassion and insensibility in the Vincent Humbert case
Q50230242Humanitarianism, war and technological innovation: the case of the Spanish Red Cross
Q30378686Hunger, food and drink in Brazilian popular music: a brief overview.
Q97546201Hygiene as individual practice and as an instrument of the State
Q129066321Ice cream, blood serum, and other sticky things
Q47936227Ideology, science, and people in Amílcar Cabral.
Q50302552Illness and death: slaves in the city of Pelotas, 1870-1880
Q33242385Images of health, illness, and development: Latin-America's Rockefeller Foundation's photographs
Q40673385Immigration and epidemics in the State of São Paulo
Q30381602Impact of the flu pandemic of 1918-1919 on the general mortality profile in Boyacá, Colombia
Q91689261In defense of sources in uncertain times
Q30352499In pursuit of a healthy fetus: ideas, signs, and things in the reconstruction of the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis
Q58569482In search of a new Eden in the twentieth century: the Portuguese and the establishment of naturist colonies in Brazil
Q82312535In the heart of Brazil, a healthy capital--the participation of doctors and sanitarists in the construction of BrasÃlia (1956-1960)
Q91079200In the name of science: the conceptual and ideological background of Charles Richet's eugenics
Q46285426In times of racialization: the case of the 'health of the black population' in Brazil
Q129696076Infectious disease and federalism in early twentieth-century Brazil
Q35762056Information production by scientists and the history of science: typological study of personal archives
Q47851575Inhibition halos in the remediation of Amazon soils contaminated with petroleum
Q48047112International cooperation and health policy implementation in a post-conflict situation: the case of East Timor
Q49151737International cooperation for science and technology development: a way forward for equity in health
Q38859888International cooperation in health: the case of Fiocruz
Q47660113International expositions: a historiographic approach from Latin America
Q49151638International health/global health dossier--presentation
Q40712388Introduction to a social cartography: the journal Revista de Saúde Pública, 1967 to 1977
Q86031364Invited Editor's Note
Q48052550Irritable heart syndrome in Anglo-American medical thought at the end of the nineteenth century
Q92813471Is sanitation essential to human health? The sanitation issue in the public health field
Q46055386Is the reduction of maternal mortality no more than a technical problem of cultural adaptation?
Q58569497Jean Gayon: historian and philosopher of biology (Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, June 15, 1940 - Paris, April 28, 2018)
Q50302956John Banister: an Elizabethan surgeon in Brazil
Q93041761José Antonio Alzate, animal instruments and reliable knowledge in New Spain in the eighteenth century
Q41474331Journey(s) to Santos
Q57095171Julio Tello as a medical anthropologist: assessing the antiquity of syphilis in ancient Peru
Q92813617Karyotyping and population genetics in Cold War Mexico: Armendares's and Lisker's characterization of child and indigenous populations, 1960s-1980s
Q92813458Keeping our immigrants healthy: hygienist doctrine in the Hospedaria de Imigrantes da Ilha das Flores
Q35358471Knowledge of Brazilian benthic marine fauna throughout time.
Q92813630Knowledge that traveled between Italy and Spain during the Franco regime: the construction of radioactivity counters
Q57904755La mortalidad por tuberculosis en Argentina a lo largo del siglo XX
Q90959956Labor and birth: knowledge, reflection, and different perspectives
Q30743117Labor and mental hygiene: the process of discourse production in this field in Brazil
Q61686182Las aventuras de Alicia en el maravilloso mundo del conocimiento: el camino hacia la actual alfabetización
Q91079187Late eugenics in Argentina and its family stereotype, second half of the twentieth century
Q33242665Latin American science museums and equity
Q41977717Lazzaro Spallanzani and fossils: from a naturalist's travel observations to the teaching of natural history
Q33242393Learning science from museums
Q114821545Learning science from museums
Q100390455Leishmaniases of the New World from a historical and global perspective, from the 1930s to the 1960s
Q48677225Leprosy and the elusive M. leprae: colonial and Imperial medical exchanges in the nineteenth century
Q43356595Leprosy: disease, isolation, and segregation in colonial Mozambique
Q33242394Lessons without limit: how free-choice learning is transforming science and technology education.
Q50142549Liberating the people from their "loathsome practices:" public health and "silent racism" in post-revolutionary Bolivia
Q54325252Life grammars: the 1907 census and population as a tool of government.
Q33242664Lights, art, science - action!
Q44348777Literature and suffering: a medical perspective on 'life'
Q33465958Literature, history and pharmacy: a possible dialogue
Q35762060Local health policies under the microscope: consultants, experts, international missions and poliomyelitis in Spain, 1950-1975.
Q88471966Looking ahead to 2019: 25 years of História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos
Q41431375Losses and gains two decades after Latin America was declared a poliomyelitis-free zone
Q89049407Low-complexity biotechnology and everyday aspects of "care:" neonatal testing and sickle cell diagnosis in Brazil
Q47425102Luso-Brazilian Enlightenment and the circulation of Caribbean slavery-related knowledge: the establishment of the Brazilian coffee culture from a comparative perspective
Q47447780Madness and crime: Zefinha, the longest confined woman in Brazil
Q43489776Madness in Foucault: art and madness, madness and unreason
Q38564705Malaria as a disease and as a cultural perspective in Carlos Chagas' and Mário de Andrade's travels to the Amazon
Q34202727Malaria epidemics in Europe after the First World War: the early stages of an international approach to the control of the disease
Q56603855Malaria epidemics in Europe after the First World War: the early stages of an international approach to the control of the disease
Q47877469Marcus Barros talks about the environment and tropical diseases in the Amazon. Interview by Stella Oswaldo Cruz Penido. Introduction by Ruth B. Martins
Q83222950Maternity protection for working women in Argentina: legal and administrative aspects in the first half of the twentieth century
Q35211758Medical discourse and eating habits in the Hospital Real de Moçambique in the early nineteenth century
Q90154375Medical knowledge and moral reflections during the Rosas era: Buenos Aires, 1835-1847
Q44243989Medical teaching at the Universidade de Coimbra in the sixteenth century
Q50142490Medical translators and the idea of translation in Portugal in the late eighteenth century: the case of books on medicine
Q100390465Medical waste: the dark side of healthcare
Q90959968Medicalization of pregnancy and childbirth in the pages of Claudia, 1961-1990
Q115588506Medicina chinesa/acupuntura: apontamentos históricos sobre a colonização de um saber
Q50093191Medicine is a joke: humorous depictions of physicians in the Santuário da Trindade newspaper
Q129066830Medicine, healing, and ways of knowing in the colonial Caribbean
Q33195542Memories and history of Hansen's disease in Brazil told by witnesses (1960-2000).
Q44614887Memories of cholera in Pará (1855 and 1991): tragedies repeat them selves?
Q92813492Methods of childbirth preparation: a study of printed matter published in Brazil in the mid-twentieth century
Q91689284Miracle cures: advertisements for various medications in the Santa Fe press, Argentina (1890 -1918)
Q58569447Monitoring the correspondence of the mentally ill in Spanish psychiatric institutions: from care to censorship, 1852-1987
Q33861580Museums and their archives: in search of sources for researching audiences
Q33242397Museums, science, and education: new challenges
Q36227886My experiences as editor and author in history journals (with a special emphasis in Past & Present)
Q86558688Natural history and temporalization: reflections on Buffon's Natural history
Q33861585Natural history museums as a space for constructing knowledge
Q33368374Nature, colonization, and utopia in the works of João Daniel
Q47660124Negotiating boundaries: Encyclopédie, romanticism, and the construction of science
Q91079198Neo-Malthusianism and eugenics in the struggle over meaning in the Spanish anarchist press, 1900-1936
Q53504893New races, new diseases: the possibility of colonization through racial mixing in History of Brazil (1810-1819) by Robert Southey.
Q43731694Nina Rodrigues, epidemiologist: historical study of beriberi outbreaks in a mental asylum in Bahia, Brasil (1897-1904)
Q93041738Noemy Silveira, Isaías Alves, and educational psychology: dialogs between Brazil, France, and the USA
Q50142544Not a polar island: yellow fever, Spanish medical research, and the struggle for scientific and political hegemony in late nineteenth century Cuba
Q31033268Notes for a history of health: document sources of Paraná
Q115588391O movimento Yīn e Yáng na cosmologia da medicina chinesa
Q50142568O neolamarckismo de Edward Drinker Cope e a ideia de progresso biológico no processo evolutivo
Q118399269O álbum fotográfico de Flávio de Barros: memória e representação da guerra de Canudos
Q90154493O “direito à memória”: Escola Eunice Weaver, memória individual e a constituição de um arquivo histórico em Goiás
Q50093206On "Colonial scientific-medical documentary films and the legitimization of an ideal state in post-war Spain," or the importance of being cited.
Q46814518On different scales: the architecture of Hospital-Colônia Rovisco Pais from the perspective of doctor Fernando Bissaya Barreto
Q48052554On slaves and genes: "origins" and "processes" in genetic studies of the Brazilian population
Q39043319On the debate about teleology in biology: the notion of "teleological obstacle".
Q47895211On the emergence and consolidation of bioethics as a discipline, as seen from a sociological perspective
Q45802483On the endless incursions of Darwin in Brazil, Latin America and the world
Q30354289On the founders of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics, University of Bahia
Q47791419On the history of medicine in the United States, theory, health insurance, and psychiatry: an interview with Charles Rosenberg
Q50093211On the right to not cite, and not being deceivingly lynched and libeled because of it.
Q33284514On two antique medical texts
Q30484916Open access to academic scholarship as a public policy resource: a study of the Capes database on Brazilian theses and dissertations
Q50142473Oral history and memories of Hansen's disease patients in two Colombian leper colonies: life trajectories, conflicts and resistance strategies
Q41424435Oswaldo Cruz and the serology controversy
Q48576208Our journal on the 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology
Q39232461Overview of an anthropology of the vaccine: a look at the ethics of a humanitarian practice
Q50302543Pai Manoel, African healer, and medicine in Imperial Pernambuco
Q50093181Pangenesis, genes, epigenesis
Q58847730Para além do bem e do mal
Q47838668Parasite ethiology and epistemological obstacles: the case of malaria in Colombia
Q50056744Parliamentary debates on death with dignity in Argentina: the rights of terminal patients on the legislative agenda, 1996-2012.
Q35021328Paul Deshayes (1796-1875) and the Geological Commission of the Kingdom: a collaboration with the Portuguese state
Q97546238Pavilhão Mourisco: singular e universal
Q97546321Perspectivas históricas e econômicas sobre a saúde na China no século XXI
Q93041746Perón and the female visitors: masculinity, sex consumption and military opposition to the abolition of regulated prostitution, Argentina,1936-1955
Q46780789Peter Lund: between myth and history
Q34538459Petrifying the nation: paleontology collections in Brazil, 1836-1844.
Q47728922Pharmaceutical studies during the Second Empire in the Gaceta Médica de México
Q44617315Pharmacology in the twentieth century: the science of drugs through the analysis of Goodman and Gilman's textbook
Q58569468Photographic views of railroads: recording public works in nineteenth-century Brazil
Q34226258Photographs in archives: the production and meaning of visual records.
Q33331529Photography as analysis document, body and medicine: theory, method and criticism--the experience of Museo Nacional de Medicina Enrique Laval
Q47309009Physical anthropology and the description of the 'savage' in the Brazilian Anthropological Exhibition of 1882.
Q89090692Places, attitudes and moments during the epidemics: representations of yellow fever and cholera in the city of Buenos Aires, 1867-1871
Q38512604Plants that cure and 'qualities of being': on ontology and Amerindian otherness
Q30350144Plato and medicine
Q89278749Police, anthropometry, and fingerprinting: the transnational history of identification systems from Rio de la Plata to Brazil
Q30361999Polytechnicians or mathmaticians?
Q84065965Popular strategies for identification and treatment of insanity in the first half of the twentieth century: an analysis of medical charts from the Uberaba Spiritist Asylum
Q45009993Power and health in South America: international sanitary conferences, 1870-1889
Q34125985Pro Matre: an archive and sources on the history of motherhood in Rio de Janeiro
Q31046939Producing an immunizing agent: images from the production of a yellow fever vaccine
Q33435476Prominence in the media, renown in the sciences: the construction of a paradigmatic feminist and a scientist at Rio de Janeiro's Museu Nacional
Q53295560Prophylaxis and exclusion: compulsory isolation of Hansen's disease patients in São Paulo.
Q104499757Prophylaxis and treatment of diseases in western São Paulo state: the Sanitation Service and trachoma in the early twentieth century
Q30905359Proposal for the recovery of historiographic data: SESP/FSESP sources in the study of immunization campaigns in Brazil
Q89624950Psy cultures: psychoanalysis, subjectivity and politics
Q57132595Psyche meets matter: body and personhood in the medical-scientific project of Nise da Silveira
Q76395827Psychiatric science and social service policy: the creation of the University of Brazil's Institute of Psychiatry
Q47324187Psychiatry, bio-epistemes and the making of adolescence in southern Brazil
Q47564764Psychoanalysis and neurosciences: fuzzy outlines? Notes on the notion of cerebral plasticity
Q90674641Psychoanalysis and the transformations of childhood in the articles and columns written by Clarice Lispector, 1952-1973
Q52752263Psychoanalysis and the transition to democracy in Spain.
Q47575743Psychoanalysis as a belief system: a research program outline
Q47602680Psychosis and schizophrenia: effects of changes in psychiatric classifications on clinical and theoretical approaches to mental illness
Q41474311Public and private in times of the pest
Q39057771Public health and tropical modernity: the combat against sleeping sickness in Portuguese Guinea, 1945-1974.
Q100390467Public health heritage and policy: HIV and AIDS in museums and archives
Q39343354Public health in Cuba and its international experience (1959-2005)
Q93041753Public health, urban space and social exclusion in postwar Spain: the exanthematic typhus epidemic in the city of Valencia, 1941-1943
Q47975035Puppet shows, Mexican television and health education in the mid-twentieth century
Q38420474Purveyors of technology: provincial engineers and the construction of road infrastructure in Minas Gerais
Q44213828Quetelet, the average man and medical knowledge
Q43954789Radiological protection in the Spanish nuclear industry under Franco, 1939-1975.
Q38437953Railroads, disease, and tropical medicine in Brazil under the First Republic
Q86964560Reading about science in nineteenth century Brazil: Revista Popular , 1859-1862
Q88472022Reconsidering the peripheral in global health
Q43764991Reflections on human embryo research: the debate in Portuguese ethics organizations.
Q41448941Regime for treating the plague and the prescription of balm: some comments from the perspective of 'modern medicine'
Q58197523Regimento proueytoso contra ha pestenença: glossário
Q58197526Regimento proueytoso e modus curandi: edição dos textos
Q100390456Regional cooperation and health diplomacy in Africa: from intra-colonial exchanges to multilateral health institutions
Q33242835Researchers' virtual libraries: its role in science and technology
Q101042664Response to Carter and Sánchez Delgado: questions of accuracy and intellectual integrity
Q101042666Response to commentary by Howard Waitzkin
Q50142526Rethinking the "wager on life:" toward environmental sociology in the twenty-first century
Q121732985Revisiting global health from the periphery: the Zika virus
Q30351293Revisiting the Spanish flu: the 1918 influenza pandemic in Rio de Janeiro
Q40712400Rhetoric of quantification: tuberculosis, statistics and the labor world in Colombia, 1916-1946
Q85285535Roads traveled
Q31023523Rockefeller archive
Q45412479Rudolf Kraus in search of the "gold of science": tropical diversity and the development of new treatments, 1913-1923
Q41473534Rumors, fear or epidemy? The bubonic plague of 1913-1914 in the Atlantic coast of Columbia
Q57255522Salud pública e Imperio en la España Isabelina (1833-1868): el caso de la sanidad militar
Q40594649Sanitary battles and scientific clashes: Emilio Ribas and yellow fever in Sao Paulo
Q33291430School museums, collections, and elementary teaching of the natural sciences in late XIX century Argentina
Q47290510Science and miscegenation in the early twentieth century: Edgard Roquette-Pinto's debates and controversies with US physical anthropology
Q30354108Science as a network of actors: philosophical resonance
Q44117358Science fiction and the Brave New World: predictions fulfilled in our century and bioethical considerations
Q33242390Science museums and psychology: interactivity, experimentation, and context
Q43879161Science, aesthetics and race: images and texts inO Brasil Médico, 1928-1945
Q33242401Science, society and science centres.
Q46094620Science, telegraphs, and geography: military engineers in the Rondon Commission, 1907-1915
Q45782707Scientific approaches to the Mexican mestizo
Q39168232Scientific communication and technological innovation in the first Red Cross, 1863-1876
Q45388235Scientific controversies in Brazilian television journalism: the coverage of stem cell research onJornal Nacional
Q38934322Scientific research and Portuguese colonial policy: developments and articulations, 1936-1974.
Q35021332Scientists and their archives
Q125993109Sex work, State formation, and sexuality in modern Peru
Q95438355Sheila Jasanoff: localizing the global
Q40089570Slave mortality during the cholera epidemic in Rio de Janeiro (1855-1856): a preliminary analysis
Q50302539Slaves and citizens on Ilha Grande: the dawning of the Republic came slowly
Q83773820Smallpox eradication and Brazil: an interview with Donald A. Henderson
Q83773825Smallpox eradication, laboratory visits, and a touch of tourism: travel notes of a Canadian scientist in Brazil
Q44762223Smallpox immunization in 19th century Brazil: inoculation, variolization, vaccine, and revaccination
Q128646206Sob o peso da maternidade
Q48677209Social representation of Hansen's disease thirty years after the term "leprosy" was replaced in Brazil.
Q33331240Sociocultural transformations in hospital food
Q125340415Sociology of science: are knowledge production and the quest for scientific status two divergent courses?
Q87432270Sociotechnical healthcare networks for acupuncture: a case study on the basic training of medical students
Q33510205Sources of interest to the history and culture of health: Arquivo Histórico municipal de Salvador
Q86872443South-South Cooperation: Brazilian experiences in South America and Africa
Q46151619Speciation and its mechanisms: conceptual background and recent advances
Q35132374Sport, medicine and art: the 'enchanted science' of the body in the works of Thomas Eakins
Q91689405Spread of homeopathy in the early nineteenth century: the comparative approach and the cases of Sweden and Brazil
Q38811981Stem cell research in Brazil: the production of a new field of science
Q53148576Strugging to a monumental re-assessing the final phases of the smallpox eradication program in India, 1960-1980.
Q47986283Studies of avian malaria and Brazil in the international scientific context (1907-1945).
Q47602693Subnormality under debate: discourses and policies on intellectual disability during the late Franco regime.
Q90959973Synthetic oxytocin and hastening labor: reflections on the synthesis and early use of oxytocin in Brazilian obstetrics
Q57984778Tabaco: a construção das políticas de controle sobre seu consumo no Brasil
Q38502417Taxa as types: Buffon, Cuvier and Lamarck.
Q48627117Teaching, research, and extension service: botanist Honório da Costa Monteiro Filho
Q45168450Teaching, research, and health care: a case study
Q50230233Technological innovation and humanitarianism in the transport of war wounded: Nicasio Landa's report on a new elastic suspension system for stretchers (Pamplona, May 29, 1875)
Q44771595Territory and health: Antônio Pimentel's study on the Central Plateau
Q41448512The "culture of survival" and international public health in Latin America: the Cold War and the eradication of diseases in the mid-twentieth century
Q33242656The "total" museum, a tool for social change
Q33291432The 1755 Lisbon earthquake: collections of eighteenth-century texts
Q90674637The 1877-1879 drought in Imperial Brazil: from Senator Pompeu to André Rebouças: teachings on workers and the market
Q47877455The Amazon Sanitation Plan (1940-1942)
Q100390450The Anti-Cancer League and public outreach for cancer control in Peru
Q40089574The Atlantic demographics of Africans in Rio de Janeiro in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries: some patterns based on parish registers
Q38951579The Botanic Mission to Mozambique (1942-1948): contributions to knowledge of the medicinal flora of Mozambique.
Q40166736The Caribbean origins of the National Public Health System in the USA: a global approach to the history of medicine and public health in Latin America
Q33450385The Indian in Brazilian photography: incursions into image and medium
Q47736178The Juscelino Kubitschek government and the Brazilian Malaria Control and Eradication Working Group: collaboration and conflicts in Brazilian and international health agenda, 1958-1961.
Q35358446The Kraken: when myth encounters science
Q56004655The Kraken: when myth encounters science
Q97546150The Moorish Pavilion in the context of eclecticism in Rio de Janeiro
Q35898195The Museu da Saúde in Portugal: a physical space, a virtual space
Q30401452The Paduan School of Medicine: medicine and philosophy in the modern era
Q44996651The Revista Médica project: medical journals as instruments of German foreign cultural policy towards Latin America, 1920-1938.
Q50142480The San Juan de Dios Hospital and its workers: the social life of a hospital and the health crisis in Colombia
Q40003589The Sateré-Mawé community of Y'Apyrehyt: ritual and health on the urban outskirts of Manaus
Q39168239The Spanish Red Cross, the repatriation of soldiers during the colonial wars and the development of medical science in Spain, 1896-1950
Q100390458The World Health Organization's changing goals and expectations concerning malaria, 1948-2019
Q30378689The Yin and Yang movement in the cosmology of Chinese medicine
Q45363514The academic dossier of Maria de Lourdes Almeida: history and nursing in post-1930s Brazil
Q97546223The accounting of deaths and the social organization of death in Brazil
Q50093186The aesthetics of degeneration and expressions of the alienated: readings from Júlio Dantas at the Rilhafoles Hospital
Q43368529The anti-leprosy campaign in Colombia: the rhetoric of hygiene and science, 1920-1940.
Q50302531The archeology of slavery on Jesuit fazendas: first research notes
Q93041767The barren side of Brazil: science, water resources, and the debate on the (in)fertile soils of the Brazilian cerrado, 1892-1942
Q46308945The biomedicalisation of illegal abortion: the double life of misoprostol in Brazil
Q90960009The birthing house as a place for birth: contextualizing the Rio de Janeiro birthing house
Q50142554The black scourge? Race and the Rockefeller Foundation's tuberculosis commission in interwar Jamaica
Q48052552The body of the nation: government positions on physical education during the Brazilian monarchy.
Q90960017The books of the dead revisited: mortality and morbidity in the German colonies of southern Brazil, 1850-1880
Q47246641The botanist George Gardner and his impressions of slave culture in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, 1810-1850.
Q43985940The case of the 'lowlife': perceptions of danger and the prevention of disreputable behaviors in theRevista de Criminología, Psiquiatría, Medicina Legal y Ciencias Afinesin Buenos Aires, 1914-1923
Q88545812The cerrado of Goiás in the literature of Bernardo Élis, from a viewpoint of environmental history
Q40481998The cholera epidemic as condenser of meanings: urban cultures, clinical narratives, and hygiene policies in Rosario, Argentina, 1886-1887.
Q47179337The circulation of psychoanalytical knowledge and practice in the social sciences
Q40594653The city and the death: yellow fever and its impact on funeral customs in Rio de Janeiro (1849-50)
Q91689295The concept of the regionalization of the Sistema Único de Saúde and its historical time
Q43952103The conquest of physical and intellectual 'space(s)' for a new disciplinary area in Argentina
Q104499805The construction of a tropical country: a review of environmental historiography on Brazil
Q34967406The construction of the 'SUS problem' in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo
Q41431386The controversy over the restructuring of perinatal emergency services in Portugal and the importance of citizen participation in health care decision-making processes
Q97546215The coronavirus and the História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos blog
Q33242833The critical scientists' voice
Q91689274The death and the miracles of brother Fabian of Christ: connections between religious beliefs and healing in eighteenth-century Rio de Janeiro
Q40003584The digital anatomical theater: scientific practices for representing the body.
Q47324216The dilemma of a practice: experiences of abortion in a public maternity hospital in the city of Salvador, Bahia.
Q50921422The dilemmas of a scientific tradition: higher education, science, and public health at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 1908-1953.
Q46445192The discontinuity between humans and animals in Buffon's Natural history
Q47575734The discourse of "neutrality": attitudes of psychoanalysts during the military dictatorship
Q48052556The discourse of sexual excess as a hallmark of Brazilianness: revisiting Brazilian social thinking in the 1920s and 1930s
Q34089453The discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas disease (1908-1909): tropical medicine in Brazil
Q43989067The divine bottle: voyages, alcohols, and remedies in the two hemispheres, 16th - 20th centuries
Q90154400The early training of Antônio Luis Cavalcanti de Albuquerque de Barros Barreto: an itinerary to the international health
Q43633314The emergence of traditional indigenous medicine in the public policy field
Q30354309The end of cognition? Science and technology studies challenge the concept of the cognising agent
Q33424286The entire life that might have been but was not: the story of a poet with pulmonary phthisis
Q30420148The epistemic objects of toxoplasmoses and their re-presentation in an international scientific conference
Q50093166The evaluation of scientific productivity
Q47246631The evolutionist debate in Spain during the nineteenth century: a re-examination
Q57124679The experience of art at the Juliano Moreira Colony in the 1950s
Q58569504The fire, the death and the hope
Q53295555The first international leprosy conference, Berlin, 1897: the politics of segregation.
Q30401527The flu far and near: comparing the 1918 and 2009 pandemics
Q45773070The global constitution of the Brazilian nation: issues concerning immigration in the 1930s and 40s
Q43339093The health education of folk midwives: the Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública and mother-child assistance (1940-1960).
Q50303870The healthcare system for slaves in nineteenth-century Brazil: disease, institutions, and treatment practices
Q48070060The historiographical approach taken in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the work of Jesuit doctors and apothecaries in the a Plata region in the eighteenth century
Q93041825The historiography of yellow fever in Latin America since 1980: the limits of presentism
Q91689252The history of science and Qualis
Q47925129The history of sociology as a field of research and some recent trends in Brazilian social thought
Q93041731The impact of the Cabanis reform on medical education in Brazil: an assessment of neo-Foucauldian archeology
Q30372438The impact that the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic had on news reporting in the state of Paraná, Brazil.
Q89090696The importance of the historical perspective for social thinking in health: the contributions of Madel Luz and Emerson Merhy
Q40710716The inclusion of international migrants in Brazilian healthcare system policies: the case of Haitians in the state of Amazonas
Q50093176The influence of Naturphilosophie in nineteenth-century science: electromagnetism and energy
Q45287930The institutionalization of epidemiology as a subject at Rio de Janeiro Federal University Medical School
Q48523668The inventory of botanical curiosities in Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix's Nouvelle France (1744).
Q47989386The issue of race in the work of Domingos Guedes Cabral
Q89090700The lawyer, the physician, and the suicidal lance corporal: Evaristo de Moraes, Nina Rodrigues, and the attack that shook the Republic
Q93025804The limits of healthcare assistance in the nineteenth century: the urban case of Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais state)
Q84749781The lives of children and their public intimacy: social work as a new factor in attending to the needs of children in Latin America, 1928-1948
Q50142512The magic of technologies and frontiers: a comment on Beyond Imported Magic
Q50303261The magic universe of cures: the role of magic practices and witchcraft in the universe of 17th century Mato Grosso
Q82102107The mathematic representation of a treatment: the circulation of technoscientific inscriptions in extracorporeal lithotripsy
Q43774132The meaning of vaccine or when predicting is a duty
Q100390439The meaning(s) of global public health history
Q41431359The medical, social and institutional challenges resulting from poliomyelitis: comprehensive rehabilitation in Argentina in the mid-twentieth century
Q38567401The objectives of the U.S. Exploring Expedition's circumnavigation (1838-1842): longitude, nautical charting and the establishment of modern geographic coordinates
Q58569460The opportunity pill: discourses about the birth control pill in A Gazeta da Farmácia, 1960-1981
Q33195545The papers of Stanley Browne: leprologist and medical missionary (1907-1986).
Q33242386The past and the future of research in the history of science: medicine and technology at the Rockefeller Archive Center.
Q47991396The past revisited: the Institute of Malariology and the Institute of Rural Endemics
Q43510420The pattern of relationships between nanosciences, health, and biology: a historical survey using Citespace
Q48680563The people of the black waters: the Amazon caboclo of the Negro river
Q33242389The personal context of a museum experience: similarities and differences between science and art museums
Q34655906The photographic archive of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística and Tibor Jablonszky's view of female labor
Q50303632The physical and health status of runaway slaves announced in Jornal do Commercio (RJ) in 1850
Q41492141The plague in Exu: a narrative by Célio Rodrigues
Q44719771The policy of disseminating Germanism through the Bayer periodicals Revista Terapêutica and O Farmacêutico Brasileiro
Q48016831The portrayal of malaria in the works of João Guimarães Rosa
Q90959951The promise of history: Astana, São Paulo, and the challenges in Brazil
Q45226822The reception by French physicians of Chagas' discovery of Trypanosoma cruzi and American trypanosomiasis (1909-1925).
Q50147913The reception of psychoanalysis in Rio de Janeiro: input for the debates on hysteria, nervousness and sexuality, 1908-1919
Q53487776The ritualization of life and the expansion of psy cultures in Colombia: the local and the barely transnational.
Q100390461The role of the World Health Organization country programs in the development of virology in Spain, 1951-1975
Q47876168The role of tropical medicine in the dissertations of the Porto school of medicine, 1875-1923
Q50999474The roots of French vitalism: Bordeu and Barthez, between Paris and Montpellier.
Q48537057The saga of psychoanalysis in Eastern Europe: repression and rebirth in Hungary, and in former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia
Q33242404The science centre movement in India: a conspectus
Q33242388The sciences and education in museums at the close of the nineteenth century
Q52563666The scientific authorship of Doctor Chernoviz, from the popularization of medicine to professional training: the Dicionário de medicina popular, 1842-1890.
Q34142632The scientist as historian: Paulo Vanzolini and the origins of zoology in Brazil
Q101042621The scorching tropics: fevers and public health in Brazil during the Joanine period, 1808-1821
Q48062002The sea as science: ocean research institutions and strategies in Portugal in the twentieth century (from the First Republic to democracy).
Q35358425The sea in the museum: a perspective on education at aquariums
Q47602710The simulators: truth and power in the psychiatry of José Ingenieros.
Q43600627The smallpox epidemic and fear of the vaccine in Goiás
Q48946238The sociology of statistics: the possibilities of a new field of investigation
Q33242392The stimulated recall method: a research tool applicable to learning at science museums
Q47752362The study of processes of medicalization in Latin America
Q50303357The suicide of slaves in São Paulo during the last two decades of slavery
Q30420152The teaching of history at the Faculdade Nacional de Filosofia of the Universidade do Brasil
Q48503802The technopolitics of climate change: climate models, geopolitics, and governmentality
Q50093160The thalidomide tragedy: the struggle for victims' rights and improved pharmaceutical regulation
Q50301826The trajectory of physicians and barber-surgeons in Rio de Janeiro during the second half of the nineteenth century
Q47602720The treatment of madness in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: discourses about curability in Spanish mental health care, 1890-1917.
Q38568856The tropics and the rise of the British Empire: Mungo Park's perspective on Africa in the late eighteenth century
Q43461332The tropics, microbes, and vectors
Q50142558The tropics, science, and leishmaniasis: an analysis of the circulation of knowledge and asymmetries
Q34226249The utopian Darcy Ribeiro archive.
Q33412245The vertigo of discontinuity: on the use of history in Michel Foucault's archeology
Q47211335The weight of pathological: bio-politics and bare life
Q42279813The white epidemic and the asepsis of refined earthenware in Belle Époque São Paulo
Q46614350The worker and the hysteric: two modern subjects
Q35898191Theater in Brazilian science museums and centers
Q35762053Theories about the propagation of yellow fever: the scientific debate in the São Paulo press between 1895 and 1903.
Q45078939Thermal knowledge and therapies: a comparative view of Portugal (São Pedro do Sul hot springs) and Brazil (Caldas da Imperatriz hot springs)
Q33242659Three views from overseas: the museum as a setting for educational outreach in the sciences
Q74697476To the mad, the doctors: the fight for medicalization of the mental institution and construction of psychiatry in Rio Grande do Sul
Q33510206Tradition, memory and archives of 'brazilianness': the unconscious in Mário de Andrade
Q40710709Training in epidemiology and health surveillance: Tripartite Cooperation between Brazil, Cuba, and Haiti
Q33627891Transgenic products. A scientific-production evaluation of possible food (in)security
Q47324197Translating genomics: cancer genetics, public health and the making of the (de)molecularised body in Cuba and Brazil.
Q48047106Transnational dialogues between specialist and institutional knowledge in occupational accident legislation, first half of the twentieth century
Q97546185Transvestism and transsexuality in Argentine medical journals, 1971-1982
Q47602701Travel and professional networks in the origins of Spanish psychiatry
Q48926097Trypanosoma cruzi, cancer and the Cold War.
Q57536253Tuberculose e leite: elementos para a história de uma polêmica
Q33424283Tuberculosis in Argentinean literature: three examples in novels, short stories, and poetry
Q33861577Twentieth-century Penelopes: popular culture revisited
Q52563668Unexpected healers: Chinese medicine in the age of global migration (Lima and California, 1850-1930).
Q40252187Unhealthiness, disease, and immigration: german views of Brazil
Q100390454Universal health coverage as a global public health goal: the work of the International Labour Organisation, c.1925-2018
Q41448949Useful regime against the plague (ca. 1496)--an introduction
Q47644450Vida de leprosa: the testimony of a woman living with Hansen's disease in the Peruvian Amazon, 1947.
Q33242050Visual representation of biological structures in teaching material
Q82102142War is hazardous for your health: photographs and testimonies about death, wounds, disease and medical care during the Mexican Revolution
Q43523261War of Words:Revista Politécnicaand the construction of an idea of science in São Paulo, 1904-1917
Q100390463Water and the death of ambition in global health, c.1970-1990
Q93025787What new developments related to assistance are on the historiographical horizon?
Q93025812Women from the Federation of Societies for the Care of Lepers and Defense Against Leprosy, 1926-1947
Q90674718Women, male doctors, and female historians: a historiographic essay on the history of women, medicine, and gender
Q33861554Worker diet in Brazil: a review of Brazilian scholarship on the topic
Q82102133Worms, slugs and humans: the medical and popular construction of an emerging infectious disease
Q58569402Writing the history of knowledge in Brazil
Q91079171Zero hour of eugenics in Argentina: disputes and ideologies surrounding the emergence of a scientific field, 1916-1932
Q50142535Zika and Aedes aegypti: new and old challenges
Q123230073Zika no Brasil: certezas e incertezas de uma história inacabada
Q90674659["A gift of the tides:" studies of mangroves by the scientist Marta Vannucci in her international trajectory, 1969-1989]
Q52351950["Brazil isn't only disease": Juscelino Kubitschek's public health program].
Q91079207["Conquer public opinion!:" Latin American eugenics as seen in the magazine Viva Cien Años, Argentina, 1934-1947]
Q90960029["For the higher glory of our Brazil:" infant oral health education and care, 1912-1940]
Q104499770["Humanized childbirth and the right to choose:" analysis of a public hearing in Rio de Janeiro]
Q104499765["Hypnotics" in the metropolis: Africans in the Colonial Hospital of Lisbon during the early twentieth century]
Q83842470["Is a shot alone enough?": concepts of health, hygiene, and nutrition and the Program to Eradicate Yaws in Brazil, 1956-1961]
Q83394545["Let's raise your child": puericulture doctors and maternal pedagogy in the twentieth century]
Q90959978["Modern motherhood" and the medicalization of childbirth in the pages of the Boletim da Legião Brasileira de Assistência, 1945-1964]
Q83842475["Pregnant belly showing": the vicissitudes and valorization of the reproductive body in the construction of images of pregnancy]
Q57097301["Tèt asanm pou la sante": ethnographic notes on international cooperation for health in Haiti]
Q93025890["We trust in your justice and charity:" the potential for researching the history of care for the poor]
Q83736661['Being a mother is a science': women, physicians, and the construction of scientific maternity in the 1920's]
Q95819189['Magdalena fevers': medicine and society in the construction of a Colombian medical notion, 1859-1886]
Q53327503['Mercenary wet-nurses': the discourse of medical doctors and portraits of the wet-nurses--Brazil in the second half of the 19th century].
Q52352702['Our mulattos are more exuberant'].
Q57142787['Scenes from deep times': bones, travels, and memories in the cultures of nature in Brazil]
Q83394542['Yeah, you're pregnant all right! And he's beautiful!' The construction of 'truths' in obstetric ultrasonography]
Q83736652['Young women and lady dentists': training, degrees, and the market in the first decades of the Republic]
Q54325241[A "people dump": marks of suffering and transformations at the former Hospital Colônia Sant'Ana and in psychiatric care in Santa Catarina, 1970-1996].
Q53119509[A Brazilian medical collection: Central Brazil in Arthur Neiva and Belisário Penna's scientific expedition and Julio Paternostro's voyage to Tocantins].
Q52386175[A case study: a dialogue between social history and medical biography]
Q56946549[A chronology from newspaper clippings]
Q84065972[A critical analysis of research guidelines in Chinese medicine]
Q86053674[A disease of the distant past: information about poliomyelitis and post- poliomyelitis syndrome in the Spanish/Portuguese press, 1995-2009]
Q92813666[A firsthand description of childbirth's pathways into Brazilian health policies: interview with Maria do Carmo Leal and Marcos Dias]
Q50971046[A guide for the researcher of the history and memory of health in Rio Grande do Sul].
Q85848409[A history of public health concepts: integrity, coordination, decentralization, regionalization, and universality]
Q90674682[A letter that came from the mines: nature and gold mining in the mobilization of moral and political precepts in eighteenth-century Brazil]
Q52748863[A life among insects and books: an interview with Nelson Papavero].
Q86903546[A nosology for supernatural phenomena and the construction of the 'possessed' brain in the nineteenth century]
Q52373015[A panorama of Hansen's disease: present status and perspectives].
Q83773714[A panorama of buccal health in Brazil]
Q83773559[A piece of history seen from the inside]
Q52377697[A pioneering catalogue of biographies for science historians]
Q52354448[A road to science: the trajectory of the botanist Leda Dau].
Q77929402[A short history of evolutionary theory]
Q89049430[A sociology of lynchings in Brazil]
Q74695883[A source guide to the history of medical teaching in Rio de Janeiro (1808-1907)]
Q52667727[A technology with multiple applications]
Q54692905[Adolphe Quetelet and biopolitics as secularized theology].
Q31151884[Adolpho Lutz and the history of tropical medicine in Brazil].
Q83394538[Against the odds: strategies, achievements and challenges of nursing on a global scale]
Q85848408[Alcohol consumption as portrayed in William Hogarth's prints Beer Street and Gin Lane and in the works of John Wesley: similarities and differences]
Q52332368[Alcoholism and the aesthetics of existence: Jack London and the white logic of John Barleycorn].
Q88471991[Almas delirantes (1925) by Luís Cebola: the poetics of the human psyche and the physician as mediator between the universe of mental illness and society]
Q87035349[Amphibians in Spanish popular medicine and the pharmacopoeia of Pliny and Dioscorides]
Q83773832[An Argentinean public health utopia]
Q52388780[An adventure in the insane asylum: the life of Franco Basaglia].
Q83773710[An ecumenical experience]
Q90154486[An edition of the Disertación sobre la manía aguda (1827) by physician Diego Alcorta]
Q52327208[An enigma named Agostino Gemelli: Catholicism, fascism and psychoanalysis in Italy during the inter-war period].
Q87434107[An environmental history of protected natural areas in Brazil]
Q83335192[An interpretative key for Fleck in research]
Q53632846[Anatomy and the teaching of anatomy in Brazil: the Boverian school].
Q85848426[And if obesity is not a disease? the side effects of a critique]
Q30371959[Animals and the primitive: the others of our culture].
Q90959993[Annotated bibliography on the medicalization of childbirth in Brazil, 2001-2017]
Q86568543[Another Dante's inferno in a gold mine during the Vargas era: Nova Lima, Minas Gerais]
Q83773531[Anthropology, ethnography, and narrative: intersecting paths in understanding the processes of health and sickness]
Q86568572[Anti-aging medicine: notes on a socio-technical controversy]
Q52352707[Antônio Moniz de Souza, the 'Man of Brazilian Nature': science and medicinal plants in the early 19th century].
Q54325210[Architectural and documental heritage: references on the institutionalization of health care in Bahia and in Brazil].
Q90154481[Archival documents produced by scientific work: an analysis of laboratory notebooks from the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz]
Q86053699[Art and technique at the service of knowledge: the scientific illustrations]
Q87615253[Art, mental health, and public healthcare: profile of a care culture in the history of São Paulo city]
Q74697729[As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined: children and the Liga Brasileira de Higiene Mental's eugenic programs]
Q84709480[Assisted birth in 19th century Bahia]
Q86053694[Associations between human and non-human agents in a global perspective of the construction of the Brazilian Amazon]
Q52355099[Asylum of doctors].
Q81948914[Bahsariwii--house of dances]
Q52375115[Belisário Penna: biographical photos].
Q31151875[Bertha Lutz and the memory of Adolpho Lutz].
Q90674669[Between São Paulo and Paris: the Vector calculus of the engineer Theodoro Ramos]
Q88472030[Between fear and audacity: paradoxes in Brazilian modernization]
Q87615269[Between images and texts: manuals as a praxis of knowledge]
Q88471962[Between military engineering and medical architecture: representations by Alexandre Rodrigues Ferreira about the city of Belém in the late eighteenth century]
Q87328243[Between the European past and the American future: two papers about Brazil in the 1930s]
Q86568558[Between the country and the laboratory: the dynamics of the production of knowledge at the Menopause Outpatients Clinic at Caism, Unicamp]
Q50766330[Between the modern and the rustic: the territorialization of preventive medicine in the middle Doce River].
Q93041791[Between vaccines, diseases, and resistances: the impacts of a smallpox epidemic in nineteenth-century Porto Alegre]
Q85285553[Beyond the transparent body: a consideration of the methods and strategies for examining the homosexual subject]
Q85285573[Biblioteca Fundamentos de la Construcción de Chile: building the nation by means of science]
Q83222958[Biographies as a possible path in the construction of a professional identity in the field of nursing]
Q53835146[Biomedical health care in Angola and in the Companhia de Diamantes de Angola, circa 1910-1970].
Q54716433[Biopolitics in the genealogy of psychoanalysis: from salvation to cure].
Q85848420[Biopower and eugenics: rethinking the intrusion of power into sexuality in the twentieth century]
Q74697734[Biosafety: a historical focus through oral history]
Q85848424[Black Rome conquers Athens, but not the Brazilian enigma]
Q83278749[Bleeders and healers in Brazil (1808-28)]
Q74697163[Bleeders and surgeons: medical practitioners in nineteenth century Minas Gerais]
Q87434100[Blindfold and deaf: a contemporary history of science in Argentina]
Q74694870[Blood circulation, or the movement in the concept of motion]
Q97546209[Bodies and minds for work: the psychologization of workers in Bogotá and Medellín, 1946-1991]
Q87434092[Bodies in balance: riverside images and everyday life in Açaí Port and on Maracujá Island, Belém (State of Pará)]
Q52377623[Bodies scorned: when medicine and caricature meet].
Q87432260[Body, disability, and stigma in the origins of the field of adapted sport in the city of Buenos Aires, 1950-1961: a mere interiorization of a devalued identity?]
Q52371625[Books from the Arco do Cego in colonial Brazil].
Q87434094[Brasilia bypaths or why it was possible to achieve "fifty years in five"]
Q52333073[Brazil in the travel journal by Captain Robert FitzRoy of the HMS Beagle, 1828-1839].
Q83278755[Brazil within the concert of nations: the struggle against racism in the early days of Unesco]
Q76325322[Brazil's national immunization program: origins and development]
Q93041844[Brazil, geo-history, and Pierre Monbeig]
Q83394550[Brazil-Medico and the contributions of medical-hygienist thought to the scientific bases of Brazilian physical education]
Q52341752[Brazil-Mozambique, links in scientific policy: an interview with Lídia Brito. Interview by Luisa Massarani and Luanda Lima].
Q84065964[Brazilian geography congresses from 1909 to 1944]
Q82102154[Buddhism and science: an asymmetrical description]
Q80783152[Business, politics, science, and visa versa: an institutional history of Brazilian medical journalism between 1827 and 1843]
Q89090740[C-sections and public health: a necessary entanglement]
Q87328221[Capoeira circle or sports academy? The emergence of modern styles of capoeira and their global context]
Q52334002[Caring for the health of your neighbor: the work of anthropologist Charles Wagley with the Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública].
Q52354456[Carlos Chagas Filho's choice of biological physics: reason and motivations].
Q50959595[Carlos Chagas Filho: an articulator of the history of sciences in Brazil].
Q54716451[Casa Siloé: the history of an NGO for children with HIV/AIDS].
Q74695624[Causality and epidemiology]
Q52387687[Chagas, the logic and the discovery].
Q83335197[Challenges in access to medicine and its proper use]
Q83394539[Chaulmoogra oil as scientific knowledge: the construction of a treatment for leprosy]
Q53485186[Children's parks at São Paulo: childhood, education and health in the modernist project].
Q86053663[Children, standardization and mental health: historical figures and current chains of thought in the clinical diagnosis of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity]
Q58569410[Chinese medicine/acupuncture: historical notes on the colonization of a body of knowledge]
Q52370967[Cholera and environmental medicine in the manuscript "Cholera-morbus" (1832), by Antonio Correa de Lacerda (1777-1852)].
Q83394544[Chronic pain: an insubordinate object]
Q88471968[Cinema and the spread of sanitation]
Q52372547[Clarice Della Torre Ferrarini: the testimony of a pioneer in nursing management in Brazil].
Q52329258[Clarifying the case of two people with the same name of Manoel de Abreu].
Q52773150[Claude Bernard and the boundaries of experimental physiology].
Q83773728[Climate, brain, and degeneration in Cabanis]
Q83773816[Clinical and experimental research in nineteenth-century Brazil: the circulation and control of knowledge in medical helminthology]
Q90674738[Cochineals in the Portuguese-Brazilian world: the eighteenth-century manuscript edited by Manuel Joaquim Henriques de Paiva]
Q86031383[Colonial universes and the 'illnesses of blacks', by royal surgeons Dazille and Vieira de Carvalho]
Q84709555[Comics for citizenship]
Q87615256[Communication and mental health: a discursive analysis of posters of the National Anti-Asylum Campaign Movement in Brazil]
Q86053665[Compassion, pity and physical disability: the value of difference in heterogeneous relations]
Q56889616[Competition in the arts of midwifery in the city of Rio de Janeiro from 1835 to 1900]
Q83306438[Concerns over transgenic soybean]
Q85196369[Conflicts of interest in the research, production and dissemination of medicines]
Q93025861[Conflicts, welfare, and power networks in the founding of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of Campos dos Goytacazes, 1786-1795]
Q52335290[Considerations on the Sistema Único de Saúde in the twenty-first century: an interview with Lígia Bahia].
Q83773785[Considerations on the concepts of nature, space, and morphology in Alexander von Humboldt and on the genesis of modern physical geography]
Q82102187[Constituting human and non-human collectivities: ordering the world]
Q54765464[Constructed by the Jesuits, this colonial building has served as a leper colony in Rio since 1752]
Q74696630[Constructing the legitimacy of a health-care profession]
Q77929397[Contribution of post-normal science to public health and the issue of social vulnerability]
Q84709512[Control of health risks in radiodiagnosis: a historic approach]
Q84782969[Corporate and technological changes in São Paulo medicine in 1930]
Q52328045[Correspondence from Julio Porto-Carrero to Arthur Ramos: the Brazilian Psychoanalytic Society and concern over the translation of psychoanalytic terms in the 1920s and 1930s].
Q81948911[Cosmology, environment, and health: Baniwa food myths and rites]
Q97546191[Cristina Mello and her role in the preservation of the historical buildings of Fiocruz at Manguinhos]
Q81196861[Curriculum reform and research in dentistry at the undergraduate level: history under construction]
Q56923346[Danger is in the air: is the Spanish Flu back?]
Q101042638[Danilo Perestrello and the psychosomatic medicine movement in Brazil: from theory to institutional acceptance]
Q86544673[David Bloor's letter of intentions]
Q90960013[David Capistrano Filho Birthing House through the lenses of a photographer]
Q84749800[De uisu: the oldest surviving treatise on ophthalmology in the West]
Q54731289[Deaths in the center of life: reflections on curing and non-curing in Jesuit-Guarani missions (1609-75)].
Q52331952[Decriminalizing traditional Andean medicine: an interview with Walter Álvarez Quispe].
Q91689450[Defending entitlement: struggles and fate of the practice of homeopathy in Colombia (1905-1950)]
Q88408001[Deforestation in the state of Mato Grosso in the book Journey around Brazil 1875-1878, by the doctor João Severiano da Fonseca]
Q91079205[Degeneration and eugenics in the history of Brazilian psychiatry: Renato Kehl and hereditary degenerates]
Q91079202[Degeneration and improvement of the race: social higiene or eugenics? Colombia, 1920-1930]
Q52334190[Democracy and conflict in pluralist contexts: an interview with Chantal Mouffe].
Q92813654[Democratizing information to develop knowledge: expanding access to the science and health document collection at Fiocruz]
Q83773736[Dental education in Brazil: the production of knowledge during 1995-2006]
Q83773740[Dental teaching in Brazil: an interpretation based on recommendations and international meetings from the 1960s]
Q76395838[Dentistry in Argentina: The history of a subordinated profession]
Q81948909[Development, science, and politics: the debate surrounding creation of the Instituto Internacional da Hiléia Amazônica]
Q97546154[Developmentalism and neo-conservationism in the Vargas Era, 1930-1945: the scientific and political work of Paulo Campos Porto]
Q80653007[Dialogues between Clio and Asclepius: Ivolino de Vasconcellos and the Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina]
Q84545517[Differently abled: difference and the historical model of the standard man]
Q87113824[Digital democracy and experiences in e-participation: Internet activism and public policy]
Q80469179[Directions in hospital assistance in Rio de Janeiro (1923-31)]
Q86558712[Discontinuities and reappearances: between the normal and the pathological in the theory of social control]
Q83773796[Discourses on the body, the 'human motor', energy and fatigue: cultural hybridations in fin-de-siècle Argentina]
Q85285561[Discussions regarding the reconstruction of the significance of leprosy in the post-sulfone period, Minas Gerais, in the 1950s]
Q90154447[Diseases neglected by the media and strategies for visibility from the viewpoint of key actors]
Q83335169[Diseases, food, and resistance in the Bahia penitentiary, 1861-1865]
Q52387128[Do objects have history? A meeting between Pasteur and Whitehead in a lactic-acid bath].
Q52386523[Documental and literary narrative in biographies]
Q52745476[Dr. Voronoff's curious glandular xeno-implants].
Q82102125[Drawer of boundaries: Franz Boas and the (im)possibility of the concept of culture in anthropology]
Q93041801[Early attitudes to X-rays in Buenos Aires, 1896-1897: medicine, esotericism and popular fantasies]
Q85285564[Early decentralization of health services in Argentina: the construction of the health system in Córdoba, 1930-1955]
Q83842460[Eating education and the making of strong, robust, productive workers: an analysis of scientific scholarship on nutrition in Brazil, 1934-1941]
Q52373562[Economics, politics, and public health in Porfirian Mexico (1876-1910)].
Q83773522[Editor's Note]
Q83773773[Editor's Note]
Q95395274[Editor's Note]
Q95355352[Editor's note]
Q83773563[Editor´s note]
Q83773765[Educating the general public about biological evolution]
Q91689321[Education and health propaganda: repercussions of a Brazilian sanitarian's training at the Rockefeller Foundation]
Q52341755[Egas Moniz (1874-1955): culture and science].
Q90154456[Electronic management of everyday life using the Apple Watch's health applications]
Q84545501[Elements for a history of neuroscience]
Q86544656[Emil Kraepelin and psychiatric science in Rio de Janeiro, 1903-1933]
Q92813575[Eminent but nameless: Lydia das Dôres Matta and Brazilian nursing after 1930]
Q52544993[Epidemic constitution: old and new theories and practices in epidemiology].
Q89090704[Epidemics and demographic collapse in Mexico and the Andes in the sixteenth century: contributions from evolutionary biology]
Q82102057[Epidemics and medical conundrums: Uruguay, 1918-1919]
Q85848418[Epidemics as a sociopolitical challenge: the Spanish flu in Bahia]
Q90960005[Episiotomy from the perspective of humanized obstetrics: reflections based on social studies of science and technology]
Q73760946[Epistemological frameworks of tropical medicine]
Q101042652[Equine-assisted therapy, health and sports: figurations of the practice in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, 1970-2000]
Q78486027[Escola Tropicalista Baiana (Bahia Tropical School): the mystical origin of tropical medicine in Brazil]
Q58661195[Ethics and epidemiology]
Q90674673[Ethics and social medicine: Michel Foucault's perspective]
Q57154714[Euclides da Cunha in the Amazon: historical discontinuities in how the forest is seen and narrated]
Q91079195[Eugenics and anarchism in early libertarian neo-Malthusianism in Barcelona, 1896-1915]
Q50892523[Eugenics and education in twentieth-century Brazil: an interview with Jerry Dávila].
Q89278757[Eugenics and immigration selection: notes on the debate between Alfredo Ellis Junior, Oliveira Vianna, and Menotti Del Picchia, 1926]
Q52372548[Eugenics and marriage].
Q93041851[Evidence of the political use of medical science in a Brazilian newspaper article on the Chilean president José Manuel Balmaceda in 1891]
Q101042641[Evolutionary theory in educational psychology: a historiographical analysis]
Q87176659[Experts in 'dying well': causa mortis, rituals, and hierarchies at a monastery in colonial Rio de Janeiro]
Q88472013[Exploring connections between the social construction of the child and health practices]
Q83842472[Family health through the lens of mental hygiene]
Q84545497[Fatigue and its disturbances: conditions of possibility and the rise and fall of twentieth-century neurasthenia]
Q101042645[Fecal microbiota transplants in the treatment of pseudomembranous colitis (1958-2013): priority of discovery and thought styles in the academic literature]
Q86568554[Federal university hospitals and their institutional missions in the past and present]
Q86053697[Federalism and public policies: the thematic scope and convergences of this field of studies in Brazil]
Q30569581[Feeling with intelligence, thinking with emotion: science and technology in the songs of Humberto Gessinger].
Q83736666[Female images in O Vulgarizador: science's public and women in the nineteenth century]
Q84065963[Fernand Braudel and the geo-history of civilizations]
Q54325232[Fishermen in the scientific imaginary during the formative stage of Chile's ichthyological academy, 1829-1909].
Q83773731[Folklore and popular medicine in the Amazon]
Q101042627[Following the paths not taken by Alexander von Humboldt and A. Bonpland in nineteenth-century Brazil]
Q50691198[For a society without secure psychiatric hospitals].
Q80328712[For the good of the nation's economy: therapeutic work and public assistance at La Castañeda asylum in Mexico City, 1929-32]
Q83736664[Forbidden sexualities: madness and the male gender]
Q87176682[Fordlandia, dream and reality: the history of a city and its creator]
Q85285571[Forensic medical examinations and teaching: disagreements and discussions within the Brazilian Society of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Forensic Medicine]
Q83773641[Forgotten patriots]
Q87328212[Formation of regional relations in a global context: football rivalry between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the First Republic]
Q83222973[French lines in Recife architecture: Pedro II Hospital]
Q89090715[From Jane Marcet to the Viscount of Vilarinho de São Romão: conversations about chemistry in the nineteenth century]
Q83773679[From animal medical practitioners to veterinarians: historical note on animal medicine and the São Bento de Olinda Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Pernambuco (1912-1926)]
Q86838473[From educational and health tourism for children to social tourism: vacation camps in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina]
Q51196301[From environmental ethics to environmental bioethics: antecedents, trajectories, and perspectives].
Q82102114[From human to number in the construction of toxoplasmosis from the logic of the human sciences]
Q74695276[From miasmata to germs. The impact of bacteriology on medical practice in Canadian territory from 1870 to 1930]
Q74696619[From mystical panacea to medical specialization: acupuncture as portrayed by the written press]
Q83394548[From old age to third age: the historical course of the identities linked to the process of ageing]
Q81564667[From psychiatric reform to the struggle for a 'non-fascist life']
Q91689337[From the Hospício de Pedro II to the Hospital Nacional de Alienados: a hundred years of records (1841-1944)]
Q104499802[From the circumnavigation of the Vital de Oliveira to the new ration tables: nutrition and health on Brazilian Imperial Navy vessels, 1879-1886]
Q87837526[From the deposit to the reception accommodation for immigrants: the genesis of an "inspection gateway center" on the path to emigration to Brazil]
Q83222991[From the dream of social ascent to the life of a laborer: shop clerks in Rio de Janeiro at the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries]
Q80653023[From the old headquarters of the Diretoria Geral de Saúde Pública (DGSP) to the Instituto Nacional do Câncer (Inca)]
Q83300782[GMOs on the menu: crack them before eating!]
Q90959983[Gender, history, and the medicalization of childbirth: the exhibition "Women and Health Practices"]
Q80328734[General observations on the treatise Modus curandi cum balsamo]
Q86568568[Geography, health and urban development in São Paulo state at the turn of the twentieth century: Domingos Jaguaribe and the construction of the Climate Resort of Campos do Jordão]
Q52384420[Georges Canguilhem and the epistemological status of the concept of health].
Q83773554[Georges Cuvier: natural history in pre-Darwinian times]
Q86558694[Geraldo Horácio de Paula Souza, China and Chinese medicine, 1928-1943]
Q83773691[Germanism and medicinal bathing in the early days of health resorts in Rio Grande do Sul]
Q52877065[Germany and Brazil, 1870-1945: a relationship between spaces].
Q52336197[Gilberto Freyre: theoretician of globalization?].
Q80328722[Globalization and environmentalism: polyphonic ethnicities in the Amazon]
Q93025898[Grace Memorial Hospital and the American Presbyterian Mission in Brazil: sources for the history of healthcare, 1955-1971]
Q86053684[Graduate studies in history: trends and prospects for the area]
Q52366708[Haity Moussatché: a homage to the crusader of Brazilian science].
Q85196349[Hansen versus Neisser: scientific controversies over the 'discovery' of the bacillus of leprosy]
Q84782978[Hansen's disease in Maranhão in the 1930s: on the way to Colônia do Bonfim]
Q83335177[Health Centers: science and ideology in the re-organization of public health in the twentieth century]
Q80790418[Health and Angola's Companhia de Diamantes]
Q83773571[Health and dietetics in medieval preventive medicine: the health regimen of Peter of Spain (thirteenth century)]
Q73787567[Health and power: the political emergence of AIDS/HIV in Brazil]
Q74695863[Health care reform in Mexico and the dynamics and politicization of interests: an approach]
Q78485994[Health concepts in current science-oriented discourse]
Q85285547[Health education as a transversal proposal: an analysis of the national curriculum guidelines and certain teaching conceptions]
Q83773757[Health from a State perspective under Vargas]
Q85285545[Health in school: an examination of the reference documents for the forty years of compulsory health programs, 1971-2011]
Q87797274[Health reform and the creation of the Sistema Único de Saúde: notes on contexts and authors]
Q83222957[Healthcare professions: a critical analysis of care]
Q73804860[Healthy, legitimate children: on marriage and social assistance in Argentina (1935-1948)]
Q93025851[Helena Antipoff and Sociedade Pestalozzi of Minas Gerais: philanthropy and science for the abnormal]
Q80653000[Historical tendencies of diet studies in Brazil]
Q54325219[Historical, social and cultural aspects of the deaf population].
Q83773724[History and biology: possible dialogues, necessary distances]
Q74697459[History and medicine: the inheritance of an age-old paradigm]
Q101042662[History and memory on glass: the Brazilian photographs of the 1919 eclipse in Sobral]
Q89049426[History of family planning: an area of historical health studies to be duly assessed]
Q88407993[History of ideas, history of social sciences, and the sociology of knowledge]
Q56911272[History of public health in Mexico: 19th and 20th centuries]
Q80328747[History of the first institutions for the insane in Brazil]
Q80653003[História, Ciências, Saúde--Manguinhos: examining 12 years of regular circulation]
Q90674695[Hitupmã'ax: intercultural education and specific health care for the Maxakali people]
Q83773684[Hollingshead and Redlich: research on social class and mental illness fifty years after]
Q84584038[Homeopathic strategies: the Homeopathic League of Rio Grande do Sul in the 1940s and 1950s]
Q85285576[Homeopathy and allopathy in dispute at the beginning of the twentieth century]
Q91689473[Homeopathy in the public health service: pre-assessment of activities in Recife, Pernambuco]
Q91689431[Homeopathy, alternative medicine: between counterculture, the New Era, and formalization (Brazil, 1970s)]
Q52375113[Homeopathy: its history and epistemological foundations].
Q52738407[Hortênsia de Hollanda: the art of health education to prevent and control epidemics in Brazil].
Q53766966[Hotels and sanatoria: the influence of tuberculosis on mass tourism architecture].
Q84065967[How to find a place in the world: exploring people's experiences recovering from serious mental disorders]
Q57103362[Humors and odors: body order and social order in nineteenth-century Rio de Janeiro]
Q58663815[Hunger, solidarity, and ethics: discourse analysis of the movement Citizen's Action against Hunger and Poverty and for Life]
Q90674726[Hyperbolic Italians: the travels of the members of the Positive School of Anthropology of Italy in South America, 1907-1910]
Q53125188[Ilha Grande Lazaretto: isolation, imprisonment, and surveillance in the fields of health care and politics (1884-1942)].
Q33186058[Images of Brazil: a Rockefeller Archive Center collection].
Q83300795[Implications of transgenics for environmental and agricultural sustainability]
Q81205698[In defense of psychiatric reform: for the dawn of a new unavoidable future]
Q86558725[In defense ofSaúde e história]
Q83773828[In search of a sanitary village: tuberculosis, health, and culture in Argentina since the late nineteenth century]
Q52667333[In the gap between science and art: a series of illustrations of triatomine bugs from the Oswaldo Cruz Institute].
Q93041774[In the middle of the road there was a stone: the history of violence and social suffering among young adults with trajectories of psychiatric hospitalization]
Q89090719[In the middle of the road, there was a swamp: the social and environmental impacts of the Bragança-Ajuruteua highway, Pará, Brazil]
Q90960036[Infant mortality in Santiago: representations and discourses, Chile, 1860-1914]
Q52330397[Infinite metamorphosis: witches, spirits and apuntes in Havana].
Q90674710[Ingredients for an exotic dish: health and diet on the agenda of the first Amazonian Medical Congress (Belém, 1939)]
Q95355363[Institutionalization of integrative, complementary practices in Sistema Único de Saúde!?]
Q83736648[Institutionalization of the sciences, gender system, and scientific production in Brazi (1939-1969)]
Q78380937[Instituto Oswaldo Cruz scientific publication from 1900 to 1917, an exploratory study]
Q91689347[Instruments, objects, and collections as sources for the history of science education]
Q52335289[Intellectual exchange between Germany and Latin America: an interview with Stefan Rinke].
Q90674664[International recommendations and local debates about the creation of the Escuela de Salud Pública in Buenos Aires, 1958]
Q53063264[Interpreting Brazil as afflicted by disease and by the spirit of routine: the repercussion of Arthur Neiva and Belisário Penna's medical report (1917-1935)].
Q53105842[Intersecting images: the army and the hinterlands in the First Republic].
Q35967719[Intersections in the configurations of motherhood in the history of Argentina, 1900-1946: medical and cultural records under the microscope].
Q104499768[Inventing the standard: psychology in the Brazilian Mental Hygiene League]
Q83335202[Investigating the force: a quantitative and qualitative study of the Rio de Janeiro State Military Police Force]
Q54680632[Investigations of psychic/spiritual phenomena in the nineteenth century: somnambulism and spiritualism, 1811-1860].
Q87328229[Iron ore, economic geology and networks of experts between Wisconsin and the state of Minas Gerais, 1881-1914]
Q74697747[Is allastrim small pox?]
Q84065981[Is there certainty in uncertainty?]
Q83773535[Isolated 'like us' or isolated 'among us'?: the controversy within the National Academy of Medicine over compulsory isolation of leprosy sufferers]
Q84709495[Joanna de Sá: medicine, politics and morality in the pages of O Monitor]
Q92813674[Joaquim Monteiro Caminhoá: an exemplary doctor of the Brazilian Imperial period, 1858-1896]
Q52377698[José Francisco Xavier Sigaud: a forgotten figure, a revealing work].
Q51399845[Joséphine Schouteden-Wéry on the Belgian coast: a biologist involved in field work and collection building].
Q52352703[Juliano Moreira and the Gazeta Medica da Bahia].
Q31053314[Keeping an eye on Brazil: medical geography and Alphonse Rendu's journey].
Q84584056[Knowing the origins of the Brazilian psychiatric reform: the French and Italian experiences]
Q81948919[Koame wemakaa pandza kome watapetaaka kaawa (Baniwa, a story of plants and cures): the pathways to a script]
Q74695607[La dansarina: the influenza epidemic and the quotidian report of Rio de Janeiro city]
Q93041810[Lab coats, scalpels, and the art of politics]
Q89049417[Legal remedies: therapeutic markets and the judicialization of the right to health]
Q52385688[Lessons for the history of science in Brazil: São Paulo's Pasteur Institute].
Q83773646[Letter to editor]
Q74694864[Leônidas Deane: adventures in research]
Q86989743[Life as regulatory activity and self-realization: debate surrounding the concept of biological regulation in Goldstein and Canguilhem]
Q83306470[Life in Manguinhos: the career trajectory of a group of scientists at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz]
Q81205708[Life in their eyes, heart in their hands: conceptions and representations of women in the process of health and disease]
Q84709528[Like Moses' staff: pathological inheritance as an argument for medical vigilance of consanguine marriage in Mexico, 1870-1900]
Q54724647[Living and eating in the 'rustic metropolis': the daily life of workers in the city of São Paulo from 1920 to 1960].
Q79183816[Lobotomy and leucotomy in Brazilian mental hospitals]
Q83394597[Local species, the market, and transportation in embryological research: the study of polyembryony in armadillos in the early twentieth century]
Q52331955[Looking beyond the campaign to eradicate ancylostomiasis: the diary of the American physician Alan Gregg].
Q30328921[Ludwik Fleck and the history of sciences today].
Q83335188[Ludwik Fleck and the sociocultural analysis of science(s)]
Q93041817[Luiz Nunes and the plan for health institutions in Pernambuco]
Q50301830[Luís Gomes Ferreira reports on the health of slaves in his work entitled Erário mineral (1735)].
Q52735611[Machado de Assis and psychiatry: a chapter in the relations between art and clinical practice in Brazil].
Q54710136[Machines and arguments: from life support technologies to the definition of brain death].
Q84065984[Madness, Christian charity, and modernity in Arraial do Tijuco]
Q86558719[Making bodies in motion]
Q33188159[Malaria in pictures: images from Brazil's public health campaigns in the first half of the twentieth century].
Q83773544[Man's odyssey told by other navigators]
Q97546292[Mandarin Brazil: racial representations of chinese in Brazilian society]
Q52327209[Maria Bandeira: a pioneering botanist at the Botanic Garden of Rio de Janeiro].
Q52373222[Marie Rennotte, educator and medical doctor: elements for a historical and biographical, social and medical study].
Q52354451[Marina de Vasconcellos and the social sciences in Rio de Janeiro: a study of the social circles].
Q74696934[Marks of tragic times: cartoons on the 1996 epidemic in Caruaru]
Q52376972[Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Bram Stoker's Dracula: gender and science in literature].
Q84065985[Masculinity on the threshold of a new era]
Q52377624[McClung and gender determination: from wrong to right].
Q87762455[Measuring the impact of practices of social appropriation of science and technology: a proposal for a set of indicators]
Q84709535[Mediation practices in epidemiological research from an ethnographic perspective]
Q89049421[Medical borderlands: engineering the body with plastic surgery and hormonal therapies in Brazil]
Q80652982[Medical geography and the French expeditions to Brazil: a description of the naval station in Brazil and the Prata (1868-1870)]
Q74697179[Medical periodicals and the invention of a sanitary agenda for Brazil (1827-43)]
Q52370968[Medical reform in Brazil and the US: a comparison of two rhetorics].
Q77929392[Medical schools in São Paulo and the creation of Escola Paulista de Medicina]
Q84584044[Medical supervision of sports by the São Paulo State Department of Physical Education: relations between sports and medicine in the 1930s and 1940s]
Q46509030[Medical teaching in Portuguese colonial India: the creation and earliest decades of the new Goa medical-surgical school].
Q73804848[Medical teaching under debate: São Paulo, 1890 through 1930]
Q80469159[Medical theories and urban management: Fortaleza's 1877-79 drought]
Q52375234[Medicine in the past: the history and the historian's profession. Interview with Roy Porter].
Q84709563[Medicine, science and power: relations between France, Germany and Brazil in the period 1919-1942]
Q52375232[Medicines and medical plants in the tropics: on the development of Western science of pharmacy].
Q53765817[Memory's manifold voices: from the Paulista School of Medicine to the Federal University of São Paulo, 75 years in 75 interviews].
Q77397154[Men and women: imagery about sterility in Portuguese America]
Q83222940[Men of the sugarcane fields and their hospitals: the architecture of health under the Estado Novo]
Q87176664[Mental health policies in Santa Catarina in the 1970s: the vanguard of Brazilian psychiatry?]
Q78486003[Mental illness in Brazilian penal law: legal irresponsibility, potentiality for danger/aggressiveness and safety policies]
Q52361757[Merton and medical sociology].
Q87328238[Migrants on the periphery: Indigenous Brazilians, European and Japanese immigrants in the state of Paraná during the early decades of the twentieth century]
Q87328233[Milk and modernity: ideology and nutrition policies during the Vargas era]
Q30540484[Milonguitas in Buenos Aires (1910-40): tango, social ascent, and tuberculosis].
Q50757105[Minas Gerais Radium Institute: at the forefront of radiotherapy in Brazil, 1923-1935].
Q73804827[Modernization, medicine, disease, and public health in Caracas (1870-1877)]
Q84584046[Molding soldiers, forming citizens: doctor Eduardo Augusto Pereira de Abreu, the Paraguayan War, and physical education in Brazil]
Q97546160[Moorish Pavilion: preservation challenges]
Q88472028[Mosquitos and the State in the report by the head of the Rural Sanitation and Prophylaxis Service of Bahia, 1922]
Q83222947[Mothers, children, and the policies of Chile's Servicio Nacional de Salud (1952-1964)]
Q83300785[Much ado about nothing]
Q85285579[Multiply to grow]
Q51965044[Narratives created by images: photography, collective health and the construction of memory in the writing of local history].
Q52386524[Natural history and eighteenth-century ideas regarding generation and heredity: Buffon and Bonnet].
Q83773704[Natural history and medicine in the work of Adolpho Lutz (1855-1940)]
Q86053688[Naturalists at rest: an analysis of scenes from nineteenth century iconography]
Q57133027[Nature and civilization: the decorative panels of the Teatro Amazonas foyer]
Q82102084[Nature and culture in the eyes of a nineteenth-century naturalist: Wallace and the Amazon]
Q52377622[Nature of man: Corpus hippocraticum].
Q97546244[Navigators crossing the two sides of one Atlantic: architecture(s) in health in nineteenth-century Brazil and Portugal]
Q53786536[Negotiating knowledge and power: the National Policy for Comprehensive Men's Healthcare and the Brazilian Society of Urology].
Q80502758[Negotiating the boundaries between cultures, illness, and treatments in everyday family life]
Q54325225[Nelson Rockefeller and the activities of the American International Association for Economic and Social Development: the debate concerning mission and imperialism in Brazil, 1946-1961].
Q83773630[Network management: the strategy of regionalizing healthcare policy]
Q86656381[Neural tube defects and folic acid: a historical overview of a highly successful preventive intervention]
Q79373077[New challenges and opportunities in a globalized world: a political analysis of the response to HIV/AIDS in Mexico]
Q53058803[New documental evidence on the history of homeopathy in Latin America: a case study of links between Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires].
Q85285581[New insights on madness and the early years of psychiatry in Spain]
Q76325378[New perspectives in viral vaccines]
Q52354453[Norbert Elias and a narrative about ageing and death].
Q52355098[Notes on an expedition: Jean Massart and the Belgium biological mission to Brazil, 1922-1923].
Q57151156[Notes on hospital architecture in Brazil: between the traditional and the modern]
Q30370956[Notes on the Chain of Being and the place of blacks in eighteenth-century European natural philosophy].
Q52802352[Notes on the publication of the History of private life in Portugal: an interview with José Mattoso].
Q79183831[Nutritional education: from ignorance to social representations in post-graduation by Rio de Janeiro (1980-98)]
Q54688975[Obsessions before Freud: history and clinical practice].
Q88471986[Occupational therapy: a female profession]
Q53044014[Oceanography and King Dom Carlos I's collection of iconography].
Q53251009[Old age, normality versus pathology].
Q87113842[On "Body, disability, and stigma in the origins of the field of adapted sport in the city of Buenos Aires, 1950-1961: a mere interiorization of a devalued identity?"]
Q52361759[On acclimatization: Boudin and medical geography].
Q52384438[On board the Republic: a personal diary of the Oswaldo Cruz expedition to Brazil's maritime and river ports].
Q88472005[On shipwrecks and rescues: a recent social history of science in Argentina]
Q74695906[On technology]
Q31151859[On the abominable profession of being a vampire: Emílio Goeldi and Mosquitos in Pará (1905)].
Q83842467[On the autonomy of the mouth: curricular practices, professional identity, and the emergence of dental teaching in Brazil]
Q57146480[On the origin and spread of cutaneous and mucosal leishmaniasis, based on pre- and post- colombian historical source]
Q83773542[One photograph, myriad images: rural education in Northern Brazil]
Q79373083[Open circuit: the exchange of medical and scientific knowledge in Latin American in the early 20th century]
Q52386522[Oracy Nogueira: sketch of an intellectual trajectory].
Q74695890[Oral history at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz]
Q53058805[Organization of medical specialization in cervical cancer and its control in Brazil: the Instituto de Ginecologia in Rio de Janeiro in the mid-twentieth century].
Q87434111[Origins and landmarks of the institutionalization of psychoanalysis in Rio de Janeiro]
Q54270698[Out of natural order: nature in discourses about cloning and stem cell research in Brazilian newspapers].
Q52376941[Over the cuckoo's nest: memories of a former president of Funação Oswaldo Cruz].
Q53856380[Overseas disease: comparative studies of onchocerciasis in Latin America and Africa].
Q57149773[Oxyuriasis and prehistoric migrations]
Q83773778[Pain beyond the confines of man: a preliminary introduction to the debate between Frances Power Cobbe and the Darwinists with respect to vivisection in Victorian England (1863-1904)]
Q56436609[Pajé: reconstruction and survival]
Q82102163[Paper animals]
Q83216762[Parabolic parables: predictive genetic testing, social constructions of risk, and the relation between health-care professionals and the mass media]
Q83773699[Parasitology as an example of the potential for general rules for science]
Q52370964[Pasteur Institute of São Paulo: battling rabies for one hundred years].
Q52373574[Paths taken by Dr. Jorge Clarke Bleyer in the fields of tropical medicine and Brazilian prehistory].
Q83394594[Pathways, science, and the State in Peru, 1850-1930]
Q104499790[Pauliceia 2.0: collaborative mapping of the history of São Paulo, 1870-1940]
Q86838443[Pediatric psychosomatic medicine and the medicalization of childhood in Buenos Aires, 1940-1970]
Q90154410[Pediatrics and travel culture: Spanish travel award-holders and the appropriation of laboratories on the periphery, 1907-1939]
Q83319307[People's conferences in their neighborhood of Gloria: disseminating scientific knowledge]
Q74697753[Pharmaceutical patents and the accessibility of drugs in Brazil]
Q84709503[Pharmaceutical practice in Bahia in the latter half of the 19th century]
Q54568007[Philanthropy and welfare policies for the families of people with leprosy in the Brazilian state of Goiás, 1920-1962].
Q83222960[Philanthropy, government, and the fight against leprosy (1920-1945)]
Q86838457[Philanthropy, privatization, and reform: psychiatric assistance scenarios in the state of Paraná]
Q53063728[Photography and its doubles: a picture on the wall].
Q85196352[Physical activities, health and youth movements in Cape Verde, 1910-1930]
Q104499793[Physical culture, bodies and sexualities in the journal Cultura Sexual y Física, 1937-1941]
Q51014267[Physical education, science, and health: notes on the holdings of the Center for Sports Memory (UFRGS)].
Q84545508[Physical therapy education in Brazil: reflections on the expansion of teaching and training models]
Q81205719[Physicians and pharmacists in Uberabinha (1890-1920): conflicts and disputes]
Q77484327[Physicians and potion makers at the Imperial Court: a colonial legacy]
Q52375114[Physicians and the development of professionalism in Brazil].
Q53856091[Physicians, prostitution, and venereal disease in Colombia (1886-1951)].
Q97546313[Pioneering work in the teaching of pediatrics in Brazil: Carlos Artur Moncorvo de Figueiredo and the General Polyclinic of Rio de Janeiro, 1882-1901]
Q54106875[Plants and their use by the people of Northern Cameroon: selection and use in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries].
Q93041867[Plastic beauty, eugenics and physical education in Chile: a commentary on the work "Characteristics of physical education", by Luis Bisquertt (1930)]
Q97546232[Pluralism and dissent: animal magnetism in debate in Portugal in the mid-nineteenth century]
Q40479695[Poison and the mosquito: epistemological aspects of the etiology and prophylactics of yellow fever]
Q86053690[Poliomyelitis: several stories of the disease and its after effects]
Q87113827[Political broadcasting, the media and citizens on the Internet: towards a new communication milestone for the day of reflection in Spain]
Q87797277[Political challenges facing the consolidation of the Sistema Único de Saúde: a historical approach]
Q74697740[Politics and social medicine in Chile: narratives concerning a difficult relationship]
Q52372551[Politics, actors, and interests in the process of institutional change: the creation of the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 1953].
Q57100295[Portable antiquities: transporation, ruins, and communications in nineteenth-century archeology]
Q87432292[Porto and the construction of the modern city: the case of Hospital Geral de Santo António in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries]
Q83290656[Positivism and medical science in Rio Grande do Sul: the Faculdade de Medicina de Porto Alegre]
Q90154415[Posthumous memoirs of mulatto insanity: a pathological interpretation of Machado de Assis's appropriations]
Q83773790[Postmodern antinomies on nature]
Q87432263[Potential and limits of evolutionary explanations of culture: a diachronic approach]
Q83222953[Poverty and assistance in Rio de Janeiro under the First Republic]
Q84065974[Predictions are always deceptive: João Baptista de Lacerda and his white Brazil]
Q54314184[Prenuptial medical exams in debate: a proposed eugenic intervention in Brazil, 1910-1940].
Q52366675[Preserved stegomyia and vinegared microbes: Brazil's triumph in Berlin].
Q53736259[Preserving the cultural heritage of health in Brazil: an emerging question].
Q79371474[Pressure or legitimization? Power and alternatives in the planning and adoption of health reforms in Costa Rica, 1988-1998]
Q85285542[Prevention rather than cure: the emergence and first stage of the Centros de Higiene Infantil in Mexico City, 1922-1932]
Q101042633[Problematization of gender relations at the first Brazilian Eugenics Conference: the status of women, determination of biological gender and reproductive control]
Q86964585[Programa de saúde: a case of book censorship during the Brazilian military dictatorship]
Q92813588[Prophylactic representations, discourses and practices during the cholera epidemic (1886-1887, Mendoza, Argentina)]
Q83773769[Protagonists, knowledge, and practices in the history of birth and maternity in Chile]
Q90960024[Psychiatric care for abnormal children at the Hospital Colônia Sant'Ana (Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1940s)]
Q86053685[Psychiatry and criminology in Criminal Justice: Jury Trial Courts and Appellate Courts in the Federal District of Rio de Janeiro, during the 1930s]
Q97546273[Psychiatry in Buenos Aires in the last century: a historical study of clinical work at the J.A. Esteves Hospital]
Q78380923[Psychiatry reform in Brazil from the 1980's to present days: its history and concepts]
Q78480246[Psychoanalysis and sexology in Rio de Janeiro between the two world wars: between science and self improvement]
Q54749220[Psychoanalysis, individualistic value shaping, and social ethics]
Q82102100[Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: history and critique of a concept]
Q88472018[Psychosocial support center and territory: human space, communication, and interdisciplinarity]
Q83306472[Public health and chemical-pharmaceutical companies]
Q53974080[Public health facilities, international modernization and cooperation. Venezuela's National Nursing School Project, 1936-1950]
Q52372549[Public health in times of bureaucratization: the case of the physician Noel Nutels]
Q51443471[Public interactions, private censorship: the case of Facebook].
Q83306459[Public opinion on transgenics]
Q51443478[Public spheres, political crisis and the Internet: the rise of the Podemos party].
Q104499795[Puerperal insanity:a comparative reading of Argentina and Colombia, 1880-1950]
Q84709547[Quantity, quality, harmony and adaption: the guiding principles of a society without hunger in Josué de Castro]
Q86558691[Quetelet, the average man and medical knowledge]
Q46027555[Race and nationality in Mexican biomedicine].
Q83773526[Reading the 'natural book': notes towards a history of anatomical and surgical studies in Buenos Aires (1870-1895)]
Q81564671[Reasons for banishing the concept of race from Brazilian medicine]
Q53807555[Recent trends in scholarship on the history of nursing in Brazil].
Q51148025[Reciprocal material agency: an ecology for studies of science].
Q83222986[Reconstructing motherhood: pediatric and obstetric discourse in women's magazines in the 1920s]
Q53717859[Reflecting on pharmaceutical innovations and their impact on access to medications].
Q80328726[Regimento proueytoso and Modus curandi: edition of the texts]
Q83773539[Regionalism, modernity, and intellectual legitimacy: Moysés Vellinho and Érico Veríssimo (1930 to 1964)]
Q87565834[Regulating the internet: a comparative analysis of Brazil, Chile, Spain, the US, and France]
Q101042657[Regulation of drug prices in nineteenth-century Bazilian pharmacy]
Q83773674[Regulation of the use of animals in Brazil in the twentieth century and the process of forming the current regime applied to biomedical research]
Q79373080[Reluctant partner: Canada's relationship with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)]
Q72989876[Reopening the 'black box': discontinuity and continuity in the discourse on AIDS in the USA (1987-98)]
Q40479842[Representing and intervening in public health: viruses, mosquitoes and Rockefeller Foundation experts in Brazil]
Q85542191[Reproduction, sexuality and power: the struggles and disputes over abortion and contraception in Rio de Janeiro, 1890-1930]
Q84709560[Research in ethnobotany and the return of systematized knowledge to the community: a complex issue]
Q33195544[Researching documents on the history of hansen's disease in Brazil].
Q74697169[Resignifying hygienic concepts: the establishment of a sanitation authority in Buenos Aires in the 1880s]
Q61837660[Response to the article "Cesarean sections, perfecting the technique and standardizing the practice: an analysis of the book Obstetrícia, by Jorge de Rezende"]
Q52799397[Responsible research and development? Translating absences from nanotechnology in Portugal].
Q30885154[Revealing a history of exclusion: the experience at Hospital-Colônia Itapuã Data and Research center].
Q83842486[Reversal of crime: hostile norms, a cruel society, and subjective escape through violence]
Q52352520[Revisiting establishments of the etiology of Turner syndrome].
Q80653017[Revista Brasileira de História da Medicina, a pioneer in medical historiography]
Q52802348[Ricardo Jorge and the history of public health in Portugal].
Q52366689[Richard Spruce, botanist-South America's explorer].
Q52374671[Rockefeller Foundation and health assistance in São Paulo (1920-30): historical perspectives].
Q83773839[Roosevelt and Rondon unveil a river in the Amazon]
Q84584058[Roquette-Pinto and well-tempered positivism]
Q83335166[Rotten meat, coffee with corn, and watered-down milk: power struggles and oversight of the food trade in the Imperial Court, 1840-1889]
Q87434089[Rudolf Barth: a pioneering scientist on the island of Trindade]
Q88407986[Rural internship in the Amazon region: historical aspects, current context and main challenges]
Q104499799[Rural youth and their experiences with sexuality]
Q52373575[Salvador, world city: from Germany to Bahia].
Q52362386[Samuel Pessoa: a scientific trajectory in the context of public health campaigns and developmentalism Brazil].
Q83773696[Sanitary education and public health in the State of Minas Gerais in the first half of the twentieth century]
Q83842488[Sanitation versus environment: engineering and politics at the end of the Empire and under the First Republic]
Q54685119[Santa Casa de Misericórdia and hygienist policies in Belém do Pará in the late nineteenth century].
Q93025872[Santa Casa de Misericórdia of Cachoeira: charity and philanthropy in the context of the imperial government's welfare policy]
Q77484324[Santa Tereza Windows: a study of the psycho-social rehabilitation process at the Psychiatric Hospital in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo]
Q52352697[Save for eternity: principles of medical science in the age of Montaigne and Cervantes].
Q97546180[Science and health: challenges facing World Heritage]
Q80394216[Science and history in the report by the First Republic's Comissão Exploradora do Planalto Central]
Q81205692[Science and medical education in Brazil (1930-1950)]
Q52366709[Science and nation: romanticism and natural history in the works of E. J. da Silva Maia].
Q52341750[Science as a profession: an interview with Carlos Chagas Filho].
Q87762468[Science in the service of human and environmental health: interview with chemist, geneticist, and environmentalist Flávio Lewgoy]
Q104499781[Science on TV: perceptions among adolescents in three Brazilian cities]
Q83773593[Science on the front page: an analysis of the covers of three Brazilian newspapers]
Q57138423[Science, charity, and social networks: Hospício de Pedro II from different perspectives]
Q83335185[Sciences and the State: a critical note on some theoretical propositions]
Q52352700[Scientific activities under the Portuguese Empire: a study of the works of Manuel Ferreira da Câmara, 'metalworker by profession'--1783-1820].
Q83222955[Scientific charity: Moncorvo Filho and the Instituto de Proteção e Assistência à Infância of Rio de Janeiro (1899-1930)]
Q83306474[Scientific diffusion in Rio de Janeiro: some considerations about the 20s]
Q81100612[Scientific research in the biosciences in São Paulo: beyond institutions]
Q84749810[Scientific training and professional practice in the career of Carlos Chagas Filho]
Q52352223[Scientists in action: more time and research essential for uncovering the A (H1N1) virus].
Q53623856[Scientists in cartoons: humanizing science].
Q86031396[Scrutinizing race relations]
Q52371623[Seeds against smallpox: Joaquim Vás and the scientific translation of bananeira brava seeds in Goa, India (1894-1930)].
Q80394222[Selling health! A new look at old-time pharmacy almanacs]
Q86838447[Senior years, subjectivation, and biopolitics]
Q74697757[Serving the fatherland: the mobilization of Brazilian nurses during World War II]
Q81948905[Sexuality and civilization in the tropics: gender, medicine, and morality in the Manaus press (1895-1915)]
Q87176653[Silva Coutinho: his career and his contributions to the geological collections of the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro]
Q80502751[Similia Similibus Curentur: revisiting historical aspects of homeopathy nine years later]
Q80783193[Smallpox vaccine: views of the academy of medicine in imperial Brazil]
Q54751704[Sociabilities, networks and the circulation of knowledges in the creation of a "psy scope" in Argentina during the inter-war period (Santa Fe, 1919-1943)].
Q83773614[Social sciences and health education: the perspective of the Special Public Health Service's Social Research Section in the 1950s]
Q92813541[Social stigma and internalized stigma: the voice of persons with mental disorders and the confrontations required]
Q84065973[Sociocultural aspects of vaccination in an indigenous region]
Q85196360[Some reflections on the classification of living organisms]
Q30755060[Sources for a history of the Brazilian Ministry of health's fifty years].
Q91689361[Sources for a history of the Manguinhos Hospital]
Q90959995[Sources for the history of gynecology and obstetrics in Brazil]
Q30976604[Sources for the history of health sciences in Brazil (1808-1930)].
Q97546170[Southern skies, social storms and pestilences: astronomy and meteorology in Argentine parliamentary debates,1869-1872]
Q88407990[Spanish Flu in Sorocaba and the case of the Santa Rosália factory, 1918: local history contributions to the study of epidemics in Brazil]
Q74695237[Speed/temporal acceleration and emerging infections: epidemiology and social time]
Q52374667[Spontaneous generation and the hygienic concern about germ dissemination].
Q52773153[Starvation, eugenics and the development of nutrition in Pernambuco according to Gilberto Freire's, Josué de Castro's and Nelson Chaves' analyses].
Q83222976[State, civil society, and health policies in Europe (nineteenth and twentieth centuries)]
Q53175088[Stem cell research: a case study on the dynamics of one segment of a scientific field].
Q74695876[Stories of physicians: work lives in the transition from liberal professional practice to technological medicine]
Q80652994[Street social education: historical, political and pedagogical bases]
Q90154468[Struggles for the history of health: perspectives on the social sciences in health based on the intellectual trajectory of Luiz Antonio de Castro Santos]
Q80469177[Surgical classes in the middle of South America (1808-16)]
Q58569420[Symbolic capital of the work of the female health visitors of the Public Health Service Foundation in the State of Alagoas, Brazil]
Q87837522[São Paulo residents known as "Southern Yankees" and the "modern disease," namely neurasthenia, in the early decades of the twentieth century]
Q81380444[São Pedro de Alcântara Charity Hospital: assistance and healthcare in Goiás during the nineteenth century]
Q86903543[Teaching science: realism, anti-realism and the construction of the concept of oxygen]
Q74697470[Teaching social sciences at a medical school: the story of one course (1965-90)]
Q56795575[Technological development: a weak link in vaccine innovation in Brazil]
Q90674655[The "fight against death:" bodies, Brazilian modernity, and a history of old age, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, 1930s]
Q91689438[The "homeopathic specific:" commercial legitimization of homeopathy in Barcelona (1902-1910)]
Q86989747[The "return of the repressed": the role of sexuality in the reception of psychoanalysis in Chilean medical circles, 1910-1940]
Q86053666[The (in)salubrity of prison life and other causes of death in Porto Alegre Prison, 1855-1888]
Q83335168[The 1853-1856 cholera epidemic in the Portuguese press]
Q86544666[The American Sociological Association's Medical Sociology Section turns fifty and the Journal of Health and Social Behavior celebrates]
Q83394595[The Argentina State railroad and its contribution to science]
Q54325238[The Biometric Cabinet of the Escola de Educação Física do Exército: measuring and classifying to produce ideal bodies, 1930-1940].
Q83773813[The Boletim Médico: the tuberculosis specialists' prescription for curing the city of São José dos Campos (1930-1935)]
Q83773807[The Bureau of Longitudes and the founding of the La Plata Observatory in Argentina (1882-1890)]
Q104499808[The Center for Memory and Historical Museum at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School: contributions to history and medical education]
Q84749787[The Centro Espírita Redemptor and the treatment of mental illness, 1910-1921]
Q104499806[The Consolata Order and indigenous peoples in the federal territory of Rio Branco (1948-1952): approaches for implementing care]
Q97546175[The Death of Nature forty years on: contributions to ecofeminism and the historiography of science]
Q87434104[The Expedition to Maranhão: priests, astronomical instruments and books in Amazônia in the eighteenth century]
Q93025881[The Fishing School at Abrigo Cristo Redentor do Rio de Janeiro and the professional training of fishermen during the Estado Novo period in Brazil, 1937-1945]
Q74696939[The Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz's Scientific Vocation Program (Provoc) as a valuable educational strategy]
Q101042643[The Hospital Proletário in João Pessoa: limits and possibilities for worker healthcare (Paraíba, 1930s)]
Q86838451[The Hospital Real de Todos-os-Santos and its healing agents]
Q51889523[The Hospital-Colónia Rovisco Pais: the last Portuguese leprosarium and the contingent universes of experience and memory].
Q85842919[The Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo: a chapter in the emergence and firm establishment of the oceanographic sciences in Brazil, 1946-1969]
Q58896187[The Internet and self treatment: how to put them together?]
Q83335173[The Laboratório de Biologia Infantil, 1935-1941: from forensic medicine to social assistance]
Q79371471[The League of Nations Health Organization and the rise of Latin American participation, 1920-40]
Q73761012[The Lutzes as seen by their contemporaries]
Q97546194[The Manguinhos Alhambra: islamophilia and ornamental function in the "Castelo Mourisco" in Rio de Janeiro]
Q33242658[The Museums of Morphological Sciences: a different place at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais].
Q93025838[The National Commission of Social Welfare: State planning and social policy, 1951-1954]
Q57072211[The Nobel Prize database as an indicator of the internationalization of Brazilian science from 1901 to 1966]
Q84584057[The Republic and scientific practices]
Q74696636[The Rio de Janeiro Medical and Surgical Society: the genesis of an alternative institutional network]
Q83290662[The Rockefeller Foundation and the construction of a professional identity in nursing during Brazil's first Republic]
Q56897346[The Rondon Commission, diseases, and politics: "Região do Madeira: Santo Antônio," by Joaquim Augusto Tanajura - another view of the Alto Madeira in 1911]
Q84709490[The Spanish flu epidemic: a challenge to Bahian medicine]
Q81100615[The Spanish flu in Salvador, 1918: city of alleys and tenements]
Q81205705[The ailing colony and the health of the people: the medicine of the Enlightenment and information about the infirmities in Portugal's American colonies]
Q83773604[The amazing story of the fraudulent cloned embryos and what it tells us about science, technology, and the media]
Q77064897[The antropology of disease and the diseased: perceptions and life strategies adopted by tuberculosis patients]
Q57101444[The archeology of human aggressiveness: violence from a paleo-epidemiological perspective]
Q52330393[The art of uniting time and space: Fernand Braudel, geohistory and the long run].
Q50791019[The assistance of the Portuguese Colony of Brazil, 1918-1973].
Q85842921[The astrolabe, the sea and the Empire]
Q83335171[The battle against charlatanism: the institutionalization of scientific medicine in the province of Goiás]
Q76307288[The beginnings of the smallpox vaccine in São Paulo: a little known story]
Q77397150[The biomedical model and the reformulation of the medical curriculum of Universidade Federal Fluminense]
Q52330395[The body and the medical knowledge in the eighteenth century: an interview with Jean Abreu].
Q82102172[The body as object and source in the production of the senses]
Q52351951[The cardiological perspective: Francisco Laranja and research on Chagas' disease. Interview by Rose Goldschmidt, Jaime Benchimol, Marcos Chor Maio].
Q83773610[The career of Henrique da Rocha Lima and German-Brazilian relations (1901-1956)]
Q88471979[The challenges of occupational health: historical and contemporary problems]
Q80502754[The challenges of otherness: thoughts on gender and sexuality among activists from a Rio de Janeiro AIDS NGO]
Q86053669[The characterization of the use of animals in teaching from the perception of students of biological and health sciences]
Q81205689[The cholera epidemics in Córdoba as seen through the press: the supply of preservatives and cures during the 1867-1868 epidemic]
Q56907807[The city of Santos and the expansion of Brazilian public health services in homeopathy]
Q51399868[The coast of Northeast Brazil as a Darwinian scientific object: the explorations of John Casper Branner, 1899-1911].
Q52384418[The collection monument to the memory of Oswaldo Cruz].
Q84782982[The compulsory isolation of Hansen's disease patients: memories of the elderly]
Q52384419[The construction of Oswaldo Cruz's image].
Q87432265[The construction of cancer as an object of scientific study and sanitary problem in Argentina: discourses, experimental practices and institutional initiatives, 1903-1922]
Q90960020[The construction of childhood and its specialized medical care: the beginnings of pediatrics in Buenos Aires, 1890-1920]
Q83300766[The construction of the "sick-subject" in RSI]
Q97546262[The construction of the castle at Manguinhos in the photographic archive of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz]
Q83802066[The contribution of Carlos Chagas Filho to the institutionalization of scientific research in Brazilian universities]
Q53781038[The coverage of science in television news programs in Brazil and Colombia: a comparative study of media constructs].
Q84584048[The creation of chairs in tropical medicine in Peru and Brazil]
Q84065976[The critique of a discourse: how could young people become protagonists?]
Q45949420[The crowdsourcing and cyberactivism agenda in São Paulo city].
Q74696624[The dawning of a new science: Bahian tropicalist medicine]
Q74695246[The debate on experimental medicine under the second reign]
Q83319278[The decline and emergence of diseases]
Q84782974[The design and promotion of health in the Fiocruz research laboratories]
Q84065979[The dilemmas of an ethnography of racial classification within institutional frameworks]
Q52707868[The dissemination of scientific knowledge, social networks and historians creating new histories: an interview with Bruno Leal].
Q92813555[The dramaturgy of experts in Brazilian regulatory science: the case of the National Technical Commission for Biosecurity]
Q51172901[The ecological and civilizational crisis from an anthropological perspective].
Q87615234[The emergence of Aids in Amazonas]
Q83773575[The end of food: dietary supplementation and diet among avid members of workout and fitness centers in Rio de Janeiro]
Q90154421[The energy metaphor for the human body and its effect on the rise of neurasthenia, neurosis and depression]
Q58675454[The ethics of the medical profession and its professionalization (1927-57): a repertory of sources in the constitution of medical associations]
Q88329520[The evaluation of psychological development in the dispensarios de lactantes (infant and toddler clinics) in Buenos Aires: medicine and psychology in Argentina, 1935-1942]
Q74697763[The evaluation of science and peer review: past and present]
Q51312168[The evolution of human cultural behavior: notes on Darwinism and complexity].
Q83773654[The experience of a 'weak and sick childhood' far from home: the experience of the Maritime Asylum, Mar del Plata (1893-1920)]
Q86544669[The first Brazilian scientific voyage: the imperial scientific commission]
Q83842456[The formation of the field of psychiatry: two opposing perspectives]
Q30354308[The formative years of a research scientist: Louis Pasteur].
Q83773600[The framing of transgenics in São Paulo newspapers: the potential contribution of information to political participation]
Q83290646[The frontiers of 'abnormality': psychiatry and social control]
Q83773749[The gender of transvestites: the body and sexuality in Brazilian culture]
Q74696613[The genesis and development of alimentary education: the creation of a norm]
Q83773636[The great benefit for humanity]
Q82102068[The healing arts and ways of life in the geographical realm of the cangaço]
Q31114373[The history of Biblioteca de Manguinhos and its rare collections].
Q58844352[The history of Chagas' disease in Argentina: conceptual, institutional, and political evolution]
Q83319293[The history of anthropology in Brazil - Unicamp Project]
Q76348968[The history of polio in Brazil and its control through immunization]
Q83773835[The history of science from the historian's perspective]
Q52371808[The history of the psychiatry not told by Foucault].
Q87797280[The history of the public health reform in Brazil and of the Sistema Único de Saúde: changes, continuities, and the current agenda]
Q86558701[The hospital dynamics at Maternidade Dr. João Moreira, Fortaleza, in the early decades of the twentieth century]
Q97546326[The humanization of childbirth in Brazil as seen in the trajectories of its researchers]
Q86964601[The ideology and training of technical health workers in Brazil and Mercosur]
Q58667333[The imag-ethics of the individual]
Q86031398[The indeterminate question of race]
Q51443462[The informed patient and medical knowledge: a virtual ethnography study of Facebook communities of the infirm].
Q86964593[The institutional constitution of Museu Paraense]
Q82102180[The institutionalization of SUS and the professional training of health workers]
Q86838465[The invention of animals: a history of Mexican veterinary medicine in the nineteenth century]
Q83773707[The land of the Mother of God]
Q87615240[The leprosy "drama": Governador Valadares, public health policies, and their territorial implications in the 1980s]
Q89090711[The long journey of Milton Santos's exile and the formation of his network of cooperation]
Q52327206[The madman of Itaguaí, history, madness, and psychiatric knowledge: historiographic dialogues about "The Alienist," by Machado de Assis].
Q86964590[The magazineSaúde em Debateas a source and object of study]
Q84065971[The making of madness: counterculture and anti-psychiatry]
Q89090724[The mandacaru did not blossom: Positivist science at the service of drought control in 1877-1879]
Q92813560[The meanings of the "Coffee Symphony:" a retelling of the song by Humberto Teixeira]
Q90960000[The medicalization of childbirth in Brazil through the study of obstetrics handbooks]
Q57141866[The misery of degeneration: Buffon's materialism and the 'limitations' of his transformism]
Q87176680[The mobilization of U.S. women during the First World War: struggles for a greater scope of action as an expansion of civil rights]
Q81100609[The modern psychiatric institution from an organizational perspective]
Q86568565[The motives for hospitalization at Adauto Botelho Hospital (Cariacica, ES) in the second half of the twentieth century]
Q83773588[The narratives and images of German travelers to nineteenth-century Brazil: the construction of an imagination about indigenous peoples, history, and the nation]
Q84065978[The national question in Latin America: the rough road of comparative approaches]
Q52364636[The national-international nexus in public health: Uruguay and the circulation of child health and welfare policies, 1890-1940].
Q88193535[The new history of science: an interview with Dominique Pestre]
Q86964580[The opening lesson in the course on history and geography given by Paul Vidal de la Blache at the Faculty of Nancy: reflections of a historian newly turned geographer]
Q81205712[The origins of the basic healthcare system in Brazil: the District System of Sanitation Administration]
Q52377575[The paradigm of historical epistemology: Thomas Kuhn's contribution].
Q33242400[The passing eye: museums, public education, and the visualization of scientific evidence].
Q80783199[The pathways of the vaccine in nineteenth and twentieth-century Portuguese India]
Q58569396[The phase after the eradication of smallpox in Mexico, 1952-1977]
Q88472000[The poetry of Augusto dos Anjos and fin de siècle neuropsychiatry]
Q78380927[The policy and politics of alternative food programs in Brazil: analysis of a controversy]
Q83319286[The positivist church on Benjamin Constant Street]
Q101042658[The postcard in Brazil in the early twentieth century: a medium on which image and action combine]
Q88471982[The power of history]
Q83216754[The prelude to psychiatric reform in Brazil: the contradictions of the 1970s]
Q52328047[The press, gender, and scientific culture in the 1960s: an interview with Eulina Cavalcante, journalist for the newspaper News Seller].
Q85848421[The price of altruism]
Q82102212[The production of care within family healthcare teams: new lenses through which to view the micro-politics of health work]
Q83222981[The promotion of women in social space as an effect of the regulation of motherhood and childhood]
Q53058807[The protagonist microbe: notes on the communication of bacteriology in the Gazeta Médica da Bahia journal, nineteenth century].
Q64979750[The public perception of information about the potential risks of genetically modified crops in the food chain].
Q89090714[The reception of programmed instruction as an approach to behavioral analysis in Brazil in the 1960s and 1970s]
Q83736658[The reign of hormones and the construction of gender differences]
Q51810957[The relationship between physical education and health in Rio de Janeiro in the nineteenth century: reflections based on the case of Colégio Abílio, 1872-1888].
Q54709961[The religious imaginary of Hansen's disease patients: a comparative study of former inmates of the asylums of São Paulo and current Hansen's disease patients].
Q93041779[The road from the "antituberculosis armory" to the Huipulco Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Mexico City, 1920-1940]
Q80783212[The role and practices of the curandeiro and saludador in early modern Portuguese society]
Q83773803[The role of the Faculty of Medicine in the process of academic modernization and professionalization at the University of Buenos Aires, 1955-1958: issues in debate and points of convergence]
Q50781780[The scientific and technological policy depicted in the annual addresses of heads of state]
Q83300788[The scientific community is in doubt]
Q82102077[The scientism of racial theories in O cortiço and Canaã]
Q54442042[The sertão remediated: the clash between the elite of Goiás and sanitation thinking, 1910-1920].
Q81624880[The significance of sickle cell anemia within the context of the Brazilian government's 'racial policies' (1995-2004)]
Q74696944[The small pox vaccine: its first century in Brazil (from the Jennerian to the animal vaccine)]
Q86568583[The social context of the birth control debate in Colombia in the 1960s and 1970s: politics, medicine and society]
Q83278742[The social sciences' other health-care discourse]
Q86568575[The socialization of medicine in the era of São Paulo Governor Adhemar de Barros]
Q52596494[The socio-cultural bases of alternative therapeutic practices].
Q83773761[The sociology of health and of disease: new challenges]
Q81380437[The spatial dimension in health studies: a historical trajectory]
Q83394540[The spirit of the law and the laws of the spirit: the evolution of Brazilian legal thought in the realm of mental health]
Q50501858[The strategies of the symbolic struggle for the training of the visiting nurse in the early twentieth century].
Q85542195[The sugar cane blight of the 1860s: science applied to agriculture]
Q85196363[The symbolic cartography of epidemiological risk: an incursion into the thinking of Boaventura de Sousa Santos]
Q74695447[The symbolic geopolitics of syphilis: an essay in historical anthropology]
Q73769784[The trail of AIDS in Peru]
Q72994720[The training of public school cafeteria staff: an analysis of the instructional material developed by Instituto de Nutrição Annes Dias - Rio de Janeiro (1956-1994)]
Q93025829[The trait of personalism in charitable institutions: donors, donations, and social projection in nineteenth-century Ceará]
Q93041832[The trajectories and choices of Jean-Claude Schmitt]
Q80502756[The transformation of the dental services market and the battle over a monopoly in 19th century dental practice]
Q79371478[The transition from 'international' to 'global' public health and the World Health Organization]
Q87615260[The translation of knowledge in the ambit of international cooperation: the experience of Fiocruz in introducing health technologies to Haiti]
Q90959988[The transnationalization of normal childbirth in Brazil: a study of the last five decades]
Q79531270[The transparent body: medical imaging and popular culture in the twentieth century]
Q52374679[The unfolding of the blood circulation doctrine: the correspondence between William Harvey and Caspar Hofmann in May 1636].
Q101042655[The unusual origin of qualitative social science research in Brazil]
Q88471996[The use of animal-assisted therapy: a bioethical question]
Q56893730[The use of coca leaves in traditional communities: perspectives in health, society, and culture]
Q76307360[The vaccinal hypothesis: towards a critical and anthropological approach to a historical phenomenon]
Q52366707[The values and institutional practice of science: Robert Merton's and Thomas Kuhn's conceptions].
Q89278754[The view of biotypology in Southern Brazil: discourse and practice in the 1930s and 1950s]
Q74695616[The visible face of Aids]
Q54325235[The workings of a Darwinist brain: Guedes Cabral and the evolutionism ofFunções do cérebro(1876)].
Q83842491[Theory, critical analysis, and the challenge of interdisciplinary thought at the crossroads of collective health, the environment, and geography]
Q86838437[Therapeutic communities: "new" outlooks and public health proposals]
Q97546298[Therapeutic remedies and medical propaganda on influenza in Mexico in 1918: ideas and knowledge sets]
Q84749796[Theses on hepatitis at the Faculdade de Medicina of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 1837-2000]
Q52371822[Thomas Lindley: a traveler tells of disease and how it was handled in the early nineteenth century].
Q83773622[Thoughts on cognitive access to information in Brazil]
Q91689415[Ties between homeopathy and Spiritism in Rio Grande do Sul at the turn of the twentieth century]
Q83736636[Torrent of madmen: the language of degeneration in Portuguese psychiatry at the close of the 19th century]
Q90154435[Toward a sociology of self-help: an outline of its legitimacy in contemporary society]
Q83773619[Towards a scientific, humanist medicine: the relevance of Rudolf Virchow today]
Q83773669[Toxicity and apple production in southern Brazil]
Q97546165[Traditional building techniques in architectural conservation and restoration: the experience of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz in the preservation of the Moorish Pavilion]
Q83222965[Training and providing assistance: images of Curitiba's Senai school in the 1940s and 1950s]
Q80783125[Transformations in curing practices in Rio de Janeiro during the first half of the eighteenth century]
Q83306429[Transgenic plants: the future of sustainable agriculture]
Q56901710[Transgenics and controlled evolution]
Q83306434[Transgenics and productivity in the Brazilian agriculture]
Q83300800[Transgenics without Manichaeism]
Q83335181[Translating Fleck: an interview with Georg Otte and Mariana Camilo de Oliveira]
Q57100288[Transportation networks and means in the development of scientific expeditions in Argentina (1850-1910)]
Q74695283[Travel naturalists]
Q74695270[Tuberculosis patients and their itineraries]
Q83306407[Tuberculosis throughout the times]
Q76325364[Vaccination, quality control, and vaccine production in Brazil since 1960]
Q76325394[Vaccine innovations in Brazil: recent experiences and structural constraints]
Q53631513[Vaccines and campaigns: images with a story to tell].
Q52386176[Valencia's cultural and scientific universe in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and the contextulization of Arnaldo de Vilanova's work].
Q85285550[Variations on the "scientific culture" in four Brazilian authors]
Q83300779[Videographies of the heart: an ethnographic study of the cardiac catheterization]
Q90674647[Violence, health and ailment of bodies in the parish of Vila Rica, eighteenth century]
Q52358420[War and oranges: a radiophonic lecture on the nutritional value of Brazilian fruits (1940)].
Q86872460[Washington and Geneva arrive in Buenos Aires: notes on the history of the habit of smoking and its medicalization]
Q83300771[Water pipelines conduits and urban sanitation in Cartagena in the beginning of the twentieth century]
Q80328716[Ways of managing madness during the First Republic: the case of the state of Espírito Santo]
Q83773753[Ways of suffering, feeling pleasure, and constructing (oneself): on the psychodynamics of work and its subject]
Q93025822[Wealth, poverty, and childhood: Portuguese enlightened reforms and the usefulness of unwanted children]
Q89090708[What were the medical police?]
Q88408005[When paradigms change in public health: what changes in history?]
Q54325207[When theory becomes fetish].
Q84545521[Why do efforts toward theoretical synthesis prove so successful in biology but not in sociology?]
Q83222944[Without pain you will bring forth children: medical power, gender, and politics in new forms of assisted childbirth in Argentina (1960-1980)]
Q83773583[Women and their careers at Unicamp's Faculty of Medical Sciences: unique voices and collective images]
Q83736655[Women's presence in undergraduate and graduate courses: deconstructing the idea of university as a male domain]
Q84545513[Women's rights in Brazil: focus on maternal health]
Q84709485[Women, the press, and hygiene: the medicalization of birth in Bahia (1910-1927)]
Q52957802[Workers with signs of smallpox in the collection of Regional Office of Labor, Rio Grande do Sul, 1933-1944].
Q90154427[Writing about oneself and a disease: a study on biographical and autobiographical work by survivors of Hansen's disease]
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