Ecological Genetics


Ecological Genetics is …
instance of (P31):
academic journalQ737498
open-access journalQ773668
scientific journalQ5633421

External links are
P8375Crossref journal ID299376
P5115Directory of Open Access Journals ID1811-0932
P1055NLM Unique ID101495627
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDV2764577753
P7662Scilit journal ID440607
P1156Scopus source ID21100841273

P275copyright licenseCreative Commons AttributionQ6905323
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P495country of originRussiaQ159
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
P407language of work or nameRussianQ7737
P921main subjectgeneticsQ7162
P408software engineOpen Journal SystemsQ1710177
P1476titleEcological Genetics
Экологическая генетика

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published in (P1433)
Q115349388A comparative analysis of genetic diversity of natural elk (Alces alces L.) populations from European Russia and Sumarokov elk farm population
Q129887132A molecular genetic research of the Triticum sinskajae A. Filat. et Kurk. by RAPD analysis and by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the variable intergenic region of the petN-trnC-GCA chloroplast genome and intron of the histone H3.2 gene
Q115349423Analysis of alternative splicing events in the root tips and nodules of Pisum sativum L
Q113154716Analysis of introgressive lines of inter-species pea hybrids by band composition of seed proteins
Q115785660Analysis of mutation frequencies of the BRCA1 5382insC and BRCA2 6174delT genes in the population of Ufa city
Q115349379Analysis of the genetic diversity of Ayrshire cattle in Russia (part 1)
Q127547356Artificial activation of nif gene expression in nodule bacteria Ex Planta
Q122860773Assessment of a state of population gene pools of terrestrial mollusks in conditions of influence of ore dressing combines on example Bradybaena fruticum Müll. (Gastropoda, Pullmonata)
Q123019324Assessment of the state of population gene pools of the slightly mobile animal species on the example of the land snail Bradybaena fruticum Müll. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) based on the DNA markers
Q123312548Assessment of the state population gene pool of specially protected species Helicopsis striata (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) using DNA-markers
Q115015042Assessment of variability of egg production traits based on analysis of SNP markers and search for traces of selection in the genome of Russian white chickens
Q129817530Association between cytokine gene polymorphisms and squamous cell lung cancer depending on the duration of smoking in men
Q129075888Bacterial DNA damage effectors in host cells
Q115349453Biochemical diversity of fatty acid composition in flax from VIR genetic collection and effect of environment on its development
Q113033152Biological and social aspects of human sexual orientation: chemocommunicative hypothesis
Q129817452Characterization and identification of naturally transgenic species Linaria vulgaris pathogenic mycromycetes
Q128881694Cloning of PpKAR2 and PpPDI1 genes promoters from yeast Pichia pastoris, an evaluation of their activity and efficacy for the heterologous genes expression
Q115349451Contradictions teleology of Legal Policy of the Russian Federation in the field of genetic engineering
Q114049032Contribution of the intron retained in the Nxf1 gene transcript to the phylogeny of the order Chiroptera
Q113702879Cytogenetic response of seed progeny of scots pine to combined anthropogenic pollution in the area of Novolipetsk metallurgical combine
Q113154715Cytogenetic variability of seed progeny from trees of weeping birch (Betula pendula Roth), growingin different ecological conditions
Q119777606DNA damage in placenta and embryos of rats exposed to peat smoke; antigenotoxic effects of afobazole
Q114049036DNA-metabarcoding analyses of the grapevine wood fungal community in the Krasnodar Region and Crimea
Q115349417Diversity of RNA interference pathways in regulation of endogenous and exogenous sequences expression in ciliates Tetrahymena and Paramecium
Q115349429Diversity of flax morphological characters in VIR genetic collection as a result of crop domestication
Q115349404Diversity of nocardio- and coryneform bacteria in soil adjacent to pig farm treatment installation
Q115349411Diversity of the gene of benzoate dioxygenase in bacterial associations isolated from long term organochlorine-contaminated soils
Q115349441Diversity of the species of genus Avena revealed by morphological characters and resistance to Fusarium infection of grain
Q128104125Ecological and genetic bases for construction of highly effective nitrogen-fixing microbe-plant symbioses
Q122877553Ecological genetics of beetles of the genus <i>Adalia</i>: restructuring of <i>A. bipunctata</i> populations as a global warming effect
Q129899249Ecological genetics of beetles of the genus Adalia: population structure of A. bipunctata of the Crimea depends on climatic factors
Q125767693Ecological genetics of beetles of the genus Adalia: populations of A. bipunctata of NorwAy and Kola peninsula
Q127539756Effect of lead on polytenic chromosomes from salivary glands of Chironomus Plumosus L. and Glyptotendipes Glaucus Mg. (Diptera, Chironomidae)
Q128103948Endophytic microorganisms in fundamental research and agriculture
Q115349471Estimation of genetic diversity of Karelian birch populations in Kareliausing microsatellite markers
Q127522608Estimation of the congruence between morphogenetic and molecular-genetic modules of gray voles Microtus S.L. variability along a climatic gradient
Q114393029Evaluation of mutagenic activity of the pesticides: actara, sencor, mospilan, pencozeb, fastac in the Ames test
Q129076171Evaluation of mutagenic and antimutagenic potential of stem bark aqueous extracts of eight trees by the bacterial reverse mutation assay
Q121788818Evolution of virulence in population of flax rust pathogen Melampsora lini (Pers.) Lev. in conditions of Russia
Q115349391Functions of reactive oxygen species in plant cells under normal conditions and during adaptation
Q113033153Genesis of the karelian birch. an ecogenetic hypothesis
Q122661202Genetic and morphological diversification in gastropods of the Baicaliidae family
Q115349457Genetic diversity and differentiation of siberian stone pine populations at the southern edge in lowland part of West Siberia
Q111422907Genetic diversity comparative evaluation of Pinus Sylvestris L. and Picea x Fennica (regel) kom. native populations and clonal seed orchards in russian Karelia
Q115349462Genetic diversity of barley accessions from Mongolia for greenbug resistance
Q115349445Genetic diversity of cereal crops for powdery mildew resistance
Q115349402Genetic diversity of scots pine trees of different selection categories in plus stands of Karelia
Q123020026Genetic structure of the continuous and ephemeral populations of the land snail Brephulopsis Cylindrica (Gastropoda; Pulmonata; Enidae)
Q115349469Genetic study of motor functions in Drosophila melanogaster
Q123014386Genetical structure of populations of modelling species of terrestrial mollusks in conditions of the urbanized landscape on example Сhondrula tridens Müll (Gastropoda, Pulmonata)
Q129886989Genome and stress-reaction in animals and humans
Q115349374Geograpahic distribution of allele frequencies of alcohol metabolism genes and possible determinants of inter population diversity in human
Q115349433Haplotypic diversity of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles (Diptera, Culicidae) of North Vietnam
Q113262276High maize barrier prevents maize pollen transfer in mixed crops
Q128122117Histological and ultrastructural nodule organization of the pea (Pisum sativum) mutant sgefix–-5 in the Sym33 gene encoding the transcription factor PsCYCLOPS/PsIPD3
Q123218249Identification of cryptic forms of the hybridogenic complex of European water frogs (<i>Pelophylax esculentus complex</i>) in the conditions of transformed biotopes of the south of the Central Russian Upland based on DNA markers
Q114049038Identification of the eam8 allele associated with photoperiod insensitivity in barley accessions from Japan
Q127541329Impact of electromagnetic uhf radiation on genome destabilization in bone marrow cell of rat strains with contrast nervous system excitability
Q128107636Influence of mutation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) cdt (cadmium tolerance) gene on histological and ultrastructural nodule organization
Q114922685Is biological invasion crucible for evolution?
Q125420810Knockout of the tomato translational elongation factor using CRISPR-Cas9 technology
Q115349459LIM-kinase 1 in regulation of cognitive and locomotor functions of Drosophila melanogaster
Q115349474Linked symbiotic populations: analysis of genetic diversity of rhizobial component
Q128815867Long-term gene-environment interactions and genetics of metabolic disorders in aboriginal populations of Northeast Asia
Q115349394Loss of allelic diversity in species of hybrid origin
Q129022813Mechanisms of bacterial multiresistance to antibiotics
Q113231577Medicago lupulina lines with defects in the development of efficient arbuscular mycorrhiza
Q115349401Methods of gene engineering
Q60649055Mitochondrial DNA d-loop polymorphism analysis for estimation of diversity in chicken flocks of Pavlov breed
Q115349455Modern approach of structuring the variety diversity of the naked and covered forms of cultural oats (Avena sativa L.)
Q128882322Molecular genetic identification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Q128107008Molecular genetic mechanisms of sugar transport in plants in the absence and during arbuscular mycoryza development
Q125420340Molecular screening of squash and patisson squash collection samples using markers of the <i>Pm-0</i> gene, which controls resistance to powdery mildew
Q129024613Mutations in tumor suppressor genes and their relationship with phenotypic features of breast cancer in young age women
Q115349476Novel series os pea symbiotic mutants induced in the SGE line
Q125420866Obtaining of transgenic barrelclover plants (Medicago truncatula) producing chicken interferon gamma for veterinary use
Q114049037On spontaneity, variability and directed evolution. Whether it is necessary to push foreheads inherited or acquired features?
Q114358747On the photoperiodic induction of diapause in first generation hybrids of Harmonia Axyridis (PALL.) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae)
Q128882585Peterhof collection of rye and its use in genetic studies
Q114049034Phylogeny problems of the genus Vaccinium L. and ways to solve them
Q115349395Polymorphism among Sinorhizobium meliloti isolates native to the origins of alfalfa diversity differed in soil-climate characteristics
Q127540208Polymorphism of genes controlling low level of linolenic acid in lines from VIR flax genetic collection
Q128816604Polymorphisms of 5’-UTR of rad51 gene in prostate cancer
Q115504514Predator odor induces genome instability in the mouse bone marrow cells
Q125782579Prospects for the use of multi-component symbiotic systems of the Legumes
Q127547292Protective effect of extracts of Teucrium Polium and Rumex Crispus against cyclophosphamide-induced genotoxic damage in human lymphocytes
Q128815971Proteome dynamics of antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains exposed to sub-inhibitory concentrations of beta-lactams
Q114393030R577X polymorphism of alpha-actinin-3 in human populations of North-Eastern Asia
Q113070041Restoration of soil microbiome in various soil horizons after crown and surface wildfires
Q127539755Role of the interaction of resistance genes to acaricides of different chemical classes in the posterity of diheterozygous females of the two-spotted spider mite
Q128885427Sensitive periods in development of endometriosis
Q114049033Sinorhizobium meliloti: chromosomal types and genomic islands
Q115349406Structure, functions and perspectives of practical application of the signal molecules inducing development of rhizobia-legume symbiosis
Q115349437Studying the biochemical function of the pea receptor-like kinases sym10, sym37 and k1, required for the legume-rhizobia symbiosis development
Q114049035Telomeres as dynamic structures of human genome: the effect of endogenous and exogenous factors
Q111896158The History of Manayunkia [Polychaeta: Sedentaria: Sabellidae] propagation in North Eastern Asia
Q129075912The comparative analysis of effectiveness of barley intercalar and apical meristems applying for bioindication of lead influence genotoxicity
Q113385925The expansin gene NtEXPA5 increases stress tolerance of tobacco hairy roots through an effect on the antioxidant system
Q115349427The genetic diversity of microsymbionts from Thermopsis lanceolata growing in Mongolia
Q122937269The genetic structure of populations of specially protected mollusk Cepaea vindobonensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) in a north-eastern part of the modern area
Q118126808The genetic variation in pulmonate mollusk (Arianta arbustorum L.) in Leningrad Region
Q115349465The level of genetic diversity and differentiation of mountain hare Lepus timidus population in Karelia
Q42467404The role of DNA polymerase alpha in the control of mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells starved for nutrients
Q128105604The state of art and prospects for development of symbiogenetics
Q111422905The state of gene pool of the basic forest-forming species of the white sea watershed (on the example of a Picea × fennica (Regel) kom. And Pinus sylvestris L.)
Q125420708Transgene-free genome editing of plants
Q129886722Variability in size and shape of wings in longevity-selected strains of house fly (Musca Domestica L.): geometric morphometrics
Q122204749Аnalysis of the genetic variability of populations of land snail Сhondrula tridens Müll. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) RAPD and ISSR markers

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