International Journal of Geo Information


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International Journal of Geo Information is …
instance of (P31):
geospatial journalQ124435065
scientific journalQ5633421
open-access journalQ773668
APC-funded journalQ73365221

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P6981ACNP journal ID3305893
P8375Crossref journal ID144045
P1250Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator (BFI) SNO/CNO7714479
P6180Dimensions Source ID1049476
P5115Directory of Open Access Journals ID2220-9964
P1058ERA Journal ID200858
P8903HAL journal ID91594
P1277JUFO ID76096
P4730Mir@bel journal ID14657
P1055NLM Unique ID101623074
P856official website
P10283OpenAlex IDS2764431341
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID470443
P7662Scilit journal ID1344723
P1156Scopus source ID21100427639

P166award receivedDOAJ sealQ73548471
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons AttributionQ6905323
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P495country of originSwitzerlandQ39
P1240Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator level1
P8875indexed in bibliographic reviewScopusQ371467
Science Citation Index ExpandedQ104047209
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P580start time2012-01-01
P1476titleISPRS international journal of geo-information
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

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published in (P1433)
Q124685339#AllforJan: How Twitter Users in Europe Reacted to the Murder of Ján Kuciak—Revealing Spatiotemporal Patterns through Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling
Q588394342D Cartography Training: Has the Time Come for a Paradigm Shift?
Q1298503092DPR-Tree: Two-Dimensional Priority R-Tree Algorithm for Spatial Partitioning in SpatialHadoop
Q588228773-D Morphological Change Analysis of a Beach with Seagrass Berm Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner
Q1297991893D Cadastral Database Systems—A Systematic Literature Review
Q1243612763D Land Administration: A Review and a Future Vision in the Context of the Spatial Development Lifecycle
Q1285025623D Landform Modeling to Enhance Geospatial Thinking
Q1216123133D Perspective towards the Development of a Metadata-Driven Sharing Mechanism for Heterogeneous CCTV Systems
Q1244373603D Visibility Analysis for Evaluating the Attractiveness of Tourism Routes Computed from Social Media Photos
Q558102783D WebGIS: From Visualization to Analysis. An Efficient Browser-Based 3D Line-of-Sight Analysis
Q1251012124D Time Density of Trajectories: Discovering Spatiotemporal Patterns in Movement Data
Q128087280A 25-Intersection Model for Representing Topological Relations between Simple Spatial Objects in 3-D Space
Q114363664A Bayesian Approach to Estimate the Spatial Distribution of Crowdsourced Radiation Measurements around Fukushima
Q59307552A Case Study of the Forced Invariance Approach for Soil Salinity Estimation in Vegetation-Covered Terrain Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
Q123855953A Change of Theme: The Role of Generalization in Thematic Mapping
Q73186504A Citizen Science Approach for Collecting Toponyms
Q125029552A Citizen-Sensing-Based Digital Service for the Analysis of On-Site Post-Earthquake Messages
Q130538247A CityGML Multiscale Approach for the Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of the Old Town of Taranto (Italy)
Q128668358A Cluster-Based Machine Learning Ensemble Approach for Geospatial Data: Estimation of Health Insurance Status in Missouri
Q73184859A Collaborative Geospatial Shoreline Inventory Tool to Guide Coastal Development and Habitat Conservation
Q120718789A Comparative Assessment of Geostatistical, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Approaches for Mapping Topsoil Organic Carbon Content
Q127241926A Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Preferences for Waterfronts in Wuhan based on Gender Differences in Check-In Behavior
Q128351321A Comparative Study of Statistics-Based Landslide Susceptibility Models: A Case Study of the Region Affected by the Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal
Q127817917A Comparison Between Major Artificial Intelligence Models for Crop Yield Prediction: Case Study of the Midwestern United States, 2006–2015
Q108172528A Comparison of Satellite-Based Estimates of Urban Agglomeration Size for the Accra Area
Q128606805A Comparison of Standard Modeling Techniques Using Digital Aerial Imagery with National Elevation Datasets and Airborne LiDAR to Predict Size and Density Forest Metrics in the Sapphire Mountains MT, USA
Q58394956A Comparison of Terrain Indices toward Their Ability in Assisting Surface Water Mapping from Sentinel-1 Data
Q130163688A Containerized Service-Based Integration Framework for Heterogeneous-Geospatial-Analysis Models
Q125865942A Contributor-Focused Intrinsic Quality Assessment of OpenStreetMap in Mozambique Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Q127941349A Convenient Tool for District Heating Route Optimization Based on Parallel Ant Colony System Algorithm and 3D WebGIS
Q127495695A Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Auto-Detection of Landslide Photographs to Assess Citizen Science and Volunteered Geographic Information Data Quality
Q114819297A Critical Comparison of 3D Digitization Techniques for Heritage Objects
Q130131019A Distance-Adaptive Refueling Recommendation Algorithm for Self-Driving Travel
Q126654892A Distributed Storage and Access Approach for Massive Remote Sensing Data in MongoDB
Q57641422A Dynamic Data Structure to Efficiently Find the Points below a Line and Estimate Their Number
Q125772987A Dynamic Management and Integration Framework for Models in Landslide Early Warning System
Q114936548A Field Data Acquisition Method and Tools for Hazard Evaluation of Earthquake-Induced Landslides with Open Source Mobile GIS
Q124608676A Filtering-Based Approach for Improving Crowdsourced GNSS Traces in a Data Update Context
Q114580153A Fine-Scale Mangrove Map of China Derived from 2-Meter Resolution Satellite Observations and Field Data
Q129787964A Formalized 3D Geovisualization Illustrated to Selectivity Purpose of Virtual 3D City Model
Q127258856A Framework Uniting Ontology-Based Geodata Integration and Geovisual Analytics
Q106596321A Framework for Classifying Participant Motivation that Considers the Typology of Citizen Science Projects
Q73184900A Framework for Data-Centric Analysis of Mapping Activity in the Context of Volunteered Geographic Information
Q128751959A Framework for Visual Analytics of Spatio-Temporal Sensor Observations from Data Streams
Q127795352A GIS Tool for Mapping Dam-Break Flood Hazards in Italy
Q124902388A GIS-Based Evacuation Route Planning in Flood-Susceptible Area of Siraha Municipality, Nepal
Q131759307A GIS-Based Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Spatial Coverage of Public Transport Networks in Tourist Destinations
Q127517626A GIS-Based Support Vector Machine Model for Flash Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping in China
Q112783068A GIS-Based Tool for Automatic Bankfull Detection from Airborne High Resolution Dem
Q126345057A GRID-Based Spatial Interpolation Method as a Tool Supporting Real Estate Market Analyses
Q57524534A Generic Model to Exploit Urban Regulation Knowledge
Q107576674A GeoSPARQL Compliance Benchmark
Q56418583A Geosimulation Approach for Data Scarce Environments: Modeling Dynamics of Forest Insect Infestation across Different Landscapes
Q128507456A Geospatial Application Framework for Directional Relations
Q73184889A Geoweb-Based Tagging System for Borderlands Data Acquisition
Q114580126A Global Inventory of Urban Corridors Based on Perceptions and Night-Time Light Imagery
Q113205442A Graph Database Model for Knowledge Extracted from Place Descriptions
Q125693376A Heterogeneous Distributed Virtual Geographic Environment—Potential Application in Spatiotemporal Behavior Experiments
Q57617830A High-Efficiency Method of Mobile Positioning Based on Commercial Vehicle Operation Data
Q124437367A High-Precision LiDAR-Based Method for Surveying and Classifying Coastal Notches
Q68348535A High-performance Cross-platform Map Rendering Engine for Mobile Geographic Information System (GIS)
Q127153542A Hybrid Framework for High-Performance Modeling of Three-Dimensional Pipe Networks
Q127861953A Hybrid of Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithm for the Multiple Geographical Feature Label Placement Problem
Q128501766A Knowledge-Based Filtering Method for Open Relations among Geo-Entities
Q127723972A Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Method Based on GIS Technology and an AHP-Weighted Information Content Method: A Case Study of Southern Anhui, China
Q114580131A Lightweight Long-Term Vehicular Motion Prediction Method Leveraging Spatial Database and Kinematic Trajectory Data
Q127644783A Low-Altitude Flight Conflict Detection Algorithm Based on a Multilevel Grid Spatiotemporal Index
Q129829277A Low-Cost Collaborative Location Scheme with GNSS and RFID for the Internet of Things
Q125352037A Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Road Accident Hotspots
Q132560452A Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate
Q124361282A Matrix-Based Structure for Vario-Scale Vector Representation over a Wide Range of Map Scales: The Case of River Network Data
Q128105715A Mesh-Based Typification Method for Building Groups with Grid Patterns
Q126866425A Method of Population Spatialization Considering Parametric Spatial Stationarity: Case Study of the Southwestern Area of China
Q125778314A Method of Watershed Delineation for Flat Terrain Using Sentinel-2A Imagery and DEM: A Case Study of the Taihu Basin
Q127226366A Methodology for Generating Service Areas That Accounts for Linear Barriers
Q114580118A Methodology for Heterogeneous Sensor Data Organization and Near Real-Time Data Sharing by Adopting OGC SWE Standards
Q126867222A Model for Animal Home Range Estimation Based on the Active Learning Method
Q128475120A Modified Methodology for Generating Indoor Navigation Models
Q129734111A Moment-Based Shape Similarity Measurement for Areal Entities in Geographical Vector Data
Q114829999A MongoDB-Based Management of Planar Spatial Data with a Flattened R-Tree
Q113695727A Multi-Criteria Evaluation of the Urban Ecological Environment in Shanghai Based on Remote Sensing
Q126281701A Multi-Perspective View on Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs)
Q124634195A Multi-Scale Representation of Point-of-Interest (POI) Features in Indoor Map Visualization
Q114580152A Multi-Scale Virtual Terrain for Hierarchically Structured Non-Location Data
Q126990120A Multilevel Mapping Strategy to Calculate the Information Content of Remotely Sensed Imagery
Q127782293A Multilevel Terrain Rendering Method Based on Dynamic Stitching Strips
Q130119500A Multiresolution Grid Structure Applied to Seafloor Shape Modeling
Q129897699A Multivariate Approach to Study Drivers of Land-Cover Changes through Remote Sensing in the Dry Chaco of Argentina
Q62608615A New Algorithm for Identifying Possible Epidemic Sources with Application to the German Escherichia coli Outbreak
Q127438301A New Algorithms of Stroke Generation Considering Geometric and Structural Properties of Road Network
Q126916697A New Approach to Measuring the Similarity of Indoor Semantic Trajectories
Q58914122A New Endmember Preprocessing Method for the Hyperspectral Unmixing of Imagery Containing Marine Oil Spills
Q73186512A New Method for the Assessment of Spatial Accuracy and Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints
Q128378389A New, Score-Based Multi-Stage Matching Approach for Road Network Conflation in Different Road Patterns
Q113205444A NoSQL–SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Real-Time Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Public Security Video Surveillance
Q130028721A Novel Approach for Identifying Urban Built-Up Area Boundaries Using High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Data Based on the Scale Effect
Q125911221A Novel Composite Index to Measure Environmental Benefits in Urban Land Use Optimization Problems
Q126528464A Novel Infringement Detection Method for GIS Vector Data
Q121176873A Novel Invariant Based Commutative Encryption and Watermarking Algorithm for Vector Maps
Q130538244A Novel Method Based on Deep Learning, GIS and Geomatics Software for Building a 3D City Model from VHR Satellite Stereo Imagery
Q128322345A Novel Method for Improving Air Pollution Prediction Based on Machine Learning Approaches: A Case Study Applied to the Capital City of Tehran
Q128217936A Novel Method of Missing Road Generation in City Blocks Based on Big Mobile Navigation Trajectory Data
Q130475192A Novel Method of Modeling Grassland Wildfire Dynamics Based on Cellular Automata: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China
Q128383401A Novel Process-Oriented Graph Storage for Dynamic Geographic Phenomena
Q124361278A Parallel N-Dimensional Space-Filling Curve Library and Its Application in Massive Point Cloud Management
Q128767863A Parallel-Computing Approach for Vector Road-Network Matching Using GPU Architecture
Q73184855A Photogrammetric Approach for Assessing Positional Accuracy of OpenStreetMap© Roads
Q123999382A Polygon and Point-Based Approach to Matching Geospatial Features
Q127315000A Practical Procedure to Integrate the First 1:500 Urban Map of Valencia into a Tile-Based Geospatial Information System
Q128201710A Precise Urban Component Management Method Based on the GeoSOT Grid Code and BIM
Q125757195A Proposal for Modeling Indoor–Outdoor Spaces through IndoorGML, Open Location Code and OpenStreetMap
Q122751811A Proposal for a User-Oriented Spatial Metadata Profile
Q128247628A QGIS Tool for Automatically Identifying Asbestos Roofing
Q73184870A Quality Study of the OpenStreetMap Dataset for Tehran
Q120718798A Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Organic Matter Concentration in the Topsoil of Black Soil in Northeast China Based on Spatial Heterogeneous Patterns
Q129641190A RSSI/PDR-Based Probabilistic Position Selection Algorithm with NLOS Identification for Indoor Localisation
Q129470700A Recommendation System Regarding Meeting Places for Groups during Events
Q128681172A Reconstruction Method for Broken Contour Lines Based on Similar Contours
Q129680117A Regional Mapping Method for Oilseed Rape Based on HSV Transformation and Spectral Features
Q128847414A Remote Sensing Algorithm of Column-Integrated Algal Biomass Covering Algal Bloom Conditions in a Shallow Eutrophic Lake
Q129635138A Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Stream Processing of Spatiotemporal IoT Stream Data—Performance Analysis on the Example of Map Matching
Q129367889A Segmented Processing Approach of Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Regression for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in Central China
Q126532748A Semantic Expansion Model for VGI Retrieval
Q129224068A Semantic Partition Algorithm Based on Improved K-Means Clustering for Large-Scale Indoor Areas
Q122652309A Semantic Registry Method Using Sensor Metadata Ontology to Manage Heterogeneous Sensor Information in the Geospatial Sensor Web
Q58400566A Semi-Automated Workflow Solution for Data Set Publication
Q117808220A Semi-Automatic Semantic-Model-Based Comparison Workflow for Archaeological Features on Roman Ceramics
Q125365343A Sightseeing Support System Using Augmented Reality and Pictograms within Urban Tourist Areas in Japan
Q127229625A Simple Method to Improve Estimates of County-Level Economics in China Using Nighttime Light Data and GDP Growth Rate
Q126300027A Simple Semantic-Based Data Storage Layout for Querying Point Clouds
Q124287957A Simplified Method of Cartographic Visualisation of Buildings’ Interiors (2D+) for Navigation Applications
Q62038833A Smartphone-Based System for Outdoor Data Gathering Using a Wireless Beacon Network and GPS Data: From Cyber Spaces to Senseable Spaces
Q60539799A Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Vegetation and Poverty
Q126332772A Spatial Analytics Framework to Investigate Electric Power-Failure Events and Their Causes
Q73184901A Spatial Data Infrastructure Integrating Multisource Heterogeneous Geospatial Data and Time Series: A Study Case in Agriculture
Q114114457A Spatial Decision Support Approach for Flood Vulnerability Analysis in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Tehran
Q122395225A Spatial Relation Model of Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Charts Based on Point-Set Topology Theory
Q114114471A Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Vegetation Greening and Precipitation Changes for Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics in Climate Zones over Africa
Q126805720A Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Model for Estimating the Effects of Land Use Change on Urban Heat Island
Q122943956A Spatio-Temporal Enhanced Metadata Model for Interdisciplinary Instant Point Observations in Smart Cities
Q73184895A Spatio-Temporal VGI Model Considering Trust-Related Information
Q129701306A Spatiotemporal Multi-View-Based Learning Method for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting
Q128151495A Spectral Feature Based Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Sea Surface Oil Spill
Q114580125A Standard Indoor Spatial Data Model—OGC IndoorGML and Implementation Approaches
Q113205446A Structural-Lexical Measure of Semantic Similarity for Geo-Knowledge Graphs
Q126855831A Study on Storm and Flood Insurance Management Mapping: Case Study of Incheon Metropolitan City
Q57800113A Suite of Tools for ROC Analysis of Spatial Models
Q73184877A Systems Perspective on Volunteered Geographic Information
Q125122778A Task-Oriented Knowledge Base for Geospatial Problem-Solving
Q124987624A Thematic Similarity Network Approach for Analysis of Places Using Volunteered Geographic Information
Q126023055A Time Series Investigation to Assess Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Quantitative Land Degradation in the North Delta, Egypt
Q128665814A Time-Identified R-Tree: A Workload-Controllable Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Index Scheme for Streaming Processing
Q125928457A Unified Building Model for 3D Urban GIS
Q128198785A Universal Generating Algorithm of the Polyhedral Discrete Grid Based on Unit Duplication
Q128377450A Varied Density-based Clustering Approach for Event Detection from Heterogeneous Twitter Data
Q126457475A Vertex Concavity-Convexity Detection Method for Three-Dimensional Spatial Objects Based on Geometric Algebra
Q114363638A Virtual Reality Simulation Method for Crowd Evacuation in a Multiexit Indoor Fire Environment
Q125877944A Virtual Space Built on a Canvas Painting for an “Augmented” Experience to Catch the Artist’s Message
Q73184885A Volunteered Geographic Information Framework to Enable Bottom-Up Disaster Management Platforms
Q126005029A Wireless Sensor Network Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Height and Volume Variations on Sandy Beaches and Dunes
Q59864621A Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and Dynamic of the German Building Stock Using Official Spatial Data
Q114936511ACYOTB Plugin: Tool for Accurate Orthorectification in Open-Source Environments
Q59307665ASTROLABE: A Rigorous, Geodetic-Oriented Data Model for Trajectory Determination Systems
Q125976278Access or Accessibility? A Critique of the Urban Transport SDG Indicator
Q114936613Accessibility Assessment of Buildings Based on Multi-Source Spatial Data: Taking Wuhan as a Case Study
Q125147543Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources
Q130207609Accounting for and Predicting the Influence of Spatial Autocorrelation in Water Quality Modeling
Q126592438Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of ORB-SLAM2 Based on RGB-D Cameras
Q128368468Accuracy Analysis of a 3D Model of Excavation, Created from Images Acquired with an Action Camera from Low Altitudes
Q57537934Accuracy Assessment of Point Clouds from LiDAR and Dense Image Matching Acquired Using the UAV Platform for DTM Creation
Q114029943Accuracy Assessment of a UAV Block by Different Software Packages, Processing Schemes and Validation Strategies
Q126335909Accuracy Improvement of Airborne Lidar Strip Adjustment by Using Height Data and Surface Feature Strength Information Derived from the Tensor Voting Algorithm
Q128270805Accurate Reconstruction of the LoD3 Building Model by Integrating Multi-Source Point Clouds and Oblique Remote Sensing Imagery
Q114580136Achieving Differential Privacy Publishing of Location-Based Statistical Data Using Grid Clustering
Q128630236Acknowledgement to Reviewers of IJGI in 2018
Q126313633Acknowledgement to Reviewers of IJGI in 2019
Q127370502Adapted Rules for UML Modelling of Geospatial Information for Model-Driven Implementation as OWL Ontologies
Q130199020Adaptive Component Selection-Based Discriminative Model for Object Detection in High-Resolution SAR Imagery
Q114029951Adaptive Geometric Interval Classifier
Q128595366Adaptive Non-Negative Geographically Weighted Regression for Population Density Estimation Based on Nighttime Light
Q129641345Advanced Sidereal Filtering for Mitigating Multipath Effects in GNSS Short Baseline Positioning
Q126709715Affective Communication of Map Symbols: A Semantic Differential Analysis
Q57641426Affine-Invariant Triangulation of Spatio-Temporal Data with an Application to Image Retrieval
Q129865616Agent-Based Modeling of Taxi Behavior Simulation with Probe Vehicle Data
Q114114462Air Humidity Characteristics in “Local Climate Zones” of Novi Sad (Serbia) Based on Long-Term Data
Q129420212Air Quality Context Information Model for Ubiquitous Public Access to Geographic Information
Q128162952Airbnb Offer in Spain—Spatial Analysis of the Pattern and Determinants of Its Distribution
Q129892551Allocation of Tutors and Study Centers in Distance Learning Using Geospatial Technologies
Q73184863Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach
Q73184898Amateur or Professional: Assessing the Expertise of Major Contributors in OpenStreetMap Based on Contributing Behaviors
Q127460165An Agent-based Model Simulation of Human Mobility Based on Mobile Phone Data: How Commuting Relates to Congestion
Q123856940An Aggregated Shape Similarity Index: A Case Study of Comparing the Footprints of OpenStreetMap and INSPIRE Buildings
Q128308455An Algorithm based on the Weighted Network Voronoi Diagram for Point Cluster Simplification
Q123999377An Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration
Q73184849An Analysis of Geospatial Technologies for Risk and Natural Disaster Management
Q128553696An Analysis of the Evolution, Completeness and Spatial Patterns of OpenStreetMap Building Data in China
Q118154202An Application of Improved MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Estimates in a Humid Tropic Brantas Watershed—Implications for Agricultural Water Management
Q127636488An Application of Integrated 3D Technologies for Replicas in Cultural Heritage
Q127857349An Application of the Spatial Autocorrelation Method on the Change of Real Estate Prices in Taitung City
Q126533527An Approach for the Analysis of the Accessibility of Fire Hydrants in Urban Territories
Q114293008An Approach to Improve the Quality of User-Generated Content of Citizen Science Platforms
Q130136153An Approach to Measuring Semantic Relatedness of Geographic Terminologies Using a Thesaurus and Lexical Database Sources
Q128844706An Architecture for Mobile Outdoors Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage
Q127374359An Attention-Based Spatiotemporal Gated Recurrent Unit Network for Point-of-Interest Recommendation
Q113416895An Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships
Q59891728An Automated Processing Algorithm for Flat Areas Resulting from DEM Filling and Interpolation
Q129757386An Automated Processing Method for Agglomeration Areas
Q126855983An Automatic Annotation Method for Discovering Semantic Information of Geographical Locations from Location-Based Social Networks
Q114580123An Automatic K-Means Clustering Algorithm of GPS Data Combining a Novel Niche Genetic Algorithm with Noise and Density
Q127240711An Automatic Method for Detection and Update of Additive Changes in Road Network with GPS Trajectory Data
Q129940426An Autonomous Ultra-Wide Band-Based Attitude and Position Determination Technique for Indoor Mobile Laser Scanning
Q129272193An Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Task-Oriented Multi-Modal Scene Data Organization
Q117829327An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Multi-Scale Analysis of Connected Components in Gigapixel Images
Q114580116An Efficient Row Key Encoding Method with ASCII Code for Storing Geospatial Big Data in HBase
Q126332730An Efficient Staged Evacuation Planning Algorithm Applied to Multi-Exit Buildings
Q126983424An Efficient and Scene-Adaptive Algorithm for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images Using an Improved YOLOv3 Framework
Q127094746An Empirical Study Investigating the Relationship between Land Prices and Urban Geometry
Q124256677An Empirical Study on the Effects of Temporal Trends in Spatial Patterns on Animated Choropleth Maps
Q125387050An End-to-End Point of Interest (POI) Conflation Framework
Q129805750An Endmember Initialization Scheme for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Its Application in Hyperspectral Unmixing
Q57660483An Ensemble Model for Co-Seismic Landslide Susceptibility Using GIS and Random Forest Method
Q128277807An Examination of Spatial Differences between Migrant and Native Offenders in Committing Violent Crimes in a Large Chinese City
Q126579837An Experimental Research on the Use of Recurrent Neural Networks in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
Q126658739An Improved Hybrid Segmentation Method for Remote Sensing Images
Q126584716An Improved Mobile Mapping System to Detect Road-Killed Amphibians and Small Birds
Q125002731An In-Depth Analysis of Parking Patterns in a Typical Chinese Danwei via Customized Data Collection App
Q117438996An Integrated Decision Support System for Improving Wildfire Suppression Management
Q114580139An Integrated Environment for Monitoring and Documenting Quality in Map Composition Utilizing Cadastral Data
Q111899839An Integrated Software Framework to Support Semantic Modeling and Reasoning of Spatiotemporal Change of Geographical Objects: A Use Case of Land Use and Land Cover Change Study
Q58878399An Interactive Planning Support Tool for Addressing Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects in The Netherlands
Q114363646An Intersection-First Approach for Road Network Generation from Crowd-Sourced Vehicle Trajectories
Q73184882An Investigation into the Completeness of, and the Updates to, OpenStreetMap Data in a Heterogeneous Area in Brazil
Q111152298An Object-Based Image Analysis Workflow for Monitoring Shallow-Water Aquatic Vegetation in Multispectral Drone Imagery
Q126853757An Ontology-driven Cyberinfrastructure for Intelligent Spatiotemporal Question Answering and Open Knowledge Discovery
Q114936617An Open Source GIS Application for Spatial Assessment of Health Care Quality Indicators
Q114936576An Open Source WebGIS Application for Civic Education on Peace and Conflict
Q130199760An Open-Boundary Locally Weighted Dynamic Time Warping Method for Cropland Mapping
Q114936506An Open-Source Framework of Generating Network-Based Transit Catchment Areas by Walking
Q114580117An Open-Source Web Platform to Share Multisource, Multisensor Geospatial Data and Measurements of Ground Deformation in Mountain Areas
Q114936609An Open-Source Workflow for Spatiotemporal Studies with COVID-19 as an Example
Q111110747An Urban Heat Island Study of the Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka, Based on Landsat Data (1997–2017)
Q128059151An Urban Road-Traffic Commuting Dynamics Study Based on Hotspot Clustering and a New Proposed Urban Commuting Electrostatics Model
Q124003071An “Animated Spatial Time Machine” in Co-Creation: Reconstructing History Using Gamification Integrated into 3D City Modelling, 4D Web and Transmedia Storytelling
Q114580150Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption of Volunteered Geographic Information in the Context of National Spatial Data Infrastructure
Q129916014Analysis of Land Use Change and Expansion of Surface Urban Heat Island in Bogor City by Remote Sensing
Q126496567Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia
Q58914112Analysis of Scattering Properties of Continuous Slow-Release Slicks on the Sea Surface Based on Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar
Q127903645Analysis of Spatial Characteristics of Digital Signage in Beijing with Multi-Source Data
Q126315578Analysis of Spatial Interaction between Different Food Cultures in South and North China: Practices from People’s Daily Life
Q126670340Analysis of Spatial Wharf Pattern of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
Q129331096Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Charging Based on Multisource Data
Q129651820Analysis of Thematic Similarity Using Confusion Matrices
Q126866708Analysis of Tourism Hotspot Behaviour Based on Geolocated Travel Blog Data: The Case of Qyer
Q126136532Analysis of Urban Drivable and Walkable Street Networks of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
Q123999446Analysis of Users and Uses of DEMs in Spain
Q126579277Analysis of the Cycling Flow Between Origin and Destination for Dockless Shared Bicycles Based on Singular Value Decomposition
Q125365100Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Nanjing’s Urban Expansion and Its Driving Mechanisms
Q125908327Analyzing Links between Spatio-Temporal Metrics of Built-Up Areas and Socio-Economic Indicators on a Semi-Global Scale
Q127815908Analyzing Newspaper Maps for Earthquake News through Cartographic Approach
Q129734041Analyzing Space-Time Dynamics of Theft Rates Using Exchange Mobility
Q57724683Analyzing and Predicting Micro-Location Patterns of Software Firms
Q30052113Analyzing the Contributor Activity of a Volunteered Geographic Information Project — The Case of OpenStreetMap
Q125849080Analyzing the Impact of Highways Associated with Farmland Loss under Rapid Urbanization
Q73186516Analyzing the Tagging Quality of the Spanish OpenStreetMap
Q127849373Anisotropic Diffusion for Improved Crime Prediction in Urban China
Q118154205Annual Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation via GIS Models of Three Empirical Methods Employing Remotely Sensed Data for the Peloponnese, Greece, and Comparison with Annual MODIS ET and Pan Evaporation Measurements
Q128215965Applicability of Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Water Content in Modeling Lightning-Caused Forest Fire Occurrences
Q129237290Application of Industrial Risk Management Practices to Control Natural Hazards, Facilitating Risk Communication
Q114936551Application of Open-Source Software in Community Heritage Resources Management
Q128196488Application of Ordinary Kriging and Regression Kriging Method for Soil Properties Mapping in Hilly Region of Central Vietnam
Q127335876Application of Remote Sensing Data for Evaluation of Rockfall Potential within a Quarry Slope
Q113252399Application-Based COVID-19 Micro-Mobility Solution for Safe and Smart Navigation in Pandemics
Q59563021Applications of 3D City Models: State of the Art Review
Q57617814Applications of Internet of Things
Q57445341Applications of Location-Based Services and Mobile Technologies in K-12 Classrooms
Q126659093Applications of Photogrammetry for Environmental Research
Q113205448Applying Decision Trees to Examine the Nonlinear Effects of Multiscale Transport Accessibility on Rural Poverty in China
Q114580124Approach to Facilitating Geospatial Data and Metadata Publication Using a Standard Geoservice
Q122643853Approaches for the Clustering of Geographic Metadata and the Automatic Detection of Quasi-Spatial Dataset Series
Q58070351Architecture of a Process Broker for Interoperable Geospatial Modeling on the Web
Q55833345Areal Delineation of Home Regions from Contribution and Editing Patterns in OpenStreetMap
Q127466918Areal Interpolation Using Parcel and Census Data in Highly Developed Urban Environments
Q124394465Areas of Crime in Cities: Case Study of Lithuania
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Q128509427Consideration of Level of Confidence within Multi-Approach Satellite-Derived Bathymetry
Q125864833Considerations for Developing Predictive Spatial Models of Crime and New Methods for Measuring Their Accuracy
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Q124398213Constructing the CityGML ADE for the Multi-Source Data Integration of Urban Flooding
Q124398214Constructing the CityGML ADE for the Multi-Source Data Integration of Urban Flooding
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Q127242505Context-Aware Group-Oriented Location Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
Q123762963Context-Aware Location Recommendation Using Geotagged Photos in Social Media
Q114029954Context-Aware Matrix Factorization for the Identification of Urban Functional Regions with POI and Taxi OD Data
Q59388263Contextualized Relevance Evaluation of Geographic Information for Mobile Users in Location-Based Social Networks
Q124218114Corporate Editors in the Evolving Landscape of OpenStreetMap
Q60539794Correction: Dawson, T.; et al. A Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Vegetation and Poverty. Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 83
Q117044032Correction: Li et al. How Has the Recent Climate Change Affected the Spatiotemporal Variation of Reference Evapotranspiration in a Climate Transitional Zone of Eastern China? ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 300
Q113695716Correction: Shi et al. Spatio-Temporal Variation Analysis of the Biological Boundary Temperature Index Based on Accumulated Temperature: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Basin. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2021, 10, 675
Q56898600Correlating Remote Sensing Data with the Abundance of Pupae of the Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector, Aedes aegypti, in Central Mexico
Q127899202Could Crime Risk Be Propagated across Crime Types?
Q59618045Coupling Traditional Monitoring and Citizen Science to Disentangle the Invasion of Halyomorpha halys
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Q73184894Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance
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Q114363668Crowd-Sourced City Images: Decoding Multidimensional Interaction between Imagery Elements with Volunteered Photos
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Q97447394Crustal and Upper Mantle Density Structure Beneath the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Surrounding Areas Derived from EGM2008 Geoid Anomalies
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Q129923450DASSCAN: A Density and Adjacency Expansion-Based Spatial Structural Community Detection Algorithm for Networks
Q126667070Data Fusion and Accuracy Analysis of Multi-Source Land Use/Land Cover Datasets along Coastal Areas of the Maritime Silk Road
Q66678002Data Management in Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Projects—Conclusions from the Digitalization of Research in Sustainable Manufacturing
Q126310367Data Model for IndoorGML Extension to Support Indoor Navigation of People with Mobility Disabilities
Q124299716Dataset Reduction Techniques to Speed Up SVD Analyses on Big Geo-Datasets
Q126579318Decision Model for Predicting Social Vulnerability Using Artificial Intelligence
Q126916706Decomposition of Repulsive Clusters in Complex Point Processes with Heterogeneous Components
Q124145230Deep Learning for Detecting and Classifying Ocean Objects: Application of YoloV3 for Iceberg–Ship Discrimination
Q124305982Deep Learning for Toponym Resolution: Geocoding Based on Pairs of Toponyms
Q113205434Deep Learning-Based Named Entity Recognition and Knowledge Graph Construction for Geological Hazards
Q128592028Deep Neural Networks and Kernel Density Estimation for Detecting Human Activity Patterns from Geo-Tagged Images: A Case Study of Birdwatching on Flickr
Q73184909Defining Fitness-for-Use for Crowdsourced Points of Interest (POI)
Q128387634Delimitating Urban Commercial Central Districts by Combining Kernel Density Estimation and Road Intersections: A Case Study in Nanjing City, China
Q128090924Delineation of Cocoa Agroforests Using Multiseason Sentinel-1 SAR Images: A Low Grey Level Range Reduces Uncertainties in GLCM Texture-Based Mapping.
Q124621822Depth Contours and Coastline Generalization for Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts
Q56755192Describing Geospatial Assets in the Web of Data: A Metadata Management Scenario
Q129201901Design and Development of a 3D Digital Cadastre Visualization Prototype
Q129491716Design and Implementation of a 4D Web Application for Analytical Visualization of Smart City Applications
Q123851316Designing Geovisual Analytics Environments and Displays with Humans in Mind
Q120761768Detecting Intra-Urban Housing Market Spillover through a Spatial Markov Chain Model
Q128059261Detecting Large-Scale Urban Land Cover Changes from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using CNN-Based Classification
Q123410626Detecting Multi-Decadal Changes in Seagrass Cover in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, Using Landsat Imagery and Boosting Ensemble Classification Techniques
Q127666791Detecting Urban Polycentric Structure from POI Data
Q125819954Detecting Urban Transport Modes Using a Hybrid Knowledge Driven Framework from GPS Trajectory
Q57932610Detection of Catchment-Scale Gully-Affected Areas Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Q128319335Detection of Microrelief Objects to Impede the Movement of Vehicles in Terrain
Q123999384Determination of 3D Displacements of Drainage Networks Extracted from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Using Linear-Based Methods
Q126316563Determination of a Hazard Compensations Based on Land Administration Data
Q60136030Determining Optimal Video Length for the Estimation of Building Height through Radial Displacement Measurement from Space
Q114580143Developing Relative Spatial Poverty Index Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Geospatial Big Data Approach: A Case Study of East Java, Indonesia
Q124275998Developing Versatile Graphic Map Load Metrics
Q126334756Developing Web-Based and Mobile-Based GIS for Places of Worship Information to Support Halal Tourism: A Case Study in Bukittinggi, Indonesia
Q62718874Developing a Dynamic Web-GIS Based Landslide Early Warning System for the Chittagong Metropolitan Area, Bangladesh
Q107140922Developing a GIS-Based Visual-Acoustic 3D Simulation for Wind Farm Assessment
Q57010178Developing a Relative Ranking of Social Vulnerability of Governorates of Yemen to Humanitarian Crisis
Q126584315Developing the Chinese Academic Map Publishing Platform
Q60214782Development and Comparison of Species Distribution Models for Forest Inventories
Q114580146Development of Big Data-Analysis Pipeline for Mobile Phone Data with Mobipack and Spatial Enhancement
Q113416896Development of Spatial Model for Food Security Prediction Using Remote Sensing Data in West Java, Indonesia
Q114580142Development of a Conceptual Data Model for 3D Geospatial Road Management Based on LandInfra Standard: A Case Study of Korea
Q106596327Development of a Novel Framework to Propose New Strategies for Automated External Defibrillators Deployment Targeting Residential Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests: Application to the City of Milan
Q124021462Development of a Voice Virtual Assistant for the Geospatial Data Visualization Application on the Web
Q127434060Development of an Indoor Space Semantic Model and Its Implementation as an IndoorGML Extension
Q126020335Diachronic Reconstruction and Visualization of Lost Cultural Heritage Sites
Q127723295Diachronic UAV Photogrammetry of a Sandy Beach in Brittany (France) for a Long-Term Coastal Observatory
Q124351860Differences in Thematic Map Reading by Students and Their Geography Teacher
Q124128123Differences in the Gaze Behaviours of Pedestrians Navigating between Regular and Irregular Road Patterns
Q113252396Digital Data Literacy in an Economic World: Geo-Spatial Data Literacy Aspects
Q129323315Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Analysis of the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso Landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy): Results from a Multi-Dataset Investigation
Q114882776Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Organic Matter with Deep Learning Algorithms
Q130049330Digital Story Mapping to Advance Educational Atlas Design and Enable Student Engagement
Q127314696Direction-Aware Continuous Moving K-Nearest-Neighbor Query in Road Networks
Q124398224Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture through Geospatial (Big) Data Processing
Q124398225Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture through Geospatial (Big) Data Processing
Q125685749Discover Patterns and Mobility of Twitter Users—A Study of Four US College Cities
Q127683127Discovering Memory-Based Preferences for POI Recommendation in Location-Based Social Networks
Q60487271Discriminating Irrigated and Rainfed Maize with Diurnal Fluorescence and Canopy Temperature Airborne Maps
Q128120830Distance-Decay Effect in Probabilistic Time Geography for Random Encounter
Q128669566Distributed Geoscience Algorithm Integration Based on OWS Specifications: A Case Study of the Extraction of a River Network
Q127330995Distributed Processing of Location-Based Aggregate Queries Using MapReduce
Q57849339Distributed Temperature Measurement in a Self-Burning Coal Waste Pile through a GIS Open Source Desktop Application
Q120718792Distribution Pattern of Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Dens and Spatial Relationships with Sea Turtle Nests, Recreation, and Environmental Characteristics
Q130120590Do Charitable Foundations Spend Money Where People Need It Most? A Spatial Analysis of China
Q125874245Do Crash Barriers and Fences Have an Impact on Wildlife–Vehicle Collisions?—An Artificial Intelligence and GIS-Based Analysis
Q123938803Do Different Map Types Support Map Reading Equally? Comparing Choropleth, Graduated Symbols, and Isoline Maps for Map Use Tasks
Q124003084Do Mobile Phone Data Provide a Better Denominator in Crime Rates and Improve Spatiotemporal Predictions of Crime?
Q127155460Does Income Inequality Explain the Geography of Residential Burglaries? The Case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Q127227194Drainage Network Analysis and Structuring of Topologically Noisy Vector Stream Data
Q129469403Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Constructed Dense 3D Map in Indoor Environments
Q126786207Dynamic 3D Simulation of Flood Risk Based on the Integration of Spatio-Temporal GIS and Hydrodynamic Models
Q129454017Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network-Based Prediction of the Urban Grid-Level Taxi Demand–Supply Imbalance Using GPS Trajectories
Q125743706Dynamic Land Cover Mapping of Urbanized Cities with Landsat 8 Multi-temporal Images: Comparative Evaluation of Classification Algorithms and Dimension Reduction Methods
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Q127216393Dynamic Recommendation of POI Sequence Responding to Historical Trajectory
Q128282794Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccessible Soil Samples during Field Sampling Campaign
Q117438995Dynamic Wildfire Navigation System
Q73184892Dynamically Integrating OSM Data into a Borderland Database
Q61090167Dynamics of Sheep Production in Brazil
Q126006438Dynamics of the Burlan and Pomacochas Lakes Using SAR Data in GEE, Machine Learning Classifiers, and Regression Methods
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Q114936590EU Net-Zero Policy Achievement Assessment in Selected Members through Automated Forecasting Algorithms
Q61734219Early Flood Detection for Rapid Humanitarian Response: Harnessing Near Real-Time Satellite and Twitter Signals
Q125352083Earth Observation Systems and Pasture Modeling: A Bibliometric Trend Analysis
Q127768134Earthquake Information Extraction and Comparison from Different Sources Based on Web Text
Q124819061Economic Assessment of the Use Value of Geospatial Information
Q114114467Ecosystem-Dependent Responses of Vegetation Coverage on the Tibetan Plateau to Climate Factors and Their Lag Periods
Q124707812Editorial Commentary on the IJGI Special Issue “Mapping Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Age”
Q114293005Editorial on the Citizen Science and Geospatial Capacity Building
Q127409100Education and Training in Applied Remote Sensing in Africa: The ARCSSTE-E Experience
Q128596737Effect of DEM Interpolation Neighbourhood on Terrain Factors
Q124353822Effect of Size, Shape and Map Background in Cartographic Visualization: Experimental Study on Czech and Chinese Populations
Q124256679Effectiveness of Memorizing an Animated Route—Comparing Satellite and Road Map Differences in the Eye-Tracking Study
Q114114451Effects of Climate Change on Corn Yields: Spatiotemporal Evidence from Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model
Q114114466Effects of Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Changes on Water Yield Services in the Dongjiang Lake Basin
Q114029953Effects of Terrain Parameters and Spatial Resolution of a Digital Elevation Model on the Calculation of Potential Solar Radiation in the Mountain Environment: A Case Study of the Tatra Mountains
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Q127459921Efficiency of Extreme Gradient Boosting for Imbalanced Land Cover Classification Using an Extended Margin and Disagreement Performance
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Q124150737Efficient Interactive Tactile Maps: A Semi-Automated Workflow Using the TouchIt3D Technology and OpenStreetMap Data
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Q129621582Efficient Parallel K Best Connected Trajectory (K-BCT) Query with GPGPU: A Combinatorial Min-Distance and Progressive Bounding Box Approach
Q127253941Embracing Crowdsensing: An Enhanced Mobile Sensing Solution for Road Anomaly Detection
Q125867542EmergEventMine: End-to-End Chinese Emergency Event Extraction Using a Deep Adversarial Network
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Q128121979Enhanced Drone Navigation in GNSS Denied Environment Using VDM and Hall Effect Sensor
Q57262480Environmental Influences on Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity in the U.S.: An Exploration of Spatial Non-Stationarity
Q117438997Erratum: Barboza Castillo, E., et al. Monitoring Wildfires in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery in the GEE Platform. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 564
Q127648518Estimating Autonomous Vehicle Localization Error Using 2D Geographic Information
Q132560515Estimating Daily NO2 Ground Level Concentrations Using Sentinel-5P and Ground Sensor Meteorological Measurements
Q128105674Estimating Hilly Areas Population Using a Dasymetric Mapping Approach: A Case of Sri Lanka’s Highest Mountain Range
Q112766564Estimating Plant Traits of Grasslands from UAV-Acquired Hyperspectral Images: A Comparison of Statistical Approaches
Q117438992Estimating Soil Erosion Rate Changes in Areas Affected by Wildfires
Q128471758Estimating the Available Sight Distance in the Urban Environment by GIS and Numerical Computing Codes
Q57724681Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Crime Events around a Football Stadium from Georeferenced Tweets
Q124874335Estimation of 3D Indoor Models with Constraint Propagation and Stochastic Reasoning in the Absence of Indoor Measurements
Q124938884Estimation of Agricultural Dykelands Cultivated in Nova Scotia Using Land Property Boundaries and Crop Inventory
Q62609209Evacuation Planning Optimization Based on a Multi-Objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Q128225245Evacuation Priority Method in Tsunami Hazard Based on DMSP/OLS Population Mapping in the Pearl River Estuary, China
Q129504972Evaluating Geospatial Data Adequacy for Integrated Risk Assessments: A Malaria Risk Use Case
Q115294603Evaluating Natural Ecological Land Change in Function-Oriented Planning Regions Using the National Land Use Survey Data from 2009 to 2018 in China
Q124685368Evaluating Urban Bicycle Infrastructures through Intersubjectivity of Stress Sensations Derived from Physiological Measurements
Q130327290Evaluating Young People’s Area Estimation of Countries and Continents
Q129342510Evaluating a Fit-For-Purpose Integrated Service-Oriented Land and Climate Change Information System for Mountain Community Adaptation
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Q114936555Evaluating the Open Source Data Containers for Handling Big Geospatial Raster Data
Q114249987Evaluating the Performance of Three Popular Web Mapping Libraries: A Case Study Using Argentina’s Life Quality Index
Q124685345Evaluating the Representativeness of Socio-Demographic Variables over Time for Geo-Social Media Data
Q130130120Evaluating the Societal Impact of Using Drones to Support Urban Upgrading Projects
Q127613039Evaluating the Suitability of Urban Expansion Based on the Logic Minimum Cumulative Resistance Model: A Case Study from Leshan, China
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Q98456254Evaluation of Augmented Reality-Based Building Diagnostics Using Third Person Perspective
Q130129320Evaluation of Close-Range Photogrammetry Image Collection Methods for Estimating Tree Diameters
Q58442179Evaluation of Device-Independent Internet Spatial Location
Q112766563Evaluation of Driving Forces of Land Use and Land Cover Change in New England Area by a Mixed Method
Q57921333Evaluation of Model Validation Techniques in Land Cover Dynamics
Q123349710Evaluation of SMAP-Enhanced Products Using Upscaled Soil Moisture Data Based on Random Forest Regression: A Case Study of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China
Q114580145Evaluation of Street Space Quality Using Streetscape Data: Perspective from Recreational Physical Activity of the Elderly
Q126652572Evaluation of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems’ Lidar Data Quality
Q125954960Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies—A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario
Q124398221Evaluation of User Performance in Interactive and Static 3D Maps
Q124398222Evaluation of User Performance in Interactive and Static 3D Maps
Q126866423Evaluation of the Accuracy of the Field Quadrat Survey of Alpine Grassland Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on the Satellite Remote Sensing Pixel Scale
Q124351862Evaluation of the Cartographical Quality of Urban Plans by Eye-Tracking
Q126198063Evaluation of the Consistency of MODIS Land Cover Product (MCD12Q1) Based on Chinese 30 m GlobeLand30 Datasets: A Case Study in Anhui Province, China
Q128482851Evaluation of the Influence of Disturbances on Forest Vegetation Using the Time Series of Landsat Data: A Comparison Study of the Low Tatras and Sumava National Parks
Q124084879Evolving Spatial Data Infrastructures and the Role of Adaptive Governance
Q129615154Ex Post Impact Assessment of Master Plans—The Case of Shenzhen in Shaping a Polycentric Urban Structure
Q62697340Examining Trade-Offs between Social, Psychological, and Energy Potential of Urban Form
Q122198357Examining the Impact of Different DEM Sources and Geomorphology on Flash Flood Analysis in Hyper-Arid Deserts
Q129741617Examining the Stream Threshold Approaches Used in Hydrologic Analysis
Q73184932Experiences with Citizen-Sourced VGI in Challenging Circumstances
Q123999378Expert Knowledge as Basis for Assessing an Automatic Matching Procedure
Q115184254Experts and Gamers on Immersion into Reconstructed Strongholds
Q58203828Exploiting Spatial Abstraction in Predictive Analytics of Vehicle Traffic
Q113056205Exploiting a Semi-Automatic Point Cloud Segmentation Method to Improve the Quality of Rock-Mass Characterization. The Cima Grappa Conservative Restoration Case Study
Q128568712Exploiting the Potential of Integrated Public Building Data: Energy Performance Assessment of the Building Stock in a Case Study in Northern Italy
Q123134516Exploiting the Potential of VGI Metadata to Develop A Data-Driven Framework for Predicting User’s Proficiency in OpenStreetMap Context
Q61439420Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis of Congenital Malformations (CM) in Israel, 2000–2006
Q128492563Exploring Group Movement Pattern through Cellular Data: A Case Study of Tourists in Hainan
Q127187156Exploring Housing Rent by Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study in Nanjing
Q114203729Exploring Landscape Composition Using 2D and 3D Open Urban Vectorial Data
Q129384673Exploring Railway Network Dynamics in China from 2008 to 2017
Q114580130Exploring Spatial Features of Population Activities and Functional Facilities in Rail Transit Station Realm Based on Real-Time Positioning Data: A Case of Xi’an Metro Line 2
Q60533607Exploring Spatial Scale, Autocorrelation and Nonstationarity of Bird Species Richness Patterns
Q114029944Exploring the Applicability of Self-Organizing Maps for Ecosystem Service Zoning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Q128106258Exploring the Associations Between Urban Form and Neighborhood Vibrancy: A Case Study of Chengdu, China
Q130327156Exploring the Cognitive Load of Expert and Novice Map Users Using EEG and Eye Tracking
Q127199798Exploring the Distribution Patterns of Flickr Photos
Q114580128Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urban Spatial Interaction Networks Based on Baidu Migration Data
Q123901121Exploring the Potential of Deep Learning Segmentation for Mountain Roads Generalisation
Q60541425Exploring the Relationship between Remotely-Sensed Spectral Variables and Attributes of Tropical Forest Vegetation under the Influence of Local Forest Institutions
Q130494059Exploring the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of COVID-19 Infections among Healthcare Workers: A Multi-Scale Perspective
Q59193783Exposure Estimation from Multi-Resolution Optical Satellite Imagery for Seismic Risk Assessment
Q123851281Extended Reality in Spatial Sciences: A Review of Research Challenges and Future Directions
Q123851301Extended Reality in Spatial Sciences: A Review of Research Challenges and Future Directions
Q126457606Extracting Building Areas from Photogrammetric DSM and DOM by Automatically Selecting Training Samples from Historical DLG Data
Q127240883Extracting Flooded Roads by Fusing GPS Trajectories and Road Network
Q114580138Extracting Human Activity Areas from Large-Scale Spatial Data with Varying Densities
Q129383568Extracting Indoor Space Information in Complex Building Environments
Q127816050Extracting Main Center Pattern from Road Networks Using Density-Based Clustering with Fuzzy Neighborhood
Q114029946Extracting Skeleton Lines from Building Footprints by Integration of Vector and Raster Data
Q129634853Extraction and Spatial–Temporal Evolution of Urban Fringes: A Case Study of Changchun in Jilin Province, China
Q73184935Extraction of Pluvial Flood Relevant Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) by Deep Learning from User Generated Texts and Photos
Q57932555Extraction of Terraces on the Loess Plateau from High-Resolution DEMs and Imagery Utilizing Object-Based Image Analysis
Q124256678Eye Tracking Research in Cartography: Looking into the Future
Q124150739Eye-tracking Evaluation of Weather Web Maps
Q60403460FOSS Tools and Applications for Education in Geospatial Sciences
Q130094581Factors Affecting the Number of Visitors in National Parks in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
Q114580134Factors That Affect Spatial Data Sharing in Malaysia
Q123821905Feasibility of the Space–Time Cube in Temporal Cultural Landscape Visualization
Q129223197Feature Extraction and Selection of Sentinel-1 Dual-Pol Data for Global-Scale Local Climate Zone Classification
Q131361471Field Motion Estimation with a Geosensor Network
Q122965979Field Spectroscopy Metadata System Based on ISO and OGC Standards
Q110780076Filming the Historical Geography: Story from the Realm of Maps in Regensburg
Q58001884Fine Resolution Probabilistic Land Cover Classification of Landscapes in the Southeastern United States
Q126571677Fire Risk Assessment in Dense Urban Areas Using Information Fusion Techniques
Q130200890Forecasting Transplanted Rice Yield at the Farm Scale Using Moderate-Resolution Satellite Imagery and the AquaCrop Model: A Case Study of a Rice Seed Production Community in Thailand
Q126709714Form Follows Content: An Empirical Study on Symbol-Content (In)Congruences in Thematic Maps
Q131922478Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Geoprocessing: A SHACL-Based Method
Q61830323From Global Goals to Local Gains—A Framework for Crop Water Productivity
Q114936553From IFC to 3D Tiles: An Integrated Open-Source Solution for Visualising BIMs on Cesium
Q114917727From Meadow to Map: Integrating Field Surveys and Interactive Visualizations for Invasive Species Management in a National Park
Q128272304From Motion Activity to Geo-Embeddings: Generating and Exploring Vector Representations of Locations, Traces and Visitors through Large-Scale Mobility Data
Q124880778From Spatial Data Infrastructures to Data Spaces—A Technological Perspective on the Evolution of European SDIs
Q128900587From a Vegetation Index to a Sustainable Development Goal Indicator: Forest Trend Monitoring Using Three Decades of Earth Observations across Switzerland
Q126027468Fully Automated Pose Estimation of Historical Images in the Context of 4D Geographic Information Systems Utilizing Machine Learning Methods
Q128387664Function-Based Search of Place Using Theoretical, Empirical and Probabilistic Patterns
Q114363661Functional Classification of Urban Parks Based on Urban Functional Zone and Crowd-Sourced Geographical Data
Q128013128Fusion of Multi-Sensor-Derived Heights and OSM-Derived Building Footprints for Urban 3D Reconstruction
Q129106032Fusion of SAR and Multispectral Images Using Random Forest Regression for Change Detection
Q132774177Fusion of Sentinel-1 with Official Topographic and Cadastral Geodata for Crop-Type Enriched LULC Mapping Using FOSS and Open Data
Q128552910GEOBIA at the Terapixel Scale: Toward Efficient Mapping of Small Woody Features from Heterogeneous VHR Scenes
Q129542655GIS Application to Regional Geological Structure Relationship Modelling Considering Semantics
Q127887375GIS Mapping of Driving Behavior Based on Naturalistic Driving Data
Q112783069GIS Models for Vulnerability of Coastal Erosion Assessment in a Tropical Protected Area
Q59220506GIS and Transport Modeling—Strengthening the Spatial Perspective
Q129323369GIS-Assisted Prediction and Risk Zonation of Wildlife Attacks in the Chitwan National Park in Nepal
Q73184869GIS-Based Planning and Modeling for Renewable Energy: Challenges and Future Research Avenues
Q131361516GPS-Aided Video Tracking
Q128679478Gender and Age Differences in Using Indoor Maps for Wayfinding in Real Environments
Q113695719General Data Search Algorithms for Earth Simulation Systems with Cyclic Boundaries
Q124621826Generalization of Soundings across Scales: From DTM to Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts
Q124435620Generating Heat Maps of Popular Routes Online from Massive Mobile Sports Tracking Application Data in Milliseconds While Respecting Privacy
Q128180098Generating Spatial Knowledge Graphs with 2D Indoor Floorplan Data: A Case Study on the Jeonju Express Bus Terminal
Q58891383Generating Up-to-Date and Detailed Land Use and Land Cover Maps Using OpenStreetMap and GlobeLand30
Q59896306Generating a High-Precision True Digital Orthophoto Map Based on UAV Images
Q125942652Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery
Q113205435Geo-DMP: A DTN-Based Mobile Prototype for Geospatial Data Retrieval
Q122899679Geo-Enrichment and Semantic Enhancement of Metadata Sets to Augment Discovery in Geoportals
Q127441914Geo-Referencing and Mapping 1901 Census Addresses for England and Wales
Q59282207Geo-Spatial Support for Assessment of Anthropic Impact on Biodiversity
Q123183911Geo-Tagged Photo Metadata Processing Method for Beijing Inbound Tourism Flow
Q128652608Geo-Tagged Social Media Data-Based Analytical Approach for Perceiving Impacts of Social Events
Q128139367GeoAnnotator: A Collaborative Semi-Automatic Platform for Constructing Geo-Annotated Text Corpora
Q125780763GeoFairy2: A Cross-Institution Mobile Gateway to Location-Linked Data for In-Situ Decision Making
Q127638660GeoSOT-Based Spatiotemporal Index of Massive Trajectory Data
Q111830189GeoSPARQL 1.1: Motivations, Details and Applications of the Decadal Update to the Most Important Geospatial LOD Standard
Q113205443GeoSpark SQL: An Effective Framework Enabling Spatial Queries on Spark
Q126985557Geobia Achievements and Spatial Opportunities in the Era of Big Earth Observation Data
Q113695722Geographic Approach: Identifying Relatively Stable Tibetan Dialect and Subdialect Area Boundaries
Q114029955Geographic Complexity: Concepts, Theories, and Practices
Q127657226Geographic Information Metadata—An Outlook from the International Standardization Perspective
Q130148668Geographic Information Retrieval Method for Geography Mark-Up Language Data
Q113205441Geographic Knowledge Graph (GeoKG): A Formalized Geographic Knowledge Representation
Q113205447Geographic Knowledge Graph Attribute Normalization: Improving the Accuracy by Fusing Optimal Granularity Clustering and Co-Occurrence Analysis
Q59700745Geographic Layers as Landscape Drivers for the Marco Polo Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan
Q114936517Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis for Automated Landslide Detection Using Open Source GIS Software
Q126093394Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery
Q128207122Geographical Area Network—Structural Health Monitoring Utility Computing Model
Q124256707Geoinformation Technologies in Support of Environmental Hazards Monitoring under Climate Change: An Extensive Review
Q131387299Geointelligence against Illegal Deforestation and Timber Laundering in the Brazilian Amazon
Q115184241Geomedia Attributes for Perspective Visualization of Relief for Historical Non-Cartometric Water-Colored Topographic Maps
Q55670612Georeferenced point clouds: a survey of features and point cloud management
Q129542401Geospatial Analysis and the Internet of Things
Q124290970Geospatial Analysis in Web Browsers—Comparison Study on WebGIS Process-Based Applications
Q57724688Geospatial Analysis of the Building Heat Demand and Distribution Losses in a District Heating Network
Q125352720Geospatial Analysis of the Non-Surveyed (Estimated) Coastlines in Inoh’s Map, 1821
Q114744628Geospatial Data Utilisation in National Disaster Management Frameworks and the Priorities of Multilateral Disaster Management Frameworks: Case Studies of India and Bulgaria
Q127367924Geospatial Disaggregation of Population Data in Supporting SDG Assessments: A Case Study from Deqing County, China
Q58839459Geospatial Google Street View with Virtual Reality: A Motivational Approach for Spatial Training Education
Q126251991Geospatial Information Categories Mapping in a Cross-lingual Environment: A Case Study of “Surface Water” Categories in Chinese and American Topographic Maps
Q125360209Geospatial Methods and Tools for Natural Risk Management and Communications
Q128707584Geospatial Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature Effects on Vegetation Dynamics in the Southeastern Region of Bangladesh from 2001 to 2016
Q62623690Geospatial Narratives and Their Spatio-Temporal Dynamics: Commonsense Reasoning for High-Level Analyses in Geographic Information Systems
Q124290917Geospatial Network Analysis and Origin-Destination Clustering of Bike-Sharing Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Q122861422Geospatial Open Data Usage and Metadata Quality
Q114114465Geospatial Semantics Analysis of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau Based on Microblog Short Texts
Q123999337Geospatial Web Services Discovery through Semantic Annotation of WPS
Q114580122Ghost City Extraction and Rate Estimation in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Data
Q126798822Global Ambitions, Local Contexts: Alternative Ways of Knowing the World
Q123999421Global Digital Elevation Model Comparison Criteria: An Evident Need to Consider Their Application
Q126592672Global Mapping of GDP at 1 km2 Using VIIRS Nighttime Satellite Imagery
Q125801352Global Research on Artificial Intelligence from 1990–2014: Spatially-Explicit Bibliometric Analysis
Q114936585Google Earth Engine as Multi-Sensor Open-Source Tool for Monitoring Stream Flow in the Transboundary River Basin: Doosti River Dam
Q55810280Graph-Based Matching of Points-of-Interest from Collaborative Geo-Datasets
Q128424683Grassland Dynamics and the Driving Factors Based on Net Primary Productivity in Qinghai Province, China
Q126620054Grey System Theory in Research into Preferences Regarding the Location of Place of Residence within a City
Q129469646Grid-Based Crime Prediction Using Geographical Features
Q124674985Group-Privacy Threats for Geodata in the Humanitarian Context
Q73184905Guided Classification System for Conceptual Overlapping Classes in OpenStreetMap
Q127476507HBIM Modeling from the Surface Mesh and Its Extended Capability of Knowledge Representation
Q114936587HBIM Open Source: A Review
Q59219611HCTNav: A Path Planning Algorithm for Low-Cost Autonomous Robot Navigation in Indoor Environments
Q131298403Habitat Mapping and Change Assessment of Coastal Environments: An Examination of WorldView-2, QuickBird, and IKONOS Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR for Mapping Barrier Island Habitats
Q127901529Hazard Assessment of Earthquake Disaster Chains Based on a Bayesian Network Model and ArcGIS
Q124394332Heat Maps: Perfect Maps for Quick Reading? Comparing Usability of Heat Maps with Different Levels of Generalization
Q124394348Heat Maps: Perfect Maps for Quick Reading? Comparing Usability of Heat Maps with Different Levels of Generalization
Q128302207Heritage Building Information Modeling (H-BIM) Applied to A Stone Bridge
Q127818194Heuristic Bike Optimization Algorithm to Improve Usage Efficiency of the Station-Free Bike Sharing System in Shenzhen, China
Q57262476Hexagon-Based Adaptive Crystal Growth Voronoi Diagrams Based on Weighted Planes for Service Area Delimitation
Q128181480HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
Q129655467HidroMap: A New Tool for Irrigation Monitoring and Management Using Free Satellite Imagery
Q59890554Hierarchical Model for the Similarity Measurement of a Complex Holed-Region Entity Scene
Q73184931Highlighting Current Trends in Volunteered Geographic Information
Q73186510Historical Collaborative Geocoding
Q124290728Historical Vltava River Valley–Various Historical Sources within Web Mapping Environment
Q128103153Hot Spot Analysis versus Cluster and Outlier Analysis: An Enquiry into the Grouping of Rural Accommodation in Extremadura (Spain)
Q126854117How Data-Poor Countries Remain Data Poor: Underestimation of Human Settlements in Burkina Faso as Observed from Nighttime Light Data
Q118154200How Has the Recent Climate Change Affected the Spatiotemporal Variation of Reference Evapotranspiration in a Climate Transitional Zone of Eastern China?
Q126640738How Is the Confidentiality of Crime Locations Affected by Parameters in Kernel Density Estimation?
Q126454925How Much Do We Learn from Addresses? On the Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics of Addressing Systems
Q125381749How They Move Reveals What Is Happening: Understanding the Dynamics of Big Events from Human Mobility Pattern
Q128864659How to Contextualize SDG 11? Looking at Indicators for Sustainable Urban Development in Germany
Q126580807HsgNet: A Road Extraction Network Based on Global Perception of High-Order Spatial Information
Q124685365Human-Centric Data Science for Urban Studies
Q128279051Hybrid 3D Models: When Geomatics Innovations Meet Extensive Built Heritage Complexes
Q114495522Hydrological Modeling of Green Infrastructure to Quantify Its Effect on Flood Mitigation and Water Availability in the High School Watershed in Tucson, AZ
Q129756067Hydrological Modeling with Respect to Impact of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change on the Runoff Dynamics in Godavari River Basin Using the HEC-HMS Model
Q124361281INTERLIS Language for Modelling Legal 3D Spaces and Physical 3D Objects by Including Formalized Implementable Constraints and Meaningful Code Lists
Q127123102Identification and Mapping of Soil Erosion Processes Using the Visual Interpretation of LiDAR Imagery
Q113695718Identification of Metropolitan Area Boundaries Based on Comprehensive Spatial Linkages of Cities: A Case Study of the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region
Q57767661Identification of Painted Rock-Shelter Sites Using GIS Integrated with a Decision Support System and Fuzzy Logic
Q126460891Identification of Salt Deposits on Seismic Images Using Deep Learning Method for Semantic Segmentation
Q113337536Identification of Shrinking Cities on the Main Island of Taiwan Based on Census Data and Population Registers: A Spatial Analysis
Q114580132Identification of Urban Agglomeration Spatial Range Based on Social and Remote-Sensing Data—For Evaluating Development Level of Urban Agglomeration
Q127453579Identifying Alternative Wetting and Drying Adoption (AWD) in the Vietnamese Mekong River Delta: A Change Detection Approach
Q132560513Identifying Conditioning Factors and Predictors of Conflict Likelihood for Machine Learning Models: A Literature Review
Q129429650Identifying Modes of Driving Railway Trains from GPS Trajectory Data: An Ensemble Classifier-Based Approach
Q128861593Identifying Urban Functional Zones Using Public Bicycle Rental Records and Point-of-Interest Data
Q58203130Identifying Urban Neighborhood Names through User-Contributed Online Property Listings
Q114029958Identifying Urban Wetlands through Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Deep Learning: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
Q113337538Identifying Users’ Requirements for Emergency Mapping Team Operations in Small Island Developing States: Caribbean Perspective
Q124084808Identifying Users’ Requirements for Emergency Mapping Team Operations in the Dominican Republic
Q131759289Identifying the Socio-Spatial Logics of Foreclosed Housing Accumulated by Large Private Landlords in Post-Crisis Catalan Cities
Q114114472IdroGEO: A Collaborative Web Mapping Application Based on REST API Services and Open Data on Landslides and Floods in Italy
Q127749010Impact of the ARSET Program on Use of Remote-Sensing Data
Q112163609Impact of the Cartographer’s Position and Topographic Accessibility on the Accuracy of Historical Land Use Information: Case of the Second Military Survey Maps of the Habsburg Empire
Q128160698Impact of the Scale on Several Metrics Used in Geographical Object-Based Image Analysis: Does GEOBIA Mitigate the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)?
Q126777720Impacts of Rapid Socioeconomic Development on Cropping Intensity Dynamics in China during 2001–2016
Q57025906Impacts of Species Misidentification on Species Distribution Modeling with Presence-Only Data
Q125828270Impaired Water Hazard Zones: Mapping Intersecting Environmental Health Vulnerabilities and Polluter Disproportionality
Q58821010Implementation of Algorithm for Satellite-Derived Bathymetry using Open Source GIS and Evaluation for Tsunami Simulation
Q125867257Implementation of Geographical Conditions Monitoring in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China
Q59891042Implementation of a Parallel GPU-Based Space-Time Kriging Framework
Q128913528Importance of Remotely-Sensed Vegetation Variables for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of African Citrus Triozid (Trioza erytreae) in Kenya
Q128714230Improved Decision-Making Geo-Information System for Continuous Monitoring of Deformations on Airport Infrastructure
Q126009130Improved Indoor Positioning by Means of Occupancy Grid Maps Automatically Generated from OSM Indoor Data
Q127980747Improvement of Spatial Autocorrelation, Kernel Estimation, and Modeling Methods by Spatial Standardization on Distance
Q129733233Improving Building Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery by Combining Coarse Location and Co-Segmentation
Q113056192Improving Identification of Areas for Ecological Restoration for Conservation by Integrating USLE and MCDA in a GIS-Environment: A Pilot Study in a Priority Region Northern Mexico
Q59193762Improving Post-Earthquake Insurance Claim Management: A Novel Approach to Prioritize Geospatial Data Collection
Q129435632Improving Tree Species Classification Using UAS Multispectral Images and Texture Measures
Q114029962Improving the Creation of Hot Spot Policing Patrol Routes: Comparing Cognitive Heuristic Performance to an Automated Spatial Computation Approach
Q73186508Improving the Quality of Citizen Contributed Geodata through Their Historical Contributions: The Case of the Road Network in OpenStreetMap
Q130184253Improving the Separability of Deep Features with Discriminative Convolution Filters for RSI Classification
Q127252361Incorporating Graph Attention and Recurrent Architectures for City-Wide Taxi Demand Prediction
Q124299686Incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation in Machine Learning Models Using Spatial Lag and Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Features
Q117048229Increasing Efficiency of Nautical Chart Production and Accessibility to Marine Environment Data through an Open-Science Compilation Workflow
Q60400664Increasing the Accuracy of Crowdsourced Information on Land Cover via a Voting Procedure Weighted by Information Inferred from the Contributed Data
Q129200896Incremental Road Network Generation Based on Vehicle Trajectories
Q125122820Indexing for Moving Objects in Multi-Floor Indoor Spaces That Supports Complex Semantic Queries
Q127320913Individual Behavior Simulation Based on Grid Object and Agent Model
Q128039281Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist Sight Spatial Interest Field
Q126808068Indoor Location Prediction Method for Shopping Malls Based on Location Sequence Similarity
Q125942496Indoor Positioning for Smartphones Using Asynchronous Ultrasound Trilateration
Q126316266Indoor Reconstruction from Floorplan Images with a Deep Learning Approach
Q124361277Indoor Routing on Logical Network Using Space Semantics
Q129608342Inferencing Human Spatiotemporal Mobility in Greater Maputo via Mobile Phone Big Data Mining
Q123999380Influence of Sample Size on Automatic Positional Accuracy Assessment Methods for Urban Areas
Q126916692Influential Factor Detection for Tourism on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Social Media Data
Q128198201Instability Index Derived from a Landslide Inventory for Watershed Stability Assessment and Mapping
Q128992218Intact Planar Abstraction of Buildings via Global Normal Refinement from Noisy Oblique Photogrammetric Point Clouds
Q126534178Integrated Hazard Modeling for Simulating Torrential Stream Response to Flash Flood Events
Q73184937Integrated Participatory and Collaborative Risk Mapping for Enhancing Disaster Resilience
Q127902554Integrated UAV-Based Real-Time Mapping for Security Applications
Q126337840Integrated Visualization Approach for Real-Time and Dynamic Assessment of Storm Surge Disasters for China’s Seas
Q57020101Integrating Free and Open Source Solutions into Geospatial Science Education
Q125312720Integrating GEOBIA, Machine Learning, and Volunteered Geographic Information to Map Vegetation over Rooftops
Q127216541Integrating Geovisual Analytics with Machine Learning for Human Mobility Pattern Discovery
Q128362155Integrating Island Spatial Information and Integer Optimization for Locating Maritime Search and Rescue Bases: A Case Study in the South China Sea
Q125726413Integrating Land-Use and Renewable Energy Planning Decisions: A Technical Mapping Guide for Local Government
Q56907918Integrating Open Access Geospatial Data to Map the Habitat Suitability of the Declining Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra)
Q58762431Integrating Risk Assessment into Spatial Planning: RiskOTe Decision Support System
Q113416900Integration of Web Processing Services with Workflow-Based Scientific Applications for Solving Environmental Monitoring Problems
Q128187357Integration, Processing and Dissemination of LiDAR Data in a 3D Web-GIS
Q126317306Integrative Analysis of Spatial Heterogeneity and Overdispersion of Crime with a Geographically Weighted Negative Binomial Model
Q113205437Intelligent Interaction with Virtual Geographical Environments Based on Geographic Knowledge Graph
Q127104546Interactions between Bus, Metro, and Taxi Use before and after the Chinese Spring Festival
Q114363669Interactive Maps for the Production of Knowledge and the Promotion of Participation from the Perspective of Communication, Journalism, and Digital Humanities
Q124310775Interactive Thematic Map as a Means of Documenting and Visualizing Information about Cultural Heritage Objects
Q114114455Interactive Visualization and Representation Analysis Applied to Glacier Segmentation
Q124310778Interactive Web-Map of the European Freeway Junction A1/A4 Development with the Use of Archival Cartographic Sources
Q127299719Interpolation of Instantaneous Air Temperature Using Geographical and MODIS Derived Variables with Machine Learning Techniques
Q124310596Interpretation of Map Symbols in the Context of Gamers’ Age and Experience
Q56754550Introduction to the Special Issue: Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling of Environmental Change
Q124361279Introduction to the Special Issue: “Research and Development Progress in 3D Cadastral Systems”
Q125979355Investigating Relationships between Runoff–Erosion Processes and Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Multiple Gridded Datasets
Q128387756Investigating Roundabout Properties and Bicycle Accident Occurrence at Swiss Roundabouts: A Logistic Regression Approach
Q127062866Investigating Schema-Free Encoding of Categorical Data Using Prime Numbers in a Geospatial Context
Q131827898Investigating Social Vulnerability to Extreme Heat: Heat Islands and Climate Shelters in Urban Contexts: The Case of Bologna
Q57954304Investigating the Feasibility of Geo-Tagged Photographs as Sources of Land Cover Input Data
Q132560491Investigating the Performance of Open-Vocabulary Classification Algorithms for Pathway and Surface Material Detection in Urban Environments
Q59388256Investigating “Locality” of Intra-Urban Spatial Interactions in New York City Using Foursquare Data
Q111110745Investigation of Post-Fire Debris Flows in Montecito
Q59388262Investigation of Travel and Activity Patterns Using Location-based Social Network Data: A Case Study of Active Mobile Social Media Users
Q113205456Investigation of the Expression Method of Theme-Typhoon Disaster Information
Q126039634Job Accessibility as a Lens for Understanding the Urban Structure of Colonial Cities: A Digital Humanities Study of the Colonial Seoul in the 1930s Using GIS
Q126462563Joint Simulation of Spatially Correlated Soil Health Indicators, Using Independent Component Analysis and Minimum/Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
Q113205440Knowledge Embedding with Geospatial Distance Restriction for Geographic Knowledge Graph Completion
Q127900515LADM Based Utility Network Cadastre in Serbia
Q127094970LADM-Based Model for Natural Resource Administration in China
Q130185066Land Consolidation Suitability Ranking of Cadastral Municipalities: Information-Based Decision-Making Using Multi-Criteria Analyses of Official Registers’ Data
Q57577889Land Cover Mapping Analysis and Urban Growth Modelling Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Greater Cairo Region—Egypt
Q57577876Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Data for Harmonized Official Statistics
Q132560494Land Subsidence Susceptibility Mapping in Ca Mau Province, Vietnam, Using Boosting Models
Q126460479Land Suitability for Sustainable Aquaculture of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Molinopampa (Peru) Based on RS, GIS, and AHP
Q125445275Land Use Change and Hotspot Identification in Harbin–Changchun Urban Agglomeration in China from 1990 to 2020
Q125948463Land Use Changes and Ecosystem Services: The Case Study of the Abruzzo Region Coastal Strip
Q60346285Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics and Modeling of Urban Land Expansion by the Integration of Cellular Automata and Markov Chain
Q60516157Land-Use Suitability in Northeast Iran: Application of AHP-GIS Hybrid Model
Q124839202Landscape Ecological Risk and Ecological Security Pattern Construction in World Natural Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Bayinbuluke, Xinjiang, China
Q62633318Landslide Susceptibility Assessment at Mila Basin (Algeria): A Comparative Assessment of Prediction Capability of Advanced Machine Learning Methods
Q66621749Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on Weighted Gradient Boosting Decision Tree in Wanzhou Section of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (China)
Q128963869Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Logistic Regression Analysis along the Jinsha River and Its Tributaries Close to Derong and Deqin County, Southwestern China
Q124145108Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning: A Danish Case Study
Q114029942Large Common Plansets-4-Points Congruent Sets for Point Cloud Registration
Q114363648Large-Scale Station-Level Crowd Flow Forecast with ST-Unet
Q108863587Laser Scanning and Data Integration for Three-Dimensional Digital Recording of Complex Historical Structures: The Case of Mevlana Museum
Q127311072Leading Progress in Digital Terrain Analysis and Modeling
Q131338373Learning Cartographic Building Generalization with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Q129454923Learning Daily Human Mobility with a Transformer-Based Model
Q132560453Leveraging Road Characteristics and Contributor Behaviour for Assessing Road Type Quality in OSM
Q113205455Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Graphs and Knowledge Graphs: Perspectives in the Field of Maritime Transportation
Q126651443LiDAR and UAV System Data to Analyse Recent Morphological Changes of a Small Drainage Basin
Q129912610LiDAR—A Technology to Assist with Smart Cities and Climate Change Resilience: A Case Study in an Urban Metropolis
Q117839811Limits of Colour Perception in the Context of Minimum Dimensions in Digital Cartography
Q129087395Line-Constrained Shape Feature for Building Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Imagery
Q126329655Linguistic Landscapes on Street-Level Images
Q60214786Linking Neighborhood Characteristics and Drug-Related Police Interventions: A Bayesian Spatial Analysis
Q114114464Local Climate Zones, Land Surface Temperature and Air Temperature Interactions: Case Study of Hradec Králové, the Czech Republic
Q112766562Local Segregation of Realised Niches in Lizards
Q128162890Location Privacy in the Wake of the GDPR
Q112163783Long-Term Changes of the Wildland–Urban Interface in the Polish Carpathians
Q124674959Lossless Watermarking Algorithm for Geographic Point Cloud Data Based on Vertical Stability
Q128949392Low-Power LoRa Signal-Based Outdoor Positioning Using Fingerprint Algorithm
Q109584668Machine Learning Methods Applied to the Prediction of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Blooms in the Galician Rias Baixas (NW Spain)
Q125948676Machine Learning-Based Processing Proof-of-Concept Pipeline for Semi-Automatic Sentinel-2 Imagery Download, Cloudiness Filtering, Classifications, and Updates of Open Land Use/Land Cover Datasets
Q124287895Make It Simple: Effective Road Selection for Small-Scale Map Design Using Decision-Tree-Based Models
Q113205432Making Smart Cities Resilient to Climate Change by Mitigating Natural Hazard Impacts
Q128181261Making the Invisible Visible—Strategies for Visualizing Underground Infrastructures in Immersive Environments
Q113695723Managing Inhomogeneity in the Control Point Network during Staking Out Cadastral Boundaries in Austria
Q60404988Map Archive Mining: Visual-Analytical Approaches to Explore Large Historical Map Collections.
Q124256675Map Design and Usability of a Simplified Topographic 2D Map on the Smartphone in Landscape and Portrait Orientations
Q126404458Map Matching for Urban High-Sampling-Frequency GPS Trajectories
Q105246255Map Metadata: the Basis of the Retrieval System of Digital Collections
Q60510284Mapping Changes in Carbon Storage and Productivity Services Provided by Riparian Ecosystems of Semi-Arid Environments in Northwestern Mexico
Q113695714Mapping Climate Parameters over the Territory of Botswana Using GMT and Gridded Surface Data from TerraClimate
Q124290983Mapping Creative Industries: A Case Study on Supporting Geographical Information Systems in the Olomouc Region, Czech Republic
Q129547844Mapping Creative Spaces in Omaha, NE: Resident Perceptions versus Creative Firm Locations
Q58001881Mapping Forest Characteristics at Fine Resolution across Large Landscapes of the Southeastern United States Using NAIP Imagery and FIA Field Plot Data
Q57848033Mapping Historical Data: Recovering a Forgotten Floristic and Vegetation Database for Biodiversity Monitoring
Q127147109Mapping Impact of Tidal Flooding on Solar Salt Farming in Northern Java using a Hydrodynamic Model
Q124435559Mapping Imprecision: How to Geocode Data from Inaccurate Historic Maps
Q113205454Mapping Inuinnaqtun: The Role of Digital Technology in the Revival of Traditional Inuit Knowledge Ecosystems
Q118140349Mapping Local Climate Zones and Their Applications in European Urban Environments: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Development Trends
Q57655785Mapping Local Climate Zones for a Worldwide Database of the Form and Function of Cities
Q59220498Mapping Parallels between Outdoor Urban Environments and Indoor Manufacturing Environments
Q113205438Mapping Spatiotemporal Data to RDF: A SPARQL Endpoint for Brussels
Q106596324Mapping Spatiotemporal Diffusion of COVID-19 in Lombardy (Italy) on the Base of Emergency Medical Services Activities
Q127090921Mapping Time-Space Brickfield Development Dynamics in Peri-Urban Area of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Q59206880Mapping Urban Land Use at Street Block Level Using OpenStreetMap, Remote Sensing Data, and Spatial Metrics
Q60541468Mapping Urban Tree Species Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Comparing Pixel-Based and Object-Based Approaches
Q58757382Mapping VHR Water Depth, Seabed and Land Cover Using Google Earth Data
Q118154210Mapping Very-High-Resolution Evapotranspiration from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery
Q125756746Mapping and Analyzing Stream Network Changes in Watonwan River Watershed, Minnesota, USA
Q125294768Mapping and Quantification of the Dwarf Eelgrass Zostera noltei Using a Random Forest Algorithm on a SPOT 7 Satellite Image
Q125949780Mapping the Catchment Area of Park and Ride Facilities within Urban Environments
Q58135851Mapping the Far Right: Geomedia in an Educational Response to Right-Wing Extremism
Q112766565Mapping the Socio-Economic and Ecological Resilience of Japanese Coral Reefscapes across a Decade
Q122198257Mapping with ChatGPT
Q127985296Mapping with Stakeholders: An Overview of Public Participatory GIS and VGI in Transport Decision-Making
Q125924683Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Development Framework: Croatia Case Study
Q114114450Measure of Utilizing Space Database Information for Improvement of Efficient Disaster Management (Focusing on Nuclear Power Plant Accidents)
Q129022414Measurement of Opportunity Cost of Travel Time for Predicting Future Residential Mobility Based on the Smart Card Data of Public Transportation
Q73184867Measuring Completeness of Building Footprints in OpenStreetMap over Space and Time
Q128870752Measuring Inequality of Opportunity in Access to Quality Basic Education: A Case Study in Florida, US
Q126791335Measuring SDG 15 at the County Scale: Localization and Practice of SDGs Indicators Based on Geospatial Information
Q57035581Measuring Scale-Dependent Landscape Structure with Rao’s Quadratic Diversity
Q129645393Measuring Selection Diversity of Emergency Medical Service for Metro Stations: A Case Study in Beijing
Q128118832Measuring Spatial Mismatch between Public Transit Services and Regular Riders: A Case Study of Beijing
Q127638152Measuring Urban Greenspace Distribution Equity: The Importance of Appropriate Methodological Approaches
Q106596357Measuring Urban Land Cover Influence on Air Temperature through Multiple Geo-Data—The Case of Milan, Italy
Q57750961Measuring the Spatial Relationship Information of Multi-Layered Vector Data
Q126836300Method for 3D City Building Continuous Transformation Based on an Improved LOD Topological Data Structure
Q114819294Method for Cartographic Symbols Creation in Connection with Map Series Digitization
Q129001910Method for Mapping Rice Fields in Complex Landscape Areas Based on Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network from HJ-1 A/B Data
Q129392686Method for the Analysis and Visualization of Similar Flow Hotspot Patterns between Different Regional Groups
Q73186505Method of Constructing Point Generalization Constraints Based on the Cloud Platform
Q128104361Method of Selecting a Decontamination Site Deployment for Chemical Accident Consequences Elimination: Application of Multi-Criterial Analysis
Q115294595Methodological Approach to Incorporate the Involve of Stakeholders in the Geodesign Workflow of Transmission Line Projects
Q125727178Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Ecosystem Maps: A Case Study in the Andes
Q127667999Methods to Detect Edge Effected Reductions in Fire Frequency in Simulated Forest Landscapes
Q66678003Migrating 2 and 3D Datasets: Preserving AutoCAD at the Archaeology Data Service
Q110657256Minecraft as a Tool for Engaging Children in Urban Planning: A Case Study in Tirol Town, Brazil
Q124310593Mini-Map Design Features as a Navigation Aid in the Virtual Geographical Space Based on Video Games
Q115184252Mini-Map for Gamers Who Walk and Teleport in a Virtual Stronghold
Q130107100Mining Individual Similarity by Assessing Interactions with Personally Significant Places from GPS Trajectories
Q114029963Mining Topological Dependencies of Recurrent Congestion in Road Networks
Q114580135Mining Type-β Co-Location Patterns on Closeness Centrality in Spatial Data Sets
Q128607575Mobile Phone Indicators and Their Relation to the Socioeconomic Organisation of Cities
Q127904235Mobility Modes Awareness from Trajectories Based on Clustering and a Convolutional Neural Network
Q114114445Model Ensembles of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Regression for Improved Accuracy in the Prediction of Vegetation Conditions and Droughts in Four Northern Kenya Counties
Q129552177Model of Point Cloud Data Management System in Big Data Paradigm
Q57800080Modeling Historical Land Cover and Land Use: A Review fromContemporary Modeling
Q113056194Modeling Obstruction and Restoration of Urban Commutation Networks in the Wake of a Devastating Earthquake in Tokyo
Q131909949Modeling Past, Present, and Future Urban Growth Impacts on Primary Agricultural Land in Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan Using SLEUTH (1972–2050)
Q124685341Modeling Patterns in Map Use Contexts and Mobile Map Design Usability
Q129098419Modeling Patterns of Land Use in Chinese Cities Using an Integrated Cellular Automata Model
Q114363644Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
Q129869652Modeling Urban Collaborative Growth Dynamics Using a Multiscale Simulation Model for the Wuhan Urban Agglomeration Area, China
Q57921336Modeling Urban Land Cover Growth Dynamics Using Multi‑Temporal Satellite Images: A Case Study of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Q129474843Modeling Words for Qualitative Distance Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Q114029959Modeling and Processing of Smart Point Clouds of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometries
Q113695724Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Europe: Combining Open Data and Geospatial Analysis
Q128138724Modelling Urban Housing Stocks for Building Energy Simulation using CityGML EnergyADE
Q114114460Modelling and Analyzing the Semantic Evolution of Social Media User Behaviors during Disaster Events: A Case Study of COVID-19
Q127105436Modelling and Simulation of Selected Real Estate Market Spatial Phenomena
Q128942474Modelling, Validation and Quantification of Climate and Other Sensitivities of Building Energy Model on 3D City Models
Q115184247Modern Cartographic Forms of Expression: The Renaissance of Multimedia Cartography
Q111827142Monitoring 2.0: Update on the Halyomorpha halys Invasion of Trentino
Q114580147Monitoring Coastal Vulnerability by Using DEMs Based on UAV Spatial Data
Q106596326Monitoring Forest Change in the Amazon Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Classification on Google Earth Engine
Q130295943Monitoring Geologic Hazards and Vegetation Recovery in the Wenchuan Earthquake Region Using Aerial Photography
Q127463280Monitoring Ground Instabilities Using SAR Satellite Data: A Practical Approach
Q114114468Monitoring Vegetation Greenness in Response to Climate Variation along the Elevation Gradient in the Three-River Source Region of China
Q117438991Monitoring Wildfires in the Northeastern Peruvian Amazon Using Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Imagery in the GEE Platform
Q55810281Monitoring and Assessing Post-Disaster Tourism Recovery Using Geotagged Social Media Data
Q127887735Monitoring and Mapping of Rice Cropping Pattern in Flooding Area in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta Using Sentinel-1A Data: A Case of An Giang Province
Q60346296Monitoring and Modeling of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion and Land-Use/Land-Cover Change Using Integrated Markov Chain Cellular Automata Model
Q129004626Monthly Analysis of Wetlands Dynamics Using Remote Sensing Data
Q57837999Morphological Operations to Extract Urban Curbs in 3D MLS Point Clouds
Q60256011Movement Pattern Analysis Based on Sequence Signatures
Q129602021Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Approach for Heterogeneous GeoVideo Data
Q129094696Multi-Agent Planning for Automatic Geospatial Web Service Composition in Geoportals
Q106126656Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Detection Based on an Extended Set of LiDAR-Derived Terrain Features
Q128086939Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
Q62633257Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Model for Seismic Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) of Urban Residential Buildings
Q126027113Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method for the Management of Woodland Plantations in Floodplain Areas
Q114936542Multi-Criteria High Voltage Power Line Routing—An Open Source GIS-Based Approach
Q129579867Multi-Criteria Land Evaluation of Suitability for the Sport of Foot Orienteering: A Case Study of Croatia and Slovenia
Q125859269Multi-GPU-Parallel and Tile-Based Kernel Density Estimation for Large-Scale Spatial Point Pattern Analysis
Q128302143Multi-Level Morphometric Characterization of Built-up Areas and Change Detection in Siberian Sub-Arctic Urban Area: Yakutsk
Q127815203Multi-Mode Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method to Measure the Potential Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Services
Q129605237Multi-Objective Optimisation Based Planning of Power-Line Grid Expansions
Q126331175Multi-Parameter Estimation of Average Speed in Road Networks Using Fuzzy Control
Q127197341Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Semantic Analysis Based on a Global Perspective
Q126646423Multi-Scale Validation of MODIS LAI Products Based on Crop Growth Period
Q128724018Multi-Scale and Multi-Sensor 3D Documentation of Heritage Complexes in Urban Areas
Q128348602Multi-Sensor UAV Application for Thermal Analysis on a Dry-Stone Terraced Vineyard in Rural Tuscany Landscape
Q60472544Multi-Temporal Image Analysis for Fluvial Morphological Characterization with Application to Albanian Rivers
Q130081508Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification with Sequential Recurrent Encoders
Q129244743Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 and -2 Data Fusion for Optical Image Simulation
Q124437376Multi-Temporal Time-Dependent Terrain Visualization through Localized Spatial Correspondence Parameterization
Q58391432Multidimensional Arrays for Analysing Geoscientific Data
Q128665457Multidimensional Spatial Vitality Automated Monitoring Method for Public Open Spaces Based on Computer Vision Technology: Case Study of Nanjing’s Daxing Palace Square
Q106596328Multidimensional Visualization and Processing of Big Open Urban Geospatial Data on the Web
Q114293003Multidimensional Web GIS Approach for Citizen Participation on Urban Evolution
Q127366094Multifaceted Geometric Assessment towards Simplified Urban Surfaces Built by 3D Reconstruction
Q129828645Multilevel Cloud Detection for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Multiple Convolutional Neural Networks
Q128574140Multisource Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion for Urban Land-Use Mapping based on a Modified Two-Branch Convolutional Neural Network
Q126335405Multistage Cascade Predictor of Structural Elements Movement in the Deformation Analysis of Large Objects Based on Time Series Influencing Factors
Q126318274Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Classification from Time-Series Landsat Datasets Using Harmonic Analysis with a Minimum Spectral Distance Algorithm
Q111262668Mutualistic Pattern of Intra-Urban Agglomeration and Impact Analysis: A Case Study of 11 Urban Agglomerations of Mainland China
Q124353816Navigation in Indoor Environments: Does the Type of Visual Learning Stimulus Matter?
Q60214774Neighborhood Characteristics, Alcohol Outlet Density, and Alcohol-Related Calls-for-Service: A Spatiotemporal Analysis in a Wet Drinking Country
Q120718790Nesting Patterns of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): Development of a Multiple Regression Model Tested in North Carolina, USA
Q131557157Network-Based Hierarchical Feature Augmentation for Predicting Road Classes in OpenStreetMap
Q58646278Neural-Network Time-Series Analysis of MODIS EVI for Post-Fire Vegetation Regrowth
Q127096431New Tools for the Classification and Filtering of Historical Maps
Q60536771New Trends in Using Augmented Reality Apps for Smart City Contexts
Q114936544NoiseModelling: An Open Source GIS Based Tool to Produce Environmental Noise Maps
Q126629021Non-Employment Activity Type Imputation from Points of Interest and Mobility Data at an Individual Level: How Accurate Can We Get?
Q126664495Non-Temporal Point Cloud Analysis for Surface Damage in Civil Structures
Q125311825Novel CNN-Based Approach for Reading Urban Form Data in 2D Images: An Application for Predicting Restaurant Location in Seoul, Korea
Q113056191Novel Method for Virtual Restoration of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometric Structure Based on Multiscale Spatial Geometry
Q123938804Numbers on Thematic Maps: Helpful Simplicity or Too Raw to Be Useful for Map Reading?
Q73184940OSM Data Import as an Outreach Tool to Trigger Community Growth? A Case Study in Miami
Q132657010OSM Science—The Academic Study of the OpenStreetMap Project, Data, Contributors, Community, and Applications
Q123901115OSMWatchman: Learning How to Detect Vandalized Contributions in OSM Using a Random Forest Classifier
Q127834862Obstacle-Aware Indoor Pathfinding Using Point Clouds
Q73184941Obstacles and Opportunities of Using a Mobile App for Marine Mammal Research
Q127903066Obtaining Land Cover Type for Urban Storm Flood Model in UAV Images Using MRF and MKFCM Clustering Techniques
Q128119581Oil Film Classification Using Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology
Q59256199On Data Quality Assurance and Conflation Entanglement in Crowdsourcing for Environmental Studies
Q124832226On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness
Q124003092On the Right Track: Comfort and Confusion in Indoor Environments
Q60454643On the Statistical Distribution of the Nonzero Spatial Autocorrelation Parameter in a Simultaneous Autoregressive Model
Q123901731On the Use of Geographic Information in Humanities Research Infrastructure: A Case Study on Cultural Heritage
Q127307806On the Use of Single-, Dual-, and Quad-Polarimetric SAR Observation for Landslide Detection
Q130129942Once upon a Spacetime: Visual Storytelling in Cognitive and Geotemporal Information Spaces
Q127904580Online Map Services: Contemporary Cartography or a New Cartographic Culture?
Q114363673Open Community-Based Crowdsourcing Geoportal for Earth Observation Products: A Model Design and Prototype Implementation
Q123852625Open Data and Beyond
Q125387238Open Geospatial Analytics with PySAL
Q61205940Open Geospatial Education
Q106596329Open Geospatial Software and Data: A Review of the Current State and A Perspective into the Future
Q113695720Open Geospatial System for LUCAS In Situ Data Harmonization and Distribution
Q114936570Open Polar Server (OPS)—An Open Source Infrastructure for the Cryosphere Community
Q111838538Operational Monitoring of the Desert Locust Habitat with Earth Observation: An Assessment
Q124685355Opportunities and Challenges of Geospatial Analysis for Promoting Urban Livability in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning
Q129870396Optimal Route Searching with Multiple Dynamical Constraints—A Geometric Algebra Approach
Q128851121Optimising Citizen-Driven Air Quality Monitoring Networks for Cities
Q126647094Optimization of Shortest-Path Search on RDBMS-Based Graphs
Q126345365Optimization-Based Construction of Quadrilateral Table Cartograms
Q129484277Optimized Location-Allocation of Earthquake Relief Centers Using PSO and ACO, Complemented by GIS, Clustering, and TOPSIS
Q59890537Optimizing Cruising Routes for Taxi Drivers Using a Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Model
Q113205431Orinoco: Retrieving a River Delta Network with the Fast Marching Method and Python
Q124361283Overview of the Croatian Land Administration System and the Possibilities for Its Upgrade to 3D by Existing Data
Q127805687PPGIS and Public Use in Protected Areas: A Case Study in the Ebro Delta Natural Park, Spain
Q125823811Panic Detection Using Machine Learning and Real-Time Biometric and Spatiotemporal Data
Q127071060Parallel Cellular Automata Markov Model for Land Use Change Prediction over MapReduce Framework
Q127321319Parallelizing Multiple Flow Accumulation Algorithm using CUDA and OpenACC
Q126646286Parameters Derived from and/or Used with Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Landslide Risk Assessment: A Review
Q114029952Parametric and Visual Programming BIM Applied to Museums, Linking Container and Content
Q126914174Parking Places to Moped-Style Scooter Sharing Services Using GIS Location-Allocation Models and GPS Data
Q73184926Participatory Land Administration on Customary Lands: A Practical VGI Experiment in Nanton, Ghana
Q111827674Participatory Mapping as a Didactic and Auxiliary Tool for Learning Community Integration, Technology Transference, and Natural Resource Management
Q115294585Participatory Rural Spatial Planning Based on a Virtual Globe-Based 3D PGIS
Q126112944Passenger Flow Prediction of Scenic Spots in Jilin Province Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Improved Quantile Regression Long Short-Term Memory Network
Q114114454Patch-Based Local Climate Zones Mapping and Population Distribution Pattern in Provincial Capital Cities of China
Q113695715Pattern Recognition and Segmentation of Administrative Boundaries Using a One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network and Grid Shape Context Descriptor
Q113205452People, Projects, Organizations, and Products: Designing a Knowledge Graph to Support Multi-Stakeholder Environmental Planning and Design
Q124290982Performance Testing on Vector vs. Raster Map Tiles—Comparative Study on Load Metrics
Q124145085Perspectives on “Earth Observation and GIScience for Agricultural Applications”
Q129411640Phenology Response to Climatic Dynamic across China’s Grasslands from 1985 to 2010
Q131387305Place and City: Toward Urban Intelligence
Q127192766Point of Interest Matching between Different Geospatial Datasets
Q128344689Polarimetric Target Decompositions and Light Gradient Boosting Machine for Crop Classification: A Comparative Evaluation
Q124478188Population Disaggregation on the Building Level Based on Outdated Census Data
Q132560556Population Space–Time Patterns Analysis and Anthropic Pressure Assessment of the Insubric Lakes Using User-Generated Geodata
Q114293009Portraying Citizens’ Occupations and Assessing Urban Occupation Mixture with Mobile Phone Data: A Novel Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework
Q114580151Possibilities for Assessment and Geovisualization of Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Data Using a WebGIS Application
Q114580137Posyandu Application for Monitoring Children Under-Five: A 3-Year Data Quality Map in Indonesia
Q113695713Potential Ecological Distributions of Urban Adapters and Urban Exploiters for the Sustainability of the Urban Bird Network
Q126094669Potential Impact of Climate Changes on the Inundation Risk Levels in a Dam Break Scenario
Q131447016Precision Agriculture Workflow, from Data Collection to Data Management Using FOSS Tools: An Application in Northern Italy Vineyard
Q128290392Predicting Presence of Amphibian Species Using Features Obtained from GIS and Satellite Images
Q127300846Predicting Slope Stability Failure through Machine Learning Paradigms
Q60540867Predicting Spatial Distribution of Key Honeybee Pests in Kenya Using Remotely Sensed and Bioclimatic Variables: Key Honeybee Pests Distribution Models
Q127800933Predicting Station-Level Short-Term Passenger Flow in a Citywide Metro Network Using Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
Q114114463Prediction of Groundwater Level Variations in a Changing Climate: A Danish Case Study
Q128675774Prediction of Hourly Effect of Land Use on Crime
Q114114470Prediction of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Fluxes Using Six Meteorological Data-Based Approaches for a Range of Climate and Land Cover Types
Q127113151Prediction of Soil Nutrient Contents Using Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
Q117829307Principles and Applications of the Global Human Settlement Layer as Baseline for the Land Use Efficiency Indicator—SDG 11.3.1
Q125931185Prioritizing Abandoned Mine Lands Rehabilitation: Combining Landscape Connectivity and Pattern Indices with Scenario Analysis Using Land-Use Modeling
Q128507517Probabilistic Model of Random Encounter in Obstacle Space
Q130107375Procedural Generation of Large-Scale Forests Using a Graph-Based Neutral Landscape Model
Q129424856Processing BIM and GIS Models in Practice: Experiences and Recommendations from a GeoBIM Project in The Netherlands
Q113205445Processing: A Python Framework for the Seamless Integration of Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS
Q124079060Profiling Public Transit Passenger Mobility Using Adversarial Learning
Q129193087Profiling the Spatial Structure of London: From Individual Tweets to Aggregated Functional Zones
Q128442655Progress and Challenges on Entity Alignment of Geographic Knowledge Bases
Q62655298Prototype of a Web-based Participative Decision Support Platform in Natural Hazards and Risk Management
Q127878578Prototype of the 3D Cadastral System Based on a NoSQL Database and a JavaScript Visualization Application
Q124497955Prototyping a Social Media Flooding Photo Screening System Based on Deep Learning
Q115653579Public Participation Using 3D Web-Based City Models: Opportunities for E-Participation in Kisumu, Kenya
Q111097021Pygrass: An Object Oriented Python Application Programming Interface (API) for Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) Geographic Information System (GIS)
Q128302230QRA-Grid: Quantitative Risk Analysis and Grid-based Pre-warning Model for Urban Natural Gas Pipeline
Q123223660Qualitative Analysis of Tree Canopy Top Points Extraction from Different Terrestrial Laser Scanner Combinations in Forest Plots
Q124312388Quality Assessment of Global Ocean Island Datasets
Q114580140Quality Assurance for Spatial Research Data
Q73184890Quality Evaluation of VGI Using Authoritative Data—A Comparison with Land Use Data in Southern Germany
Q114580144Quantification of Spatial Association between Commercial and Residential Spaces in Beijing Using Urban Big Data
Q127980766Quantifying Efficiency of Sliding-Window Based Aggregation Technique by Using Predictive Modeling on Landform Attributes Derived from DEM and NDVI
Q60272744Quantifying Landscape-Scale Patterns of Temperate Forests over Time by Means of Neutral Simulation Models
Q129339887Quantifying Surface Urban Heat Island Formation in the World Heritage Tropical Mountain City of Sri Lanka
Q126916674Quantifying Urban Linguistic Diversity Related to Rainfall and Flood across China with Social Media Data
Q127321341Quantifying the Spatio-Temporal Process of Township Urbanization: A Large-Scale Data-Driven Approach
Q126665928Quantitative Identification of Urban Functions with Fishers’ Exact Test and POI Data Applied in Classifying Urban Districts: A Case Study within the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing
Q114580133RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality
Q114936563Radio Astronomy Demonstrator: Assessment of the Appropriate Sites through a GIS Open Source Application
Q56755188Raising Semantics-Awareness in Geospatial Metadata Management
Q124628986Random Forest Variable Importance Measures for Spatial Dynamics: Case Studies from Urban Demography
Q126812866Ranking of Illegal Buildings Close to Rivers: A Proposal, Its Implementation and Preliminary Validation
Q125914467Rapid Evaluation and Validation Method of Above Ground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Optical Remote Sensing in Tundi Reserved Forest Area, India
Q114114458Rapid Extreme Tropical Precipitation and Flood Inundation Mapping Framework (RETRACE): Initial Testing for the 2021–2022 Malaysia Flood
Q125660071Ratio of Land Consumption Rate to Population Growth Rate—Analysis of Different Formulations Applied to Mainland Portugal
Q124003098Re-Arranging Space, Time and Scales in GIS: Alternative Models for Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Analyses
Q68348541Real-Time Displacement of Point Symbols Based on Spatial Distribution Characteristics
Q128904949Real-Time Efficient Exploration in Unknown Dynamic Environments Using MAVs
Q113416901Real-Time Web Map Construction Based on Multiple Cameras and GIS
Q128553545Recent NDVI Trends in Mainland Spain: Land-Cover and Phytoclimatic-Type Implications
Q125330170Reconstruction of River Boundaries at Sub-Pixel Resolution: Estimation and Spatial Allocation of Water Fractions
Q130475198Redesigning Graphical User Interface of Open-Source Geospatial Software in a Community-Driven Way: A Case Study of GRASS GIS
Q122418616Reducing Consumer Uncertainty: Towards an Ontology for Geospatial User-Centric Metadata
Q129412235Reduction Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Data
Q124130003Reduction of Map Information Regulates Visual Attention without Affecting Route Recognition Performance
Q118154207Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Methods Implemented as ArcMap Models with Remote-Sensed and Ground-Based Inputs, Examined along with MODIS ET, for Peloponnese, Greece
Q113695717Refined Urban Functional Zone Mapping by Integrating Open-Source Data
Q124476451Refinement Proposals for Geodiversity Assessment—A Case Study in the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary
Q129143394Regional Landslide Identification Based on Susceptibility Analysis and Change Detection
Q127445026Regionalization Analysis and Mapping for the Source and Sink of Tourist Flows
Q128093853Registration of Multi-Sensor Bathymetric Point Clouds in Rural Areas Using Point-to-Grid Distances
Q58643179Relationship between MRPV Model Parameters from MISRL2 Land Surface Product and Land Covers: A Case Study within Mainland Spain
Q128552890Relationship between Winter Snow Cover Dynamics, Climate and Spring Grassland Vegetation Phenology in Inner Mongolia, China
Q129589752Relevance Assessment of Crowdsourced Data (CSD) Using Semantics and Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) Techniques
Q111934594Relevance of the Cell Neighborhood Size in Landscape Metrics Evaluation and Free or Open Source Software Implementations
Q127902662Reliability Analysis of LandScan Gridded Population Data. The Case Study of Poland
Q112766569Remote Sensing Methods for the Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally: Challenges and Opportunities
Q113056193Remote Sensing and GIS Applied to the Landscape for the Environmental Restoration of Urbanizations by Means of 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization (Salamanca, Spain)
Q128607006Remote Sensing in Environmental Justice Research—A Review
Q129400202Representative Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Q130127669Representing Time-Dynamic Geospatial Objects on Virtual Globes Using CZML—Part I: Overview and Key Issues
Q66678004Requirements on Long-Term Accessibility and Preservation of Research Results with Particular Regard to Their Provenance
Q66678001Research Data Management Training for Geographers: First Impressions
Q125118985Research Progress and Development Trend of Social Media Big Data (SMBD): Knowledge Mapping Analysis Based on CiteSpace
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Q114580154Research on Large-Scale Urban Shrinkage and Expansion in the Yellow River Affected Area Using Night Light Data
Q125684677Research on a 3D Geological Disaster Monitoring Platform Based on REST Service
Q127775263Research on the Construction Method of the Service-Oriented Web-SWMM System
Q126281083Residents’ Experiential Knowledge and Its Importance for Decision-Making Processes in Spatial Planning: A PPGIS Based Study
Q115748558Retracted: Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification
Q114730340Retraction: Khan, N.U. et al. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Tourists and Residents in Shanghai Based on Location-Based Social Network’s Data from Weibo. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 70
Q114730339Retraction: Li et al. Identifying Asphalt Pavement Distress Using UAV LiDAR Point Cloud Data and Random Forest Classification. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 39,
Q113142388Retrieval of Leaf Area Index Using Sentinel-2 Imagery in a Mixed Mediterranean Forest Area
Q87818356Retrieving Landmark Salience Based on Wikipedia: An Integrated Ranking Model
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Q130108536Single-Frequency Kinematic Performance Comparison between Galileo, GPS, and GLONASS Satellite Positioning Systems Using an MMS-Generated Trajectory as a Reference: Preliminary Results
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Q125765142Social Media Big Data Mining and Spatio-Temporal Analysis on Public Emotions for Disaster Mitigation
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Q126289781Spatial Analysis of Seasonal Precipitation over Iran: Co-Variation with Climate Indices
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Q115184253The Land Use Mapping Techniques (Including the Areas Used by Pedestrians) Based on Low-Level Aerial Imagery
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Q73184913The Physical Density of the City—Deconstruction of the Delusive Density Measure with Evidence from Two European Megacities
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Q56754531The Sensitivity of Mapping Methods to Reference Data Quality: Training Supervised Image Classifications with Imperfect Reference Data
Q57553980The Size Distribution, Scaling Properties and Spatial Organization of Urban Clusters: A Global and Regional Percolation Perspective
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Q130475191The Spatial Effects of Regional Poverty: Spatial Dependence, Spatial Heterogeneity and Scale Effects
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Q115184256Time, Spatial, and Descriptive Features of Pedestrian Tracks on Set of Visualizations
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Q55833542Towards Automatic Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap
Q128722897Towards Detecting Social Events by Mining Geographical Patterns with VGI Data
Q60400096Towards Enhancing Integrated Pest Management Based on Volunteered Geographic Information
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Q57409278Towards a Planetary Spatial Data Infrastructure
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Q59890751Use of Social Media for the Detection and Analysis of Infectious Diseases in China
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Q124398218User Evaluation of Map-Based Visual Analytic Tools
Q124256682User Experience in Using Graphical User Interfaces of Web Maps
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