Wikidata property related to sports people

Wikidata property

Wikidata property related to sports people is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata property for items about peopleQ18608871
Wikidata property related to sportQ21818626

P1269facet ofsportQ349

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P125112nd German Basketball Bundesliga ID
P1087Elo rating
P12666English & Scottish Football League transfers player ID
P11667Epson Tour player ID
P7002Handball123 player ID
P3690IFSC climber ID
P9333LFH staff ID
P7278Peakbagger climber ID
P5283Strava ID of a professional sport person
P6407World Cube Association ID
P1642acquisition transaction
P2545bowling style
P1532country for sport
P468dan/kyu rank
P1643departure transaction
P555doubles record
P647drafted by
P10823fastest laps
P1129national team appearances
P1357number of draws/ties
P1356number of losses
P1359number of points/goals conceded
P1351number of points/goals/set scored
P1355number of wins
P2415personal best
P741playing hand
P1358points for
P413position played on team / speciality football manager ID
P2781race time
P423shooting handedness
P564singles record
P1618sport number
P10449trained by

Q93436926Wikidata property for authority control for sports peoplesubclass ofP279

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