Wikidata property to describe media items

property to describe media such as Commons files (i.e., the media file is the subject of this property). To link to media items, use Q18610173.

Wikidata property to describe media items is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata propertyQ18616576
Wikidata property related to creative worksQ18618644

P1889different fromWikidata property to link to CommonsQ18610173
P1269facet ofWikimedia CommonsQ565
P6104maintained by WikiProjectStructured data on Wikimedia CommonsQ43387741

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P9126Commons media contributed by
P6731Commons quality assessment
P10300DPI for original size
P11309Geograph Deutschland image ID
P12563Imagehash difference hash
P6305Wikimedia VRTS ticket number
P11265alt text
P2061aspect ratio (W:H)
P8264attribution text
P9533audio transcription
P12346combines media
P1259coordinates of the point of view
P7152copyright exemption
P275copyright license
P10408created during
P2913date depicted
P9052date postally canceled
P1257depicts Iconclass notation
P6243digital representation of
P10316dpi for A4 printing
P6022expression, gesture or body pose
P9361external georeferencing URL
P7009extracted from
P8330file page offset
P8570front and back matter image ID
P7380identified in image by
P7417image of backside
P7418image of frontside
P6568inscription mentions
P9567intended background color
P7108location of the point of view
P1163media type
P9664named place on map
P10358original catalog description
P9310pHash checksum
P9410placeholder text element ID
P8276region within image
P12692representation type
P1354shown with features
P7482source of file
P11590stamp perforation
P4714title page number

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