Wikidata property related to women and feminism

type of Wikidata property

Wikidata property related to women and feminism is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata property associated with peopleQ64830420

P1269facet ofwomanQ467

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P2080AcademiaNet ID
P4186Australian Women's Register ID
P10155Babesdirectory ID
P4632Bechdel Test Movie List ID
P8631Canadian Women Artists History Initiative ID
P2498Catalan Biographical Dictionary of Women ID
P4539Collective Biographies of Women ID
P7939Dansk kvindebiografisk leksikon ID
P7962Dictionnaire des femmes de l’ancienne France ID
P9279Egapro gender equality index
P6488Enciclopedia delle donne ID
P9430Encyclopedia of Jewish Women ID
P11333Expertes ID
P6722FemBio ID
P11111Female Physicians in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic ID
P10509Femiwiki ID
P8544Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938 ID
P5843Gynopedia ID
P10525Italian Women Writers ID
P10670Musik und Gender im Internet ID
P9620Nevada Women's History Project ID
P5346Playboy Plus ID
P8523Présence Compositrices composer ID
P7663Scienza a due voci ID
P4449Shirat Nashim person ID
P4478Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused witch ID
P4963Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon ID
P9780The Women's Print History Project person ID
P9768Women Also Know History ID
P9244Women Australia ID
P7498Women Film Pioneers ID
P10029Women in the Legislature ID
P8048Women of Scotland memorial ID
P8050Women of Scotland subject ID
P2533WomenWriters ID
P10085biografiA ID
P2521female form of label
P1539female population
P2562married name

Q28649023Wikidata property related to women's sportsubclass ofP279

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