scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Arno Klein | Q57492411 |
P2093 | author name string | Jason Tourville | |
P2860 | cites work | Structural neuroimaging studies in major depressive disorder. Meta-analysis and comparison with bipolar disorder | Q21094858 |
Mindboggle: automated brain labeling with multiple atlases | Q24810602 | ||
Automated Anatomical Labeling of Activations in SPM Using a Macroscopic Anatomical Parcellation of the MNI MRI Single-Subject Brain | Q25855787 | ||
Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS): Cross-sectional MRI Data in Young, Middle Aged, Nondemented, and Demented Older Adults | Q26253918 | ||
Cortical Surface-Based Analysis | Q28124697 | ||
Whole brain segmentation: automated labeling of neuroanatomical structures in the human brain | Q29614725 | ||
Cortical surface-based analysis. II: Inflation, flattening, and a surface-based coordinate system | Q29614989 | ||
An automated labeling system for subdividing the human cerebral cortex on MRI scans into gyral based regions of interest | Q29615076 | ||
Automatically parcellating the human cerebral cortex | Q29615077 | ||
The effects of FreeSurfer version, workstation type, and Macintosh operating system version on anatomical volume and cortical thickness measurements | Q30514477 | ||
Integrating functional and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging for analysis of structure-function relationship in the human language network | Q33494032 | ||
The brain atlas concordance problem: quantitative comparison of anatomical parcellations | Q33507286 | ||
The optimal template effect in hippocampus studies of diseased populations | Q33636950 | ||
Evaluation of volume-based and surface-based brain image registration methods | Q33823110 | ||
Automatic parcellation of human cortical gyri and sulci using standard anatomical nomenclature | Q34118090 | ||
Multi-parametric neuroimaging reproducibility: A 3-T resource study | Q34486543 | ||
Evaluation of 14 nonlinear deformation algorithms applied to human brain MRI registration | Q37354896 | ||
Construction of a 3D probabilistic atlas of human cortical structures | Q37376776 | ||
In-vivo measurement of cortical morphology: means and meanings. | Q37758101 | ||
Enhancement of MR Images Using Registration for Signal Averaging | Q39464114 | ||
Automatic anatomical brain MRI segmentation combining label propagation and decision fusion | Q48465201 | ||
Cortical folding difference between patients with early-onset and patients with intermediate-onset bipolar disorder. | Q48585216 | ||
Multi-atlas based segmentation of brain images: atlas selection and its effect on accuracy | Q48723906 | ||
MRI-Based Topographic Parcellation of Human Neocortex: An Anatomically Specified Method with Estimate of Reliability | Q48864851 | ||
Automated manifold surgery: constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models of the human cerebral cortex | Q48923978 | ||
Automatic labelling of the human cortical surface using sulcal basins | Q49108561 | ||
Cerebral cortex: a topographic segmentation method using magnetic resonance imaging | Q49156809 | ||
Cortical folding abnormalities in schizophrenia patients with resistant auditory hallucinations | Q57698043 | ||
Mindboggle: a scatterbrained approach to automate brain labeling | Q60620716 | ||
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P921 | main subject | brain | Q1073 |
P304 | page(s) | 171 | |
P577 | publication date | 2012-01-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Frontiers in Neuroscience | Q2177807 |
P1476 | title | 101 labeled brain images and a consistent human cortical labeling protocol | |
P478 | volume | 6 |
Q89295226 | A Continuous Model of Cortical Connectivity |
Q31018228 | A comparison of FreeSurfer-generated data with and without manual intervention |
Q61443162 | A controlled comparison of thickness, volume and surface areas from multiple cortical parcellation packages |
Q57185325 | A neural mechanism of direct and observational conditioning for placebo and nocebo responses |
Q42365992 | A protein homeostasis signature in healthy brains recapitulates tissue vulnerability to Alzheimer's disease. |
Q35141143 | A role of right middle frontal gyrus in reorienting of attention: a case study |
Q90020254 | Acute after-school screen time in children decreases impulse control and activation toward high-calorie food stimuli in brain regions related to reward and attention |
Q38616812 | Advances in Studying Brain Morphology: The Benefits of Open-Access Data |
Q51739258 | Alterations in Cortical Thickness and Subcortical Volume are Associated With Neurological Symptoms and Neck Pain in Patients With Cervical Spondylosis. |
Q92554226 | Altered cortical folding and reduced sulcal depth in adults with anorexia nervosa |
Q34466015 | Altered fronto-striatal fiber topography and connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder |
Q96109589 | Altered hippocampal centrality and dynamic anatomical covariance of intracortical microstructure in first episode psychosis |
Q38638463 | Altered insula-default mode network connectivity in fibromyalgia: a resting-state magnetoencephalographic study |
Q57459345 | An intrinsic association between olfactory identification and spatial memory in humans |
Q38895124 | Anatomical segmentation of the human medial prefrontal cortex. |
Q41223441 | Anatomy-driven multiple trajectory planning (ADMTP) of intracranial electrodes for epilepsy surgery. |
Q89820849 | Ant Colony Clustering for ROI Identification in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
Q33726147 | Application of calibrated fMRI in Alzheimer's disease |
Q91897848 | Applying causal models to explore the mechanism of action of simvastatin in progressive multiple sclerosis |
Q90355133 | Associations of Observed Performance Monitoring During Preschool With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anterior Cingulate Cortex Volume Over 12 Years |
Q46243821 | Asymmetry of post-mortem neuropathology in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia |
Q64091936 | Attention and speech-processing related functional brain networks activated in a multi-speaker environment |
Q91745521 | Australopithecus afarensis endocasts suggest ape-like brain organization and prolonged brain growth |
Q37004118 | Automated Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation at 7T MRI. |
Q90468396 | Automated MRI volumetry as a diagnostic tool for Alzheimer's disease: Validation of icobrain dm |
Q35037147 | Automated volumetry and regional thickness analysis of hippocampal subfields and medial temporal cortical structures in mild cognitive impairment. |
Q42320909 | Automatic and Precise Localization and Cortical Labeling of Subdural and Depth Intracranial Electrodes |
Q48108316 | Automatic labeling of MR brain images through extensible learning and atlas forests |
Q36302542 | BIDS apps: Improving ease of use, accessibility, and reproducibility of neuroimaging data analysis methods. |
Q88293055 | Baby brain atlases |
Q55267749 | Behavioral and neurophysiological abnormalities during cued continuous performance tasks in patients with mild traumatic brain injury. |
Q91642436 | Bias-adjustment in neuroimaging-based brain age frameworks: A robust scheme |
Q58719700 | Biological Brain Age Prediction Using Cortical Thickness Data: A Large Scale Cohort Study |
Q90089048 | Braak neurofibrillary tangle staging prediction from in vivo MRI metrics |
Q60050782 | Brainstem enlargement in preschool children with autism: Results from an intermethod agreement study of segmentation algorithms |
Q38390338 | Category learning in Alzheimer's disease and normal cognitive aging depends on initial experience of feature variability. |
Q88152352 | Cerebellar volume as an imaging marker of development in infants with tuberous sclerosis complex |
Q97568614 | CerebrA, registration and manual label correction of Mindboggle-101 atlas for MNI-ICBM152 template |
Q64107994 | Clinical and Biomarker Characteristics According to Clinical Spectrum of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) in the Validation Cohort of Korean Brain Aging Study for the Early Diagnosis and Prediction of AD |
Q55094578 | Concurrence Topology: Finding High-Order Dependence in Neuropsychiatric Data |
Q90236807 | Concurrent EEG and Functional MRI Recording and Integration Analysis for Dynamic Cortical Activity Imaging |
Q38795422 | Continuous representations of brain connectivity using spatial point processes |
Q98614859 | Conversion of individuals at risk for spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, and 6 to manifest ataxia (RISCA): a longitudinal cohort study |
Q39212165 | Cross contrast multi-channel image registration using image synthesis for MR brain images. |
Q44702532 | Data-Driven Sequence of Changes to Anatomical Brain Connectivity in Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease |
Q93006756 | Decoding spatial location of perceived pain to acupuncture needle using multivoxel pattern analysis |
Q27315957 | Decreased Cerebellar-Orbitofrontal Connectivity Correlates with Stuttering Severity: Whole-Brain Functional and Structural Connectivity Associations with Persistent Developmental Stuttering |
Q47866122 | Deep grey matter volume loss drives disability worsening in multiple sclerosis. |
Q45947371 | Defining a multimodal signature of remote sports concussions. |
Q91642348 | Deformation based morphometry study of longitudinal MRI changes in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia |
Q55079996 | Design of optimal nonlinear network controllers for Alzheimer's disease. |
Q64236560 | Desikan-Killiany-Tourville Atlas Compatible Version of M-CRIB Neonatal Parcellated Whole Brain Atlas: The M-CRIB 2.0 |
Q64930799 | Differentiation of mild cognitive impairment using an entorhinal cortex-based test of virtual reality navigation. |
Q98391331 | Direct cortical thickness estimation using deep learning-based anatomy segmentation and cortex parcellation |
Q42375734 | Discrete pre-processing step effects in registration-based pipelines, a preliminary volumetric study on T1-weighted images. |
Q92546139 | Dynamic functional connectivity in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder: Convergence, divergence and classification |
Q31109560 | Early role of vascular dysregulation on late-onset Alzheimer's disease based on multifactorial data-driven analysis |
Q64936124 | Effects of Brain Parcellation on the Characterization of Topological Deterioration in Alzheimer's Disease. |
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Q58805736 | Enhanced co-registration methods to improve intracranial electrode contact localization |
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Q64241064 | Everything Matters: The ReproNim Perspective on Reproducible Neuroimaging |
Q36959534 | Eyes wide shut: Transcranial alternating current stimulation drives alpha rhythm in a state dependent manner |
Q89065036 | Falx Cerebri Segmentation via Multi-atlas Boundary Fusion |
Q57296614 | Genome-wide association studies of brain imaging phenotypes in UK Biobank |
Q40692693 | Gray Matter Alterations in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Comparing Morphometry at the Voxel and Regional Level |
Q90238103 | Heritability of Regional Brain Volumes in Large-Scale Neuroimaging and Genetic Studies |
Q89964551 | Identifying Schizophrenia Using Structural MRI With a Deep Learning Algorithm |
Q39751883 | Image coregistration: quantitative processing framework for the assessment of brain lesions |
Q34988685 | Increased cortical surface area and gyrification following long-term survival from early monocular enucleation |
Q47900299 | Insular pathology in young people with high-functioning autism and first-episode psychosis |
Q61654722 | Interactive online brain shape visualization |
Q45074298 | Investigating the effects of subconcussion on functional connectivity using mass-univariate and multivariate approaches. |
Q104795296 | Investigating the genetic architecture of noncognitive skills using GWAS-by-subtraction |
Q88870485 | Language mapping using electrocorticography versus stereoelectroencephalography: A case series |
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Q36374500 | MRBrainS Challenge: Online Evaluation Framework for Brain Image Segmentation in 3T MRI Scans |
Q30979440 | Manually segmented template library for 8-year-old pediatric brain MRI data with 16 subcortical structures. |
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Q48738315 | Morphology of primary visual cortex predicts individual differences in fixation duration during text reading |
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Q37621871 | Neuroanatomical domain of the foundational model of anatomy ontology. |
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Q89767390 | On brain atlas choice and automatic segmentation methods: a comparison of MAPER & FreeSurfer using three atlas databases |
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Q35744227 | The role of aerobic fitness in cortical thickness and mathematics achievement in preadolescent children |
Q48432793 | The whole-brain pattern of magnetic susceptibility perturbations in Parkinson's disease |
Q30364460 | Tonotopic representation of loudness in the human cortex |
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Q96687623 | Topographical distribution of Aβ predicts progression to dementia in Aβ positive mild cognitive impairment |
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Q30238623 | Whole Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Atlases: A Systematic Review of Existing Atlases and Caveats for Use in Population Imaging. |
Q58770970 | Zero-shot fMRI decoding with three-dimensional registration based on diffusion tensor imaging |