
chemical compound

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Rhamnetin

Abstract is: Rhamnetin is an O-methylated flavonol, a type of chemical compound. It can be isolated from cloves. The structure of the molecule was discovered by Austrian chemist Josef Herzig (1853–1924).


rhamnetin is …
instance of (P31):
type of chemical entityQ113145171

sublass of (P279):
2-phenylchromane flavonoidQ222174

External links are
P233canonical SMILESCOC1=CC(=C2C(=C1)OC(=C(C2=O)O)C3=CC(=C(C=C3)O)O)O
P231CAS Registry Number90-19-7
P683ChEBI ID74992
P661ChemSpider ID4445008
P715DrugBank IDDB16772
P8494DSSTOX compound identifierDTXCID40160470
P3117DSSTox substance IDDTXSID40237979
P232EC number201-974-1
P2566ECHA Substance Infocard ID100.001.795
P646Freebase ID/m/07k7_h2
P665KEGG IDC10176
P2064KNApSAcK IDC00004634
P6689MassBank accession IDMSBNK-RIKEN-PR020009
P6366Microsoft Academic ID2776486846
P2085Nikkaji IDJ3.912H
P2840NSC number19802
P3636PDB ligand IDJ8G
P11199Probes And Drugs IDPD044105
P662PubChem CID5281691
P1579Reaxys registry number47741
P11089UniChem compound ID219021

P703found in taxonpomeloQ80024
Vaccinium vitis-idaeaQ93235
Camellia sinensisQ101815
Vitis viniferaQ30046
Populus nigraQ147064
Aeonium arboreumQ138279
Populus tremulaQ146110
Populus albaQ146269
Trifolium repensQ148675
Anthyllis vulnerariaQ126256
Vaccinium macrocarponQ149397
Populus balsamiferaQ149471
Citrus medicaQ150064
Rhamnus catharticaQ147861
Mangifera indicaQ3919027
Thymbra spicataQ2430270
Bitter bushQ2583146
Lomatia hirsutaQ3006577
Guiera senegalensisQ151006
Lotus pedunculatusQ158164
Ageratina altissimaQ3271463
Dracula cordobaeQ3283895
Cistus laurifoliusQ3678256
Nymphoides indicaQ5366747
Capparicordis tweedianaQ5748632
Crucianella maritimaQ5792307
Brickellia vernicosaQ15551891
Traversia baccharoidesQ15560390
Nymphoides geminataQ15568228
Nymphoides grayanaQ15568352
Vellozia streptophyllaQ15569681
Anthemis altissimaQ15570652
Malus pumilaQ158657
Liriodendron tulipiferaQ158783
Oxytropis strobilaceaQ4339121
Dodonaea angustifoliaQ5287984
Meehania urticifoliaQ5963348
Tagetes ellipticaQ6137983
Madia elegansQ6727675
Eucalyptus globulusQ159528
Pseudognaphalium pellitumQ15599132
Adenothamnus validusQ15629363
Nymphoides fallaxQ15693898
Nervilia fordiiQ11126804
Artemisia xanthochloaQ11178175
Holocarpha obconicaQ15583498
Encelia ventorumQ15585040
Encelia stenophyllaQ15585396
Pogostemon cablinQ257757
Haematoxylum campechianumQ376320
Rhamnus dispermaQ17241226
Malus domesticaQ18674606
Flourensia thuriferaQ15596509
Pseudognaphalium schraderiQ15598558
Campanula hypopoliaQ15599041
Pinus ponderosaQ460523
Pericome caudataQ7168410
Cynara humilisQ8352871
Ammannia multifloraQ10933016
Tagetes mandoniiQ20721750
Citrus grandisQ21004587
Lotus uliginosusQ22112213
Albizia julibrissinQ750307
Bauhinia variegataQ840341
Ziziphus jujubaQ11181633
Cota altissimaQ12236416
Senegalia catechuQ935632
Ozothamnus leptophyllusQ13937549
Crocus sativusQ15041677
Aeonium nobileQ1204020
Artemisia annuaQ1308044
Artemisia halodendronQ15226679
Rhizophagus intraradicesQ28089841
Artemisia glutinosaQ38708622
Aeonium leucoblepharumQ1310442
Cistus monspeliensisQ1414643
Nothofagus obliquaQ1486147
Populus laurifoliaQ1869852
Smilax ripariaQ15235964
Ammannia auriculataQ15244984
Piliostigma thonningiiQ50853074
Biancaea sappanQ56088062
Nymphoides grayanumQ104848063
Marila laxifloraQ15364734
Populus candicansQ15373354
Artemisia jacuticaQ15471134
Anthyllis onobrychioidesQ104851626
Astragalus floccosifoliusQ15514317
Senna santanderensisQ15537119
Oxytropis oxyphyllaQ15539569

Reverse relations

main subject (P921)
Q1043849432-Methyl-2-hydroxymethylchromenes from Artemisia campestris subsp. glutinosa
Q1051184496-Hydroxyflavones from Thymbra spicata
Q460220347-O-methylkaempferol and -quercetin glycosides from the whole plant of Nervilia fordii.
Q104246973A Novel Caffeic Acid Derivative and Other Constituents of Populus Bud Excretion and Propolis (Bee-Glue)
Q44617952A flavanone and a dihydrodibenzoxepin from Bauhinia variegata
Q104375152A new truxillate and some flavonoid esters from the leaf gum of Traversiabaccharoides Hook. f.
Q46858394Anti-inflammatory effect of O-methylated flavonol 2-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)-3,5-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-chromen-4-one obtained from Cassia sophera Linn in rats
Q104886645Antifungal Xanthones from Roots of Marila laxiflora
Q111225328CCXVIII.—The colouring matters of Rhamnus catharticus
Q104385589Chemistry of toxic range plants. Water-soluble lignols of Ponderosa pine needles
Q104919998Chemistry, toxicity and antifeedant activity of the resin of Flourensia thurifera
Q38395113Cinnamrutinoses A and B, glycosides of Populus tremula
Q59512199Determination of Flavonoids in Plant Material by HPLC with Diode-Array and Electro-Array Detections
Q104920445Differences in flavonoid patterns between genera within the velloziaceae
Q104838302Direct determination of phenolic compounds in Sicilian wines by liquid chromatography with PDA and MS detection
Q68006816Epicuticular flavonoids from Encelia
Q104246971External flavonoids of Holocarpha (Asteraceae: Madiinae)
Q104847899Exudate flavonoids in a tropical weed, Chromolaena odorata (L.) R. M. King et H. Robinson
Q104214488Exudate flavonoids in species of Artemisia (Asteraceae—Anthemideae): new results and chemosystematic interpretation
Q105115630Flavanoids ofArtemisia xanthochroa
Q104246952Flavonoid Aglycones in the Leaf Resin of Some Cistus Species
Q104851622Flavonoid aglycones and flavonol glycosides in the lipophilic leaf exudate of Nothofagus antarctica
Q104847965Flavonoid aglycones from Argentinian Capparis Species (Capparaceae)
Q104962270Flavonoid aglycones of Holocarpha obconica☆
Q104968073Flavonoid composition ofArtemisia halodendron
Q104847951Flavonoids and other phenolics of Haematoxylon campechianum
Q73307537Flavonoids and terpenoids from the resinous exudates of Madia species (Asteraceae, Helenieae)
Q104385660Flavonoids as Nutraceuticals
Q105096479Flavonoids from Eupatorium odoratum with Death Receptor 5 Promoter Enhancing Activity
Q104848355Flavonoids from Gnaphalium hypoleucum
Q109724157Flavonoids from Leaves of Ziziphus jujuba
Q44997361Flavonoids from shoots and roots of Trifolium repens (white clover) grown in presence or absence of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices
Q104852464Flavonoids of Adenothamnus validus
Q104910927Flavonoids of Brickellia vernicosa
Q104848243Flavonoids of Oxytropis strobilacea
Q104386775Flavonoids of plants of the genus Campanula
Q104848414Flavonoids of squill, Urginea maritima
Q104846752Flavonoids of the buds of Populus balsamifera
Q104384512Flavonoids of the buds ofPopulus laurifolia
Q104846659Flavonoids ofAstragalus floccosifolius
Q104848260Flavonol Glycosides From Three Members of the Lythraceae
Q42801285Flavonol acylglycosides from flower of Albizia julibrissin and their inhibitory effects on lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells
Q104848042Flavonol aglycons of some Transbaikalian species of the genusOxytropis
Q104385776Flavonol glycosides from Tagetes elliptica
Q41760032Flavonols from Heterotheca inuloides: tyrosinase inhibitory activity and structural criteria
Q104913349Further flavonol glycosides from Anthyllis onobrychioides
Q105133190Glycosides of kaempferol from Campanula hypopolia
Q104848411Homoisoflavonoids from Caesalpinia sappan
Q104848471Internal and external leaf flavonoids of Pericome caudata
Q104384536Isocratic column liquid chromatographic separation of a complex mixture of epicuticular flavonoid aglycones and intracellular flavonol glycosides from Cistus laufifolius L.
Q104251851Isolation of Griffonilide from the Stem Bark of Bauhinia thonningii
Q45169827LC-DAD-MS (ESI+) analysis and antioxidant capacity of crocus sativus petal extracts
Q105122933Les aglycones flavoniques d'Anthyllis vulneraria
Q73848590Lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity of some constituents isolated from the stem bark of Eucalyptus globulus
Q83232624Localized Changes in Flavonoid Biosynthesis in Roots of Lotus pedunculatus after Infection by Rhizobium loti
Q44829942Meehanines A-K, spermidine alkaloidal glycosides from Meehania urticifolia
Q84852749Optimization of rhamnetin production in Escherichia coli
Q104246979Paleobiochemistry of North American fossil Liriodendron sp.
Q84737726Phenolic compounds from the aqueous extract of Acacia catechu
Q43839703Phenolic compounds of Chromolaena odorata protect cultured skin cells from oxidative damage: implication for cutaneous wound healing
Q104987298Phenolic derivatives from Artemisia glutinosa
Q113954134Phosphoproteomic and Metabolomic Profiling Uncovers the Roles of CcPmk1 in the Pathogenicity of Cytospora chrysosperma
Q46401962Phytochemical and biological study of radal Lomatia hirsuta (Proteaceae).
Q80412724Platelet-activating factor (PAF) receptor binding antagonist activity of the methanol extracts and isolated flavonoids from Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson
Q79658328Polyphenolic constituents from the leaves of two Cynara species growing in Greece
Q104847872Polyphenolic metabolites of Rhamnus disperma
Q104851063Quercetagetin 6-O-β-d-glucopyranoside from Tagetes mandonii
Q84585353Radical scavenging activity and LC-MS metabolic profiling of petals, stamens, and flowers of Crocus sativus L
Q42958867Regioselective O-derivatization of quercetin via ester intermediates. An improved synthesis of rhamnetin and development of a new mitochondriotropic derivative.
Q37189513Rhamnetin and cirsiliol induce radiosensitization and inhibition of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) by miR-34a-mediated suppression of Notch-1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines
Q39143620Rhamnetin attenuates melanogenesis by suppressing oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory mediators
Q39528920Rhamnetin production based on the rational design of the poplar O-methyltransferase enzyme and its biological activities
Q42831982Rhamnetin-induced suppression of clonal expansion during early stage of adipogenesis
Q34399072Screening of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivars for their contents of flavonol O- and xanthone C-glycosides, anthocyanins, and pectin
Q44450892Sesquiterpene lactones from Anthemis altissima and their anti-Helicobacter pylori activity
Q104386866Six dihydrofuranoflavonols from the leaf surface ofVellozia
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Q34149147Small molecule inhibitors of the HPV16-E6 interaction with caspase 8
Q79175103Steroidal glycosides and aromatic compounds from Smilax riparia
Q104386733Studies on a novel p-coumaroyl glucoside of apigenin and on other flavonoids isolated from patchouli (Labiatae).
Q44319065Taxonomic significance of flavonoid variation in temperate species of Nothofagus
Q103782898The systematic and evolutionary significance of exudate flavonoids in Aeonium
Q105170260Ueber die Früchte von Rhamnus cathartica
Q105127736Vacuolar and excudate flavonoids of New Zealand Cassinia (Asteraceae: gnaphalieae)
Q85004974[Studies on the chemical constituents of the herb of Antenoron filiforme]
Q104909691neo-Clerodane diterpenoids from the leaf exudate of Dodonaea angustifolia

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Persian (fa / Q9168)رامنتینwikipedia
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301)Ramnetinwikipedia

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