type of Wikidata property | Q107649491 |
Wikidata property related to creative works | Q18618644 |
P1269 | facet of | manuscript | Q87167 |
P12207 | BnF archives and manuscripts ID |
P13311 | Digital Scriptorium Catalog item ID |
P1577 | Gregory-Aland-Number |
P10236 | Initiale ID |
P13100 | Innovating Knowledge manuscript ID |
P10481 | Mapping Manuscript Migrations manuscript ID |
P3768 | Medieval Libraries of Great Britain ID |
P12110 | Parpulov group |
P13314 | Patristic Text Archive manuscript ID |
P12062 | Pinakes city ID |
P12061 | Pinakes country ID |
P12064 | Pinakes fonds ID |
P12063 | Pinakes institution ID |
P12116 | Rahlfs number |
P11105 | annotator |
P1574 | exemplar of |
P110 | illustrator |
P1104 | number of pages |
P9302 | script style |
P11603 | transcribed by |
Q131415910 | Wikidata property for authority control for manuscripts |
Q124542227 | Wikidata property related to papyrology |
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