Ecological responses to recent climate change

scientific article (publication date: 28 March 2002)

Ecological responses to recent climate change is …
instance of (P31):
review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1015998984
P3181OpenCitations bibliographic resource ID477089
P698PubMed publication ID11919621
P5875ResearchGate publication ID11444764

P50authorFranz BairleinQ1446163
Ove Hoegh-GuldbergQ7113303
Gian-Reto WaltherQ109292323
Camille ParmesanQ20823064
Annette MenzelQ51724602
Eric PostQ58068572
Peter ConveyQ63368280
P2093author name stringJean-Marc Fromentin
Trevor J C Beebee
P2860cites workWarmer springs lead to mistimed reproduction in great tits (Parus major)Q93604642
Can environmental fluctuation prevent competitive exclusion in sympatric flycatchers?Q93605434
Climate change, coral bleaching and the future of the world's coral reefsQ24289280
Biological response to climate change on a tropical mountainQ24289362
Climate change and temperature-dependent sex determination in reptilesQ24564443
Pervasive influence of large-scale climate in the dynamics of a terrestrial vertebrate communityQ24797463
Climate change and trophic interactionsQ30577165
Phenological changes reflect climate change in WisconsinQ30580670
Climate change is affecting altitudinal migrants and hibernating speciesQ30586810
Climate extremes: observations, modeling, and impactsQ30613670
Emperor penguins and climate changeQ30651616
Adjustment to climate change is constrained by arrival date in a long-distance migrant birdQ30652070
Does global change increase the success of biological invaders?Q30697985
Climate change. Increasing shrub abundance in the ArcticQ31921457
Reorganization of an arid ecosystem in response to recent climate changeQ33181295
Long-term trend toward earlier breeding in an American bird: a response to global warming?Q36358682
Coral reef bleaching in the 1980s and possible connections with global warmingQ39025561
20th century climate warming and tree-limit rise in the southern Scandes of SwedenQ39121407
Complex causes of amphibian population declinesQ39135577
Ecological effects of the North Atlantic OscillationQ39331832
Climate-Ocean Variability and Ecosystem Response in the Northeast PacificQ46130593
Life at the front: history, ecology and change on southern ocean islands.Q51192907
Ecology. How climate change alters rhythms of the wild.Q51204420
Warmer springs disrupt the synchrony of oak and winter moth phenology.Q52586239
Introduced plants in Antarctica: Potential impacts and conservation issuesQ54634609
Non-indigenous Acari of Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islandsQ55839191
Phenology of British butterflies and climate changeQ55919092
Biological consequences of global warming: is the signal already apparent?Q56040336
Effects of sea-ice extent and krill or salp dominance on the Antarctic food webQ56079738
Climate change has affected the breeding date of tree swallows throughout North AmericaQ56228260
Increased plant growth in the northern high latitudes from 1981 to 1991Q56336382
Decadal variation in the trans-Pacific migration of northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) coherent with climate-induced change in prey abundanceQ56506118
Increased activity of northern vegetation inferred from atmospheric CO2 measurementsQ56680050
Poleward shifts in geographical ranges of butterfly species associated with regional warmingQ57006010
Climate and species' rangeQ57006014
Ecosystem consequences of wolf behavioural response to climateQ57041162
Global climate change and phenotypic variation among red deer cohortsQ57041232
Birds extend their ranges northwardsQ57251347
Noise and determinism in synchronized sheep dynamicsQ57590097
Exploring links between physiology and ecology at macro-scales: the role of respiratory metabolism in insectsQ57946519
Spatial and temporal variability of the phenological seasons in Germany from 1951 to 1996Q58250111
Growing season extended in EuropeQ58250116
Calanus and environment in the eastern North Atlantic. II. Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicusQ58404844
Climate effects on mountain plantsQ59058325
Amphibian breeding and climateQ59062787
Breeding phenology and climate…Q59064638
UK birds are laying eggs earlierQ59068565
Climate and population density induce long-term cohort variation in a northern ungulateQ60122306
Estimating the contributions of population density and climatic fluctuations to interannual variation in survival of Soay sheepQ60122324
Seventy years' observations of changes in distribution and abundance of zooplankton and intertidal organisms in the western English Channel in relation to rising sea temperatureQ60548127
Coral bleaching: the winners and the losersQ61821727
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectclimate changeQ125928
climate mitigationQ83420266
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject EcologyQ10818384
P577publication date2002-03-01
P1433published inNatureQ180445
P1476titleEcological responses to recent climate change

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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Q30928236Avoiding verisimilitude when modelling ecological responses to climate change: the influence of weather conditions on trapping efficiency in European badgers (Meles meles).
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Q28684088Bacterial diversity of the rock-water interface in an East Antarctic freshwater ecosystem, Lake Tawani(P)†
Q56834055Barn swallows long-distance migration occurs between significantly temperature-correlated areas
Q58250067Bayesian analysis of climate change impacts in phenology
Q31126037Bayesian analysis of the species-specific lengthening of the growing season in two European countries and the influence of an insect pest
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Q58250037Bayesian correlation between temperature and blossom onset data
Q90413006Behavioral plasticity mitigates the effect of warming on white-tailed deer
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Q43529754Benchmarks in organism performance and their use in comparative analyses.
Q55514923Benthic species of the Kerguelen Plateau show contrasting distribution shifts in response to environmental changes.
Q51151965Bet‐hedging response to environmental variability, an intraspecific comparison
Q57066140Beyond exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity: a response based ecological framework to assess species climate change vulnerability
Q57449735Beyond leaf color: Comparing camera-based phenological metrics with leaf biochemical, biophysical, and spectral properties throughout the growing season of a temperate deciduous forest
Q43963711Beyond the Mean: Biological Impacts of Cryptic Temperature Change.
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Q33255625Biogeography and decline of rare plants in New England: historical evidence and contemporary monitoring
Q61454905Biogeography of functional trait diversity in the Taiwanese reef fish fauna
Q31138735Biological Interactions and Simulated Climate Change Modulates the Ecophysiological Performance of Colobanthus quitensis in the Antarctic Ecosystem
Q30983397Biological invasions in the Antarctic: extent, impacts and implications
Q56765270Biology, Status, and Management of the Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
Q56976278Biotic and abiotic drivers of tree seedling recruitment across an alpine treeline ecotone
Q30615614Biotic interactions mediate the expansion of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) into salt marshes under climate change
Q30410076Bird biodiversity assessments in temperate forest: the value of point count versus acoustic monitoring protocols.
Q30739111Body size and activity times mediate mammalian responses to climate change
Q55139114Breeding experience and population density affect the ability of a songbird to respond to future climate variation.
Q64971874Breeding for resilience to increasing temperatures: A field trial assessing genetic variation in soft red winter wheat.
Q89357709Breeding phenology, provisioning behaviour, and unusual patterns of life history variation across an anthropogenic heterogeneous landscape
Q37730002Broad-scale adaptive genetic variation in alpine plants is driven by temperature and precipitation
Q33882725Broken barriers: human-induced changes to gene flow and introgression in animals: an examination of the ways in which humans increase genetic exchange among populations and species and the consequences for biodiversity.
Q31068479Brooding crustaceans in a highly fragmented habitat: the genetic structure of Mediterranean marine cave-dwelling mysid populations.
Q31070770Building phenological models from presence/absence data for a butterfly fauna
Q57196943Butterflies on the move
Q57001807Butterfly diversity and historical land cover change along an altitudinal gradient
Q30979588CLIMATE CHANGE. Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents
Q42782021CO 2 elevation improves photosynthetic performance in progressive warming environment in white birch seedlings
Q58306769CO2 emissions boost the benefits of crop production by farming damselfish
Q58115365CO2-induced suppression of transpiration cannot explain increasing runoff
Q56419370California forests show early indications of both range shifts and local persistence under climate change
Q30634296Calling behaviour under climate change: geographical and seasonal variation of calling temperatures in ectotherms.
Q46260568Can Antarctic lichens acclimatise to changes in temperature?
Q33391466Can a species keep pace with a shifting climate?
Q56974628Can leaf area index and biomass be estimated from Braun-Blanquet cover scores in tropical forests?
Q31064852Can overwintering versus diapausing strategy in Daphnia determine match-mismatch events in zooplankton-algae interactions?
Q31034598Can snow depth be used to predict the distribution of the high Arctic aphid Acyrthosiphon svalbardicum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Spitsbergen?
Q28293597Can temperate insects take the heat? A case study of the physiological and behavioural responses in a common ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus (Formicidae), with potential climate change
Q21134923Can tropical insects stand the heat? A case study with the brown planthopper Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)
Q35945998Can we detect a nonlinear response to temperature in European plant phenology?
Q30697935Can we forecast the effects of climate change on entomophagous biological control agents?
Q56978691Canopy microclimate modification in central and marginal populations of a marine macroalga
Q30654175Capital and income breeding traits differentiate trophic match-mismatch dynamics in large herbivores
Q57204964Carbon dynamics in lakes of the boreal forest under a changing climate
Q31170934Caribbean massive corals not recovering from repeated thermal stress events during 2005-2013.
Q31082279Caribou, water, and ice - fine-scale movements of a migratory arctic ungulate in the context of climate change
Q31094014Carry-over effects of conditions at the wintering grounds on breeding plumage signals in a migratory bird: roles of phenotypic plasticity and selection
Q91666659Cascading effects of temperature alterations on trophic ecology of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
Q56783265Catastrophic Population Declines and Extinctions in Neotropical Harlequin Frogs (Bufonidae: Atelopus)1
Q34768501Causes behind insect folivory patterns in latitudinal gradients
Q44937575Cavity excavation and enlargement as mechanisms for indirect interactions in an avian community
Q57248546Cervids in a dynamic northern landscape: Holocene changes in the relative abundance of moose and red deer at the limits of their distributions
Q46237619Challenging a 15-year old claim: The NAO index as a predictor of spring migration phenology of birds
Q28598107Change in atmospheric deposition during last half century and its impact on lichen community structure in Eastern Himalaya
Q30883867Change in spring arrival of migratory birds under an era of climate change, Swedish data from the last 140 years
Q30975968Change in the Green-Up Dates for Quercus mongolica in Northeast China and Its Climate-Driven Mechanism from 1962 to 2012.
Q111347775Change in the distribution of the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), in Korea
Q55013711Change of niche in guanaco (Lama guanicoe): the effects of climate change on habitat suitability and lineage conservatism in Chile.
Q39181666Change of plant phenophases explained by survival modeling
Q59138696Changes in Biodiversity and Functioning of Reef Fish Assemblages following Coral Bleaching and Coral Loss
Q57424220Changes in ant community composition caused by 20 years of experimental warming vs. 13 years of natural climate shift
Q64066487Changes in behavior are unable to disrupt a trophic cascade involving a specialist herbivore and its food plant
Q31125926Changes in bleaching susceptibility among corals subject to ocean warming and recurrent bleaching in Moorea, French Polynesia
Q33553963Changes in butterfly abundance in response to global warming and reforestation
Q33798967Changes in climatic water balance drive downhill shifts in plant species' optimum elevations
Q30658789Changes in ecologically critical terrestrial climate conditions.
Q58575210Changes in feeding selectivity of freshwater invertebrates across a natural thermal gradient
Q33560359Changes in leaf phenology of three European oak species in response to experimental climate change
Q28744373Changes in parasitoid communities over time and space: a historical case study of the maize pest Ostrinia nubilalis
Q57092014Changes in the Geographic Distribution of the Diana Fritillary (: Nymphalidae) under Forecasted Predictions of Climate Change
Q56361470Changes in the breeding avifauna of Israel during 2003–2016
Q57251304Changes in the composition of British butterfly assemblages over two decades
Q57193633Changes in the large-scale distribution of plants: extinction, colonisation and the effects of climate
Q64899079Changes in the population and community structure of corals during recent disturbances (February 2016-October 2017) on Maldivian coral reefs.
Q30642480Changes in the timing of hay cutting in Germany do not keep pace with climate warming
Q34141657Changes in timing, duration, and symmetry of molt of Hawaiian forest birds
Q95942110Changes in water quality related to permafrost thaw may significantly impact zooplankton in small Arctic lakes
Q34128034Changes in wind pattern alter albatross distribution and life-history traits
Q30570844Changing distributions of ticks: causes and consequences.
Q30909665Changing fitness of a necrotrophic plant pathogen under increasing temperature.
Q30807041Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America.
Q30654168Changing seasonality and phenological responses of free-living male arctic ground squirrels: the importance of sex.
Q58319492Changing the way we think about global change research: scaling up in experimental ecosystem science
Q33515452Chapter 2. Vulnerability of marine turtles to climate change
Q33515453Chapter 3. Effects of climate change and commercial fishing on Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
Q60153412Chapter 4 Circulation and Water Masses of the Southern Ocean: A Review
Q33515454Chapter 4. Susceptibility of sharks, rays and chimaeras to global extinction
Q58314846Characteristics and trends of selected pollen seasons recorded in Parma (Northern Italy) from 1994 to 2011
Q57021089Chasing a moving target: projecting climate change-induced shifts in non-equilibrial tree species distributions
Q56772430Checklist of benthic marine algae and cyanobacteria of northern Portugal
Q58395558Chemical–environment interactions affecting the risk of impacts on aquatic organisms: A review with a Canadian perspective — interactions affecting vulnerability
Q33373415Chihuahuan Desert kangaroo rats: nonlinear effects of population dynamics, competition, and rainfall
Q49691173Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Reflectance-Based Non-Invasive Quantification of Blast, Bacterial Blight and Drought Stresses in Rice
Q36319929Chronic environmental stress enhances tolerance to seasonal gradual warming in marine mussels
Q46979812Chronic nitrogen deposition alters the structure and function of detrital food webs in a northern hardwood ecosystem.
Q89664310Chronicles of nature calendar, a long-term and large-scale multitaxon database on phenology
Q30656039Citizen Science: linking the recent rapid advances of plant flowering in Canada with climate variability
Q33871406Classification of climate-change-induced stresses on biological diversity
Q57519929Climate Change Demands Adaptive Management of Urban Lakes: Model-Based Assessment of Management Scenarios for Lake Tegel (Berlin, Germany)
Q31082414Climate Change Increases Drought Stress of Juniper Trees in the Mountains of Central Asia.
Q54213787Climate Change and the Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Q58387819Climate Change in the U.S. Atlantic Affecting Recreational Fisheries
Q56620941Climate Change, Agriculture, and Poverty
Q30821621Climate Change, Sea-Level Rise and Implications for Coastal and Estuarine Shoreline Management with Particular Reference to the Ecology of Intertidal Benthic Macrofauna in NW Europe.
Q30997394Climate Change-Induced Range Expansion of a Subterranean Rodent: Implications for Rangeland Management in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.
Q56620026Climate Impacts on Agriculture: Implications for Crop Production
Q30985315Climate Tolerances and Habitat Requirements Jointly Shape the Elevational Distribution of the American Pika (Ochotona princeps), with Implications for Climate Change Effects
Q47176697Climate Warming as a Possible Trigger of Keystone Mussel Population Decline in Oligotrophic Rivers at the Continental Scale
Q31113381Climate adaptation is not enough: warming does not facilitate success of southern tundra plant populations in the high Arctic.
Q79170303Climate and density shape population dynamics of a marine top predator
Q92378052Climate and development modulate the metabolome and antioxidative system of date palm leaves
Q33288263Climate and dispersal: Black-winged Stilts disperse further in dry springs
Q46345028Climate and habitat interact to shape the thermal reaction norms of breeding phenology across lizard populations
Q30774711Climate and host plant availability impact the future distribution of the bean leaf beetle (Cerotoma trifurcata).
Q31031958Climate and land use changes will degrade the configuration of the landscape for titi monkeys in eastern Brazil.
Q64093011Climate and landscape changes as driving forces for future range shift in southern populations of the European badger
Q34550176Climate and population density drive changes in cod body size throughout a century on the Norwegian coast
Q58006414Climate and vegetation water use efficiency at catchment scales
Q34372656Climate and weather impact timing of emergence of bats
Q30870853Climate change affects low trophic level marine consumers: warming decreases copepod size and abundance
Q31106379Climate change affects timing and size of populations of an invasive cyanobacterium in temperate regions
Q33728278Climate change alters seedling emergence and establishment in an old-field ecosystem
Q31145595Climate change alters the reproductive phenology and investment of a lacustrine fish, the three-spine stickleback
Q57032586Climate change and Australia: Trends, projections and impacts
Q33719104Climate change and biodiversity conservation: impacts, adaptation strategies and future research directions
Q57053533Climate change and coevolution in the cuckoo–reed warbler system
Q34041954Climate change and community disassembly: impacts of warming on tropical and temperate montane community structure
Q28744155Climate change and elevated extinction rates of reptiles from Mediterranean Islands
Q30874055Climate change and habitat fragmentation drive the occurrence of Borrelia burgdorferi, the agent of Lyme disease, at the northeastern limit of its distribution
Q28301404Climate change and human health: present and future risks
Q30701047Climate change and infectious disease: stormy weather ahead?
Q30658804Climate change and infectious diseases: from evidence to a predictive framework
Q33547764Climate change and invasion by intracontinental range-expanding exotic plants: the role of biotic interactions
Q57032532Climate change and its impact on Australia's avifauna
Q31144288Climate change and micro-geographic variation in laying date
Q110663896Climate change and micro-topography are facilitating the mountain invasion by a non-native perennial plant species
Q31149439Climate change and nesting behaviour in vertebrates: a review of the ecological threats and potential for adaptive responses
Q28677011Climate change and plant dispersal along corridors in fragmented landscapes of Mesoamerica
Q31039412Climate change and population declines in a long-distance migratory bird
Q33209799Climate change and shifts in spring phenology of three horticultural woody perennials in northeastern USA.
Q36407055Climate change and temperature-linked hatchling mortality at a globally important sea turtle nesting site
Q34197872Climate change and the decline of a once common bird
Q31048719Climate change and the ecology and evolution of Arctic vertebrates
Q24649536Climate change and the effects of temperature extremes on Australian flying-foxes
Q51717121Climate change and the optimal arrival of migratory birds.
Q28305286Climate change and the recent emergence of bluetongue in Europe
Q46255635Climate change can alter predator-prey dynamics and population viability of prey
Q51612304Climate change correlates with rapid delays and advancements in reproductive timing in an amphibian community.
Q56477330Climate change could alter the distribution of mountain pine beetle outbreaks in western Canada
Q58611975Climate change decreases suitable areas for rapeseed cultivation in Europe but provides new opportunities for white mustard as an alternative oilseed for biofuel production
Q30570470Climate change effects on macrofaunal litter decomposition: the interplay of temperature, body masses and stoichiometry.
Q30620840Climate change expands the spatial extent and duration of preferred thermal habitat for lake Superior fishes
Q102154243Climate change has different predicted effects on the range shifts of two hybridizing ambush bug (Phymata, Family Reduviidae, Order Hemiptera) species
Q33986013Climate change hastens the conservation urgency of an endangered ungulate
Q30647351Climate change impact on seaweed meadow distribution in the North Atlantic rocky intertidal
Q27001583Climate change impacts on West Nile virus transmission in a global context
Q56434980Climate change impacts on high elevation saguaro range expansion
Q46295171Climate change impacts on the conservation outlook of populations on the poleward periphery of species ranges: A case study of Canadian black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus).
Q55215352Climate change in Australian tropical rainforests: an impending environmental catastrophe
Q30570452Climate change in metacommunities: dispersal gives double-sided effects on persistence.
Q31120699Climate change increases the risk of herbicide-resistant weeds due to enhanced detoxification
Q55042155Climate change is affecting mortality of weasels due to camouflage mismatch.
Q30607486Climate change is likely to worsen the public health threat of diarrheal disease in Botswana
Q46246888Climate change leads to differential shifts in the timing of annual cycle stages in a migratory bird
Q112593580Climate change likely to reshape vegetation in North America's largest protected areas
Q58748135Climate change links fate of glaciers and an endemic alpine invertebrate
Q57060267Climate change may cause severe loss in the economic value of European forest land
Q57904407Climate change may drive cave spiders to extinction
Q36285992Climate change perils for dioecious plant species.
Q31136551Climate change reduces reproductive success of an Arctic herbivore through trophic mismatch
Q51265668Climate change relaxes the time constraints for late-born offspring in a long-distance migrant.
Q28752398Climate change risks and conservation implications for a threatened small-range mammal species
Q30990744Climate change threats to plant diversity in Europe
Q56781712Climate change, biodiversity and the urban environment: a critical review based on London, UK
Q58805357Climate change, biodiversity conservation and protected area planning in Canada
Q33591135Climate change, biotic interactions and ecosystem services
Q24643923Climate change, coral reef ecosystems, and management options for marine protected areas
Q30977456Climate change, growing season length, and transpiration: plant response could alter hydrologic regime.
Q57846597Climate change, hydrology, and fish morphology: predictions using phenotype-environment associations
Q56017115Climate change, ice conditions and reproduction in an Arctic nesting marine bird: Brunnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia L.)
Q33944441Climate change, phenological shifts, eco-evolutionary responses and population viability: toward a unifying predictive approach
Q34891426Climate change, phenology, and butterfly host plant utilization
Q55865622Climate change, plant migration, and range collapse in a global biodiversity hotspot: the Banksia (Proteaceae) of Western Australia
Q22065918Climate change, species-area curves and the extinction crisis
Q92624895Climate change-based models predict range shifts in the distribution of the only Asian plethodontid salamander: Karsenia koreana
Q31109650Climate change: consequences on the pollination of grasses in Perugia (Central Italy). A 33-year-long study
Q30601617Climate changes influence free-living stages of soil-transmitted parasites of European rabbits.
Q31143669Climate drives shifts in grass reproductive phenology across the western USA.
Q51535615Climate effects on life cycle variation and population genetic architecture of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae.
Q58869723Climate envelope, life history traits and the resilience of birds facing global change
Q36104531Climate extremes can drive biological assemblages to early successional stages compared to several mild disturbances
Q56450985Climate impacts on landlocked sea lamprey: Implications for host-parasite interactions and invasive species management
Q37083061Climate influences fledgling sex ratio and sex-specific dispersal in a seabird
Q30810489Climate of origin affects tick (Ixodes ricinus) host-seeking behavior in response to temperature: implications for resilience to climate change?
Q89476165Climate oscillations effects on market prices of commercially important fish in the northern Alboran Sea
Q57040667Climate predictability and breeding phenology in red deer: timing and synchrony of rutting and calving in Norway and France
Q58163502Climate reconstructions based on postglacial macrofossil assemblages from four river systems in southwestern Alberta
Q56991610Climate relationships of growth and establishment across the altitudinal range of Fagus sylvatica in the Montseny Mountains, northeast Spain
Q38833188Climate variability drives recent tree mortality in Europe.
Q42671125Climate variation alters the synchrony of host-parasitoid interactions.
Q55421106Climate variation and regional gradients in population dynamics of two hole-nesting passerines.
Q30620959Climate warming affects biological invasions by shifting interactions of plants and herbivores
Q28660548Climate warming and Bergmann's rule through time: is there any evidence?
Q31111461Climate warming and heat waves affect reproductive strategies and interactions between submerged macrophytes
Q33740852Climate warming and predation risk during herbivore ontogeny
Q40047497Climate warming and the decline of Taxus airborne pollen in urban pollen rain (Emilia Romagna, northern Italy).
Q31107636Climate warming causes life-history evolution in a model for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
Q89637775Climate warming disrupts mast seeding and its fitness benefits in European beech
Q56944810Climate warming effects on theOlea europaea-Bactrocera oleaesystem in Mediterranean islands: Sardinia as an example
Q31002355Climate warming may cause a parasite-induced collapse in coastal amphipod populations
Q28542716Climate warming may facilitate invasion of the exotic shrub Lantana camara
Q30831453Climate warming mediates negative impacts of rapid pond drying for three amphibian species
Q51174420Climate warming, ecological mismatch at arrival and population decline in migratory birds
Q33363554Climate warming, marine protected areas and the ocean-scale integrity of coral reef ecosystems.
Q43488862Climate warming: a loss of variation in populations can accompany reproductive shifts
Q34159353Climate, changing phenology, and other life history traits: nonlinearity and match-mismatch to the environment
Q30601213Climate, copepods and seabirds in the boreal Northeast Atlantic - current state and future outlook.
Q28766767Climate, energy and diversity
Q31147542Climate-Related Local Extinctions Are Already Widespread among Plant and Animal Species
Q33869986Climate-associated changes in spring plant phenology in China
Q31171573Climate-driven effects of fire on winter habitat for caribou in the Alaskan-Yukon Arctic
Q56673023Climate-driven range shifts of the king penguin in a fragmented ecosystem
Q30394012Climate-driven sympatry may not lead to foraging competition between congeneric top-predators
Q30593722Climate-induced elevational range shifts and increase in plant species richness in a Himalayan biodiversity epicentre
Q90929570Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year
Q58385926Climate-induced range overlap among closely related species
Q57848011Climate-related adaptive genetic variation and population structure in natural stands of Norway spruce in the South-Eastern Alps
Q31139064Climate-related environmental stress in intertidal grazers: scaling-up biochemical responses to assemblage-level processes
Q57527928Climate–Glacier Dynamics and Topographic Forcing in the Karakoram Himalaya: Concepts, Issues and Research Directions
Q39100648Climatic control of trophic interaction strength: the effect of lizards on spiders
Q33515542Climatic extremes improve predictions of spatial patterns of tree species
Q56788448Climatic oscillations and tuna catch rates in the Indian Ocean: a wavelet approach to time series analysis
Q33640176Climatic variability leads to later seasonal flowering of Floridian plants
Q90642077Climatic variation in Africa and Europe has combined effects on timing of spring migration in a long-distance migrant Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus
Q35231337Climatic warming above the Arctic Circle: are there trends in timing and length of the thermal growing season in Murmansk Region (Russia) between 1951 and 2012?
Q51641840Climatic warming increases voltinism in European butterflies and moths.
Q30761627Clock gene evolution: seasonal timing, phylogenetic signal, or functional constraint?
Q28070381Coconut Lethal Yellowing Diseases: A Phytoplasma Threat to Palms of Global Economic and Social Significance
Q30844156Cold spell en route delays spring arrival and decreases apparent survival in a long-distance migratory songbird
Q28654388Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt
Q51143873Collective movement in ecology: from emerging technologies to conservation and management
Q90783249Collinearity in ecological niche modeling: Confusions and challenges
Q36935725Combined Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Copepod Abundance, Body Size and Fatty Acid Content
Q30794680Combined effects of extreme climatic events and elevation on nutritional quality and herbivory of Alpine plants
Q30391906Combined fishing and climate forcing in the southern Benguela upwelling ecosystem: an end-to-end modelling approach reveals dampened effects
Q41618123Combining dispersal, landscape connectivity and habitat suitability to assess climate-induced changes in the distribution of Cunningham’s skink, Egernia cunninghami
Q57554591Combining population genetics, species distribution modelling and field assessments to understand a species vulnerability to climate change
Q58869750Common birds facing global changes: what makes a species at risk?
Q33591147Community and ecosystem responses to recent climate change
Q107137227Community regulation models as a framework for direct and indirect effects of climate change on species distributions
Q30837238Community stoichiometry in a changing world: combined effects of warming and eutrophication on phytoplankton dynamics
Q30658319Community-level phenological response to climate change
Q31159386Comparative endocrinology, environment and global change
Q57273666Comparative phylogeography of land snail species in mountain refugia in the European Southern Alps
Q33805385Comparative phylogeography of two related plant species with overlapping ranges in Europe, and the potential effects of climate change on their intraspecific genetic diversity
Q93067162Comparative proteomics of stenotopic caddisfly Crunoecia irrorata identifies acclimation strategies to warming
Q90089433Comparative view for the impact of five eco factors on species distribution and weed community structure in Isthmus of Suez and adjoining farmland east Nile delta, Egypt
Q91987321Comparing and synthesizing quantitative distribution models and qualitative vulnerability assessments to project marine species distributions under climate change
Q73119839Comparing citizen science and professional data to evaluate extrapolated mountain goat distribution models
Q34000821Comparing climate change and species invasions as drivers of coldwater fish population extirpations
Q33470526Comparing niche- and process-based models to reduce prediction uncertainty in species range shifts under climate change
Q53283208Comparing the consequences of natural selection, adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and matching habitat choice for phenotype-environment matching, population genetic structure, and reproductive isolation in meta-populations.
Q59045438Comparison of Satellite and Ground-Based Phenology in China’s Temperate Monsoon Area
Q58080883Comparison of budburst phenology trends and precision among participants in a citizen science program
Q30857214Comparison of phenology models for predicting the onset of growing season over the Northern Hemisphere
Q100512385Comparison of soil microbial community between reseeding grassland and natural grassland in Songnen Meadow
Q58608777Compensatory conservation measures for an endangered caribou population under climate change
Q47675631Competition between cheatgrass and bluebunch wheatgrass is altered by temperature, resource availability, and atmospheric CO2 concentration
Q56611343Competitive ability, thermal tolerance and invasion success in exotic Daphnia lumholtzi
Q30835411Competitive interactions modify the temperature dependence of damselfly growth rates
Q34064262Complex Interactions between Temperature and Relative Humidity on Water Balance of Adult Tsetse (Glossinidae, Diptera): Implications for Climate Change
Q30870128Complex spatiotemporal responses of global terrestrial primary production to climate change and increasing atmospheric CO2 in the 21st century
Q30651215Compositional shifts in Costa Rican forests due to climate-driven species migrations
Q33529581Compounded effects of climate change and habitat alteration shift patterns of butterfly diversity
Q58249921Comprehensive methodological analysis of long-term changes in phenological extremes in Germany
Q33817127Conceptualising the interactive effects of climate change and biological invasions on subarctic freshwater fish
Q33785806Conclusions about niche expansion in introduced Impatiens walleriana populations depend on method of analysis.
Q37157292Concurrent infections with vector-borne pathogens associated with fatal hemolytic anemia in a cattle herd in Switzerland
Q31127096Configuration of the thermal landscape determines thermoregulatory performance of ectotherms
Q30982986Connecting differential responses of native and invasive riparian plants to climate change and environmental alteration
Q57032538Consensus on climate change
Q58312157Consequences of altered temperature regimes for emerging freshwater invertebrates
Q33967693Consequences of range contractions and range shifts on molecular diversity
Q33924146Consequent effects of parasitism on population dynamics, food webs, and human health under climate change
Q56340972Conservation biogeography of the Antarctic
Q57529266Conservation genetics and ecology of an endemic montane palm on Lord Howe Island and its potential for resilience
Q47566311Conservation of pattern as a tool for inference on spatial snapshots in ecological data
Q46904593Constancy in an inconstant world: moving beyond constant temperatures in the study of reptilian incubation.
Q57070376Constraints on the onset duration of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Q39733823Constructing a 7-day ahead forecast model for grass pollen at north London, United Kingdom
Q60489453Continent-wide response of mountain vegetation to climate change
Q28730658Continent-wide risk assessment for the establishment of nonindigenous species in Antarctica
Q33688250Continental divide: Predicting climate-mediated fragmentation and biodiversity loss in the boreal forest
Q28648330Continental drift and climate change drive instability in insect assemblages
Q34575876Contraception can lead to trophic asynchrony between birth pulse and resources.
Q33692191Contrasted demographic responses facing future climate change in Southern Ocean seabirds
Q41069620Contrasting effects of climate and population density over time and life stages in a long-lived seabird
Q30577518Contrasting effects of climate change on rabbit populations through reproduction
Q30689370Contrasting effects of elevated temperature and invertebrate grazing regulate multispecies interactions between decomposer fungi
Q31062267Contrasting effects of temperature and precipitation change on amphibian phenology, abundance and performance
Q31155267Contrasting growth forecasts across the geographical range of Scots pine due to altitudinal and latitudinal differences in climatic sensitivity
Q33679290Contrasting impacts of climate‐driven flowering phenology on changes in alien and native plant species distributions
Q56516068Contrasting landscape effects on species diversity and invasion success within a predator community
Q63389074Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming
Q30987876Contrasting responses of male and female foraging effort to year-round wind conditions
Q31058122Contrasting responses to a climate regime change by sympatric, ice-dependent predators
Q40293337Control of climate and litter quality on leaf litter decomposition in different climatic zones
Q40289612Control of microbial communities by the macrofauna: a sensitive interaction in the context of extreme summer temperatures?
Q57054704Convergence among global biogeographical realms in the physiological niche of evergreen and deciduous vegetation
Q30395922Converging currents in climate-relevant conservation: water, infrastructure, and institutions
Q90573641Cooperation mitigates diversity loss in a spatially expanding microbial population
Q57055722Coordinated responses of soil communities to elevation in three subarctic vegetation types
Q51591002Coordinating theoretical and empirical efforts to understand the linkages between organisms and environments.
Q46911550Coping with change: a framework for environmental signals and how neuroendocrine pathways might respond
Q64264893Coping with climate change: limited behavioral responses to hot weather in a tropical carnivore
Q30651807Coping with the cold: predictors of survival in wild Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus.
Q58999337Coral Reef Resilience through Biodiversity
Q58383720Coral Reefs Under Climate Change and Ocean Acidification: Challenges and Opportunities for Management and Policy
Q35111323Coral bleaching––how and why?
Q57889715Coral reef ecosystems and anthropogenic climate change
Q89763179Coral species composition drives key ecosystem function on coral reefs
Q51161924Corals hosting symbiotic hydrozoans are less susceptible to predation and disease.
Q94570084Cork oak and climate change: Disentangling drought effects on cork chemical composition
Q51698969Correlations between age, phenotype, and individual contribution to population growth in common terns.
Q90667319Correlative climatic niche models predict real and virtual species distributions equally well
Q33719270Counter-gradient variation in respiratory performance of coral reef fishes at elevated temperatures
Q30776143Counting whales in a challenging, changing environment.
Q46138486Coupled dynamics of body mass and population growth in response to environmental change
Q94562943Crop and forest pest metawebs shift towards increased linkage and suitability overlap under climate change
Q30628673Cryptic loss of montane avian richness and high community turnover over 100 years.
Q45395694Cumulative effects of climate and landscape change drive spatial distribution of Rocky Mountain wolverine (Gulo gulo L.).
Q30660952Current analogues of future climate indicate the likely response of a sensitive montane tropical avifauna to a warming world
Q47765164Current and potential future distribution of the American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis, Say) in North America.
Q55402026Current challenges in distinguishing climatic and anthropogenic contributions to alpine grassland variation on the Tibetan Plateau.
Q30396175Current models broadly neglect specific needs of biodiversity conservation in protected areas under climate change
Q33549616Current selection for lower migratory activity will drive the evolution of residency in a migratory bird population.
Q30732885Current temporal trends in moth abundance are counter to predicted effects of climate change in an assemblage of subarctic forest moths.
Q56949560Cushion plants are foundation species with positive effects extending to higher trophic levels
Q92307651Cyclical environments drive variation in life-history strategies: a general theory of cyclical phenology
Q104454967DNA barcoding and morphology reveal exceptional species diversity ofScoparia(Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from the Hailuogou Glacier area, China
Q26740113DNA barcoding in diverse educational settings: five case studies
Q30978782Daily Temperature Fluctuations Alter Interactions between Closely Related Species of Marine Nematodes
Q21560880Darwin Core: an evolving community-developed biodiversity data standard
Q30697623De novo assembly and characterization of tissue specific transcriptomes in the emerald notothen, Trematomus bernacchii
Q36345051Decadal declines in avian herbivore reproduction: density-dependent nutrition and phenological mismatch in the Arctic.
Q38638322Decadal-scale variation in diet forecasts persistently poor breeding under ocean warming in a tropical seabird
Q90834606Decreasing brown bear (Ursus arctos) habitat due to climate change in Central Asia and the Asian Highlands
Q56417768Defining the key wintering habitats in the Sahel for declining African-Eurasian migrants using expert assessment
Q56552719Deforestation affects biogeographical regionalization: a case study contrasting potential and extant distributions of Mexican terrestrial mammals
Q36599824Degraded environments alter prey risk assessment
Q49980086Delineating and identifying long-term changes in the whooping crane (Grus americana) migration corridor
Q30993927Demographic consequences of age-structure in extreme environments: population models for arctic and alpine ptarmigan
Q30459092Density can be misleading for low-density species: benefits of passive acoustic monitoring
Q90412832Density dependence forces divergent population growth rates and alters occupancy patterns of a central place foraging Antarctic seabird
Q33416755Desiccation of rock pool habitats and its influence on population persistence in a Daphnia metacommunity
Q58306797Design and performance evaluation of a mesocosm facility and techniques to simulate ocean acidification and warming
Q49607417Designing Cu-based Bimetallic Nanoparticles for CO2 Adsorption and Activation
Q31160246Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers
Q94538844Detect coastal disturbances and climate change effects in coralligenous community through sentinel stations
Q27305241Detectability in Audio-Visual Surveys of Tropical Rainforest Birds: The Influence of Species, Weather and Habitat Characteristics
Q28744649Detecting one-hundred-year environmental changes in Western China using seven-year repeat photography
Q33730004Detecting temporal trends in species assemblages with bootstrapping procedures and hierarchical models
Q59465000Determinants of the biogeographical distribution of butterflies in boreal regions
Q53100128Determining climate change impacts on ecosystems: the role of palaeontology
Q39151246Determining diatom ecotones and their relationship to terrestrial ecoregion designations in the central Canadian Arctic Islands
Q57455946Developing specific molecular biomarkers for thermal stress in salmonids
Q47448438Development of behavioral responses to thermal challenges
Q54231012Diagnostic gene expression biomarkers of coral thermal stress.
Q56763627Did global warming and alien invasions affect surf zone hyperbenthic communities on sandy beaches in Belgium?
Q30677232Dietary guild composition and disaggregation of avian assemblages under climate change
Q28751330Differences in spawning date between populations of common frog reveal local adaptation
Q55667848Differential Effects of Climate Warming on the Nectar Secretion of Early- and Late-Flowering Mediterranean Plants.
Q58748074Differential changes in the onset of spring across US National Wildlife Refuges and North American migratory bird flyways
Q51357471Differential reproductive responses to stress reveal the role of life-history strategies within a species.
Q61798190Differential sensitivity of bees to urbanization-driven changes in body temperature and water content
Q36368685Differentiated seasonal vegetation cover dynamics of degraded grasslands in Inner Mongolia recorded by continuous photography technique
Q58744345Differentiation in fitness-related traits in response to elevated temperatures between leading and trailing edge populations of marine macrophytes
Q30725944Diminished soil functions occur under simulated climate change in a sup-alpine pasture, but heterotrophic temperature sensitivity indicates microbial resilience
Q56977523Direct and indirect effects of climate change on soil microbial and soil microbial-plant interactions: What lies ahead?
Q30677575Direct and indirect effects of climate change on the risk of infection by water-transmitted pathogens
Q57210220Direct and indirect effects of experimental warming on ecosystem carbon processes in a tallgrass prairie
Q89814024Direct and indirect effects of temperature and precipitation on alpine seed banks in the Tibetan Plateau
Q30837234Direct and indirect effects of warming on aphids, their predators, and ant mutualists
Q59211902Direct and indirect effects of winter harshness on the survival of Mallards Anas platyrhynchos in northwest Europe
Q34301168Direct impacts of climatic warming on heat stress in endothermic species: seabirds as bioindicators of changing thermoregulatory constraints
Q33842786Direct impacts of recent climate warming on insect populations
Q56432167Discrete-time growth-dispersal models with shifting species ranges
Q36372822Disentangling the effects of date, individual, and territory quality on the seasonal decline in fitness.
Q30614349Disparity in elevational shifts of European trees in response to recent climate warming
Q31136266Dispersal in the sub-Antarctic: king penguins show remarkably little population genetic differentiation across their range
Q57068521Dispersal restricts local biomass but promotes the recovery of metacommunities after temperature stress
Q91669324Distinct Influences of Land Cover and Land Management on Seasonal Climate
Q60522812Distribution and reproductive capacity of Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis on Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Q56939918Distribution and traits of climbing plants in subtropical and temperate South America
Q56224951Distribution patterns of boreal marshland birds: modelling the relationships to land cover and climate
Q58519919Distribution patterns of the peracarid crustaceans associated with the alga Corallina elongata along the intertidal rocky shores of the Iberian Peninsula
Q50787022Distribution-wide effects of climate on population densities of a declining migratory landbird
Q56763653Distributional Changes and Range Predictions of Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) in Rocky Mountain National Park
Q116817049Distributional patterns of Vetigastropoda (Mollusca) all over the world: a track analysis
Q31143810Disturbance is the key to plant invasions in cold environments
Q24679915Divergence of reproductive phenology under climate warming
Q34276887Divergent responses to spring and winter warming drive community level flowering trends
Q29393726Diversity and assemblage structure of phytophagous Hemiptera along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential impacts of climate change
Q56971353Diversity and ecotypic variation in the antioxidant and antigenotoxic effects ofThymus kotschyanusBoiss & Hohen
Q33369519Diversity of deep-water cetaceans in relation to temperature: implications for ocean warming
Q55895416Do changes in climate patterns in wintering areas affect the timing of the spring arrival of trans-Saharan migrant birds?
Q52696866Do climate envelope models transfer? A manipulative test using dung beetle introductions.
Q33551267Do competitors modulate rare plant response to precipitation change?
Q57014211Do geographic distribution, niche property and life form explain plants' vulnerability to global change?
Q34749471Do mitochondria limit hot fish hearts? Understanding the role of mitochondrial function with heat stress in Notolabrus celidotus
Q56531477Do priority effects benefit invasive plants more than native plants? An experiment with six grassland species
Q56441296Does Whirling Disease Mediate Hybridization between a Native and Nonnative Trout?
Q56545047Does a new transportation system increase the risk of importing non-native species to Antarctica?
Q39120078Does climate at different scales influence the phenology and phenotype of the River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis?
Q51725695Does colonization asymmetry matter in metapopulations?
Q34024004Does global warming increase establishment rates of invasive alien species? A centurial time series analysis
Q30455538Does herbivorous fish protection really improve coral reef resilience? A case study from new caledonia (South Pacific)
Q60300545Does persistent snowpack inhibit degradation of fecal stress indicators?
Q52322312Does scale matter? A systematic review of incorporating biological realism when predicting changes in species distributions.
Q51134559Does stress response predict return rate in a migratory bird species? A study of American redstarts and their non-breeding habitat.
Q30670389Drastic changes in aquatic bacterial populations from the Cuatro Cienegas Basin (Mexico) in response to long-term environmental stress
Q50036892Drivers and demographic consequences of seasonal mass changes in an alpine ungulate
Q42014040Drivers of hybridization in a 66-generation record of Colias butterflies
Q30601179Driving factors of a vegetation shift from Scots pine to pubescent oak in dry Alpine forests
Q57529983Drought and Carbon Cycling of Grassland Ecosystems under Global Change: A Review
Q58406242Drought as a Trigger for Rapid State Shifts in Kettle Ecosystems: Implications for Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change
Q30672680Drought footprint on European ecosystems between 1999 and 2010 assessed by remotely sensed vegetation phenology and productivity.
Q57026043Dung beetle species interactions and multifunctionality are affected by an experimentally warmed climate
Q31136471Duration of Exposure to Elevated Temperature Affects Competitive Interactions in Juvenile Reef Fishes
Q31041315Dynamic fragility of oceanic coral reef ecosystems.
Q50500116Dynamics of Total Microcystin LR Concentration in Three Subtropical Hydroelectric Generation Reservoirs in Uruguay, South America
Q58418565Dynamics of phenotypic change: wing length declines in a resident farmland passerine despite survival advantage of longer wings
Q39350067ECOLOGY. Thermal trouble in the tropics
Q116337693Earlier Nesting Contributes to Shorter Nesting Seasons for the Loggerhead Seaturtle, Caretta caretta
Q31074780Earlier breeding, lower success: does the spatial scale of climatic conditions matter in a migratory passerine bird?
Q34551815Earlier migration timing, decreasing phenotypic variation, and biocomplexity in multiple salmonid species
Q56333576Early bird catches the worm: germination as a critical step in plant invasion
Q28749387Early emergence in a butterfly causally linked to anthropogenic warming
Q50685506Early onset of vegetation growth vs. rapid green-up: impacts on juvenile mountain ungulates
Q34160120Early spring, severe frost events, and drought induce rapid carbon loss in high elevation meadows
Q36137921Early warning signals detect critical impacts of experimental warming
Q31110729Ecological Responses to Extreme Flooding Events: A Case Study with a Reintroduced Bird
Q24289024Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Recent Climate Change
Q37584586Ecological and evolutionary dynamics under coloured environmental variation
Q31123592Ecological constraints increase the climatic debt in forests
Q28748395Ecological correlates of range shifts of Late Pleistocene mammals
Q51175977Ecological forecasting under climate change: the case of Baltic cod.
Q36954753Ecological implications of metabolic compensation at low temperatures in salamanders
Q101634888Ecological niche divergence contributes species differentiation in worm lizards (Blanus sp.) (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae) in Mediterranean part of Anatolian peninsula and the Levantine region
Q57043499Ecological niches as stable distributional constraints on mammal species, with implications for Pleistocene extinctions and climate change projections for biodiversity
Q51179666Ecology: Towards a theory of biodiversity
Q56776937Ecomanagement of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the Mediterranean Sea: concerns and strategies
Q31102947Ecophysiological response and morphological adjustment of two Central Asian desert shrubs towards variation in summer precipitation
Q58117022Ecosystem modelling to quantify the impact of historical whaling on Southern Hemisphere baleen whales
Q33888076Ecosystem, location, and climate effects on foliar secondary metabolites of lodgepole pine populations from central British Columbia.
Q56879822Ecotypes of European grass species respond differently to warming and extreme drought
Q46251483Ecotypic differences in the phenology of the tundra species Eriophorum vaginatum reflect sites of origin
Q31036669Effect of Climate Change on Mediterranean Winter Ranges of Two Migratory Passerines
Q58045779Effect of climate change on breeding phenology, clutch size and chick survival of an upland bird
Q30352353Effect of climate warming on the annual terrestrial net ecosystem CO2 exchange globally in the boreal and temperate regions.
Q107742974Effect of global warming on the timing of migration and breeding of passerine birds in the 20th century
Q36276606Effect of heat waves on embryo mortality in the pine processionary moth
Q31074721Effect of winter cold duration on spring phenology of the orange tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines
Q30981878Effects of Autumn and Spring Heat Waves on Seed Germination of High Mountain Plants
Q58208130Effects of Climate Change on the Potential Species Richness of Mesoamerican Forests
Q31106594Effects of El Niño-driven changes in wind patterns on North Pacific albatrosses
Q34793316Effects of Landscape-Scale Environmental Variation on Greater Sage-Grouse Chick Survival
Q31103832Effects of Temperature and Precipitation on Breeding Migrations of Amphibian Species in Southeastern Norway
Q56964017Effects of Warming and Drought on the Vegetation and Plant Diversity in the Amazon Basin
Q57004746Effects of a short-term climate change experiment on a sub-Antarctic keystone plant species
Q61444903Effects of adult temperature on gene expression in a butterfly: identifying pathways associated with thermal acclimation
Q58386655Effects of agriculture and timber harvest on carbon sequestration in the eastern US forests
Q57939511Effects of an exceptionally snowy winter on chamois survival
Q31002724Effects of changing climate on aquatic habitat and connectivity for remnant populations of a wide-ranging frog species in an arid landscape
Q33280271Effects of climate and land-use change on species abundance in a Central European bird community
Q30919065Effects of climate and plant phenology on recruitment of moose at the southern extent of their range
Q33672906Effects of climate and snow depth on Bromus tectorum population dynamics at high elevation
Q30750105Effects of climate change on an emperor penguin population: analysis of coupled demographic and climate models
Q57596317Effects of climate change on coral grouper (Plectropomus spp.) and possible adaptation options
Q30591429Effects of climate change on mast-flowering cues in a clonal montane herb, Veratrum tenuipetalum (Melanthiaceae).
Q30964537Effects of climate change on plant population growth rate and community composition change
Q30885620Effects of climate change on the persistence and dispersal of foodborne bacterial pathogens in the outdoor environment: A review
Q57196911Effects of climate warming on host-parasitoid interactions
Q30824515Effects of differential habitat warming on complex communities.
Q57427424Effects of drought, temperature, herbivory, and genotype on plant–insect interactions in soybean (Glycine max)
Q33848435Effects of elevated CO₂, warming and drought episodes on plant carbon uptake in a temperate heath ecosystem are controlled by soil water status.
Q37526084Effects of elevated mean and extremely high temperatures on the physio-ecological characteristics of geographically distinctive populations of Cunninghamia lanceolata
Q92978546Effects of elevational range shift on the morphology and physiology of a carabid beetle invading the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands
Q39502062Effects of environmental conditions on onset of xylem growth in Pinus sylvestris under drought
Q53124337Effects of environmental variability and breeding experience on northern elephant seal demography
Q39113187Effects of experimental seaweed deposition on lizard and ant predation in an island food web.
Q31052559Effects of food abundance, density and climate change on reproduction in the sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus
Q28754353Effects of global warming on ancient mammalian communities and their environments
Q27340381Effects of habitat-forming species richness, evenness, identity, and abundance on benthic intertidal community establishment and productivity
Q56996794Effects of native and exotic range-expanding plant species on taxonomic and functional composition of nematodes in the soil food web
Q38919741Effects of partial throughfall exclusion on the phenology of Coussarea racemosa (Rubiaceae) in an east-central Amazon rainforest
Q36129712Effects of pharmaceuticals and personal care products on marine organisms: from single-species studies to an ecosystem-based approach
Q30984036Effects of precipitation change and neighboring plants on population dynamics of Bromus tectorum
Q33960493Effects of recent warm and cold spells on European plant phenology
Q58318460Effects of rising temperature on the viability of an important sea turtle rookery
Q92016036Effects of sea-level rise on physiological ecology of populations of a ground-dwelling ant
Q30601491Effects of simulated heat waves on an experimental plant-herbivore-predator food chain
Q35332590Effects of social and climatic factors on birth sex ratio in Macaca mulatta in Mount Taihangshan area
Q38616916Effects of temperature and resource variation on insect population dynamics: the bordered plant bug as a case study.
Q30560423Effects of temperature change on mussel, Mytilus
Q46812104Effects of temperature on consumer-resource interactions
Q111347601Effects of temperature on the development, reproduction and population growth of Anaphothrips obscurus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Q56524589Effects of temperature on the recruitment phenology and niche overlap of shallow epifaunal assemblages in southern New England
Q31103257Effects of temperature variability on community structure in a natural microbial food web.
Q31161354Effects of the urban heat island on the phenology of Odonata in London, UK.
Q56426593Effects of warming and nitrogen on above- and below-ground herbivory of an exotic invasive plant and its native congener
Q42455816Effects of warming on stream biofilm organic matter use capabilities
Q46291783El Niño Southern Oscillation influences the abundance and movements of a marine top predator in coastal waters
Q57206233El Niño-Southern Oscillation, rainfall, temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index fluctuations in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem
Q28596943Electrical capacitance as a predictor of root dry weight in shrub willow (Salix; Salicaceae) parents and progeny
Q100713110Elevated CO2 and warming impacts on flowering phenology in a southern Australian grassland are related to flowering time but not growth form, origin or longevity
Q34151269Elevated carbon dioxide alters the structure of soil microbial communities
Q36519095Elevated corticosterone levels decrease reproductive output of chick-rearing Adélie penguins but do not affect chick mass at fledging
Q90014561Elevated precipitation alters the community structure of spring ephemerals by changing dominant species density in Central Asia
Q33990481Elevated surface temperature depresses survival of banner-tailed kangaroo rats: will climate change cook a desert icon?
Q34614725Elevated temperature and drought interact to reduce parasitoid effectiveness in suppressing hosts
Q56677216Elevated temperature may accelerate invasive expansion of the liana plant Ipomoea cairica
Q30564426Elevation-dependent temperature trends in the Rocky Mountain Front Range: changes over a 56- and 20-year record
Q56764427Elevational distribution limits of non-native species: combining observational and experimental evidence
Q33711254Elevational species shifts in a warmer climate are overestimated when based on weather station data
Q24810742Embedded in nature: human health and biodiversity
Q51120922Emergence of long distance bird migrations: a new model integrating global climate changes
Q24815792Emerging diseases threaten conservation
Q57449722Emerging opportunities and challenges in phenology: a review
Q37238686Empirical and theoretical challenges in aboveground-belowground ecology.
Q35942297Encroaching forests decouple alpine butterfly population dynamics
Q58388962Endemic species and ecosystem sensitivity to climate change in Namibia
Q31047824Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and climate change: A worst-case combination for arctic marine mammals and seabirds?
Q50086107Endogenous control of fuelling in a migratory songbird
Q46393322Enhanced seasonal exchange of CO2 by northern ecosystems since 1960.
Q34516301Environmental challenges and physiological solutions: comparative energetic daily rhythms of field mice populations from different ecosystems
Q38161702Environmental challenges threatening the growth of urban agriculture in the United States
Q33973898Environmental change and declining resource availability for small-mammal communities in the Great Basin
Q28602449Environmental controls on the distribution and diversity of lentic Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) across an altitudinal gradient in tropical South America
Q56386646Environmental factors determining the establishment of the African Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus cirtensis in Western Europe
Q56993142Environmental heterogeneity generates opposite gene-by-environment interactions for two fitness-related traits within a population
Q34021251Environmental implications of skeletal micro-density and porosity variation in two scleractinian corals
Q34767214Environmental stressors alter relationships between physiology and behaviour.
Q54362918Environmental variation and experience-related differences in the demography of the long-lived black-browed albatross.
Q90522212Equivocal Evidence for Colony Level Stress Effects on Bumble Bee Pollination Services
Q49548589Essential role for phytol kinase and tocopherol in tolerance to combined light and temperature stress in tomato
Q45370590Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States
Q34235376Estimating long-term survival temperatures at the assemblage level in the marine environment: towards macrophysiology
Q46420073Estimating the ability of plants to plastically track temperature-mediated shifts in the spring phenological optimum
Q30852505Estimating unbiased phenological trends by adapting site-occupancy models
Q58317510Evaluating temperature- and host-dependent reproduction in the parasitic freshwater mussel Unio crassus
Q57021037Evaluating the combined effects of climate and land-use change on tree species distributions
Q27308727Evaluating the significance of paleophylogeographic species distribution models in reconstructing quaternary range-shifts of nearctic chelonians
Q91375792Evaluation of factors influencing annual occurrence, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification of antibiotics in planktonic food webs of a large subtropical river in South China
Q92967027Evidence for adaptive responses to historic drought across a native plant species range
Q30685370Evidence for multiple stressor interactions and effects on coral reefs.
Q57141037Evidence for the impact of global warming on the long-term population dynamics of common birds
Q56001172Evidence of Resident Jaguars (Panthera onca) in the Southwestern United States and the Implications for Conservation
Q53618367Evidence of a shift in the cyclicity of Antarctic seabird dynamics linked to climate.
Q47099373Evidence of exceptional oyster-reef resilience to fluctuations in sea level.
Q30822697Evidence of genetic change in the flowering phenology of sea beets along a latitudinal cline within two decades.
Q33933561Evidence of local adaptation in the demographic response of American ginseng to interannual temperature variation.
Q90091371Evidence of trans-generational developmental modifications induced by simulated heat waves in an arthropod
Q33921484Evidence that elevated water temperature affects the reproductive physiology of the European bullhead Cottus gobio
Q101634887Evidences for ecological niche differentiation on the Anatolian lizard (Apathya cappadocica ssp.) (Reptilia: Lacertidae) in western Asia
Q28729956Evolution and behavioural responses to human-induced rapid environmental change
Q37845926Evolution and molecular mechanisms of adaptive developmental plasticity
Q34332944Evolution in response to climate change: in pursuit of the missing evidence
Q35958757Evolution in situ: hybrid origin and establishment of willows (Salix L.) on alpine glacier forefields
Q38723507Evolution of Plasticity: Mechanistic Link between Development and Reversible Acclimation
Q30587008Evolution of a genetic polymorphism with climate change in a Mediterranean landscape
Q30740351Evolutionary and plastic responses of freshwater invertebrates to climate change: realized patterns and future potential
Q39789342Evolutionary changes in growth rate and toxin production in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa under a scenario of eutrophication and temperature increase.
Q89703616Evolutionary genomics can improve prediction of species' responses to climate change
Q31121285Evolutionary potential in the Alpine: trait heritabilities and performance variation of the dwarf willow Salix herbacea from different elevations and microhabitats
Q52642152Evolutionary trade-offs between reproduction and dispersal in populations at expanding range boundaries.
Q56381045Examining the effects of climate change and species invasions on Ontario walleye populations: can walleye beat the heat?
Q58250021Exceptional European warmth of autumn 2006 and winter 2007: Historical context, the underlying dynamics, and its phenological impacts
Q28775706Exceptional record of mid-Pleistocene vertebrates helps differentiate climatic from anthropogenic ecosystem perturbations
Q31136828Expansion Under Climate Change: The Genetic Consequences
Q57208850Experimental Evaluation of the Response of Coastal Mediterranean Planktonic and Benthic Metabolism to Warming
Q45106733Experimental and observational studies of seasonal interactions between overlapping life history stages in a migratory bird
Q39408361Experimental evaluation of reproductive response to climate warming in an oviparous skink
Q99633778Experimental investigation of tidal and freshwater influence on Symbiodiniaceae abundance in Anthopleura elegantissima
Q57134855Experimental simulations about the effects of overexploitation and habitat fragmentation on populations facing environmental warming
Q36118133Experimental warming and precipitation interactively modulate the mortality rate and timing of spring emergence of a gallmaking Tephritid fly
Q38108222Experimental warming studies on tree species and forest ecosystems: a literature review.
Q100490736Explicit integration of dispersal-related metrics improves predictions of SDM in predatory arthropods
Q34086160Exploring neutral and adaptive processes in expanding populations of gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L., in the North-East Atlantic
Q51112782Exploring plasticity in the wild: laying date-temperature reaction norms in the common gull Larus canus.
Q35923618Exploring the universal ecological responses to climate change in a univoltine butterfly.
Q28730562Exporting the ecological effects of climate change. Developed and developing countries will suffer the consequences of climate change, but differ in both their responsibility and how badly it will affect their ecosystems
Q30596515Extended season for northern butterflies
Q58388370Extension of the growing season due to delayed autumn over mid and high latitudes in North America during 1982-2006
Q30588675Extensive contemporary pollen-mediated gene flow in two herb species, Ranunculus bulbosus and Trifolium montanum, along an altitudinal gradient in a meadow landscape
Q56226318Extinct, obscure or imaginary: The lizard species with the smallest ranges
Q34981853Extinction cascades partially estimate herbivore losses in a complete Lepidoptera--plant food web.
Q63628177Extinction risks of a Mediterranean neo-endemism complex of mountain vipers triggered by climate change
Q58381766Extinction vulnerability of tropical montane endemism from warming and upslope displacement: a preliminary appraisal for the highest massif in Madagascar
Q53292821Extracellular Silica Nanocoat Confers Thermotolerance on Individual Cells: A Case Study of Material‐Based Functionalization of Living Cells
Q94461677Extreme events are more likely to affect the breeding success of lesser kestrels than average climate change
Q33250142Extreme heat reduces and shifts United States premium wine production in the 21st century.
Q38646613Extreme spring conditions in the Arctic delay spring phenology of long-distance migratory songbirds
Q30559536Extremes of temperature, oxygen and blooms in the Baltic sea in a changing climate
Q44790831Facilitated transport in hydroxide-exchange membranes for post-combustion CO2 separation
Q57122616Factors that determine the severity of Betula spp. pollen seasons in Poland (Poznań and Krakow) and the United Kingdom (Worcester and London)
Q50996408Faithful or not: direct and indirect effects of climate on extra-pair paternities in a population of Alpine marmots.
Q36289237Feasibility and coexistence of large ecological communities
Q92642483Feather moult and bird appearance are correlated with global warming over the last 200 years
Q92406396Feedback of coastal marshes to climate change: Long-term phenological shifts
Q31125809Female-Bias in a Long-Term Study of a Species with Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination: Monitoring Sex Ratios for Climate Change Research
Q36062054Fine-resolution conservation planning with limited climate-change information
Q31012302Fine-scale processes regulate the response of extreme events to global climate change
Q29617917Fingerprints of global warming on wild animals and plants
Q60304294First record of Halidrys siliquosa on the Portuguese coast: counter-intuitive range expansion?
Q58383489Fish abundance with no fishing: predictions based on macroecological theory
Q30395314Fish is food--the FAO's fish price index
Q39208272Fisheries change spawning ground distribution of northeast Arctic cod.
Q30000277Five decades on: Use of historical weaning size data reveals that a decrease in maternal foraging success underpins the long-term decline in population of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina)
Q31160353Five potential consequences of climate change for invasive species.
Q37058687Flexibility and constraints in the molt schedule of long-distance migratory shorebirds: causes and consequences
Q34370173Flexibility of continental navigation and migration in European mallards.
Q30360370Flexible reaction norms to environmental variables along the migration route and the significance of stopover duration for total speed of migration in a songbird migrant
Q33330295Floral temperature and optimal foraging: is heat a feasible floral reward for pollinators?
Q31036942Flowering phenological changes in relation to climate change in Hungary
Q45903730Flowering phenology and reproductive fitness along a mountain slope: maladaptive responses to transplantation to a warmer climate in Campanula thyrsoides.
Q43453950Flowering phenology of tree rhododendron along an elevation gradient in two sites in the Eastern Himalayas.
Q100634507Flowering season of vernal herbs is shortened at elevated temperatures with reduced precipitation in early spring
Q34041292Flowering timing prediction in Australian native understorey species (Acrotriche R.Br Ericaceae) using meteorological data
Q56794603Fluctuating temperatures alter environmental pathogen transmission in a -pathogen system
Q58388505Fluctuation of farming-pastoral ecotone in association with changing East Asia monsoon climate
Q55217207Fluctuations in annual climatic extremes are associated with reproductive variation in resident mountain chickadees.
Q60334473Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change
Q40576546Food Limitation Affects Parasite Load and Survival of Bombus impatiens (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Infected With Crithidia (Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae).
Q56838437Food habits of two leopard species, competition, climate change and upper treeline: a way to the decrease of an endangered species?
Q91451346Food web rewiring in a changing world
Q30834443Footprints of divergent selection in natural populations of Castanopsis fargesii (Fagaceae).
Q57122323Foraging in a changing environment: habitat shifts of an oceanic predator over the last half century
Q90014393Foraging niche shift maintains breeding parameters of a colonial waterbird during range expansion
Q39627858Forecasting changes in population genetic structure of alpine plants in response to global warming
Q30712388Forest insects and climate change: long-term trends in herbivore damage
Q28655476Forest stand growth dynamics in Central Europe have accelerated since 1870
Q31053454Forest understory plant and soil microbial response to an experimentally induced drought and heat-pulse event: the importance of maintaining the continuum
Q113197144Forestry solutions for mitigating climate change in China
Q60526328Forests and climate change - lessons from insects
Q35884893Forests synchronize their growth in contrasting Eurasian regions in response to climate warming.
Q92718552Four climate change scenarios for Gypsophila bermejoi G. López (Caryophyllaceae) to address whether bioclimatic and soil suitability will overlap in the future
Q44167039Free boundary models for mosquito range movement driven by climate warming.
Q31028485Freshwater biota and rising pCO2?
Q34532554Frigate birds track atmospheric conditions over months-long transoceanic flights
Q34265122Frog population viability under present and future climate conditions: a Bayesian state-space approach
Q57898960From Tropical to Sub-Tropical: Prolonged Reproductive Activity of the Invasive Ascidian Microcosmus exasperatus in the Eastern Mediterranean
Q30716883From cooperation to combat: adverse effect of thermal stress in a symbiotic coral-crustacean community.
Q30993816From frugivore to folivore: Altitudinal variations in the diet and feeding ecology of the Bioko Island drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus poensis).
Q38647464From gestation to weaning: Combining robust design and multi-event models unveils cost of lactation in a large herbivore
Q48789609From sardines to salmon: Influence of climate fluctuations on sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
Q27308858From warm to cold: migration of Adélie penguins within Cape Bird, Ross Island
Q28728485Frontiers in climate change-disease research
Q33822606Functional consequences of climate change-induced plant species loss in a tallgrass prairie.
Q111741565Functional trait variation of Anemone nemorosa along macro‐ and microclimatic gradients close to the northern range edge
Q30870872Fungi in a changing world: growth rates will be elevated, but spore production may decrease in future climates.
Q51693076Future battlegrounds for conservation under global change.
Q28830333Future climate stimulates population out-breaks by relaxing constraints on reproduction
Q57160937Future no-analogue vegetation produced by no-analogue combinations of temperature and insolation
Q62928413Future recovery of baleen whales is imperiled by climate change
Q100416056Fuzzy sets allow gaging the extent and rate of species range shift due to climate change
Q57267165Garden plants get a head start on climate change
Q46438345Generation and cessation of oscillations: Interplay of excitability and dispersal in a class of ecosystems
Q30980718Genes Left Behind: Climate Change Threatens Cryptic Genetic Diversity in the Canopy-Forming Seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata
Q58646781Genetic Programming and Standardization in Water Temperature Modelling
Q47729232Genetic and maternal effect influences on viability of common frog tadpoles under different environmental conditions
Q48690778Genetic and phenotypic variation among geographically isolated populations of the globally threatened Dupont's lark Chersophilus duponti
Q30497379Genetic and physiological bases for phenological responses to current and predicted climates.
Q24669678Genetic and plastic responses of a northern mammal to climate change
Q38645433Genetic demography at the leading edge of the distribution of a rabies virus vector
Q24611718Genetic diversity and population structure of Siberian apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) in China
Q30888462Genetic diversity is related to climatic variation and vulnerability in threatened bull trout
Q57706515Genetic evidence of range-wide population declines in an Australian marsupial prior to European settlement
Q28729104Genetic signatures of a demographic collapse in a large-bodied forest dwelling primate (Mandrillus leucophaeus)
Q34342714Genetic variation coincides with geographic structure in the common bush-tanager (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus) complex from Mexico
Q30585033Genomic basis for coral resilience to climate change
Q30841042Genotypic trait variation modifies effects of climate warming and nitrogen deposition on litter mass loss and microbial respiration
Q55109008Germination fitness of two temperate epiphytic ferns shifts under increasing temperatures and forest fragmentation.
Q34387364Getting what is served? Feeding ecology influencing parasite-host interactions in invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus
Q31153069Giants, dwarfs and the environment - metamorphic trait plasticity in the common frog
Q93089754Global Change Sharpens the Double-Edged Sword Effect of Aquatic Alien Plants in China and Beyond
Q57263540Global Climate Change Leads to Mistimed Avian Reproduction
Q57335051Global Constraints, Prospects, and Perspectives of Marine Sponge Research
Q57269799Global Population Dynamics and Hot Spots of Response to Climate Change
Q31004595Global alteration of ocean ecosystem functioning due to increasing human CO2 emissions
Q55870245Global amphibian declines: sorting the hypotheses
Q33699244Global change and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in plants
Q92309154Global change stressors alter resources and shift plant interactions from facilitation to competition over time
Q36306897Global change, parasite transmission and disease control: lessons from ecology.
Q46728278Global change: the heat on Lake Tanganyika
Q90170705Global climate change and invariable photoperiods: A mismatch that jeopardizes animal fitness
Q30880127Global climate change and mammalian species diversity in U.S. national parks
Q30787549Global climate change and reindeer: effects of winter weather on the autumn weight and growth of calves
Q73422620Global distribution and diversity of (Bacillariophyta, Mediophyceae): integration of classical and novel strategies
Q89819316Global distribution patterns and niche modelling of the invasive Kalanchoe × houghtonii (Crassulaceae)
Q28763954Global environmental change: what can health care providers and the environmental health community do about it now?
Q30984510Global inequities between polluters and the polluted: climate change impacts on coral reefs
Q33712760Global metabolic impacts of recent climate warming
Q57636372Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds
Q34566398Global priority conservation areas in the face of 21st century climate change
Q35868306Global spread of hypoxia in freshwater ecosystems during the last three centuries is caused by rising local human pressure
Q33498979Global warming and Bergmann's rule: do central European passerines adjust their body size to rising temperatures?
Q34764800Global warming and mass mortalities of benthic invertebrates in the Mediterranean Sea.
Q57027910Global warming and positive fitness response in mountain populations of common lizards Lacerta vivipara
Q31028525Global warming and temperature-mediated increases in cercarial emergence in trematode parasites
Q31116934Global warming and the disruption of plant-pollinator interactions
Q33484690Global warming benefits the small in aquatic ecosystems
Q30827110Global warming favours light-coloured insects in Europe
Q31135737Global warming increases the interspecific competitiveness of the invasive plant alligator weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides
Q31140702Global warming may disproportionately affect larger adults in a predatory coral reef fish
Q42371011Global warming not so harmful for all plants - response of holomycotrophic orchid species for the future climate change
Q30746886Global warming will reshuffle the areas of high prevalence and richness of three genera of avian blood parasites
Q37159018Global warming-enhanced stratification and mass mortality events in the Mediterranean.
Q30655507Gradient-based habitat affinities predict species vulnerability to drought
Q56768123Grass invasion causes rapid increases in ecosystem carbon and nitrogen storage in a semiarid shrubland
Q21092812Gray wolves as climate change buffers in Yellowstone
Q30882615Greater deciduous shrub abundance extends tundra peak season and increases modeled net CO2 uptake
Q30623917Greater phenological sensitivity to temperature on higher Scottish mountains: new insights from remote sensing
Q31154361Greater temperature sensitivity of plant phenology at colder sites: implications for convergence across northern latitudes
Q31141971Grey mullet (Mugilidae) as possible indicators of global warming in South African estuaries and coastal waters.
Q96577367Groundwater Throughflow and Seawater Intrusion in High Quality Coastal Aquifers
Q57949661Growing season extension and its impact on terrestrial carbon cycle in the Northern Hemisphere over the past 2 decades
Q34295632Growth and demography of the solitary scleractinian coral Leptopsammia pruvoti along a sea surface temperature gradient in the Mediterranean Sea.
Q30725111Growth and temperature relationships for juvenile fish species in seagrass beds: implications of climate change
Q30576761Growth phenology of coast Douglas-fir seed sources planted in diverse environments
Q28681871Growth response and acclimation of CO2 exchange characteristics to elevated temperatures in tropical tree seedlings
Q64951729Growth-promoting characteristics of potential nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root of an invasive plant Ageratina adenophora.
Q60510744Guidelines for Evaluating Mobile Applications: A Semiotic-Informed Approach
Q43027617Habitat Preference of German Mantis religiosa Populations (Mantodea: Mantidae) and Implications for Conservation
Q39001189Habitat choice, recruitment and the response of coral reef fishes to coral degradation
Q99630571Habitat complexity influences selection of thermal environment in a common coral reef fish
Q89926890Habitat patches for newts in the face of climate change: local scale assessment combining niche modelling and graph theory
Q56214074Habitat selection, diet and food availability of European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks in Swedish Lapland
Q46673485Habitat use and life history as predictors of bird responses to habitat change
Q30995479Habitat use and sex-specific foraging behaviour of Adélie penguins throughout the breeding season in Adélie Land, East Antarctica
Q33637408Habitat-specific differences alter traditional biogeographic patterns of life history in a climate-change induced range expansion
Q92652528Haemoproteosis lethality in a woodpecker, with molecular and morphological characterization of Haemoproteus velans (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae)
Q110656053Harvest Intensity Effects on Carbon Stocks and Biodiversity Are Dependent on Regional Climate in Douglas-Fir Forests of British Columbia
Q42703608Harvesting wildlife affected by climate change: a modelling and management approach for polar bears.
Q58244744Has global change induced divergent trends in radial growth of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus halepensis at their bioclimatic limit? The example of the Sainte-Baume forest (south-east France)
Q46241729Have bird distributions shifted along an elevational gradient on a tropical mountain?
Q28658434Have historical climate changes affected Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) populations in Antarctica?
Q58070225Heat and cold waves trends in the Carpathian Region from 1961 to 2010
Q35801321Herbarium records are reliable sources of phenological change driven by climate and provide novel insights into species' phenological cueing mechanisms
Q52597533Herbarium specimens can reveal impacts of climate change on plant phenology; a review of methods and applications.
Q35015536Heritability of gonad size varies across season in a wild songbird.
Q91811721Heritability of head size in a hunted large carnivore, the brown bear (Ursus arctos)
Q33836954Heritability of heat tolerance in a small livebearing fish, Heterandria formosa
Q38972279Heritable symbionts in a world of varying temperature.
Q64280245Hierarchical distance sampling to estimate population sizes of common lizards across a desert ecoregion
Q37022766Hierarchical path analysis of deer responses to direct and indirect effects of climate in northern forest
Q101137926High temperature attenuates testicular responses in tree sparrow (Passer montanus)
Q39628619High temperature causes negative whole-plant carbon balance under mild drought
Q101632765High temperature constrains reproductive success in a temperate lizard: implications for distribution range limits and the impacts of climate change
Q36939288High-resolution prediction of leaf onset date in Japan in the 21st century under the IPCC A1B scenario
Q30577188Higher temperature variability increases the impact of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and shifts interspecific interactions in tadpole mesocosms
Q31107916Highest drought sensitivity and lowest resistance to growth suppression are found in the range core of the tree Fagus sylvatica L. not the equatorial range edge
Q116201860Historical perspectives on population genetics and conservation of three marine turtle species
Q39080310Historical thermal regimes define limits to coral acclimatization
Q34261369Hormonally mediated maternal effects, individual strategy and global change
Q31046667Host immunity shapes the impact of climate changes on the dynamics of parasite infections
Q56817064Host plant availability potentially limits butterfly distributions under cold environmental conditions
Q61798264Host specificity pattern and chemical deception in a social parasite of ants
Q30755190Hot topic or hot air? Climate change and malaria resurgence in East African highlands
Q30983768Hotspots of Community Change: Temporal Dynamics Are Spatially Variable in Understory Plant Composition of a California Oak Woodland
Q57033634How biotic interactions may alter future predictions of species distributions: future threats to the persistence of the arctic fox in Fennoscandia
Q94461802How climate change and wildlife management affect population structure in wild boars
Q30862906How climate, migration ability and habitat fragmentation affect the projected future distribution of European beech
Q46292580How does climate change affect regeneration of Mediterranean high-mountain plants? An integration and synthesis of current knowledge.
Q22065671How does climate warming affect plant-pollinator interactions?
Q57014174How reliable is the monitoring of permanent vegetation plots? A test with multiple observers
Q58762085How survival curves affect populations' vulnerability to climate change
Q33811056How will fish that evolved at constant sub-zero temperatures cope with global warming? Notothenioids as a case study
Q33553958How will species respond to climate change? Examining the effects of temperature and population density on an herbivorous insect
Q57207149Human activity and anomalously warm seasons in Europe
Q90103166Human adaptation to biodiversity change: An adaptation process approach applied to a case study from southern India
Q56329741Human disturbance and upward expansion of plants in a warming climate
Q40037946Human movement, cooperation and the effectiveness of coordinated vector control strategies
Q56449353Human-induced biotic invasions and changes in plankton interaction networks
Q33821389Human-modified temperatures induce species changes: Joint attribution
Q58389770Hunting exacerbates the response to human disturbance in large herbivores while migrating through a road network
Q31143636Hunting on a hot day: effects of temperature on interactions between African wild dogs and their prey
Q51190492Hybridization and Rorippa austriaca (Brassicaceae) invasion in Germany
Q35217093Hybridization of two major termite invaders as a consequence of human activity
Q30962317Hydrologic variability governs population dynamics of a vulnerable amphibian in an arid environment
Q34625120Hypoxia impacts large adults first: consequences in a warming world
Q30381623Ice age fish in a warming world: minimal variation in thermal acclimation capacity among lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations.
Q28767754Ice-age endurance: DNA evidence of a white spruce refugium in Alaska
Q50957642Identifying cardinal dates in phytoplankton time series to enable the analysis of long-term trends
Q59160718Identifying genetic signatures of selection in a non-model species, alpine gentian (Gentiana nivalis L.), using a landscape genetic approach
Q30387153Identifying the role of conservation biology for solving the environmental crisis
Q33627276Immune defence under extreme ambient temperature.
Q39017942Impact of Soil Warming on the Plant Metabolome of Icelandic Grasslands
Q28296520Impact of a century of climate change on small-mammal communities in Yosemite National Park, USA
Q33820256Impact of biodiversity-climate futures on primary production and metabolism in a model benthic estuarine system
Q39760120Impact of changing wind conditions on foraging and incubation success in male and female wandering albatrosses
Q30952772Impact of climate change on marine pelagic phenology and trophic mismatch
Q30847128Impact of climate change on potential distribution of Chinese caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in Nepal Himalaya
Q30814139Impact of climate change on the physiological condition of passerine birds during migration.
Q57046475Impact of climate on the population dynamics of an alpine ungulate: a long-term study of the Tatra chamois Rupicapra rupicapra tatrica
Q57881702Impact of climate warming upon the fish assemblages of the Portuguese coast under different scenarios
Q28289630Impact of external forces on cyanophage-host interactions in aquatic ecosystems
Q31060287Impact of local temperature increase on the early development of biofilm-associated ciliate communities.
Q46975868Impact of minimum winter temperatures on the population dynamics of Dendroctonus frontalis.
Q51654153Impact of naturally spawning captive-bred Atlantic salmon on wild populations: depressed recruitment and increased risk of climate-mediated extinction.
Q37321464Impact of ocean acidification on the hypoxia tolerance of the woolly sculpin, Clinocottus analis
Q36245071Impact of temperature shifts on the joint evolution of seed dormancy and size
Q42727213Impact of water-deficit stress on tritrophic interactions in a wheat-aphid-parasitoid system
Q31104603Impacts of Climate Change on the Global Invasion Potential of the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis
Q31043208Impacts of Climatic Variability on Vibrio parahaemolyticus Outbreaks in Taiwan.
Q56765774Impacts of a simulated heat wave on composition of a marine community
Q30602162Impacts of climate change on avian populations
Q30985930Impacts of climate change on distributions and diversity of ungulates on the Tibetan Plateau
Q57616118Impacts of climate change on national biodiversity population trends
Q57030662Impacts of climate warming and habitat loss on extinctions at species' low-latitude range boundaries
Q39624293Impacts of climate warming on vegetation in Qaidam Area from 1990 to 2003.
Q31095478Impacts of global changes and extreme hydroclimatic events on macroinvertebrate community structures in the French Rhône River.
Q33884897Impacts of increasing typhoons on the structure and function of a subtropical forest: reflections of a changing climate.
Q31030518Impacts of local adaptation of forest trees on associations with herbivorous insects: implications for adaptive forest management
Q37215278Implications of a temperature increase for host plant range: predictions for a butterfly
Q30394057Implications of global climate change for natural resource damage assessment, restoration, and rehabilitation
Q57040702Importance of climatological downscaling and plant phenology for red deer in heterogeneous landscapes
Q100737009Improve the roles of nature reserves in conservation of endangered pheasant in a highly urbanized region
Q59045324Improving Carbon Mitigation Potential through Grassland Ecosystem Restoration under Climatic Change in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
Q56431074Improving science-based invasive species management with physiological knowledge, concepts, and tools
Q89966181In Situ Genetic Evaluation of European Larch Across Climatic Regions Using Marker-Based Pedigree Reconstruction
Q92498315Inbreeding does not alter the response to an experimental heat wave in a freshwater snail
Q59125280Inconclusive Predictions and Contradictions: A Lack of Consensus on Seed Germination Response to Climate Change at High Altitude and High Latitude
Q30979624Inconsistent Range Shifts within Species Highlight Idiosyncratic Responses to Climate Warming
Q41493428Incorporating abundance information and guiding variable selection for climate-based ensemble forecasting of species' distributional shifts
Q92553280Incorporating citizen science data in spatially explicit integrated population models
Q31161525Incorporating exposure to pitch canker disease to support management decisions of Pinus pinaster Ait. in the face of climate change
Q57002112Increased outbreak frequency associated with changes in the dynamic behaviour of populations of two aphid species
Q34632690Increased sedentariness in European Blackbirds following urbanization: a consequence of local adaptation?
Q39104890Increased snow facilitates plant invasion in mixedgrass prairie
Q37460113Increased temperature delays the late-season phenology of multivoltine insect
Q30649887Increased temperature reduces herbivore host-plant quality
Q31144209Increases in the mean and variability of thermal regimes result in differential phenotypic responses among genotypes during early ontogenetic stages of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens).
Q58388916Increasing impacts of climate change upon ecosystems with increasing global mean temperature rise
Q31129045Increasing nest predation will be insufficient to maintain polar bear body condition in the face of sea ice loss.
Q56772079Increasing southern invasion enhances congruence between endemic and exotic Mediterranean fish fauna
Q58250076Indications of long-term changes in middle atmosphere transports
Q57004211Indicators of Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity
Q33574463Indirect effect of temperature on fish population abundances through phenological changes
Q33519870Indirect effects of temperature on stink bug fitness, via maintenance of gut-associated symbionts
Q88601034Individual behavior at habitat edges may help populations persist in moving habitats
Q28730296Individual to community-level faunal responses to environmental change from a marine fossil record of Early Miocene global warming
Q24653514Inducible defences as key adaptations for the successful invasion of Daphnia lumholtzi in North America?
Q92981149Inferring responses to climate warming from latitudinal pattern of clonal hybridization
Q60536383Influence of droughts on Nothofagus pumilio forest decline across northern Patagonia, Argentina
Q33832060Influence of long-distance climate teleconnection on seasonality of water temperature in the world's largest lake--Lake Baikal, Siberia
Q59321647Influence of microclimate on the activity of Royle's pika in the western Himalaya, India
Q38926876Influence of proximity to a geographical range limit on the physiology of a tropical bird
Q57898686Informational Mismatches: A Neglected Threat of Climate Change to Interspecific Interactions
Q59127044Integrated Population Modeling Provides the First Empirical Estimates of Vital Rates and Abundance for Polar Bears in the Chukchi Sea
Q92225752Integrated assessment of the spatial distribution and structural dynamics of deep benthic marine communities
Q36171964Integrated population modeling reveals the impact of climate on the survival of juvenile emperor penguins
Q36390276Integrated population models reveal local weather conditions are the key drivers of population dynamics in an aerial insectivore.
Q49434545Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analyses reveal potential mechanisms linking thermal stress and depressed disease resistance in the turbot Scophthalmus maximus
Q58383738Integrating Climate and Ocean Change Vulnerability into Conservation Planning
Q34043544Integrating biological invasions, climate change and phenotypic plasticity
Q34936817Integrating evolution into ecological modelling: accommodating phenotypic changes in agent based models
Q31117214Integrating phylogeography and species distribution models: cryptic distributional responses to past climate change in an endemic rodent from the central Chile hotspot
Q51724545Integration of flowering dates in phenology and pollen counts in aerobiology: analysis of their spatial and temporal coherence in Germany (1992-1999).
Q56934349Intentional versus unintentional nitrogen use in the United States: trends, efficiency and implications
Q57836594Inter- and intraspecific differences in climatically mediated phenological change in coexisting Triturus species
Q57016745Interactions between above- and belowground organisms modified in climate change experiments
Q56985733Interactions between climate and habitat loss effects on biodiversity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Q51152974Interactions between predation and disturbances shape prey communities.
Q46307265Interactions between range-expanding tropical fishes and the northern Gulf of Mexico red snapper Lutjanus campechanus
Q38867539Interactive effects of elevated CO2, warming, and drought on photosynthesis of Deschampsia flexuosa in a temperate heath ecosystem
Q30991135Interactive effects of elevation, species richness and extreme climatic events on plant-pollinator networks
Q45372403Interactive effects of temperature and habitat complexity on freshwater communities
Q102379261Interactive influences of fluctuations of main food resources and climate change on long-term population decline of Tengmalm's owls in the boreal forest
Q58130463Interannual Effects of Early Season Growing Degree Day Accumulation and Frost in the Cool Climate Viticulture of Michigan
Q58401502Intercomparison of Seven NDVI Products over the United States and Mexico
Q53073429Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy.
Q58317546Interplay between temperature, fish partial migration and trophic dynamics
Q57144404Interspecific interactions are conditional on temperature in an Appalachian stream salamander community
Q30376161Interspecific variation in the relationship between clutch size, laying date and intensity of urbanization in four species of hole-nesting birds.
Q57247557Intra-annual patterns of saproxylic beetle assemblages inhabiting Mediterranean oak forests
Q92188476Intrageneric differences in the effects of acute temperature exposure on competitive behaviour of damselfishes
Q31101548Intraspecific competition between ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus microcarpus isolates impacts plant and fungal performance under elevated CO2 and temperature
Q50482073Intraspecific priority effects modify compensatory responses to changes in hatching phenology in an amphibian.
Q31131895Introducing Mushroom Fruiting Patterns from the Swiss National Poisons Information Centre
Q51285901Introduction to the Symposium: Beyond the Mean: Biological Impacts of Changing Patterns of Temperature Variation.
Q36672009Introduction. Integration of ecology and endocrinology in avian reproduction: a new synthesis
Q56395369Invasion by alligator weed,Alternanthera philoxeroides, is associated with decreased species diversity across the latitudinal gradient in China
Q56577274Invasion hotspots for non-native plants in Australia under current and future climates
Q92548136Invasion-mediated effects on marine trophic interactions in a changing climate: positive feedbacks favour kelp persistence
Q30666686Invasive forb benefits from water savings by native plants and carbon fertilization under elevated CO2 and warming
Q56450377Invasive hybridization in a threatened species is accelerated by climate change
Q56453252Invasive trees and shrubs: where do they come from and what we should expect in the future?
Q30580409Invertebrates, ecosystem services and climate change
Q28658004Investigating climate change and reproduction: experimental tools from evolutionary biology
Q28598020Investigating past range dynamics for a weed of cultivation, Silene vulgaris
Q90163456Investigating the Impact of Climate Warming on Phenology of Aphid Pests in China Using Long-Term Historical Data
Q56564603Investigating the potential impacts of climate change on a marine turtle population
Q57125603Is body size of the water frog Rana esculenta complex responding to climate change?
Q51714190Is earlier spring migration of Tatarstan warblers expected under climate warming?
Q24815133Is the global rise of asthma an early impact of anthropogenic climate change?
Q36213696Is there a "migratory syndrome" common to all migrant birds?
Q90887648Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers in the viperine snake Natrix maura
Q92344198Isolation, Characterization and Biotechnological Potentials of Thraustochytrids from Icelandic Waters
Q28743115Isotopic investigation of contemporary and historic changes in penguin trophic niches and carrying capacity of the southern Indian ocean
Q51171139Jack-of-all-trades: phenotypic plasticity facilitates the invasion of an alien slug species
Q30992359Jensen's Inequality and the Impact of Short-Term Environmental Variability on Long-Term Population Growth Rates
Q51695548Keeping up with a warming world; assessing the rate of adaptation to climate change.
Q57012867Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research
Q56855919LAESI mass spectrometry imaging as a tool to differentiate the root metabolome of native and range-expanding plant species
Q56855920LAESI mass spectrometry imaging as a tool to differentiate the root metabolome of native and range-expanding plant species
Q36610000La Niña forces unprecedented Leeuwin Current warming in 2011
Q51563492Labile and recalcitrant organic matter utilization by river biofilm under increasing water temperature.
Q58054142Land surface phenology from optical satellite measurement and CO2eddy covariance technique
Q55000202Land-use change interacts with climate to determine elevational species redistribution.
Q56688725Landscape Genetics
Q31126412Landscape dynamics in Mediterranean oak forests under global change: understanding the role of anthropogenic and environmental drivers across forest types
Q30887186Landscape fragmentation affects responses of avian communities to climate change
Q92579700Landscape homogenization due to agricultural intensification disrupts the relationship between reproductive success and main prey abundance in an avian predator
Q57248676Large Mammal Distribution in a Transfrontier Landscape: Trade-offs Between Resource Availability and Human Disturbance
Q53075412Large herbivores surf waves of green-up during spring.
Q31151471Large- and small-scale environmental factors drive distributions of cool-adapted plants in karstic microrefugia.
Q31011862Large-scale climatic anomalies affect marine predator foraging behaviour and demography
Q57738856Large-scale climatic signatures in lakes across Europe: a meta-analysis
Q57263541Large-scale geographical variation confirms that climate change causes birds to lay earlier
Q47753794Larger temperature response of autumn leaf senescence than spring leaf-out phenology
Q47872305Last-century forest productivity in a managed dry-edge Scots pine population: the two sides of climate warming
Q56879809Late frost sensitivity of juvenile Fagus sylvatica L. differs between southern Germany and Bulgaria and depends on preceding air temperature
Q33937253Latitudinal and voltinism compensation shape thermal reaction norms for growth rate.
Q56972826Latitudinal patterns in the phenological responses of leaf colouring and leaf fall to climate change in Japan
Q57067161Latitudinal range shifts in Australian flying-foxes: A re-evaluation
Q47236201Latitudinal variation in responses of a forest herbivore and its egg parasitoids to experimental warming
Q31004898Latitudinal-Related Variation in Wintering Population Trends of Greylag Geese (Anser Anser) along the Atlantic Flyway: A Response to Climate Change?
Q28727843Leaf morphology shift linked to climate change
Q36333491Legacy introductions and climatic variation explain spatiotemporal patterns of invasive hybridization in a native trout
Q31032327Life at the edge: an experimental study of a poleward range boundary
Q51687322Life cycle considerations for improving sustainability assessments in seafood awareness campaigns.
Q46288907Life histories have a history: effects of past and present conditions on adult somatic growth rates in wild Trinidadian guppies
Q56441725Limited options for native goodeid fish simultaneously confronted to climate change and biological invasions
Q30832003Limited variability in upper thermal tolerance among pure and hybrid populations of a cold-water fish
Q35919535Linking Vital Rates of Landbirds on a Tropical Island to Rainfall and Vegetation Greenness
Q30745880Linking climate change and biological invasions: Ocean warming facilitates nonindigenous species invasions
Q41073431Linking extreme interannual changes in prey availability to foraging behaviour and breeding investment in a marine predator, the macaroni penguin.
Q64241596Linking warming effects on phenology, demography, and range expansion in a migratory bird population
Q56950664Links between soil texture and root architecture of Eucalyptus species may limit distribution ranges under future climates
Q35921467Living on the edge: adaptive and plastic responses of the tree Nothofagus pumilio to a long-term transplant experiment predict rear-edge upward expansion.
Q56941770Local Conditions, Not Regional Gradients, Drive Demographic Variation of Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) and Common Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Across Northern U.S. Maize Belt
Q30988676Local Variability Mediates Vulnerability of Trout Populations to Land Use and Climate Change
Q30740505Local adaptation at the transcriptome level in brown trout: evidence from early life history temperature genomic reaction norms
Q57129259Local adaptation in brown trout early life-history traits: implications for climate change adaptability
Q30586361Local effects of a global problem: modelling the risk of parasite-induced mortality in an intertidal trematode-amphipod system
Q45290226Local temperature fine-tunes the timing of spring migration in birds
Q90317263Locally-adapted reproductive photoperiodism determines population vulnerability to climate change in burying beetles
Q33301615Locust plagues, climate variation, and the rhythms of nature
Q31171667Loggerhead sea turtle embryos (Caretta caretta) regulate expression of stress response and developmental genes when exposed to a biologically realistic heat stress
Q56755853Loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta (Linnaeus) preying on the invading gastropod Rapana venosa (Valenciennes) in the Río de la Plata Estuary
Q39549849Long day plants and the response to global warming: rapid evolutionary change in day length sensitivity is possible in wild beet.
Q33516021Long- and short-term influence of environment on recruitment in a species with highly delayed maturity
Q28818271Long-term and realistic global change manipulations had low impact on diversity of soil biota in temperate heathland
Q36212172Long-term breeding phenology shift in royal penguins
Q58729581Long-term change and spatial variation in butterfly communities over an elevational gradient: driven by climate, buffered by habitat
Q57049669Long-term changes in ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) assemblages in Scotland
Q39315686Long-term changes in tree-ring - climate relationships at Mt. Patscherkofel (Tyrol, Austria) since the mid 1980s
Q89759407Long-term changes in winter abundance of the barbastelle Barbastella barbastellus in Poland and the climate change - Are current monitoring schemes still reliable for cryophilic bat species?
Q50321406Long-term data from a small mammal community reveal loss of diversity and potential effects of local climate change
Q30891329Long-term data reveal a population decline of the tropical lizard Anolis apletophallus, and a negative affect of el nino years on population growth rate
Q58069187Long-term data reveal patterns and controls on stream water chemistry in a forested stream: Walker Branch, Tennessee
Q30855304Long-term growth-increment chronologies reveal diverse influences of climate forcing on freshwater and forest biota in the Pacific Northwest
Q56228669Long-term population and community patterns of benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes in Northern California Mediterranean-climate streams
Q36351030Long-term species loss and homogenization of moth communities in Central Europe.
Q30726144Long-term temporal changes in central European tree phenology (1946-2010) confirm the recent extension of growing seasons.
Q31106381Long-term trends in first arrival and first egg laying dates of some migrant and resident bird species in northern Italy
Q30947813Long-term trends in tourism climate index scores for 40 stations across Iran: the role of climate change and influence on tourism sustainability
Q90951114Longest terrestrial migrations and movements around the world
Q28748193Longevity of clonal plants: why it matters and how to measure it
Q35860692Looking Beyond the Large Scale Effects of Global Change: Local Phenologies Can Result in Critical Heterogeneity in the Pine Processionary Moth.
Q56945421Looking for long-term changes in hydroid assemblages (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in Alboran Sea (South-Western Mediterranean): a proposal of a monitoring point for the global warming
Q56364600Losing Legacies, Ecological Release, and Transient Responses: Key Challenges for the Future of Northern Ecosystem Science
Q33494631Loss of Arctic sea ice causing punctuated change in sightings of killer whales (Orcinus orca) over the past century
Q28828723Loss of Genetic Diversity and Increased Subdivision in an Endemic Alpine Stonefly Threatened by Climate Change
Q50322052Loss of largest and oldest individuals of the Montpellier snake correlates with recent warming in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula
Q57889846Low coral cover in a high-CO2world
Q58942511Low genetic diversity of a high mountain burnet moth species in the Pyrenees
Q94465180Low-cost observations and experiments return a high value in plant phenology research
Q30999861Lower plasticity exhibited by high- versus mid-elevation species in their phenological responses to manipulated temperature and drought
Q35798905Macroecological analysis of the fish fauna inhabiting Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows.
Q33648323Macroscale patterns in body size of intertidal crustaceans provide insights on climate change effects.
Q50792539Making carbon sequestration a paying proposition
Q28730464Mammalian niche conservation through deep time
Q30387825Managing climate change in conservation practice: an exploration of the science-management interface in beech forest management
Q92146402Mangrove dynamics and blue carbon sequestration
Q31116925Mapping risk of leptospirosis in China using environmental and socioeconomic data
Q34487127Mapping risk of plague in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
Q56769613Marine Fisheries Management in a Changing Climate: A Review of Vulnerability and Future Options
Q36721204Marine mammal strandings and environmental changes: a 15-year study in the St. Lawrence ecosystem
Q47152999Marked reduction in demographic rates and reduced fitness advantage for early breeding is not linked to reduced thermal matching of breeding time
Q34699145Mass extinction events and the plant fossil record
Q90223946Measuring Community Resilience to Natural Hazards: The Natural Hazard Resilience Screening Index (NaHRSI)-Development and Application to the United States
Q46807296Measuring ectomycorrhizal fungal dispersal: macroecological patterns driven by microscopic propagules.
Q24676264Mechanisms for climate-induced mortality of fish populations in whole-lake experiments
Q48161505Mechanistic Insights into the Carbon Dioxide/Cyclohexene Oxide Copolymerization Reaction: Is One Metal Center Enough?
Q31023071Mediating Water Temperature Increases Due to Livestock and Global Change in High Elevation Meadow Streams of the Golden Trout Wilderness
Q30801377Medicinal plants and ethnomedicine in peril: a case study from Nepal himalaya
Q58107247Megafaunal extinction in the late Quaternary and the global overkill hypothesis
Q30603676Meristem temperature substantially deviates from air temperature even in moderate environments: is the magnitude of this deviation species-specific?
Q97530561Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe
Q30619591Meta-analysis reveals complex marine biological responses to the interactive effects of ocean acidification and warming
Q90887566Meta-analyzing the likely cross-species responses to climate change
Q46274928Metabarcoding Analyses Enable Differentiation of Both Interspecific Assemblages and Intraspecific Divergence in Habitats With Differing Management Practices
Q37967549MicroRNAs in trees.
Q37705427Microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of continental Antarctic soils.
Q30963423Microbial invasion of the Caribbean by an Indo-Pacific coral zooxanthella.
Q37919755Microbial processes in the Athabasca Oil Sands and their potential applications in microbial enhanced oil recovery
Q30685482Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming
Q57709251Microevolutionary relationships between phylogeographical history, climate change and morphological variability in the common vole (Microtus arvalis) across France
Q30824007Microrefugia and Shifts of Hippophae tibetana (Elaeagnaceae) on the north side of Mt. Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) during the last 25000 years
Q51150075Microspatial ecotone dynamics at a shifting range limit: plant-soil variation across salt marsh-mangrove interfaces.
Q30603692Migration phenology and seasonal fidelity of an Arctic marine predator in relation to sea ice dynamics
Q56991644Migration, invasion and decline: changes in recruitment and forest structure in a warming-linked shift of European beech forest in Catalonia (NE Spain)
Q31122738Mismatch in microbial food webs: predators but not prey perform better in their local biotic and abiotic conditions
Q92406687Mismatches between breeding phenology and resource abundance of resident alpine ptarmigan negatively affect chick survival
Q50117516Mitigating Toxic Planktonic Cyanobacterial Blooms in Aquatic Ecosystems Facing Increasing Anthropogenic and Climatic Pressures
Q56794592Modeled climate change effects on distributions of Canadian butterfly species
Q30969081Modeling Behavior by Coastal River Otter (Lontra Canadensis) in Response to Prey Availability in Prince William Sound, Alaska: A Spatially-Explicit Individual-Based Approach
Q34275870Modeling range dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes: invasion of the hemlock woolly adelgid in eastern North America
Q57899900Modeling species invasions using thermal and trophic niche dynamics under climate change
Q56520368Modeling the impacts of global warming on predation and biotic resistance: mosquitoes, damselflies and avian malaria in Hawaii
Q39578854Modeling the impacts of two bark beetle species under a warming climate in the southwestern USA: Ecological and economic consequences
Q64069324Modeling the potential range expansion of larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)
Q36098524Modelling Vulnerability and Range Shifts in Ant Communities Responding to Future Global Warming in Temperate Forests
Q56929472Modelling climate change-driven treeline shifts: relative effects of temperature increase, dispersal and invasibility
Q51193170Modelling non-additive and nonlinear signals from climatic noise in ecological time series: Soay sheep as an example.
Q51265664Modelling the climatic niche of turtles: a deep-time perspective.
Q31042002Modelling the current and potential future distributions of the sunn pest Eurygaster integriceps (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) using CLIMEX.
Q30000651Modelling the progression of bird migration with conditional autoregressive models applied to ringing data
Q60289965Modelling the spatial distribution of two important South African plantation forestry pathogens
Q38411569Molecular phenology in plants: in natura systems biology for the comprehensive understanding of seasonal responses under natural environments
Q59045378Monitoring and Modeling Terrestrial Ecosystems’ Response to Climate Change
Q56377957Monitoring and distribution modelling of invasive species along riverine habitats at very high resolution
Q30586943Montane refugia predict population genetic structure in the Large-blotched Ensatina salamander
Q36339368Morphological constraints on changing avian migration phenology.
Q30984894Morphological response of songbirds to 100 years of landscape change in North America
Q41053044Morphology and cardiac physiology are differentially affected by temperature in developing larvae of the marine fish mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus).
Q30719094Mountain landscapes offer few opportunities for high-elevation tree species migration
Q28743598Mountain pine beetle host-range expansion threatens the boreal forest
Q56334584Mountain roads shift native and non-native plant species' ranges
Q30652719Moving forward: dispersal and species interactions determine biotic responses to climate change
Q33842802Multi-scale approach to understanding climate effects on offspring size at birth and date of birth in a reptile
Q36384555Multi-scale responses to warming in an experimental insect metacommunity
Q36194718Multi-species collapses at the warm edge of a warming sea.
Q92648436Multidecadal variability in Atlas cedar growth in Northwest Africa during the last 850 years: Implications for dieback and conservation of an endangered species
Q36308662Multidirectional abundance shifts among North American birds and the relative influence of multifaceted climate factors.
Q112594040Multiple conservation designations: what impact on the effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Irish Sea?
Q30812355Multiple dimensions of climate change and their implications for biodiversity
Q90173520Multiple impact pathways of the 2015-2016 El Niño in coastal Kenya
Q47102085Multispecies comparisons of adaptability to climate change: A role for life-history characteristics?
Q35188160Multivariate and phylogenetic analyses assessing the response of bacterial mat communities from an ancient oligotrophic aquatic ecosystem to different scenarios of long-term environmental disturbance
Q60141471Museum specimens of terrestrial vertebrates are sensitive indicators of environmental change in the Anthropocene
Q31148158Mushroom fruiting and climate change
Q57052357Mutation load dynamics during environmentally-driven range shifts
Q55313314Nanoencapsulation of phase change materials for advanced thermal energy storage systems.
Q31144744Natal dispersal based on past and present environmental phenology in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca).
Q33306553Native plant diversity resists invasion at both low and high resource levels
Q30734413Natural history museum collections provide information on phenological change in British butterflies since the late-nineteenth century
Q64241581Natural selection contributes to geographic patterns of thermal plasticity in
Q34052159Natural variation in germination responses of Arabidopsis to seasonal cues and their associated physiological mechanisms
Q46816483Negative and positive interactions among plants: effects of competitors and litter on seedling emergence and growth of forest and grassland species.
Q60482276Negative synergistic impacts of ocean warming and acidification on the survival and proteome of the commercial sea bream, Sparus aurata
Q56952108Neighbour effects on shrub seedling establishment override climate change impacts in a Mediterranean community
Q58585998Nematode community responses to range-expanding and native plant communities in original and new range soils
Q30462613Nesting phenology of marine turtles: insights from a regional comparative analysis on green turtle (Chelonia mydas).
Q40328570Neutral and adaptive genomic signatures of rapid poleward range expansion
Q35550025Niche shift can impair the ability to predict invasion risk in the marine realm: an illustration using Mediterranean fish invaders
Q90358157Niches and climate-change refugia in hundreds of species from one of the most arid places on Earth
Q31059889Nighttime warming enhances drought resistance of plant communities in a temperate steppe
Q64971776Nitrogen deposition and climate change effects on tree species composition and ecosystem services for a forest cohort.
Q59106506Nitrogen deposition enhances moss growth, but leads to an overall decline in habitat condition of mountain moss-sedge heath
Q64910650No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus.
Q47824788Non-redundant functions of the dimeric ABA receptor BdPYL1 in the grass Brachypodium.
Q61454908Noninvasive sampling reveals population genetic structure in the Royle's pika, , in the western Himalaya
Q30654183Nonlinear flowering responses to climate: are species approaching their limits of phenological change?
Q56227375North Atlantic Oscillation and timing of spring migration in birds
Q64954853Northern range shift may be due to increased competition induced by protection of species rather than to climate change alone.
Q34078376Northward shifts of the distributions of Spanish reptiles in association with climate change.
Q37431296Novel structure in sciaenid fish skulls indicates continuous production of the cephalic neuromast cupula.
Q53071844Nutrient enrichment shifts mangrove height distribution: Implications for coastal woody encroachment.
Q56589914Observed impacts of climate change on terrestrial birds in Europe: an overview
Q30933286Observed winter warming of the Chesapeake Bay estuary (1949-2002): implications for ecosystem management
Q51303374Ocean acidification affects competition for space: projections of community structure using cellular automata.
Q42578130Ocean acidification and climate change: advances in ecology and evolution.
Q28673807Ocean acidification and responses to predators: can sensory redundancy reduce the apparent impacts of elevated CO2 on fish?
Q28703610Ocean acidification and warming will lower coral reef resilience
Q27330540Ocean acidification impairs crab foraging behaviour
Q36355752Ocean warming since 1982 has expanded the niche of toxic algal blooms in the North Atlantic and North Pacific oceans
Q51148759On detecting ecological impacts of extreme climate events and why it matters
Q57549605On the Vulnerability of Water Limited Ecosystems to Climate Change
Q44794538On the accumulation of deleterious mutations during range expansions
Q60309276On the causes of rapid diversification in the páramos: isolation by ecology and genomic divergence in Espeletia
Q34320744One man, 73 years, and 25 species. Evaluating phenological responses using a lifelong study of first flowering dates.
Q31159799One-year delayed effect of fog on malaria transmission: a time-series analysis in the rain forest area of Mengla County, south-west China.
Q36726065Ontogenetic resource-use strategies in a rare long-lived cycad along environmental gradients
Q34208985Optimal portfolio design to reduce climate-related conservation uncertainty in the Prairie Pothole Region
Q56773506Optimal timing for managed relocation of species faced with climate change
Q56745497Organism–environment interactions in a changing world: a mechanistic approach
Q28257924Outbreak and persistence of opportunistic symbiotic dinoflagellates during the 2005 Caribbean mass coral 'bleaching' event
Q54976089Overwintering temperature and body condition shift emergence dates of spring-emerging solitary bees.
Q55078359PHYD prevents secondary dormancy establishment of seeds exposed to high temperature and is associated with lower PIL5 accumulation.
Q56776807Palms tracking climate change
Q41633545Parasite biodiversity faces extinction and redistribution in a changing climate
Q92957569Parasites of seabirds: A survey of effects and ecological implications
Q31025674Parental Effect of Long Acclimatization on Thermal Tolerance of Juvenile Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus
Q56945710Parental cooperation in a changing climate: fluctuating environments predict shifts in care division
Q51327737Partitioning prediction uncertainty in climate-dependent population models.
Q31042142Past, present and future of host-parasite co-extinctions.
Q38598315Patterns and biases of climate-change threats in the IUCN Red List
Q28212492Patterns and processes in reef fish diversity
Q34674561Patterns of cross-continental variation in tree seed mass in the Canadian Boreal Forest
Q34039212Patterns of leaf morphology and leaf N content in relation to winter temperatures in three evergreen tree species
Q31084519Patterns of phenological changes in migratory birds
Q47260879Peak season plant activity shift towards spring is reflected by increasing carbon uptake by extratropical ecosystems
Q58073888Perceptions of climate change: Linking local and global perceptions through a cultural knowledge approach
Q51643218Periodically forced food-chain dynamics: model predictions and experimental validation.
Q57043580Pervasive poleward shifts among North American bird species
Q56455577Pest species distribution modelling: origins and lessons from history
Q58649066Phenological Characterization of Desert Sky Island Vegetation Communities with Remotely Sensed and Climate Time Series Data
Q46300575Phenological and distributional shifts in ichthyoplankton associated with recent warming in the northeast Pacific Ocean.
Q31042013Phenological change in a spring ephemeral: implications for pollination and plant reproduction
Q40412922Phenological changes in the Northwestern Mediterranean copepods Centropages typicus and Temora stylifera linked to climate forcing
Q87997719Phenological changes of the most commonly sampled ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) species in the UK environmental change network
Q30659542Phenological indices of avian reproduction: cryptic shifts and prediction across large spatial and temporal scales.
Q64910113Phenological mismatch in Arctic-breeding shorebirds: Impact of snowmelt and unpredictable weather conditions on food availability and chick growth.
Q31163994Phenological patterns of flowering across biogeographical regions of Europe
Q89455889Phenological plasticity is a poor predictor of subalpine plant population performance following experimental climate change
Q35941877Phenological response of a key ecosystem function to biological invasion
Q28708892Phenological response of sea turtles to environmental variation across a species' northern range
Q61987999Phenological responses of ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) to riparian thermal conditions
Q31152483Phenological sequences reveal aggregate life history response to climatic warming
Q46280500Phenological synchrony between a butterfly and its host plants: Experimental test of effects of spring temperature
Q30559630Phenological tracking enables positive species responses to climate change
Q51156454Phenological variation in annual timing of hibernation and breeding in nearby populations of Arctic ground squirrels
Q58412815Phenology and its role in carbon dioxide exchange processes in northern peatlands
Q33368593Phenology of high-elevation pelagic bacteria: the roles of meteorologic variability, catchment inputs and thermal stratification in structuring communities
Q39396759Phenology of mixed woody-herbaceous ecosystems following extreme events: net and differential responses
Q57013628Phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution contribute to advancing flowering phenology in response to climate change
Q60471981Phenotypic plasticity in developmental rate is insufficient to offset high tadpole mortality in rapidly drying ponds
Q31052844Phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits of Daphnia galeata in response to temperature - a comparison across clonal lineages separated in time.
Q57175743Phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature fluctuations is genetically variable, and relates to climatic variability of origin, in
Q51185238Phenotypic plasticity mediates climate change responses among invasive and indigenous arthropods
Q92262661Phenotypic plasticity of natural Populus trichocarpa populations in response to temporally environmental change in a common garden
Q35566307Phenotypic response of plants to simulated climate change in a long-term rain-manipulation experiment: a multi-species study
Q98225901Phenotypic responses to temperature in the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila
Q90622408Phenotypically plastic responses to predation risk are temperature dependent
Q30843857Photoperiod constraints on tree phenology, performance and migration in a warming world.
Q73894114Photoperiodic response may facilitate adaptation to climatic change in long-distance migratory birds
Q39031080Phylogenetic relationships among zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium) associated to excavating sponges (Cliona spp.) reveal an unexpected lineage in the Caribbean
Q51145005Phylogeographic structure in three North American tent caterpillar species (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae): Malacosoma americana, M. californica, and M. disstria
Q33687671Phylogeographical structure and demographic expansion in the endemic alpine stream salamander (Hynobiidae: Batrachuperus) of the Qinling Mountains
Q28755485Physiological Diversity in Insects: Ecological and Evolutionary Contexts
Q35741997Physiological and biochemical plasticity of Lepidium latifolium as 'sleeper weed' in Western Himalayas
Q31082817Physiological constraints on organismal response to global warming: Mechanistic insights from clinally varying populations and implications for assessing endangerment
Q30665288Physiological effects of climate warming on flowering plants and insect pollinators and potential consequences for their interactions
Q56944727Physiologically based demographic models streamline identification and collection of data in evidence-based pest risk assessment
Q57063876Physiology in the service of fisheries science: Why thinking mechanistically matters
Q30938583Phytoplankton adapt to changing ocean environments
Q34505018Phytoplankton cell size: intra- and interspecific effects of warming and grazing
Q56945157Pistia stratiotesL. andEichhornia crassipes(Mart.) Solms.: emerging invasive alien hydrophytes in Campania and Sardinia (Italy)
Q55278888Planning protected areas network that are relevant today and under future climate change is possible: the case of Atlantic Forest endemic birds.
Q59048931Plant Phenotypic Plasticity in Response to Environmental Factors
Q111629738Plant adaptation to climate change—Where are we?
Q57995761Plant communities and environmental factors in the Guayana Highlands: monitoring for conservation under future climate change
Q92407141Plant community responses to environmentally friendly piste management in northeast Iran
Q30446383Plant community responses to experimental warming across the tundra biome
Q57125393Plant development scores from fixed-date photographs: the influence of weather variables and recorder experience
Q35693798Plant phenological responses to a long-term experimental extension of growing season and soil warming in the tussock tundra of Alaska
Q31090534Plant phenological synchrony increases under rapid within-spring warming
Q30675665Plant population differentiation and climate change: responses of grassland species along an elevational gradient
Q33567118Plant populations track rather than buffer climate fluctuations
Q30678354Plant responses to elevated temperatures: a field study on phenological sensitivity and fitness responses to simulated climate warming
Q31109721Plant size and leaf area influence phenological and reproductive responses to warming in semiarid Mediterranean species
Q42011857Plant-mediated and nonadditive effects of two global change drivers on an insect herbivore community.
Q37451815Plants, birds and butterflies: short-term responses of species communities to climate warming vary by taxon and with altitude
Q30829206Plastic responses to elevated temperature in low and high elevation populations of three grassland species
Q46272751Plasticity and cross-tolerance to heterogeneous environments: divergent stress responses co-evolved in an African fruit fly.
Q33649806Plasticity of noddy parents and offspring to sea-surface temperature anomalies
Q50756042Pleiotropy in the wild: the dormancy gene DOG1 exerts cascading control on life cycles
Q59650395Pliocene and Eocene provide best analogs for near-future climates.
Q30573226Poised to prosper? A cross-system comparison of climate change effects on native and non-native species performance
Q58192205Pole-to-Pole Connections: Similarities between Arctic and Antarctic Microbiomes and Their Vulnerability to Environmental Change
Q31119440Poleward shifts in winter ranges of North American birds
Q36056882Pollen DNA barcoding: current applications and future prospects.
Q90689800Pollination in a new climate: Assessing the potential influence of flower temperature variation on insect pollinator behaviour
Q50541790Polychlorinated biphenyl elimination rates and changes in chemical activity in hibernating amphibians
Q33746755Population differentiation of zander (Sander lucioperca) across native and newly colonized ranges suggests increasing admixture in the course of an invasion
Q35036233Population fluctuations and synchrony of grassland butterflies in relation to species traits
Q24798164Population response to climate change: linear vs. non-linear modeling approaches
Q31132013Population trends influence species ability to track climate change
Q57409734Population-level impact of white-nose syndrome on the endangered Indiana bat
Q33375325Populations of migratory bird species that did not show a phenological response to climate change are declining
Q35742922Portfolio conservation of metapopulations under climate change
Q34197900Possible effects of global environmental changes on Antarctic benthos: a synthesis across five major taxa
Q31144415Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Native Plant Distributions in the Falkland Islands
Q58952904Potential direct and indirect effects of climate change on a shallow natural lake fish assemblage
Q33527034Potential economic benefits of adapting agricultural production systems to future climate change
Q31085494Potential effects of climate change on ecosystem and tree species distribution in British Columbia
Q57190771Potential effects of climate change on ecosystem distribution in Alberta
Q57236948Potential effects of climate change on the distribution of the common frogRana temporariaat its northern range margin
Q57032487Potential host colonization by insect herbivores in a warmer climate: a transplant experiment
Q57238331Potential impacts of precipitation change on large-scale patterns of tree diversity
Q56375855Potential of grass invasions in desert shrublands to create novel ecosystem states under variable climate
Q36028464Potential pest transfer mediated by international ornamental plant trade
Q57068316Potential source and sink locations for climate-driven species range shifts in Europe since the Last Glacial Maximum
Q36986873Potentially Extreme Population Displacement and Concentration in the Tropics Under Non-Extreme Warming
Q31027093Pragmatic perspective on aerobic scope: peaking, plummeting, pejus and apportioning
Q55285849Precipitation and ectoparasitism reduce reproductive success in an arctic-nesting top-predator.
Q30826908Precipitation and winter temperature predict long-term range-scale abundance changes in Western North American birds
Q57160049Precipitation patterns alter growth of temperate vegetation
Q31159852Precipitation-dependent flowering of Globularia alypum and Erica multiflora in Mediterranean shrubland under experimental drought and warming, and its inter-annual variability
Q39121439Predators, alternative prey and climate influence annual breeding success of a long-lived sea duck.
Q42766751Predicted changes in vegetation structure affect the susceptibility to invasion of bryophyte-dominated subarctic heath
Q31064790Predicted climate change alters the indirect effect of predators on an ecosystem process
Q56516019Predicted effects of climate change on potential sources of non-indigenous marine species
Q46281751Predicted global warming scenarios impact on the mother plant to alter seed dormancy and germination behaviour in Arabidopsis
Q30771596Predicted responses of arctic and alpine ecosystems to altered seasonality under climate change
Q58252837Predicting Climate Change Impacts to the Canadian Boreal Forest
Q57898991Predicting Metapopulation Responses to Conservation in Human-Dominated Landscapes
Q36263800Predicting River Macroinvertebrate Communities Distributional Shifts under Future Global Change Scenarios in the Spanish Mediterranean Area.
Q33255607Predicting biodiversity change: outside the climate envelope, beyond the species-area curve
Q56446963Predicting climate change impacts on native and invasive tree species using radial growth and twenty-first century climate scenarios
Q30396203Predicting climate change impacts on polar bear litter size
Q92101004Predicting climate-driven shifts in the breeding phenology of Varied Tits (Sittiparus various) in South Korean forests
Q60300671Predicting coral dynamics through climate change
Q36303620Predicting evolution in response to climate change: the example of sprouting probability in three dormancy-prone orchid species
Q57251287Predicting insect phenology across space and time
Q46253302Predicting phenological shifts in a changing climate
Q91155397Predicting resilience of ecosystem functioning from co-varying species' responses to environmental change
Q34553787Predicting responses to climate change requires all life-history stages
Q33591160Predicting species distribution and abundance responses to climate change: why it is essential to include biotic interactions across trophic levels
Q57232444Predicting the Impacts and Socio-Economic Consequences of Climate Change on Global Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries
Q46261563Predicting the distributions of Egypt's medicinal plants and their potential shifts under future climate change
Q91596762Predicting the dynamic distribution of Sphagnum bogs in China under climate change since the last interglacial period
Q58575277Predicting the effect of climate change on a range-restricted lizard in southeastern Australia
Q31101873Predicting the effects of climate change on population connectivity and genetic diversity of an imperiled freshwater mussel, Cumberlandia monodonta (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae), in riverine systems
Q28756171Predicting the fate of a living fossil: how will global warming affect sex determination and hatching phenology in tuatara?
Q57198258Predicting the impacts of climate change on the distribution of species: are bioclimate envelope models useful?
Q31065453Predicting the responses of forest distribution and aboveground biomass to climate change under RCP scenarios in southern China
Q56427269Predicting the responses of native birds to transoceanic invasions by avian brood parasites
Q34170037Predicting tropical dry forest successional attributes from space: is the key hidden in image texture?
Q31146880Prediction of plant species distributions across six millennia
Q93079666Predictive Modeling of Suitable Habitats for Cinnamomum Camphora (L.) Presl Using Maxent Model under Climate Change in China
Q31146141Predictors of Current and Longer-Term Patterns of Abundance of American Pikas (Ochotona princeps) across a Leading-Edge Protected Area
Q30668974Preferred habitat of breeding birds may be compromised by climate change: unexpected effects of an exceptionally cold, wet spring
Q57900474Present and Future Potential Habitat Distribution of Carcharhinus falciformis and Canthidermis maculata By-Catch Species in the Tropical Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery under Climate Change
Q57922393Present and historical climate variability in South West England
Q57231767Primates and the Ecology of their Infectious Diseases: How will Anthropogenic Change Affect Host-Parasite Interactions?
Q52597857Priority effects and habitat complexity affect the strength of competition.
Q45422459Productivity benefits of warming at regional scale could be offset by detrimental impacts on site level hydrology
Q36222076Projected Influences of Changes in Weather Severity on Autumn-Winter Distributions of Dabbling Ducks in the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyways during the Twenty-First Century
Q104283001Projected climate change threatens significant range contraction of Cochemiea halei (Cactaceae), an island endemic, serpentine-adapted plant species at risk of extinction
Q56387256Projected direct and indirect effects of climate change on the Swift Parrot, an endangered migratory species
Q31114668Projected impacts of climate and land-use change on the global diversity of birds
Q28750740Projected impacts of climate change on regional capacities for global plant species richness
Q94563725Projected impacts of climate change on the range and phenology of three culturally-important shrub species
Q57251268Projected latitudinal and regional changes in vascular plant diversity through climate change: short-term gains and longer-term losses
Q58412606Projected ocean warming creates a conservation challenge for river herring populations
Q30805811Projected range contractions of European protected oceanic montane plant communities: focus on climate change impacts is essential for their future conservation
Q41490480Projecting potential distribution of Eucryptorrhynchus scrobiculatus Motschulsky and E. brandti (Harold) under historical climate and RCP 8.5 scenario
Q30584288Projecting range limits with coupled thermal tolerance - climate change models: an example based on gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) along the U.S. east coast
Q47431243Proximate control and adaptive potential of protandrous migration in birds.
Q30601877Proximate weather patterns and spring green-up phenology effect Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) body mass and reproductive success: the implications of climate change and topography
Q57091345Quantifying climate sensitivity and climate-driven change in North American amphibian communities
Q57251312Quantifying components of risk for European woody species under climate change
Q39349651Quantifying full phenological event distributions reveals simultaneous advances, temporal stability and delays in spring and autumn migration timing in long-distance migratory birds
Q90467188Quantifying the effects of climate and anthropogenic change on regional species loss in China
Q57914889Quantifying the relative importance of land cover change from climate and land use in the representative concentration pathways
Q30656538Quantitative assessment of the importance of phenotypic plasticity in adaptation to climate change in wild bird populations
Q33943681Quantitative genetics of migration syndromes: a study of two barn swallow populations
Q56459576Quarantine arthropod invasions in Europe: the role of climate, hosts and propagule pressure
Q35258922Questioning the use of an amphibian colour morph as an indicator of climate change
Q58510264RNCEP: global weather and climate data at your fingertips
Q47270511Radiative human body cooling by nanoporous polyethylene textile
Q91923688Rain downpours affect survival and development of insect herbivores: the specter of climate change?
Q57131057Rainfall influences on ungulate population abundance in the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem
Q31137334Rainfed winter wheat cultivation in the North German Plain will be water limited under climate change until 2070
Q92307647Rainy springs linked to poor nestling growth in a declining avian aerial insectivore ( Tachycineta bicolor)
Q56556331Range expansion and enemy recruitment by eight alien gall wasp species in Britain
Q46276566Range expansion of a fouling species indirectly impacts local species interactions
Q36820204Range expansion promotes cooperation in an experimental microbial metapopulation.
Q37040780Range expansions transition from pulled to pushed waves as growth becomes more cooperative in an experimental microbial population
Q53116493Range margin shifts of birds revisited - the role of spatiotemporally varying survey effort.
Q36370335Range-Wide Snow Leopard Phylogeography Supports Three Subspecies
Q33426006Range-wide reproductive consequences of ocean climate variability for the seabird Cassin's Auklet
Q30902767Rapid adjustment of bird community compositions to local climatic variations and its functional consequences
Q57662378Rapid altitudinal migration of mountain plants in Taiwan and its implications for high altitude biodiversity
Q34071794Rapid biodiversity assessment and monitoring method for highly diverse benthic communities: a case study of mediterranean coralligenous outcrops
Q34977835Rapid evolution of disease resistance is accompanied by functional changes in gene expression in a wild bird
Q36845693Rapid evolution of tolerance to toxic Microcystis in two cladoceran grazers.
Q56571695Rapid global change: implications for defining natives and aliens
Q90726742Rapid induction of the heat hardening response in an Arctic insect
Q35088422Rapid life-history diversification of an introduced fish species across a localized thermal gradient
Q28709988Rapid northward spread of a zooxanthellate coral enhanced by artificial structures and sea warming in the western Mediterranean
Q58490979Rapid poleward distributional shifts in the European cave-dwelling Meta spiders under the influence of competition dynamics
Q50111229Rapidly advancing laying date in a seabird and the changing advantage of early reproduction
Q35535978Re-constructing historical Adélie penguin abundance estimates by retrospectively accounting for detection bias
Q30759789Reaction-diffusion wave fronts: multigeneration biological species under climate change
Q30558680Reassessing the determinants of breeding synchrony in ungulates
Q59138675Recent Advances in Understanding the Effects of Climate Change on Coral Reefs
Q63628206Recent and future threats to the Endangered Cuban toad Peltophryne longinasus: potential additive impacts of climate change and habitat loss
Q58199951Recent changes in monthly surface air temperature over Peru, 1964-2014
Q52880868Recent changes in reproductive phenology of a K-selected aquatic insect predator, Belostoma flumineum Say (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae).
Q58819365Recent changes in the distribution of a marine gastropod, Patella rustica Linnaeus, 1758, and their relationship to unusual climatic events
Q57922972Recent evidence for the climate change threat to Lepidoptera and other insects
Q31051164Recent range expansion of a terrestrial orchid corresponds with climate-driven variation in its population dynamics
Q56949566Reciprocal gender effects of a keystone alpine plant species on other plants, pollinators, and arthropods
Q46799431Reconstruction of two colonisation pathways of Mantis religiosa (Mantodea) in Germany using four mitochondrial markers
Q39290738Recurring weather extremes alter the flowering phenology of two common temperate shrubs
Q56827825Red noise increases extinction risk during rapid climate change
Q59197934Red squirrels decline in abundance in the boreal forests of Finland and NW Russia
Q31053634Reed warblers migrating through Portugal: climatic influence on stopover ecology over the last decade.
Q31040994Regional climate change scenarios applied to viticultural zoning in Mendoza, Argentina
Q56444941Regional climate model downscaling may improve the prediction of alien plant species distributions
Q56551929Regional climate-matching to estimate current and future sources of biosecurity threats
Q55496673Regional climatic warming drives long-term community changes of British marine fish.
Q57890780Regulators of coastal wetland methane production and responses to simulated global change
Q28651685Relating sub-surface ice features to physiological stress in a climate sensitive mammal, the American pika (Ochotona princeps)
Q57091791Relationship between environmental factors and the spatial distribution of Spermophilus dauricus during 2000-2015 in China
Q30943455Relationships between climate and growth of Gymnocypris selincuoensis in the Tibetan Plateau
Q30872820Relocation, high-latitude warming and host genetic identity shape the foliar fungal microbiome of poplars
Q35750981Remote sensing captures varying temporal patterns of vegetation between human-altered and natural landscapes
Q57160164Reply to comment by M. Lanfredi et al. to “Variations in northern vegetation activity inferred from satellite data of vegetation index during 1981 to 1999” by L. Zhou et al
Q34061520Reproducibility and consistency of proteomic experiments on natural populations of a non-model aquatic insect
Q27332139Reproducing on time when temperature varies: shifts in the timing of courtship by fiddler crabs
Q58482755Reproduction, condition and abundance of the Mediterranean bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) in the context of sea warming
Q33615728Reproductive success is energetically linked to foraging efficiency in Antarctic fur seals
Q56172882Reproductive success is strongly related to local and regional climate in the Arctic snow bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis)
Q73476004Reproductive success of Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) varies with the timing and severity of drought
Q54982230Reproductive system of a mixed-mating plant responds to climate perturbation by increased selfing.
Q56983805Reptiles and frogs conform to multiple conceptual landscape models in an agricultural landscape
Q58918807Research on Land Surface Thermal-Hydrologic Exchange in Southern China under Future Climate and Land Cover Scenarios
Q30602341Resilience of marine turtle regional management units to climate change
Q89357705Resource limitation alters effects of phenological shifts on inter-specific competition
Q31014721Resource specialists lead local insect community turnover associated with temperature - analysis of an 18-year full-seasonal record of moths and beetles
Q28741650Respiratory response of the deep-sea amphipod Stephonyx biscayensis indicates bathymetric range limitation by temperature and hydrostatic pressure
Q79173486Responding to environmental change: plastic responses vary little in a synchronous breeder
Q52624508Response of Nitrifier and Denitrifier Abundance and Microbial Community Structure to Experimental Warming in an Agricultural Ecosystem.
Q57231633Response of Swiss forests to management and climate change in the last 60 years
Q31137514Response of a rocky intertidal ecosystem engineer and community dominant to climate change
Q57049431Response of birds to climatic variability; evidence from the western fringe of Europe
Q30697451Response of grassland biomass production to simulated climate change and clipping along an elevation gradient
Q56991659Response of plant species richness and primary productivity in shrublands along a north–south gradient in Europe to seven years of experimental warming and drought: reductions in primary productivity in the heat and drought year of 2003
Q51637112Response of taiga ecosystems to extreme weather conditions and climate anomalies.
Q96131958Responses of Autumn Phenology to Climate Change and the Correlations of Plant Hormone Regulation
Q30977048Responses of Bacterial Communities to Simulated Climate Changes in Alpine Meadow Soil of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Q55691682Responses of an oyster host (Crassostrea virginica) and its protozoan parasite (Perkinsus marinus) to increasing air temperature.
Q90783416Responses of annual herb plant community characteristics to increased precipitation and reduced wind velocity in semiarid sandy grassland
Q28765622Responses of butterflies to twentieth century climate warming: implications for future ranges
Q57126732Responses of canopy duration to temperature changes in four temperate tree species: relative contributions of spring and autumn leaf phenology
Q31033026Responses of community-level plant-insect interactions to climate warming in a meadow steppe
Q28598129Responses of large mammals to climate change
Q35184735Responses of reactive oxygen scavenging enzymes, proline and malondialdehyde to water deficits among six secondary successional seral species in Loess Plateau
Q90142810Responses of the zooplankton community to peak and waning periods of El Niño 2015-2016 in Kavaratti reef ecosystem, northern Indian Ocean
Q30911768Revealing hidden evolutionary capacity to cope with global change.
Q38447452Reversal of the net dinitrogen gas flux in coastal marine sediments
Q51196001Review article. Studying climate effects on ecology through the use of climate indices: the North Atlantic Oscillation, El Niño Southern Oscillation and beyond.
Q36381334Review of the ecosystem service implications of mangrove encroachment into salt marshes
Q28654489Revisiting the vanishing refuge model of diversification
Q57080776Rise of the generalists: evidence for climate driven homogenization in avian communities
Q37355360Rising soil temperature in China and its potential ecological impact.
Q30365295Rising temperatures may drive fishing-induced selection of low-performance phenotypes.
Q30715913Risk levels of invasive Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. in areas suitable for date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) cultivation under various climate change projections
Q31125478Riverscape genomics of a threatened fish across a hydroclimatically heterogeneous river basin
Q30395835Roadless and Low-Traffic Areas as Conservation Targets in Europe
Q33555542Roles of human disturbance, precipitation, and a pathogen on the survival and reproductive probabilities of deer mice
Q28652524Saltmarsh boundary modulates dispersal of mangrove propagules: implications for mangrove migration with sea-level rise
Q108899209Salvinia natans in medieval wetland deposits in Gdańsk, northern Poland: evidence for the early medieval climate warming
Q58081167Sandy beach ecosystems: key features, sampling issues, management challenges and climate change impacts
Q33380251Satellite Ecology (SATECO)-linking ecology, remote sensing and micrometeorology, from plot to regional scale, for the study of ecosystem structure and function
Q30000806Satellite data-based phenological evaluation of the nationwide reforestation of South Korea
Q102075552Scalable and hierarchically designed polymer film as a selective thermal emitter for high-performance all-day radiative cooling
Q36226800Seasonal changes in the assembly mechanisms structuring tropical fish communities
Q46980589Seasonal distribution of gastrointestinal nematode infections in sheep in a semiarid region, northeastern Brazil
Q55666681Seasonal host dynamics drive the timing of recurrent epidemics in a wildlife population.
Q31148206Seasonal survival estimation for a long-distance migratory bird and the influence of winter precipitation
Q34165162Seasonal timing of first rain storms affects rare plant population dynamics
Q35968793Seasonality of Leaf and Fig Production in Ficus squamosa, a Fig Tree with Seeds Dispersed by Water
Q56991444Seasonality of monoterpene emission potentials inQuercus ilexandPinus pinea: Implications for regional VOC emissions modeling
Q56446833Seasonality of precipitation interacts with exotic species to alter composition and phenology of a semi-arid grassland
Q34349760Securing the demographic and genetic future of tuatara through assisted colonization
Q46308013Seed and Root Endophytic Fungi in a Range Expanding and a Related Plant Species.
Q56969188Seed bank and big sagebrush plant community composition in a range margin for big sagebrush
Q34404502Seed dormancy distribution: explanatory ecological factors
Q91878834Seeking snow and breathing hard - Behavioral tactics in high elevation mammals to combat warming temperatures
Q36316325Selection and validation of reference genes for qRT-PCR analysis during biological invasions: The thermal adaptability of Bemisia tabaci MED.
Q46885453Selection of suitable lichen bioindicator species for monitoring climatic variability in the Himalaya
Q58690228Self-Organizing Processes in Landscape Pattern and Resilience: A Review
Q57005962Sensitivity of Spring Phenology to Warming Across Temporal and Spatial Climate Gradients in Two Independent Databases
Q30984654Separating the role of biotic interactions and climate in determining adaptive response of plants to climate change
Q34212614Sex ratio bias, male aggression, and population collapse in lizards
Q51782807Sexual selection predicts advancement of avian spring migration in response to climate change.
Q41126146Sexual-size dimorphism modulates the trade-off between exploiting food and wind resources in a large avian scavenger.
Q34559779Shift happens: trailing edge contraction associated with recent warming trends threatens a distinct genetic lineage in the marine macroalga Fucus vesiculosus
Q36374019Shift in community structure in an early-successional Mediterranean shrubland driven by long-term experimental warming and drought and natural extreme droughts
Q31159557Shifting global invasive potential of European plants with climate change
Q57021072Shifting protected areas: scheduling spatial priorities under climate change
Q30780096Shifts in flowering phenology reshape a subalpine plant community
Q47708465Shifts in frog size and phenology: Testing predictions of climate change on a widespread anuran using data from prior to rapid climate warming.
Q30760166Shifts in microbial community structure and function in light- and dark-grown biofilms driven by warming
Q52662913Shifts in phenology due to global climate change: the need for a yardstick.
Q60550832Shifts in vegetation phenology along flyways entail varying risks of mistiming in a migratory songbird
Q33410084Short lag times for invasive tropical plants: evidence from experimental plantings in Hawai'i
Q57137034Short- and long-term population dynamical consequences of asymmetric climate change in black grouse
Q28728297Short-term effects of temperature on the abundance and diversity of magnetotactic cocci
Q89476283Should I Stay or Should I Go: Partially Sedentary Populations Can Outperform Fully Dispersing Populations in Response to Climate-Induced Range Shifts
Q31034562Shrubline but not treeline advance matches climate velocity in montane ecosystems of south-central Alaska
Q30053384Signals of range expansions and contractions of vascular plants in the high Alps: observations (1994?2004) at the GLORIA master site Schrankogel, Tyrol, Austria
Q56441478Simulated big sagebrush regeneration supports predicted changes at the trailing and leading edges of distribution shifts
Q57013759Simulated shifts in trophic niche breadth modulate range loss of alpine butterflies under climate change
Q30662186Simulating small-scale climate change effects-lessons from a short-term field manipulation experiment on grassland arthropods
Q46278672Simulating the onset of spring vegetation growth across the Northern Hemisphere
Q33626592Simulating the spread of selection-driven genotypes using landscape resistance models for desert bighorn sheep.
Q92022419Smaller future floods imply less habitat for riparian plants along a boreal river
Q58265132Snow effects on alpine vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Q57091671Snowmelt Timing Regulates Community Composition, Phenology, and Physiological Performance of Alpine Plants
Q35084680Soil animal responses to moisture availability are largely scale, not ecosystem dependent: insight from a cross-site study
Q30378380Soil bacterial and fungal diversity differently correlated with soil biochemistry in alpine grassland ecosystems in response to environmental changes
Q90392226Soil microbes that may accompany climate warming increase alpine plant production
Q56481354Soil microbial community structure of range-expanding plant species differs from co-occurring natives
Q49720244Soil temperature effects on the structure and diversity of plant and invertebrate communities in a natural warming experiment.
Q35213868Some aspects of ecophysiological and biogeochemical responses of tropical forests to atmospheric change
Q101630084Some like it hot: from individual to population responses of an arboreal arid-zone gecko to local and distant climate
Q37380188Something in the way you move: dispersal pathways affect invasion success
Q37010444Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) Reproductive Success is Influenced by Krill (Euphausia superba) Density and Climate
Q51453858Spare capacity and phenotypic flexibility in the digestive system of a migratory bird: defining the limits of animal design.
Q92982847Sparse evidence for selection on phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature
Q57533893Spatial Modeling of Rainfall Patterns over the Ebro River Basin Using Multifractality and Non-Parametric Statistical Techniques
Q33475219Spatial analysis of plague in California: niche modeling predictions of the current distribution and potential response to climate change
Q57517451Spatial analysis shows that fishing enhances the climatic sensitivity of marine fishes
Q57004517Spatial and Temporal Variability in Terrestrial Antarctic Biodiversity
Q36324032Spatial and temporal changes in leaf coloring date of Acer palmatum and Ginkgo biloba in response to temperature increases in South Korea
Q28757835Spatial and temporal variability across life's hierarchies in the terrestrial Antarctic
Q58337676Spatial distribution patterns of ascidians (Ascidiacea: Tunicata) on the continental shelves off the northern Antarctic Peninsula
Q34255030Spatial genetic structure of the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) outbreak in western Canada: historical patterns and contemporary dispersal
Q30666939Spatial heterogeneity in the timing of birch budburst in response to future climate warming in Ireland.
Q58555248Spatial niche partitioning may promote coexistence of penguins as climate-induced sympatry occurs
Q30938615Spatial synchrony of local populations has increased in association with the recent Northern Hemisphere climate trend
Q42048372Spatial trends in the sighting dates of British butterflies.
Q59163283Spatially heterogeneous impact of climate change on small mammals of montane California
Q58766831Spatio-temporal distribution of sedimentary Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) in relation to climate
Q31034450Spatio-temporal variation of biotic factors underpins contemporary range dynamics of congeners.
Q45363991Spatiotemporal analysis of ground-based woody plant leafing in response to temperature in temperate eastern China
Q21560868Spatiotemporal variation in avian migration phenology: citizen science reveals effects of climate change
Q55416922Spatiotemporal variation of the association between climate dynamics and HFRS outbreaks in Eastern China during 2005-2016 and its geographic determinants.
Q90009182Spatiotemporal variation of vegetation coverage and its associated influence factor analysis in the Yangtze River Delta, eastern China
Q60908953Spatiotemporally explicit model averaging for forecasting of Alaskan groundfish catch
Q57004737Species and community responses to short-term climate manipulation: Microarthropods in the sub-Antarctic
Q26777169Species coexistence in a changing world
Q58040275Species conservation under future climate change: the case of Bombus bellicosus, a potentially threatened South American bumblebee species
Q57032577Species diversity and structure of phytophagous beetle assemblages along a latitudinal gradient: predicting the potential impacts of climate change
Q30785901Species interactions and a chain of indirect effects driven by reduced precipitation
Q31068245Species interactions slow warming-induced upward shifts of treelines on the Tibetan Plateau
Q51939755Species richness changes lag behind climate change.
Q46248002Species selection under long-term experimental warming and drought explained by climatic distributions
Q36310451Species-free species distribution models describe macroecological properties of protected area networks.
Q110950017Species-specific audio detection: a comparison of three template-based detection algorithms using random forests
Q57136029Spring bloom succession, grazing impact and herbivore selectivity of ciliate communities in response to winter warming
Q28743215Spring temperature change and its implication in the change of vegetation growth in North America from 1982 to 2006
Q93099475Stability and changes in the distribution of Pipiza hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Europe under projected future climate conditions
Q38963084Stability of Caribbean coral communities quantified by long-term monitoring and autoregression models
Q31048880Statistical integration of tracking and vessel survey data to incorporate life history differences in habitat models
Q58950971Statistical simulation of the influence of the NAO on European winter surface temperatures: Applications to phenological modeling
Q31079170Staying cool in a changing landscape: the influence of maximum daily ambient temperature on grizzly bear habitat selection
Q39172278Stochastic temperatures impede RNA virus adaptation.
Q89522450Storm impacts on phytoplankton community dynamics in lakes
Q30559051Stream invertebrate communities of Mongolia: current structure and expected changes due to climate change
Q30993610Strong upslope shifts in Chimborazo's vegetation over two centuries since Humboldt
Q36263699Structural overshoot of tree growth with climate variability and the global spectrum of drought-induced forest dieback
Q56764129Subcontinental impacts of an invasive tree disease on forest structure and dynamics
Q33385628Successful range-expanding plants experience less above-ground and below-ground enemy impact
Q30710945Summer rainfall variability in European Mediterranean mountains from the sixteenth to the twentieth century reconstructed from tree rings
Q58392232Super-optimal temperatures are detrimental to peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) reproductive processes and yield at both ambient and elevated carbon dioxide
Q56754552Surface Temperatures at the Continental Scale: Tracking Changes with Remote Sensing at Unprecedented Detail
Q34051435Survival and population size of a resident bird species are declining as temperature increases
Q30394957Survival, growth and reproduction of non-native Nile tilapia II: fundamental niche projections and invasion potential in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Q89944580Surviving the Antarctic winter-Life Stage Cold Tolerance and Ice Entrapment Survival in The Invasive Chironomid Midge Eretmoptera murphyi
Q30746514Synchronization of animal population dynamics by large-scale climate
Q30723615Synergistic effects of the invasive Chinese tallow (Triadica sebifera) and climate change on aquatic amphibian survival
Q34014831Synergistic influences of phase, density, and climatic variation on the dynamics of fluctuating populations
Q34103376Systematic conservation planning in the face of climate change: bet-hedging on the Columbia Plateau
Q57193940Systemic range shift lags among a pollinator species assemblage following rapid climate change1This article is part of a Special Issue entitled “Pollination biology research in Canada: Perspectives on a mutualism at different scales”
Q104369210Tactical departures and strategic arrivals: Divergent effects of climate and weather on caribou spring migrations
Q57062690Taking the lead on climate change: modelling and monitoring the fate of an Amazonian frog
Q37592297Tambora and the mackerel year: Phenology and fisheries during an extreme climate event
Q45064530Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you when you fly: diet can predict phenological changes in response to climate change
Q56965356Temperate tree expansion into adjacent boreal forest patches facilitated by warmer temperatures
Q28597001Temperature Range Shifts for Three European Tree Species over the Last 10,000 Years
Q111347696Temperature and ant assemblages: Biased values of community temperature index
Q30886388Temperature and geographic attribution of change in the Taraxacum mongolicum growing season from 1990 to 2009 in eastern China's temperate zone
Q34048119Temperature and resource availability may interactively affect over-wintering success of juvenile fish in a changing climate
Q30938774Temperature and snowfall trigger alpine vegetation green-up on the world's roof
Q28740480Temperature anomalies and mortality events in marine communities: insights on factors behind differential mortality impacts in the NW Mediterranean
Q57121576Temperature constraints on foraging behaviour of male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) in summer
Q56942687Temperature cues phenological synchrony in ant-mediated seed dispersal
Q30630037Temperature dependence of trophic interactions are driven by asymmetry of species responses and foraging strategy
Q60938766Temperature effects on prey and basal resources exceed that of predators in an experimental community
Q38728761Temperature gradients assist carbohydrate allocation within trees
Q57068626Temperature mean and variance alter phytoplankton biomass and biodiversity in a long-term microcosm experiment
Q89171751Temperature modulates photoperiodic seasonal responses in the subtropical tree sparrow, Passer montanus
Q51665361Temperature oscillation coupled with fungal community shifts can modulate warming effects on litter decomposition.
Q33889327Temperature tolerance and stress proteins as mechanisms of invasive species success
Q30969889Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone
Q33416946Temperature-dependent sex determination and global change: are some species at greater risk?
Q30655341Temperature-induced shifts in hibernation behavior in experimental amphibian populations
Q92571248Temperature-related changes in airborne allergenic pollen abundance and seasonality across the northern hemisphere: a retrospective data analysis
Q46360832Temperature-size responses alter food chain persistence across environmental gradients.
Q31106484Temporal Trends and Spatial Variability of Vegetation Phenology over the Northern Hemisphere during 1982-2012.
Q28749425Temporal latitudinal-gradient dynamics and tropical instability of deep-sea species diversity
Q30799268Temporal pattern of questing tick Ixodes ricinus density at differing elevations in the coastal region of western Norway.
Q24816680Temporal response of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) to 3,000 years of climatic variation
Q31143003Temporal shifts and temperature sensitivity of avian spring migratory phenology: a phylogenetic meta-analysis.
Q31074492Temporal variance reverses the impact of high mean intensity of stress in climate change experiments.
Q56999880Temporal variation in intertidal community recruitment and its relationships to physical forcings, chlorophyll-a concentration and sea surface temperature
Q46164833Temporal variation in pelagic food chain length in response to environmental change.
Q57866898Temporal variations of groundwater tables and implications for submarine groundwater discharge: a 3-decade case study in central Japan
Q111946180Terrestrial mammals of the Gnangara Groundwater System, Western Australia: history, status, and the possible impacts of a drying climate
Q33547110Testing alternative models of climate-mediated extirpations
Q30893294Testing local and global stressor impacts on a coastal foundation species using an ecologically realistic framework.
Q56927746Testing the AC/DC hypothesis: Rock and roll is noise pollution and weakens a trophic cascade
Q31003267The "Flexi-Chamber": A Novel Cost-Effective In Situ Respirometry Chamber for Coral Physiological Measurements
Q39177869The Arctic oscillation, climatic variability, and biotic factors influenced seedling dynamics in a Caribbean moist forest
Q57235661The CC-Bio Project: Studying the Effects of Climate Change on Quebec Biodiversity
Q36218413The Effect of Altered Soil Moisture on Hybridization Rate in a Crop-Wild System (Raphanus spp.).
Q28608242The Effect of Urban Heat Island on Climate Warming in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration in China
Q30791423The European phenology network
Q24289127The Impact of Climate Change on the World's Marine Ecosystems
Q57802436The Influence of Climate and Livestock Reservoirs on Human Cases of Giardiasis
Q94561645The Interactive Effects of Chilling, Photoperiod, and Forcing Temperature on Flowering Phenology of Temperate Woody Plants
Q56329760The Niger Delta wetlands: threats to ecosystem services, their importance to dependent communities and possible management measures
Q34027671The accuracy of climate models' simulated season lengths and the effectiveness of grid scale correction factors
Q56879760The acid taste of climate change: 20th century acidification is re-emerging during a climatic extreme event
Q59204306The amphipod assemblages of Sabellaria alveolata reefs from the NW coast of Portugal: An account of the present knowledge, new records, and some biogeographic considerations
Q58045774The canalized parental roles of a Eudyptes penguin constrain provisioning and growth of chicks during nutritional stress
Q36382720The capacity to maintain ion and water homeostasis underlies interspecific variation in Drosophila cold tolerance
Q36367589The challenges of detecting subtle population structure and its importance for the conservation of emperor penguins.
Q46405410The combination of selection and dispersal helps explain genetic structure in intertidal mussels.
Q28655918The common oceanographer: crowdsourcing the collection of oceanographic data
Q51690680The consequences of climate-driven stop-over sites changes on migration schedules and fitness of Arctic geese.
Q30976961The developmental race between maturing host plants and their butterfly herbivore - the influence of phenological matching and temperature.
Q30647341The distribution of the thermally tolerant symbiont lineage (Symbiodinium clade D) in corals from Hawaii: correlations with host and the history of ocean thermal stress
Q41722920The distribution shifts of Pinus armandii and its response to temperature and precipitation in China
Q57030671The distributions of a wide range of taxonomic groups are expanding polewards
Q56417892The downward spiral: eco-evolutionary feedback loops lead to the emergence of ‘elastic’ ranges
Q57063474The ecological role of ponds in a changing world
Q57182646The ecology of pulse events: insights from an extreme climatic event in a polar desert ecosystem
Q36315863The effect of landscape complexity and microclimate on the thermal tolerance of a pest insect.
Q34023162The effect of recurrent floods on genetic composition of marble trout populations
Q38982368The effect of sub-lethal increases in temperature on the growth and population trajectories of three scleractinian corals on the southern Great Barrier Reef
Q35453454The effect of water temperature on routine swimming behaviour of new born guppies (Poecilia reticulata).
Q30844782The effects of climate change and land-use change on demographic rates and population viability.
Q64280282The effects of different cold-temperature regimes on development, growth, and susceptibility to an abiotic and biotic stressor
Q36405884The effects of elevated temperature and dissolved ρCO2 on a marine foundation species.
Q56837362The effects of environmental warming on Odonata: a review
Q34168563The effects of warming-shifted plant phenology on ecosystem carbon exchange are regulated by precipitation in a semi-arid grassland
Q90317769The effects of water temperature on the juvenile performance of two tropical damselfishes expatriating to temperate reefs
Q92963856The efficacy of good genes sexual selection under environmental change
Q28754345The emergence of land change science for global environmental change and sustainability
Q34623676The evolutionary ecology of individual phenotypic plasticity in wild populations
Q54584475The free‐living pterygote insects of Gough Island, South Atlantic Ocean
Q61799022The future of extreme climate in Iran
Q30658798The future of species under climate change: resilience or decline?
Q28742357The future of terrestrial mammals in the Mediterranean basin under climate change
Q41958972The genetic basis of novel water utilisation and drinking behaviour traits and their relationship with biological performance in turkeys
Q58388034The genetic signature of rapid range expansion by flying squirrels in response to contemporary climate warming
Q57042551The historical reconstruction of distribution of the genus Halecium (Hydrozoa: Haleciidae): a biological signal of ocean warming?
Q64054422The impact of a changing winter climate on the hatch phenology of one of North America's largest Atlantic salmon populations
Q36345447The impact of climate change on the distribution of two threatened Dipterocarp trees.
Q36639858The impact of climatic variation on the opportunity for sexual selection.
Q51149004The impact of global warming on germination and seedling emergence in Alliaria petiolata a woodland species with dormancy loss dependent on low temperature.
Q90539486The impact of long-range dispersal on gene surfing
Q46255459The impact of rewilding, species introductions and climate change on the structure and function of the Yukon boreal forest ecosystem
Q46260629The impact of sea ice conditions on breeding decisions is modulated by body condition in an arctic partial capital breeder
Q57562624The implications of mid-latitude climate extremes for North American migratory bird populations
Q33685204The importance of phylogeny to the study of phenological response to global climate change
Q30998275The indirect effects of climate variability on the reproductive dynamics and productivity of an avian predator in the arid Southwest
Q58263267The influence of climate changes inPlatanusspp. pollination in Spain and Italy
Q39217051The influence of climate on the timing and rate of spring bird migration
Q58621957The influence of coarse-scale environmental features on current and predicted future distributions of narrow-range endemic crayfish populations
Q30750082The influence of mean climate trends and climate variance on beaver survival and recruitment dynamics
Q36665529The influence of weather conditions on the activity of high-arctic arthropods inferred from long-term observations
Q57134726The influence of wind conditions in Europe on the advance in timing of the spring migration of the song thrush (Turdus philomelos) in the south-east Baltic region
Q92967851The interaction between island geomorphology and environmental parameters drives Adélie penguin breeding phenology on neighboring islands near Palmer Station, Antarctica
Q56330620The interactive effects of temperature, trophic status, and the presence of an exotic clam on the performance of a native freshwater mussel
Q44816341The intrinsic growth rate as a predictor of population viability under climate warming
Q56548189The invasive gastropod Crepidula fornicata: reproduction and recruitment in the intertidal at its northernmost range in Wales, UK, and implications for its secondary spread
Q56981082The landscape-level effect of individual-owner adaptation to climate change in Dutch forests
Q28647203The long term response of birds to climate change: new results from a cold stage avifauna in northern England
Q33960916The long-term consequences of hybridization between the two Daphnia species, D. galeata and D. dentifera, in mature habitats
Q35562608The microbe-mediated mechanisms affecting topsoil carbon stock in Tibetan grasslands
Q22678862The notes from nature tool for unlocking biodiversity records from museum records through citizen science
Q95642483The onset in spring and the end in autumn of the thermal and vegetative growing season affect calving time and reproductive success in reindeer
Q58111261The past ecology ofAbies albaprovides new perspectives on future responses of silver fir forests to global warming
Q101631470The past, current and future habitat range of the Spider-tailed Viper, Pseudocerastes urarachnoides (Serpentes: Viperidae) in western Iran and eastern Iraq as revealed by habitat modelling
Q34180941The phenology of Rubus fruticosus in Ireland: herbarium specimens provide evidence for the response of phenophases to temperature, with implications for climate warming.
Q56752474The phenology of plant invasions: a community ecology perspective
Q35162748The phylogeography of Eurasian Fraxinus species reveals ancient transcontinental reticulation
Q61974338The plant diversity sampling design for The National Ecological Observatory Network
Q47724689The potential impact of invasive woody oil plants on protected areas in China under future climate conditions
Q39178161The potential influence of seasonal climate variables on the net primary production of forests in eastern China.
Q30656583The predicted influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken reproductive parameters
Q30882421The relationship between canopy cover and colony size of the wood ant Formica lugubris--implications for the thermal effects on a keystone ant species.
Q58116274The relationship between rainfall, water source and growth for an endangered tree
Q57062511The relative influence of change in habitat and climate on elevation range limits in small mammals in Yosemite National Park, California, U.S.A
Q35118994The relative role of winter and spring conditions: linking climate and landscape-scale plant phenology to alpine reindeer body mass
Q51681422The relevance of environmental conditions for departure decision changes en route in migrating geese.
Q51426271The responses of the quantitative characteristics of a ramet population of the ephemeroid rhizomatous sedge Carex physodes to the moisture content of the soil in various locations on sand dunes.
Q36376881The rise of phenology with climate change: an evaluation of IJB publications
Q58795621The role of biotic factors during plant establishment in novel communities assessed with an agent-based simulation model
Q45913880The role of stress proteins in responses of a montane willow leaf beetle to environmental temperature variation.
Q57791388The role of temperature on treeline migration for an eastern African mountain during the Last Glacial Maximum
Q57002100The role of temperature variability on insect performance and population dynamics in a warming world
Q24653437The sixth mass coextinction: are most endangered species parasites and mutualists?
Q30574059The speed of range shifts in fragmented landscapes
Q33855901The stability of fish populations: how changes in the environment may affect people with epilepsy.
Q41636108The thermal niche of Neotropical nectar-feeding bats: Its evolution and application to predict responses to global warming.
Q57018535The tropical frontier in avian climate impact research
Q57030568The utility of distribution data in predicting phenology
Q37635492The wheat Phs-A1 pre-harvest sprouting resistance locus delays the rate of seed dormancy loss and maps 0.3 cM distal to the PM19 genes in UK germplasm
Q50170148Thermal Discrimination and Transgenerational Temperature Response in Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): Putative Involvement of the Thermo-Sensitive Receptor BtTRPA.
Q31086545Thermal Niches of Two Invasive Genotypes of the Wheat Curl Mite Aceria tosichella: Congruence between Physiological and Geographical Distribution Data
Q30628455Thermal controls of Yellowstone cutthroat trout and invasive fishes under climate change
Q57153389Thermal exposure of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead: Diverse behavioral strategies in a large and warming river system
Q31152977Thermal habitat index of many northwest Atlantic temperate species stays neutral under warming projected for 2030 but changes radically by 2060.
Q47268657Thermal limits of burrowing capacity are linked to oxygen availability and size in the Antarctic clam Laternula elliptica
Q91997109Thermal niche diversity and trophic redundancy drive neutral effects of warming on energy flux through a stream food web
Q92407302Thermal performance of fish is explained by an interplay between physiology, behaviour and ecology
Q30724457Thermal physiology, disease, and amphibian declines on the eastern slopes of the Andes.
Q38975939Thermal sensitivity does not determine acclimation capacity for a tropical reef fish
Q56449015Thermal sensitivity of native and invasive seabreams
Q57230276Thermal specialization across large geographical scales predicts the resilience of mangrove crab populations to global warming
Q30356442Thermal stratification drives movement of a coastal apex predator.
Q35279841Thermal stress triggers broad Pocillopora damicornis transcriptomic remodeling, while Vibrio coralliilyticus infection induces a more targeted immuno-suppression response
Q30573655Thermal thresholds as predictors of seed dormancy release and germination timing: altitude-related risks from climate warming for the wild grapevine Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris.
Q34127715Thermal tolerance affects mutualist attendance in an ant-plant protection mutualism
Q57736336Thermal tolerance of early development in tropical and temperate sea urchins: inferences for the tropicalization of eastern Australia
Q60049637Timberline structure and woody taxa regeneration towards treeline along latitudinal gradients in Khangchendzonga National Park, Eastern Himalaya
Q39970351Time series analysis of Japanese encephalitis and weather in Linyi City, China
Q58250011Time series modeling and central European temperature impact assessment of phenological records over the last 250 years
Q30928392Time-lag effects of global vegetation responses to climate change
Q46290296Timing avian long-distance migration: from internal clock mechanisms to global flights.
Q94550495Timing is everything: Drivers of interannual variability in blue whale migration
Q55036819Timing of autumn bird migration under climate change: advances in long-distance migrants, delays in short-distance migrants.
Q34306143Timing of photoperiodic competency causes phenological mismatch in balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.).
Q46344078Timing of stressors alters interactive effects on a coastal foundation species
Q90196003To cool or not to cool? Intestinal coccidians disrupt the behavioral hypothermia of lizards in response to tick infestation
Q33628401Tolerance adaptation and precipitation changes complicate latitudinal patterns of climate change impacts
Q31048850Top predators provide insurance against climate change
Q44074061Topographic effect on the phenology of Ficus pedunculosa var. mearnsii (Mearns fig) in its northern boundary distribution, Taiwan
Q36326892Toward a phenological mismatch in estuarine pelagic food web?
Q101217302Toward reliable habitat suitability and accessibility models in an era of multiple environmental stressors
Q57041705Towards a general relationship between climate change and biodiversity: an example for plant species in Europe
Q21563546Towards an integrated framework for assessing the vulnerability of species to climate change
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Q33903448Trait variation along elevation gradients in a dominant woody shrub is population-specific and driven by plasticity
Q57046376Traits and ecological strategies of Australian tropical and temperate climbing plants
Q33668298Trans-generational plasticity in response to immune challenge is constrained by heat stress
Q33242876Transcriptome analysis of bud burst in sessile oak (Quercus petraea).
Q35196618Transcriptome analysis of the Bombyx mori fat body after constant high temperature treatment shows differences between the sexes
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Q34074634Transcriptomic resilience to global warming in the seagrass Zostera marina, a marine foundation species
Q31142935Transgenerational effects and impact of compensatory responses to changes in breeding phenology on antipredator defenses
Q34711761Transient windows for connectivity in a changing world
Q35059176Transplantation of subalpine wood-pasture turfs along a natural climatic gradient reveals lower resistance of unwooded pastures to climate change compared to wooded ones.
Q110215998Tree Diversity, Site Index, and Carbon Storage Decrease With Aridity in Douglas-Fir Forests in Western Canada
Q38597036Tree growth response of Fokienia hodginsii to recent climate warming and drought in southwest China
Q31159756Tree range expansion in eastern North America fails to keep pace with climate warming at northern range limits.
Q33780040Treeline proximity alters an alpine plant-herbivore interaction
Q58250029Trends and temperature response in the phenology of crops in Germany
Q30728871Trends in atmospheric concentrations of weed pollen in the context of recent climate warming in Poznań (Western Poland).
Q57729791Trends in landings of fish species potentially affected by climate change in Portuguese fisheries
Q34275882Trends over time in tree and seedling phylogenetic diversity indicate regional differences in forest biodiversity change
Q39608354Trends toward an earlier peak of the growing season in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes
Q58138959Triclustering Georeferenced Time Series for Analyzing Patterns of Intra-Annual Variability in Temperature
Q30984534Trophic mismatch and its effects on the growth of young in an Arctic herbivore
Q39604260Tropical forests in a changing environment
Q33831545Tropical warming and the dynamics of endangered primates
Q60920033Tropicalization of the barrier islands of the northern Gulf of Mexico: A comparison of herbivory and decomposition rates between smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and black mangrove (Avicennia germinans)
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Q57069318Ungulate herbivory modifies the effects of climate change on mountain forests
Q56515662Unintended backpackers: bio-fouling of the invasive gastropod Rapana venosa on the green turtle Chelonia mydas in the Río de la Plata Estuary, Uruguay
Q51511109Unity through nonlinearity: a unimodal coral-nutrient interaction.
Q64903133Unusual mortality of Tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) in the eastern Bering Sea.
Q30654370Updating known distribution models for forecasting climate change impact on endangered species
Q56444052Uphill shifts in distribution of butterflies in the Czech Republic: effects of changing climate detected on a regional scale
Q34126433Upper temperature limits of tropical marine ectotherms: global warming implications
Q30993434Upward Altitudinal Shifts in Habitat Suitability of Mountain Vipers since the Last Glacial Maximum
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Q58069937Use of response functions in selecting lodgepole pine populations for future climates
Q56522681Using Paleoclimate and the Fossil Record to Explain Past and Present Distributions of Armadillos (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae)
Q30376177Using bioacoustics to examine shifts in songbird phenology
Q30000789Using citizen science data to model the distributions of common songbirds of Turkey under different global climatic change scenarios
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Q59274353Using historical plant surveys to track biodiversity on mountain summits
Q57021365Using niche-based modelling to assess the impact of climate change on tree functional diversity in Europe
Q31107572Using physiology to understand climate-driven changes in disease and their implications for conservation
Q30867609Using scenario planning to evaluate the impacts of climate change on wildlife populations and communities in the Florida Everglades
Q59187304Using spatial simulations of habitat modification for adaptive management of protected areas: Mediterranean grassland modification by woody plant encroachment
Q39972053Using spatiotemporal species distribution models to identify temporally evolving hotspots of species co-occurrence
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Q30999465Variable effects of climate change on six species of North American birds
Q56680051Variable responses to large-scale climate change in European Parus populations
Q33774253Variation in growth rates of branching corals along Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Q30814826Variation in leaf flushing date influences autumnal senescence and next year's flushing date in two temperate tree species
Q30988321Variation in life-history traits and their plasticities to elevational transplantation among seed families suggests potential for adaptative evolution of 15 tropical plant species to climate change
Q93230282Variation of effluent organic matter (EfOM) during anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2O) wastewater treatment processes
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Q37217920Virological investigation of avian influenza virus on postglacial species of phasianidae and tetraonidae in the italian alps
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Q33746902Vulnerability of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis populations to climate change in pampean lakes of Argentina
Q29012370Vulnerability of stream biota to climate change in mediterranean climate regions: a synthesis of ecological responses and conservation challenges
Q34300835Vulnerability of the northern Mongolian steppe to climate change: insights from flower production and phenology
Q36197807Vulnerability to xylem embolism as a major correlate of the environmental distribution of rain forest species on a tropical island
Q34085100Walking speed adaptation ability of Myzus persicae to different temperature conditions
Q64091269Warmer waters masculinize wild populations of a fish with temperature-dependent sex determination
Q31009113Warming accelerates termination of a phytoplankton spring bloom by fungal parasites
Q30975557Warming affects hatching time and early season survival of eastern tent caterpillars
Q33591208Warming alters the metabolic balance of ecosystems.
Q51184944Warming and free-air CO2 enrichment alter demographics in four co-occurring grassland species
Q33496695Warming and resource availability shift food web structure and metabolism
Q57002105Warming effects in the western Antarctic Peninsula ecosystem: the role of population dynamic models for explaining and predicting penguin trends
Q28751781Warming effects on marine microbial food web processes: how far can we go when it comes to predictions?
Q50318002Warming increases the sensitivity of seedling growth capacity to rainfall in six temperate deciduous tree species.
Q57012473Warming induces synchrony and destabilizes experimental pond zooplankton metacommunities
Q34352438Warming modifies trophic cascades and eutrophication in experimental freshwater communities
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Q58397486Warming-Induced Earlier Greenup Leads to Reduced Stream Discharge in a Temperate Mixed Forest Catchment
Q59221273Weakening climatic signal since mid-20th century in European larch tree-ring chronologies at different altitudes from the Adamello-Presanella Massif (Italian Alps)
Q98906697Weather and biotic interactions as determinants of seasonal shifts in abundance measured through nest-box occupancy in the Siberian flying squirrel
Q34349434Weather effects on avian breeding performance and implications of climate change
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Q51664725Why tropical forest lizards are vulnerable to climate warming.
Q33565303Will climate change, genetic and demographic variation or rat predation pose the greatest risk for persistence of an altitudinally distributed island endemic?
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Q36361611Winter chilling speeds spring development of temperate butterflies
Q30814441Winter climate change affects growing-season soil microbial biomass and activity in northern hardwood forests
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Q52746375With that diet, you will go far: trait-based analysis reveals a link between rapid range expansion and a nitrogen-favoured diet.
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