Phobias and preparedness: the selective, automatic, and encapsulated nature of fear

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Phobias and preparedness: the selective, automatic, and encapsulated nature of fear is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID12437934

P2093author name stringSusan Mineka
Arne Ohman
P2860cites workA subcortical pathway to the right amygdala mediating "unseen" fearQ24671757
Emotion circuits in the brainQ27860733
Fears, phobias, and preparedness: Toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning.Q29302944
Fear-relevant selective associations and covariation biasQ30233942
Observational conditioning of fear to fear-relevant versus fear-irrelevant stimuli in rhesus monkeysQ30233944
Preparedness and electrodermal fear-conditioning: ontogenetic vs phylogenetic explanationsQ30233956
Phobias and preparedness: replication and extensionQ30233963
Preparedness and phobia: effects of stimulus content on human visceral conditioningQ30233977
'Preparedness' and the severity and outcome of clinical phobiasQ30233985
Facial expressions as conditioned stimuli for electrodermal responses: a case of "preparedness"?Q30234046
The neuroanatomical and neurochemical basis of conditioned fear.Q33678302
A modern learning theory perspective on the etiology of panic disorderQ34158821
Illusory correlation as an obstacle to the use of valid psychodiagnostic signsQ34221843
Observational conditioning of snake fear in rhesus monkeysQ34263271
Born to fear: non-associative vs associative factors in the etiology of phobiasQ34507969
Parallels between cerebellum- and amygdala-dependent conditioningQ34522892
Ethoexperimental approaches to the biology of emotionQ39466488
Conscious and unconscious emotional learning in the human amygdala.Q48451653
Human amygdala activation during conditioned fear acquisition and extinction: a mixed-trial fMRI study.Q48453514
Covariation bias for phylogenetic versus ontogenetic fear-relevant stimuli.Q48755493
Differential extrageniculostriate and amygdala responses to presentation of emotional faces in a cortically blind field.Q48880112
Illusory correlation and social anxiety.Q50866643
Conditioning with facial expressions of emotion: effects of CS sex and age.Q51017073
Nonconscious fear conditioning, visceral perception, and the development of gut feelings.Q51062930
Emotional conditioning to masked stimuli: expectancies for aversive outcomes following nonrecognized fear-relevant stimuli.Q51098851
Covariation bias for blood-injury stimuli and aversive outcomes.Q51108234
Nonconscious associative learning: Pavlovian conditioning of skin conductance responses to masked fear-relevant facial stimuli.Q51132690
"Unconscious anxiety": phobic responses to masked stimuli.Q51134524
Are covariation biases attributable to a priori expectancy biases?Q51140537
Masking the face: recognition of emotional facial expressions as a function of the parameters of backward masking.Q51143660
On the automatic nature of phobic fear: conditioned electrodermal responses to masked fear-relevant stimuli.Q51144237
Preattentive processing, preparedness and phobias: effects of instruction on conditioned electrodermal responses to masked and non-masked fear-relevant stimuli.Q51145498
Effects of potentially phobic conditioned stimuli on retention, reconditioning, and extinction of the conditioned skin conductance response.Q51161243
Facial reactions, autonomic activity and experienced emotion: a three component model of emotional conditioning.Q51200358
Test of the conditioning model of neurosis: differential aversive conditioning of angry and neutral facial expressions in anxiety disorder patients.Q51209397
Observational conditioning of snake fear in unrelated rhesus monkeys.Q51218799
Orienting and defensive responding in the electrodermal system: palmar-dorsal differences and recovery rate during conditioning to potentially phobic stimuli.Q51281157
Affective learning: awareness and aversion.Q52199178
Double dissociation of conditioning and declarative knowledge relative to the amygdala and hippocampus in humans.Q52206605
Resistance to extinction of fear-relevant stimuli: preparedness or selective sensitization?Q52221282
One-trial learning and superior resistance to extinction of autonomic responses conditioned to potentially phobic stimuliQ52313630
Species-specific defense reactions and avoidance learningQ55899198
Behavior systems, associationism, and Pavlovian conditioningQ56339207
The past explains the presentQ59541825
Prepared phobias and obsessions: therapeutic outcomeQ67546845
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectautomationQ184199
P577publication date2002-11-01
P1433published inBiological PsychiatryQ4914961
P1476titlePhobias and preparedness: the selective, automatic, and encapsulated nature of fear

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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