Alcohol: taking a population perspective.

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Alcohol: taking a population perspective. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID27188823

P50authorTanya ChikritzhsQ60942410
Tim StockwellQ60665336
P2093author name stringDavid Jernigan
Ian Gilmore
William Gilmore
Timothy Naimi
P2860cites workHow good is the science?Q83755601
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Effects of restricting pub closing times on night-time assaults in an Australian cityQ34587076
Effect of alcohol consumption on biological markers associated with risk of coronary heart disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studiesQ34593955
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The influence of industry actions on the availability of alcoholic beverages in the African regionQ38289087
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2010 National and State Costs of Excessive Alcohol ConsumptionQ40419277
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Epigenetics--new frontier for alcohol researchQ42809893
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Mendelian randomisation meta-analysis sheds doubt on protective associations between 'moderate' alcohol consumption and coronary heart diseaseQ44486689
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Clear criteria based on absolute risk: Reforming the basis of guidelines on low‐risk drinkingQ44689388
Reducing the global burden of hazardous alcohol use: a comparative cost-effectiveness analysisQ45257141
The relationship between minimum alcohol prices, outlet densities and alcohol‐attributable deaths inBritishColumbia, 2002–09Q45917789
Alcohol and infectious diseases: an overlooked causal linkage?Q46126554
The global alcohol industry: an overviewQ46169239
Alcohol advertising and youth: a measured approachQ46707164
The impact of the Northern Territory's Living With Alcohol program, 1992-2002: revisiting the evaluation.Q46796528
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Trends in public opinion about alcohol policy initiatives in Ontario and the US 1989-91.Q49138955
The relationship between alcohol problems, perceived risks and attitudes toward alcohol policy in Canada.Q50114505
Randomized Controlled Intervention of the Effects of Alcohol on Blood Pressure in Premenopausal WomenQ50441581
Impacts of drinking-age laws on mortality in Canada, 1980-2009.Q50654689
Alcohol taxation policy in Thailand: implications for other low‐ to middle‐income countriesQ50769398
The spatial ecology of alcohol problems: niche theory and assortative drinkingQ51186167
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Prevention of deaths from harmful drinking in the United States: the potential effects of tax increases and advertising bans on young drinkers.Q51945227
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Has the leaning tower of presumed health benefits from 'moderate' alcohol use finally collapsed?Q52306476
Public health, academic medicine, and the alcohol industry's corporate social responsibility activitiesQ52954594
Global Alcohol Producers, Science, and Policy: The Case of the International Center for Alcohol PoliciesQ53141608
Restrictions in pub closing times and lockouts in Newcastle, Australia five years on.Q54046896
The implementation in Europe (EU) of the low risk drinking guidelines: results from the RARHA survey.Q54855406
The Environment and Disease: Association or Causation?Q55037638
Moderate alcohol use and reduced mortality risk: Systematic error in prospective studiesQ55952572
Alcohol consumption and prostate cancer riskQ57259534
An empirical evaluation of the US Beer Institute's self-regulation code governing the content of beer advertisingQ59643888
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2016-05-18
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inNature Reviews Gastroenterology & HepatologyQ2108255
P1476titleAlcohol: taking a population perspective

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