Physical principles for scalable neural recording.

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Physical principles for scalable neural recording. is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P818arXiv ID1306.5709
P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/ficn/MarblestoneZMSCGASKDSAMCRBCK13
P932PMC publication ID3807567
P698PubMed publication ID24187539
P5875ResearchGate publication ID258254992

P50authorKonrad KördingQ18153251
George M. ChurchQ3298995
Edward BoydenQ5341974
Dario AmodeiQ103335665
Peter B StrangesQ55293498
Joshua I. GlaserQ58442925
Adam H MarblestoneQ58443043
Mikhail ShapiroQ58443388
P2093author name stringDongjin Seo
Elad Alon
Michel M Maharbiz
Jose M Carmena
Thaddeus R Cybulski
Reza Kalhor
Jan M Rabaey
David A Dalrymple
Bradley M Zamft
Yael G Maguire
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Axonal gap junctions send ripples through the hippocampus.Q34376808
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Non-invasive imaging through opaque scattering layers.Q34470642
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Electron spin resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in optically trapped nanodiamondsQ36187485
Response of brain tissue to chronically implanted neural electrodesQ36273771
Thermal effects of bioimplantsQ36296450
Molecular mechanisms involved in T cell migration across the blood-brain barrier.Q36426872
How silent is the brain: is there a "dark matter" problem in neuroscience?Q36426893
Potential and feasibility of parallel MRI at high field.Q36480795
Photon shot noise limits on optical detection of neuronal spikes and estimation of spike timing.Q36518524
Brain surface temperature under a craniotomyQ36531951
Three-dimensional multiwaveguide probe array for light delivery to distributed brain circuitsQ36609220
Polarized targeting of ion channels in neuronsQ36647854
A phase transition in the first passage of a Brownian process through a fluctuating boundary with implications for neural codingQ36782019
Mapping a complete neural population in the retinaQ36875355
Nanotools for neuroscience and brain activity mappingQ36881466
Stimulus-induced Rotary Saturation (SIRS): a potential method for the detection of neuronal currents with MRI.Q36965264
Two-photon voltage imaging using a genetically encoded voltage indicator.Q37025583
Tetrodes markedly improve the reliability and yield of multiple single-unit isolation from multi-unit recordings in cat striate cortexQ28288694
Terabit-scale orbital angular momentum mode division multiplexing in fibersQ28293719
Local and reversible blood-brain barrier disruption by noninvasive focused ultrasound at frequencies suitable for trans-skull sonicationsQ28297458
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Optical control of mammalian endogenous transcription and epigenetic statesQ28505596
Successful reconstruction of a physiological circuit with known connectivity from spiking activity aloneQ28534619
Statistical analysis of molecular signal recordingQ28534714
Measuring energy metabolism in the mouse - theoretical, practical, and analytical considerationsQ28703778
Multiplexed, high density electrophysiology with nanofabricated neural probesQ28743942
A history of spike-timing-dependent plasticityQ28744240
A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulatorsQ29547344
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Fast GCaMPs for improved tracking of neuronal activityQ30447292
Speckle-scale focusing in the diffusive regime with time-reversal of variance-encoded light (TROVE).Q30448760
Deep-tissue focal fluorescence imaging with digitally time-reversed ultrasound-encoded light.Q30455526
Corticostriatal plasticity is necessary for learning intentional neuroprosthetic skillsQ30462336
Piezoelectric and magnetoelectric thick films for fabricating power sources in wireless sensor nodesQ30469272
Mechanisms of sustained high firing rates in two classes of vestibular nucleus neurons: differential contributions of resurgent Na, Kv3, and BK currents.Q30474373
Simultaneous two-photon calcium imaging at different depths with spatiotemporal multiplexing.Q30474676
Microoxen: microorganisms to move microscale loadsQ30476089
Chronic, multisite, multielectrode recordings in macaque monkeysQ30480032
Advances in light microscopy for neuroscienceQ30483377
Mechanical model of neural tissue displacement during Lorentz effect imagingQ30484399
Anticipatory haemodynamic signals in sensory cortex not predicted by local neuronal activityQ30488118
Localization and targeting of voltage-dependent ion channels in mammalian central neurons.Q30492681
Monitoring neural activity with bioluminescence during natural behavior.Q30493918
Optical brain imaging in vivo: techniques and applications from animal to man.Q30494149
Magnetic resonance imaging of oscillating electrical currentsQ30494988
Far-red fluorescent tags for protein imaging in living tissuesQ30495187
A compact multiphoton 3D imaging system for recording fast neuronal activityQ30502078
High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzerQ30523388
Start/stop signals emerge in nigrostriatal circuits during sequence learningQ30525757
Ultrasonic tagging of light: theoryQ30530544
X-ray tomography generates 3-D reconstructions of the yeast, saccharomyces cerevisiae, at 60-nm resolutionQ30538997
Encoded multisite two-photon microscopy.Q30542632
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Use of magnetic resonance imaging for in vivo measurements of water content in human brain: method and normal valuesQ30579467
X-ray phase-contrast in vivo microtomography probes new aspects of Xenopus gastrulationQ30626823
Water diffusion in brain cortex closely tracks underlying neuronal activityQ30651705
Highly nonlinear photodamage in two-photon fluorescence microscopyQ30659669
Tracking axonal action potential propagation on a high-density microelectrode array across hundreds of sitesQ30847872
Recording and controlling the 4D light field in a microscope using microlens arraysQ30872086
Functional near‐infrared optical imaging: Utility and limitations in human brain mappingQ30882591
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Magnetic field and tissue dependencies of human brain longitudinal 1H2O relaxation in vivoQ31096340
Bloodless FMRI.Q31133044
Frequency division multiplexed multichannel high-speed fluorescence confocal microscopeQ33248622
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A mechanical spike accompanies the action potential in Mammalian nerve terminalsQ33274408
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Scanningless depth-resolved microscopyQ33459925
Two-photon microscopy by wavelength-swept pulses delivered through single-mode fiberQ33524807
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Fiber-optic fluorescence imagingQ33770540
How advances in neural recording affect data analysisQ33804881
Near-infrared fluorescent proteins for multicolor in vivo imagingQ37079618
Genetic dissection of neural circuitsQ37110384
A microwell array device capable of measuring single-cell oxygen consumption ratesQ37140694
Calcium signaling in dendrites and spines: practical and functional considerationsQ37279422
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In vivo three-photon microscopy of subcortical structures within an intact mouse brainQ37396544
Spike sorting by stochastic simulationQ37680805
Reshaping the optical dimension in optogeneticsQ37972430
Experimental evidence for sparse firing in the neocortexQ38009511
Temporal processing in the olfactory system: can we see a smell?Q38105770
Physical one-way functionsQ38432402
An in vivo biosensor for neurotransmitter release and in situ receptor activity.Q38835554
A biophysically detailed model of neocortical local field potentials predicts the critical role of active membrane currentsQ39377429
Analog versus digital: extrapolating from electronics to neurobiologyQ39475843
Extended depth of field through wave-front codingQ39957108
Amplifying genetic logic gatesQ40101578
Polarized targeting of peripheral membrane proteins in neuronsQ40781747
How many neurons can we see with current spike sorting algorithms?Q40819185
Multiwaveguide implantable probe for light delivery to sets of distributed brain targetsQ41480429
Communication through a diffusive medium: coherence and capacityQ41714086
Rapid endocytosis provides restricted somatic expression of a K+ channel in central neurons.Q41851913
High spatial and temporal resolution wide-field imaging of neuron activity using quantum NV-diamond.Q41886188
Theoretical limits on brain cooling by external head cooling devices.Q42048125
Activity-dependent A-to-I RNA editing in rat cortical neuronsQ42105984
Therapeutic vasculogenesis: it takes two.Q43080124
Spectral emission and quantum yield of firefly bioluminescenceQ44404319
Neuroscience thinks big (and collaboratively).Q44557447
Soma-restricted products of the myelin proteolipid gene are expressed primarily in neurons in the developing mouse nervous systemQ44579467
Toward a comparison of microelectrodes for acute and chronic recordingsQ44962145
Whole-brain functional imaging at cellular resolution using light-sheet microscopyQ44984064
Recording spikes from a large fraction of the ganglion cells in a retinal patchQ45081713
N-methyl-D-aspartic acid-induced and Ca-dependent neuronal swelling and its retardation by brain-derived neurotrophic factor in the epileptic hippocampusQ45303789
P577publication date2013-10-21
P1433published inFrontiers in Computational NeuroscienceQ15817583
P1476titlePhysical principles for scalable neural recording

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cites work (P2860)
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