Compression and reflection of visually evoked cortical waves

scientific article

Compression and reflection of visually evoked cortical waves is …
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P932PMC publication ID1988694
P698PubMed publication ID17610821
P5875ResearchGate publication ID6226590

P50authorKentaroh TakagakiQ39188123
P2093author name stringWeifeng Xu
Jian-young Wu
Xiaoying Huang
P2860cites workPropagating waves mediate information transfer in the motor cortexQ28274809
Cortical feedback depolarization waves: a mechanism of top-down influence on early visual areasQ30477749
Optimal decoding of correlated neural population responses in the primate visual cortex.Q30479272
Methods for voltage-sensitive dye imaging of rat cortical activity with high signal-to-noise ratioQ33792376
Initiation of Spontaneous Epileptiform Events in the Rat Neocortex In VivoQ34019017
Propagating wave and irregular dynamics: spatiotemporal patterns of cholinergic theta oscillations in neocortex in vitroQ34139150
Traveling electrical waves in cortex: insights from phase dynamics and speculation on a computational roleQ34142257
Segregation of form, color, movement, and depth: anatomy, physiology, and perceptionQ34172282
VSDI: a new era in functional imaging of cortical dynamicsQ34360826
Spiral waves in disinhibited mammalian neocortexQ34365051
Direct evidence for local oscillatory current sources and intracortical phase gradients in turtle visual cortexQ34980703
Waves and stimulus-modulated dynamics in an oscillating olfactory networkQ34992213
Coherent spatiotemporal patterns of ongoing activity revealed by real-time optical imaging coupled with single-unit recording in the cat visual cortexQ71923811
Odors elicit three different oscillations in the turtle olfactory bulbQ73348025
Visual stimuli induce waves of electrical activity in turtle cortexQ36663395
Interaction of sensory responses with spontaneous depolarization in layer 2/3 barrel cortexQ37089779
Subthreshold facilitation and suppression in primary visual cortex revealed by intrinsic signal imaging.Q37365933
Synchronized activities of coupled oscillators in the cerebral cortex and thalamus at different levels of vigilanceQ41580299
Analysis of spatial patterns of phase in neocortical gamma EEGs in rabbitQ41760567
Models of the cellular mechanism underlying propagation of epileptiform activity in the CA2-CA3 region of the hippocampal sliceQ42017736
Visualization of the spread of electrical activity in rat hippocampal slices by voltage-sensitive optical probesQ42469913
Spatiotemporal properties of an evoked population activity in rat sensory cortical slicesQ43792368
Pale cytochrome oxidase stripes in V2 receive the richest projection from macaque striate cortexQ43968037
Circuits for local and global signal integration in primary visual cortex.Q44156198
Odorant specificity of three oscillations and the DC signal in the turtle olfactory bulbQ44311631
Spatiotemporal dynamics of sensory responses in layer 2/3 of rat barrel cortex measured in vivo by voltage-sensitive dye imaging combined with whole-cell voltage recordings and neuron reconstructions.Q44323451
Retinal influences specify cortico-cortical maps by postnatal day six in rats and miceQ44364530
Imaging Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Surround Inhibition in the Barrels Somatosensory CortexQ44418954
Excitatory cortical neurons form fine-scale functional networksQ45281385
Independent projection streams from macaque striate cortex to the second visual area and middle temporal area.Q45965993
Horizontal spread of synchronized activity in neocortex and its control by GABA-mediated inhibitionQ46227789
Divided by cytochrome oxidase: a map of the projections from V1 to V2 in macaquesQ46288589
Periodicity and directionality in the propagation of epileptiform discharges across neocortexQ46405579
Non-uniform propagation of epileptiform discharge in brain slices of rat neocortexQ46471402
Spread of synchronous firing in longitudinal slices from the CA3 region of the hippocampusQ46475891
Slow excitation supports propagation of slow pulses in networks of excitatory and inhibitory populationsQ47884432
Dynamics of propagating waves in the olfactory network of a terrestrial mollusk: an electrical and optical studyQ47924512
Receptive field properties of single neurons in rat primary visual cortexQ48165721
Propagating activation during oscillations and evoked responses in neocortical slices.Q48188567
Connections between layer 4B of area 17 and the thick cytochrome oxidase stripes of area 18 in the squirrel monkey.Q48191646
Modal behavior of cortical neural networks during visual processingQ48218125
A double-labeling investigation of the afferent connectivity to cortical areas V1 and V2 of the macaque monkey.Q48450293
Visualizing the cortical representation of whisker touch: voltage-sensitive dye imaging in freely moving mice.Q48539274
Integration of evoked responses in supragranular cortex studied with optical recordings in vivo.Q48600943
Specificity of intrinsic connections in primate primary visual cortex.Q48608855
Propagating neuronal discharges in neocortical slices: computational and experimental study.Q48623129
Form, function and intracortical projections of spiny neurones in the striate visual cortex of the cat.Q48638348
Voltage-sensitive dye imaging of population neuronal activity in cortical tissue.Q48659817
Distributed representation of vibrissa movement in the upper layers of somatosensory cortex revealed with voltage-sensitive dyes.Q48864659
Widespread periodic intrinsic connections in the tree shrew visual cortex.Q48965333
Retinotopic axis specificity and selective clustering of feedback projections from V2 to V1 in the owl monkey.Q49022068
Functional imaging with cellular resolution reveals precise micro-architecture in visual cortex.Q49133484
Imaging cortical dynamics at high spatial and temporal resolution with novel blue voltage-sensitive dyes.Q50514821
Thalamic-evoked synaptic interactions in barrel cortex revealed by optical imaging.Q51419771
Orientation Selectivity without Orientation Maps in Visual Cortex of a Highly Visual MammalQ57780356
Morphology and intracortical projections of functionally characterised neurones in the cat visual cortexQ59067532
Long-range horizontal connections and their role in cortical reorganization revealed by optical recording of cat primary visual cortexQ59092847
Optical recordings of the cortical response to whisker stimulation before and after the addition of an epileptogenic agentQ69614479
Columnar specificity of intrinsic horizontal and corticocortical connections in cat visual cortexQ69653762
Intrinsic laminar lattice connections in primate visual cortexQ70149471
Cortical connections of the occipital lobe in the rhesus monkey: interconnections between areas 17, 18, 19 and the superior temporal sulcusQ70755508
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P577publication date2007-07-01
P1433published inNeuronQ3338676
P1476titleCompression and reflection of visually evoked cortical waves

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cites work (P2860)
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