W3C Recommendation | Q2661442 |
computer network protocol | Q15836568 |
P856 | official website | https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-protocol-20130321/ |
P1547 | depends on software | HTTP | Q8777 |
P1343 | described by source | SPARQL 1.1 Query Language W3C Recommendation | Q29895783 |
P361 | part of | SPARQL 1.1 | Q114898694 |
P179 | part of the series | SPARQL | Q54871 |
P577 | publication date | 2013-03-21 | |
P1365 | replaces | SPARQL Protocol for RDF | Q31207825 |
P348 | software version identifier | 1.1 | |
P1462 | standards body | World Wide Web Consortium | Q37033 |
P580 | start time | 2011-11-17 | |
P1476 | title | SPARQL 1.1 Protocol |
Q106823303 | IDSM ChemWebRDF: SPARQLing small-molecule datasets |
Q126917814 | Representing open data with Wikidata Query Service |
Q115214349 | SPARQL query endpoint | described by source | P1343 |
Q31207825 | SPARQL Protocol for RDF | replaced by | P1366 |
Q26261192 | SPARQL endpoint | manifestation of | P1557 |
Q56640613 | OpenLink Structured Data Editor | uses | P2283 |
Q56640613 | OpenLink Structured Data Editor | protocol | P2700 |
Q114898694 | SPARQL 1.1 | has part(s) | P527 |
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