
number of people who read a publication

readership is …
sublass of (P279):
group of humansQ16334295

External links are
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/120yrd21
P5398TDKIV term ID000004068

P910topic's main category???Q9546282
P1687Wikidata propertyreadershipP4295

Reverse relations

participant (P710)
Q113200733Viktor Pinchuk 's speeches at the KrymBookFest Literary Festival
Q113197108Viktor Pinchuk's lecture at the Central City Library named after Potanina
Q113176951Viktor Pinchuk's lecture at the Dostoevsky Library
Q113195458Viktor Pinchuk's lecture at the Sapronov Library # 4
Q113194393Viktor Pinchuk's speech at Library No. 20

main subject (P921)
Q55472331Predicting Newspaper Readership from Content Characteristics
Q55472384Predicting Newspaper Readership from Content Characteristics: A Replication

P4295readershipWikidata item of this propertyP1629
Q106704228readership of Wikipediasubclass ofP279
Q9546282Kategorie:Čtenářstvícategory's main topicP301
Q28673169Narodowe CzytanieindustryP452
uri / for this senseP5137

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