structural motif

(in a chain-like biological molecule, such as a protein or nucleic acid) supersecondary structure, which also appears in a variety of other molecules

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: In a chain-like biological molecule, such as a protein or nucleic acid, a structural motif is a common three-dimensional structure that appears in a variety of different, evolutionarily unrelated molecules. A structural motif does not have to be associated with a sequence motif; it can be represented by different and completely unrelated sequences in different proteins or RNA.

Wikimedia Commons category is Amino acid motifs

structural motif is …
sublass of (P279):
supersecondary structureQ7644128

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0293vv
P6366Microsoft Academic ID132677234
P10283OpenAlex IDC132677234

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
Q229812310 helix
Q110196069ALTTAQ repeat
Q24768732Acid shock
Q24746079Actin-binding, Xin repeat
Q81497535Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) repeat
Q24726543Adenomatous polyposis coli protein repeat
Q24741631Adenomatous polyposis coli protein, 15 residue repeat
Q24739145Adenoviral fibre protein, repeat/shaft region
Q24768220Adhesin of bacterial autotransporter system
Q24772274Agglutinin-like protein repeat
Q3266384Alpha sheet
Q3195879Alpha solenoid
Q81497501Alstrom syndrome repeat
Q18351735Amide ring
Q30693846Amphipathic lipid packing sensor motifs
Q24768000Annexin repeat
Q24772313Antigen 332 repeat
Q18354837Asx motif
Q24779198Atypical Arm repeat
Q24788681BIR repeat
Q24783155BNR repeat
Q24721913BRCA2 repeat
Q24786670Bacterial ice-nucleation, octamer repeat
Q24776544Bacterial surface protein 26-residue repeat
Q24780118Bacteriophage lambda, Stf, side tail fibre-repeat-1
Q24739976Bacteriophage lambda, Stf, side tail fibre-repeat-2
Q19903500Beta bulge loop
Q487869Beta helix
Q24740916Beta propeller repeat, Msarc-type
Q81497545Beta solenoid repeat from YDCK
Q18378469Beta turn
Q24787282Beta-propeller repeat
Q24775299Beta-propeller repeat TECPR
Q24721283Borrelia repeat protein
Q24775797BspA type Leucine rich repeat region
Q81497573CD180, leucine-rich repeat
Q54443803CSPG repeat
Q24726584CXCXC repeat
Q81497526Cadmium carbonic anhydrase repeat
Q24784508CagY type 1 repeat
Q24781713Calponin repeat
Q24724882Cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor
Q24775371Cell surface antigen repeat
Q24778570Cell wall/choline-binding repeat
Q24740533Chlorosome envelope protein H, CsmH
Q24766997Chlorovirus glycoprotein repeat
Q81497514Chromosome region maintenance repeat
Q24772023Clathrin, heavy chain, propeller repeat
Q24769786Clathrin, heavy chain/VPS, 7-fold repeat
Q24779598Clostridial hydrophobic repeat
Q24768589Coagulation factor V, LSPD
Q24774680Cofactor-binding repeat, putative
Q903650Coiled coil
Q24768908Collagen triple helix repeat
Q24780010Conserved TM helix
Q24768512CshA-type fibril repeat
Q24783577Curlin associated
Q24727093CxxxxCH...CXXCH motif, Geobacter sulfurreducens
Q24742162Cyanobacterial long protein repeat
Q24776931Cys-rich repeat, Myxococcales-type
Q24785193Cysteine rich repeat, tripleX
Q24727206Cysteine-rich Golgi apparatus protein 1 repeat
Q24726375Cysteine-rich Golgi apparatus protein 1 repeat, eukaryote
Q24769041Cysteine-rich repeat
Q24721823Cysteine-rich, acidic integral membrane
Q9305217Cystine knot
Q24778668Cytoplasmic repetitive antigen-like
Q24770670DM16 repeat
Q24776451DM9 repeat
Q24782201DNA gyrase/topoisomerase IV, subunit A, C-terminal repeat
Q24724709DUF236 repeat
Q81497516DUF4458 domain-containing protein, leucine-rich repeat
Q5247331Death fold
Q24771430Dec-1 repeat
Q24770125Delta-60 repeat
Q81497541Dextranase, beta solenoid repeat
Q24783495Dictyostelium (slime mold) repeat
Q24724145Disaggregatase-related repeat
Q24773419ELWxxDGT repeat
Q24723317ET repeat
Q24783529Early growth response protein 1, C-terminal
Q24774037Ehrlichia tandem repeat
Q103840166EsV-1-7 cysteine-rich motif
Q81497503Exportin-1, repeat 2
Q81497523Exportin-1, repeat 3
Q24787078Extracellular HAF
Q25304082FFAT motif
Q24771852FG-GAP repeat
Q5445279Ferredoxin fold
Q24774192Fibronectin binding repeat
Q24740869Fibronectin-binding repeat, SSURE
Q24725297Filamentous haemagglutinin repeat
Q24719559Filamentous haemagglutinin, 20-residue x2 repeat
Q24780328Filamin/ABP280 repeat
Q24787462Filamin/ABP280 repeat-like
Q24739922Fis1, C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat
Q24777521Fis1, N-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat
Q5458159Flavodoxin fold
Q24783394Flocculin type 3 repeat
Q24772575Fn3 associated repeat
Q24774294Furin-like repeat
Q24784217G-protein beta WD-40 repeat
Q24722285GBS Bsp-like
Q24721535GETHR pentapeptide repeat
Q24787391GPI-anchored cell wall protein repeat
Q24786622GTF2I-like repeat
Q24775746Gas vesicle C repeat
Q24772714Gas vesicle protein GvpC
Q24740246Gloeobacter/Verrucomicrobia repeat
Q24787909Glucan-binding repeat
Q24721709Glycophorin-binding protein
Q24779546Gp5, C-terminal
Q24776370HAT (Half-A-TPR) repeat
Q24721952HEAT repeat
Q24787894HEAT repeat associated with sister chromatid cohesion protein
Q24774590HEAT, type 2
Q24720304HGWP repeat
Q24779416HUWE1/Rev1, ubiquitin binding region
Q24771314Head domain of trimeric autotransporter adhesin
Q24781590Hemagglutinin repeat
Q24772692Hemopexin-like repeats
Q24766766Hexapeptide repeat
Q81497542Hexapeptide repeat including loop
Q24787442Histidine-rich calcium-binding
Q24725299Histidine-rich calcium-binding repeat
Q81497568Homing endonuclease repeat
Q24770034Huntingtin, middle-repeat
Q81497561Importin 13 repeat
Q81497566Importin 13 repeat 2
Q81497548Importin 13, repeat 1
Q81497556Importin repeat
Q81497557Importin repeat 4
Q81497510Importin repeat 6
Q24774179Insect antifreeze protein motif
Q24721640Integrin alpha beta-propellor
Q24787793Intron encoded nuclease repeat
Q81497500Inulin fructotransferase, beta helix repeat
Q24773680Involucrin repeat
Q81497517Isopullulanase beta-solenoid repeat
Q24774690KID repeat
Q103840339KNL1 MELT repeat
Q24776104KRBA1 family repeat
Q24775486Kelch repeat type 1
Q24767939Kelch repeat type 2
Q24778342Kinesin light chain repeat
Q24740614LDLR class B repeat
Q24738796LMP repeat
Q24782077Leucine rich repeat 4
Q24723570Leucine rich repeat variant
Q24788094Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated , EPTP repeat
Q24739837Leucine-rich repeat
Q24720540Leucine-rich repeat 2
Q24775833Leucine-rich repeat 3
Q81497563Leucine-rich repeat unit
Q24720712Leucine-rich repeat, cysteine-containing subtype
Q24726885Lipoprotein repeat
Q24740609Listeria/Bacterioides repeat
Q24768184Lustrin, cysteine-rich repeated
Q24779450M protein repeat
Q24739868MORN motif
Q24771979MORN variant
Q24768067Major vault protein, N-terminal
Q24779968Mating factor alpha, C-terminal repeat
Q24777601Mbt repeat
Q24770588Micronemal adhesive repeat, sialic-acid binding
Q24773705Microtubule associated protein Futsch
Q24745319Microtubule associated protein, tubulin-binding repeat
Q24783799Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier
Q24782945Modification target Cys-rich repeat
Q24721532Mycobacterial pentapeptide repeat
Q24770543Mycoplasma hyorhinis VlpA repeat
Q24773766Myxococcus cysteine-rich repeat
Q24724905NHL repeat
Q24727052NHL repeat, subgroup
Q24722269NPR nonapeptide
Q24719528Nebulin repeat
Q24771767Neuraxin/MAP1B repeat
Q81497559Nitrous oxide reductase, propeller repeat 1
Q81497521Nitrous oxide reductase, propeller repeat 2
Q24779810Nodule-specific GRP-repeat
Q24721267Nuclear receptor repeat
Q24739264Nucleoporin FG repeat
Q24788241Octapeptide repeat
Q7090047Omega loop
Q24727120Opioid growth factor receptor repeat
Q24722560P120R repeat
Q24726795PAAR motif
Q24723734PAC motif
Q24770520PBS lyase HEAT-like repeat
Q24739897PFTB repeat
Q24740529PPAK motif
Q24785605PQ-loop repeat
Q24725435PT repeat
Q24720336PXPV repeat
Q24726623Paired amphipathic helix
Q24770679Parallel beta-helix repeat
Q24771751Parallel beta-helix repeat-2
Q24784362Paramecium surface antigen
Q24787539Pentapeptide repeat
Q24776796Pentatricopeptide repeat
Q24726034Pericardin-like repeat
Q81497508Phage spike trimer 2
Q24780563Phage-integrase repeat unit
Q24785237Phosphate-starvation-induced PsiF repeat
Q24770325Phosphorylated immunoreceptor signalling ITAM
Q24771099Plasmodium repeat
Q103840410Plasmodium repeat of length 46
Q24743757Plasmodium yoelii repeat of length 46
Q81497520PlcR, tetratricopeptide repeat
Q24776666Plectin repeat
Q24725717Plexin repeat
Q24786868Polymorphic outer membrane protein repeat
Q4384651Polyproline helix
Q24784133Prion, copper binding octapeptide repeat
Q24725586Proline-rich tail region repeat
Q24787813Proteasome/cyclosome repeat
Q24783340Protein L, Ig light chain-binding
Q24770020Protein of unknown function DM15
Q24727269Protein of unknown function DUF1103
Q24775185Protein of unknown function DUF1502
Q24785904Protein of unknown function DUF308, membrane
Q24768105Protein of unknown function DUF312
Q24724628Protein of unknown function DUF321
Q24726279Protein of unknown function DUF326
Q24785376Protein of unknown function DUF346
Q24724084Protein of unknown function DUF347
Q24724065Protein of unknown function DUF349
Q24769253Protein of unknown function DUF350
Q24787917Protein of unknown function DUF529
Q24771146Protein of unknown function DUF823
Q24775305Protein of unknown function DUF824
Q24719888Protein of unknown function DUF963
Q24783066Protein prenyltransferase, alpha subunit
Q24741141Proteinase inhibitor I27, calpastatin
Q24784944Pseudomurein-binding repeat
Q24772409Pumilio RNA-binding repeat
Q24741838Putative TPR-like repeat
Q24739936Putative cell wall binding repeat 2
Q24743779Putative flagellar system-associated repeat
Q24782114Putative metal-binding motif
Q24773013Putative stress-responsive protein
Q24722795Pyrrolo-quinoline quinone beta-propeller repeat
Q24726991Pyrrolo-quinoline quinone repeat
Q103839955QPE repeat
Q24721652RHS repeat
Q24771691RNA helicase p68 repeat
Q24783640RNA polymerase II, heptapeptide repeat, eukaryotic
Q24767041RPEL repeat
Q24786544RTX calcium-binding nonapeptide repeat
Q96400917RVxP motif
Q24779063Regulator of chromosome condensation, RCC1
Q81497538Repeat of uncharacterized protein PH0542
Q24741469Repeat of unknown function DUF1079
Q24786141Repeat of unknown function DUF1174
Q24727475Repeat of unknown function DUF1388
Q81497497Repeat of unknown function DUF5633
Q103840796Repeat of unknown function DUF5648
Q103840600Repeat of unknown function DUF5650
Q110195487Repeat of unknown function DUF5907
Q24772445Repeat of unknown function XGLTT
Q103840902Repeats of unknown function DUF5649
Q24774481Repetitive proline-rich cell wall protein repeat
Q24724029Rib/alpha/Esp surface antigen
Q81497571Ribonuclease inhibitor, leucine rich repeat cap
Q24786619RtxA toxin
Q24778228SPW repeat
Q18391800ST motif
Q25323693ST staple
Q81497553SUVR5, C2H2-type Zinc finger, 3 repeats
Q24726949Sel1-like repeat
Q24770857Seminal vesicle protein I
Q24780853Seminal vesicle protein repeat
Q24774805Seven residue repeat
Q24727393Sic protein repeat
Q24778004Spectrin repeat
Q24788420Sperm-tail PG-rich repeat
Q24786950SprB repeat
Q24774748Staphylocoagulase repeat
Q24776999Streptococcal histidine triad repeat
Q24779942Streptococcal surface-anchored protein repeat, S. criceti family
Q24769440Stress-induced protein, KGG, repeat
Q24779406Surface protein repeat SSSPR-51
Q24724378Surface protein repeat Ser-Ala-175
Q24776767Surface-anchored repeat, actinobacteria
Q24787426T5SS/PEP-CTERM-associated repeat
Q24741119TAL effector repeat
Q24787784TDU repeat
Q24776724TEP1, N-terminal
Q24770226TMP repeat
Q24786121Testicular haploid expressed repeat
Q24781107Tetratricopeptide TPR-3
Q24766933Tetratricopeptide TPR-4
Q24779822Tetratricopeptide repeat 1
Q24788659Tetratricopeptide repeat 2
Q81497505Tetratricopeptide-like repeat
Q24772391Thrombospondin type-1 (TSP1) repeat
Q24779913Thrombospondin, type 3 repeat
Q24776910Thrombospondin, type 3-like repeat
Q24723078Titin repeats
Q24722066Titin, Z repeat
Q24782690Topoisomerase C-terminal repeat
Q81497533Toxin complex C-like repeat
Q24723316Transcription termination factor NusA, C-terminal duplication
Q24742113Trappin protein transglutaminase-binding repeat
Q7837800Trefoil knot fold
Q24781155Two component regulator propeller
Q24775570Type III secretion protein EspF
Q81497530Ubiquitous surface protein adhesin repeat
Q24768811VCBS repeat
Q24786229Variable length PCR target
Q81497550Vesicle tethering protein p115, armadillo tether-repeat
Q24775244Viral A-type inclusion protein repeat
Q7948257WD40 repeat
Q24741077WD40-like Beta Propeller
Q59251142WDR19, WD40 repeat
Q24724334WG containing repeat
Q110194767Wolframin, Sel1-like repeat
Q24779118XYPPX repeat
Q24781838YD repeat
Q24777943YVTN beta-propeller repeat
Q24725974YXWGXW repeat
Q24779530Yeast PIR protein repeat
Q24786426Zinc finger, C2HC-type
Q24722982Zinc metalloproteinase 18-residue repeat
Q24784174ankyrin repeat
Q24725729autotransporter-associated beta strand repeat
Q24739649dockerin type I repeat
Q24783125leucine-rich repeat, typical subtype
Q24775971low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor class A repeat
Q288524pi helix
Q58210719protein fold
Q24726599tetratricopeptide repeat
Q24781064xxxLxxG heptad repeat
Q204785zinc finger

subclass of (P279)
Q96372335Arginine finger
Q17145885Asx turn
Q17125274ST turn
Q15845157Schellman loop
Q25325279Topologically Associating Domain
Q6591474Walker motif

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Arabic (ar / Q13955)طابع بنائيwikipedia
      Strukturni motivwikipedia
      Structural motifwikipedia
Persian (fa / Q9168)موتیف ساختاریwikipedia
      Motif structurelwikipedia
      מוטיב מבניwikipedia
      Struttura supersecondariawikipedia
      モチーフ (生物学)wikipedia
      구조 모티프wikipedia
mkСтруктурен мотивwikipedia
      Estruturas supersecundáriaswikipedia
Serbo-Croatian (sh / Q9301)Strukturni motivwikipedia
      Strukturni motivwikipedia
      Структурний мотив (біологія)wikipedia

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