(P625, lat/long) | 47.370976 / 8.564949 |
railway station | Q55488 |
P197 | adjacent station | Zürich, Römerhof station | Q33514137 |
P81 | connecting line | Dolderbahn | Q617523 |
P17 | country | Switzerland | Q39 |
P2044 | elevation above sea level | 484 | |
P131 | located in the administrative territorial entity | Zurich | Q72 |
P421 | located in time zone | UTC+01:00 | Q6655 |
P127 | owned by | Dolderbahn-Betriebs-AG | Q98399004 |
P5817 | state of use | in use | Q55654238 |
Q33514137 | Zürich, Römerhof station | adjacent station | P197 |
Esperanto (eo / Q143) | Zürich, Titlisstrasse (stacidomo) | wikipedia |
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