Statistical methods for the time-to-event analysis of individual participant data from multiple epidemiological studies

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Statistical methods for the time-to-event analysis of individual participant data from multiple epidemiological studies is …
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P8608Fatcat IDrelease_byrr2jw3yrh2fkqkvjgw2nzglm
P932PMC publication ID2972437
P698PubMed publication ID20439481
P5875ResearchGate publication ID44570401

P50authorJohn DaneshQ22277498
Hermann BrennerQ28958315
Dietrich RothenbacherQ28958446
Ian R WhiteQ63381435
Emerging Risk Factors CollaborationQ66473922
Lucy T. LennonQ43983894
P2093author name stringSimon Thompson
Stephen Kaptoge
Angela Wood
Philip Perry
P2860cites workMeasuring inconsistency in meta-analysesQ27860655
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Investigating heterogeneity in an individual patient data meta-analysis of time to event outcomesQ30981851
Improving ecological inference using individual-level dataQ31010622
Meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized trials: a review of methods used in practice.Q31016826
Covariate heterogeneity in meta-analysis: criteria for deciding between meta-regression and individual patient dataQ31088951
The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration: analysis of individual data on lipid, inflammatory and other markers in over 1.1 million participants in 104 prospective studies of cardiovascular diseasesQ31129827
Blood cholesterol and vascular mortality by age, sex, and blood pressure: a meta-analysis of individual data from 61 prospective studies with 55,000 vascular deathsQ31139036
Meta-analysis of continuous outcomes combining individual patient data and aggregate dataQ31139467
Comparison of Meta-Analysis Versus Analysis of Variance of Individual Patient DataQ32067832
The UK Biobank sample handling and storage protocol for the collection, processing and archiving of human blood and urineQ33326512
Systematically missing confounders in individual participant data meta-analysis of observational cohort studiesQ33409918
Correcting for multivariate measurement error by regression calibration in meta-analyses of epidemiological studiesQ34092205
Case-control designs in the study of common diseases: updates on the demise of the rare disease assumption and the choice of sampling scheme for controlsQ34215438
Diet and cancer--the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.Q34302396
Cancer Incidence in BRCA1 mutation carriersQ34527264
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C-reactive protein concentration and risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and mortality: an individual participant meta-analysisQ35182277
Lipoprotein(a) concentration and the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and nonvascular mortalityQ35737842
Major lipids, apolipoproteins, and risk of vascular diseaseQ35771393
Treating individuals 4: can meta-analysis help target interventions at individuals most likely to benefit?Q36017145
An evaluation of bivariate random-effects meta-analysis for the joint synthesis of two correlated outcomes.Q36417018
Practical methodology of meta-analyses (overviews) using updated individual patient data. Cochrane Working GroupQ36790212
Multivariable prognostic models: issues in developing models, evaluating assumptions and adequacy, and measuring and reducing errorsQ39605793
Use and misuse of the receiver operating characteristic curve in risk predictionQ40241086
A re-evaluation of random-effects meta-analysis.Q41866179
Correction of logistic regression relative risk estimates and confidence intervals for measurement error: the case of multiple covariates measured with errorQ43955300
Analysis of case-cohort designsQ44143102
Random-effects model for meta-analysis of clinical trials: an updateQ44449763
Floating absolute risk: an alternative to relative risk in survival and case-control analysis avoiding an arbitrary reference groupQ44693258
Comparing smoothing techniques in Cox models for exposure-response relationshipsQ44968140
Measures to assess the prognostic ability of the stratified Cox proportional hazards modelQ45789511
Methods for pooling results of epidemiologic studies: the Pooling Project of Prospective Studies of Diet and CancerQ51943445
Improved estimates of floating absolute riskQ52005780
Explaining heterogeneity in meta-analysis: a comparison of methodsQ52141807
Measurement error, instrumental variables and corrections for attenuation with applications to meta-analysesQ52375467
Statistical methods in cancer research. Volume I - The analysis of case-control studies.Q52768696
P921main subjectstatisticsQ12483
P577publication date2010-05-03
P1433published inInternational Journal of EpidemiologyQ6051393
P1476titleStatistical methods for the time-to-event analysis of individual participant data from multiple epidemiological studies

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