Quantifying, displaying and accounting for heterogeneity in the meta-analysis of RCTs using standard and generalised Q statistics.

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Quantifying, displaying and accounting for heterogeneity in the meta-analysis of RCTs using standard and generalised Q statistics. is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1014472876
P932PMC publication ID3102034
P698PubMed publication ID21473747
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51033053

P50authorJayne TierneyQ28322221
Andrew CopasQ38545184
P2093author name stringJack Bowden
Sarah Burdett
P2860cites workBias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical testQ24685585
Measuring inconsistency in meta-analysesQ27860655
Quantifying heterogeneity in a meta-analysisQ27860672
Meta-analysis in clinical trialsQ27860779
Assessing heterogeneity in meta-analysis: Q statistic or I2 index?Q29619545
Chemotherapy in adult high-grade glioma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 12 randomised trialsQ30686073
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 21 randomised trialsQ30883617
Adjuvant chemotherapy in invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data Advanced Bladder Cancer (ABC) Meta-analysis CollaborationQ30991564
Confidence intervals for random effects meta-analysis and robustness to publication biasQ51645666
A graphical method for exploring heterogeneity in meta-analyses: application to a meta-analysis of 65 trialsQ52032770
Bayesian meta-analysis, with application to studies of ETS and lung cancerQ52309120
Comments on ‘Empirical vs natural weighting in random effects meta-analysis’ by JJ Shuster, Statistics in Medicine 2009; 26, Published online, DOI: 10.1002/sim.3607Q57776020
Chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer: an overview of randomised clinical trials. Advanced Ovarian Cancer Trialists GroupQ67903830
Chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer: a meta-analysis using updated data on individual patients from 52 randomised clinical trials. Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Collaborative GroupQ71791969
Incorporating variability in estimates of heterogeneity in the random effects model in meta-analysisQ73298639
Adjuvant chemotherapy for localised resectable soft-tissue sarcoma of adults: meta-analysis of individual data. Sarcoma Meta-analysis CollaborationQ73944757
Postoperative radiotherapy in non-small-cell lung cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from nine randomised controlled trials. PORT Meta-analysis Trialists GroupQ74836073
A robust P-value for treatment effect in meta-analysis with publication biasQ81003504
Meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized trials: a review of methods used in practice.Q31016826
Chemotherapy in advanced ovarian cancer: four systematic meta-analyses of individual patient data from 37 randomized trials. Advanced Ovarian Cancer Trialists' GroupQ31962966
Preoperative radiotherapy in esophageal carcinoma: a meta-analysis using individual patient data (Oesophageal Cancer Collaborative Group).Q32060428
Reducing uncertainties about the effects of chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data from 18 randomized trialsQ33383729
Undue reliance on I(2) in assessing heterogeneity may misleadQ33387460
Assessment of regression-based methods to adjust for publication bias through a comprehensive simulation studyQ33399292
Beta blockade during and after myocardial infarction: an overview of the randomized trialsQ34557544
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysisQ35152226
Confidence intervals for the amount of heterogeneity in meta-analysisQ36389448
Why sources of heterogeneity in meta-analysis should be investigatedQ36888653
Graphical displays for meta-analysis: An overview with suggestions for practiceQ38521592
A likelihood approach to meta-analysis with random effectsQ39047107
Bias in the analysis and reporting of randomized controlled trialsQ41033029
A re-evaluation of random-effects meta-analysis.Q41866179
Random-effects model for meta-analysis of clinical trials: an updateQ44449763
Treatment-effect estimates adjusted for small-study effects via a limit meta-analysisQ45488531
Sequential meta-analysis: an efficient decision-making toolQ45771351
A new approach to outliers in meta-analysis.Q46175156
Invited commentary: a critical look at some popular meta-analytic methodsQ46474567
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericQ19125117
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P921main subjectstatisticsQ12483
P577publication date2011-04-07
P1433published inBMC Medical Research MethodologyQ15752152
P1476titleQuantifying, displaying and accounting for heterogeneity in the meta-analysis of RCTs using standard and generalised Q statistics

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cites work (P2860)
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