A two-step path to inclusion formation of huntingtin peptides revealed by number and brightness analysis

scientific article

A two-step path to inclusion formation of huntingtin peptides revealed by number and brightness analysis is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID2884247
P698PubMed publication ID20550921
P5875ResearchGate publication ID44675941

P50authorEnrico GrattonQ62059124
Michelle A DigmanQ62062552
P2093author name stringJ Lawrence Marsh
Giulia Ossato
Charity Aiken
Tamas Lukacsovich
P2860cites workSUMO modification of Huntingtin and Huntington's disease pathologyQ24324137
Huntingtin aggregation and toxicity in Huntington's diseaseQ28204163
Protein folding and misfoldingQ28235199
Formation of neuronal intranuclear inclusions underlies the neurological dysfunction in mice transgenic for the HD mutationQ28246858
Huntington's diseaseQ28284355
Inclusion body formation reduces levels of mutant huntingtin and the risk of neuronal deathQ28287762
Common structure of soluble amyloid oligomers implies common mechanism of pathogenesisQ29547501
Inherent toxicity of aggregates implies a common mechanism for protein misfolding diseasesQ29616535
Histone deacetylase inhibitors arrest polyglutamine-dependent neurodegeneration in DrosophilaQ29616737
Aggregation of huntingtin in neuronal intranuclear inclusions and dystrophic neurites in brainQ29617982
Mapping the number of molecules and brightness in the laser scanning microscopeQ30441376
Determination of particle number and brightness using a laser scanning confocal microscope operating in the analog modeQ30444740
Caspase 3-cleaved N-terminal fragments of wild-type and mutant huntingtin are present in normal and Huntington's disease brains, associate with membranes, and undergo calpain-dependent proteolysis.Q33948101
Expanded polyglutamines in Caenorhabditis elegans cause axonal abnormalities and severe dysfunction of PLM mechanosensory neurons without cell deathQ33949349
Huntington's disease age-of-onset linked to polyglutamine aggregation nucleationQ34154622
The photon counting histogram in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopyQ34170903
Protein misfolding, amyloid formation, and neurodegeneration: a critical role for molecular chaperones?Q34747079
Role of proteolysis in polyglutamine disordersQ35575850
Kinetics and thermodynamics of amyloid fibril assemblyQ36596626
Distinct conformations of in vitro and in vivo amyloids of huntingtin-exon1 show different cytotoxicityQ37209664
Quantitative comparison of different fluorescent protein couples for fast FRET-FLIM acquisition.Q37392567
Aggresomes protect cells by enhancing the degradation of toxic polyglutamine-containing proteinQ40662036
Expanded polyglutamine peptides alone are intrinsically cytotoxic and cause neurodegeneration in DrosophilaQ41705884
Fibrils formed in vitro from alpha-synuclein and two mutant forms linked to Parkinson's disease are typical amyloidQ42620617
Generation and characterization of embryonic striatal conditionally immortalized ST14A cellsQ42818500
Polyglutamine disruption of the huntingtin exon 1 N terminus triggers a complex aggregation mechanismQ43100835
Aggregated polyglutamine peptides delivered to nuclei are toxic to mammalian cellsQ44189907
Pivotal role of oligomerization in expanded polyglutamine neurodegenerative disorders.Q44286601
Polyglutamine expansion and Huntington's diseaseQ45296525
Decreased expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides in Huntington disease transgenic mice with expanded polyglutamine-EGFP fluorescent aggregates.Q45296599
Nuclear and neuropil aggregates in Huntington's disease: relationship to neuropathology.Q45297497
Detection of polyglutamine protein oligomers in cells by fluorescence correlation spectroscopyQ45305431
Reconsidering the mechanism of polyglutamine peptide aggregationQ45306646
Time-lapse analysis of aggregate formation in an inducible PC12 cell model of Huntington's disease reveals time-dependent aggregate formation that transiently delays cell death.Q45307351
A Drosophila ortholog of the human MRJ modulates polyglutamine toxicity and aggregationQ47072548
Huntingtin acts in the nucleus to induce apoptosis but death does not correlate with the formation of intranuclear inclusions.Q48373564
Ectopically Expressed CAG Repeats Cause Intranuclear Inclusions and a Progressive Late Onset Neurological Phenotype in the MouseQ48574817
The mechanism of islet amyloid polypeptide toxicity is membrane disruption by intermediate-sized toxic amyloid particles.Q52534249
Amyloid formation under physiological conditions proceeds via a native-like folding intermediateQ52856652
Mutation of the E6-AP ubiquitin ligase reduces nuclear inclusion frequency while accelerating polyglutamine-induced pathology in SCA1 miceQ54066632
Expression of an expanded polyglutamine domain in yeast causes death with apoptotic markersQ79753117
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages8
P577publication date2010-06-01
P1433published inBiophysical JournalQ2032955
P1476titleA two-step path to inclusion formation of huntingtin peptides revealed by number and brightness analysis

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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