scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Enrico Gratton | Q62059124 |
Michelle A Digman | Q62062552 | ||
P2093 | author name string | J Lawrence Marsh | |
Giulia Ossato | |||
Charity Aiken | |||
Tamas Lukacsovich | |||
P2860 | cites work | SUMO modification of Huntingtin and Huntington's disease pathology | Q24324137 |
Huntingtin aggregation and toxicity in Huntington's disease | Q28204163 | ||
Protein folding and misfolding | Q28235199 | ||
Formation of neuronal intranuclear inclusions underlies the neurological dysfunction in mice transgenic for the HD mutation | Q28246858 | ||
Huntington's disease | Q28284355 | ||
Inclusion body formation reduces levels of mutant huntingtin and the risk of neuronal death | Q28287762 | ||
Common structure of soluble amyloid oligomers implies common mechanism of pathogenesis | Q29547501 | ||
Inherent toxicity of aggregates implies a common mechanism for protein misfolding diseases | Q29616535 | ||
Histone deacetylase inhibitors arrest polyglutamine-dependent neurodegeneration in Drosophila | Q29616737 | ||
Aggregation of huntingtin in neuronal intranuclear inclusions and dystrophic neurites in brain | Q29617982 | ||
Mapping the number of molecules and brightness in the laser scanning microscope | Q30441376 | ||
Determination of particle number and brightness using a laser scanning confocal microscope operating in the analog mode | Q30444740 | ||
Caspase 3-cleaved N-terminal fragments of wild-type and mutant huntingtin are present in normal and Huntington's disease brains, associate with membranes, and undergo calpain-dependent proteolysis. | Q33948101 | ||
Expanded polyglutamines in Caenorhabditis elegans cause axonal abnormalities and severe dysfunction of PLM mechanosensory neurons without cell death | Q33949349 | ||
Huntington's disease age-of-onset linked to polyglutamine aggregation nucleation | Q34154622 | ||
The photon counting histogram in fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy | Q34170903 | ||
Protein misfolding, amyloid formation, and neurodegeneration: a critical role for molecular chaperones? | Q34747079 | ||
Role of proteolysis in polyglutamine disorders | Q35575850 | ||
Kinetics and thermodynamics of amyloid fibril assembly | Q36596626 | ||
Distinct conformations of in vitro and in vivo amyloids of huntingtin-exon1 show different cytotoxicity | Q37209664 | ||
Quantitative comparison of different fluorescent protein couples for fast FRET-FLIM acquisition. | Q37392567 | ||
Aggresomes protect cells by enhancing the degradation of toxic polyglutamine-containing protein | Q40662036 | ||
Expanded polyglutamine peptides alone are intrinsically cytotoxic and cause neurodegeneration in Drosophila | Q41705884 | ||
Fibrils formed in vitro from alpha-synuclein and two mutant forms linked to Parkinson's disease are typical amyloid | Q42620617 | ||
Generation and characterization of embryonic striatal conditionally immortalized ST14A cells | Q42818500 | ||
Polyglutamine disruption of the huntingtin exon 1 N terminus triggers a complex aggregation mechanism | Q43100835 | ||
Aggregated polyglutamine peptides delivered to nuclei are toxic to mammalian cells | Q44189907 | ||
Pivotal role of oligomerization in expanded polyglutamine neurodegenerative disorders. | Q44286601 | ||
Polyglutamine expansion and Huntington's disease | Q45296525 | ||
Decreased expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides in Huntington disease transgenic mice with expanded polyglutamine-EGFP fluorescent aggregates. | Q45296599 | ||
Nuclear and neuropil aggregates in Huntington's disease: relationship to neuropathology. | Q45297497 | ||
Detection of polyglutamine protein oligomers in cells by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy | Q45305431 | ||
Reconsidering the mechanism of polyglutamine peptide aggregation | Q45306646 | ||
Time-lapse analysis of aggregate formation in an inducible PC12 cell model of Huntington's disease reveals time-dependent aggregate formation that transiently delays cell death. | Q45307351 | ||
A Drosophila ortholog of the human MRJ modulates polyglutamine toxicity and aggregation | Q47072548 | ||
Huntingtin acts in the nucleus to induce apoptosis but death does not correlate with the formation of intranuclear inclusions. | Q48373564 | ||
Ectopically Expressed CAG Repeats Cause Intranuclear Inclusions and a Progressive Late Onset Neurological Phenotype in the Mouse | Q48574817 | ||
The mechanism of islet amyloid polypeptide toxicity is membrane disruption by intermediate-sized toxic amyloid particles. | Q52534249 | ||
Amyloid formation under physiological conditions proceeds via a native-like folding intermediate | Q52856652 | ||
Mutation of the E6-AP ubiquitin ligase reduces nuclear inclusion frequency while accelerating polyglutamine-induced pathology in SCA1 mice | Q54066632 | ||
Expression of an expanded polyglutamine domain in yeast causes death with apoptotic markers | Q79753117 | ||
P433 | issue | 12 | |
P407 | language of work or name | English | Q1860 |
P1104 | number of pages | 8 | |
P304 | page(s) | 3078-3085 | |
P577 | publication date | 2010-06-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Biophysical Journal | Q2032955 |
P1476 | title | A two-step path to inclusion formation of huntingtin peptides revealed by number and brightness analysis | |
P478 | volume | 98 |
Q54960388 | A Liquid to Solid Phase Transition Underlying Pathological Huntingtin Exon1 Aggregation. |
Q59799803 | A discontinuous Galerkin model for fluorescence loss in photobleaching of intracellular polyglutamine protein aggregates |
Q38974551 | A link between chromatin condensation mechanisms and Huntington's disease: connecting the dots. |
Q41513084 | Aggregation behavior of chemically synthesized, full-length huntingtin exon1. |
Q38038981 | An in vitro perspective on the molecular mechanisms underlying mutant huntingtin protein toxicity |
Q30660872 | Application limits and data correction in number of molecules and brightness analysis |
Q35464104 | Application of three-photon excitation FCS to the study of protein oligomerization |
Q36168138 | Arbitrary-Region Raster Image Correlation Spectroscopy. |
Q91584069 | Assaying Homodimers of NF-κB in Live Single Cells |
Q34181169 | Assessing the contribution of heterogeneous distributions of oligomers to aggregation mechanisms of polyglutamine peptides |
Q39093738 | Backbone Engineering within a Latent β-Hairpin Structure to Design Inhibitors of Polyglutamine Amyloid Formation |
Q33675599 | Biophysical underpinnings of the repeat length dependence of polyglutamine amyloid formation |
Q38777301 | Cellular models for Parkinson's disease. |
Q27301252 | Comparative study of naturally occurring huntingtin fragments in Drosophila points to exon 1 as the most pathogenic species in Huntington's disease |
Q36250960 | Conformational dynamics and self-association of intrinsically disordered Huntingtin exon 1 in cells |
Q30724979 | Delayed emergence of subdiffraction-sized mutant huntingtin fibrils following inclusion body formation |
Q35239346 | Disruption of the nuclear membrane by perinuclear inclusions of mutant huntingtin causes cell-cycle re-entry and striatal cell death in mouse and cell models of Huntington's disease. |
Q33663833 | Distinct cellular toxicity of two mutant huntingtin mRNA variants due to translation regulation. |
Q30523072 | Dynamic Imaging by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Identifies Diverse Populations of Polyglutamine Oligomers Formed in Vivo |
Q36016804 | Dynamics and Distribution of Klothoβ (KLB) and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor-1 (FGFR1) in Living Cells Reveal the Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 (FGF21)-induced Receptor Complex |
Q35597773 | Expression-level dependent perturbation of cell proteostasis and nuclear morphology by aggregation-prone polyglutamine proteins. |
Q34536409 | Fluctuation methods to study protein aggregation in live cells: concanavalin A oligomers formation |
Q36043574 | Folding Landscape of Mutant Huntingtin Exon1: Diffusible Multimers, Oligomers and Fibrils, and No Detectable Monomer |
Q30994681 | Formation and toxicity of soluble polyglutamine oligomers in living cells |
Q99233981 | GFP fluorescence tagging alters dynamin-related protein 1 oligomerization dynamics and creates disassembly-refractory puncta to mediate mitochondrial fission |
Q34328850 | Huntingtin Fragments and SOD1 Mutants Form Soluble Oligomers in the Cell |
Q56083219 | Huntington disease |
Q37889820 | Huntington's disease, calcium, and mitochondria |
Q35801979 | Intact microtubules preserve transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) functionality through receptor binding |
Q33922305 | Investigating the structural impact of the glutamine repeat in huntingtin assembly |
Q36620955 | Lessons in fluctuation correlation spectroscopy |
Q35016698 | Ligand-induced dynamics of neurotrophin receptors investigated by single-molecule imaging approaches |
Q35650935 | Live Cell Characterization of DNA Aggregation Delivered through Lipofection |
Q35965461 | Live-cell observation of cytosolic HIV-1 assembly onset reveals RNA-interacting Gag oligomers |
Q28655103 | Measuring protein dynamics in live cells: protocols and practical considerations for fluorescence fluctuation microscopy |
Q98181137 | Nascent mutant Huntingtin exon 1 chains do not stall on ribosomes during translation but aggregates do recruit machinery involved in ribosome quality control and RNA |
Q39021697 | Number and Brightness analysis of alpha-synuclein oligomerization and the associated mitochondrial morphology alterations in live cells |
Q35731664 | Number and brightness analysis of sFRP4 domains in live cells demonstrates vesicle association signal of the NLD domain and dynamic intracellular responses to Wnt3a |
Q30503536 | Number and brightness image analysis reveals ATF-induced dimerization kinetics of uPAR in the cell membrane |
Q38107677 | Pharmacological protein targets in polyglutamine diseases: Mutant polypeptides and their interactors |
Q37981477 | Physical Chemistry of Polyglutamine: Intriguing Tales of a Monotonous Sequence |
Q39124557 | Proteins Containing Expanded Polyglutamine Tracts and Neurodegenerative Disease |
Q38178152 | Quantifying intracellular dynamics using fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy |
Q21284320 | Quantitative fluorescence loss in photobleaching for analysis of protein transport and aggregation. |
Q35020201 | Scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy techniques to quantify the kinetics of DNA double strand break repair proteins after γ-irradiation and bleomycin treatment |
Q26860528 | Scanning image correlation spectroscopy |
Q46324287 | Sedimentation Velocity Analysis with Fluorescence Detection of Mutant Huntingtin Exon 1 Aggregation in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans. |
Q36600026 | Slow amyloid nucleation via α-helix-rich oligomeric intermediates in short polyglutamine-containing huntingtin fragments. |
Q48138939 | Spatiotemporal Analysis of K-Ras Plasma Membrane Interactions Reveals Multiple High Order Homo-oligomeric Complexes. |
Q55287168 | State-of-the-Art Fluorescence Fluctuation-Based Spectroscopic Techniques for the Study of Protein Aggregation. |
Q34978135 | Structural formation of huntingtin exon 1 aggregates probed by small-angle neutron scattering. |
Q38165760 | Studying neurodegenerative diseases in culture models. |
Q36749672 | Studying polyglutamine aggregation in Caenorhabditis elegans using an analytical ultracentrifuge equipped with fluorescence detection. |
Q35810050 | Supramolecular Non-Amyloid Intermediates in the Early Stages of α-Synuclein Aggregation |
Q39377946 | Tracking protein aggregation and mislocalization in cells with flow cytometry |
Q52344126 | Two-detector number and brightness analysis reveals spatio-temporal oligomerization of proteins in living cells. |
Q30530785 | Two-photon time-lapse microscopy of BODIPY-cholesterol reveals anomalous sterol diffusion in chinese hamster ovary cells |
Q42130355 | Unveiling LOX-1 receptor interplay with nanotopography: mechanotransduction and atherosclerosis onset. |
Q63359409 | Using enhanced number and brightness to measure protein oligomerization dynamics in live cells |
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