Dual-color fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy to quantify protein-protein interactions in live cell.

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Dual-color fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy to quantify protein-protein interactions in live cell. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID21618649
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51170982

P50authorMarc TramierQ55272614
Sergi Padilla-ParraQ55457775
Maïté Coppey-MoisanQ64678793
P2093author name stringNicolas Audugé
P2860cites workPicosecond-hetero-FRET microscopy to probe protein-protein interactions in live cells.Q24537584
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Quantitative comparison of different fluorescent protein couples for fast FRET-FLIM acquisition.Q37392567
Probing the endocytic pathway in live cells using dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation analysisQ40212626
FRET or no FRET: a quantitative comparisonQ40239557
Pulsed interleaved excitationQ42251940
Fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopyQ51926643
On the resolution capabilities and limits of fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy (FLCS) measurementsQ52909071
Modular scanning FCS quantifies receptor-ligand interactions in living multicellular organisms.Q54729059
Zwischenmolekulare Energiewanderung und FluoreszenzQ55953948
Practical guidelines for dual-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopyQ57369677
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P921main subjectprotein-protein interactionQ896177
P577publication date2011-05-26
P1433published inMicroscopy Research and TechniqueQ59757
P1476titleDual-color fluorescence lifetime correlation spectroscopy to quantify protein-protein interactions in live cell

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