Structural and functional aspects relating to cost and benefit of rich club organization in the human cerebral cortex

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Structural and functional aspects relating to cost and benefit of rich club organization in the human cerebral cortex is …
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P932PMC publication ID4128699
P698PubMed publication ID23551922
P5875ResearchGate publication ID236102950

P50authorOlaf SpornsQ7082997
Martijn P van den HeuvelQ45341736
P2093author name stringRené C W Mandl
Guusje Collin
P2860cites workExploring brain function from anatomical connectivityQ21129369
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In vivo fiber tractography using DT-MRI dataQ28140726
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Automatically parcellating the human cerebral cortexQ29615077
Resting-state functional connectivity reflects structural connectivity in the default mode networkQ29616527
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Magnetization transfer: applications in neuroradiologyQ30585760
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Changes of the ratio between myelin thickness and axon diameter in human developing sural, femoral, ulnar, facial, and trochlear nervesQ67964903
Studying connections in the living human brain with diffusion MRI.Q33352602
Using diffusion imaging to study human connectional anatomy.Q33435972
Human brain networks in health and diseaseQ33459786
Genetic control over the resting brainQ33666922
Hierarchical organization of human cortical networks in health and schizophreniaQ33886876
Regional dendritic and spine variation in human cerebral cortex: a quantitative golgi studyQ33948421
Tract-based analysis of magnetization transfer ratio and diffusion tensor imaging of the frontal and frontotemporal connections in schizophreniaQ33950870
Functional connectivity density mappingQ34006786
Functional connectivity and brain networks in schizophrenia.Q34037480
Topography of cognition: parallel distributed networks in primate association cortexQ34172318
Tractography: Where Do We Go from Here?Q34203378
Rich club organization of macaque cerebral cortex and its role in network communicationQ34431355
Small-world anatomical networks in the human brain revealed by cortical thickness from MRI.Q34598134
Efficiency of functional brain networks and intellectual performance.Q34986108
Mapping Human Cortical AreasIn VivoBased on Myelin Content as Revealed by T1- and T2-Weighted MRIQ35196845
Communication in Neuronal NetworksQ35544856
High-cost, high-capacity backbone for global brain communicationQ36094436
From monkeys to humans: what do we now know about brain homologies?Q36098541
Coupling of functional connectivity and regional cerebral blood flow reveals a physiological basis for network hubs of the human brainQ36583264
Determinants of anisotropic water diffusion in nervesQ36752715
Patterns of coordinated anatomical change in human cortical development: a longitudinal neuroimaging study of maturational coupling.Q36911662
Disrupted axonal fiber connectivity in schizophreniaQ36938842
Cognitive fitness of cost-efficient brain functional networksQ37245053
The economy of brain network organizationQ38002308
Aberrant frontal and temporal complex network structure in schizophrenia: a graph theoretical analysis.Q38426235
Evolution and development of brain networks: from Caenorhabditis elegans to Homo sapiensQ39291159
Cortical hubs form a module for multisensory integration on top of the hierarchy of cortical networks.Q40201643
Magnetization transfer imaging: practical aspects and clinical applicationsQ40688052
Network memoryQ41623964
Increased dendritic spine densities on cortical projection neurons in autism spectrum disordersQ43246437
Network centrality in the human functional connectomeQ43700155
Genetic control of functional brain network efficiency in childrenQ44337695
Orientationally invariant indices of axon diameter and density from diffusion MRI.Q48151351
How to correct susceptibility distortions in spin-echo echo-planar images: application to diffusion tensor imagingQ48167591
Estimating false positives and negatives in brain networksQ48222040
Wiring optimization in cortical circuitsQ48617084
Graph analysis of cortical networks reveals complex anatomical communication substrateQ48681137
P577publication date2013-04-03
P1433published inCerebral CortexQ5064089
P1476titleStructural and functional aspects relating to cost and benefit of rich club organization in the human cerebral cortex

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cites work (P2860)
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