The mechanism of directionally selective units in rabbit's retina

scientific article

The mechanism of directionally selective units in rabbit's retina is …
instance of (P31):
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P953full work available at URL
P932PMC publication ID1357309
P698PubMed publication ID5827909
P5875ResearchGate publication ID17358026

P2093author name stringW. R. Levick
H. B. Barlow
P2860cites workThe localization of function in the rabbit retinaQ73103496
Selective sensitivity to direction of movement in ganglion cells of the rabbit retinaQ79574785
Receptive fields of single neurones in the cat's striate cortexQ24537738
Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortexQ24540473
Summation and inhibition in the frog's retinaQ24544081
Anatomy and physiology of vision in the frog (Rana pipiens).Q41851403
Single unit activity in striate cortex of unrestrained cats.Q51313463
[On optical resolving ability of the facet eye of Limulus].Q53846472
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P921main subjectphysiologyQ521
P1104number of pages28
P577publication date1965-06-01
P1433published inJournal of PhysiologyQ7743612
P1476titleThe mechanism of directionally selective units in rabbit's retina

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
Q51556649A Circuit for Integration of Head- and Visual-Motion Signals in Layer 6 of Mouse Primary Visual Cortex.
Q28607758A Convolutional Subunit Model for Neuronal Responses in Macaque V1
Q38604930A Functional Subnetwork Approach to Designing Synthetic Nervous Systems That Control Legged Robot Locomotion
Q27349543A Motion Detection Algorithm Using Local Phase Information
Q54124041A Velocity Analogue of Brightness Contrast
Q49016838A biologically plausible model of early visual motion processing. I: theory and implementation.
Q55429633A biophysical mechanism for preferred direction enhancement in fly motion vision.
Q34749262A brain perspective on language mechanisms: from discrete neuronal ensembles to serial order
Q41603727A common directional tuning mechanism of Drosophila motion-sensing neurons in the ON and in the OFF pathway.
Q35994635A common mechanism for the perception of first-order and second-order apparent motion
Q52859598A directionally sensitive network
Q38570755A dissociation between reaction time to sinusoidal gratings and temporal-order judgment
Q55968713A frequency domain technique for characterizing nonlinearities in biological systems
Q43656771A key role of starburst amacrine cells in originating retinal directional selectivity and optokinetic eye movement
Q46939762A learning rule for local synaptic interactions between excitation and shunting inhibition
Q89627707A minimal synaptic model for direction selective neurons in Drosophila
Q41495064A model for direction selectivity in threshold motion perception
Q41483210A model for processing of movement in the visual system
Q69441541A model of direction-selective "simple" cells in the visual cortex based on inhibition asymmetry
Q30393788A model of order-selectivity based on dynamic changes in the balance of excitation and inhibition produced by short-term synaptic plasticity
Q53005527A model of visual pre-processing in the retina of the cat
Q69599750A motion aftereffect for long-range stroboscopic apparent motion
Q70609031A neural network model for visual motion detection that can explain psychophysical and neurophysiological phenomena
Q52726203A neuronally based model of contrast gain adaptation in fly motion vision.
Q48719610A parametric study of movement detection properties of neurons in the cat's superior colliculus
Q47370638A relationship between the detection of size, rate, orientation and direction in the human visual system
Q44753670A search for the circuitry of directional selectivity and neural adaptation through three-dimensional analysis of the outer plexiform layer of the rabbit retina
Q44275534A single functional model of drivers and modulators in cortex.
Q51050048A synthetic vision system using directionally selective motion detectors to recognize collision.
Q40236511A theory on the control of arbitrary movements
Q45022918A unique role for Kv3 voltage-gated potassium channels in starburst amacrine cell signaling in mouse retina.
Q27321807A virtual retina for studying population coding
Q37238072A visual motion detection circuit suggested by Drosophila connectomics
Q39684527A visual motion sensor based on the properties of V1 and MT neurons
Q52031374Absence of a common functional denominator of visual disturbances in cerebellar disease.
Q48945424Activity of movement sensitive neurons of the cat's tectum opticum during spontaneous eye movements
Q44755318Activity-dependent expression of acyl-coenzyme a-binding protein in retinal muller glial cells evoked by optokinetic stimulation.
Q52573120Adaptation and the temporal delay filter of fly motion detectors.
Q52605664Adaptation of response transients in fly motion vision. I: Experiments
Q41717829Adenosine A1 receptors inhibit Ca2+ channels coupled to the release of ACh, but not of GABA, in cultured retina cells
Q37011818Alert response to motion onset in the retina.
Q34786680An Augmented Two-Layer Model Captures Nonlinear Analog Spatial Integration Effects in Pyramidal Neuron Dendrites
Q43707328An intracellular analysis of the visual responses of neurones in cat visual cortex
Q52649721An inverse problem in neural processing.
Q39667135Analogous motion illusion in man and fly
Q51890149Analysis of development of direction selectivity in retinotectum by a neural circuit model with spike timing-dependent plasticity.
Q48322577Animal navigation: general properties of directed walks
Q37015763Apparent motion produces multiple deficits in visually guided smooth pursuit eye movements of monkeys
Q44767641Apparent movement due to closely spaced sequentially flashed dots in the human peripheral field of vision
Q43749672Applicability of quadratic and threshold models to motion discrimination in the rabbit retina
Q51759261Applicability of white-noise techniques to analyzing motion responses.
Q41952438Asymmetric Temporal Properties in the Receptive Field of Retinal Transient Amacrine Cells
Q45986219Asymmetry in visual cortical circuits underlying motion-induced perceptual mislocalization.
Q38042613Asynchrony in visual consciousness and the possible involvement of attention
Q28207366Automatic processing of grammar in the human brain as revealed by the mismatch negativity
Q36106264Axonal sodium-channel bands shape the response to electric stimulation in retinal ganglion cells
Q47907774Behavioral state modulates the ON visual motion pathway of Drosophila.
Q33186594Beyond the gap: functions of unpaired connexon channels
Q48585734Binocular neurons of the rabbit's visual cortex: receptive field characteristics.
Q48855168Binocular vision and pattern recognition
Q59065583Binocular, Directionally Selective Neurones, Possibly Involved in the Optomotor Response of Insects
Q36264233Biophysical mechanisms and essential topography of directionally selective subunits in rabbit's retina
Q92751428Bipolar Cell Type-Specific Expression and Conductance of Alpha-7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in the Mouse Retina
Q33651030Candidate neural substrates for off-edge motion detection in Drosophila.
Q42823850Cellular inhibitory behavior underlying the formation of retinal direction selectivity in the starburst network
Q48709639Centrifugal control of the avian retina. I. Receptive field properties of retinal ganglion cells
Q41149188Cerebellar Purkinje cell markers are expressed in retinal bipolar neurons
Q36324732Chapter 14 GABAergic neurons and circuits in the pretectal nuclei and the accessory optic system of mammals
Q36324755Chapter 17 GABA mediated inhibitory processes in the function of the geniculo-striate system
Q36324819Chapter 5 Functional organization of GABAergic circuitry in ectotherm retinas
Q52132403Characterising temporal delay filters in biological motion detectors.
Q44675793Chemical neuroanatomy of the fly's movement detection pathway
Q50509385Choline acetyltransferase is found in terminals of horizontal cells that label with GABA, nitric oxide synthase and calcium binding proteins in the turtle retina.
Q52163546Choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive neurons in the developing rat retina.
Q24796315Cholinergic and GABAergic pathways in fly motion vision
Q62593406Classification of retinal ganglion cells in the southern hemisphere lampreyGeotria australis(Cyclostomata)
Q72327154Co-stratification of GABAA receptors with the directionally selective circuitry of the rat retina
Q26828836Coding space-time stimulus dynamics in auditory brain maps
Q38539790Common circuit design in fly and mammalian motion vision
Q70108155Comparison of the localization of acetylcholinesterase and non-specific cholinesterase activities in mammalian and avian retinas
Q61449731Comparisons between the ON- and OFF-edge motion pathways in the brain
Q42370026Complementary mechanisms create direction selectivity in the fly
Q48096510Conduction velocity distribution of the retinal input to the hamster's superior colliculus and a correlation with receptive field characteristics
Q46496008Cone signals in monostratified and bistratified amacrine cells of adult zebrafish retina
Q38294381Connectome of the fly visual circuitry
Q68676508Considerations on models of movement detection
Q71019717Contact lenses change the projection of visual field onto rabbit peripheral retina
Q44640667Contextual tuning of direction-selective retinal ganglion cells
Q36607927Contour discontinuities subserve two types of form analysis that underlie motion processing
Q73361777Contrast gain reduction in fly motion adaptation
Q73125173Contrast normalization and a linear model for the directional selectivity of simple cells in cat striate cortex
Q48168671Contribution of linear mechanisms to the specification of local motion by simple cells in areas 17 and 18 of the cat.
Q73865997Contributions of GABAA receptors and GABAC receptors to acetylcholine release and directional selectivity in the rabbit retina
Q36388649Control of retinal sensitivity. 3. Lateral interactions at the inner plexiform layer
Q48130136Cortical amplification models of experience-dependent development of selective columns and response sparsification
Q59060080Cortical direction selectivity emerges at convergence of thalamic synapses
Q69763288Cortical dynamics of three-dimensional form, color, and brightness perception: I. Monocular theory
Q30484576Cortical dynamics subserving visual apparent motion
Q72803258Cybernetic models of pattern sensitive units in the visual system
Q47318887Dark rearing reveals the mechanism underlying stimulus size tuning of superior colliculus neurons
Q43071549Decorrelation and efficient coding by retinal ganglion cells
Q42476683Dendritic asymmetry cannot account for directional responses of neurons in visual cortex
Q42939011Dendritic discrimination of temporal input sequences in cortical neurons.
Q44772865Dendritic relationship between starburst amacrine cells and direction-selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina
Q27334681Dendritic spikes amplify the synaptic signal to enhance detection of motion in a simulation of the direction-selective ganglion cell
Q33815760Dendro-dendritic cholinergic excitation controls dendritic spike initiation in retinal ganglion cells.
Q52432948Detection of rotating gravity signals
Q55649810Determinants of asynchronous processing in vision.
Q48204874Developing velocity sensitivity in a model neuron by local synaptic plasticity
Q37682704Development of asymmetric inhibition underlying direction selectivity in the retina
Q43099582Development of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in transitory cholinergic neurons, starburst amacrine cells, and GABAergic amacrine cells of rabbit retina, with implications for previsual and visual development of retinal ganglion cells
Q93085231Differential Tuning to Visual Motion Allows Robust Encoding of Optic Flow in the Dragonfly
Q44658175Differential arithmetic of shunting inhibition for voltage and spike rate in neocortical pyramidal cells
Q53954460Digital Museum of Retinal Ganglion Cells with Dense Anatomy and Physiology
Q42224432Direct Measurement of Correlation Responses in Drosophila Elementary Motion Detectors Reveals Fast Timescale Tuning
Q37147586Direction Selectivity in Drosophila Emerges from Preferred-Direction Enhancement and Null-Direction Suppression
Q49082472Direction of movement as the significant stimulus parameter for some lateral geniculate cells in the rat
Q31929775Direction selectivity in ganglion cells: pre or post?
Q56028776Direction selectivity in rabbit retina
Q36205562Direction selectivity in the larval zebrafish tectum is mediated by asymmetric inhibition
Q40615882Direction selectivity in the retina is established independent of visual experience and cholinergic retinal waves.
Q37982246Direction selectivity in the retina: symmetry and asymmetry in structure and function.
Q47756687Direction selectivity is computed by active dendritic integration in retinal ganglion cells.
Q33917143Direction selectivity of blowfly motion-sensitive neurons is computed in a two-stage process
Q48555102Direction selectivity of simple cells in cat striate cortex to moving light bars. I. Relation to stationary flashing bar and moving edge responses.
Q48600395Direction selectivity of synaptic potentials in simple cells of the cat visual cortex.
Q42271789Direction-Selective Circuits Shape Noise to Ensure a Precise Population Code
Q27343066Direction-selective circuitry in rat retina develops independently of GABAergic, cholinergic and action potential activity
Q68662948Direction-selective responses of units in the dorsal terminal nucleus of cat following intravitreal injections of bicuculline
Q38686292Direction-selective units in goldfish retina and tectum opticum - review and new aspects
Q39961466Direction-selective units in the rabbit's nucleus of the optic tract
Q72772660Direction-sensitive X and Y cells within the A laminae of the cat's LGNd
Q44880220Directional Selectivity in Hamster Superior Colliculus Is Modified by Strobe-Rearing But Not by Dark-Rearing
Q66935122Directional and nondirectional coding of a spatio-temporal modulated stimulus
Q48548023Directional discrimination — Tolerance of visual cortical cells to severe stimulus degradation
Q72772625Directional hyperacuity in ganglion cells of the rabbit retina
Q48384022Directional tuning of motion-sensitive cells in the anterior superior temporal polysensory area of the macaque
Q44111938Directionally selective calcium signals in dendrites of starburst amacrine cells
Q69728904Directionally selective cells in the locust medulla
Q30824049Directionally selective retinal ganglion cells suppress luminance responses during natural viewing
Q71880620Displaced starburst amacrine cells of the rabbit retina contain the 67-kDa isoform, but not the 65-kDa isoform, of glutamate decarboxylase
Q97547770Distributed and retinotopically asymmetric processing of coherent motion in mouse visual cortex
Q37029467Divergence of visual channels in the inner retina
Q44115075Diverse synaptic mechanisms generate direction selectivity in the rabbit retina.
Q55669668Does experience provide a permissive or instructive influence on the development of direction selectivity in visual cortex?
Q51563904Does heterogeneity of intracellular Ca[Formula: see text] dynamics underlie speed tuning of direction-selective responses in starburst amacrine cells?
Q72558097Effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid agonists, glycine, taurine and neuropeptides on acetylcholine release from the rabbit retina
Q33691411Effect of rectangle length on velocity thresholds for real movement
Q46377385Effect of visual experience on the maturation of ON-OFF direction selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina
Q48608110Effects of glutamate and GABA on specific response properties of neurones in the visual cortex.
Q35565962Effects of isoflurane anesthesia on ensemble patterns of Ca2+ activity in mouse v1: reduced direction selectivity independent of increased correlations in cellular activity
Q67329403Effects of picrotoxin and strychnine on rabbit retinal ganglion cells: lateral interactions for cells with more complex receptive fields
Q42132240Efficient and direct estimation of a neural subunit model for sensory coding.
Q92093913Elementary motion sequence detectors in whisker somatosensory cortex
Q34217513Emergence of binocular functional properties in a monocular neural circuit
Q33906289Emerging feed-forward inhibition allows the robust formation of direction selectivity in the developing ferret visual cortex
Q48189359Encoding of stimulus movement parameters in the cat visual system
Q52461462Energy filters, motion uncertainty, and motion sensitive cells in the visual cortex: a mathematical analysis.
Q36194956Error-Robust Modes of the Retinal Population Code.
Q70228492Evaluation of a linear model of directional selectivity in simple cells of the cat's striate cortex
Q69450025Evaluation of optical motion information by movement detectors
Q27313480Event-Based Computation of Motion Flow on a Neuromorphic Analog Neural Platform
Q95840617Event-Based Eccentric Motion Detection Exploiting Time Difference Encoding
Q69061869Evidence for interlaminar inhibitory circuits in the striate cortex of the cat
Q37633620Excitatory synaptic inputs to mouse on-off direction-selective retinal ganglion cells lack direction tuning.
Q60283957Experimental test of a network theory of vision
Q30856845Explicit logic circuits discriminate neural states
Q40243696Exploration of the primary visual cortex, 1955-78.
Q64994188Expression of Ca2+-Binding Buffer Proteins in the Human and Mouse Retinal Neurons.
Q71338831Extra-receptive-field motion facilitation in on-off directionally selective ganglion cells of the rabbit retina
Q30474369Facilitatory mechanisms shape selectivity for the rate and direction of FM sweeps in the inferior colliculus of the pallid bat
Q30576505Flies and humans share a motion estimation strategy that exploits natural scene statistics.
Q38239290Fly visual course control: behaviour, algorithms and circuits
Q52076262Formation of direction selectivity in natural scene environments.
Q40787634Four questions of time to contact: a critical examination of research on interceptive timing
Q53743378Functional and structural topography of horizontal inhibitory connections in cat visual cortex.
Q64891332Functional characterization of retinal ganglion cells using tailored nonlinear modeling.
Q44090801Functional inhibition in direction-selective retinal ganglion cells: spatiotemporal extent and intralaminar interactions
Q72631762Functional morphologies of retinal ganglion cells in the turtle
Q52612921Functional properties of models for direction selectivity in the retina.
Q48171190Functional properties of the corticotectal projection in the golden hamster
Q35063222Fundamental mechanisms of visual motion detection: models, cells and functions.
Q43854007Fundamental properties of medical image perception
Q43299308GABA blockade unmasks an OFF response in ON direction selective ganglion cells in the mammalian retina
Q90226351GABA release selectively regulates synapse development at distinct inputs on direction-selective retinal ganglion cells
Q83363501GABA-mediated spatial and temporal asymmetries that contribute to the directionally selective light responses of starburst amacrine cells in retina
Q48433840GABAergic inhibition influences auditory motion-direction sensitivity in barn owls
Q45196370Gap-junction communication between subtypes of direction-selective ganglion cells in the developing retina
Q60132728Genetic access to neurons in the accessory optic system reveals a role for Sema6A in midbrain circuitry mediating motion perception
Q58693480Glutamate Signaling in the Fly Visual System
Q33700177High frequency electric stimulation of retinal neurons elicits physiological signaling patterns
Q51601165How do object reference frames and motion vector decomposition emerge in laminar cortical circuits?
Q45162969Identification of ON-OFF direction-selective ganglion cells in the mouse retina
Q33403756Identification of retinal ganglion cells and their projections involved in central transmission of information about upward and downward image motion
Q36902042Identifying functional bases for multidimensional neural computations
Q34975499Illuminating synapses and circuitry in the retina
Q30529767Imaging light responses of targeted neuron populations in the rodent retina
Q52580133Immunocytochemical evidence that collision sensing neurons in the locust visual system contain acetylcholine.
Q38828393Improved Compressive Sensing of Natural Scenes Using Localized Random Sampling
Q41141159Inference of neuronal functional circuitry with spike-triggered non-negative matrix factorization
Q48556115Influence of remote targets on directionality of striate neurons in rabbits
Q48098510Influences of horizontal connections on visual responses in rabbit striate cortex
Q40004657Information processing in the rabbit visual system
Q64068062Inhibition increases response variability and reduces stimulus discrimination in random networks of cortical neurons
Q44019231Inhibitory mechanisms that generate centre and surround properties in ON and OFF brisk-sustained ganglion cells in the rabbit retina.
Q51209410Insect motion detectors matched to visual ecology.
Q42408210Inter-neuronal correlation distinguishes mechanisms of direction selectivity in cortical circuit models
Q51115792Interaction effects of visual contours on the discharge frequency of simple striate neurones
Q52131266Interactions between ON and OFF signals in directional motion detectors feeding the not of the wallaby.
Q51189771Interhemispheric transfer of a discrimination of moving patterns in pigeon
Q42942728Intraocular injection of muscimol induces illusory motion reversal in goldfish
Q51655014Inverse perspective mapping simplifies optical flow computation and obstacle detection.
Q38241844Ionotropic GABA Receptors and Distal Retinal ON and OFF Responses
Q55954391Is consciousness integrated?
Q73125180Is the input to a GABAergic or cholinergic synapse the sole asymmetry in rabbit's retinal directional selectivity?
Q71471759Is the input to a GABAergic synapse the sole asymmetry in turtle's retinal directional selectivity?
Q38788861Joint Encoding of Object Motion and Motion Direction in the Salamander Retina
Q41507067Kinetic occlusion by apparent movement
Q34295922Knock out of direction selectivity in the retina
Q37078054Lagged cells
Q44124268Large-scale morphological survey of mouse retinal ganglion cells
Q51107724Latency and gain of the rabbit's optokinetic reactions to small movements
Q40164542Lateral geniculate cell responses to electrical stimulation of the retina
Q57941282Lateral interaction in accumulative computation: a model for motion detection
Q50896259Lateral interactions at direction-selective striate neurones in the cat demonstrated by local cortical inactivation
Q50944608Light responses of ganglion cells in the retina of the turtle.
Q90597358Linear Summation Underlies Direction Selectivity in Drosophila
Q48820880Local adaptation in cat LGN cells: evidence for a surround antagonism
Q51647597Local circuit for the computation of object approach by an identified visual neuron in the locust.
Q45284025MLA-sensitive cholinergic receptors involved in the detection of complex moving stimuli in retina
Q45854628Mechanism of visual perception of movement
Q44234790Mechanisms and circuitry underlying directional selectivity in the retina
Q34379650Mechanisms of direction selectivity in cat primary visual cortex as revealed by visual adaptation
Q48491905Mechanisms of direction selectivity in macaque V1.
Q47935378Mechanisms of early visual processing in the medulla of the locust optic lobe: How self-inhibition, spatial-pooling, and signal rectification contribute to the properties of transient cells
Q67878826Mechanisms of inhibition in cat visual cortex
Q73111282Metabotropic glutamate receptors modulate [(3)H]acetylcholine release from cultured amacrine-like neurons
Q34698591Modeling Starburst cells' GABA(B) receptors and their putative role in motion sensitivity
Q48339277Modeling reverse-phi motion-selective neurons in cortex: double synaptic-veto mechanism
Q41768812Modelling the electrotonic structure of starburst amacrine cells in the rabbit retina: a functional interpretation of dendritic morphology
Q45961120Models of motion detection.
Q48230511Modification of visual response properties in the superior colliculus of the golden hamster following stroboscopic rearing
Q46681174Molecular identification of a retinal cell type that responds to upward motion
Q98160997Morphological Identification and Systematic Classification of Mammalian Retinal Ganglion Cells I. Rabbit Retinal Ganglion Cells
Q41349908Morphologies of rabbit retinal ganglion cells with complex receptive fields
Q45258650Morphology and distribution of neurons immunoreactive for substance P in the turtle retina.
Q68172319Morphometric analysis of serotoninergic bipolar cells in the retina and its implications for retinal image processing
Q44740298Motion camouflage induced by zebra stripes.
Q67592460Motion defined exclusively by second-order characteristics does not evoke optokinetic nystagmus
Q34078548Motion detection and prediction through spike-timing dependent plasticity
Q52525052Motion detection in flies: parametric control over ON-OFF pathways.
Q42641865Motion discrimination of single targets: comparison of preliminary findings in normal subjects and patients with glaucoma
Q52898942Motion interference: perturbing perceived direction.
Q41146761Motion selectivity and the contrast-response function of simple cells in the visual cortex
Q69672961Motion-specific filter for optical signals
Q39634903Movement-sensitive and direction and orientation-selective cutaneous receptive fields in the hand area of the post-central gyrus in monkeys
Q70825787Moving background patterns reveal double-opponency of directionally specific pigeon tectal neurons
Q52728655Multiple arithmetic operations in a single neuron: the recruitment of adaptation processes in the cricket auditory pathway depends on sensory context.
Q30468094Multiple mechanisms shape selectivity for FM sweep rate and direction in the pallid bat inferior colliculus and auditory cortex
Q46370002Multiplicative computation in a visual neuron sensitive to looming
Q30463043Multisensory contributions to the perception of motion
Q30728881NMDA Receptors Multiplicatively Scale Visual Signals and Enhance Directional Motion Discrimination in Retinal Ganglion Cells
Q44336726NMDA receptor blockade in the superior colliculus increases receptive field size without altering velocity and size tuning
Q35178505Navigational path integration by cortical neurons: origins in higher-order direction selectivity
Q77381320Necessity of acetylcholine for retinal directionally selective responses to drifting gratings in rabbit
Q51557100Neural Mechanisms Mediating Motion Sensitivity in Parasol Ganglion Cells of the Primate Retina.
Q48865159Neural Network Model of the Visual System: Binding Form and Motion.
Q51599028Neural architecture of the "transient" ON directionally selective (class IIb1) ganglion cells in rabbit retina, partly co-stratified with starburst amacrine cells.
Q30500971Neural correlates of illusory motion perception in Drosophila
Q52501946Neural correlates of the optomotor response in the fly
Q49034896Neural dynamics of motion integration and segmentation within and across apertures.
Q70684444Neural dynamics of motion perception: direction fields, apertures, and resonant grouping
Q46361481Neural interactions mediating the detection of motion in the retina of the tiger salamander
Q92501765Neural mechanisms of contextual modulation in the retinal direction selective circuit
Q45347182Neural mechanisms underlying selectivity for the rate and direction of frequency-modulated sweeps in the inferior colliculus of the pallid bat.
Q47774419Neural models of motion integration and segmentation
Q39559157Neural nets
Q41678622Neurobiology of retinal dopamine in relation to degenerative states of the tissue
Q48439027Neuronal algorithms that detect the temporal order of events.
Q37763510Neuronal arithmetic
Q61446380Neuronal morphologies built for reliable physiology in a rhythmic motor circuit
Q72234694Neuronal reactions in the optic tectum of the cat from moving and stationary light stimulation
Q37707933Neuronify: An Educational Simulator for Neural Circuits
Q48905800Neurons in the midbrain of the barn owl are sensitive to the direction of apparent acoustic motion.
Q48093663Neurophysiological and simulation studies of striate cortex receptive field maps: the role of intracortical interneuronal interactions
Q71747307Neurophysiology: anatomical logic of retinal nerve cells
Q36721586Neuroprotection of rat retinal ganglion cells mediated through alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Q52758873Neuroscience: Accurate maps of visual circuitry.
Q44234787Neuroscience: how neurons compute direction
Q35172986New directions in retinal research.
Q67543470New metrics for analysis of dendritic branching patterns demonstrating similarities and differences in ON and ON-OFF directionally selective retinal ganglion cells
Q48205498New properties of rabbit retinal ganglion cells
Q41595471Non-directional and directional ganglion cells in the pigeon retina
Q37611198Nonlinear interactions in a dendritic tree: localization, timing, and role in information processing
Q34063197Normalization of neuronal responses in cortical area MT across signal strengths and motion directions
Q56618923Nothing is instantaneous, even in sensation
Q69626735Objective investigation of visual function using a nondestructive zoom-FFT technique for evoked potential analysis
Q69733385Observations on the synaptic organization of the retina of the albino rat: a light and electron microscopic study
Q50641773On the existence in human auditory pathways of channels selectively tuned to the modulation present in frequency‐modulated tones
Q35887632On the fight between excitation and inhibition: location is everything
Q91364607On the organization of receptive fields of retinal spot detectors projecting to the fish tectum: Analogies with the local edge detectors in frogs and mammals
Q52998985On the retinal basis of visual adaptation
Q44417554Ontogenesis of receptive field characteristics of superior colliculus neurons in the rabbit
Q41548224Opposing motion inhibits responses of direction-selective ganglion cells in the fish retina
Q41513144Optical velocity patterns, velocity-sensitive neurons, and space perception: a hypothesis
Q42219682Optimal speed estimation in natural image movies predicts human performance
Q30746214Optogenetic spatial and temporal control of cortical circuits on a columnar scale.
Q52476554Optomotor responses of the fly Musca domestica to transient stimuli of edges and stripes.
Q35962473Organization and development of direction-selective circuits in the retina
Q30530597Organizational motifs for ground squirrel cone bipolar cells
Q36332592Orientation Selectivity Sharpens Motion Detection in Drosophila
Q69151874Orientation and direction tuning of goldfish ganglion cells
Q38434029Orientation selectivity in the visual cortex of the nine-banded armadillo
Q38990449Parallel Computations in Insect and Mammalian Visual Motion Processing
Q35715361Parallel mechanisms encode direction in the retina
Q35892036Parallel processing in the mammalian retina
Q52537617Parallel search for conjunctions with stimuli in apparent motion.
Q52513260Pattern Recognition in Bees
Q48792797Pattern and component motion selectivity in cortical area PMLS of the cat.
Q41778490Pattern and flicker detection analysed by subthreshold summation
Q44062671Pattern of synaptic excitation and inhibition upon direction-selective retinal ganglion cells
Q48561708Perception of visual motion coherence by rats and mice.
Q58982771Perspectives on movement
Q35208346Perspectives on: information and coding in mammalian sensory physiology: nonlinear spatial encoding by retinal ganglion cells: when 1 + 1 ≠ 2
Q70406208Pharmacological analysis of directionally sensitive rabbit retinal ganglion cells
Q51576896Pharmacological study of direction selectivity in the archer fish retina.
Q28603841Phototaxis and the origin of visual eyes
Q68507138Physiological and morphological characterization of OFF-center amacrine cells in the turtle retina
Q46684988Polarization vision in crayfish motion detectors
Q52180313Position displacement, not velocity, is the cue to motion detection of second-order stimuli.
Q71684240Potassium-evoked directionally selective responses from rabbit retinal ganglion cells
Q48438986Potentiation of cortical inhibition by visual deprivation.
Q64065398Predictive Coding with Neural Transmission Delays: A Real-Time Temporal Alignment Hypothesis
Q40873905Principles of acoustic motion detection in animals and man.
Q92277750Probing Computation in the Primate Visual System at Single-Cone Resolution
Q48832584Processing of frequency-modulated sounds in the lateral auditory belt cortex of the rhesus monkey.
Q68003590Processing of frequency-modulated stimuli in the chick auditory cortex analogue: evidence for topographic representations and possible mechanisms of rate and directional sensitivity
Q42151091Processing properties of ON and OFF pathways for Drosophila motion detection.
Q48680623Properties of excitatory and inhibitory regions in the receptive fields of single units in the cat's superior colliculus
Q67790185Properties of ganglion cells in the visual streak of the cat's retina
Q48544765Properties of rarely encountered types of ganglion cells in the cat's retina and an overall classification.
Q48940531Properties of the receptive fields of frog retinal ganglion cells as revealed by their response to moving stimuli
Q70892042Psychophysical isolation of movement sensitivity by removal of familiar position cues
Q50282460Quantifying behavior to solve sensorimotor transformations: advances from worms and flies.
Q48867472Quantitative variation in striate receptive fields of cats as a function of light and dark adaptation
Q34692219Quinoxalines block the mechanism of directional selectivity in ganglion cells of the rabbit retina
Q51213261Rabbit visual cortex: reaction of cells to movement and contrast.
Q38526960Raising rabbits in a moving visual environment: an attempt to modify directional sensitivity in the retina
Q27343120Rapid Motion Adaptation Reveals the Temporal Dynamics of Spatiotemporal Correlation between ON and OFF Pathways
Q40692848Real-time accumulative computation motion detectors
Q48489294Receptive field characteristics and plastic properties of visual cortical cells in kittens reared with or without visual experience
Q50645855Receptive field characteristics of striate cortical neurons in the rabbit
Q48232004Receptive field characteristics of superior colliculus neurons and visually guided behavior in dark-reared hamsters
Q48155853Receptive field organization of complex cells in the cat's striate cortex
Q48876563Receptive field properties of directionally selective units in the pigeon's optic tectum
Q46026897Receptive field sizes of direction-selective units in the fish tectum.
Q34924671Receptive field structure in cortical area 3b of the alert monkey
Q72237290Receptive fields and trigger features of ganglion cells in the visual streak of the rabbit's retina
Q39984038Receptive fields in visual systems
Q51193735Receptive fields of single cells in the cat's superior colliculus
Q108792441Recurrent network dynamics shape direction selectivity in primary auditory cortex
Q42830991Regular mosaic of synaptic contacts among three retinal neurons.
Q42471127Relation of single unit properties to the oculomotor function of the nucleus of the basal optic root (accessory optic system) in chickens
Q30417192Relative timing: from behaviour to neurons
Q36357211Representation of motion onset and offset in an augmented Barlow-Levick model of motion detection
Q90884580Response Latency Tuning by Retinal Circuits Modulates Signal Efficiency
Q49037150Response of the auditory nervous system to simple time-dependent acoustic stimuli.
Q33872009Response variability to high rates of electric stimulation in retinal ganglion cells
Q34365370Responses of Anterior Superior Temporal Polysensory (STPa) Neurons to "Biological Motion" Stimuli.
Q44424320Responses of directional ganglion cells in the pigeon retina
Q44163860Responses of visual, somatosensory, and auditory neurones in the golden hamster's superior colliculus
Q71639620Responses to directional stimuli in retinal preganglionic units
Q51193243Responses to moving slits by single units in cat striate cortex
Q36884454Retinal direction selectivity after targeted laser ablation of starburst amacrine cells
Q61799943Retinal direction selectivity in the absence of asymmetric starburst amacrine cell responses
Q38102001Retinal ganglion cells of the accessory optic system: a review
Q42746095Retinal ganglion cells with distinct directional preferences differ in molecular identity, structure, and central projections
Q42175062Retinal origin of direction selectivity in the superior colliculus.
Q50965923Retinal structure in the smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis: light microscopy of bipolar cells.
Q45977727Robust directional computation in on-off directionally selective ganglion cells of rabbit retina.
Q36349659Robust information propagation through noisy neural circuits
Q55439571Robust velocity computation from a biologically motivated model of motion perception.
Q35791679Seeing and Feeling Motion: Canonical Computations in Vision and Touch
Q33721832Selective activation of mGluR8 receptors modulates retinal ganglion cell light responses.
Q60213919Selective depression of motion sensitivity during saccades
Q72084773Selectivities of Human Visual Mechanisms for Direction of Movement and Contour Orientation*
Q52205777Self-organization of the velocity selectivity of a directionally selective neural network
Q44509480Self-organizing neural network model of motion processing in the visual cortex during smooth pursuit
Q48196480Sensitivity to direction and orientation of random dot stereobars in the monkey visual cortex
Q52679256Sensitivity to shearing and compressive motion in random dots.
Q34980116Separability of stimulus parameter encoding by on-off directionally selective rabbit retinal ganglion cells
Q47800638Sharpening of directional selectivity from neural output of rabbit retina.
Q44848319Signal shaping by voltage-gated currents in retinal ganglion cells
Q67432149Signal transformation and pattern recognition in visual pathways
Q42441824Simple Cells of the Striate Cortex
Q47567127Simple integration of fast excitation and offset, delayed inhibition computes directional selectivity in Drosophila.
Q69593845Single and multiple stimulus static perimetry in glaucoma; the two phases of perimetry. Thesis
Q37730997Six different roles for crossover inhibition in the retina: correcting the nonlinearities of synaptic transmission
Q52511832Small-signal analysis of a visual reflex in the locust. II. Frequency dependence.
Q52248477Some additional predictions and further tests of the Marr-Ullman model of motion perception.
Q52506830Some aspects of the structural organization of the medulla in muscoid flies
Q69482855Some experiments on the breakdown effect in apparent motion
Q37064568Space-time maps and two-bar interactions of different classes of direction-selective cells in macaque V-1.
Q33820561Space-time wiring specificity supports direction selectivity in the retina
Q47559025Sparse Functional Identification of Complex Cells from Spike Times and the Decoding of Visual Stimuli
Q46228671Spatial Asymmetry and Short-Term Suppression Underlie Direction Selectivity of Synaptic Excitation in the Mouse Visual Cortex
Q52880638Spatial Encoding of Translational Optic Flow in Planar Scenes by Elementary Motion Detector Arrays.
Q52171901Spatial and temporal structure of receptive fields in primate somatosensory area 3b: effects of stimulus scanning direction and orientation.
Q101574560Spatial connectivity matches direction selectivity in visual cortex
Q45953984Spatial frequency-specific contrast adaptation originates in the primary visual cortex.
Q55033127Spatial heterogeneity and function of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels in retinal amacrine neurons.
Q48778827Spatial properties of cells in the rabbit's striate cortex.
Q73731788Spatial-temporal response characteristics of the ON-OFF direction selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina
Q51893062Spatially asymmetric reorganization of inhibition establishes a motion-sensitive circuit.
Q52561015Spatio-temporal properties of motion detectors matched to low image velocities in hovering insects.
Q48572925Spatiotemporal characteristics of direction-selective neurons in the middle temporal visual area of the macaque monkeys
Q39070742Specific Effects of Neurotransmitter Antagonists on Ganglion Cells in Rabbit Retina
Q32062023Specific roles of NMDA and AMPA receptors in direction-selective and spatial phase-selective responses in visual cortex.
Q35570945Specificity and randomness: structure-function relationships in neural circuits
Q70064213Speed discrimination and its relation to involuntary eye movements in human vision
Q40103241Spike train signatures of retinal ganglion cell types.
Q59791816Spiking Neurons Integrating Visual Stimuli Orientation and Direction Selectivity in a Robotic Context
Q37208262Spontaneous perception of numerosity in humans
Q44251902Starburst cells nondirectionally facilitate the responses of direction-selective retinal ganglion cells.
Q36839931Stereotyped axonal arbors of retinal ganglion cell subsets in the mouse superior colliculus
Q46936845Stimulus-dependent correlated firing in directionally selective retinal ganglion cells
Q89089803Stimulus-dependent engagement of neural mechanisms for reliable motion detection in the mouse retina
Q39643599Stimulus-dependent recruitment of lateral inhibition underlies retinal direction selectivity
Q35956585Strengthening of Direction Selectivity by Broadly Tuned and Spatiotemporally Slightly Offset Inhibition in Mouse Visual Cortex
Q52319417Stroboscopic movement based on perceptual intelligence.
Q53189213Studying the visual system in awake monkeys: two classic papers by Robert H. Wurtz.
Q37064550Substructure of direction-selective receptive fields in macaque V1.
Q70892078Subthreshold addition of real and apparent motion
Q33709228Superposition of excitatory and inhibitory influences in the retina of Limulus: effect of delayed inhibition
Q52484522Suppressive interactions between moving patterns: role of velocity.
Q51122059Sustained and transient neurones in the cat's retina and lateral geniculate nucleus
Q46462829Symmetric interactions within a homogeneous starburst cell network can lead to robust asymmetries in dendrites of starburst amacrine cells
Q46728918Symmetric synaptic patterns between starburst amacrine cells and direction selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina
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Q48454399Synaptic depression and the temporal response characteristics of V1 cells.
Q44278558Synaptic input to the on-off directionally selective ganglion cell in the rabbit retina
Q42972473Synaptic inputs and timing underlying the velocity tuning of direction-selective ganglion cells in rabbit retina.
Q46382244Synaptic organization of complex ganglion cells in rabbit retina: type and arrangement of inputs to directionally selective and local-edge-detector cells
Q67976846Synaptic organization of starburst amacrine cells in rabbit retina: analysis of serial thin sections by electron microscopy and graphic reconstruction
Q49071395Synaptic patterns of the superficial layers of the superior colliculus of the rat.
Q37212613Synaptic physiology of direction selectivity in the retina
Q49385841Synchronous and asynchronous perceptual bindings of colour and motion following identical stimulations.
Q36246815Synergy from silence in a combinatorial neural code.
Q42441310Temporal Frequency and Velocity-Like Tuning in the Pigeon Accessory Optic System
Q42435576Temporal dynamics of decision-making during motion perception in the visual cortex
Q48953746Temporal frequency dependence in motion-sensitive neurons of the accessory optic system of the pigeon.
Q48406742Temporal processing across frequency channels by FM selective auditory neurons can account for FM rate selectivity.
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Q48273923Temporal symmetry in primary auditory cortex: implications for cortical connectivity
Q42115420Temporal-frequency tuning of direction selectivity in cat visual cortex
Q39431443The Impact of Ecological Niche on Adaptive Flexibility of Sensory Circuitry
Q67484011The Neuronal Basis of an Illusory Motion Percept Is Explained by Decorrelation of Parallel Motion Pathways.
Q41524480The analysis of image motion by the rabbit retina
Q81482470The comparison of spatially separated colours
Q33699815The comprehensive connectome of a neural substrate for 'ON' motion detection in Drosophila
Q83225652The computation of directional selectivity in the OFF motion pathway
Q31929821The computation of directional selectivity in the retina occurs presynaptic to the ganglion cell
Q45173155The computational basis of an identified neuronal circuit for elementary motion detection in dipterous insects
Q50875883The contribution of color to motion in normal and color-deficient observers
Q46515550The derivation of direction selectivity in the striate cortex.
Q43972793The diversity of ganglion cells in a mammalian retina.
Q48638740The effect of spatial and temporal interactions on the responses of single units in the cat's visual cortex.
Q41514717The effect of visual experience on the development of stimulus specificity by kitten cortical neurones
Q52283805The effects of temporal modulation on the perceived spatial structure of sine-wave gratings.
Q71546281The efficacy of optokinetic stimuli of different field radiances as shown to a rabbit
Q89874229The functional organization of excitation and inhibition in the dendrites of mouse direction-selective ganglion cells
Q34088683The fundamental plan of the retina
Q87494542The independent detection of motion energy and counterchange: flexibility in motion detection
Q50804101The influence of adapting velocity and luminance on the movement after-effect.
Q54337333The inner plexiform layer of the vertebrate retina: a quantitative and comparative electron microscopic analysis.
Q52254156The masking of apparent motion in random-dot patterns
Q74145435The minimal local-asperity hypothesis of early retinal lateral inhibition
Q33590907The neural code of the retina
Q24538672The neural mechanism of binocular depth discrimination
Q34307217The neuronal organization of the retina
Q78233971The nondiscriminating zone of directionally selective retinal ganglion cells: comparison with dendritic structure and implications for mechanism
Q50759786The organization of the turtle inner retina. II. Analysis of color-coded and directionally selective cells.
Q33186053The outer plexiform layer of the rabbit retina, an important data processing center
Q35327483The physiology of GABAB receptors in the vertebrate retina
Q57982732The primary visual system does not care about Previc's near-far dichotomy. Why not?
Q34674415The receptive fields of cat retinal ganglion cells in physiological and pathological states: where we are after half a century of research
Q43788299The responses of retinal ganglion cells to stationary and moving visual stimuli
Q37981845The role of starburst amacrine cells in visual signal processing
Q52172162The role of terminators and occlusion cues in motion integration and segmentation: a neural network model.
Q41861349The spatial distribution of glutamatergic inputs to dendrites of retinal ganglion cells.
Q41865951The synaptic mechanism of direction selectivity in distal processes of starburst amacrine cells
Q72613385The synaptic organization of visual interneurons in the lobula complex of flies. A light and electron microscopical study using silver-intensified cobalt-impregnations
Q34261183The tasks of amacrine cells
Q48498125The upper layers of the superior colliculus of the rat: A Golgi study
Q60042533The velocity dependence of direction selectivity of visual cortical neurones in the cat
Q48447218The velocity tuning of single units in cat striate cortex
Q30425934Thinking in circuits: toward neurobiological explanation in cognitive neuroscience.
Q69573388Three descending interneurons reporting deviation from course in the locust. II. Physiology
Q29014220Time and the observer: The where and when of consciousness in the brain
Q40015400Topographical relationships between the anatomy and physiology of the rabbit visual system
Q33679261Training on Movement Figure-Ground Discrimination Remediates Low-Level Visual Timing Deficits in the Dorsal Stream, Improving High-Level Cognitive Functioning, Including Attention, Reading Fluency, and Working Memory
Q35115133Transgenic mice reveal unexpected diversity of on-off direction-selective retinal ganglion cell subtypes and brain structures involved in motion processing
Q67438151Transient Responses of Rabbit Retinal Ganglion Cells to Photic and Electrical Stimuli
Q46763635Translation-invariant orientation tuning in visual "complex" cells could derive from intradendritic computations.
Q48805860Traveling waves and the processing of weakly tuned inputs in a cortical network module.
Q48570680Trophic functions of the neuron. VI. Other trophic systems. The effect of selective visual experience of stimulus trigger features of kitten cortical neurons
Q48827349Two-dimensional substructure of MT receptive fields.
Q94474071Type-specific dendritic integration in mouse retinal ganglion cells
Q72411693Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical analysis of the circuitry of two putative directionally selective ganglion cells in turtle retina
Q51208996Unit analysis of the pretectal nuclear group in the rat
Q70497268Unusual units in the goldfish optic nerve
Q41081164Viewing-distance invariance of movement detection
Q37455455Vision and the establishment of direction-selectivity: a tale of two circuits
Q39248236Visual Circuits for Direction Selectivity.
Q48735463Visual Pattern Analysis in Machines and Animals
Q72367940Visual Receptors and Retinal Interaction
Q42322804Visual Stimulus Speed Does Not Influence the Rapid Emergence of Direction Selectivity in Ferret Visual Cortex.
Q59629911Visual System: Mapping of motion perception
Q36205014Visual coding with a population of direction-selective neurons
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Q34466995Visual motion perception
Q37982694Visual pathways serving motion detection in the mammalian brain
Q48726190Visual properties of neurons in pulvinar, nucleus lateralis posterior and nucleus suprageniculatus thalami in the cat. II. Quantitative investigation
Q48643447Visual receptive-field characteristics of posterior thalamic and pretectal neurons in the rabbit
Q48627622Visual receptive-field characteristics of superior colliculus neurons after cortical lesions in the rabbit
Q67841276Visual response characteristics of neurons in the nucleus isthmi magnocellularis and nucleus isthmi parvocellularis of pigeons
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Q48570201Visual response properties of neurons in the middle and lateral suprasylvian cortices of the behaving cat
Q52707178Visualizing retinotopic half-wave rectified input to the motion detection circuitry of Drosophila.
Q37461530What a difference a parameter makes: a psychophysical comparison of random dot motion algorithms
Q34169590Wiring specificity in the direction-selectivity circuit of the retina
Q70731442Zero-crossing detectors in primary visual cortex?
Q54332251[Selective analysis of movement direction and velocity in the human visual system (author's transl)].

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