Functional properties of electrical synapses between inhibitory interneurons of neocortical layer 4.

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Functional properties of electrical synapses between inhibitory interneurons of neocortical layer 4. is …
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P698PubMed publication ID15317837
P5875ResearchGate publication ID8393450

P50authorBarry W. ConnorsQ41049682
Michael BeierleinQ58328049
P2093author name stringJay R Gibson
P2860cites workOscillatory activity in sensorimotor cortex of awake monkeys: synchronization of local field potentials and relation to behaviorQ28300663
Ultrastructural study of gap junctions between dendrites of parvalbumin-containing GABAergic neurons in various neocortical areas of the adult rat.Q30960102
The temporal correlation hypothesis of visual feature integration: still alive and wellQ33839069
Neuronal synchrony: a versatile code for the definition of relations?Q33839076
Organizing principles for a diversity of GABAergic interneurons and synapses in the neocortexQ33886504
Fast synaptic inhibition promotes synchronized gamma oscillations in hippocampal interneuron networksQ34192262
Synchronization of neuronal activity in hippocampus by individual GABAergic interneurons.Q34288636
Electrical and calcium signaling in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neuronsQ34465423
Active propagation of somatic action potentials into neocortical pyramidal cell dendritesQ34662546
Classification of fusiform neocortical interneurons based on unsupervised clusteringQ35762020
Intrinsic firing patterns of diverse neocortical neuronsQ36570760
Morphology of Golgi-Cox-impregnated barrel neurons in rat SmI cortexQ36609934
Patch-clamp recordings from the soma and dendrites of neurons in brain slices using infrared video microscopyQ36767002
Connexin expression in electrically coupled postnatal rat brain neurons.Q37448583
Gap junctions in the brain: where, what type, how many and why?Q40487674
Synaptic interactions in neocortical local circuits: dual intracellular recordings in vitroQ41580276
Synchronized activities of coupled oscillators in the cerebral cortex and thalamus at different levels of vigilanceQ41580299
Back-propagating action potentials mediate calcium signalling in dendrites of bitufted interneurons in layer 2/3 of rat somatosensory cortexQ42508702
Spike transmission and synchrony detection in networks of GABAergic interneuronsQ43652035
Impaired electrical signaling disrupts gamma frequency oscillations in connexin 36-deficient miceQ43715220
Cell-type-specific GABA responses and chloride homeostasis in the cortex and amygdalaQ43814489
Dynamics of spiking neurons connected by both inhibitory and electrical couplingQ47878147
Synchronization and oscillatory dynamics in heterogeneous, mutually inhibited neuronsQ47909471
A mechanism for generation of long-range synchronous fast oscillations in the cortexQ47915340
When inhibition not excitation synchronizes neural firingQ47923534
Ca2+ imaging of mouse neocortical interneurone dendrites: Ia-type K+ channels control action potential backpropagationQ48261835
Two dynamically distinct inhibitory networks in layer 4 of the neocortexQ48276407
Cholinergic activation and tonic excitation induce persistent gamma oscillations in mouse somatosensory cortex in vitroQ48370297
Sharp, local synchrony among putative feed-forward inhibitory interneurons of rabbit somatosensory cortexQ48490099
Focal stimulation of the thalamic reticular nucleus induces focal gamma waves in cortexQ48531033
GABAergic cell subtypes and their synaptic connections in rat frontal cortexQ48632270
K+ channel regulation of signal propagation in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal neuronsQ48681398
Recruitment of GABAergic Inhibition and Synchronization of Inhibitory Interneurons in Rat NeocortexQ48692989
Stimulus dependence of two-state fluctuations of membrane potential in cat visual cortex.Q51401193
Distal initiation and active propagation of action potentials in interneuron dendrites.Q51423031
Amplification of EPSPs by axosomatic sodium channels in neocortical pyramidal neuronsQ51591346
Analysis of gamma rhythms in the rat hippocampus in vitro and in vivo.Q52304259
Neuronal networks for induced '40 Hz' rhythms.Q52306265
A program for simulation of nerve equations with branching geometries.Q52538070
Synchronous Activity of Inhibitory Networks in Neocortex Requires Electrical Synapses Containing Connexin36Q57860869
A network of electrically coupled interneurons drives synchronized inhibitionin neocortexQ57860893
Two networks of electrically coupled inhibitory neurons in neocortexQ57860911
Thalamocortical responses of mouse somatosensory (barrel) cortexin vitroQ57861157
H2 histamine receptor-phosphorylation of Kv3.2 modulates interneuronfast spikingQ58450142
A network of fast-spiking cells in the neocortex connected by electrical synapsesQ59090645
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages14
P577publication date2004-08-18
P1433published inJournal of NeurophysiologyQ1709863
P1476titleFunctional properties of electrical synapses between inhibitory interneurons of neocortical layer 4.

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cites work (P2860)
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