Investigating clinical heterogeneity in systematic reviews: a methodologic review of guidance in the literature

scientific article

Investigating clinical heterogeneity in systematic reviews: a methodologic review of guidance in the literature is …
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review articleQ7318358
scholarly articleQ13442814

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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1019599674
P932PMC publication ID3564789
P698PubMed publication ID22846171
P5875ResearchGate publication ID230587897

P50authorDavid MoherQ28036061
Claire BombardierQ28322236
Joseph BeyeneQ28322514
P2093author name stringJoel J Gagnier
Heather Boon
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Variation in baseline risk as an explanation of heterogeneity in meta-analysisQ41713253
An empirical study using permutation-based resampling in meta-regressionQ42073360
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Meta-regression with partial information on summary trial or patient characteristicsQ43189057
Investigating underlying risk as a source of heterogeneity in meta-analysisQ43454034
Importance of events per independent variable in proportional hazards regression analysis. II. Accuracy and precision of regression estimatesQ43796813
Bayesian random effects meta-analysis of trials with binary outcomes: methods for the absolute risk difference and relative risk scalesQ44059947
Importance of events per independent variable in proportional hazards analysis. I. Background, goals, and general strategyQ44234976
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Meta-analysis: recent developments in quantitative methods for literature reviews.Q45939380
Semi-parametric modelling of the distribution of the baseline risk in meta-analysisQ51905262
Evaluation of underlying risk as a source of heterogeneity in meta-analyses: a simulation study of Bayesian and frequentist implementations of three modelsQ51915747
Meta-regression detected associations between heterogeneous treatment effects and study-level, but not patient-level, factorsQ51990048
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An international registry of systematic-review protocolsQ28736157
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Quantitative Synthesis in Systematic ReviewsQ29614894
2009 updated method guidelines for systematic reviews in the Cochrane Back Review GroupQ29619952
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Predictive modeling and heterogeneity of baseline risk in meta-analysis of individual patient dataQ30635282
Meta-analysis of binary data: which within study variance estimate to use?Q30655197
Meta-analysis of continuous outcome data from individual patients.Q30657054
A comparison of summary patient-level covariates in meta-regression with individual patient data meta-analysisQ30669346
Individual patient- versus group-level data meta-regressions for the investigation of treatment effect modifiers: ecological bias rears its ugly headQ30670986
Avoidable waste in the production and reporting of research evidenceQ30911439
Flexible meta-regression functions for modeling aggregate dose-response data, with an application to alcohol and mortalityQ30932972
Investigating heterogeneity in an individual patient data meta-analysis of time to event outcomesQ30981851
Random effects survival models gave a better understanding of heterogeneity in individual patient data meta-analyses.Q30983032
An overview of methods and empirical comparison of aggregate data and individual patient data results for investigating heterogeneity in meta-analysis of time-to-event outcomesQ31004727
Meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomized trials: a review of methods used in practice.Q31016826
Covariate heterogeneity in meta-analysis: criteria for deciding between meta-regression and individual patient dataQ31088951
A systematic review of analytical methods used to study subgroups in (individual patient data) meta-analysesQ31130344
CoPlot: a tool for visualizing multivariate data in medicineQ31134871
Meta-analysis of continuous outcomes combining individual patient data and aggregate dataQ31139467
Assessing treatment-time interaction in clinical trials with time to event data: a meta-analysis of hypertension trialsQ31919300
Guides for reading and interpreting systematic reviews: III. How did the authors synthesize the data and make their conclusions?Q32019717
Knowledge for knowledge translation: the role of the Cochrane CollaborationQ33237434
Clinical heterogeneity was a common problem in Cochrane reviews of physiotherapy and occupational therapyQ33253271
Impact of allocation concealment on conclusions drawn from meta-analyses of randomized trialsQ33285346
Meta-analysis of individual patient data versus aggregate data from longitudinal clinical trialsQ33414055
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Meta-analysis: when and how.Q33673474
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Principles of metaanalysisQ33824889
Mediation analyses: applications in nutrition research and reading the literatureQ33830781
Bayesian methods in health technology assessment: a reviewQ34116699
Resolving conflicting clinical trials: Guidelines for meta-analysisQ34176336
Invited review: Integrating quantitative findings from multiple studies using mixed model methodologyQ34250572
Systematic reviews in health care: Investigating and dealing with publication and other biases in meta-analysisQ34307827
A simulation study of the number of events per variable in logistic regression analysisQ34411363
Statistical heterogeneity in systematic reviews of clinical trials: a critical appraisal of guidelines and practice.Q34513646
Advanced methods in meta-analysis: multivariate approach and meta-regression.Q34523076
Investigating causes of heterogeneity in systematic reviewsQ34733063
Controlling the risk of spurious findings from meta-regression.Q35782230
Treating individuals 4: can meta-analysis help target interventions at individuals most likely to benefit?Q36017145
Tips for learners of evidence-based medicine: 4. Assessing heterogeneity of primary studies in systematic reviews and whether to combine their resultsQ36058222
Meta-analysis. Beyond the grand mean?Q36247607
Summaries of findings, descriptions of interventions, and information about adverse effects would make reviews more informativeQ36530798
Systematic reviews and knowledge translationQ36569405
Method guidelines for Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group systematic reviews.Q36645821
Invited commentary: benefits of heterogeneity in meta-analysis of data from epidemiologic studiesQ36688710
Recent developments in meta-analysis.Q36859537
Why sources of heterogeneity in meta-analysis should be investigatedQ36888653
Creating clinically relevant knowledge from systematic reviews: the challenges of knowledge translationQ36903874
Exploring heterogeneity in meta-analyses: needs, resources and challengesQ37072917
An overview of statistical issues and methods of meta-analysisQ37151034
What is missing from descriptions of treatment in trials and reviews?Q37201306
Attention should be given to multiplicity issues in systematic reviewsQ37237919
Interpretation of tests of heterogeneity and bias in meta-analysisQ37329334
A case study of multiple-treatments meta-analysis demonstrates that covariates should be consideredQ37373846
Understanding heterogeneity in meta-analysis: the role of meta-regressionQ37600940
Group-based trajectory modeling in clinical researchQ37700698
Intervention effects in the case of heterogeneity between three subgroups. Assessment within the framework of systematic reviewsQ37774274
Taking healthcare interventions from trial to practiceQ37780029
Use of hierarchical models for meta-analysis: experience in the metabolic ward studies of diet and blood cholesterolQ39012974
A model for integrating fixed-, random-, and mixed-effects meta-analyses into structural equation modelingQ40049870
Exploratory or analytic meta-analysis: should we distinguish between them?Q40590952
Methodologic guidelines for systematic reviews of randomized control trials in health care from the Potsdam Consultation on Meta-AnalysisQ40590970
Methods for exploring heterogeneity in meta-analysisQ40689559
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericQ19125117
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P921main subjectbiasQ742736
systematic reviewQ1504425
biomedical investigative techniqueQ66648976
statistical data interpretationQ67369489
P577publication date2012-07-30
P13046publication type of scholarly workreview articleQ7318358
P1433published inBMC Medical Research MethodologyQ15752152
P1476titleInvestigating clinical heterogeneity in systematic reviews: a methodologic review of guidance in the literature

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