Meta-regression models to address heterogeneity and inconsistency in network meta-analysis of survival outcomes

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Meta-regression models to address heterogeneity and inconsistency in network meta-analysis of survival outcomes is …
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P6179Dimensions Publication ID1022104644
P932PMC publication ID3570315
P698PubMed publication ID23043545
P5875ResearchGate publication ID232221797

P50authorJeroen P JansenQ95974394
P2093author name stringShannon Cope
P2860cites workEvaluating novel agent effects in multiple-treatments meta-regressionQ50674589
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Network meta-analysis for indirect treatment comparisonsQ74720205
Network meta-analysis of parametric survival curvesQ85348089
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Randomized phase III study of temozolomide versus dacarbazine in the treatment of patients with advanced metastatic malignant melanomaQ28378420
Combination of direct and indirect evidence in mixed treatment comparisonsQ29619499
Network meta-analysis of individual and aggregate level dataQ30969336
Phase II randomized study of dacarbazine, carmustine, cisplatin and tamoxifen versus dacarbazine alone in advanced melanoma patients.Q33337168
Network meta-analysis of survival data with fractional polynomialsQ33891529
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Evidence synthesis for decision making 3: heterogeneity--subgroups, meta-regression, bias, and bias-adjustmentQ36991744
A case study of multiple-treatments meta-analysis demonstrates that covariates should be consideredQ37373846
Conducting indirect-treatment-comparison and network-meta-analysis studies: report of the ISPOR Task Force on Indirect Treatment Comparisons Good Research Practices: part 2.Q37888895
Synthesis of survival and disease progression outcomes for health technology assessment of cancer therapiesQ38523764
Prospective randomized comparison of dacarbazine (DTIC) versus DTIC plus interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) in metastatic melanomaQ43874888
Improved results with the addition of interferon alfa-2b to dacarbazine in the treatment of patients with metastatic malignant melanomaQ44191317
Graphical methods and numerical summaries for presenting results from multiple-treatment meta-analysis: an overview and tutorialQ44735204
Directed acyclic graphs can help understand bias in indirect and mixed treatment comparisonsQ44749793
Interpreting Indirect Treatment Comparisons and Network Meta-Analysis for Health-Care Decision Making: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Indirect Treatment Comparisons Good Research Practices: Part 1Q46894544
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 GenericQ19125117
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P921main subjectmeta-analysisQ815382
P577publication date2012-10-08
P1433published inBMC Medical Research MethodologyQ15752152
P1476titleMeta-regression models to address heterogeneity and inconsistency in network meta-analysis of survival outcomes

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