scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Michael Inzlicht | Q6831346 |
Joshua Aronson | Q41440520 | ||
P2093 | author name string | Linda McKay | |
P2860 | cites work | An alternative to null-hypothesis significance tests | Q24546200 |
Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: does self-control resemble a muscle? | Q28140789 | ||
Self-control as limited resource: regulatory depletion patterns | Q28266192 | ||
When Prejudice Does Not Pay | Q29028401 | ||
The Social Psychology of Stigma | Q30054653 | ||
African Americans and high blood pressure: the role of stereotype threat | Q33953431 | ||
Converging evidence that stereotype threat reduces working memory capacity | Q33972618 | ||
Why do women underperform under stereotype threat? Evidence for the role of negative thinking. | Q33988523 | ||
Stereotype threat and the intellectual test performance of African Americans | Q34057576 | ||
Why do interracial interactions impair executive function? A resource depletion account | Q48831611 | ||
Intellectual performance and ego depletion: role of the self in logical reasoning and other information processing | Q51947710 | ||
A threatening intellectual environment: why females are susceptible to experiencing problem-solving deficits in the presence of males | Q52067481 | ||
Social stigma and self-esteem: The self-protective properties of stigma | Q53993063 | ||
Contending with group image: The psychology of stereotype and social identity threat | Q54279018 | ||
Longitudinal improvement of self-regulation through practice: building self-control strength through repeated exercise. | Q55033249 | ||
Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions | Q55882047 | ||
Stereotype Threat and Women's Math Performance | Q55923274 | ||
Arousal and stereotype threat | Q57534849 | ||
P433 | issue | 3 | |
P921 | main subject | self-control | Q1405524 |
P304 | page(s) | 262-269 | |
P577 | publication date | 2006-03-01 | |
P1433 | published in | Psychological Science | Q7256367 |
P1476 | title | Stigma as ego depletion: how being the target of prejudice affects self-control | |
P478 | volume | 17 |
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Q47173312 | A systematic review of the relationship between weight status perceptions and weight loss attempts, strategies, behaviours and outcomes |
Q36030682 | A transdiagnostic minority stress treatment approach for gay and bisexual men's syndemic health conditions |
Q26772765 | Addressing Stereotype Threat is Critical to Diversity and Inclusion in Organizational Psychology |
Q35152845 | Ageism and body esteem: associations with psychological well-being among late middle-aged African American and European American women |
Q38736068 | An Exploration of Factors Associated With Ageist Stereotype Threat in a Medical Setting. |
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Q37477250 | Discrimination, Racial/Ethnic Identity, and Substance Use Among Latina/os: Are They Gendered? |
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Q37422737 | Emotion dysregulation as a mechanism linking peer victimization to internalizing symptoms in adolescents |
Q36252157 | Emotion dysregulation as a mechanism linking stress exposure to adolescent aggressive behavior |
Q64896495 | Enhancing Older Drivers' Safety: On Effects Induced by Stereotype Threat to Older Adults' Driving Performance, Working Memory and Self-Regulation. |
Q39194042 | Epilepsy-associated levels of perceived stigma, their associations with treatment, and related factors: A cross-sectional study in urban and rural areas in Ecuador |
Q54222878 | Exercise stereotypes and fatigue in people living with HIV: does self-efficacy play a mediating or a moderating role? |
Q58785834 | Experimental Studies on State Self-Objectification: A Review and an Integrative Process Model |
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Q37576036 | HIV prevention interventions to reduce sexual risk for African Americans: the influence of community-level stigma and psychological processes |
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Q46435195 | Income-related health inequalities: does perceived discrimination matter? |
Q47409782 | Internalized societal attitudes moderate the impact of weight stigma on avoidance of exercise |
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Q33897104 | Mechanisms linking stressful life events and mental health problems in a prospective, community-based sample of adolescents |
Q33813068 | Mediators of HIV-related stigma and risk behavior in HIV infected young women |
Q47547217 | Obesity as self-regulation failure: A "disease of affluence" that selectively hits the less affluent? |
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Q33960665 | Resilience amongst Australian aboriginal youth: an ecological analysis of factors associated with psychosocial functioning in high and low family risk contexts. |
Q34292062 | Retraining attitudes and stereotypes to affect motivation and cognitive capacity under stereotype threat |
Q33974747 | Rumination as a mechanism linking stressful life events to symptoms of depression and anxiety: longitudinal evidence in early adolescents and adults |
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