Estimation of hominoid ancestral population sizes under bayesian coalescent models incorporating mutation rate variation and sequencing errors

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Estimation of hominoid ancestral population sizes under bayesian coalescent models incorporating mutation rate variation and sequencing errors is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P698PubMed publication ID18603620
P5875ResearchGate publication ID5248777

P2093author name stringZiheng Yang
Ralph Burgess
P2860cites workInitial sequencing and analysis of the human genomeQ21045365
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Mapping Human Genetic AncestryQ22066010
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Genomic divergences between humans and other hominoids and the effective population size of the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzeesQ24535718
Nucleotide diversity in gorillasQ24545668
MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughputQ24613456
A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequencesQ27860580
Dating of the human-ape splitting by a molecular clock of mitochondrial DNAQ27860908
Great ape DNA sequences reveal a reduced diversity and an expansion in humansQ28200048
A map of human genome sequence variation containing 1.42 million single nucleotide polymorphismsQ28203288
The hitch-hiking effect of a favourable geneQ28241578
Accounting for bias from sequencing error in population genetic estimatesQ28256156
Rates of nucleotide substitution in primates and rodents and the generation-time effect hypothesisQ28282820
Divergence time and population size in the lineage leading to modern humansQ28284222
Heterogeneous genomic molecular clocks in primatesQ28767365
Origin of the Alu family: a family of Alu-like monomers gave birth to the left and the right arms of the Alu elementsQ28776423
Molecular evidence for a relationship between LINE-1 elements and X chromosome inactivation: the Lyon repeat hypothesisQ28776573
Maximum likelihood phylogenetic estimation from DNA sequences with variable rates over sites: approximate methodsQ29547744
Hybrid speciationQ29615012
Alu repeats and human genomic diversityQ29618341
Primate molecular divergence datesQ29618771
Polyphyly and gene flow between non-sibling Heliconius speciesQ33240657
A combined linkage-physical map of the human genomeQ33910584
The evolutionary dynamics of human endogenous retroviral familiesQ34530194
Demographic history and genetic differentiation in apesQ34534579
A pseudohitchhiking model of X vs. autosomal diversityQ34569423
Male-driven molecular evolution: a model and nucleotide sequence analysisQ34688649
The comparative demography of primates: with some comments on the evolution of life historiesQ34892450
Contrasting patterns of introgression at X-linked loci across the hybrid zone between subspecies of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).Q34895521
Identification of a new, abundant superfamily of mammalian LTR-transposonsQ34980402
Recent human effective population size estimated from linkage disequilibriumQ35698958
Reduced X-linked nucleotide polymorphism in Drosophila simulansQ35755769
Evolutionary biology: how did the human species form?Q36571827
Molecular evolution and tempo of amplification of human LINE-1 retrotransposons since the origin of primates.Q43192302
Transitions, transversions, and the molecular evolutionary clockQ44951717
The UCSC Known GenesQ46070887
Fine-scale recombination patterns differ between chimpanzees and humansQ47291027
Global patterns of human DNA sequence variation in a 10-kb region on chromosome 1.Q47643970
X-chromosome inactivation: a repeat hypothesisQ47790328
Strong and weak male mutation bias at different sites in the primate genomes: insights from the human-chimpanzee comparison.Q51323042
Characteristics, causes and evolutionary consequences of male-biased mutation.Q51775095
Mammalian male mutation bias: impacts of generation time and regional variation in substitution rates.Q51787575
The effect of gene flow on the coalescent time in the human-chimpanzee ancestral population.Q51817997
Gene flow between Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis.Q52586134
The rate of spontaneous mutation of a human geneQ56094417
The Relative Rates of Evolution of Sex Chromosomes and AutosomesQ56385768
P577publication date2008-07-04
P1433published inMolecular Biology and EvolutionQ1992656
P1476titleEstimation of hominoid ancestral population sizes under bayesian coalescent models incorporating mutation rate variation and sequencing errors

Reverse relations

cites work (P2860)
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