The self as a moral agent: linking the neural bases of social agency and moral sensitivity

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The self as a moral agent: linking the neural bases of social agency and moral sensitivity is …
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P698PubMed publication ID18633822
P5875ResearchGate publication ID51408353

P50authorJordan GrafmanQ30112579
Jorge MollQ47711564
Roland ZahnQ48327102
P2093author name stringGriselda J Garrido
Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza
Ivanei E Bramati
Egas M A Caparelli-Daquer
Mirella L M F Paiva
P2860cites workNeural correlates of imaginal aggressive behavior assessed by positron emission tomography in healthy subjects.Q51074049
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Development and neurophysiology of mentalizingQ22242672
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A neural substrate of prediction and rewardQ27860851
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Emotional responses to unpleasant music correlates with damage to the parahippocampal cortex.Q30356705
Morals and the human brain: a working modelQ30776654
The human orbitofrontal cortex: linking reward to hedonic experienceQ31002558
Neuroimaging abnormalities in the subgenual prefrontal cortex: implications for the pathophysiology of familial mood disordersQ32051717
Intrinsic brain activity sets the stage for expression of motivated behaviorQ33226152
Emotion-related learning in patients with social and emotional changes associated with frontal lobe damageQ33733449
Emotion, regulation, and moral developmentQ33883949
Shared representations between self and other: a social cognitive neuroscience viewQ33974234
The neurobiology of attachmentQ34185942
Multiple reward signals in the brainQ34189430
Architectonic subdivision of the human orbital and medial prefrontal cortexQ34190366
Anterior prefrontal cortex: insights into function from anatomy and neuroimagingQ34300116
The neural correlates of maternal and romantic loveQ34303843
Developmental outcomes after early prefrontal cortex damageQ34319666
The functional architecture of human empathyQ34366890
Human fronto-mesolimbic networks guide decisions about charitable donationQ34572736
Human prefrontal cortex: processing and representational perspectivesQ35058513
The brain and the law.Q35214214
How does the brain deal with the social world?Q35755098
Social cognitive neuroscience: where are we heading?Q35761713
Law and the brain: introductionQ35980088
Pain and emotion interactions in subregions of the cingulate gyrusQ36182989
Theory of mindQ36247571
Neural mechanisms of imitationQ36306835
Influence of bodily harm on neural correlates of semantic and moral decision-makingQ38417764
Toward a Psychology of Human AgencyQ38518395
Reassessing the dimensionality of the moral emotionsQ44700639
The regulatory function of self-conscious emotion: Insights from patients with orbitofrontal damageQ46136360
The CAD triad hypothesis: a mapping between three moral emotions (contempt, anger, disgust) and three moral codes (community, autonomy, divinity).Q47718976
Theory of mind and the selfQ48140798
Dissociable neural responses to facial expressions of sadness and angerQ48194681
Relative reward preference in primate orbitofrontal cortexQ48221043
Optimized EPI for fMRI studies of the orbitofrontal cortexQ48276694
Reward, motivation, and emotion systems associated with early-stage intense romantic loveQ48486612
Functional networks in emotional moral and nonmoral social judgmentsQ48516736
An fMRI study of intentional and unintentional (embarrassing) violations of social normsQ48536538
Improved BOLD detection in the medial temporal region using parallel imaging and voxel volume reductionQ48720957
Thinking about intentionsQ48848041
Abstract reward and punishment representations in the human orbitofrontal cortexQ49120863
Brain activation associated with evaluative processes of guilt and embarrassment: an fMRI studyQ50987584
A unifying view of the basis of social cognitionQ50993303
How would you feel versus how do you think she would feel? A neuroimaging study of perspective-taking with social emotionsQ50994899
P577publication date2007-01-01
P1433published inSocial NeuroscienceQ15708738
P1476titleThe self as a moral agent: linking the neural bases of social agency and moral sensitivity

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