Target and temporal pattern selection at neocortical synapses.

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Target and temporal pattern selection at neocortical synapses. is …
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P932PMC publication ID1693084
P698PubMed publication ID12626012
P5875ResearchGate publication ID10865928

P50authorAudrey MercerQ59676464
P2093author name stringA Peter Bannister
Alex M Thomson
Oliver T Morris
P2860cites workOrientation tuning of input conductance, excitation, and inhibition in cat primary visual cortexQ28143306
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Chapter 18 GABAergic networks of basket cells in the visual cortexQ36324757
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Coactivation of Local Circuit NMDA Receptor Mediated epsps Induces Lasting Enhancement of Minimal Schaffer Collateral epsps in Slices of Rat Hippocampus.Q51710723
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Properties of single axon excitatory postsynaptic potentials elicited in spiny interneurons by action potentials in pyramidal neurons in slices of rat neocortex.Q54451558
Innervation of burst firing spiny interneurons by pyramidal cells in deep layers of rat somatomotor cortex: Paired intracellular recordings with biocytin fillingQ56830147
Large, deep layer pyramid-pyramid single axon EPSPs in slices of rat motor cortex display paired pulse and frequency-dependent depression, mediated presynaptically and self-facilitation, mediated postsynapticallyQ56830156
Two networks of electrically coupled inhibitory neurons in neocortexQ57860911
Morphology and intracortical projections of functionally characterised neurones in the cat visual cortexQ59067532
A network of fast-spiking cells in the neocortex connected by electrical synapsesQ59090645
Comparison of intrinsic connectivity in different areas of macaque monkey cerebral cortexQ70708498
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Intrinsic Connections in the macaque inferior temporal cortexQ71356451
Discrete reduction patterns of parvalbumin and calbindin D-28k immunoreactivity in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and the striate cortex of adult macaque monkeys after monocular enucleationQ72015437
Clustered intrinsic connections in cat visual cortexQ72695444
Reliable synaptic connections between pairs of excitatory layer 4 neurones within a single 'barrel' of developing rat somatosensory cortexQ73184408
Differential laminar distribution of corticothalamic neurons projecting to the VL and the center median. An HRP study in the cynomolgus monkeyQ39505322
Anatomical organization of macaque monkey striate visual cortexQ39639375
Excitatory inputs to spiny cells in layers 4 and 6 of cat striate cortexQ40874481
The forms of non-pyramidal neurons in the visual cortex of the ratQ40879042
Synaptic targets of HRP-filled layer III pyramidal cells in the cat striate cortexQ41478839
Synaptic interactions in neocortical local circuits: dual intracellular recordings in vitroQ41580276
Relationships between morphology and physiology of pyramid-pyramid single axon connections in rat neocortex in vitroQ42493315
Two types of corticopulvinar terminations: round (type 2) and elongate (type 1).Q42520499
Synaptic connections and small circuits involving excitatory and inhibitory neurons in layers 2-5 of adult rat and cat neocortex: triple intracellular recordings and biocytin labelling in vitroQ44106036
Intrinsic connections of rat primary visual cortex: laminar organization of axonal projectionsQ45110758
Subcortical projections, cortical associations, and some intrinsic interlaminar connections of the striate cortex in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri).Q45122072
High-Resolution Light and Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemistry of Colocalized GABA and Calbindin D-28k in Somata and Double Bouquet Cell Axons of Monkey Somatosensory CortexQ46148799
A mechanism for generation of long-range synchronous fast oscillations in the cortexQ47915340
Feature-linked synchronization of thalamic relay cell firing induced by feedback from the visual cortexQ47925184
Activity-dependent regulation of receptive field properties of cat area 17 by supervised Hebbian learningQ48102185
Release-independent depression at pyramidal inputs onto specific cell targets: dual recordings in slices of rat cortexQ48146630
Polyneuronal innervation of spiny stellate neurons in cat visual cortexQ48168385
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Target-cell-specific facilitation and depression in neocortical circuitsQ48242757
A specific 'axo-axonal' interneuron in the visual cortex of the ratQ48251394
Synchronous membrane potential fluctuations in neurons of the cat visual cortexQ48268925
Control of firing mode of corticotectal and corticopontine layer V burst-generating neurons by norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and 1S,3R-ACPD.Q48293908
Single axon excitatory postsynaptic potentials in neocortical interneurons exhibit pronounced paired pulse facilitationQ48295232
Fluctuations in pyramid-pyramid excitatory postsynaptic potentials modified by presynaptic firing pattern and postsynaptic membrane potential using paired intracellular recordings in rat neocortexQ48295238
Horizontal propagation of visual activity in the synaptic integration field of area 17 neuronsQ48297348
Synaptic integration in striate cortical simple cells.Q48360092
Information processing with frequency-dependent synaptic connections.Q48386450
Ascending projections of simple and complex cells in layer 6 of the cat striate cortex.Q48393435
The contribution of inhibitory mechanisms to the receptive field properties of neurones in the striate cortex of the catQ48442789
Differentially interconnected networks of GABAergic interneurons in the visual cortex of the cat.Q48455548
Synaptic interactions between smooth and spiny neurones in layer 4 of cat visual cortex in vitro.Q48466129
Postsynaptic pyramidal target selection by descending layer III pyramidal axons: dual intracellular recordings and biocytin filling in slices of rat neocortex.Q48473976
The organization of double bouquet cells in monkey striate cortex.Q48524518
Double bouquet cell axons in the human temporal neocortex: relationship to bundles of myelinated axons and colocalization of calretinin and calbindin D-28k immunoreactivities.Q48575745
Differential regulation of neocortical synapses by neuromodulators and activity.Q48618410
GABAergic cell subtypes and their synaptic connections in rat frontal cortex.Q48632270
Intracortical axonal projections of lamina VI cells of the primary somatosensory cortex in the rat: a single-cell labeling study.Q48637281
Synaptic physiology of the flow of information in the cat's visual cortex in vivo.Q48642334
Laminar processing of stimulus orientation in cat visual cortex.Q48642342
Activity-dependent properties of synaptic transmission at two classes of connections made by rat neocortical pyramidal axons in vitro.Q48669680
Organization of neurons in the visual cortex, area 17, of the monkey (Macaca mulatta).Q48681677
Geniculo-cortical afferents form synaptic contacts with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) immunoreactive neurons of the rat visual cortex.Q48683982
Synaptic origin and stimulus dependency of neuronal oscillatory activity in the primary visual cortex of the cat.Q48716926
Dynamics of the orientation-tuned membrane potential response in cat primary visual cortex.Q48789521
Microcircuitry of the Visual CortexQ48857549
Single axon IPSPs elicited in pyramidal cells by three classes of interneurones in slices of rat neocortex.Q48902569
Collateralized divergent feedback connections that target multiple cortical areas.Q48913165
Redistribution of synaptic efficacy between neocortical pyramidal neurons.Q48939516
A quantitative study of thalamocortical and other synapses involving the apical dendrites of corticothalamic projection cells in mouse SmI cortexQ49014163
Dynamical changes and temporal precision of synchronized spiking activity in monkey motor cortex during movement preparation.Q49049708
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1104number of pages11
P577publication date2002-12-01
P1433published inPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society BQ2153239
P1476titleTarget and temporal pattern selection at neocortical synapses

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