Interleukin 1B gene (IL1B) variation and internalizing symptoms in maltreated preschoolers

scientific article published on November 2014

Interleukin 1B gene (IL1B) variation and internalizing symptoms in maltreated preschoolers is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P932PMC publication ID4459595
P698PubMed publication ID25422961

P50authorJoel GelernterQ30032479
Ronald SeiferQ47711139
P2093author name stringAudrey R Tyrka
Kathryn K Ridout
Lawrence H Price
Stephanie H Parade
Paloma Feliz
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Vulnerability genes or plasticity genes?Q33710285
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P433issue4 Pt 2
P577publication date2014-11-01
P1433published inDevelopment and PsychopathologyQ5266724
P1476titleInterleukin 1B gene (IL1B) variation and internalizing symptoms in maltreated preschoolers

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