scholarly article | Q13442814 |
P50 | author | Carl B Shanholtz | Q56704781 |
P2093 | author name string | Li Gao | |
Edmund J Miller | |||
Jaideep Moitra | |||
Joe G N Garcia | |||
Kathleen C Barnes | |||
Carlos Flores | |||
Gianfranco Umberto Meduri | |||
Marc Moss | |||
James P Maloney | |||
Jonathan Sevransky | |||
Roy Brower | |||
Rubin M Tuder | |||
Shui Q Ye | |||
C Ryan Yates | |||
Raj Wadgaonkar | |||
Liliana Moreno | |||
Brett Simon | |||
Shwu Fan-Ma | |||
P2860 | cites work | Science review: searching for gene candidates in acute lung injury | Q24800666 |
The structure of haplotype blocks in the human genome | Q27860500 | ||
The International HapMap Project | Q27860695 | ||
Haploview: analysis and visualization of LD and haplotype maps | Q27860955 | ||
Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network | Q27861021 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a regulator of innate immunity | Q28204158 | ||
MIF is a pituitary-derived cytokine that potentiates lethal endotoxaemia | Q28265011 | ||
APACHE II: a severity of disease classification system | Q29547729 | ||
The epidemiology of sepsis in the United States from 1979 through 2000 | Q29547760 | ||
The acute respiratory distress syndrome | Q29615140 | ||
The American-European Consensus Conference on ARDS. Definitions, mechanisms, relevant outcomes, and clinical trial coordination | Q29617876 | ||
When the message goes awry: disease-producing mutations that influence mRNA content and performance. | Q30329218 | ||
Genetic analysis of case/control data using estimated haplotype frequencies: application to APOE locus variation and Alzheimer's disease | Q30625643 | ||
Race and gender differences in acute respiratory distress syndrome deaths in the United States: an analysis of multiple-cause mortality data (1979- 1996). | Q30711172 | ||
Genetic susceptibility to nickel-induced acute lung injury | Q33186844 | ||
mRNA localization: message on the move | Q33941126 | ||
mRNA turnover | Q34245372 | ||
Cytoskeletal regulation of pulmonary vascular permeability | Q34377340 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor | Q34487846 | ||
The enigma of sepsis | Q35202458 | ||
Bridging the chasm between bench and bedside: translational research in acute lung injury | Q35769934 | ||
Gene-environment interactions in asthma and other respiratory diseases | Q36014721 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to inflammatory diseases | Q36291764 | ||
Genomics of acute lung injury | Q36565913 | ||
Novel polymorphisms in the myosin light chain kinase gene confer risk for acute lung injury. | Q37101102 | ||
Mutation screening of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene: positive association of a functional polymorphism of macrophage migration inhibitory factor with juvenile idiopathic arthritis | Q40700680 | ||
Multilocus association mapping using variable-length Markov chains | Q42418605 | ||
Regulation of endothelial cell gap formation and barrier dysfunction: role of myosin light chain phosphorylation | Q42486528 | ||
Adherent neutrophils activate endothelial myosin light chain kinase: role in transendothelial migration | Q42542808 | ||
Relative production of tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 10 in adult respiratory distress syndrome | Q43043662 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene polymorphism is associated with susceptibility to but not severity of inflammatory polyarthritis | Q43505551 | ||
Differential effect of MLC kinase in TNF-alpha-induced endothelial cell apoptosis and barrier dysfunction | Q43606149 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal function during critical illness | Q43633911 | ||
Protective effects of sphingosine 1-phosphate in murine endotoxin-induced inflammatory lung injury | Q44799601 | ||
Association of the -173 G/C polymorphism of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene with ulcerative colitis | Q44830790 | ||
Sphingosine 1-phosphate reduces vascular leak in murine and canine models of acute lung injury | Q44999171 | ||
Intracellular interaction of myosin light chain kinase with macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) in endothelium | Q46444523 | ||
Variants in the gene encoding C3 are associated with asthma and related phenotypes among African Caribbean families | Q47674323 | ||
Pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor as a potential novel biomarker in acute lung injury | Q47885086 | ||
Role for macrophage migration inhibitory factor in acute respiratory distress syndrome. | Q51682269 | ||
Testing untyped alleles (TUNA)-applications to genome-wide association studies | Q51933120 | ||
Bias and confounding in molecular epidemiological studies: special considerations | Q52907779 | ||
SNPStats: a web tool for the analysis of association studies. | Q53731244 | ||
American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference | Q55879451 | ||
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Psoriasis | Q57010491 | ||
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and Host Innate Immune Defenses against Bacterial Sepsis | Q64132831 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) regulates host responses to endotoxin through modulation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) | Q64132835 | ||
American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference: definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis | Q68141412 | ||
Regulatory role for macrophage migration inhibitory factor in acute respiratory distress syndrome | Q73122420 | ||
A functional promoter polymorphism in the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene associated with disease severity in rheumatoid arthritis | Q74315912 | ||
[The pathogenic role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in acute respiratory distress syndrome] | Q74483888 | ||
Multiple system organ failure. Is mechanical ventilation a contributing factor? | Q74630343 | ||
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor is induced by thrombin and factor Xa in endothelial cells | Q75311827 | ||
A variant of the myosin light chain kinase gene is associated with severe asthma in African Americans | Q79696738 | ||
Microarray analysis of regional cellular responses to local mechanical stress in acute lung injury | Q79748030 | ||
P433 | issue | 1 | |
P921 | main subject | acute lung injury | Q4677935 |
macrophage | Q184204 | ||
biomarker | Q864574 | ||
P304 | page(s) | 18-29 | |
P577 | publication date | 2007-05-25 | |
P1433 | published in | Translational Research | Q15761127 |
P1476 | title | Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in acute lung injury: expression, biomarker, and associations | |
P478 | volume | 150 |
Q37463053 | A MIF haplotype is associated with the outcome of patients with severe sepsis: a case control study |
Q36993194 | A quality assessment of genetic association studies supporting susceptibility and outcome in acute lung injury |
Q36289948 | Age-dependent alterations in the inflammatory response to pulmonary challenge |
Q37763373 | Can immunogenetics illuminate the diverse manifestations of respiratory infections? |
Q35585133 | Dual effect of the macrophage migration inhibitory factor gene on the development and severity of human systemic lupus erythematosus |
Q37438027 | Effect of perioperative glucocorticoid administration on postoperative complications following esophagectomy: A meta-analysis |
Q35555139 | Endothelial CD74 mediates macrophage migration inhibitory factor protection in hyperoxic lung injury |
Q42755621 | Focusing on the flood: targeting functional polymorphisms in ALI permeability pathways |
Q33816773 | Functional promoter variants in sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3 associate with susceptibility to sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome |
Q33773889 | GADD45a promoter regulation by a functional genetic variant associated with acute lung injury |
Q33569219 | Genetic polymorphisms associated with acute lung injury |
Q50098231 | Genome Wide Association Study in African Americans with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Identifies the Selectin P Ligand Gene as a Risk Factor |
Q34147463 | Genome wide association identifies PPFIA1 as a candidate gene for acute lung injury risk following major trauma |
Q35092487 | Genomic Investigations into Acute Inflammatory Lung Injury |
Q90263857 | Genomic and Genetic Approaches to Deciphering Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Risk and Mortality |
Q36739907 | Integrating genomic and clinical medicine: searching for susceptibility genes in complex lung diseases |
Q34778041 | Integrating microRNAs into a system biology approach to acute lung injury |
Q36191684 | Interaction of MIF Family Proteins in Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Damage and Their Influence on Clinical Outcome of Cardiac Surgery Patients |
Q38195159 | Intersectin-1s: an important regulator of cellular and molecular pathways in lung injury |
Q33852054 | Life without double-headed non-muscle myosin II motor proteins |
Q92564066 | MIF gene rs755622 polymorphism positively associated with acute coronary syndrome in Chinese Han population: case-control study |
Q37821064 | MIF: a key player in cutaneous biology and wound healing |
Q24644589 | Macrophage CD74 contributes to MIF-induced pulmonary inflammation |
Q26767479 | Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Clinical Kidney Disease |
Q82060066 | Macrophage migration inhibitory factor contributes to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in rats |
Q37103546 | Making genomics functional: deciphering the genetics of acute lung injury |
Q47652510 | Mechanisms and Consequences of Oxidative Stress in Lung Disease: Therapeutic Implications for an Aging Populace |
Q27318057 | Microarray meta-analysis identifies acute lung injury biomarkers in donor lungs that predict development of primary graft failure in recipients |
Q34526565 | Non-muscle myosin light chain kinase isoform is a viable molecular target in acute inflammatory lung injury. |
Q54454087 | PTX3 as a potential biomarker of acute lung injury: supporting evidence from animal experimentation. |
Q37022879 | Pathogenesis of the systemic inflammatory syndrome and acute lung injury: role of iron mobilization and decompartmentalization. |
Q38972238 | Pro-Inflammatory and Pro-Fibrogenic Effects of Ionic and Particulate Arsenide and Indium-Containing Semiconductor Materials in the Murine Lung. |
Q37190198 | Recent advances in genetic predisposition to clinical acute lung injury |
Q37117393 | Relationship between elevated soluble CD74 and severity of experimental and clinical ALI/ARDS |
Q41488547 | Release of Danger Signals during Ischemic Storage of the Liver: A Potential Marker of Organ Damage? |
Q37297899 | Role of Migratory Inhibition Factor in Age-Related Susceptibility to Radiation Lung Injury via NF-E2–Related Factor–2 and Antioxidant Regulation |
Q37149506 | Role of growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible α in Akt phosphorylation and ubiquitination after mechanical stress-induced vascular injury. |
Q28081711 | Role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in age-related lung disease |
Q33396011 | SimHap GUI: an intuitive graphical user interface for genetic association analysis |
Q54783042 | Stretching the search for therapeutic targets in acute lung injury. |
Q27022093 | The Immunopathology of Sepsis: Pathogen Recognition, Systemic Inflammation, the Compensatory Anti‐Inflammatory Response, and Regulatory T Cells |
Q35684795 | Type 2 deiodinase and host responses of sepsis and acute lung injury |
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