Ensemble Merit Merge Feature Selection for Enhanced Multinomial Classification in Alzheimer's Dementia

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Ensemble Merit Merge Feature Selection for Enhanced Multinomial Classification in Alzheimer's Dementia is …
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P8978DBLP publication IDjournals/cmmm/SivapriyaKT15
P932PMC publication ID4632180
P698PubMed publication ID26576199
P5875ResearchGate publication ID283958416

P2093author name stringA R Nadira Banu Kamal
P Ranjit Jeba Thangaiah
T R Sivapriya
P2860cites workRandom forest-based similarity measures for multi-modal classification of Alzheimer's diseaseQ36451170
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P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 UnportedQ14947546
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P921main subjectfeature selectionQ446488
Alzheimer's diseaseQ11081
P577publication date2015-10-20
P1433published inComputational and Mathematical Methods in MedicineQ15754930
P1476titleEnsemble Merit Merge Feature Selection for Enhanced Multinomial Classification in Alzheimer's Dementia

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